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Last active June 21, 2024 02:06
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.zshrc (lazy loading shell functions)
# Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Ming Qin (覃明) <>
# Open source under MIT LICENSE.
lazy_load() {
# Act as a stub to another shell function/command. When first run, it will load the actual function/command then execute it.
# E.g. This made my zsh load 0.8 seconds faster by loading `nvm` when "nvm", "npm" or "node" is used for the first time
# $1: space separated list of alias to release after the first load
# $2: file to source
# $3: name of the command to run after it's loaded
# $4+: argv to be passed to $3
echo "Lazy loading $1 ..."
# $1.split(' ') using the s flag. In bash, this can be simply ($1) #
# Single line won't work: local names=("${(@s: :)${1}}"). Due to (zsh 5.0.8 (x86_64-apple-darwin15.0))
local -a names
if [[ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]]; then
names=("${(@s: :)${1}}")
unalias "${names[@]}"
. $2
shift 2
group_lazy_load() {
local script
shift 1
for cmd in "$@"; do
alias $cmd="lazy_load \"$*\" $script $cmd"
export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
group_lazy_load $HOME/.nvm/ nvm node npm truffle gulp yarn
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin" # Add RVM to PATH for scripting
group_lazy_load $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm rvm irb rake rails
unset -f group_lazy_load
# simple python virtual environment wrapper
alias ve="lazy_load 've' $HOME/git/simple-virtualenv-wrapper/ ve"
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Works fine but every time I open a new terminal I got this error

/home/usrname/.nvm/ defining function based on alias `nvm'
/home/username/.nvm/ parse error near `()'

and it repeat more than 50 times

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DevER-M commented Apr 17, 2022

my zsh thing used to take around 1.5 seconds not its like 0.4 seconds AWESOME

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sethderrick commented May 13, 2024

Works fine but every time I open a new terminal I got this error

/home/usrname/.nvm/ defining function based on alias `nvm'
/home/username/.nvm/ parse error near `()'

and it repeat more than 50 times

Did you ever get this resolved? Here we are in 2024 and I'm getting this! (NOTE: Mine is "")

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QinMing commented May 14, 2024

Hi @moghaazi and @sethderrick

I couldn't reproduce. I just pulled the latest nvm, and was still able to use this tool as normal.
I'm wondering if the issue you are facing is specific to nvm itself. Are you able to run . $HOME/.nvm/ directly?

disclaimer: I haven't used nvm or node.js for years

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