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Last active August 25, 2022 22:59
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Prolog sorting
% Sorting algorithms in prolog for the fun of it
bubble_sort(List, Sorted) :- % the bubble_sort of List is Sorted only if
in_order(List) -> % List satisfying in_order implies
List = Sorted % List unifies with (is equivalent to) Sorted
; % or
bubble(List, Bubbled), % the bubble of List is Bubbled and
bubble_sort(Bubbled, Sorted). % bubble_sort of Bubbled is Sorted
in_order([]). % empty list satisfies in_order
in_order([_]). % list with one element satisfies in_order
in_order([X, Y | L]) :- % in_order of list X, Y, followed by L is true only if
X < Y, in_order([Y | L]). % X < Y and in_order of list Y followed by L is true
bubble([], []). % the bubble of an empty list is an empty list
bubble([X], [X]). % the bubble of a single element list is that list
bubble([X, Y | L], Bubbled) :- % the bubble of X, Y followed by L is Bubbled only if
Y < X -> % Y < X implies
bubble([X | L], SubBubble), % the bubble of X followed by L is SubBubbled and
Bubbled = [Y | SubBubble] % Bubbled is Y followed by SubBubble
; % or
bubble([Y | L], SubBubble), % the bubble of Y followed by L is SubBubble and
Bubbled = [X | SubBubble]. % Bubbled is X followed by SubBubble
selection_sort(List, Sorted) :-
List = [] ->
Sorted = []
min_rem(List, Min, Rem),
selection_sort(Rem, RemSorted),
Sorted = [Min | RemSorted].
min_rem([X | L], Min, Rem) :-
L = [] ->
Min = X, Rem = []
min_rem(L, X, Min, Rem).
min_rem([], X, X, []).
min_rem([Y | L], X, Min, Rem) :-
Y < X ->
min_rem(L, Y, Min, SubRem),
Rem = [X | SubRem]
min_rem(L, X, Min, SubRem),
Rem = [Y | SubRem].
insertion_sort([], []).
insertion_sort([X | L], Sorted) :-
insertion_sort(L, [X], Sorted).
insertion_sort([], Sorted, Sorted).
insertion_sort([X | L], Progress, Sorted) :-
insert(X, Progress, MoreProgress),
insertion_sort(L, MoreProgress, Sorted).
insert(X, [], [X]).
insert(X, [Y | L], Inserted) :-
Y < X ->
insert(X, L, SubInserted),
Inserted = [Y | SubInserted]
Inserted = [X, Y | L].
merge_sort([], []).
merge_sort([X], [X]).
merge_sort([X, Y | List], Sorted) :-
split([X, Y | List], Evens, Odds),
merge_sort(Evens, SortedEvens),
merge_sort(Odds, SortedOdds),
merge(SortedEvens, SortedOdds, Sorted).
split([], [], []).
split([X], [X], []).
split([X, Y | Rem], Evens, Odds) :-
split(Rem, SubEvens, SubOdds),
Evens = [X | SubEvens],
Odds = [Y | SubOdds].
merge([], [S | Sorted], [S | Sorted]).
merge([S | Sorted], [], [S | Sorted]).
merge([E | Evens], [O | Odds], Merged) :-
E < O ->
merge(Evens, [O | Odds], SubMerged),
Merged = [E | SubMerged]
merge([E | Evens], Odds, SubMerged),
Merged = [O | SubMerged].
quick_sort(List, Sorted) :-
pivot(List, P) ->
remove(P, List, Rem),
partition(Rem, P, Left, Right),
quick_sort(Left, SortedLeft),
quick_sort(Right, SortedRight),
append(SortedLeft, [P | SortedRight], Sorted)
List = [],
Sorted = [].
remove(P, [X | L], R) :-
P = X ->
L = R
remove(P, L, RR),
R = [X | RR].
%% TODO Median of Medians
pivot([P | _], P).
partition([], _, [], []).
partition([X | L], P, Left, Right) :-
X < P ->
partition(L, P, SubLeft, Right),
Left = [X | SubLeft]
partition(L, P, Left, SubRight),
Right = [X | SubRight].
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