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Created August 30, 2017 10:58
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Wordpress: Dashboard 'At a glance' Custom Post Types & Associated Dashicons
* At a glance for custom post types
* @return [type] [description]
function qubical_right_now_content_table_end() {
$args = array(
'public' => true ,
'_builtin' => false
$output = 'object';
$operator = 'and';
$post_types = get_post_types( $args , $output , $operator );
foreach( $post_types as $post_type ) {
$num_posts = wp_count_posts( $post_type->name );
$num = number_format_i18n( $num_posts->publish );
$text = _n( $post_type->labels->singular_name, $post_type->labels->name , intval( $num_posts->publish ) );
if ( current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) ) {
$cpt_name = $post_type->name;
echo '<li class="'.$cpt_name.'-count"><tr><a href="edit.php?post_type='.$cpt_name.'"><td class="first b b-' . $post_type->name . '"></td>' . $num . ' <td class="t ' . $post_type->name . '">' . $text . '</td></a></tr></li>';
$taxonomies = get_taxonomies( $args , $output , $operator );
foreach( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
$num_terms = wp_count_terms( $taxonomy->name );
$num = number_format_i18n( $num_terms );
$text = _n( $taxonomy->labels->name, $taxonomy->labels->name , intval( $num_terms ));
if ( current_user_can( 'manage_categories' ) ) {
$cpt_tax = $taxonomy->name;
echo '<li class="post-count"><tr><a href="edit-tags.php?taxonomy='.$cpt_tax.'"><td class="first b b-' . $taxonomy->name . '"></td>' . $num . ' <td class="t ' . $taxonomy->name . '">' . $text . '</td></a></tr></li>';
add_action( 'dashboard_glance_items' , 'qubical_right_now_content_table_end' );
* Add custom post types to the dashboard 'At a glance'
* @return string Custom style information for the admin head
function qubical_fix_glance_icon() {
$dashicons = array(
'dashicons-menu' => 'f333',
'dashicons-admin-site' => 'f319',
'dashicons-dashboard' => 'f226',
'dashicons-admin-post' => 'f109',
'dashicons-admin-media' => 'f104',
'dashicons-admin-links' => 'f103',
'dashicons-admin-page' => 'f105',
'dashicons-admin-comments' => 'f101',
'dashicons-admin-appearance' => 'f100',
'dashicons-admin-plugins' => 'f106',
'dashicons-admin-users' => 'f110',
'dashicons-admin-tools' => 'f107',
'dashicons-admin-settings' => 'f108',
'dashicons-admin-network' => 'f112',
'dashicons-admin-home' => 'f102',
'dashicons-admin-generic' => 'f111',
'dashicons-admin-collapse' => 'f148',
'dashicons-filter' => 'f536',
'dashicons-admin-customizer' => 'f540',
'dashicons-admin-multisite' => 'f541',
'dashicons-welcome-write-blog' => 'f119',
'dashicons-welcome-add-page' => 'f133',
'dashicons-welcome-view-site' => 'f115',
'dashicons-welcome-widgets-menus' => 'f116',
'dashicons-welcome-comments' => 'f117',
'dashicons-welcome-learn-more' => 'f118',
'dashicons-format-aside' => 'f123',
'dashicons-format-image' => 'f128',
'dashicons-format-gallery' => 'f161',
'dashicons-format-video' => 'f126',
'dashicons-format-status' => 'f130',
'dashicons-format-quote' => 'f122',
'dashicons-format-chat' => 'f125',
'dashicons-format-audio' => 'f127',
'dashicons-camera' => 'f306',
'dashicons-images-alt' => 'f232',
'dashicons-images-alt2' => 'f233',
'dashicons-video-alt' => 'f234',
'dashicons-video-alt2' => 'f235',
'dashicons-video-alt3' => 'f236',
'dashicons-media-archive' => 'f501',
'dashicons-media-audio' => 'f500',
'dashicons-media-code' => 'f499',
'dashicons-media-default' => 'f498',
'dashicons-media-document' => 'f497',
'dashicons-media-interactive' => 'f496',
'dashicons-media-spreadsheet' => 'f495',
'dashicons-media-text' => 'f491',
'dashicons-media-video' => 'f490',
'dashicons-playlist-audio' => 'f492',
'dashicons-playlist-video' => 'f493',
'dashicons-controls-play' => 'f522',
'dashicons-controls-pause' => 'f523',
'dashicons-controls-forward' => 'f519',
'dashicons-controls-skipforward' => 'f517',
'dashicons-controls-back' => 'f518',
'dashicons-controls-skipback' => 'f516',
'dashicons-controls-repeat' => 'f515',
'dashicons-controls-volumeon' => 'f521',
'dashicons-controls-volumeoff' => 'f520',
'dashicons-image-crop' => 'f165',
'dashicons-image-rotate' => 'f531',
'dashicons-image-rotate-left' => 'f166',
'dashicons-image-rotate-right' => 'f167',
'dashicons-image-flip-vertical' => 'f168',
'dashicons-image-flip-horizontal' => 'f169',
'dashicons-image-filter' => 'f533',
'dashicons-undo' => 'f171',
'dashicons-redo' => 'f172',
'dashicons-editor-bold' => 'f200',
'dashicons-editor-italic' => 'f201',
'dashicons-editor-ul' => 'f203',
'dashicons-editor-ol' => 'f204',
'dashicons-editor-quote' => 'f205',
'dashicons-editor-alignleft' => 'f206',
'dashicons-editor-aligncenter' => 'f207',
'dashicons-editor-alignright' => 'f208',
'dashicons-editor-insertmore' => 'f209',
'dashicons-editor-spellcheck' => 'f210',
'dashicons-editor-expand' => 'f211',
'dashicons-editor-contract' => 'f506',
'dashicons-editor-kitchensink' => 'f212',
'dashicons-editor-underline' => 'f213',
'dashicons-editor-justify' => 'f214',
'dashicons-editor-textcolor' => 'f215',
'dashicons-editor-paste-word' => 'f216',
'dashicons-editor-paste-text' => 'f217',
'dashicons-editor-removeformatting' => 'f218',
'dashicons-editor-video' => 'f219',
'dashicons-editor-customchar' => 'f220',
'dashicons-editor-outdent' => 'f221',
'dashicons-editor-indent' => 'f222',
'dashicons-editor-help' => 'f223',
'dashicons-editor-strikethrough' => 'f224',
'dashicons-editor-unlink' => 'f225',
'dashicons-editor-rtl' => 'f320',
'dashicons-editor-break' => 'f474',
'dashicons-editor-code' => 'f475',
'dashicons-editor-paragraph' => 'f476',
'dashicons-editor-table' => 'f535',
'dashicons-align-left' => 'f135',
'dashicons-align-right' => 'f136',
'dashicons-align-center' => 'f134',
'dashicons-align-none' => 'f138',
'dashicons-lock' => 'f160',
'dashicons-unlock' => 'f528',
'dashicons-calendar' => 'f145',
'dashicons-calendar-alt' => 'f508',
'dashicons-visibility' => 'f177',
'dashicons-hidden' => 'f530',
'dashicons-post-status' => 'f173',
'dashicons-edit' => 'f464',
'dashicons-trash' => 'f182',
'dashicons-sticky' => 'f537',
'dashicons-external' => 'f504',
'dashicons-arrow-up' => 'f142',
'dashicons-arrow-down' => 'f140',
'dashicons-arrow-right' => 'f139',
'dashicons-arrow-left' => 'f141',
'dashicons-arrow-up-alt' => 'f342',
'dashicons-arrow-down-alt' => 'f346',
'dashicons-arrow-right-alt' => 'f344',
'dashicons-arrow-left-alt' => 'f340',
'dashicons-arrow-up-alt2' => 'f343',
'dashicons-arrow-down-alt2' => 'f347',
'dashicons-arrow-right-alt2' => 'f345',
'dashicons-arrow-left-alt2' => 'f341',
'dashicons-sort' => 'f156',
'dashicons-leftright' => 'f229',
'dashicons-randomize' => 'f503',
'dashicons-list-view' => 'f163',
'dashicons-exerpt-view' => 'f164',
'dashicons-grid-view' => 'f509',
'dashicons-move' => 'f545',
'dashicons-share' => 'f237',
'dashicons-share-alt' => 'f240',
'dashicons-share-alt2' => 'f242',
'dashicons-twitter' => 'f301',
'dashicons-rss' => 'f303',
'dashicons-email' => 'f465',
'dashicons-email-alt' => 'f466',
'dashicons-facebook' => 'f304',
'dashicons-facebook-alt' => 'f305',
'dashicons-googleplus' => 'f462',
'dashicons-networking' => 'f325',
'dashicons-hammer' => 'f308',
'dashicons-art' => 'f309',
'dashicons-migrate' => 'f310',
'dashicons-performance' => 'f311',
'dashicons-universal-access' => 'f483',
'dashicons-universal-access-alt' => 'f507',
'dashicons-tickets' => 'f486',
'dashicons-nametag' => 'f484',
'dashicons-clipboard' => 'f481',
'dashicons-heart' => 'f487',
'dashicons-megaphone' => 'f488',
'dashicons-schedule' => 'f489',
'dashicons-wordpress' => 'f120',
'dashicons-wordpress-alt' => 'f324',
'dashicons-pressthis' => 'f157',
'dashicons-update' => 'f463',
'dashicons-screenoptions' => 'f180',
'dashicons-info' => 'f348',
'dashicons-cart' => 'f174',
'dashicons-feedback' => 'f175',
'dashicons-cloud' => 'f176',
'dashicons-translation' => 'f326',
'dashicons-tag' => 'f323',
'dashicons-category' => 'f318',
'dashicons-archive' => 'f480',
'dashicons-tagcloud' => 'f479',
'dashicons-text' => 'f478',
'dashicons-yes' => 'f147',
'dashicons-no' => 'f158',
'dashicons-no-alt' => 'f335',
'dashicons-plus' => 'f132',
'dashicons-plus-alt' => 'f502',
'dashicons-minus' => 'f460',
'dashicons-dismiss' => 'f153',
'dashicons-marker' => 'f159',
'dashicons-star-filled' => 'f155',
'dashicons-star-half' => 'f459',
'dashicons-star-empty' => 'f154',
'dashicons-flag' => 'f227',
'dashicons-warning' => 'f534',
'dashicons-location' => 'f230',
'dashicons-location-alt' => 'f231',
'dashicons-vault' => 'f178',
'dashicons-shield' => 'f332',
'dashicons-shield-alt' => 'f334',
'dashicons-sos' => 'f468',
'dashicons-search' => 'f179',
'dashicons-slides' => 'f181',
'dashicons-analytics' => 'f183',
'dashicons-chart-pie' => 'f184',
'dashicons-chart-bar' => 'f185',
'dashicons-chart-line' => 'f238',
'dashicons-chart-area' => 'f239',
'dashicons-groups' => 'f307',
'dashicons-businessman' => 'f338',
'dashicons-id' => 'f336',
'dashicons-id-alt' => 'f337',
'dashicons-products' => 'f312',
'dashicons-awards' => 'f313',
'dashicons-forms' => 'f314',
'dashicons-testimonial' => 'f473',
'dashicons-portfolio' => 'f322',
'dashicons-book' => 'f330',
'dashicons-book-alt' => 'f331',
'dashicons-download' => 'f316',
'dashicons-upload' => 'f317',
'dashicons-backup' => 'f321',
'dashicons-clock' => 'f469',
'dashicons-lightbulb' => 'f339',
'dashicons-microphone' => 'f482',
'dashicons-desktop' => 'f472',
'dashicons-laptop' => 'f547',
'dashicons-tablet' => 'f471',
'dashicons-smartphone' => 'f470',
'dashicons-phone' => 'f525',
'dashicons-index-card' => 'f510',
'dashicons-carrot' => 'f511',
'dashicons-building' => 'f512',
'dashicons-store' => 'f513',
'dashicons-album' => 'f514',
'dashicons-palmtree' => 'f527',
'dashicons-tickets-alt' => 'f524',
'dashicons-money' => 'f526',
'dashicons-smiley' => 'f328',
'dashicons-thumbs-up' => 'f529',
'dashicons-thumbs-down' => 'f542',
'dashicons-layout' => 'f538',
'dashicons-paperclip' => 'f546'
$args = array(
'public' => true ,
'_builtin' => false
$output = 'object';
$operator = 'and';
$post_types = get_post_types( $args , $output , $operator );
$style = '<style type="text/css">';
foreach( $post_types as $post_type ) {
$style .= '#dashboard_right_now li.' . $post_type->name . '-count a:before, #dashboard_right_now span.' . $post_type->name . '-count:before { content: "\\' . $dashicons[$post_type->menu_icon] . '"; }';
$style .= '</style>';
echo $style;
add_action( 'admin_head', 'qubical_fix_glance_icon' );
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