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Created February 20, 2023 18:36
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  • Save QueenOfSquiggles/1a2066a2aa3c09aa834f5d4167cbcc19 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A short GDScript (2.0) script to pull all currently available versions of the Godot editor, automatically
extends Control # arbitrary. This could extend literally anything
@onready var http := $HTTPRequest # this could be replaced with a code generated node, but I like having a scene tree in-editor
const DOWNLOAD_REPO := ""
var known_versions := []
func _ready() -> void:
var err = http.request(DOWNLOAD_REPO)
if err != OK:
push_error("HTTP Request Failed: " + str(err))
func _handle_request(result: int, response_code: int, headers: PackedStringArray, body: PackedByteArray) -> void:
if result == OK:
func parse_body(body : PackedByteArray) -> void:
var xml :=
xml.open_buffer(body) # body is the HTML information of the web page. Because the page is simple and HTML is basically XML, this works to pull meaningful information from the website
var err = OK
while err == OK:
err =
if xml.get_node_type() != XMLParser.NODE_ELEMENT: # we only care about hyperlink nodes: <a>
var n := xml.get_node_name()
if n == 'a' and xml.get_named_attribute_value_safe("href").contains('.'): # strip non-version links
var link := xml.get_named_attribute_value_safe("href")
if link.begins_with(".."): # skip the parent directory link
# at this point all known versions are available. Do with that as you will. The links can load the specific version page
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