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Created January 3, 2023 17:56
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from datetime import datetime
import itertools, json, os, re, sqlite3, subprocess
DB_NAME = "tag_connections.db"
def increment_value(db, key, dest, select_sql):
if key not in dest:
cur = db.execute(select_sql, key).fetchone()
if cur is None:
dest[key] = [True, 1]
dest[key] = [False, cur[0] + 1]
dest[key][1] += 1
def dump_values(db, dest, insert_sql, update_sql):
inserts = [k + (v[1],) for k, v in dest.items() if v[0]]
if len(inserts):
db.executemany(insert_sql, inserts)
updates = [(v[1],) + k for k, v in dest.items() if not v[0]]
if len(inserts):
db.executemany(update_sql, updates)
def get_rows(cmd):
cmd = cmd.split(" ")
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, encoding="utf-8")
for row in p.stdout:
yield row
def create_db():
for row in get_rows("7z l"):
row = row.strip().split(' ')
if row[-1] == "Posts.xml":
expected_size = int(row[4])
r = re.compile('Tags="([^"]+?)"')
if os.path.isfile(DB_NAME):
db = sqlite3.connect(DB_NAME)
db.execute("CREATE TABLE tag(x TEXT NOT NULL, count INT NOT NULL);")
db.execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tag_index_x ON tag(x);")
db.execute("CREATE TABLE pair(x TEXT NOT NULL, y TEXT NOT NULL, count INT NOT NULL);")
db.execute("CREATE INDEX pair_index_x ON pair(x);")
db.execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pair_index_xy ON pair(x, y);")
db.execute("CREATE TABLE info(count);")
db.execute("INSERT INTO info (count) VALUES (0);")
db.execute('PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;')
db.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF;')
db.execute('PRAGMA locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE;')
db.execute('PRAGMA secure_delete = OFF;')
total_parsed = 0
total_pairs, total_tags = {}, {}
cur_pos = 0
dump_at = 1
last_dump = datetime.utcnow()
for row in get_rows('7z -so x Posts.xml'):
cur_pos += len(row)
if row.startswith(' <row') and 'PostTypeId="1"' in row and 'Tags="' in row:
if m :=
tags =
if tags.startswith("&lt;") and tags.endswith("&gt;"):
tags = tags[4:-4].split("&gt;&lt;")
if len(tags) >= 2:
for tag in tags:
increment_value(db, (tag,), total_tags, "SELECT count FROM tag WHERE x = ?;")
for x, y in itertools.combinations(tags, 2):
increment_value(db, (x, y), total_pairs, "SELECT count FROM pair WHERE x = ? AND y = ?;")
increment_value(db, (y, x), total_pairs, "SELECT count FROM pair WHERE x = ? AND y = ?;")
total_parsed += 1
if total_parsed % dump_at == 0:
dump_at = min(262144, dump_at * 2)
now = datetime.utcnow()
secs = (now - last_dump).total_seconds()
print(f"Working, parsed {total_parsed:,}, at {cur_pos / expected_size * 100:.2f}%, took {secs:.1f} seconds...")
last_dump = now
dump_values(db, total_pairs, "INSERT INTO pair(x, y, count) VALUES(?,?,?);", "UPDATE pair SET count=? WHERE x=? AND y=?;")
dump_values(db, total_tags, "INSERT INTO tag(x, count) VALUES(?,?);", "UPDATE tag SET count=? WHERE x=?;")
db.execute("UPDATE info SET count=?;", (total_parsed,))
total_pairs, total_tags = {}, {}
dump_values(db, total_pairs, "INSERT INTO pair(x, y, count) VALUES(?,?,?);", "UPDATE pair SET count=? WHERE x=? AND y=?;")
dump_values(db, total_tags, "INSERT INTO tag(x, count) VALUES(?,?);", "UPDATE tag SET count=? WHERE x=?;")
db.execute("UPDATE info SET count=?;", (total_parsed,))
def dump_stats():
base_tag_limit = 1000
pair_tag_limit = 25
db = sqlite3.connect(DB_NAME)
with open("tag_connections.jsonl", "wt") as f:
def dump_row(value):
value = json.dumps(value)
f.write(value + "\n")
count = db.execute("SELECT count FROM info;").fetchone()[0]
dump_row([f"# From a total of {count:,} answers"])
dump_row([f"# [tag, answers, [connected_tag, percent_connected], ...]"])
for base_tag, base_count in db.execute(f"SELECT x, count FROM tag ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT {base_tag_limit};"):
row = [base_tag, base_count]
for other_pair, other_count in db.execute(f"SELECT y, count FROM pair WHERE x = ? ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT {pair_tag_limit}", (base_tag,)):
perc = other_count / base_count * 100
if perc < 1:
row.append([other_pair, int(perc * 100) / 100])
def main():
if not os.path.isfile(DB_NAME):
if __name__ == "__main__":
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