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Created April 9, 2020 03:14
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GHDL makefile with xilinx ip support
# setup variables
src := src
out := build
test := test
ip := lab_uart.srcs/sources_1/ip
std := 93
search_dirs := ../unisim_ghdl/xilinx-vivado/unisim/v93 ../unisim_ghdl/xilinx-vivado/secureip/v93
# source lists
main_sources := math uart_rx uart_tx axi_tx axi_rx baudgen uart
ip_sources := axis_data_fifo
test_sources := uart_tb axi_tb
# macros
obj_out = $(out)/$(1).o
#convenience functions
source = $(foreach x,$(1),$(call obj_out,$(x)))
ghdl_search = $(foreach x,$(1),-P$(x))
# ghdl functions
analyze := ghdl -a --std=$(std) --workdir=$(out)
import := ghdl -i --std=$(std) --workdir=$(out)
elaborate := ghdl -e --std=$(std) --workdir=$(out)
# run testbench
.PHONY: test
test: uarttb axitb
#./build/axi_tb --vcd=axi.vcd --expect-failure
./build/uart_tb --vcd=uart.vcd --expect-failure
# actual targets
rxtb: init $(call source,$(main_sources)) $(call source,$(test_sources)) $(call source,$(ip_sources))
$(analyze) $(call ghdl_search,$(search_dirs)) $(test)/rx_tb.vhd
$(elaborate) $(call ghdl_search,$(search_dirs)) -o $(out)/rx_tb rx_tb
uarttb: init $(call source,$(main_sources)) $(call source,$(test_sources)) $(call source,$(ip_sources))
$(analyze) $(call ghdl_search,$(search_dirs)) $(test)/uart_tb.vhd
ghdl -e $(call ghdl_search,$(search_dirs)) -fexplicit --workdir=build -o $(out)/uart_tb uart_tb
axitb: init $(call source,$(main_sources)) $(call source,$(test_sources)) $(call source,$(ip_sources))
$(analyze) $(call ghdl_search,$(search_dirs)) $(test)/axi_tb.vhd
$(elaborate) $(call ghdl_search,$(search_dirs)) -o $(out)/axi_tb axi_tb
# formulae
.PHONY: init clean
-@mkdir $(out)
rm -Rf $(out)/*
$(out)/%.o: $(src)/%.vhd
$(analyze) $(call ghdl_search,$(search_dirs)) $<
#$(import) $<
$(out)/%.o: $(test)/%.vhd
$(analyze) $(call ghdl_search,$(search_dirs)) $<
#$(import) $<
$(out)/%.o: $(ip)/%
$(analyze) $(call ghdl_search,$(search_dirs)) -fexplicit -frelaxed-rules $</$(basename $(notdir $<))_sim_netlist.vhdl
#$(out)/%: %_tb.vhd
#$(elaborate) -o $(out)/$< $@
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