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Last active July 3, 2021 20:23
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My Websites

This is my first website, a website for my YT-Channel. Every youtuber and streamer who I had cutted a video for (Best Ofs) are listed. My YT-Channel is in german.

Riggler Scud is a mini-game/browser-game where your reaction speed is required. It was made for the Nintendo-Youtuber Dävid. It is a new version of my old game 'Rounded Leap'.

This is the original version.

This simple webpage is a webpage in which you can guess my number between 0 and 100.

Simple Calculator with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (+-*/)

This website can translate celsius, fahrenheit and kelvin. Enter your temperature!

In this reaction game you have to click the shapes as fast as possible. The stopwatch-number is rising up.. Have fun!

This is a simple game coded in native JS. You have to reach 50 Points to beat it. Good Luck!

In this version you can play the simple Brick-Breaker-Game with additional settings!

This website is a presentation in german about computer-language. You have to press Enter to load new content.

This site is visualizing the construction in the field of cytology.

This is a timer (dafault 5 min). Change the timer value in the URL with '?min=num' after the domain. Example: ""

This shows you the time of day ^^

In this website you play rock paper scissors! Have luck! 😀😁

This website has a interesting wave. You can controll the wave by mouse.

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