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  • Save QuanTrieuPCYT/b77301ce922fa091c8ff6f5d01940d71 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save QuanTrieuPCYT/b77301ce922fa091c8ff6f5d01940d71 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ExcellentEnchants 4.0.5 with removed MC 1.20.6 support and Java 17 support.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Script to build ExcellentEnchants 4.0.5 with removed MC 1.20.6 support and Java 17 support.
# Provided that your environment meets the followings:
# - JDK 17 or later installed
# - `git` installed, `mvn` installed (Apache Maven)
# - Using an OS that uses GNU's `sed` utility (such as Linux). macOS uses a different `sed`, so please double-check!
# Clone the repository
git clone ./ExcellentEnchants-spigot
cd ./ExcellentEnchants-spigot
# Revert to the 4.0.5 commit
git reset --hard 359782ff57d10ed2433b983a98dfc9a5663336d4
# Delete MC 1.20.6's NMS module
rm -R MC_1_20_6
# Clone the nightcore repository
git clone ./nightcore-spigot
cd ./nightcore-spigot
# Revert to the commit that supports this release (Core 2.6.2 Beta)
git reset --hard 8823d0eecdb67e7991f7aa81e2784d80cbf40917
# Build and install nightcore to our local Maven repository
mvn install
cd ..
# Text replacing magics
# These commands will remove 1.20.6 NMS module support, and downgrade the Java build target requirement to 17
sed -i '/<module>MC_1_20_6<\/module>/d; s/21/17/g' pom.xml
sed -i '/<dependencies>/i <repositories>\n <repository>\n <id>nms-repo</id>\n <url></url>\n </repository>\n</repositories>' pom.xml
sed -i 's/<version>2.6.1<\/version>/<version>2.6.2<\/version>/' pom.xml
sed -i 's/21/17/g' ./API/pom.xml
sed -i 's/21/17/g' ./Core/pom.xml
sed -i 's/<version>5.6.0-SNAPSHOT<\/version>/<version>5.6.2<\/version>/' ./Core/pom.xml
sed -i 's#<id>lumine-snapshot</id>#<id>papermc</id>#; s#<url></url>#<url></url>#' ./Core/pom.xml
sed -i -e '/<artifactId>MC_1_20_6<\/artifactId>/ { N; N; N; N; d; }' ./Core/pom.xml
sed -i '/MC_1_20_6/d' ./Core/src/main/java/su/nightexpress/excellentenchants/
sed -i 's/21/17/g' ./NMS/pom.xml
sed -i 's/21/17/g' ./V1_19_R3/pom.xml
sed -i 's/21/17/g' ./V1_20_R1/pom.xml
sed -i 's/21/17/g' ./V1_20_R2/pom.xml
sed -i 's/21/17/g' ./V1_20_R3/pom.xml
# Actually build the plugin
mvn clean package
# The JAR will be in the folder `./target/`
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