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Last active September 26, 2021 06:26
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// \(v ` >`)_v
// M-maybe don't use this for anything either? It's still in need of testing and stuff
// also I OVER DOCUMENTED IT, whoops!
// Commandline how to use:
// This is an object which parses, and can also build then emit or use, a string in the following format:
// command argA argB argC argD target
// [command.exe] [argA's value] [1234] (nil) [How is "this?"] [path/to/target name.txt]
// \ \ \ \ \ \
// ___________/ ___________________/ ________/ ____/ _______________________/ ________________________/
// command.exe -argA="argA's value" -argB=1234 -argC --argD="How is ""this?""" "path/to/target name.txt"
// There are 3 tokens within this string:
// > command: This is the very first string that appears, and usually determines the command we are issuing
// * Can contain any printable character, and spaces if quotes are used (parsing rules explained in later section)
// * A command is optional, but must appear first; if it appears after an argument it will be treated as a "target"
// > target: This is the last non-argument string in the command, and usually determines the target of our command
// * Can contain any printable character, and spaces if quotes are used (parsing rules explained in later section)
// * A target is optional, but must appear after a command; only the last target to appear in the commandline counts
// * A target can appear in the middle of arguments, that is fine.
// > argument: These are key/value pairs that start with a dash [-] and optionally have a string value
// * A leading dash [-] must start the argument; you can use as many dashes as you like: [-----arg=longboy] is valid
// * Argument keynames should only use alpha, numeric, and an underscore [_], but invalid keys are still accepted
// * Argument value strings can contain any printable character, and spaces if quotes are used (explained later)
// * The value is optional, writing [-argName= ] or [-argName ] will both generate a key with no value
// * In writing the key/value pair, you must use one equal sign [=] with no spaces between them
// * The number of arguments allowed is unlimited
// * When finding arguments, and when the search would match multiple keys, only the first argument will be found
// * When finding arguments, there are three possible results:
// > a NULL pointer means nothing with that key exists
// > a non-NULL pointer to 0 means a key was found, but no value was assigned to it
// > a non-NULL pointer to anything besides 0, is the attached value as a null terminated string
// Parsing rules:
// The characters with special meaning are whitespace (any character where `isspace(c)==1`), dashes [-], and quotes ["]
// All tokens are seperated by at least one whitespace character; many can be used in a row, use as much as space as you like
// If you wish to have a command / target / arg values that contains whitespace, quotes, or leading dashes... use quotes to do so:
// Quotation ["] rules:
// * The first quote that appears always starts a quotation block
// * Inside a quotation block, all characters, including spaces (but excluding quotes) are considered part of that token
// * Inside a quotation block, two quotes found in a row [""] are turned into a single quote ["] and made part of that token
// * Inside a quotation block, one quote found without a partner ["] marks the end of the quotation block
// * Quotation blocks can be started inside a token; ending a quotation block doesn't end the token, only a non-quoted space can
// * If the end of a string is encountered inside a quotation block, it will close the quotation block harmlessly
// Examples: (seperate tokens are contained in [brackets])
// ___input________________________________________ ___output__________________________________________________
// command.exe -arg=value target.txt >> com[command.exe] tar[target.txt] arg[value]
// "C:/Programs and Stuff/command.exe" >> com[C:/Programs and Stuff/command.exe]
// cmd.exe -argA -argB= -argC="stuff here" >> com[cmd.exe] argA[] argB[] argC[stuff here]
// cmd.exe -arg=complex" ""lil"" argu"ment >> com[cmd.exe] arg[complex "lil" argument]
// cmd.exe -arg=justOne""""quote""""Plz >> com[cmd.exe] arg[justOne"quote"Plz]
// -arg_name_01="also commands are" optional.txt >> arg_name_01[also commands are] tar[optional.txt] | These are some
// cmd.exe -argA -argA=why?? targetA targetB >> com[cmd.exe] argA[] argA[why??] tar[targetB] | examples of
// cmd.exe -argA=messed up -argB=careful >> com[cmd.exe] argA[messed] tar[up] argB[careful] | inputs that may
// cmd.exe -test="thisIsMalformedButMightWorkOut >> com[cmd.exe] test[thisIsMalformedButMightWork] | cause you Hijinks
// cmd.exe -test=orItMightNot" -test=see? >> com[cmd.exe] test[orItMightNot -test=see?] | ~mind yourself~
// Building rules:
// You can use the constructor to parse an initial string into the object,
// but you can also use `setCommand()` `setTarget()` `addArg()` `pruneArg()` to build a Commandline string pragmatically
// When using these functions, it's possible to not "parse" them; what this means is that you give them ANYTHING you like,
// including quotes and spaces, without respect to parsing rules, and the function will make it work out if you
// don't tell it to "parse" them. If you DO tell them to "parse," or use the Constructor, you must respect quote and space rules.
// Emit rules:
// The emitted string will largely reflect the input string, though certain string transformations may occur to galvanize the
// output string to ensure it's validity when reading it back in. It will also crunch whitespace and leading dashes, where it can
// Additionally, it will output ALL arguments, even if multiple exist with the same name,
// and will output the target and arguments in the order they were parsed or added.
// Performance and Apocrypha
// * The constructor performs one allocation (zero if move constructor), no matter how large the input. However, this string
// can be shrunk after parsing, sometimes significantly. If Keeping this object around for a long time, calling
// `_shrinkBuffer()` may save mem as it shrinks to the smallest allocation.
// * `findArg()` isn't especially expensive, but it does search the entire internal buffer each time it is run.
// * `getCommand()` and `getTarget()` do not need to search however, and will return their values immediately
// * All non-const methods except `pruneArg()` can potentially realloc, for that reason don't keep pointers after calling one
// * Commands and targets cannot use leading dashes [-] outside of quotes, but an argument's value can.
// * Dashes will be obliterated harmlessly if they are aren't starting an argument and instead only lead to whitespace
class Commandline {
Commandline(const char * str, const char ** endPtr = NULL, const char * commentToken = "#", bool allowNewlines = true);
Commandline(const Commandline & other);
Commandline(Commandline && other);
Commandline & operator=(const Commandline & other);
Commandline & operator=(Commandline && other);
// parses a multi-line argument with comments
// out of necessity, assumes the command exists, and target will exist on the same line as it, but arguments can appear on their own lines after these
// comments cannot be started in the middle of a comment, target, or argument (they must be outside of a quote block and have a prior space)
// stops reading when a new commandline could possibly be made, or if the end of the string is encountered
// if endPtr is not NULL, will fill it with address to the start of the first unused line (this may be `str` and not have a command itself on it)
// if no Commandline could be found, the commandline returned will have no command or args, and so `isEmpty()` will be true
// WARNING: if a target appears on a second line after an argument, it will count as our target (this is probably a sign you wrote it wrong, but that's on you)
//static Commandline asParse(const char * str, const char ** endPtr = NULL, const char * commentOpen = "#", bool optimize = true, uint32 tabSize = 4);
bool operator<(const Commandline & rhs) const;
// returns NULL if no args matching identifier are found; returns ptr to 0 if an arg exists but has no argument; returns ptr to value string otherwise
// in the event there are multiple args with matching identifier (which CAN change depending on ignoreCase) this returns the first argument added only
// `key` MUST contain only ` alnum(c)||c=='_' ` characters; key doesn't need to include leading '-', (but it can deal if you do)
// if ` key==0 || *key==0 ` this function returns NULL
const char * findArg(const char * key, bool ignoreCase = true) const; // returns null if none found, only valid until a non-const method on this object is called
const char * getCommand() const; // returns null if none found, only valid until a non-const method on this object is called
const char * getTarget() const; // returns null if none found, only valid until a non-const method on this object is called
bool hasArgs() const; /// this doesn't return count cuz multiple keys of the same name ruin logic using a count
bool isEmpty() const;
// returns the arg in it's raw form (but without the '-') as [argName=argValueString]
// returns NULL if no arg at the index, and thus we are at the end
const char * getArgKey(uint32 index) const;
// returns the argument to a key you got from getArgKey() (use find() unless you really need this for args as index, as this is waaaay slower)
// returns NULL if passed NULL, returns pointer to 0 if argument has no value
const char * getArgValue(const char * argKeyAsReturned) const;
// this function either sets the command, or replaces the command if one is already set
// if ` useParsingRules == true ` this func will add quotes as necessary to make your input work, if it contains spaces or quotes
// if ` useParsingRules == false ` this func WON'T do that; you must respect parsing rules (but dangling quote blocks are still auto closed)
// if str is NULL, command is found and removed
// WARNING: If the target is directly after the command with no arguments inbetween, the target becomes the command.
void setCommand(const char * str, bool useParsingRules = false);
// this function either sets the target, or replaces the target if one is already set
// a target is optional and can appear anywhere, so long as a command exists
// if there is no command, this target will be treated as a command; if a command is added later, this stops being the case
// target will be added after args already added, but before args not yet added (though this doesn't matter too much)
// if ` useParsingRules == true ` this func will add quotes as necessary to make your input work, if it contains spaces or quotes
// if ` useParsingRules == false ` this func WON'T do that; you must respect parsing rules (but dangling quote blocks are still auto closed)
// if str is NULL, target is found and removed
void setTarget(const char * str, bool useParsingRules = false);
// this function adds an argument, even if an argument of that name already exists
// `key` MUST contain only `alnum(c)||c=='_'` characters; key doesn't need to include leading '-', (but it can deal if you do)
// if ` useParsingRules == true ` this func will add quotes as necessary to make your input work, if it contains spaces or quotes
// if ` useParsingRules == false` this func WON'T do that; you must respect parsing rules (but dangling quote blocks are still auto closed)
// if ` key==0 || *key==0 ` this function does nothing
// if ` argStr==0 || *argStr==0 ` this argument will be added without a value
void addArg(const char * key, const char * argStr, bool useParsingRules = false);
// this function either adds an argument if no key for it exists, or replaces all existing ones found using the set case sensitivity
// `key` MUST contain only `alnum(c)||c=='_'` characters; key doesn't need to include leading '-', (but it can deal if you do)
// if ` useParsingRules == false ` this func will add quotes as necessary to make your input work, if it contains spaces or quotes
// if ` useParsingRules == true ` this func WON'T do that; you must respect parsing rules (but dangling quote blocks are still auto closed)
// if ` key==0 || *key==0 ` this behaves the same as `pruneArg(allInstances);` this function is basically just `pruneArg(); addArg();`
// if ` argStr==0 || *argStr==0 ` this argument will be added without a value, or replaced to have no value
// unlike pruneArg(), this method can only prunes all arguments which match the provided key under the `ignoreCase` rule set
void setArg(const char * key, const char * argStr, bool useParsingRules = false, bool ignoreCaseInFindAndReplace = true);
// finds the argument set to this key and removes it completely
// `key` MUST contain only `alnum(c)||c=='_'` characters; key doesn't need to include leading '-', (but it can deal if you do)
// if `pruneAllInstances` prunes ALL arguments which match the provided key under the `ignoreCase` rule set, otherwise only prunes first
// WARNING: If the target would end up in front of the string after removing this argument, the target will become the command.
void pruneArg(const char * key, bool pruneAllInstances = true, bool ignoreCase = true);
// same as `pruneArgs()` but with an inbuilt loop for convenience
// prunes all instances of the key with `pruneAllInstances` set
void pruneArgs(const char ** keys, uint32 cnt, bool ignoreCase = true);
// leaves only that which is requested, reorders all arguments, puts target last, eliminates multiples, and optionally performs case crunching.
// similarly, the string is galvanized as emit() would've performed
// This is useful for using a Commandline as a key, where keys with functionally similar effects should be identical
// if `keysToCaseOfProvidedKeys` is false, different cases are ignored and thus not included
void preen(const char ** keysToKeep, uint32 keyCount, bool keysToCaseOfProvidedKeys);
// generates and galvanizes a concise generated string that, were it passed into Commandline(), would restore our current state
// "galvanize" means the string emitted will always be valid and respect parsing rules, though it may not be the same as the string given
// However! command, target, and args, will all appear in the output in the same order they were added, unless `appendTargetWhere` is set
// if `appendTargetWhere` is positive, it will go last, if it is negative, it will go after the command, if it is 0, it stays put
// seperator arguments decide what goes before each argument/target, usually a space (nothing goes before the command as it's always first)
std::string emit(int appendTargetWhere = 0, const char * seperatorIntoTarget = " ", const char * seperatorIntoArgs = " ") const;
// this is meant to be used in tandem with "asParse()" as a parsing/emiting tool for documents (you should give the same str address here as you did there)
// will leave comments alone and try to recreate the same alignment with whitespace,
// anything that could be construed as a command, target, or argument will be added/replaced/removed as needed
// out of necessity, assumes the command exists, and target will exist on the same line as it, but arguments can appear on their own lines after these
// stops writing when a new commandline could possibly be interpreted from str, or if the end of the string is encountered
// returns a string with the dropin replacement you can stick between `str` and whatever `endPtr` returned, when both are used in `asParse()`
// WARNING: expects the same str and comment parameters as before, if you want a dropin replacement, otherwise it'll give you something uh else?
std::string emitAsParse(const char * str, bool insertNewArgsAfterTarget = false, const char * seperatorIntoArgs = " ", const char * commentOpen = "#", uint32 tabSize = 4);
//bool m_optimized {0};
uint32 m_tokenCnt {0};
//uint32 m_internalSize {0};
char * m_command {0};
char * m_target {0};
std::string m_str;
// ----- IMPLEMENTATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Commandline.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include <map>
// HELPER FUNCS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// stops on either 0 or a space while unquoted, or if argRules it'll stop on an unquoted '=' as well
// a quotation must be closed before reaching 0 to be considered valid
// encountering a quote sets quotation mode, encountering a single quote (but not [""]) ends quotation mode
// [""] are only valid while in quotation mode, thus:
// [zz""""zz] >> [zz"zz]; [zz""zz] >> [zzzz]; ["zz""zz"] >> [zz"zz]; ["zz"zz] >> [zzzz]; ["zz"zz"] >> [INVALID];
// also interestingly, [zz" "zz] == ["zz zz"], which lets us build tokens with spaces or quotes in a weird way if required
// since we can only shrink, there's no need to make sure there's room
// if the token encounters the end of the string with an open quotation, it will consider it closed in triage
// returns number of characters written
// str + result = end token (1 past last)
// if newlineOut isn't null, it will be incremented for every newline we eat (it WON'T eat the last one if we end on one)
// dest is updated
uint32 parseToken(char * dest, const char * str, const char ** endPos, bool useArgRules, uint32 * newlinesOut = NULL) {
uint32 count = 0;
if (!str)
return 0;
bool quoted = false;
while (*str) {
if (quoted) {
if(*str == '\n' && newlinesOut) {
} else if (*str == '\"') {
if (str[1] == '\"') {
} else {
quoted = false;
} else {
if (*str == '\"') {
quoted = true;
} else if (isspace(*str) || useArgRules && *str=='=') {
if (dest && dest != str)
*dest = *str;
*endPos = str;
return count;
// stops only on 0
// returns a size greater than strlen(str) if galvanizing would transform string
// returns a size == strlen(str) if galvanizing would have no effect
uint32 getSizeAfterGalvanizing(const char * str) {
return 0;
uint32 cnt = 0;
bool galvanizeRequired = false;
while (str[cnt]) {
galvanizeRequired = true;
else if (str[cnt] == '\"') {
galvanizeRequired = true;
cnt += 2;
return cnt;
// will append to out
void performGalvanize(std::string & out, const char * in) {
uint32 priorSize = strlen(in);
uint32 postSize = getSizeAfterGalvanizing(in);
if (priorSize == postSize) {
while (*in) {
if (*in == '\"') {
void replace(std::string & base, char * destStart, uint32 destSize, const char * replacementStr,
bool parseReplacement, bool parseWithArgRules,
char *& commandPtr, char *& targetPtr, const char * prependStr = NULL)
uint32 replacementSize = 0;
uint32 prependSize = 0;
if (replacementStr)
replacementSize = strlen(replacementStr) + 1;
if (prependStr) {
prependSize = strlen(prependStr);
replacementSize += prependSize;
uint32 finalSize = replacementSize;
if (parseReplacement && replacementStr) {
finalSize = parseToken(NULL, replacementStr, NULL, false);
char * priorPtr = &base[0];
char * basePtr = priorPtr;
uint32 offsetIntoBase = destStart - priorPtr;
if (finalSize != destSize) {
// must expand to incorporate our replacement
if (destSize > finalSize) {
base.erase(offsetIntoBase, destSize - finalSize);
} else {
base.insert(offsetIntoBase, finalSize - destSize, 0);
char * basePtr = &base[0];
if(targetPtr) targetPtr = basePtr + (targetPtr - priorPtr);
if(commandPtr) commandPtr = basePtr + (commandPtr - priorPtr);
if(targetPtr - basePtr > offsetIntoBase) targetPtr += (int32(finalSize) - int32(destSize));
if(commandPtr - basePtr > offsetIntoBase) commandPtr += (int32(finalSize) - int32(destSize));
if (finalSize) {
memcpy(destStart, prependStr, prependSize);
if (parseReplacement) {
parseToken(destStart + prependSize, replacementStr, NULL, parseWithArgRules);
} else {
memcpy(destStart + prependSize, replacementStr, finalSize);
struct ParseState {
ParseState(const char * str, const char * commentStr = "#") : _str(str), _commentStr(commentStr) {}
const char * pos {0};
const char * posArgKey {0};
const char * posArgValue {0};
uint32 posSize {0};
uint32 posArgKeySize {0};
uint32 posArgValueSize {0};
uint32 linesTraversed {0};
enum {
} type {atStart};
const char * _str;
const char * _commentStr;
uint32 _commentStrSize {0};
bool _pastCommand {0};
void parse(ParseState & state) {
if (state.type == ParseState::atStart) {
// put any init stuff here I guess
state._commentStrSize = state._commentStr ? strlen(state._commentStr) : 0;
state.type = ParseState::atEnd;
if (!state._str)
const char *& ch = state._str;
bool inArg = false;
while (*ch) {
if (isspace(*ch)) {
if (*ch == '\n')
if (state._commentStr && 0 == strncmp(state._commentStr, ch, state._commentStrSize)) {
while(*ch && *ch != '\n')
if (*ch == '-') {
// go through multiple leading ---
state.pos = ch;
while(*ch == '-')
// tried something like " - -arg"? with a lone " - "? you can't hurt me I'll define all your lamewad stunts, ignoring the lone -
if (isspace(*ch)) {
state.pos = 0;
const char * last = ch;
parseToken(NULL, ch, &ch, true, &state.linesTraversed);
if (last != ch) {
state.posArgKey = last;
state.posArgKeySize = ch - last;
if (*ch == '=') {
last = ch;
parseToken(NULL, ch, &ch, false, &state.linesTraversed);
} else {
last = ch;
// both empty args and valued args are handled here
state.posArgValue = last;
state.posArgValueSize = ch - last;
state.posSize = ch - state.pos;
state.type = ParseState::atArg;
state._pastCommand = true;
// identifier had an issue or was of zero size, triage by skipping it and it's value too
state.pos = 0;
// must be a command or target
state.pos = ch;
const char * last = ch;
parseToken(NULL, ch, &ch, false, &state.linesTraversed);
if (last != ch) {
// both empty args and valued args are handled here
state.posSize = ch - last;
state.type = state._pastCommand ? ParseState::atTar : ParseState::atCom;
state._pastCommand = true;
// identifier had an issue or was of zero size, triage by skipping it and it's value too
state.pos = 0;
state.type = ParseState::atEnd;
// ----- COMMANDLINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: m_tokenCnt ( 0 )
, m_command ( 0 )
, m_target ( 0 )
Commandline::Commandline(const char * str, const char ** endPtr, const char * commentToken, bool allowNewlines) {
uint32 falseTargets = 0;
uint32 finalSize = 0;
uint32 lineStarted = 0xFFFFFFFF;
const char * lastPtr = str;
ParseState state(str, commentToken);
uint32 targetSize = 0;
do {
if(!allowNewlines && state.linesTraversed)
if (lineStarted == 0xFFFFFFFF)
lineStarted = state.linesTraversed;
if (state.type == ParseState::atTar) {
if (lineStarted < state.linesTraversed) {
state.type = ParseState::atEnd;
goto nextPhase;
if (targetSize) {
finalSize -= targetSize + 1;
targetSize = state.posSize;
finalSize += state.posSize + 1;
if (state.type == ParseState::atArg) {
finalSize += state.posArgKeySize + 2;
if (state.posArgValueSize) {
finalSize += state.posArgValueSize + 2;
} else {
if (lineStarted < state.linesTraversed) {
state.type = ParseState::atEnd;
goto nextPhase;
finalSize += state.posSize + 1;
lastPtr = state._str;
} while(state.type != ParseState::atEnd);
// be sure to keep the extra char as a void space behind the last token
*endPtr = lastPtr;
ParseState state = ParseState(str, commentToken);
char * ch = &m_str[0];
do {
if(!allowNewlines && state.linesTraversed)
switch (state.type) {
case ParseState::atCom:
if (lineStarted < state.linesTraversed) {
const char * check;
m_command = ch;
ch += parseToken(ch, state.pos, &check, false);
assert(check - state.pos == state.posSize);
case ParseState::atTar:
if (lineStarted < state.linesTraversed) {
if (falseTargets) {
} else {
const char * check;
m_target = ch;
ch += parseToken(ch, state.pos, &check, false);
assert(check - state.pos == state.posSize);
case ParseState::atArg:
*ch = '-';
const char * check;
ch += parseToken(ch, state.posArgKey, &check, true);
assert(check - state.posArgKey == state.posArgKeySize);
if (state.posArgValueSize) {
*ch = '=';
ch += parseToken(ch, state.posArgValue, &check, false);
assert(check - state.posArgValue == state.posArgValueSize);
*ch = 0;
} while(state.type != ParseState::atEnd);
Commandline::Commandline(const Commandline & other)
: m_tokenCnt( other.m_tokenCnt )
const char * oldPtr = &other.m_str[0];
m_str = other.m_str;
char * newPtr = &m_str[0];
m_command = other.m_command - (char*)oldPtr + newPtr;
m_target = other.m_target - (char*)oldPtr + newPtr;
Commandline::Commandline(Commandline && other)
: m_tokenCnt( other.m_tokenCnt )
char * oldPtr = &other.m_str[0];
m_str = std::move(other.m_str);
char * newPtr = &m_str[0];
m_command = other.m_command - oldPtr + newPtr;
m_target = other.m_target - oldPtr + newPtr;
other.m_tokenCnt = 0;
other.m_command = 0;
other.m_target = 0;
Commandline & Commandline::operator=(const Commandline & other) {
if (this != &other) {
const char * oldPtr = &other.m_str[0];
m_str = other.m_str;
char * newPtr = &m_str[0];
m_command = other.m_command - (char*)oldPtr + newPtr;
m_target = other.m_target - (char*)oldPtr + newPtr;
return *this;
Commandline & Commandline::operator=(Commandline && other) {
if (this != &other) {
char * oldPtr = &other.m_str[0];
m_str = std::move(other.m_str);
char * newPtr = &m_str[0];
m_command = other.m_command - oldPtr + newPtr;
m_target = other.m_target - oldPtr + newPtr;
m_tokenCnt = other.m_tokenCnt ;
other.m_tokenCnt = 0;
other.m_command = 0;
other.m_target = 0;
return *this;
bool Commandline::operator<(const Commandline & rhs) const {
return m_str < rhs.m_str;
const char * Commandline::findArg(const char * argStr, bool ignoreCase) const {
if(!argStr || !*argStr || !m_command || !m_tokenCnt)
return NULL;
const char * ch = &m_str[0];
const char * end = ch + m_str.size();
uint32 n = 0;
while (n < m_tokenCnt && ch != end) {
if (*ch == '-') {
while(*ch == '-')
++ch; // allows us to lead with as many - as we like
const char * srch = ch;
const char * cmp = argStr;
while (*cmp) {
if(ignoreCase ? tolower(*cmp) != tolower(*srch) : *cmp != *srch)
if (!*cmp && (!*srch || *srch == '=')) {
// found it
return srch+(*srch=='=');
} else {
return NULL;
const char * Commandline::getCommand() const {
return m_command;
const char * Commandline::getTarget() const {
return m_target;
bool Commandline::hasArgs() const {
return m_tokenCnt != 0;
bool Commandline::isEmpty() const {
return !getCommand() && !hasArgs();
const char * Commandline::getArgKey(uint32 index) const {
if(index > m_tokenCnt)
return NULL;
const char * ch = &m_str[0];
const char * end = ch + m_str.size();
uint32 n = 0;
while (n < m_tokenCnt && ch != end) {
if (*ch == '-') {
while(*ch == '-')
++ch; // allows us to lead with as many - as we like
if (n == index) {
return ch;
} else {
return NULL;
const char * Commandline::getArgValue(const char * argKeyAsReturned) const {
return NULL;
while(*argKeyAsReturned && *argKeyAsReturned != '=')
return argKeyAsReturned+(*argKeyAsReturned=='=');
void Commandline::setCommand(const char * str, bool useParsingRules) {
if (!str || *str == 0) {
// remove
replace(m_str, m_command, strlen(m_command) + 1, NULL, useParsingRules, false, m_command, m_target);
m_command = NULL;
if (m_target == &m_str[0]) {
m_command = m_target;
m_target = NULL;
} else {
replace(m_str, m_command, strlen(m_command) + 1, str, useParsingRules, false, m_command, m_target);
void Commandline::setTarget(const char * str, bool useParsingRules) {
if (!str || *str == 0) {
// remove
replace(m_str, m_target, strlen(m_target) + 1, NULL, useParsingRules, false, m_command, m_target);
m_target = NULL;
} else {
replace(m_str, m_target, strlen(m_target) + 1, str, useParsingRules, false, m_command, m_target);
if (m_target == &m_str[0]) {
m_command = m_target;
m_target = NULL;
void Commandline::addArg(const char * key, const char * argStr, bool useParsingRules) {
if(!key || !*key)
replace(m_str, &m_str[0] + m_str.size(), 0, key, useParsingRules, true, m_command, m_target, "-");
if (argStr)
replace(m_str, &m_str[0] + m_str.size(), 0, key, useParsingRules, false, m_command, m_target, "=");
void Commandline::setArg(const char * key, const char * argStr, bool useParsingRules, bool ignoreCaseInFindAndReplace) {
if(!key || !*key)
pruneArg(key, true, ignoreCaseInFindAndReplace);
addArg(key, argStr, useParsingRules);
void Commandline::pruneArg(const char * key, bool pruneAllInstances, bool ignoreCase) {
while(*key == '-')
if(!key || !*key || !m_tokenCnt)
char * arg;
char * base = &m_str[0];
while (arg = (char*)findArg(key, ignoreCase)) {
do {
}while(arg != base && arg[-1]);
replace(m_str, arg, strlen(arg) + 1, NULL, false, false, m_command, m_target);
if (m_target == &m_str[0]) {
m_command = m_target;
m_target = NULL;
void Commandline::pruneArgs(const char ** ids, uint32 cnt, bool ignoreCase) {
if(!ids || !cnt)
for (uint32 n = 0; n < cnt; ++n) {
pruneArg(ids[n], true, ignoreCase);
void Commandline::preen(const char ** keysToKeep, uint32 keyCount, bool keysToCaseOfProvidedKeys) {
std::string out;
if (m_command) {
if (keysToKeep) {
for (uint32 n = 0; n < keyCount; ++n) {
const char * found = findArg(keysToKeep[n], keysToCaseOfProvidedKeys);
if (found) {
if (*found) {
if (m_target) {
*this = Commandline(out.c_str());
std::string Commandline::emit(int appendTargetWhere, const char * seperatorIntoTarget, const char * seperatorIntoArgs) const {
std::string dest;
const char * start = m_str.c_str();
const char * ch = start;
const char * end = start + m_str.size();
uint32 tokenFound = 0;
if (m_command) {
performGalvanize(dest, m_command);
if (appendTargetWhere < 0 && m_target) {
performGalvanize(dest, m_target);
while (ch < end && tokenFound < m_tokenCnt) {
if (*ch == '-') {
if(ch != start)
while (isalnum(*ch) || *ch == '_') {
if (*ch == '=') {
if (!isspace(*ch)) {
performGalvanize(dest, ch);
} else {
if (!appendTargetWhere && ch == m_target) {
performGalvanize(dest, m_target);
ch += strlen(ch) + 1;
if (appendTargetWhere > 0 && m_target) {
performGalvanize(dest, m_target);
assert(tokenFound == m_tokenCnt);
return dest;
std::string Commandline::emitAsParse(const char * str, bool insertNewArgsAfterTarget, const char * seperatorIntoArgs, const char * commentOpen, uint32 tabSize) {
std::string dest;
if (!str || !*str)
return dest;
const char * line = str;
bool pastFirstline = false;
bool inToken = false;
uint32 commentOpenSize = 0;
commentOpenSize = strlen(commentOpen);
// go around until at least one token is fully read AND we hit the newline AND encounter a new token, or the end of the str is hit
while (*str) {
// get rid of all leading whitespace and newlines
while (*str) {
while (isspace(*str))
if (commentOpen && 0==strncmp(str, commentOpen, commentOpenSize)) {
while(*str && *str != '\n') // don't skip past comment as it may use \n
} else {
// we're now at a potential token (not a comment)
if (pastFirstline) {
if (*str != '-') {
break; // we're at a potentially new command, end it here
// get as many tokens as we can grab on this line (always start at the next token)
while (*str) {
// handle special case of args not having quotes
if (*str == '-') {
const char * keyStart;
const char * keyEnd;
while (*str && !isspace(*str)) {
if (*str == '=') {
// get this one token
bool quote = false;
while (*str) {
if (!quote) {
if(*str == '\"')
quote = true;
else if(isspace(*str))
} else {
if (*str == '\"') {
if (str[1] == '\"') {
} else {
quote = false;
} else {
// handle post-token trailing whitespace and comments until newline
while (isspace(*str) && *str != '\n')
if (commentOpen && 0==strncmp(str, commentOpen, commentOpenSize)) {
while(*str && *str != '\n') // don't skip past comment as it may use \n
if (*str == '\n') {
line = str;
// if none of these, just start the next token
pastFirstline = true;
*endPtr = line;
return Commandline(std::move(in), optimize);
return dest;
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