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Last active May 17, 2023 07:33
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  • Save Quackdoc/fab716e36f592d5765dc0b4d49cdb181 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Quackdoc/fab716e36f592d5765dc0b4d49cdb181 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
olive glsl PR
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<track>//OVE shader_name: bloom
//OVE shader_description:
//OVE main_input_name: Input
uniform sampler2D tex_in;
//OVE name: BlurSize
//OVE type: FLOAT
//OVE min: -64.0
//OVE max: 64.0
//OVE default: 8.0
//OVE description:
uniform float BlurSize;
//OVE name: Threshold
//OVE type: FLOAT
//OVE min: -99.0
//OVE max: 99.0
//OVE default: 5.0
//OVE description:
uniform float Threshold;
//OVE name: Intensity
//OVE type: FLOAT
//OVE min: -20.0
//OVE max: 20.0
//OVE default: 10.0
//OVE description:
uniform float Intensity;
//OVE end
// pixel coordinates in range [0..1]x[0..1]
in vec2 ove_texcoord;
// output color
out vec4 frag_color;
vec2 resolution = vec2(1920.0, 1080.0);
vec4 BlurColor (in vec2 Coord, in sampler2D Tex, in float MipBias)
vec2 TexelSize = MipBias/resolution.xy;
vec4 Color = texture2D(Tex, Coord, MipBias);
Color += texture2D(Tex, Coord + vec2(TexelSize.x,0.0), MipBias);
Color += texture2D(Tex, Coord + vec2(-TexelSize.x,0.0), MipBias);
Color += texture2D(Tex, Coord + vec2(0.0,TexelSize.y), MipBias);
Color += texture2D(Tex, Coord + vec2(0.0,-TexelSize.y), MipBias);
Color += texture2D(Tex, Coord + vec2(TexelSize.x,TexelSize.y), MipBias);
Color += texture2D(Tex, Coord + vec2(-TexelSize.x,TexelSize.y), MipBias);
Color += texture2D(Tex, Coord + vec2(TexelSize.x,-TexelSize.y), MipBias);
Color += texture2D(Tex, Coord + vec2(-TexelSize.x,-TexelSize.y), MipBias);
return Color/9.0;
void main(void) {
vec2 uv = ove_texcoord.xy;
vec4 Color = texture2D(tex_in, uv);
vec4 Highlight = clamp(BlurColor(uv, tex_in, log2(BlurSize))-(Threshold*0.1),0.0,1.0)*1.0/(1.0-(Threshold*0.1));
frag_color = 1.0-(1.0-Color)*(1.0-Highlight*(Intensity*0.1));
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<label>Color Temp</label>
<input id="enabled_in">
<input id="source">
<track>//OVE shader_name: Color Temp
//OVE shader_description:
//OVE main_input_name: Input
uniform sampler2D tex_in;
//OVE end
#define WithQuickAndDirtyLuminancePreservation
//OVE name: Luminance pres
//OVE type: FLOAT
//OVE min: 0.0
//OVE max: 3.0
//OVE default: 1.0
//OVE description:
uniform float LuminancePreservationFactor = 1.0;
//OVE name: Temp Factor
//OVE type: FLOAT
//OVE min: 0.0
//OVE max: 3.0
//OVE default: 1.0
//OVE description:
uniform float temperatureFactor = 1.0; //
//OVE name: Temperature Strength
//OVE type: FLOAT
//OVE min: 0.0
//OVE max: 3.0
//OVE default: 1.0
//OVE description:
uniform float temperatureStrength = 0.40;
const float PI2 = 6.2831853071;
// pixel coordinates in range [0..1]x[0..1]
in vec2 ove_texcoord;
// output color
out vec4 frag_color;
vec3 colorTemperatureToRGB(const in float temperature){
// Values from:;p=2268693&amp;viewfull=1#post2268693
mat3 m = (temperature &lt;= 6500.0) ? mat3(vec3(0.0, -2902.1955373783176, -8257.7997278925690),
vec3(0.0, 1669.5803561666639, 2575.2827530017594),
vec3(1.0, 1.3302673723350029, 1.8993753891711275)) :
mat3(vec3(1745.0425298314172, 1216.6168361476490, -8257.7997278925690),
vec3(-2666.3474220535695, -2173.1012343082230, 2575.2827530017594),
vec3(0.55995389139931482, 0.70381203140554553, 1.8993753891711275));
return mix(clamp(vec3(m[0] / (vec3(clamp(temperature, 1000.0, 40000.0)) + m[1]) + m[2]), vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0)), vec3(1.0), smoothstep(1000.0, 0.0, temperature));
void main(void) {
//vec4 textureColor = texture2D(tex_in, ove_texcoord);
//frag_color= textureColor.rgba;
vec2 uv = ove_texcoord;
float temperature = mix(1000.0, 40000.0, temperatureFactor);
vec3 inColor = texture(tex_in, uv).xyz;
vec3 outColor = mix(inColor, inColor * colorTemperatureToRGB(temperature), temperatureStrength);
#ifdef WithQuickAndDirtyLuminancePreservation
outColor *= mix(1.0, dot(inColor, vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722)) / max(dot(outColor, vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722)), 1e-5), LuminancePreservationFactor);
frag_color = vec4(outColor, 1.0);
// Valid from 1000 to 40000 K (and additionally 0 for pure full white)
//void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
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<label>Rudimentary Levels</label>
<input id="enabled_in">
<input id="source">
<track>//OVE shader_name: Rudimentary Levels
//OVE shader_description:
//OVE main_input_name: Input
uniform sampler2D tex_in;
//OVE name: inputWhite
//OVE type: FLOAT
//OVE min: 0.0
//OVE max: 255.0
//OVE default: 255.0
//OVE description:
uniform float inputWhite;
//OVE name: outputWhite
//OVE type: FLOAT
//OVE min: 0.0
//OVE max: 255.0
//OVE default: 255.0
//OVE description:
uniform float outputWhite;
//OVE name: outputBlack
//OVE type: FLOAT
//OVE min: 0.0
//OVE max: 255.0
//OVE default: 0.0
//OVE description:
uniform float outputBlack;
//OVE name: inputBlack
//OVE type: FLOAT
//OVE min: 0.0
//OVE max: 255.0
//OVE default: 0.0
//OVE description:
uniform float inputBlack;
//OVE name: gamma
//OVE type: FLOAT
//OVE min: 0.0
//OVE max: 5.0
//OVE default: 1.0
//OVE description:
uniform float gamma;
//OVE end
// pixel coordinates in range [0..1]x[0..1]
in vec2 ove_texcoord;
// output color
out vec4 frag_color;
const float minInputBlack = 0.0;
const float maxInputBlack = 255.0;
const float minInputWhite = 0.0;
const float maxInputWhite = 255.0;
const float minGamma = 0.0;
const float maxGamma = 5.0;
const float minOutputBlack = 0.0;
const float maxOutputBlack = 255.0;
const float minOutputWhite = 0.0;
const float maxOutputWhite = 255.0;
vec3 gammaControl(vec3 color, float gamma) {
float r = pow(color.r, 1.0 / gamma);
float g = pow(color.g, 1.0 / gamma);
float b = pow(color.b, 1.0 / gamma);
return vec3(r, g, b);
vec3 inputControl(vec3 color, float minInput, float maxInput) {
return (color - minInput) / (maxInput - minInput);
vec3 outputControl(vec3 color, float minOutput, float maxOutput) {
float r = mix(minOutput, maxOutput, color.r);
float g = mix(minOutput, maxOutput, color.g);
float b = mix(minOutput, maxOutput, color.b);
return vec3(r, g, b);
void main(void) {
vec2 uv = ove_texcoord;
vec4 outColor = texture(tex_in, uv);
//float value = gamm;
// Generating only inputBlack for demonstration.
//float inputBlack = mix(minInputBlack + 50.0, maxInputBlack - 50.0, value);
outColor.rgb = outputControl(gammaControl(inputControl(outColor.rgb, inputBlack/255.0, inputWhite/255.0), gamma), outputBlack/255.0, outputWhite/255.0);
frag_color = outColor;
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<input id="source">
<track>//OVE shader_name: rain
//OVE shader_description:
//OVE main_input_name: Input
uniform sampler2D tex_in;
//OVE name: time
//OVE type: FLOAT
//OVE min: 0.0
//OVE max: 3000000.0
//OVE default: 1.0
//OVE description:
uniform float time;
//OVE end
// based on
// pixel coordinates in range [0..1]x[0..1]
in vec2 ove_texcoord;
// output color
out vec4 frag_color;
vec2 res = vec2(1920.0,1080.0);
vec2 rand(vec2 c){
mat2 m = mat2(12.9898,.16180,78.233,.31415);
return fract(sin(m * c) * vec2(43758.5453, 14142.1));
vec2 noise(vec2 p){
vec2 co = floor(p);
vec2 mu = fract(p);
mu = 3.*mu*mu-2.*mu*mu*mu;
vec2 a = rand((co+vec2(0.,0.)));
vec2 b = rand((co+vec2(1.,0.)));
vec2 c = rand((co+vec2(0.,1.)));
vec2 d = rand((co+vec2(1.,1.)));
return mix(mix(a, b, mu.x), mix(c, d, mu.x), mu.y);
void main(void) {
vec2 u = ove_texcoord;
vec2 v = ove_texcoord*.1;
vec2 n = noise(v * 200.0);
frag_color = textureLod(tex_in, u, 0.5);
for (float r = 4. ; r &gt; 0. ; r--) {
vec2 x = res.xy * r * .015, // Number of potential drops (in a grid)
p = 6.28 * u * x + (n - .5) * 2.,
s = sin(p);
// Current drop properties. Coordinates are rounded to ensure a
// consistent value among the fragment of a given drop.
//vec4 d = texture(iChannel1, round(u * x - 0.25) / x);
vec2 v = round(u * x - 0.25) / x;
vec4 d = vec4(noise(v*200.), noise(v));
// Drop shape and fading
float t = (s.x+s.y) * max(0., 1. - fract(time * (d.b + .1) + d.g) * 2.);;
// d.r -&gt; only x% of drops are kept on, with x depending on the size of drops
if (d.r &lt; (5.-r)*.08 &amp;&amp; t &gt; .5) {
// Drop normal
vec3 v = normalize(-vec3(cos(p), mix(.2, 2., t-.5)));
// fragColor = vec4(v * 0.5 + 0.5, 1.0); // show normals
// Poor man's refraction (no visual need to do more)
frag_color = texture(tex_in, u * .3);
//frag_color = vec4(n, 0.0, 1.0);
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<key input="time" time="156/5" type="0" inhandlex="0" inhandley="0" outhandlex="0" outhandley="0">0</key>
<key input="time" time="5773/30" type="0" inhandlex="0" inhandley="0" outhandlex="0" outhandley="0">30000</key>
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<track>//OVE shader_name: sharpen
//OVE shader_description:
//OVE main_input_name: Texture
uniform sampler2D tex_in;
//OVE name: Sharpness
//OVE type: FLOAT
//OVE min: -10.0
//OVE max: 20.0
//OVE default: 2.0
//OVE description:
uniform float sharpness;
//OVE end
// pixel coordinates in range [0..1]x[0..1]
in vec2 ove_texcoord;
// output color
out vec4 frag_color;
//const vec2 renderScale = vec2(1.,1.);
vec2 resolution = vec2(1920.0, 1080.0);
void main(void) {
//vec2 resolution = textureSize(tex_in,0);
vec2 uv = ove_texcoord.xy;
vec2 step = 1.0 / resolution.xy;
vec3 texA = texture2D( tex_in, uv + vec2(-step.x, -step.y) * 1.5 ).rgb;
vec3 texB = texture2D( tex_in, uv + vec2( step.x, -step.y) * 1.5 ).rgb;
vec3 texC = texture2D( tex_in, uv + vec2(-step.x, step.y) * 1.5 ).rgb;
vec3 texD = texture2D( tex_in, uv + vec2( step.x, step.y) * 1.5 ).rgb;
vec3 around = 0.25 * (texA + texB + texC + texD);
vec3 center = texture2D( tex_in, uv ).rgb;
vec3 col = center + (center - around) * sharpness;
frag_color = vec4(col,texture2D( tex_in, uv ).rgba);
//vec4 textureColor = texture2D(tex_in, ove_texcoord);
//frag_color= textureColor.yzxt;
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