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Last active June 12, 2018 23:21
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What is JavaFX?
Can I use JavaFX without Java?
Why should I upgrade to the latest Java version?
For what platforms is JavaFX available?
Is JavaFX free to download?
What will I get when I download JavaFX?
Can I download JavaFX and copy it to another computer?
I am an administrator. Can I install JavaFX on all the computers at my company?
Can I put JavaFX on an intranet for others to download?
Do I need to purchase a license if I need the JavaFX Runtime for multiple users in my company?
JavaFX is a software technology which, combined with ( ), enables the creation and deployment of modern-looking applications with rich content, audio and video.
No, you must have both JRE and ( ) ( ) installed on your PC in order to run JavaFX applications.
The latest ( ) version contains important enhancements to improve performance, stability and security of the ( ) applications that run on your machine.
( ) is available on Windows, Mac OS X, and ( ).
Yes, ( ) is free to download.
The ( ) ( ) is what you get when you download JavaFX.
Yes, you can download the ( ) ( ) on one system and copy it to another computer, provided you own both computers.
Yes, you may make unlimited copies for internal use for the purpose of running applications on ( )-enabled general purpose desktop computers and servers.
Yes, you can provide the ( ) ( ) on an Intranet for internal users to download.
No, you may make unlimited copies for internal use for the purpose of running applications on ( )-enabled general purpose desktop computers and servers.
JavaFX is a software technology which, combined with Java, enables the creation and deployment of modern-looking applications with rich content, audio and video.
No, you must have both JRE and JavaFX Runtime installed on your PC in order to run JavaFX applications.
The latest JavaFX version contains important enhancements to improve performance, stability and security of the JavaFX applications that run on your machine.
JavaFX is available on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
Yes, JavaFX is free to download.
The JavaFX Runtime is what you get when you download JavaFX.
Yes, you can download the JavaFX Runtime on one system and copy it to another computer, provided you own both computers.
Yes, you may make unlimited copies for internal use for the purpose of running applications on Java-enabled general purpose desktop computers and servers.
Yes, you can provide the JavaFX Runtime on an Intranet for internal users to download.
No, you may make unlimited copies for internal use for the purpose of running applications on Java-enabled general purpose desktop computers and servers.
# ゲームモード: trueのときは小テストは生成しない
GAME = false
# 小テストの問題数
NUM = 50
# 生成する小テストの個数
N = 10
# 設問番号をナンバリングするか
DATA1 = "data1.txt" #問題文ファイル
DATA2 = "data2.txt" #穴埋め解答ファイル
DATA3 = "data3.txt" #模範解答ファイル
class QuizMaker
def initialize(num)
@num = num
@data1 = align(DATA1)
@data2 = align(DATA2)
@data3 = align(DATA3)
@length = @data1.length
def align(file)
open(file, "r:utf-8")
def generate
bank = (0..@length-1).to_a.sample(@num)
[ {|b,i| question(b,i+1)}, {|b,i| answer(b,i+1)} ]
def ask(n)
puts "#"*30
puts @data1[n]
ans = (@data3[n].split(/[ ,.]/) - @data2[n].split(/[ ,.]/))
sent = @data3[n] + ""
ans.each {|word| sent.gsub!(word, "(" + " "*(word.length-2) + ")")}
puts sent
print ">> "
resp = gets.chomp
puts "*****" + (resp == ans.join(" ") ? "CORRECT" : "WRONG") + "!!*****"
puts @data3[n]
resp == ans.join(" ")
def question(n, i)
(NUMBERING ? i.to_s+"." : " ") + " #{@data1[n]}\n #{@data2[n]}\n"
def answer(n, i)
(NUMBERING ? i.to_s+"." : " ") + " #{@data1[n]}\n #{@data3[n]}\n"
qm =
if !GAME
N.times do |i|
data = qm.generate
puts "#{"#"*30}\n### Q.#{i+1} is below ###\n#{"#"*30}\n\n"
puts data[0]
puts "#{"#"*30}\n### A.#{i+1} is below ###\n#{"#"*30}\n\n"
puts data[1]
loop do
print "start: "; a = gets.chomp.to_i
print "end: " ; b = gets.chomp.to_i
break if a<1 || b<1
asks = (a..b).to_a
until asks == []
wrongs = []
asks.each do |n|
wrongs.push(n) until qm.ask(n)
puts "#"*30
puts "Your wrongs were #{wrongs}."
asks = wrongs
puts "Great!!"
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