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Last active December 5, 2023 23:24
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Transformer Training/Inference Memory
import argparse
import math
# Helper function to pretty-print message sizes
def convert_params(params):
if params == 0:
return "0"
size_name = ("", "K", "M", "B", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y")
i = int(math.floor(math.log(params, 1000)))
p = math.pow(1000, i)
s = round(params / p, 2)
return "%s %s" % (s, size_name[i])
def config_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--params", "-p",
help='Number of Parameters')
help='Number of GPUs used for training')
parser.add_argument("--tensor-parallel-size", "-tp",
help='Tensor parallel degree (1 if not used)')
parser.add_argument("--pipeline-parallel-size", "-pp",
help='Pipeline parallel degree (1 if not used)')
parser.add_argument("--partition-activations", "-pa",
help='Whether we use ZeRO-R to partition activation memory across tensor-parallel degree')
parser.add_argument("--zero-stage", "-z",
help='Stage of the ZeRO optimizer')
parser.add_argument("--checkpoint-activations", "-ca",
help='Whether Megatron-style activation checkpointing is being used')
parser.add_argument("--batch-size-per-gpu", "-b",
help='Batch size per GPU')
parser.add_argument("--hidden-size", "-hs",
help='Dimension of the model\'s hidden size')
parser.add_argument("--num-attention-heads", "-a",
help='Number of attention heads used in model')
parser.add_argument("--sequence-length", "-s",
help='Sequence length used for training')
parser.add_argument("--num-layers", "-l",
help='Number of transformer layers used in model')
help='Whether model is stored in fp32')
help='Whether grads are stored in fp32')
parser.add_argument("--zero-allgather-bucket-size", "-zbs",
help='Size of allgather buckets used by ZeRO')
parser.add_argument("--zero3-max-live-params", "-zmlp",
help='Maximum number of parameters ZeRO3 keeps in GPU memory')
help='Miscellaneous memory overhead by DL framework(s), communication libraries, etc')
help="whether we're doing inference")
return parser
# calculates the total memory necessary for training a model
def calc_mem(args):
dp_degree = args.num_gpus / (args.tensor_parallel_size * args.pipeline_parallel_size)
# 4 bytes in fp32, 2 bytes in fp16/bf16
if args.fp32_model:
bytes_per_param = 4
bytes_per_param = 2
# Split the model with 3D parallelism
model_mem = (args.params * bytes_per_param) / (args.tensor_parallel_size * args.pipeline_parallel_size)
# ZeRO stage 3 shards the model parameters across GPUs (plus the gradients and optimizer states)
if args.zero_stage == 3:
model_mem /= args.num_gpus
# 4 bytes in fp32, 2 bytes in fp16/bf16
if args.fp32_grads:
bytes_per_grad_element = 4
bytes_per_grad_element = 2
gradient_mem = args.params * bytes_per_grad_element
# ZeRO stage 2 shards the gradients across GPUs (plus the optimizer states)
if args.zero_stage >= 2:
gradient_mem /= args.num_gpus
gradient_mem /= args.pipeline_parallel_size
# For fp32 Adam/AdamW, the optimizer just stores momentum and variance (4 + 4 = 8 bytes per optimizer parameter)
# For mixed-precision Adam/AdamW, the optimizer must store fp32 copies of the parameters, momentum, and variance (4 + 4 + 4 = 12 bytes per optimizer parameter)
# Feel free to change the multiplier for your optimizer (examples include SGD (4 + 4 = 8) and 8-bit ADAM (2 + 2 + 2 = 6)
if args.fp32_model:
optimizer_mem = args.params * 8
optimizer_mem = args.params * 12
# ZeRO stage 3 shards the optimizer states across GPUs
if args.zero_stage >= 1:
optimizer_mem /= args.num_gpus
communication_mem = 0
# The size of the communication buffer DeepSpeed uses to store ZeRO optimizer elements
if args.zero_stage >= 1:
communication_mem += args.zero_allgather_bucket_size * bytes_per_param
# The number of parameters ZeRO-3 keeps alive in GPU memory at a time
if args.zero_stage == 3:
communication_mem += args.zero3_max_live_params * bytes_per_param
# Taken from Table 2 in
# We find these don't perfectly match with experiment, but are good approximations
if args.checkpoint_activations:
activation_mem = args.sequence_length * args.batch_size_per_gpu * args.hidden_size * args.num_layers * (10 + (24 / args.tensor_parallel_size))
activation_mem = args.sequence_length * args.batch_size_per_gpu * args.hidden_size * args.num_layers * (10 + (24 / args.tensor_parallel_size) + 5 * ((args.num_attention_heads * args.sequence_length) / (args.hidden_size * args.tensor_parallel_size)))
# DeepSpeed's ZeRO-R partitions activation memory across tensor-parallel GPUs
if args.partition_activations:
activation_mem /= args.tensor_parallel_size
if args.infer:
if args.fp32_model:
bytes_per_param = 4
bytes_per_param = 2
kv_cache_mem = bytes_per_param * 2 * args.num_layers * args.num_attention_heads * (args.hidden_size / args.num_attention_heads) * args.sequence_length
# We include a "Miscellaneous Memory" term because we find some 3D-parallel frameworks add a constant memory overhead (~5GB in our experiments with Megatron-DeepSpeed) that we cannot explain. If you know the source of this, add a comment!
gradient_mem_gb = gradient_mem / 1024**3
activation_mem_gb = activation_mem / 1024**3
model_mem_gb = model_mem / 1024**3
optimizer_mem_gb = optimizer_mem / 1024**3
communication_mem_gb = communication_mem / 1024**3
if args.infer:
kv_cache_mem_gb = kv_cache_mem / 1024**3
if args.infer:
total_mem_gb = kv_cache_mem_gb + model_mem_gb + args.misc_mem_gb
total_mem_gb = activation_mem_gb + gradient_mem_gb + model_mem_gb + optimizer_mem_gb + communication_mem_gb + args.misc_mem_gb
print(f'Calculating memory with training configuration: {vars(args)}\n')
print(f'Number of Parameters: {convert_params(args.params)}')
print(f'Model Memory: {model_mem_gb:.2f} GB')
if args.infer:
print(f'KV Cache Memory: {kv_cache_mem_gb:.2f} GB')
print(f'Gradient Memory: {gradient_mem_gb:.2f} GB')
print(f'Activation Memory: {activation_mem_gb:.2f} GB')
print(f'Optimizer Memory: {optimizer_mem_gb:.2f} GB')
print(f'Communication Memory: {communication_mem_gb:.2f} GB')
print(f'Miscellaneous Memory: {args.misc_mem_gb:.2f} GB')
if args.infer:
print(f'Total Memory Required for Inference: {total_mem_gb:.2f} GB')
print(f'Total Memory Required for Training: {total_mem_gb:.2f} GB')
if __name__ == "__main__":
print('\nExample with pythia 6.9B: python --num-layers=32 --sequence-length=2048 --num-attention-heads=32 --hidden-size=4096 --batch-size-per-gpu=8 --checkpoint-activations --zero-stage=1 --partition-activations --pipeline-parallel-size=1 --tensor-parallel-size=2 --num-gpus=128 --params=6900000000')
print('Example with pythia 12B: python --num-layers=36 --sequence-length=2048 --num-attention-heads=40 --hidden-size=5120 --batch-size-per-gpu=8 --checkpoint-activations --zero-stage=1 --partition-activations --pipeline-parallel-size=1 --tensor-parallel-size=4 --num-gpus=256 --params=11849420800')
print('Example with default 20B: python --num-layers=44 --sequence-length=2048 --num-attention-heads=64 --hidden-size=6144 --batch-size-per-gpu=1 --checkpoint-activations --zero-stage=1 --partition-activations --pipeline-parallel-size=1 --tensor-parallel-size=1 --num-gpus=1 --params=20000000000\n')
args = config_parser().parse_args()
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Anindyadeep commented Oct 16, 2023

Hi, I was doing the calculations for the codellama 34 B model. Here was what I found

Calculating memory with training configuration: {'params': 34000000000, 'num_gpus': 16, 'tensor_parallel_size': 1, 'pipeline_parallel_size': 1, 'partition_activations': False, 'zero_stage': 3, 'checkpoint_activations': False, 'batch_size_per_gpu': 1, 'hidden_size': 8192, 'num_attention_heads': 64, 'sequence_length': 2048, 'num_layers': 48, 'fp32_model': False, 'fp32_grads': False, 'zero_allgather_bucket_size': 500000000.0, 'zero3_max_live_params': 1000000000.0, 'misc_mem_gb': 0}

Number of Parameters: 34.0 B
Gradient Memory: 3.96 GB
Activation Memory: 85.50 GB
Model Memory: 3.96 GB
Optimizer Memory: 23.75 GB
Communication Memory: 2.79 GB
Miscellaneous Memory: 0.00 GB
Total Memory Required for Training: 119.96 GB

I did this by taking the reference from this config.json. Pasting it here also (for any cross-checks)

  | "architectures": [
  | "LlamaForCausalLM"
  | ],
  | "bos_token_id": 1,
  | "eos_token_id": 2,
  | "hidden_act": "silu",
  | "hidden_size": 8192,
  | "initializer_range": 0.02,
  | "intermediate_size": 22016,
  | "max_position_embeddings": 16384,
  | "model_type": "llama",
  | "num_attention_heads": 64,
  | "num_hidden_layers": 48,
  | "num_key_value_heads": 8,
  | "pretraining_tp": 1,
  | "rms_norm_eps": 1e-05,
  | "rope_scaling": null,
  | "rope_theta": 1000000,
  | "tie_word_embeddings": false,
  | "torch_dtype": "bfloat16",
  | "transformers_version": "4.32.0.dev0",
  | "use_cache": true,
  | "vocab_size": 32000
  | }

It would be awesome if you could answer some of my doubts

  1. When it says: Total Memory Required for Training: 119.96 GB Does it mean that for all the 16 GPUs, it will be 119 GB then each GPU should consume around 19 GB? Or it say the memory by each GPU is 119 GB?

  2. I was also reading this blog of fine-tuning 180 B parameter model using LoRA and here was the spec

- Number of nodes: 2
- Number of GPUs per node: 8
- GPU type: A100
- GPU memory: 80 GB
- intra node connection: NV-link
- RAM per node: 1 TB
- CPU cores per node: 96
- inter-node connection: Elastic Fabric Adapter

I actually wanted to tally this information and the following calculation to understand the optimal number of GPUs I will be needing for optimal cost. Can you give me some pointers here on how to approach that.


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Hey there!

  1. Total Memory Required for Training gives the per-GPU memory overhead. It looks like most of your memory is in activations, and that they are not checkpointed, which is a very unusual usecase? My guess is that you'll be using a framework with activation checkpointing, so you should run with -ca. Note that my activation checkpointing formula at assumes you're using Megatron-based activation checkpointing like that introduced in, so your actual value may differ.
  2. LoRA finetuning will not require the same memory overhead as my gist here is calculating, so I'm not sure it will be helpful to you.

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Hey, thanks for the quick reply

  1. So, yes I actually forgot to turn on this flag. And now it shows something like this
Number of Parameters: 34.0 B
Gradient Memory: 3.96 GB
Activation Memory: 25.50 GB
Model Memory: 3.96 GB
Optimizer Memory: 23.75 GB
Communication Memory: 2.79 GB
Miscellaneous Memory: 0.00 GB
Total Memory Required for Training: 59.96 GB

Which makes much more sense.

  1. At least I got the upper bound here, so that helps

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