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Created March 4, 2023 21:30
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Godot Plugins: Get the full property path from the Inspector panel including nested resource inspectors (4.x)
extends EditorPlugin
var last_path := []
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
# Optimally just do this on button press or connected to a signal
var new_path := get_inspector_full_selected_path()
# Don't flood the console
if not new_path == last_path:
last_path = new_path
func get_inspector_full_selected_path() -> Array[String]:
var full_path: Array[String] = [""]
var insp := get_editor_interface().get_inspector()
full_path[0] = insp.get_selected_path()
full_path = get_inspector_nested_selected_path(insp, 0, full_path)
return full_path
func get_inspector_nested_selected_path(node: Node, index: int, full_path: Array[String]) -> Array[String]:
for child in node.get_children():
# Every property. Exclude categories and so on
# EditorPropertyResource is not exposed to scripting, can't check for that
if child is EditorProperty:
# But it is the only prop with an EditorResourcePicker, check for that
if child.get_child(0) is EditorResourcePicker:
# Check if the parent property is the same as the one at the
# previous step in the path.
var parent_editor_property: String = child.label.to_lower().replace(" ", "_")
if not parent_editor_property == full_path[index]:
# If the picker is closed, the inspector is removed as child
if child.get_child_count() > 1:
# The EditorInspector is inside a container as well
var nested_inspector: EditorInspector = child.get_child(1).get_child(0)
var path := nested_inspector.get_selected_path()
if not path == "":
# Shift the position in the array and set it to the current path
index += 1
full_path.resize(index +1)
full_path[index] = path
# Recurse for every child
get_inspector_nested_selected_path(child, index, full_path)
return full_path
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