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Created August 10, 2017 09:35
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Parse *.afpk file and extract peaks, landmarks and hashes
import struct
import numpy as np
def afpk2peaks(peakfilename):
PEAK_FMT = '<2i'
PEAK_MAGIC = 'audfprintpeakV00' # 16 chars, FWIW
""" Read back a set of (time, bin) pairs written by peaks_save """
peaks = []
fmtsize = struct.calcsize(PEAK_FMT)
with open(peakfilename, 'rb') as f:
magic =
if magic != PEAK_MAGIC:
raise IOError('%s is not a peak file (magic %s)'
% (peakfilename, magic))
data =
while data is not None and len(data) == fmtsize:
peaks.append(struct.unpack(PEAK_FMT, data))
data =
return peaks
def landmarks2hashes(landmarks):
"""Convert a list of (time, bin1, bin2, dtime) landmarks
into a list of (time, hash) pairs where the hash combines
the three remaining values.
F1_BITS = 8
B1_MASK = (1 << F1_BITS) - 1
DF_MASK = (1 << DF_BITS) - 1
DT_MASK = (1 << DT_BITS) - 1
landmarks = np.array(landmarks)
hashes = np.zeros((landmarks.shape[0], 2), dtype=np.int32)
hashes[:, 0] = landmarks[:, 0]
hashes[:, 1] = (((landmarks[:, 1] & B1_MASK) << B1_SHIFT)
| (((landmarks[:, 2] - landmarks[:, 1]) & DF_MASK)
| (landmarks[:, 3] & DT_MASK))
return hashes
def peaks2landmarks(pklist):
""" Take a list of local peaks in spectrogram
and form them into pairs as landmarks.
pklist is a column-sorted list of (col, bin) pairs as created
by findpeaks().
Return a list of (col, peak, peak2, col2-col) landmark descriptors.
maxpairsperpeak = 3
targetdt = 63
targetdf = 31
mindt = 2
# Form pairs of peaks into landmarks
landmarks = []
if len(pklist) > 0:
# Find column of the final peak in the list
scols = pklist[-1][0] + 1
# Convert (col, bin) list into peaks_at[col] lists
peaks_at = [[] for col in xrange(scols)]
for (col, bin) in pklist:
# Build list of landmarks <starttime F1 endtime F2>
for col in xrange(scols):
for peak in peaks_at[col]:
pairsthispeak = 0
for col2 in xrange(col+mindt,
min(scols, col+targetdt)):
if pairsthispeak < maxpairsperpeak:
for peak2 in peaks_at[col2]:
if abs(peak2-peak) < targetdf:
#and abs(peak2-peak) + abs(col2-col) > 2 ):
if pairsthispeak < maxpairsperpeak:
# We have a pair!
landmarks.append((col, peak,
peak2, col2-col))
pairsthispeak += 1
return landmarks
peakfilename = "./data/afpk/16SlippedDisc/01 Louise.afpk"
peaks = afpk2peaks(peakfilename)
lm = peaks2landmarks(peaks)
hashes = landmarks2hashes(lm)
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