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Qubadi / gist:ac7a99a26331afc8b38c69a9ea3c570d
Created May 2, 2024 10:11
Jetformbuilder form, A custom code for auto detect country and land code phone ( New style and new version ).
1. Start by creating a new PHP snippet. Paste your custom code into it and set it to run "everywhere".
2. Create a text field, set the type to "tel", and name the form field "phone".
3. Create a select field, set it to "manual input" (do not add any options), and name the form field "country".
4. Create a hidden field named "full_phone_number" for storing the full phone number.
5. Create another hidden field named "full_country_name" for storing the full country name.
6. Add both hidden fields to the "Post Submit Action" section under "Content".
7. Update the page slug name to the specific page where you have added the form. For instance, if
the current page slug name is "contact", change it to match the URL of the page where the form is placed.
8. Finally, register for an account at ,to obtain a token key. Then,
integrate the token into your fetch request as follows: fetch('').
Qubadi / gist:cf142de56e4a46ce640367d3ff710637
Created March 3, 2024 16:25
Implementing dynamic message relocation for JetEngine forms: A guide to enhancing user feedback display
Introducing Enhanced Message Display for JetEngine Forms: Our new code dynamically relocates success and error messages
to the top area, providing clearer feedback for users. You can easily style the message container using the
provided class name, 'display-message', or customize it to suit your design preferences.
Simply integrate the code into your Elementor form, add a headline or container with the same class name,
and adjust the styling directly within the code. Success messages are displayed in green, while errors appear in red,
ensuring clear visibility and easy customization.
Add this code to your site by creating a new HTML snippet in your snippet plugin.
Simply paste the code there and save it.
Qubadi / gist:85b94323019daad4ed53d755f21bc323
Last active March 2, 2024 12:40
Seamlessly managing cart visibility in JetBlocks ( Woo Shopping Cart Widget ): hiding zero counts
Add this code to your site by creating a new PHP snippet in your snippet plugin.
Simply paste the code there and save it
function custom_cart_visibility_script() {
/* Initially hide the cart count to prevent it from showing 0 before JS checks */
.jet-blocks-cart__count {
Qubadi / gist:6c818559ff71351ef23908b7d446a7d4
Last active March 1, 2024 16:17
Enhancing Checkbox Field Dropdown Select with JetFormBuilder
See tutorial here:
.container {
position: relative;
max-width: 320px;
width: 100%;
margin: 80px auto 30px;
Qubadi / gist:ad72332ceb1fde9f33cca648bc91c516
Last active February 18, 2024 18:34
Jetengine listing grid change 'Not Found' notification to popup alert
Add this code to your snippet plugins, and create a HTML snippet and paste the code there, dont forget to set it to Footer.
Watch the tutorial here:
#customOverlay {
position: fixed;
top: 100%; /* Initially set the top to 100% */
left: 0;
Qubadi / gist:2ee9ac0403ba601f698c5a31132237bc
Last active May 23, 2024 04:11
Jetformbuilder number field custom responsive quantity control with plus and minus buttons
Add this code to your snippet plugin, and create a new HTML snippet, and paste the code there and save it.
Note: Before implementing the code, verify that the form field name in your Jetformbuilder form is my_number. Should your form field bear a different name, you'll need to replace number throughout the code with the correct name. Alternatively, setting your form's number field name to my_number simplifies the process, removing the need for any code adjustments. Once the code is ready, copy it to your snippet plugin, create a new HTML snippet, and paste the code therein. Ensure to set this snippet to load in the footer through your snippet plugin settings. Additionally, this code references the form field name my_number in the CSS. If you alter the form field name, remember to update the CSS selectors accordingly to maintain consistency and functionality.
Jetformbuilder Number Field Custom Responsive Quantity Control offers a sleek, modern solution for Jetformbuilder forms,
featuring custom plus and mi
Qubadi / gist:873411c75802df8e20716ce00f6f540b
Created February 16, 2024 21:16
Jetsmartfilters checkboxes list to switcher button
Add this snippet code to your snippet plugins. Create a HTML snippet, and paste in the code and save it.
Elevate your JetSmartFilters experience by converting traditional checkboxes list filters into modern,
intuitive switcher buttons. This comprehensive guide walks you through the process of integrating sleek toggle switches,
significantly improving the user interface and interaction on your WordPress site. Discover practical CSS and JavaScript
techniques to transform your filters, making your website not only more aesthetically pleasing but also enhancing usability.
Ideal for web developers and WordPress enthusiasts looking to modernize their site's filtering system with a stylish,
user-friendly approach.
Qubadi / gist:8c22d1696218cf1bb212c3bd260e4c5f
Last active February 16, 2024 21:15
Jetsmartfilters radio input to switcher button
Add this snippet code to your snippet plugins. Create a HTML snippet, and paste in the code and save it.
Elevate your JetSmartFilters experience by converting traditional radio filters into modern,
intuitive switcher buttons. This comprehensive guide walks you through the process of integrating sleek toggle switches,
significantly improving the user interface and interaction on your WordPress site. Discover practical CSS and JavaScript
techniques to transform your filters, making your website not only more aesthetically pleasing but also enhancing usability.
Ideal for web developers and WordPress enthusiasts looking to modernize their site's filtering system with a stylish,
user-friendly approach.
Qubadi / gist:3e11f72f65a6507e4d89dfd15f2b1873
Created February 16, 2024 16:42
JetFormBuilder submission feedback auto-scroll
Add the code to your snippet plugins, create a new js, javascript snippet, paste the code there and save it.
This script significantly improves the interaction with JetFormBuilder forms by automatically scrolling the
browser window to show success or error messages following a form submission. It is compatible with both AJAX and
traditional page reload submission methods. Regardless of the submission type, the script ensures the feedback
messages are immediately brought into view, smoothly guiding users to see their form submission outcome.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
function scrollToMessage() {
Qubadi / gist:140f3ff38e2836e473cb8dffc4e7d0b4
Last active February 19, 2024 15:21
JetSmartFilters' Date Range picker for touch devices by preventing the virtual keyboard from displaying on mobile and tablet screens
Paste this code to your snippet plugins. Create a new snippet and select js, javascript, and paste in this code and save it.
This script optimizes JetSmartFilters' Date Range picker for touch devices by preventing the virtual keyboard from displaying
on mobile and tablet screens. It sets Date Range fields to readonly, allowing users to select dates through the touch-friendly
picker without keyboard interference. Ideal for enhancing user experience in JetSmartFilters implementations,
it ensures smooth and focused date selection on touch-enabled devices.