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Pyrofab / crash-2017-08-03_16.51.28-client.txt
Created August 3, 2017 14:57
Better with Mods crash with Embers installed
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
WARNING: coremods are present:
AppleCore (AppleCore-mc1.12-2.2.2.jar)
Contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge
// There are four lights!
Time: 8/3/17 4:51 PM
Description: There was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail



Incapacitated state: When injured to death, and solely if the player is a living human, before dying you become incapacitated. When incapacitated, you are down on the ground with a life pool of 20 health points (10 hearts). When taken down, the damage you didn’t take is transferred to your incapacitated life pool (if you have 2 hearts and take 4 hearts of damage, you get incapacitated with 8 hearts), and you gain an effect named “bleedout”. Bleedout damages you by 1 health point every 2 seconds. When incapacitated, all aggressive mobs continue to attack you, neutral ones stopping after incapacitating you. To leave the incapacitated mode, you can heal your wounds with bandages and get back on your feet, or tap out by clicking the corresponding inventory button.

Death mechanics: Upon death, your corpse lays down and your soul exits your body. You will need to find a new body to host your soul, and undead are perfect for this. By right-clicking an undead mob

import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.Optional;
interface ObjectPath<T, R> extends Function<T, R> {
default R get(T t) {
R r = this.apply(t);
if (r == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();

Brains, Schedules and Activities: An overview of the new 1.14 AI system

In 1.14, villagers use an AI system completely independent from the old Goal system. However, this system can be used by any LivingEntity. This document aims at explaining the basics of that more advanced AI.

Every living entity now has a Brain. A brain uses memories and sensors to perform tasks and activities.


Memories are a way to save arbitrary data for use by tasks.

DataFiberUpper Design Document


  • External tools must be able to manipulate a config tree just as easily as the creator of said tree. However, custom types prevent said tools from understanding the structure of leaves.

  • Still, custom types are very convenient to avoid systematic manual parsing.

    • Therefore, the tree itself must use common types understandable by every tool, and each creator must provide mappings between common types and their own.
  • Custom types rarely have a 1:1 match with common types. Most valid values of the common types' set do not map to a valid value of a custom type (eg. not all Strings are valid Identifiers).

  • This means that we also have to attach constraint information to a common type.