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PowerShell script to restore the files timestamps ($SI MAC) from a Velociraptor KapeTargets offline collection
function ConvertTo-EncodedFilePath {
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('%', '%25')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace(':', '%3A')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('/', '%2F')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('?', '%3F')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('#', '%23')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('[', '%5B')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace(']', '%5D')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('@', '%40')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('!', '%21')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('&', '%26')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace("'", '%27')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('(', '%28')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace(')', '%29')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('*', '%2A')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('+', '%2B')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace(',', '%2C')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace(';', '%3B')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('=', '%3D')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('{', '%7B')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('}', '%7D')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('<', '%3C')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('>', '%3E')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('~', '%7E')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('é', '%C3%A9')
$FilePath = $FilePath -Replace '^(\\\\.\\)?.\%3A', $DrivePath
$FilePath = $FilePath.Replace('\.', '\%2E')
# Directory / filename / extension specific processing.
$FilePathDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($FilePath)
$FilePathFilename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($FilePath)
$FilePathExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($FilePath)
$FilePathExtension = $FilePathExtension.Replace('.db', '.db_')
return [IO.Path]::Combine($FilePathDirectory, $FilePathFilename + $FilePathExtension)
function Restore-VelociraptorKapeTargetsCollectionTimestamps {
Write-Host "[INFO] Starting to process '$TargetPath' folder..."
Write-Host "[INFO] Will use metadata from '$MetadataFile'"
$Counter = 0
foreach($line in Get-Content $MetadataFile) {
$FileMetadata = $line | ConvertFrom-Json
# Replace drive letter from metadata file path with the specified collected files TargetPath.
$FilePath = $FileMetadata.SourceFile -Replace '^(\\\\.\\)?.:', $TargetPath
# Some chars may be percent-encoded (but not following URL encoding specification).
If (!(Test-Path -Path $FilePath)) {
$FilePath = ConvertTo-EncodedFilePath -FilePath $FileMetadata.SourceFile
If (Test-Path -Path $FilePath) {
try {
$FileItem = Get-Item "$FilePath"
$Counter = $Counter + 1
catch {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "[ERROR] '$FilePath' couldn't be processed"
Else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "[WARN] '$FilePath' not found"
Write-Host "[INFO] Processed $Counter files!"
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