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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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hungeroverhaul blacklist
// a list of foods that should not have their food values modified by HO
// the foods in this list will not have their values changed by HO at all (even if specified in the 'foods' section above)
"foodsBlacklist": [
// the name of the item in "mod:name" format
"name": "TwilightForest:item.hydraChop",
// [optional] the metadata value of the item (default: wildcard (any metadata))
"meta": 0
// a list of crop blocks that should not have their drops modified by HO
"dropsBlacklist": [
// the name of the block in "mod:name" format
// [optional] the metadata value of the block (default: wildcard (any metadata))
// a list of crop blocks that should not have their right-click behavior modified by HO
"harvestBlacklist": [
// the name of the block in "mod:name" format
"name": "minecraft:wheat",
// [optional] the metadata value of the block (default: wildcard (any metadata))
// the name of the block in "mod:name" format
"name": "yegamolchattels:flax_plant",
// [optional] the metadata value of the block (default: wildcard (any metadata))
// the name of the block in "mod:name" format
"name": "Natura:barleyFood",
// [optional] the metadata value of the block (default: wildcard (any metadata))
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