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Qubadi / gist:d5a28134180bedf7106433f190bf0008
Created July 21, 2024 18:22
JetEngine profile builder menu,add Font Awesome icons to menu items
Copy the following PHP code and create a PHP snippet using your snippet plugin. Paste the code into the plugin and save it.
This code snippet enhances the Profile Builder menu by allowing you to add Font Awesome icons to menu items.
It provides functionality in the backend to edit the icon's margin and position (left or right).
This customization ensures that you can visually enhance your menus to better suit your design needs.
// Enqueue Font Awesome CSS from CDN
function enqueue_font_awesome_cdn() {
Qubadi / gist:debc97dc9978dbadc50977ccfe1ef467
Last active July 21, 2024 22:27
JetEngine profile builder menu and dropbar
UPDATED: 22.07.2024: User role functionality has been added to WordPress menus.
Remember to select a user role for any specific menu item if applicable.
Copy the following PHP code and create a PHP snippet using your snippet plugin. Paste the code into the plugin and save it.
This code snippet integrates the JetEngine Profile Builder menu into the WordPress menu system.
After adding this code, you will see a new menu item named "My Templates" on the left side of the WordPress menus.
Create a new menu and add the desired items from "My Templates". Save the menu, and you can then use any navigation
menu or megamenu widget to display the menu you just created.
Qubadi / gist:74e13293a7ebd23058ee005f9c66497d
Created July 20, 2024 11:45
Enhance WordPress 404 Page Using Elementor Template
1. Copy the following PHP code and create a PHP snippet using your snippet plugin. Paste the code into the plugin and save it.
2. Create a template page using Elementor Templates
3. Replace the actual Elementor template ID in this line: $elementor_404_template_id = 8209;. Change the ID number 8209 to your
template page ID, and save/update the code.
This code snippet customizes the default 404 error page in WordPress by using a specified Elementor template.
It hooks into the template_include filter and checks if the current page is a 404. If it is, it attempts to load and
display a custom 404 template created with Elementor (using the provided template ID). If successful, it outputs the
custom template content, otherwise, it falls back to the default template. This allows for a more visually appealing
Qubadi / gist:3bfd007650a03c2668a74a7987fda4fa
Last active June 22, 2024 21:09
JetEngine CPT preview image in full size modal in backend
1. Copy the following PHP code and create a PHP snippet using your snippet plugins. Paste the code into the plugin and save it.
This code snippet enhances the JetEngine custom post type (CPT) backend by allowing users to click on preview images to view them
in full size within a modal popup. It includes CSS for styling the modal, JavaScript for handling the click events to open and
close the modal, and ensures the image opens centered with a pointer cursor on hover. The modal displays the full-size image and
any associated caption.
function custom_modal_scripts() {
Qubadi / gist:5fdb2ea77e400110c2b33a5695c3e9f9
Created May 20, 2024 18:24
Jetformbuilder and Jetengine form custom configuration for WYSIWYG editor
1. Copy the following PHP code and create a PHP snippet using your snippet plugins. Paste the code into the plugin and save it.
Jetformbuilder and Jetengine form custom configuration for WYSIWYG editor
It works for both forms, JetFormBuilder and JetEngine Form.
This code customizes the JetFormBuilder WYSIWYG editor by adding essential toolbar buttons and enabling media buttons
for enhanced functionality. It ensures that users have access to a wide range of formatting options, making content
creation more efficient. This setup enhances the overall user experience with improved editing capabilities.
Qubadi / gist:7eb535d9bb74e21fe5236adabe04462f
Created May 18, 2024 19:29
Smooth scroll to feedback message on Jetformbuilder form submission
Smooth scroll to feedback message on Jetformbuilder form submission
1. Copy the following JS code and create a JS snippet using your snippet plugins. Paste the code into the plugin and save it.
This script enhances the user experience of JetFormBuilder forms by automatically scrolling the view to display feedback
messages smoothly upon form submission. It utilizes jQuery and a MutationObserver to detect changes within the form,
ensuring that whether the form submission is successful or encounters errors, users are smoothly guided to the
feedback message. This feature is especially useful in long forms or on pages with substantial content, improving
visibility of form outcomes and reinforcing user interaction without manual scrolling.
Qubadi / gist:e058555a9a5fd7dea00f882a5e0abb3c
Last active July 10, 2024 18:31
Real-time loading and progress indicator integration with Jetformbuilder forms
UPDATED: Fixed some issues..... 10.07.2024
Real-time loading and progress indicator integration with Jetformbuilder forms
1. Copy the following HTML code and create a HTML snippet using your snippet plugins. Paste the code into the plugin and save it.
This comprehensive solution integrates real-time loading and progress indicators into JetFormBuilder forms,
significantly enhancing user interaction and experience during form submissions. Employing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript,
the setup includes a visually appealing loading spinner and a dynamically updating percentage progress bar.
Qubadi / gist:07e71872af75d96f8f811306295dafee
Last active June 6, 2024 04:04
Current user media access control in WordPress
UPDATED: 16.05.2024
This PHP snippet enhances the security and organization of the WordPress media library by enforcing user-specific access controls.
It ensures that users can only view, edit, and delete their own uploaded media files, not those uploaded by others.
This functionality is particularly useful in multi-author WordPress environments where maintaining individual user
media privacy is crucial. By integrating this code, administrators can streamline media management and safeguard user
content from unauthorized access.
1. Copy this PHP snippet and paste it into your snippet editor, then save it.
Qubadi / gist:cb2066e2184c58b73d3860b8f9a54325
Created May 9, 2024 15:06
Jetengine metabox: Dynamic number generator for CPT
This custom PHP snippet adds functionality to WordPress and Jetengine metabox, automatically assigning and updating
a sequence number for each post within a CPT. The sequence numbers are recalculated and updated dynamically whenever
a post is added, deleted, or trashed, ensuring that the newest post receives the number 1 and other posts are numbered
accordingly in descending order of their creation date. Additionally, the code implements a nonce for security,
ensuring its validity, particularly when used in form submissions or similar contexts.
1. Copy the custom code and create a PHP snippet. Paste the code into your snippet plugin.
2. First, create a Custom Post Type (CPT). Change the CPT name from "rent-car" to your preferred CPT slug name.
Search for "rent-car" in the custom code and replace all instances with your chosen CPT name.
Qubadi / gist:8cf03a5ae226415c20898bbc1a38b01f
Created May 8, 2024 20:47
Jetformbuilder multi-image display for email submissions
Short Description:
This shortcode enhances JetFormBuilder by allowing it to format and display multiple images within email notifications.
Upon form submission, it automatically converts a comma-separated list of image URLs into
individually styled HTML <img> tags, complete with custom spacing for optimal presentation in emails.
1. Copy the following PHP code and create a snippet using your snippet plugins. Paste the code into the plugin and save it.
2. Create a media field in your form.
3. In the post submit actions, set it to send email. Open the email content section and insert the shortcode
below into the content area:
[process_gallery urls="%gallery%"], use the same field name gallery, or change it to your field name.