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Last active June 5, 2021 14:44
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# import needed modules
import quandl
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# get adjusted closing prices of 5 selected companies with Quandl
quandl.ApiConfig.api_key = 'INSERT YOUR API KEY HERE'
selected = ['CNP', 'F', 'WMT', 'GE', 'TSLA']
data = quandl.get_table('WIKI/PRICES', ticker = selected,
qopts = { 'columns': ['date', 'ticker', 'adj_close'] },
date = { 'gte': '2014-1-1', 'lte': '2016-12-31' }, paginate=True)
# reorganise data pulled by setting date as index with
# columns of tickers and their corresponding adjusted prices
clean = data.set_index('date')
table = clean.pivot(columns='ticker')
# calculate daily and annual returns of the stocks
returns_daily = table.pct_change()
returns_annual = returns_daily.mean() * 250
# get daily and covariance of returns of the stock
cov_daily = returns_daily.cov()
cov_annual = cov_daily * 250
# empty lists to store returns, volatility and weights of imiginary portfolios
port_returns = []
port_volatility = []
sharpe_ratio = []
stock_weights = []
# set the number of combinations for imaginary portfolios
num_assets = len(selected)
num_portfolios = 50000
#set random seed for reproduction's sake
# populate the empty lists with each portfolios returns,risk and weights
for single_portfolio in range(num_portfolios):
weights = np.random.random(num_assets)
weights /= np.sum(weights)
returns =, returns_annual)
volatility = np.sqrt(,, weights)))
sharpe = returns / volatility
# a dictionary for Returns and Risk values of each portfolio
portfolio = {'Returns': port_returns,
'Volatility': port_volatility,
'Sharpe Ratio': sharpe_ratio}
# extend original dictionary to accomodate each ticker and weight in the portfolio
for counter,symbol in enumerate(selected):
portfolio[symbol+' Weight'] = [Weight[counter] for Weight in stock_weights]
# make a nice dataframe of the extended dictionary
df = pd.DataFrame(portfolio)
# get better labels for desired arrangement of columns
column_order = ['Returns', 'Volatility', 'Sharpe Ratio'] + [stock+' Weight' for stock in selected]
# reorder dataframe columns
df = df[column_order]
# plot frontier, max sharpe & min Volatility values with a scatterplot'seaborn-dark')
df.plot.scatter(x='Volatility', y='Returns', c='Sharpe Ratio',
cmap='RdYlGn', edgecolors='black', figsize=(10, 8), grid=True)
plt.xlabel('Volatility (Std. Deviation)')
plt.ylabel('Expected Returns')
plt.title('Efficient Frontier')
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what are returns from snippets below % or number?
returns =, returns_annual) and returns =, returns_annual)

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