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Last active May 3, 2024 14:07
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R2 Cloudflare Upload file with boto in python
# install package's from requirements.txt
# Windows : pip install -r requirements.txt
# Linux : pip3 install -r requirements.txt
import os
import boto3
from tqdm import tqdm
from colorthon import Colors as Fore
def get_user_input(prompt, example=''):
user_input = input(f"{Fore.GREEN}{prompt}{Fore.RESET} [{Fore.GREY}e.x: {example}{Fore.RESET}]: ").strip()
return user_input
def validate_input(input_value, expected_length, message):
if not input_value or len(input_value) != expected_length:
print(f"\n{Fore.RED}{message} Exiting...{Fore.RESET}")
def upload_to_r2_cloudflare(endpoint_url, access_key_id, secret_key, region_name, remote_folder, local_file):
s3 = boto3.client('s3', endpoint_url=endpoint_url, aws_access_key_id=access_key_id,
aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, region_name=region_name)
file_name = os.path.basename(local_file)
file_size = os.path.getsize(local_file)
print(f"File Name: {Fore.GREY}{file_name}{Fore.RESET}")
print(f"File Size: {Fore.MAGENTA}{round(file_size / 1024 / 1024, 2)} MB{Fore.RESET}")
with tqdm(total=file_size, unit='B', unit_scale=True, desc=f'Uploading {file_name} to R2', ascii=True) as pbar:
with open(local_file, 'rb') as f:
s3.upload_fileobj(f, remote_folder, file_name, Callback=lambda x: pbar.update(x))
def main():
print(f"\n{Fore.GREEN}Enter Account ID R2 Cloudflare:")
account_id = get_user_input('ACCOUNT ID', '5bdab1c198a...1c9b134')
print(f"\n{Fore.GREEN}Enter Access Key R2 Cloudflare (API/AWS Access Key):")
access_key = get_user_input('ACCESS KEY ID', '2bddb1c1...b17d1c934')
print(f"\n{Fore.GREEN}Enter Secret Key R2 Cloudflare (API/AWS Secret Key):")
secret_key = get_user_input('SECRET KEY', 'af81a81c...4696f')
print(f"\n{Fore.GREEN}Enter Region R2 Cloudflare (Default: auto):")
reg_name = get_user_input('REGION NAME (Default: auto)', 'auto')
validate_input(account_id, 32, 'Missing or invalid Account ID')
validate_input(access_key, 32, 'Missing or invalid Access Key ID')
validate_input(secret_key, 64, 'Missing or invalid Secret Key')
endpoint_url = f'https://{account_id}'
print(f"{Fore.GREEN}Remote Folder Path on R2 bucket :{Fore.RESET}")
remote_folder = get_user_input('Remote Folder Path on R2 bucket')
print(f"\n\n{Fore.CYAN}Upload File To R2 Cloudflare Storage Bucket{Fore.RESET}\n\n")
file_path = get_user_input('File Name or Path Full')
print(f"{Fore.GREEN}Folder Path:{Fore.RESET} {Fore.YELLOW}{remote_folder}{Fore.RESET}")
upload_to_r2_cloudflare(endpoint_url, access_key, secret_key, reg_name, remote_folder, file_path)
print(f"\n\n{Fore.GREEN}Upload Completed{Fore.RESET}\n\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# install package's from requirements.txt
# Windows : pip install -r requirements.txt
# Linux : pip3 install -r requirements.txt
import boto3, os
from tqdm import tqdm
from colorthon import Colors as Fore
print(f"\n{Fore.GREEN}Enter Account ID R2 Cloudflare:{Fore.RESET}")
print(f"{Fore.GREY}[Example] Account ID (32 Character): 5bdab1c198a...1c9b134{Fore.RESET}")
print(f"{Fore.GREY}[Example] Endpoint URL :{Fore.RESET}")
account_id = str(input('ACCOUNT ID >> '))
print(f"\n{Fore.GREEN}Enter Access Key R2 Cloudflare (API/AWS Access Key):{Fore.RESET}")
print(f"{Fore.GREY}[Example] Access Key ID (32 Character) : 2bddb1c1...b17d1c934{Fore.RESET}")
access_key = str(input('ACCESS KEY ID >> '))
print(f"\n{Fore.GREEN}Enter Secret Key R2 Cloudflare (API/AWS Secret Key):{Fore.RESET}")
print(f"{Fore.GREY}[Example] Secret Key (64 Character) : af81a81c...4696f{Fore.RESET}")
secret_key = str(input('SECRET KEY >> '))
print(f"\n{Fore.GREEN}Enter Region R2 Cloudflare (Default: auto):{Fore.RESET}")
reg_name = str(input('REGION NAME (Default: auto) >> '))
# // data input check //
if reg_name == '':
reg_name = 'auto'
if account_id == '' or len(account_id) != 32:
print(f"\n{Fore.RED}Missing Account ID Exiting...{Fore.RESET}")
if access_key == '' or len(access_key) != 32:
print(f"\n{Fore.RED}Missing Access Key Exiting...{Fore.RESET}")
if secret_key == '' or len(secret_key) != 64:
print(f"\n{Fore.RED}Missing Secret Key Exiting...{Fore.RESET}")
# // r2 cloudflare data //
r2data = {
'endpoint_url': f'https://{account_id}',
'aws_access_key_id': f'{access_key}',
'aws_secret_access_key': f'{secret_key}',
'region_name': f'{reg_name}',
# upload file to r2 cloudflare storage
def R2Upload(remoteFolder, localFile):
print(f"Create {Fore.CYAN}S3{Fore.RESET} Client ({Fore.GREEN}R2{Fore.RESET})")
s3 = boto3.client('s3', endpoint_url=r2data['endpoint_url'], aws_access_key_id=r2data['aws_access_key_id'],
aws_secret_access_key=r2data['aws_secret_access_key'], region_name=r2data['region_name'])
file_name = os.path.basename(localFile)
file_size = os.path.getsize(localFile)
print(f"File Name : {Fore.GREY}{file_name}{Fore.RESET}")
print(f"File Size : {Fore.MAGENTA}{round(file_size/1024/1024,2)}{Fore.RESET} MB")
with tqdm(total=file_size, unit='B', unit_scale=True, desc=f'Uploading {file_name} to R2', ascii=True) as pbar:
with open(localFile, 'rb') as f:
s3.upload_fileobj(f, remoteFolder, file_name, Callback=lambda x: pbar.update(x))
print(f"\n\n\n{Fore.CYAN}Upload File To R2 Cloudflare Storage Bucket{Fore.RESET}\n\n\n")
print(f"{Fore.GREEN}File Name or Path Full :{Fore.RESET}")
fileup = str(input('> '))
print(f"{Fore.GREEN}Remote Folder Path on R2 bucket :{Fore.RESET}")
folder_path = str(input('> '))
print(f"{Fore.GREEN}Folder Path :{Fore.RESET} {Fore.YELLOW}{folder_path}{Fore.RESET}")
R2Upload(folder_path, fileup)
print(f"\n\n\n{Fore.GREEN}Upload Completed{Fore.RESET}\n\n\n")
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Pymmdrza commented May 3, 2024

R2 Cloudflare Upload Script with boto3 in python

Use & Download

R2 Cloudflare File's : Download

Install Package's with pip or pip3

After extracting, install the required libraries with the following command from the requirements.txt file

with pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

with pip3:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

direct install pip:

pip install boto3 tqdm colorthon

direct install pip3:

pip3 install boto3 tqdm colorthon

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