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ID;Active (0/1);Name *;Parent category;Root category (0/1);Description;Meta title;Meta keywords;Meta description;URL rewritten;Image URL
100;1;Normal;Home;0;;Meta title-normal;Meta keywords-normal;Meta description-normal;normal;
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102;1;Flying;Home;0;;Meta title-flying;Meta keywords-flying;Meta description-flying;flying;
103;1;Poison;Home;0;;Meta title-poison;Meta keywords-poison;Meta description-poison;poison;
104;1;Ground;Home;0;;Meta title-ground;Meta keywords-ground;Meta description-ground;ground;
105;1;Rock;Home;0;;Meta title-rock;Meta keywords-rock;Meta description-rock;rock;
106;1;Bug;Home;0;;Meta title-bug;Meta keywords-bug;Meta description-bug;bug;
107;1;Ghost;Home;0;;Meta title-ghost;Meta keywords-ghost;Meta description-ghost;ghost;
108;1;Steel;Home;0;;Meta title-steel;Meta keywords-steel;Meta description-steel;steel;
109;1;Fire;Home;0;;Meta title-fire;Meta keywords-fire;Meta description-fire;fire;
110;1;Water;Home;0;;Meta title-water;Meta keywords-water;Meta description-water;water;
111;1;Grass;Home;0;;Meta title-grass;Meta keywords-grass;Meta description-grass;grass;
112;1;Electric;Home;0;;Meta title-electric;Meta keywords-electric;Meta description-electric;electric;
113;1;Psychic;Home;0;;Meta title-psychic;Meta keywords-psychic;Meta description-psychic;psychic;
114;1;Ice;Home;0;;Meta title-ice;Meta keywords-ice;Meta description-ice;ice;
115;1;Dragon;Home;0;;Meta title-dragon;Meta keywords-dragon;Meta description-dragon;dragon;
116;1;Dark;Home;0;;Meta title-dark;Meta keywords-dark;Meta description-dark;dark;
117;1;Fairy;Home;0;;Meta title-fairy;Meta keywords-fairy;Meta description-fairy;fairy;
10001;1;Unknown;Home;0;;Meta title-unknown;Meta keywords-unknown;Meta description-unknown;unknown;
10002;1;Shadow;Home;0;;Meta title-shadow;Meta keywords-shadow;Meta description-shadow;shadow;
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
ID;Active (0/1);Name;Categories (x,y,z...);Price tax excluded or Price tax included;Tax rules ID;Cost Price;On sale;Discount amount;width;height;weight;Quantity;Minimal quantity;Description;Meta title;Meta keywords;Meta description;Rewritten URL;Label when in stock;Label when backorder allowed;Available for order (0 = No, 1 = Yes);Image URLs (x,y,z...)
1;1;Bulbasaur;Poison,Grass;237;1;189,88;0;2;19,2631884058;7;69;808;1;"Bulbasaur is a small, quadrupedal amphibian Pokémon that has blue-green skin with darker patches. It has red eyes with white pupils, pointed, ear-like structures on top of its head, and a short, blunt snout with a wide mouth. A pair of small, pointed teeth are visible in the upper jaw when its mouth is open. Each of its thick legs ends with three sharp claws. On Bulbasaur's back is a green plant bulb, which is grown from a seed planted there at birth. The bulb also conceals two slender, tentacle-like vines and provides it with energy through photosynthesis as well as from the nutrient-rich seeds contained within.
As mentioned in the anime, starter Pokémon are raised by Breeders to be distributed to new Trainers. Having been domesticated from birth, Bulbasaur is regarded as both a rare and well-behaved Pokémon. It is known to be extremely loyal, even after long-term abandonment. Bulbasaur in the anime have demonstrated a nurturing instinct towards younger, weaker Pokémon, one individual even using its vines to pick up a crying Pokémon, gently rocking it back and forth through the air while singing a ″Bulba-by.″
It is found in grasslands and forests throughout the Kanto region. However, due to Bulbasaur's status as starter Pokémon, it is hard to come by in the wild and generally found under the ownership of a Trainer. It has been observed that a Bulbasaur's bulb will flash blue when it is ready to evolve. If it does not want to evolve, it struggles to resist the transformation. Many Bulbasaur gather every year in a hidden garden in Kanto to evolve into Ivysaur in a ceremony led by a Venusaur.
";bulbasaur;bulbasaur;bulbasaur;bulbasaur;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
2;1;Ivysaur;Poison,Grass;309;2;247,45;1;7;19,0346153846;10;130;574;1;"Ivysaur is a quadrupedal amphibian Pokémon that has blue-green skin with darker patches. On top of its head are pointed ears with black insides and it has narrow red eyes. Ivysaur has a short, rounded snout with a wide mouth and two pointed teeth in its upper jaw. Each of its feet has three claws on them. The bulb on its back has bloomed into a large pink bud. A short brown trunk surrounded by leafy green fronds supports the bud.
The weight of the plant prevents Ivysaur from running fast and standing on its hind legs and forces its legs to grow sturdy. When its flower is ready to bloom, it gives off a distinct, strong sweet-smelling aroma and starts swelling. Ivysaur will also start spending more time in sunlight in preparation for its upcoming evolution. Exposure to sunlight adds to the strength of both Ivysaur and its plant. Ivysaur's natural habitat is plains.
";ivysaur;ivysaur;ivysaur;ivysaur;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
3;1;Venusaur;Poison,Grass;410;1;328,25;1;6;6,565;20;1000;292;1;" Venusaur with its bulb closedVenusaur is a squat, quadrupedal amphibian Pokémon with bumpy, blue-green skin. It has small, circular red eyes, a short, blunt snout, and a wide mouth with two pointed teeth in the upper jaw and four in the lower jaw. On top of its head are small, pointed ears with reddish pink insides. It has three clawed toes on each foot. The bud on its back has bloomed into a large pink, white-spotted flower. The flower is supported by a thick, brown trunk surrounded by green fronds. A female Venusaur will have a seed in the center of its flower.
Venusaur uses its flower to catch the sun's rays to convert them into energy, which causes the flower to become more vibrant. The flower releases a soothing scent that attracts Pokémon and calms emotions. This scent becomes stronger after a rainy day. In the anime, Venusaur has demonstrated the ability to manipulate nature, release several vines from its back, and lead evolution ceremonies for Bulbasaur and Ivysaur. This Pokémon is rarely found in the wild, but it has been known to inhabit grasslands.
As Mega Venusaur, the flower on its back grows larger and two smaller pink flowers bloom, one on its forehead and one on its rear. The weight of the flower causes its legs and back to become sturdier in order to support it. Additional leaves with woody stems, which are supported by vines, are grown around the flower. Mega Venusaur also develops dark markings on its forehead below the new flower.
As Gigantamax Venusaur, it becomes larger with its flower blooming even further to the point of covering its body. The eyes change to an orange with light green sclera. It gains several more green leaves along with more petals. The top of the bud becomes longer with three red clouds surrounding it while the trunk shortens. It has several light green markings located at its belly.
Its petals have become thick and springy to the point of defecting halfhearted attacks. It uses the petals as a shield while attacking with its thick vines. Gigantamax Venusaur's vines are powerful enough to topple down a 10-story building, while Venusaur's flower can spread enough pollen similar to a volcano eruption. Breathing in this pollen can cause uncontrollable sneezing and inhaling large amounts can even cause fainting. However, this pollen also promotes plant growth in areas where it lands.[1].
Frenzy Plant was its signature move in the past. Gigantamax Venusaur is the only known Pokémon capable of using the exclusive G-Max Move G-Max Vine Lash.
";venusaur;venusaur;venusaur;venusaur;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
4;1;Charmander;Fire;251;2;200,99;0;5;14,1875294118;6;85;814;1;"Charmander is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon with a primarily orange body and blue eyes. Its underside from the chest down and the soles of its feet are cream-colored. It has two small fangs visible in its upper jaw and two smaller fangs in its lower jaw. A fire burns at the tip of this Pokémon's slender tail and has blazed there since Charmander's birth. The flame can be used as an indication of Charmander's health and mood, burning brightly when the Pokémon is strong, weakly when it is exhausted, wavering when it is happy, and blazing when it is enraged. It is said that Charmander dies if its flame goes out. However, if the Pokémon is healthy, the flame will continue to burn even if it gets a bit wet and is said to steam in the rain.
Charmander can be found in hot, mountainous areas. However, it is found far more often in the ownership of Trainers. As shown in Pokémon Snap, Charmander exhibits pack behavior, calling others of its species if it finds food.
";charmander;charmander;charmander;charmander;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
5;1;Charmeleon;Fire;328;2;262,6;0;4;15,2031578947;11;190;574;1;"Charmeleon is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon. It has dark red scales and a cream underside from the chest down. It has blue eyes and a long snout with a slightly hooked tip. On the back of its head is a single horn-like protrusion. It has relatively long arms with three sharp claws. Its short legs have plantigrade feet with three claws and cream-colored soles. The tip of its long, powerful tail has a flame burning on it. The temperature rises to unbearable levels if Charmeleon swings its tail.
Charmeleon has a vicious nature and will constantly seek out opponents. Strong opponents excite this Pokémon, causing it to spout bluish-white flames that torch its surroundings. However, it will relax once it has won a battle. It is rare in the wild, but it can be found in mountainous areas.
";charmeleon;charmeleon;charmeleon;charmeleon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
6;1;Charizard;Flying,Fire;429;2;343,4;1;7;6,4506077348;17;905;280;1;" Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y.Charizard is a draconic, bipedal Pokémon. It is primarily orange with a cream underside from the chest to the tip of its tail. It has a long neck, small blue eyes, slightly raised nostrils, and two horn-like structures protruding from the back of its rectangular head. There are two fangs visible in the upper jaw when its mouth is closed. Two large wings with blue-green undersides sprout from its back, and a horn-like appendage juts out from the top of the third joint of each wing. A single wing-finger is visible through the center of each wing membrane. Charizard's arms are short and skinny compared to its robust belly, and each limb has three white claws. It has stocky legs with cream-colored soles on each of its plantigrade feet. The tip of its long, tapering tail burns with a sizable flame.
Charizard has two Mega Forms. Both feature a shorter snout, white, vertical slit pupils, and a bright underside reaching the lower jaw.
As Mega Charizard X, its body and legs are more physically fit, though its arms remain thin. Its skin turns black with a sky-blue underside and soles. Two spikes with blue tips curve upward from the front and back of each shoulder, while the tips of its horns sharpen, turn blue, and curve slightly upward. Its brow and claws are larger, and its eyes are now red. It has two small, fin-like spikes under each horn and two more down its lower neck. The finger disappears from the wing membrane, and the lower edges are divided into large, rounded points. The third joint of each wing-arm is adorned with a claw-like spike. Mega Charizard X breathes blue flames out the sides of its mouth, and the flame on its tail now burns blue. It is said that its new power turns it black and creates more intense flames.
As Mega Charizard Y, it becomes sleeker in appearance but retains its normal coloration. It has three pointed horns on the back of its head, the middle of which is longer. Its snout has larger fangs and a ridge on the nose. Its neck is shorter, but its torso is thinner and longer. It features longer digitigrade feet. Its hands are less developed, with extremely shortened fingers that are no longer separated from each other. Small wings develop on its wrists, while the ones on its back become larger, lose the wing finger passing through their membrane and end up with ragged edges. The back of its tail has a large spike at the base and three smaller ones near the tip, which now burns with a longer flame. Mega Charizard Y is said to have incredible flying prowess that is greater than a jet fighter.
As Gigantamax Charizard, it becomes larger and physically fit. The lower part of its body glows white with several yellow diamonds located on the lower belly. There are also diamond-shaped spots located on the front legs. The claws located on its hand and feet become longer and sharper. The feet become longer and digitigrade, retaining small glowing soles under the forefeet. The wings are transformed into literal flame wings extending to the shoulder blade and two flames sprout from the horns. The colossal flamed wings were created from the energy of Gigantamaxing. The sclera of the eyes becomes yellow. The glow of a flame can be seen in the mouth, and the teeth grow, with the lower front teeth and three teeth in the middle now protruding when the mouth is closed. The flame on the tail extends out and has three red clouds surrounding it, like the clouds most other Gigantamax Pokémon have. The flames within Gigantamax Charizard burns hotter than 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit. When it roars, the temperature can climb to even higher lengths. The wings are capable of being hotter than magma which Charizard uses to burn its opponents.[1]
Charizard flies in search of powerful opponents to battle, and its fire will burn hotter as it gains experience. Its fiery breath is capable of melting boulders, massive glaciers, and has been known to accidentally cause forest fires. Though its fiery breath is hot, it never turns it on any opponent weaker than itself. In the past, Blast Burn was its signature move. Charizard typically inhabits mountains and valleys, such as the Charicific Valley in Johto. The anime has shown that only a weak Charizard would show off its power. It also showed that Charizard can swim underwater, with Pokémon Origins further showing that the flame on the tip of the tail can still keep burning underwater. The wings of Charizard can carry it to an altitude of 4,600 feet (1,400 meters).
Gigantamax Charizard is the only known Pokémon capable of using the exclusive G-Max Move G-Max Wildfire.
";charizard;charizard;charizard;charizard;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
7;1;Squirtle;Water;253;2;202;0;6;11,2222222222;5;90;811;1;" Squirtle in its shellSquirtle is a small reptilian Pokémon that resembles a light-blue turtle. While it typically walks on its two short legs, it has been shown to run on all fours in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It has large, purplish or reddish eyes and a slightly hooked upper lip. Each of its hands and feet have three pointed digits. The end of its long tail curls inward. Its body is encased by a tough shell that forms and hardens after birth. This shell is brown on the top, pale yellow on the bottom, and has a thick white ridge between the two halves.
Squirtle's shell is a useful tool. It can withdraw into the shell for protection or to sleep. The grooved, rounded shape helps to reduce water resistance, allowing the Pokémon to swim at high speeds. Squirtle can spray foamy water from its mouth with great accuracy. Squirtle is scarce in the wild, although it can be found around small ponds and lakes. The anime has shown that it can be found living on secluded islands with other members of its evolutionary line. In the past, Skull Bash was its signature move. Sharpedo is a natural predator of Squirtle.
";squirtle;squirtle;squirtle;squirtle;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
8;1;Wartortle;Water;328;1;262,6;1;8;11,6711111111;10;225;574;1;"Wartortle is a bipedal, indigo reptilian Pokémon similar to a turtle. It has brown eyes, a dark blue streak on each cheek, and two sharp teeth protruding from its upper jaw. It has three clawed fingers and pointed toes. On each side of its head are feather-like ears covered in pale blue fur. A brown shell with a pale yellow underside encases its body. A thick, white rim separates the upper and lower halves of the shell. An older Wartortle may have scars and algae growing on its shell. Poking out of the bottom of the shell is a thick, wavy tail that also has light blue fur and cannot be fully withdrawn into its shell. Its tail fur will darken with age. Its tail is a popular symbol of longevity and good luck, making this Pokémon popular with the elderly.
Because they are larger than Squirtle and have a larger shell, Wartortle have a more difficult time walking on land and keeping their balance in the water. To maintain balance while swimming at high speeds, Wartortle moves its furry ears and tail as both rudders and balancing rods. Air can be stored in its fur for extended underwater diving. It hides in water when hunting and emerges to surprise its prey. The anime has shown that Wartortle can be found living in colonies on islands, but its preferred habitat seems to be freshwater ponds and lakes. In the past, Skull Bash was its signature move.
";wartortle;wartortle;wartortle;wartortle;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
9;1;Blastoise;Water;429;2;343,4;0;8;6,4261988304;16;855;283;1;"Blastoise is a large, bipedal turtle Pokémon. Its body is blue and is mostly hidden by its tough, brown shell. This shell has a cream-colored underside and a white ridge encircling its arms and separating the upper and lower halves. Two powerful water cannons reside at the top of its shell over its shoulders. These cannons can be extended or withdrawn. Blastoise's head has triangular ears that are black on the inside, small brown eyes, and a cream-colored lower jaw. Its arms are thick, and it has three claws on each hand. Its feet have three claws on the front and one on the back. Poking out of the bottom of its shell is a stubby tail.
The powerful cannons on this Pokémon's back are capable of producing water blasts that can pierce steel and concrete and can be used for high-speed charges. Blastoise deliberately makes itself heavy to withstand these powerful blasts and to crush its opponents. It has two former signature moves, Skull Bash and Hydro Cannon. The anime has shown that Blastoise can take the role of a leader in large groups of Squirtle and Wartortle. Its preferred habitat seems to be freshwater ponds and lakes.
As Mega Blastoise, it develops two smaller shells over its arms, each with their own water cannon. The two cannons on its back are replaced by a single, central water cannon of greater size that can retract into its shell. This cannon extends forward over Mega Blastoise's head and is said to have a blast range of over 6 miles (10 kilometers).[1] Small ridges develop over its now-red eyes and extend to its ears. The ears angle slightly backward and there is a small point on its chin.
As Gigantamax Blastoise, it becomes larger. The pupils become white with bright blue sclera. The blue arms, head, and legs change to light blue. The underside of the shell is now colored dark red. The shell transforms into a battleship-like shell with 31 cannons of different sizes. Sets of twin cannons emerge from hexagon or rectangle-shaped holes within the shell. Several white triangle spots are located on its tail and legs. Three red clouds surround the main cannon.
Gigantamax Blastoise can adapt to any situation using various cannon combinations. It never aims in battle as it prefers to overwhelm its opponent by launching dynamic, powerful torrents from its cannons. The main reason is due to it being unable to do precision shooting. According to one legend, its main cannon is so staggeringly powerful it can blast holes through the mountains. Gigantamax Blastoise can also move its 12 cannons surrounding the main cannon individually to attack in any direction it aligns[2].
Gigantamax Blastoise is the only known Pokémon capable of using the exclusive G-Max Move G-Max Cannonade.
";blastoise;blastoise;blastoise;blastoise;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
10;1;Caterpie;Bug;196;1;156,55;1;8;16,1948275862;3;29;883;1;" Caterpie emitting a terrible stenchCaterpie is an insect Pokémon that resembles a green caterpillar with a yellow underside and teardrop-shaped tail. There are yellow ring-shaped markings down the sides of its segmented body, which resemble its eyes and are meant to scare off predators. Its most notable characteristic is the bright red antenna (osmeterium) on its head, which releases a stench to repel predators. Despite these features and its camouflage in green foliage, Caterpie is often preyed upon by Flying-type Pokémon. Its four tiny feet are tipped with suction cups, permitting this Pokémon to scale most surfaces with minimal effort.
Caterpie is easy to capture and grows quickly, making it ideal for new Trainers.
As Caterpie grow and develop over time, it will shed its skin many times before finally cocooning itself in thick silk. It can also spit this silk in order to entangle foes as seen in the anime. It has a voracious appetite, which drives it to eat a hundred leaves a day. It will even eat leaves bigger than itself. According to Pokémon Adventures, its favorite food is the Vermilion flower. Caterpie lives in temperate forests and jungles.
";caterpie;caterpie;caterpie;caterpie;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
11;1;Metapod;Bug;196;2;156,55;1;3;11,0691919192;7;99;784;1;"Metapod is an insect Pokémon that resembles a green chrysalis. Its body is crescent-shaped with several segments making up the lower point. The front of Metapod's shell resembles a face with heavy-lidded eyes and a sharply pointed nose. The back of its shell consists of several geometrically shaped portions and projections.
Metapod's soft body is protected by a hard outer shell while it undergoes metamorphosis. While this shell is said to be as hard as steel, a sudden, powerful impact could cause its liquid innards to pop out, leaving it completely exposed. Metapod generally remains motionless, rebuilding its cells for evolution. If an enemy discovers Metapod, it is unable to do anything other than harden its outer shell. Metapod lives in temperate forests and jungles. Pikipek is a natural predator of Metapod.
";metapod;metapod;metapod;metapod;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
12;1;Butterfree;Flying,Bug;284;1;227,25;1;6;7,81171875;11;320;481;1;"Butterfree is a lepidopteran insect Pokémon which resembles a vaguely anthropomorphic butterfly with a purple body. Unlike true insects, it only has two body segments and four light blue legs. The upper pair of legs resemble small, three-fingered hands, while the lower pair resembles long, digit-less feet. Butterfree has two black antennae, a light blue snout with two fangs underneath, and large, red compound eyes. The red compound eyes at a closer look are reveled to be myriad of tiny eyes. Its two pairs of wings are white with black venation. Two oval scales on a female Butterfree's lower wings are black, but they are white on a male.
The wings of Butterfree are coated with poisonous scales that easily fall off continuously as it flies. If inhaled, it results in several status conditions. It will defend Caterpie from bird Pokémon using this powder. This powder also repels water, enabling it to gather honey even in the rain. Butterfree can use its sensitive antenna to detect the odors of blooming flowers six miles (ten kilometers) from its nest in search of nectar, which it carries with the hairs of its legs. Sometimes, it has territorial disputes with Cutiefly over fields of flowers. It also consumes sap from trees pierced by Heracross, as seen in the anime. Butterfree is found in temperate forests and jungles, but it has also been observed flying near the ocean as part of its migratory breeding pattern.
As Gigantamax Butterfree, its size increases to gigantic length with an altered look. The wings and the patterns on them change to a light and dark green color with hints of white. The antennae change to bright green and extend to the point where the tip bends, and three red clouds surround them. The eyes change to a bright glowing red. A fur-like circle is attached to both the wings and back of Butterfree. Several green scales can be seen floating around Butterfree, which are its most effective weapons, capable of releasing paralysis, poisoning, or sleep. The scales were created from crystallized Gigantamax energy.
The massive wings are powerful enough to lift a ten-ton truck through a simple flap. The wind it generates can scatter poisonous scales throughout the area, making it dangerous to be near it.[1]
In Pokémon Sword and Shield prior to the DLC for The Isle of Armor, Butterfree was the only known Pokémon capable of using the move Rage Powder. Gigantamax Butterfree is the only known Pokémon capable of using the G-Max Move G-Max Befuddle.
";butterfree;butterfree;butterfree;butterfree;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
13;1;Weedle;Poison,Bug;196;1;156,55;1;0;14,6765625;3;32;883;1;"Weedle is a larval insect Pokémon with a segmented body ranging in color from yellow to reddish-brown. Each segment of its body is a sphere. It has a bulbous red nose, two small, black eyes on its face and two spherical feet on each body segment. The combination of red and yellow in its color scheme creates a bright warning to predators that it is poisonous. Weedle has a conical, two-inch (five centimeter) venomous stinger on its head and a barbed one on its tail. Weedle can retaliate against attackers and those who step on it with its strong toxin. It can distinguish its favorite kinds of leaves using its acute sense of smell. As a young Bug-type Pokémon, its daily appetite for leaves matches its weight. Weedle can be found in temperate forests and usually hides in grass, bushes, and under the leaves it eats.
";weedle;weedle;weedle;weedle;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
14;1;Kakuna;Poison,Bug;196;1;156,55;1;4;9,393;6;100;784;1;"Kakuna is a yellow, insect cocoon-like Pokémon. Kakuna has a dome-shaped head and black, triangular eyes with glowing white pupils. It has two scythe-like arms in the middle of its body. When it comes close to evolving, its body gives off heat that makes it warm to the touch. Kakuna remains virtually immobile and waits for evolution, often hanging from tree branches by long strands of silk. When attacked, however, it can extend its poison barbs. Kakuna nests in temperate forests and misty wooded areas. Occasionally, it will also nest at the mouth of tunnels and caves, as seen in Pokémon Snap.
";kakuna;kakuna;kakuna;kakuna;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
15;1;Beedrill;Poison,Bug;341;2;272,7;0;8;9,2440677966;10;295;481;1;"Beedrill is an insect Pokémon which mostly resembles a bipedal, yellow wasp, however, it only has four legs instead of six and lacks pigment pits. Beedrill's head is round with a slightly pointed mouth, large, red eyes, and black antennae with a sharp bend in the middle. Its forelegs are tipped with long, conical stingers. It stands on its other two legs, which are long, segmented, and insectoid in shape. Beedrill has two pairs of rounded, veined wings, and another stinger on its yellow-and-black striped abdomen.
Beedrill is highly territorial and unlike real bees, Beedrill live in colonies rather than true ″hives″, and they work together to solve basic problems regarding food, territory and reproduction (behavior more similar to the behavior of wasps than to of the bees). As seen in the anime, Beedrill seems to be especially concerned with the welfare of Weedle and Kakuna and it will respond aggressively to those that disturb them. Disturbing one Beedrill will cause the whole colony to attack. It flies at high speed and attacks using the large venomous stingers on its forelegs and abdomen. The two stingers on its forelimbs allow it to use its former signature move, Twineedle. It will take the victims of its attacks back to its nest for food. Beedrill nests in temperate forests and misty wooded areas.
As Mega Beedrill, it gains more defined features. The antennae are shorter and T-shaped. Its eyes become longer and sleeker. It now has three pairs of wings, the uppermost pair is larger with a black trim along the top. Its stingers become longer and larger, resembling lances. Additional conical, black-and-yellow stingers with white tips take the place of its legs. Its abdomen becomes larger, grooved and is attached to its thorax by a black structure. A similar black structure connects its head and thorax. The stinger on its abdomen is now a pale yellow, and it now has black stripes over its entire body. Fast-acting poison is stored in the stingers on its limbs, while the tail stinger produces a slow-acting poison that is used to finish opponents. The instantaneous poisons are instead used to prevent the foe from fleeing.[1]
";beedrill;beedrill;beedrill;beedrill;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
16;1;Pidgey;Normal,Flying;229;2;182,81;1;6;30,4683333333;3;18;850;1;"Pidgey is a small, plump-bodied avian Pokémon. It is primarily brown with a cream-colored face, underside, and flight feathers. On top of its head is a short crest of three tufts. The center crest feathers are brown and the outer two tufts are cream-colored. Just under its crest are its narrow eyes which have white sclera and pupil along with its black irises. Angular black marking extend from behind its eyes and continue down its cheeks. It has a short, stubby beak and feet with two toes in front and one in back. Both its beak and feet are a grayish-pink. It has a short, brown tail made of three feathers.
Pidgey has an extremely sharp sense of direction and homing instincts. It can travel straight back to its nest regardless of how far away they might have flown. It is a docile Pokémon and generally prefers to flee from its enemies rather than fight them. By flapping its wings rapidly, it can whip up dust clouds and create whirlwinds to protect itself and flush out potential prey. Gust and Feather Dance are its former signature moves. Pidgey is very common throughout its range and can often be seen in meadows and temperate forests. Ekans and Sneasel are natural predators of Pidgey. Pidgey preys on Seedot.
";pidgey;pidgey;pidgey;pidgey;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
17;1;Pidgeotto;Normal,Flying;314;2;251,49;1;9;9,2213;11;300;634;1;"Pidgeotto is a raptor-like avian Pokémon. It is covered with brown feathers, has a cream-colored face, underside, and flight feathers. It has a crest of pinkish-red feathers on its head and black, angular markings behind its black eyes. The plumage of its tail has alternating red and yellow feathers with ragged tips. Pidgeotto's beak and legs are pink. Two of its toes point forward, while one points backward. Additionally, it has powerful, sharp talons that it uses to grasp prey.
Pidgeotto is a powerful flier capable of carrying prey several miles to its nest. It has amazing vision, which helps it locate preferred prey Pokémon such as Exeggcute and Magikarp. The anime has also depicted it preying on Caterpie. Pidgeotto claims a sprawling territory of more than 60 miles (100 kilometers), which it defends fiercely. Its nest is usually in the center of its territory and it circles its territory throughout the day, looking out for food and intruders. It is most often found in temperate forests. Gust and Feather Dance are its former signature moves.
";pidgeotto;pidgeotto;pidgeotto;pidgeotto;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
18;1;Pidgeot;Normal,Flying;428;1;342,39;1;2;13,0021518987;15;395;367;1;"Pidgeot is an avian Pokémon with large wings, sharp talons, and a short, hooked beak. Its glossy plumage is mostly brown with cream-colored underparts and flight feathers. Its head has a decorated crest that is nearly as long as its body. The center feathers of its crest are yellow, while the outer feathers are red. The fan-like feathers of its tail are red or brown. Its beak and legs are pink, and there are three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe on each foot. Behind each eye is an angular black marking.
Pidgeot's powerful wings are capable of stirring up windstorms in just a few flaps, and it may spread its wings to intimidate enemies. This Pokémon is capable of flying faster than the speed of sound. Its plumage is often described as beautiful, making it a popular choice for skilled Trainers. Gust and Feather Dance are its former signature moves. Pidgeot typically dwells in temperate forests with thick growth and large trees. It is known to prey on Magikarp, which it can spot from great heights.
Pidgeot grows noticeably when it Mega Evolves, developing a larger body and longer, broader wings. Its wingtips and tail feathers are tipped with cyan, and its cream coloring is now white. Its eyes turn magenta and its pupils turn white. Mega Pidgeot has an even more elaborate crest on its head, with a streamer-like magenta plume extending from a mane of yellow feathers. A magenta feather projects from the front of its crest and there is a single magenta highlight on the left side. The crest is sensitive to air currents, acting like a large antenna and stabilizing Mega Pidgeot's flight.[1] Additionally, its increased wing power allows it to fly for two weeks without rest.
";pidgeot;pidgeot;pidgeot;pidgeot;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
19;1;Rattata;Normal;244;1;194,93;0;9;16,7082857143;3;35;847;1;"Rattata is a small, quadrupedal rodent Pokémon. It has purple fur with a cream-colored face, paws, and underbelly. It has narrow eyes containing white sclera and pupil with red irises, rounded ears with cream-colored insides, and a single whisker on each cheek. Its long tail is tightly curled at the end. Its most notable feature is its large teeth. Like most rodents, its teeth grow continuously throughout its life and must be worn down by gnawing. A female Rattata will have shorter whiskers and lighter fur.
Rattata can live wherever it can find food, which it searches for most of the day. Thanks to its sharp fangs, it is able to chew on nearly anything. When it is threatened, Rattata can deliver a powerful bite. Its large teeth are also useful when using its former signature moves, Hyper Fang and Super Fang. Rattata constantly keep their ears up and will immediately scurry away from the slightest sound. Furret is the natural predator of Rattata. Its hardiness lets it live in many environments, although it mainly lives on plains and savannas. Because it reproduces so quickly, a pair of Rattata can quickly colonize an area.
Rattata are non-native to Alola and arrived in cargo ships. The Rattata population in Alola was booming until Yungoos was imported as a control measure. In order to avoid these new predators, Rattata altered its habits. It moved to more urban areas, became nocturnal, and formed large nests led by Raticate.[1] Alolan Rattata searches out fresh food by smell and ignore anything spoiled. It has even been known to sneak into people's homes to find food. It has dark gray fur and grayish-purple ear insides. There are two tufts of fur on each ear and near the tip of its tail. Its long, thin whiskers are replaced by shorter, thicker tufts of fur as well. The line where its cream underbelly meets its gray fur is ragged instead of smooth. This variant of Rattata is the shortest Dark-type.
";rattata;rattata;rattata;rattata;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
20;1;Raticate;Normal;370;1;295,93;0;10;11,1973513514;7;185;565;1;"Raticate is a large, rodent-like Pokémon. Although it is often depicted on its hind legs, it is a quadruped. It is primarily tawny-colored with a cream underside. It has narrow black eyes, ears with ragged edges and dark insides, and large incisors that grow constantly. There are three whiskers on each side of its face, which it uses to maintain balance. It has short arms with three-fingered hands and webbed feet with three toes. The webbing on its feet allows it to swim. Its tail is long and scaly. A female will have shorter whiskers and lighter fur.
If attacked, Raticate stands up on its hind legs, bares its fangs and shrieks in an intimidating manner at its enemy. It is willing to take on larger foes if provoked enough. Its teeth are strong enough to gnaw through steel and their constant growth means it often needs to gnaw on something, like rocks and logs. It may even chew on the walls of houses, and is capable of chewing through cinderblocks and toppling concrete buildings. Its large incisors are also used for its former signature moves Hyper Fang and Super Fang. This Pokémon typically lives in plains and savannas.
In Alola, Raticate has become heavier and darker due to its urban environment and higher calorie diet.[1] Its fur is mostly black with a brown, leaf-shaped patch on its belly and brown inside its ears. Its hands, feet, cheeks, and tail are a whitish-cream color, and its hands are much smaller. It has large, puffy cheeks with four whiskers under its chin and two sprouting sideways from the top of each cheek. Its large incisors are still visible, but its eyes are now red. This variant uses its nest as a food stockpile, and generally prefers to have the Alolan Rattata it commands to go out and forage for food while it remains in its nest and eats. It is selective in what it eats, however, only eating fresh, high-quality foods, such as fruits. Rumor has it that a certain high-class restaurant even exploits this selectivity, bringing Raticate along to buy ingredients and letting it taste test new dishes.
";raticate;raticate;raticate;raticate;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
21;1;Spearow;Normal,Flying;253;1;202;0;5;30,3;3;20;844;1;"Spearow is an avian Pokémon that is very small. It has rough, brown plumage on its head and three brown tail feathers. It has narrow, dark brown eyes with white pupils and a short, hooked beak that is light pink. The feathers covering its wings are pinkish-red with lighter tips, and it has a beige underside with two thin, horizontal stripes. Its light pink feet have two toes in front and one in the back. Black feathers cover its back.
Although inept at other aspects of its flying, such as height and distance, Spearow is still capable of flying quickly to protect its territory. However, it must flap its wings at high speeds to stay aloft. Spearow's loud shrieks can be heard over half a mile (one kilometer) away, and are used to warn other of its kind of danger. In the anime, Spearow is revealed to see in black and white and will chase its foes in a large flock. Spearow are found naturally in open habitats with warmer climates, mainly desolate wastelands and fields, where it hunts for insects. Ekans is a natural predator of Spearow.
";spearow;spearow;spearow;spearow;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
22;1;Fearow;Normal,Flying;404;1;323,2;0;8;10,2063157895;12;380;535;1;"Fearow is a large, mostly brown avian Pokémon with a vulturine neck and broad, powerful wings. It has a long, pointed, pink beak and a decorative red coxcomb on top of its head. Its narrow eyes have very small pupils and do not appear to have colored irises. It has shaggy, feathers at the base of its neck and covering the upper portion of its wings. These feathers are cream-colored, as are the tips of its flight feathers. Its sharp-clawed talons are pink, with three toes pointing forward and one pointing backward.
Fearow has been around mostly unchanged for many years, as a Pokémon resembling it has been seen on ancient murals. Its large wings and stamina allow it to fly for an entire day without landing. Its long neck and beak allow it to pluck prey from both land and water, and it has even been known to steal from unwary humans. It will shoot upward, and then dive down to catch prey. It will also catch tiny insects that hide underground and circle the ocean for fish. Fearow are found naturally in open habitats with warmer climates, mainly wastelands and desolate fields.
";fearow;fearow;fearow;fearow;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
23;1;Ekans;Poison;245;2;195,94;1;2;56,7942028986;20;69;826;1;"Ekans is a purple, serpentine Pokémon. Its eyes, underbelly, the thick stripe around its neck, and rattle are yellow. Ekans has three pairs of black lines encircling its body, as well as another line that connects to each slit-pupiled eye and curves toward its nose. Its large mouth has a round, pink tongue and no visible teeth. While painful, a newborn Ekans's bite is not venomous. This Pokémon grows longer with age.
Ekans lives in grassy savannas and plains, where it moves stealthily through grass. It can also be found in forests and desolate wastelands, where it preys on Eggs from Pidgey and Spearow nests, but will strike other prey from behind. By flicking its tongue out, it is able to detect danger and the scent of prey. Its jaw can detach to swallow large prey, but such a meal can make Ekans too heavy to move or become stuck and cause it to faint. It wraps itself around tree branches at night to rest. If not in a tree, it will coil itself up—a position in which it can defend itself from all directions. In the second movie, it is revealed to possess some swimming abilities. Its former signature move is Glare.
";ekans;ekans;ekans;ekans;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
24;1;Arbok;Poison;371;1;296,94;1;4;15,9890769231;35;650;541;1;" Internal anatomy of Arbok, as seen in That Awful ArbokArbok is a serpentine Pokémon that resembles a cobra. It has narrow eyes and several sharp teeth. Just below its head is a large hood with a face-like pattern. This pattern has over 20 possible variations. The pattern typically has two red and yellow eyespots outlined in black, a wide black streak resembling an upturned mouth, and a black V-shaped stripe above the eyespots.
Arbok is capable of crushing opponents by coiling its body around them and squeezing them tightly. It can even flatten steel oil drums. If it encounters an enemy, it raises its head, mimics, and stuns the opponent using the frightening pattern on its body. It can also make eerie sounds by expelling air from its mouth. It has been stated that if any part of Arbok's body except for the head is cut off, it can regrow the rest of its body again in a matter of a few weeks. It also has the ability to detect vibrations as shown in the anime. Arbok has been known to be capable of spending long periods underwater and surviving in aquatic environments. One particular Arbok could change its pattern at any time to increase power to different stats and get invulnerability to status conditions, if the pattern is uncovered.
Arbok is territorial. It lashes out at intruders with long fangs tipped with deadly venom. Vengeful in nature, it will not give up a chase once it targets its prey or an opponent, no matter how far. It makes its home in grassy savannas and plains, but it can also be found in forests and desolate wastelands alongside its pre-evolved form Ekans. In the wild, it hunts smaller Pokémon such as Wooper, and also preys on Pidgey and Spearow Eggs. When hunting, it uses the pattern on its hood to immobilize prey, then it begins constricting them, and it finally poisons the target to finish them off and eat them. It is also capable of paralyzing opponents with its former signature move, Glare.
";arbok;arbok;arbok;arbok;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
25;1;Pikachu;Electric;278;2;222,2;1;3;14,8133333333;4;60;685;1;" Pikachu's gender differences in the animePikachu is a short, chubby rodent Pokémon. It is covered in yellow fur with two horizontal brown stripes on its back. It has a small mouth, long, pointed ears with black tips, and brown eyes. Each cheek is a red circle that contains a pouch for electricity storage. It has short forearms with five fingers on each paw, and its feet each have three toes. At the base of its lightning bolt-shaped tail is a patch of brown fur. A female will have a V-shaped notch at the end of its tail, which looks like the top of a heart. It is classified as a quadruped, but it has been known to stand and walk on its hind legs.
The anime has shown that wild Pikachu live in groups in forested areas. Pikachu communicate amongst themselves using squeaks and tail-shaking as friendly gestures. In the anime, Alolan Pikachu are known to greet each other by sniffing one another and rubbing their tails together. Electricity can be used to receive and send messages with each other, as well as other Electric Pokémon species. It raises its tail to check its surroundings and is occasionally struck by lightning in this position. When groups grow, they can inadvertently cause lightning storms. Pikachu forage for Berries, which it roasts with electricity to make them tender enough to eat. A sure sign that Pikachu inhabits a location is patches of burnt grass. It has been observed eating and sometimes destroying telephone poles, wires, and other electronic equipment. By occasion, it can get unintentionally swallowed by Cramorant. While startled, it looks for ways to escape from the latter.
In the mouth of CramorantPikachu charges itself while sleeping overnight, though stress and a lack of sleep can affect this. It is able to release electric discharges of varying intensity. Pikachu has been known to build up energy in its glands, which it will need to discharge to avoid complications. It is also able to release energy through its tail, which acts as a grounding rod, as well as recharging fellow Pikachu with electric shocks. Pikachu can also electrify itself to use its signature move Volt Tackle.
Pikachu has three alternate forms: one, the Cosplay Pikachu appeared exclusively in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. It is always female, has a black heart-shaped spot at the end of its tail, and can be dressed in any of five outfits corresponding to the five Contest conditions. The second form is Pikachu in a cap, which debuted as an event-exclusive Pokémon in Generation VII. It is always male and has eight variants, each wearing one of Ash's hats from the anime. In addition to these two forms, many other Pikachu variants have appeared in various media. The last, Partner Pikachu is the Pokémon the player starts with in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu!. This Pikachu can be either gender, has higher base stats, and has access to moves that normal Pikachu do not.
As Gigantamax Pikachu, it becomes larger and chubbier. Its tail becomes longer and becomes capable of storing all of the electricity it generates, causing it to glow a bright yellow and enabling it to become as powerful as a lightning strike. Three red clouds float around the tail. Its power is equal to that a power plant, however, it is difficult to use it in peoples' homes since Pikachu can only remain in its Gigantamax form for a short time.[1]
Pikachu is the only known Pokémon capable of using the Z-Move Catastropika, while Pikachu in a cap has its own exclusive Z-Move, 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt. Partner Pikachu is the only Pokémon capable of using Zippy Zap, Floaty Fall, Splishy Splash, and the Partner Power, Pika Papow. Pikachu is the only Pokémon capable of using the Light Ball item. Gigantamax Pikachu is the only known Pokémon capable of using the G-Max Move G-Max Volt Crash.
";pikachu;pikachu;pikachu;pikachu;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,!025Pikachu_OS_anime_4.png,,!025Pikachu_OS_anime_5.png
26;1;Raichu;Electric;398;1;318,15;1;7;8,484;8;300;358;1;"Raichu is a bipedal, rodent-like Pokémon. Raichu is covered in dark orange fur with a white belly. Its bifurcated ears are brown on the outside, yellow on the insides, and end in a distinctive curl. There is a circular yellow marking on each cheek where its electric sacs are, and it has a triangular, dark brown nose. Its arms and feet have patches of brown fur at the end, and the soles of its long feet are tan with a circular orange pad in the center. On its back are two horizontal brown stripes. Its long, thin tail has a lightning bolt-shaped end. This lightning bolt is chipped on females. Raichu exudes a weak electrical charge from all its body and glows slightly in the dark.
Raichu's tail is used to gather electricity from the atmosphere, or it can be planted in the ground to search for electricity. It also protects Raichu from its own high voltage power. Raichu can store over 100,000 volts of electricity, enough to knock out a Copperajah. If Raichu's sacs are fully charged, its ears will stand straight up and its muscles become stimulated. However, it will become aggressive if it has stored too much electricity and stress. To keep from reaching this state, it discharges electricity through its tail into the ground. This leads to scorched patches near its nest. Being the result of evolution via Evolution stone, Raichu is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in forests and woodlands. The main reason Raichu is rarely seen in the wild is because people prefer the look it had as Pikachu. Like its pre-evolved forms, Raichu is able to learn Volt Tackle as a signature move.
In Alola, Raichu has lighter coloring and more rounded features. Its eyes are blue with yellow half-circles along the bottom. It has large yellow ears with an inner spiral toward the base and brown on the inside. These ears are thicker and less pointed than a standard Raichu's ear. In addition to its white belly, Alolan Raichu has white markings on its paws with bright yellow lines between its digits. The stripes on its back have also turned white, and there is a small, white circular marking on each heel. The lightning bolt-shaped tip of its tail has rounded edges. By collecting its psychic power in its tail, it is able to ride it like a surfboard and float in the air. While its cheek sacs are still used to store electricity, rubbing them releases a sweet aroma while also getting a light shock. This is also thought to be connected to its Psychic abilities.
Alolan Raichu's origins were initially a mystery at the time. The people of Alola suggested it ate too many sweet and fluffy pancakes.[1] However, researchers believe the change is related to a diet resulting from Raichu eating pancakes made from a secret Alolan recipe. It is also believed the weather and climate of the Alola region played a role in the transformation. Alolan Raichu is capable of unleashing star-shaped thunderbolts. Alolan Raichu is also known by the name hodad.
It is the only known Pokémon capable of using the exclusive Z-Move Stoked Sparksurfer.
";raichu;raichu;raichu;raichu;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
27;1;Sandshrew;Ground;316;2;252,5;1;8;12,625;6;120;820;1;" Sandshrew blending in with its surroundingsSandshrew is a bipedal pholidote Pokémon, but runs on all fours in the anime. Its brick-patterned yellow hide is dry, tough, blends in with desert sand, and protects its soft white underbelly and muzzle. Sandshrew has blue, almond-shaped eyes, a pointed snout, and triangular ears with white insides. Its tail is thick and conical. It has two long claws on each foot and three sharp claws on its forepaws, which are used to burrow.
Sandshrew spends much of its time hidden underground in deep burrows. It only emerges to lunge and drag in passing Bug-type Pokémon. Sandshrew can quickly curl into a tight ball to protect itself from great falls and opponents, but may also throw sand at attackers. While its body can efficiently absorb water to facilitate life in the desert, Sandshrew has been found in caves as well. It also lives deep underground in nests it has created from digging tunnels. Should hard rocks get in the way of digging, Sandshrew will use its sharp claws to remove them before continuing to dig. If it is too wet, its skin becomes wrinkly. It dries itself out by using the geothermal heat near a volcano.
In the Alola region, Sandshrew migrated to snowy mountains due to the volcanic activity near the desert areas. Its body is a light, icy blue, with a cream-colored belly and muzzle. This results in Sandshrew developing a body of ice that is as hard as steel. Thicker plates form a dome around its head and its ears resemble an igloo's entrances. In adapting to this cold climate, its body became larger and heavier with a shell of ice covering its hide. This steel-like covering grants it extra defense from predators like Sneasel, but it is unable to curl into a ball like its desert counterpart. It can burrow itself in the snow to avoid being blown away by blizzards. Predators, such as Weavile, exploit of its soft underbelly. Alolan Sandshrew's claws allow it to move without slipping on icy surfaces, but it slides on its stomach when it needs to move quickly.[1]
";sandshrew;sandshrew;sandshrew;sandshrew;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
28;1;Sandslash;Ground;442;2;353,5;1;6;11,9830508475;10;295;526;1;"Sandslash is a bipedal, ground-dwelling pholidote Pokémon. Although Sandslash is usually bipedal, it can run on all fours. Most of its underside is light yellow with a white underbelly. It has a narrow muzzle, almond-shaped blue eyes, and a thick tail. Its back is mostly covered in sharp, brown quills formed from its tough, dry hide. It has two large claws on its paws and feet.
These claws are its primary weapons and are used for slashing, but can also be used for burrowing. Its claws and spikes can both break off and are shed regularly, but grow back quickly. Sandslash's broken parts can be used as carving plows for tilling farm fields. The claws can become smoother if it lives in drier areas. It can curl into a large ball, which allows it to roll to attack or escape, protect itself from heatstroke, and guard its belly. Sandslash is also adept at climbing trees and is prone to ambush its enemies from above. It also climbs trees to slash Berries to feed the Sandshrew waiting bellow. Sandslash can mostly be found in deserts. Sandslash also lives in trees while sleeping for the night
In the Alola region, Sandslash has an icy blue hide and quills covered in ice. These quills stand taller than a regular Sandslash's quills and resemble icicles. This Pokémon uses its hide for camouflage in the snow while leaving only its spines exposed. Unlike its Kantonian variant, the thick hide and icy spines completely prevent Alolan Sandslash from curling up into a ball. Its body emits cold air, which sharpens its quills. Its forepaws are larger than its counterpart, and its claws are longer, thinner, and hooked at the tips.
Formerly used for climbing trees, they now allow it to scale icebergs. Despite the weight of its ice-covered body, Alolan Sandslash is able to move swiftly by carving a path in the snow with its claws. It can move faster than any Pokémon while in the snowy mountains. This Pokémon tends to live in the deeper parts of snowy mountains, where climbing is forbidden. However, the sprays of snow it kicks up are popular shots for photographers.[1] People also climb up the mountains it lives in, in order to see Sandslash's icy spikes sparkle during the light of dawn.
";sandslash;sandslash;sandslash;sandslash;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
29;1;Nidoran-f;Poison;246;2;196,95;0;10;11,2542857143;4;70;835;1;"Nidoran♀ is a small, quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon. It has large, spiny ears, oversized front teeth, red eyes, and a pair of whiskers on each cheek. It is light blue with several darker blue spots. There are two white claws on each of its paws. Its back is covered with small toxic spines, and it has a small forehead horn.
The poisons secreted by the spines and horn are extremely potent, and even a scratch from its horn or a drop of poison from its barbs can be deadly. However, this docile Pokémon only uses its poison when it feels threatened. Nidoran♀is more sensitive to smell than Nidoran♂. It can use its whiskers to check the wind while either searching for berries or to avoid predators. Nidoran♀ can use its incisor teeth for crushing the berries it forages for. Nidoran♀ lives in open spaces, such as savannas and plains. Nidoran♀ is a female-only species.
";nidoran-f;nidoran-f;nidoran-f;nidoran-f;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
30;1;Nidorina;Poison;322;2;257,55;1;7;10,302;8;200;616;1;"Nidorina is a quadrupedal, sky-blue mammalian Pokémon with dark-blue patches. It has red eyes, large, spiny ears, and has two pointed teeth protruding from its upper jaw. It possesses large poison spikes, which it retracts whenever it is with a group, feeding its children, or while resting in its burrow. Its paws have three claws each, and it is able to stand on its hind legs. The hind legs are longer and thicker than its forelegs. It has a stubby tail. Nidorina is a female-only species.
Nidorina is a gentle Pokémon, and it is known to be a caring mother that chews food for its young. It seems to display close family bonds with others of its kind, and becomes nervous when separated. Nidorina prefers not to fight since its horn grows slowly, but if forced or enraged, it prefers physical attacks such as clawing and biting. Nidorina prefers to chew its food into a paste before spitting it out and feeding its children. It also emits ultrasonic cries to befuddle foes. Nidorina live in burrows at hot savannas and plains.
";nidorina;nidorina;nidorina;nidorina;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
31;1;Nidoqueen;Poison,Ground;436;2;348,45;1;3;7,54975;13;600;331;1;"Nidoqueen is a large, bipedal blue mammalian Pokémon with distinct reptilian features. Its body is encased with extremely hard scales that serve as excellent protection from any attack and stand up when Nidoqueen is excited or provoked. It has a blunt snout, narrow brown eyes, and large ears with brown insides. There is a small horn on its forehead, a single spine on each ear, and a line of toxic spikes running down the length of its back. Each hand has three short claws and each foot was two claws. Its lower jaw, the front of its abdomen, and two plates on its chest are cream-colored. It has a thick, powerful tail. Nidoqueen is a female-only species.
Nidoqueen can be quite fierce and is very protective of its young. This Pokémon is at its strongest when it is defending its young, and it will try to seal the entrance to its burrow to protect them. It also places it young on its gaps between its gap spikes which never relate poison when the children are placed on it. Nidoqueen is more adaptive at being defensive than offensive. Nidoqueen's scales like armor allow it to defend its children from any attack. When in contact with foes, it can poison them with the spikes from its back or cause small tremors by slamming the ground. It is also adept at sending foes flying with harsh tackles and it uses its hefty bulk to execute powerful moves. Being the result of an evolution via Evolution stone, Nidoqueen is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in savannas and plains.
";nidoqueen;nidoqueen;nidoqueen;nidoqueen;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
32;1;Nidoran-m;Poison;244;2;194,93;0;7;10,8294444444;5;90;835;1;"Nidoran♂ is a small, quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon. It is pinkish purple with darker patches. It has large, spiny ears with teal insides, oversized front teeth, and red eyes. Its back is covered with three lines of large spines that can release potent poisons if threatened. The center line of spines is taller than the other two. The size of the long, pointed horn on its forehead is indicative of the strength of its venom. Nidoran♂ is a male-only species.
Nidoran♂ constantly listens for the sounds of approaching enemies with its large ears. Said ears have unique muscles that allow them to be moved in any direction, and even the slightest sound does not escape Nidoran♂'s notice. In order to listen to distant locations, it flaps its ears like wings. When angry, it extends its toxic spikes and charges, stabbing with its horn to inject poison. Nidoran♂ is brave, and will risk its own life to protect Nidoran♀. Nidoran♂ lives in open spaces, such as savannas and plains.
";nidoran-m;nidoran-m;nidoran-m;nidoran-m;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
33;1;Nidorino;Poison;322;2;257,55;1;9;11,8869230769;9;195;616;1;"Nidorino is a light-purple, quadrupedal mammalian Pokémon. It has several darker purple patches across its body. It has large, spiny ears with teal insides, narrow black eyes, and a long snout with two pointed teeth protruding from the upper jaw. Nidorino has a ridge of toxic spines on its back and a long pointed horn on its forehead. The horn is harder than a diamond and capable of secreting poison on impact. The more adrenaline Nidorino has in its body, the more potent the poison is. Its short legs have three claws on each foot. Nidorino is a male-only species.
Nidorino is independent, nervous, and fierce, and it is often described as violent and easily angered. It uses its ears to check its surroundings. If it senses a hostile presence, all the barbs on its back bristle up at once, and it challenges the foe with all its might. Nidorino's harder-than-diamond horn can destroy diamonds, and it uses that horn to destroy boulders in its search for Moon Stones. Nidorino live in hot savannas and plains.
";nidorino;nidorino;nidorino;nidorino;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
34;1;Nidoking;Poison,Ground;436;2;348,45;1;8;7,8682258065;14;620;331;1;"Nidoking is a large, bipedal, purple mammalian Pokémon with distinct reptilian features. It has narrow eyes, large, spiny ears, fur-like tufts on its cheeks, and a short snout filled with pointed teeth. There is a long, venomous horn on its forehead and a ridge of spines down its back. Gray plates cover its chest and belly, and there is a gray, rounded spine on each elbow. Each hand has three claws, while each foot has only a single hoof-like nail. It has a long, powerful tail. Nidoking is a male-only species.
It is said that Nidoking's tail is capable of toppling a metal transmission tower. Nidoking uses this tail to smash, constrict, or break the bones of its prey and enemies. The tail can also be swung to create distance between it and its foes before Nidoking charges. Its steel-like hide adds to its powerful, rampaging charges. Nidoking's horn is powerful enough to crush diamonds. Nidoking is known to be very proud of its own strength. When Nidoking goes on a rampage, it becomes impossible to control. Only a Nidoqueen that it has lived with for a long time can calm it down from its rampages. As shown in the manga, Nidoking has strong acid within its claws. Being the result of evolution via an Evolution stone, Nidoking is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in savannas and plains.
";nidoking;nidoking;nidoking;nidoking;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
35;1;Clefairy;Fairy;250;1;199,98;0;1;15,9984;6;75;661;1;" Clefairy floatingClefairy is a bipedal, pink Pokémon with a chubby, vaguely star-shaped body. A small, pointed tooth protrudes from the upper left corner of its mouth. It has wrinkles beside its black, oval eyes, a single dark pink oval marking on each cheek, and large, pointed ears with brown tips. A tuft of fur curls over its forehead, much like its large, upward-curling tail. Each stocky arm has two small claws and a thumb on each hand and both feet have a single toenail. There is a pair of tiny, butterfly-shaped wings on its back. Though incapable of flight, Clefairy's wings can store moonlight and allow it to float.
Clefairy is very shy and rarely shows itself to humans. On the rare occasions it does come down from its mountain home, it can be seen dancing under the light of the full moon. The area surrounding their dance in enveloped in a magnetic field. Once the sun starts to rise, it returns home where it sleeps nestled with other Clefairy. The anime has shown that Clefairy is actually an extraterrestrial Pokémon.
";clefairy;clefairy;clefairy;clefairy;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
36;1;Clefable;Fairy;376;1;300,98;0;8;9,78185;13;400;361;1;"Clefable is a tall, pink Pokémon with a vaguely star-shaped body. It has long, pointed ears with dark brown tips and black, oval eyes with wrinkles on either side. A curled lock of fur hangs over its forehead, much like its long, tightly curled tail. On its back is a pair of dark pink wings, each wing has three points. Its hands have three fingers each, and its feet have two clawed toes and dark pink soles.
Clefable is a timid creature that flees when it senses people approaching and is one of the world's rarest Pokémon. Its sensitive ears can distinctly hear a pin drop from half a mile away. Because of its acute hearing, it prefers to live in quiet, mountainous areas of which it is protective. It has also been seen at deserted lakes during a full moon. Using a bouncy gait, it is able to walk on water and sometimes appears to be flying using its small wings. The anime has shown that Clefable is actually an extraterrestrial Pokémon. According to one tradition, seeing a pair of Clefable ensure a happy marriage. Some scientists believe that Clefable stares intently at the moon because it is homesick. There is a legend to this as well, which tells of how it listens for the voices of its kin on the moon during clear and quiet nights.
";clefable;clefable;clefable;clefable;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
37;1;Vulpix;Fire;232;1;185,84;0;10;11,263030303;6;99;820;1;" A one-tailed Vulpix as seen in Pokémon Battle FrontierVulpix is a small, quadrupedal, canine Pokémon. It has a red-brown pelt with a cream-colored underbelly. It has brown eyes, large, pointed ears with dark brown insides, and a triangular dark brown nose. Its paws are slightly darker than the rest of its pelt and have light brown paw pads. On top of its head are three curled locks of orange fur with bangs, and it has orange tails with curled tips. It is most commonly seen with six tails. However, Vulpix is born with only a single, white tail that splits as Vulpix grows. The tails grow hot as it approaches evolution.
Vulpix is capable of manipulating fire to such precision as to create floating wisps of flame. These wisps are sometimes mistaken for ghosts by humans, but Vulpix uses them to assist in catching prey. Inside its body is a flame that never goes out. When the temperature outside increases, it will expel flames from its mouth to prevent its body from overheating. Vulpix is known to feign injury to escape from opponents too powerful for it to defeat. Vulpix can be found most commonly in grassy plains.
In the Alola region, Vulpix has adapted to snowy mountain peaks and developed a snowy white pelt. It has pale blue paws, blue eyes, and dark blue insides its ears. Its snout is more pronounced and pointed than that of non-Alolan Vulpix. The locks of hair on its head and its six tails are curlier and have a wispy appearance. Alolan Vulpix is believed to have arrived in the region at the same time as humans but moved to the snow-capped mountain to avoid other Pokémon. It can be found in small packs, called skulks, that are led and protected by Ninetales. Alolan Vulpix can expel breath as cold as -58°F (-50°C), which is capable of freezing anything. While it is not suited to warmer environments, its tail can produce ice to lower the surrounding temperature if needed. An old, local name for this Pokémon is ″Keokeo″, referring to its white pelt. Weavile is a natural predator of Alolan Vulpix.
";vulpix;vulpix;vulpix;vulpix;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
38;1;Ninetales;Fire;409;2;327,24;0;1;18,0886432161;11;199;469;1;"Ninetales is a quadrupedal canine Pokémon covered in thick, luxurious golden-white fur. It has a small mane of thicker fur around its neck and a long, fluffy crest atop its head. It has slender legs with three-toed paws and nine, long tails with pale orange tips. It has red eyes, pointed ears, and a triangular black nose.
While intelligent enough to easily understand human speech, Ninetales is a very vengeful Pokémon that has been known to curse those who mistreat it. It can live for 1,000 years due to the energy within its nine tails, each of which is said to have a different mystical power. Flames spewed from its mouth can hypnotize an opponent and its gleaming red eyes that are said to give it the ability to control minds. The anime has shown that it can swim. Being the result of an evolution via Evolution stone, Ninetales is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in grasslands.
In the Alola region, Ninetales has a different appearance. Its coat is pale blue, and its fur is more flowing and wispier. The tips of its tails and crest, as well as the lower halves of its legs, are white. The crest on its head is longer and its nine tails are less distinct from each other. Additionally, it has larger eyes, which are blue, and small tufts of fur in front of its ears.
Alolan Ninetales lives on Alola's snow-capped Mount Lanakila, which is considered by some to be holy ground. As such, it is revered as a sacred messenger or deity. Alolan Ninetales has a gentle temperament and is known to aid lost humans in distress, though this is primarily done to keep them out of its territory. It will punish any threat to its pack of Vulpix. It can produce ice crystals from its fur, which it can use for both offense and defense. The ice crystals can act as a shield or form balls that can be fired like bullets with enough force to shatter rock.[1]
";ninetales;ninetales;ninetales;ninetales;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
39;1;Jigglypuff;Normal,Fairy;253;2;202;0;8;18,3636363636;5;55;715;1;"Jigglypuff is a pink Pokémon with a spherical body. It has pointed ears with black insides and large, blue eyes. It has small, stubby arms and slightly longer feet. On top of its head is a curled tuft of fur. Its body is filled with air and, as seen in Pokémon Stadium, Jigglypuff can deflate until it is flat. It is able to float by drawing extra air into its body, as demonstrated in Super Smash Bros.
Jigglypuff can use its eyes to mesmerize opponents. It has a large lung capacity, exceeding most other Pokémon. Once it has an opponent's attention, Jigglypuff will inflate its lungs and begin to sing a soothing and mysterious lullaby. This melody can cause anyone who listens to become sleepy. If the opponent resists falling asleep, Jigglypuff will endanger its own life by continuing to sing until it runs out of air. It will continue to sing until the opponent is asleep. It is able to adjust the wavelength of its voice to match the brain waves of someone in a deep sleep. This helps ensure drowsiness in its opponents. Its vocal range exceeds 12 octaves, but its skill depends on the individual. Its song varies by region, and in some areas, it sounds like shouting. Jigglypuff can mostly be found in lush green plains and grassy meadows.
";jigglypuff;jigglypuff;jigglypuff;jigglypuff;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
40;1;Wigglytuff;Normal,Fairy;379;1;303;1;6;25,25;10;120;427;1;" Wigglytuff floatingWigglytuff is a Pokémon with a bean-shaped body and stubby arms and legs. There is a fluffy, curled tuft of fur on its head, which is described as perfectly heavenly. It has long, rabbit-like ears with black insides and slightly lighter color at the tips. Its large, blue eyes are covered in a layer of tears that quickly washes away any debris. It is covered in pink fur with a white belly. This fine layer of fur is so soft that those who touch it, including other Wigglytuff, will not want to stop. As a result, Wigglytuff is a highly sought after Pokémon because of its bouncy body and fur. It sheds seasonally, and people gather the fur to spin into yarn. It is proud of its fine and delicate fur.
Its body is soft and rubbery, allowing it to inflate by inhaling. Wigglytuff can inflate itself up to 20 times larger. It has no limits to how far it can inflate. While it is inflated, it is able to move by bouncing or floating. It competes with other Wigglytuff to see which one can inflate itself the most. Should it be caught in a bad mood, Wigglytuff will inflate itself to an enormous size in order to scare away its opponent. Being the result of an evolution via Evolution stone, Wigglytuff is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in vivid green plains and grassy fields.
";wigglytuff;wigglytuff;wigglytuff;wigglytuff;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
41;1;Zubat;Flying,Poison;221;2;176,75;1;6;18,8533333333;8;75;853;1;"Zubat is a blue, chiropteran Pokémon. While it lacks eyes, it has pointed ears with purple insides and a mouth with two sharp teeth on each jaw. A male will have larger fangs than a female. It has purple wing membranes supported by two, elongated fingers, and two long, thin, tails.
Zubat lives in abundance in gloomy caves. It has evolved to have neither eyes nor nostrils, it instead navigates through dark environments and tight caves with echolocation. As demonstrated in the anime, it will leave its abode at night with a mass of other Zubat in order to seek prey. During the daytime, Zubat sleeps hanging upside down in caves, forests, or under the eaves of old buildings, avoiding sunlight at all costs. Zubat also gather together in groups during the morning in order to stay warm while they sleep. Daylight causes Zubat to become unhealthy, and prolonged exposure can even burn its skin. However, captured and trained Zubat have been recorded as being much more tenacious in the daytime, even when directly exposed to sunbeams. In colder conditions, Zubat gathers with others of its kind for warmth.
";zubat;zubat;zubat;zubat;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
42;1;Golbat;Flying,Poison;398;1;318,15;1;5;9,2552727273;16;550;523;1;"Golbat is a large, blue, chiropteran Pokémon with purple wing membranes. It has small eyes with slit-like pupils, along with tiny triangular ears with purple insides, and a massive mouth with two fangs in each jaw. The fangs are smaller on a female Golbat. While its mouth seems to be otherwise empty, Golbat occasionally displays a long, purple tongue. It has short legs with long, tiny feet. Despite this, Golbat can also walk skillfully on the ground.
Golbat's fangs have hollow tubes (similar to straws) specialized for sucking blood. While they are strong enough to pierce thick hide, they are also unexpectedly fragile. There are some Golbat that have missing fangs as a result of their hunger-fueled attempt to try drinking blood from Steel-type Pokémon. It feeds on the blood of both Pokémon and humans and is capable of drinking over 10 ounces (300 milliliters) of blood in one sitting. Golbat drinks so much blood that its blood type will change to that of its victim following a feed. It is also gluttonous, occasionally gorging itself to the extent that it becomes too heavy to fly, leaving itself vulnerable in turn. Golbat is also willing to share gathered blood with other members of its kind that are hungry. Golbat is nocturnal and can be found quite easily in caves.
";golbat;golbat;golbat;golbat;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
43;1;Oddish;Poison,Grass;227;1;181,8;1;0;16,8333333333;5;54;808;1;"Oddish is a Pokémon that resembles a blue plant bulb or a root vegetable. It has a round body, beady red eyes, a small mouth, and ovoid feet. Five large, green leaves sprout from its head. As demonstrated in the anime, these leaves are prehensile and can be used to scale vertical surfaces and catch light objects. Known by the scientific name Oddium Wanderus, Oddish lives in grasslands.
A nocturnal Pokémon, Oddish buries its sensitive body in the ground during the day to avoid the sun and fool predators. If its leaves are pulled in this state, it will respond by shrieking horribly. It starts to move when its leaves begin absorbing moonlight, which it uses to grow. Oddish will wander up to 1,000 feet (300 meters) during the night to scatter its seeds and find a nutrient-rich patch of soil in which to plant itself. The more fertile the earth, the glossier its leaves will be. It is thought that its feet become like tree roots while planted. In the past, Petal Dance was its signature move.
";oddish;oddish;oddish;oddish;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
44;1;Gloom;Poison,Grass;297;1;237,35;1;6;22,0790697674;8;86;586;1;" Gloom's eyes as seen in the animeGloom is a blue, bipedal Rafflesia-like Pokémon with rudimentary hands and feet. On its head is a flower with spherical petals surrounded by four reddish-brown leaves. The petals are a dark reddish-brown and have white spots. A female displays a single large spot on each petal, while a male will have many smaller spots. Gloom's eyes are wide and often appear closed and its lips are thin and purple.
Gloom trickles sticky nectar from its mouth with the appearance and consistency of drool. This can be used as a fertilizer for plants. Both this nectar and the flower on Gloom's head release a foul odor strong enough to induce fainting in humans over a mile (1.6 kilometers) away. However, it can also attract prey, and even a very small number of humans find it pleasing. This odor is a key ingredient for some perfume production. When it is in danger, the odor worsens, but it will not emit its odor if it feels safe. Gloom lives in grassy plains. In the past, Petal Dance was its signature move.
";gloom;gloom;gloom;gloom;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
45;1;Vileplume;Poison,Grass;366;2;292,9;0;10;18,8967741935;12;186;352;1;"Vileplume is an indigo, bipedal Rafflesia-like Pokémon with rudimentary hands and feet. It has beady red eyes and a small mouth, and its head and torso are a single joined segment. On its head is a massive red flower with five bulky petals and an orange-brown center. Vileplume's flower is said to have the largest petals in the world and is almost too heavy for the Pokémon itself to support. The rounded petals of the flower are red and covered with white spots. A female Vileplume has fewer, but larger, spots on its petals.
Vileplume can shake, flap, or burst its petals into bloom with a bang in order to release clouds of pollen. The larger the Vileplume's petals are, the more potent the toxin is. The pollen is released with every step Vileplume takes. The flapping of its leaves that Vileplume makes is very loud. This pollen is highly allergenic to humans and toxic to other Pokémon, Vileplume uses it to paralyze its prey before devouring it. It can also utilize these petals in its former signature move, Petal Dance. Being the result of an evolution via Evolution stone, Vileplume is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in grassy plains. It is often mistaken for local flowers in the wild.
";vileplume;vileplume;vileplume;vileplume;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
46;1;Paras;Bug,Grass;234;1;186,85;0;4;10,3805555556;3;54;829;1;" Paras removing its tochukasoParas is an orange, insectoid Pokémon that resembles the nymph stage of a cicada. Its ovoid body is segmented, and it has three pairs of legs. The foremost pair of legs is the largest and has sharp claws at the tips. There are five specks on its forehead and three teeth on either side of its mouth. It has circular eyes with large pseudopupils.
Red-and-yellow mushrooms known as tochukaso grow on this Pokémon's back. The mushrooms can be removed at any time and grow from spores that are doused on this Pokémon's back at birth by the mushroom on its mother's back. Tochukaso are parasitic in nature, drawing their nutrients from the host Paras's body in order to grow and exerting some command over the Pokémon's actions. For example, Paras drains nutrients from tree roots due to commands from the mushrooms. The mushrooms are also popular among collectors and have medicinal uses, usually involving extended life. The mushrooms are also the source of its former signature move, Spore.
The anime has shown that Paras can often be found in caves. However, it can also thrive in damp forests. In the Alola region, the mushrooms on its back do not grow well. This is thought to be from a lack of moisture or nutrients.
";paras;paras;paras;paras;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
47;1;Parasect;Bug,Grass;335;1;267,65;0;4;9,0728813559;10;295;574;1;"Parasect is an orange, insectoid Pokémon that has been completely overtaken by the parasitic mushroom on its back. It has a small head with pure white eyes and a segmented body that is mostly hidden by the mushroom. It has three pairs of legs with the foremost pair forming large pincers. The fungus growing on its back has a large red cap with yellow spots throughout.
The insect has been drained of nutrients and is now under the control of the fully-grown tochukaso. Removing the mushroom will cause Parasect to stop moving. It can thrive in dark forests with a suitable amount of humidity for growing fungi. Swarms of this Pokémon have been known to infest trees. The swarm will drain the tree of nutrients until it dies and will then move on to a new tree. It has been known to fight with Shiinotic over territory. Its former signature move is Spore.
";parasect;parasect;parasect;parasect;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
48;1;Venonat;Poison,Bug;265;1;212,1;0;2;7,07;10;300;817;1;" Venonat using its ″Radar Eye″ to find Team Rocket's truckVenonat is an insect Pokémon with a spherical body covered in purple fur. The fur releases a toxic liquid and it spreads when shaken violently off their bodies. A pink pincer-like mouth with two teeth, stubby forepaws, and a pair of two-toed feet are visible through its fur. Its limbs are light tan. There is also a pair of white antennae sprouting from the top of its head. However, the most prominent feature on its face are its large, red compound eyes. Venonat's highly developed eyes act as radar units and can shoot powerful beams.
Venonat can be found in dense temperate forests, where it will sleep in the hole of a tree until nightfall. It sleeps throughout the day because the small insects it feeds on appear only at night. Both Venonat and its prey are attracted to bright lights.
";venonat;venonat;venonat;venonat;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
49;1;Venomoth;Poison,Bug;360;1;287,85;0;10;34,542;15;125;526;1;"Venomoth is a lepidopteran insect Pokémon whose body is varying shades of purple. Its head and thorax are both light purple, and it has bulbous, round, light blue eyes, a small mandible, and a three-point crest on its head. Tucked close to its thorax are three pairs of tiny, whitish legs. Its abdomen is paler with several black, zigzagging stripes encircling it. It has two pairs of pale purple moth-like wings with thin black venation.
Venomoth's wings are covered in dust-like scales that vary in color depending on their toxic capability. Dark scales are poisonous, while lighter scales can cause paralysis. These scales are released when Venomoth flutters its wings and leak out poison once they make contact with the skin. Venomoth lives in dense temperate forests with thick undergrowth and little light. As a nocturnal Pokémon, Venomoth comes out at night to hunt for its favorite prey. It prefers to feed on insects that gather around light sources, and Venomoth is attracted to bright lights itself. As stated in Pokémon Adventures, Venomoth has a short lifespan.
";venomoth;venomoth;venomoth;venomoth;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
50;1;Diglett;Ground;234;2;186,85;0;3;46,7125;2;8;841;1;"Diglett is a tiny, brown Pokémon that seems to be perpetually buried within the earth, leaving only its head visible. Its small stature makes it both the lightest and shortest Ground-type. It has beady black eyes and a large, round, pink nose. A Diglett in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team mentions that it has feet, though their size and appearance are unknown. It spends much of its time underground and has very thin skin. If Diglett is exposed to sunlight, its blood will heat up and cause it to grow weak.
Diglett lives in tunnels and caves under the earth, where it feeds on tree roots and vegetables. It also sometimes lives in burrows near forests and has even been shown to live inside of trees. Diglett digs regularly through the earth at a shallow depth, leaving perfectly tilled soil in its wake. Some farmers welcome Diglett because it tills their fields and its droppings enrich the soil, but others consider it a pest for eating their vegetables. For a brief time, Fissure was its signature move. Druddigon is a natural predator of Diglett.
In Alola, Diglett has developed three fine gold whiskers on its head from living in soil with high iron content. These whiskers function as sensors and allow it to monitor its surroundings without coming above ground, though it will still occasionally poke its head out to monitor its surroundings. The whiskers can also be used for communication, wobbling around to relay mood or emotion. They stand straight up for anger, swing around for happiness, and droop for sadness.[1] Needing to be able to dig through Alola's volcanic rock, Alolan Diglett is notably stronger than its non-Alolan counterparts. However, they are still very small, tying with Klefki and Meltan as the shortest Steel-type.
";diglett;diglett;diglett;diglett;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
51;1;Dugtrio;Ground;360;2;287,85;1;1;6,0509009009;7;333;574;1;"Dugtrio is a set of Diglett triplets sharing a single body. Each head has brown skin, black eyes, and a large, round, pink nose. Dugtrio's three heads think the same thoughts and act cooperatively, though on rare occasions may fight over which head gets to eat first. In order to make burrowing easier, each head will bob up and down to loosen the soil. Dugtrio can tunnel under the earth at 60 mph (100 km/h) to a depth of 60 miles (100 kilometers), triggering tremors and earthquakes. It is capable of burrowing endlessly. Dugtrio lives in tunnels and caves under the earth. As shown in the anime, it sometimes lives in hollow trees in forests. It maintains the soil and plants trees to revitalize wooded areas. For a brief time, Fissure was its signature move. Druddigon is a natural predator of Dugtrio.
Alolan Dugtrio is nearly identical to its counterpart, except each head has a mop of golden hair formed from modified whiskers. The left head has a bob-cut, the right head has curly ″shoulder-length″ hair, and the last one has flowing hair that touches the ground behind it. This hair is made out of thin, yet heavy strands of steel and it grows slowly and continuously throughout Alolan Dugtrio's life.[1] The hairs act as sensors that can detect vibrations from long distances underground. The Alolan Dugtrio is regarded as a feminine deity of the earth and taking its hairs is thought to bring bad luck.
";dugtrio;dugtrio;dugtrio;dugtrio;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
52;1;Meowth;Normal;265;2;212,1;1;8;20,2;4;42;826;1;" Game Freak artwork of MeowthMeowth is a small, feline Pokémon with cream-colored fur that turns brown at the tips of its hind paws and tail. Its ovoid head features four prominent whiskers, wide eyes with slit pupils, two pointed teeth in the upper jaw, and a gold koban coin embedded in its forehead. Its ears are black with brown interiors and are flanked with an additional pair of long whiskers. Meowth is a quadruped with the ability to walk on its hind legs, while the games always depict Meowth on two legs, the anime states that Meowth normally walks on all fours. It can freely manipulate its claws, retracting them when it wants to move silently. The tip of its tail curls tightly.
Meowth is attracted to round and shiny objects and has the unique ability to produce coins using Pay Day. Being nocturnal, it is known to wander about city streets at night and pick up anything that sparkles, including loose change. Upon finding a sparkling object, its eyes will glitter and the coin on its forehead will shine brightly. It shares this intrigue with Murkrow, with whom it often fights with for objects and prey. Meowth is a playful but fickle Pokémon with the capacity for human-like intelligence, with at least one member of the species teaching itself how to speak. Meowth tends to live in urban areas.
In Alola, Meowth has a slightly different look. Alolan Meowth's fur is a light blue-gray color. Instead of brown markings, the tip of its tail, whiskers, digits, and the insides of its ears a whitish-gray. Alolan Meowth's whiskers have a slight curve compared to regular Meowth's straighter whiskers, and it has silvery eyes.
Meowth was introduced to Alola as a gift to royalty.[1] The luxurious royal lifestyle soon led to Meowth diverging from its origins and becoming the selfish, prideful, and cunning Alolan Meowth. Alolan Meowth will turn hysterical if its coin or pride are besmirched. When the monarchy fell, the rare Alolan Meowth went feral and eventually grew as common in Alola as anywhere else.
In Galar, Meowth takes on a drastically different look due to a nomadic life at sea. Galarian Meowth has a shaggy, greyish-brown coat resembling a beard, as well as yellow eyes and a toothy grin. Its coin is now black and extremely hard, with the hardest coins being especially valued.
The darker the coin is, the more respect it gets from its peers. Galarian Meowth's body has partially turned to iron as a result of many years of living with a race of savage seafarers. As a result of many battles, Galarian Meowth develops the ability to evolve into Perrserker, instead of Persian. Kantonian Meowth and Galarian Meowth don't get along.
As Gigantamax Meowth, it has become larger and longer in size. The body extends from the lower half to the shoulder, while the gold coin gains a symbol. Meowth's eyes change to a glowing gold color. The tail grows long as well, with the end of it tips extending. The tail gets even larger and bumpy when it uses an attack. Three red clouds surround it below the shoulders.
The giant coin emits a lot of Gigantamax power that surrounds the area with a golden gleam. Its desire for shiny objects increases to the point where it will cause damage to skyscraper windows and exterior walls for the sake of sharpening its claws.[2] The symbol on Gigantamax Meowth's gold coin is believed to be the key to unlocking the secrets of Dynamax.
Gigantamax Meowth is the only known Pokémon capable of using the exclusive G-Max Move G-Max Gold Rush.
";meowth;meowth;meowth;meowth;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
53;1;Persian;Normal;391;2;313,1;0;7;9,784375;10;320;538;1;"Persian is a large, quadrupedal, feline Pokémon. Its fur is pale tan with the exception of its black-rimmed ears. It has a short muzzle with a small, black nose, red eyes with slit pupils, rounded ears, a pair of pointed teeth in its upper jaw, and three whiskers on either side of its face. Its thick whiskers are very sensitive to changes in air movements, enabling it to detect its prey by movement alone. In the center of its forehead is a red jewel. Its long tail has a distinctive curl at the end. Persian communicates with body language and holds its tail upright to signal its intention to pounce. It has long legs and three-toed paws with retractable claws. Persian's lithe muscles also enable it to walk without making a sound.
Persian normally lives in towns and cities. Although popular for its elegance, it is extremely difficult to raise as a pet due to its fickle and temperamental personality. It will scratch anyone, including its Trainer, with little or no provocation, and has been observed ripping its prey apart for no discernible reason. However, when Persian is yanked by its whiskers, it becomes temporarily docile for unknown reasons. It is popular among rich people and is targeted by hunters for its jewel. Its relationship with Perrserker is one of mutual disdain, as Persian's refined and elegant personality clashes with Perrserker's barbaric nature. In the past, Pay Day was its signature move.
Alolan Persian has a body that is similar to its regular counterpart, but it has blue-gray fur. Its face has a different shape, being larger and more rounded with noticeable jowls. This distinctive face, along with its high-class softer-than-velvet fur coat, is admired by the people of Alola. Its eyes are usually in a half-closed state, and instead of a red forehead jewel, it has a blue jewel. The jewel, though different in appearance, is made of mostly the same material the one on a regular Persian. In behavior, it is described as highly intelligent and having an even higher opinion of itself. It prefers to use underhanded tactics in battle, but its haughty personality causes it to underestimate opponents.
";persian;persian;persian;persian;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
54;1;Psyduck;Water;259;1;207,05;1;8;8,4510204082;8;196;808;1;"Psyduck is a yellow Pokémon resembling a duck or a bipedal platypus. On top of its head are three thick strands of black hair, and it has a wide, flat cream-colored beak. Psyduck's eyes seem vacant and have tiny pupils. Its legs and tail are stubby, and it has cream-colored webbed feet. There are three claws on each of its hands.
Psyduck is constantly stunned by its headache and is unable to think very clearly. It usually stands immobile, trying to calm its headache. However, when its headache becomes too severe, Psyduck releases tension in the form of strong psychic powers. The use of these powers produces brain waves identical to those seen in sleepers, and the Pokémon is unable to recall these episodes. Psyduck lives in freshwater lakes and small ponds, but can be seen in rivers in tropical areas as shown in Pokémon Snap.
";psyduck;psyduck;psyduck;psyduck;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
55;1;Golduck;Water;410;2;328,25;0;7;7,284921671;17;766;475;1;" Golduck using telepathy in the mangaGolduck is a blue, bipedal, duck, or platypus-like Pokémon. It has red eyes, a cream-colored beak, a red gem in the center of its forehead, and four spikes on the back of its head. Its hands and feet all have three clawed digits with cream-colored webbing in-between. Its body is especially adapted to have a hydrodynamic shape, and it has a long tail that it uses as a rudder to steer. Golduck is sometimes mistaken for the Japanese monster, and physical inspiration for Golduck, the Kappa due to its general humanoid shape, beak, and webbed hands and feet.
Golduck is a fast swimmer, being capable of out-swimming even the most athletic of humans because of its webbed appendages. Even rough seas do not hamper this Pokémon's swimming abilities, and it will sometimes rescue people from shipwrecks. The gem on its forehead glows when it uses its psychic powers, and occasionally when it swims at full speed. In the past, this Pokémon was overhunted due to the belief that the gem granted people supernatural powers. As seen in the manga, Golduck has the ability to give knowledge to its Trainer and fellow Pokémon through telepathy. Golduck can typically be seen swimming in lakes, where it hunts fish. The prey is disabled, captured, and then brought to shore for consumption. Old tales claim Golduck punish those who defile their rivers by dragging them in and taking them away.
";golduck;golduck;golduck;golduck;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
56;1;Mankey;Fighting;284;2;227,25;1;5;4,0580357143;5;280;817;1;" Mankey eating bananasMankey is a simian Pokémon, similar to a New World monkey. It is bipedal and has a round body covered in whitish, shaggy fur. Its nose is similar to a pig's snout, and it has narrow, red eyes and triangular ears with brown insides. Mankey's three-fingered hands, two-toed feet, and the tip of its curved, prehensile tail are brown. Along with Stufful, it is the smallest known Fighting-type Pokémon.
Mankey specializes in physical fighting and is very aggressive and short-tempered. When angry, it begins shaking and its breathing turns rough. Its rage peaks quickly, preventing its victim from being able to flee. It will rampage until it falls asleep, but its anger remains in its dreams. This causes it to wake up and become furious all over again. However, this constant release of stress grants it a long life. Mankey can be found in the mountains, where it lives in treetop colonies. If one becomes enraged, the whole colony rampages for no reason. If it loses sight of its colony or if it is left alone to rage, its loneliness causes it to become infuriated.
According to the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team games, Mankey's preferred food is chestnuts. However, Mankey usually lacks the dexterity to peel them. It becomes agitated and rage after attempting to peel a chestnut's spiky shell. Additionally, it also appears to be fond of bananas in the anime.
";mankey;mankey;mankey;mankey;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
57;1;Primeape;Fighting;410;1;328,25;1;3;10,2578125;10;320;523;1;" Primeape eating bananasPrimeape is a bipedal, simian Pokémon with a round body covered in whitish, shaggy fur. There is usually a throbbing vein on the left side of its forehead, and it has triangular ears with pink insides, narrow eyes with tiny pupils, and a pink, snout-like nose. Its arms and legs are brown and have metal shackles on the wrists and ankles. This is probably indicative of a method of training with weights. The hands have no visible fingers, instead resembling mittens or boxing gloves, and the feet have two toes.
Primeape is easily angered, even the slightest glance of eye contact will make it furious. When Primeape is furious, its blood circulation is boosted. This makes its muscles stronger, but at the cost of some of its intelligence. However, it has sturdy vessels in its brain that help keep it healthy. It will chase anyone who upsets it and will not stop until it has caught its quarry. Even if it is awoken from sleep, it will groggily chase whatever woke it. It has shown some fondness for bananas. Primeape can be found on mountains.
";primeape;primeape;primeape;primeape;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
58;1;Growlithe;Fire;290;2;232,3;1;9;8,5584210526;7;190;790;1;"Growlithe is a quadrupedal canine Pokémon. It has orange fur with black stripes along its back and legs. The fur on its muzzle, chest, belly, and tail is beige, as is an additional tuft of fur on top of its head. Growlithe's coat is noticeably longer on its chest and tail. It has gray eyes, a black nose, and large, round and triangular ears with beige interiors. Its forepaws have two visible claws, while its hind paws have three toes each. Each paw has a brown pad.
Growlithe is a friendly and loyal Pokémon that will fearlessly defend its Trainer and territory from harm, even against larger, stronger enemies. In particular, it has been known to fight with Rockruff over territory. It will fiercely bark at, bite, and chase away any perceived threat. Otherwise, this obedient Pokémon will wait motionlessly until given an order. It has a long history with people, as its bones have been found in Stone Age ruins. In the wild, Growlithe can be commonly found in grassy plains.
Growlithe also has a powerful olfactory sense. If it detects an unknown smell in its territory, it roars to flush out the intruder. It can smell the emotions of others, and never forgets a scent. However, strong, unpleasant smells can disable Growlithe's sense of smell for short periods, as seen in the anime.
In Hisui, Growlithe's fur is dark orange-red, while its mane and tail are light gray, and its muzzle is a light tan. The fur is made out of igneous rock components. Its mane covers its eyes and extends below its head, ending with three curls. Its ears are round and square with light orange-red interiors. It has a small horn in its head and its tail is curly.
Hisuian Growlithe's soft and insulated fur allows it to survive the cold weather of Hisui. Growlithe rarely uses its horn unless needed due to it being easily broken. A pair of Hisuian Growlithe are known to be vigilant when guarding territory. Growlithe in that region takes much longer to bond with humans because it lived apart from humans for many years.[1] Growlithe's Hisuian form is the result of it being exposed to volcanic activity in the habitat it lives in during Hisui's ancient times.
";growlithe;growlithe;growlithe;growlithe;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
59;1;Arcanine;Fire;473;1;378,75;0;9;4,6427419355;19;1550;418;1;"Arcanine is a quadrupedal, canine Pokémon with an orange pelt marked by jagged black stripes. It has diamond-shaped ears with beige insides, black eyes, a round, black nose, and two pointed teeth protruding from its upper jaw. Its head, muzzle, and chest are covered in shaggy, beige fur, except for two oval sections around each eye and ear. Long tufts of fur grow behind its elbows and around its ankles. Its underside is black, and it has a billowing, beige tail that is bent in the middle. Each paw has three toes and a round, pink pad.
Arcanine is a fiercely brave and loyal Pokémon. It is capable of running 6,200 miles in 24 hours with a speed and grace reminiscent of flight. Additionally, the move Extreme Speed was its signature move in the past. Arcanine has long been admired for its beauty and speed, and anyone who hears its bark will grovel before it. The source of its power is a flame blazing wildly inside its body. Being the result of an evolution via Evolution stone, Arcanine is rarely found in the wild, but when found, it is usually seen living in prairies, and Pokémon Snap has also shown it living in active volcanoes. In the anime, it was shown that it stashes food in its mane and carries it to its nest for its young.
In Hisui, Arcanine has a slightly different look due to the volcanic activity of the environment it lives in. Its body fur is red-orange while its muzzle, mane, tail, eyebrows, and tufts of fur behind its elbows and around its ankles are gray, and the insides of its ears are light gray. The gray fur is made out of igneous rock components. Its cheek mane, ankle fur, and tail form into curls. Its elbow fur resemble wings. It has a large horn in the center of its head and three small horns between its head and ears. Its mane form into curled clumps at the back of its neck and large rectangular clumps on the sides and bottom of its neck. The rectangular clumps have light red-orange markings on them.
Hisuian Arcanine uses its fangs while engulfed in flames to snap at foes. Despite how deceivingly bulky Hisuian Arcanine is, it moves around nimbly like a dancer. This allows it to lead opponents in a merry chase while avoiding them at the same time.
A special Hisuian Arcanine is worshipped by the Hisui people due to it being one of the 10 ancient Pokémon who received a blessing from Arceus. It is one of the Noble Pokémon who resides in Cobalt Coastlands watched by a Warden.
";arcanine;arcanine;arcanine;arcanine;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
60;1;Poliwag;Water;278;1;222,2;1;1;10,7516129032;6;124;820;1;"Poliwag is an amphibian Pokémon resembling a blue, spherical tadpole. It has large eyes and pink lips that can also act as suction cups for rocks. Its skin is very thin, but flexible and difficult to puncture. There is a black and white swirl on its abdomen, which is actually its internal organs showing through its semitransparent skin. The swirl is clearer following a meal and will have a white tinge if the Pokémon is affected by disease. The direction of the belly spiral differs by area, the equator is thought to have an effect on it.
Poliwag has newly developed legs that are poor at walking and no arms. It has a long, thin tail surrounded by a light-blue, semitransparent fin. Its tail makes it a powerful swimmer. It loves to waddle on land despite the dangers. However, it will quickly return back into the water should it see danger. It cannot walk on land well unless trained everyday.
Because of its ineptitude on land, Poliwag is more likely to be found swimming in small freshwater ponds and lakes. In the anime, Poliwag feeds on salveyo weed, which can only be found on clear lake bottoms.
";poliwag;poliwag;poliwag;poliwag;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
61;1;Poliwhirl;Water;360;1;287,85;0;10;14,3925;10;200;595;1;" Part of its internal anatomy, as seen in its conceptual artPoliwhirl is a blue, bipedal amphibian Pokémon with a spherical body. It has bulbous eyes that protrude from the top of its head. A black and white swirl covers its belly, which is actually its organs showing through its thin skin. It appears to have white gloves on its hands and rounded, digit-less feet. When out of water, it sweats to keep its skin moist and healthy. This keeps it covered in an oily fluid that allows it to slip away from enemies. All of its skin feels this way except where its swirl is, which is instead very smooth. The swirl on its belly undulates slowly and staring at it induces drowsiness.
Even though Poliwhirl is capable of moving on land, it prefers to stay in freshwater ponds and lakes where it has fewer natural enemies. It feeds on both bug and fish Pokémon. While it will leave the water to capture bug Pokémon, it will return and consume them underwater in safety. Its swirl is used to make children fall asleep. Poliwhirl's sweat is filled with slimy mucus. When captured by an enemy, it either slithers to escape or use its swirl to put the enemy to sleep.
";poliwhirl;poliwhirl;poliwhirl;poliwhirl;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
62;1;Poliwrath;Fighting,Water;442;2;353,5;1;7;8,5101851852;13;540;325;1;"Poliwrath is a blue, bipedal amphibian Pokémon with a round body and muscular arms. It has bulbous eyes that protrude from the top of its head and its belly is covered by a white and black swirl. There appear to be white gloves on its hands, and it has rounded, digit-less feet.
Poliwrath's body is almost entirely muscle, and the muscles in its arms and legs never tire. It also has zero percent body-fat. When it swims, it uses all of the muscles in its body and is able to swim vast distances with minimal breathing. It is even capable of briefly running on the water's surface. It can also smash through ice and plow forward using its strong arms. Poliwrath is capable of out-swimming even world-class swimmers. Poliwrath is also skilled at martial arts. It can launch powerful square punches capable of crushing boulders into dust. Many children learn how to swim by replicating Poliwrath's movement. It is one of the most gifted swimmers of all Water-type Pokémon.
Being the result of an evolution via Evolution stone, Poliwrath is rarely found in the wild. When found, it is usually seen living on dry land near the water's edge, despite it being an excellent swimmer. In Alola, Poliwrath found are strong enough to use the breaststroke while swimming.
";poliwrath;poliwrath;poliwrath;poliwrath;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
63;1;Abra;Psychic;189;2;151,5;1;2;6,9923076923;9;195;814;1;"Abra is a bipedal Pokémon that is primarily yellow. Its face is kite-shaped with a small, pale yellow snout and two short, pointed ears with pale yellow interiors. Its wide eyes are normally closed. Abra's body is segmented with black skin is visible between its joints and along its neck. It has two brown, pauldron-shaped extensions on its shoulders, as well as a brown, fauld-like piece around its chest. It has three digits on each hand and foot, but its fingers considerably shorter than its toes. Two of its toes face forward and one faces backward. Its tail is thick and long, with a brown band located near the tip.
Abra can sense danger through a telepathic radar. When it does, it teleports to a safe location. However, it sometimes becomes panicked if it wakes in an unknown location. By hypnotizing itself, Abra is able to teleport itself even while sleeping. It can use other extrasensory abilities while sleeping as well and can even teleport into the treetops to pick and eat berries. The deeper Abra sleeps, the farther it teleports. Due to the strain of its telepathic powers, however, Abra sleeps 18 hours each day. If it fails to rest long enough, it will become unable to use its powers. The contents in Abra's dream can affect its powers. Abra lives in urban areas, but has been observed to teleport to a different location once per hour. If it teleports randomly, it can create illusory copies.
";abra;abra;abra;abra;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
64;1;Kadabra;Psychic;265;2;212,1;1;8;4,8801769912;13;565;580;1;"Kadabra is a primarily yellow, humanoid Pokémon. It has two long, pointed ears on top of its head, a red star on its forehead, narrow, deep-set eyes, and wide cheeks leading down to a thin snout. Extending from each side of its snout are two mustache-like tufts of fur, a male will have a longer mustache than a female. Kadabra's torso is segmented with bulky shoulders, a thick, brown chest, and a small abdomen marked by three red, wavy lines. Attached to the Pokémon's abdomen is a large, thick tail encircled with a brown band near its base. Its arms are thin with brown elbows and end in three-fingered hands with white claws. Its legs have prominent knees and large, three-toed feet, also ending in white claws. Two of its toes face forward and one backward. Kadabra is always seen carrying a silver spoon, which amplifies its telekinetic powers. A gold spoon does not work as an amplifier and Kadabra is only half as strong without a spoon. It is able to bend its spoon to use Kinesis, its signature move.
Kadabra emits alpha waves strong enough to induce headaches, and can even cause clocks to run backwards, machines to malfunction, and delicate devices to cease functioning altogether. The waves increase further in strength the more danger Kadabra faces. By closing its eyes, it can double the number of alpha particles it emits. When it has a headache, the alpha waves become unusual. All of Kadabra's brain cells work in unison while it uses its powers. It sleeps while levitating, using its springy tail like a pillow. It can store up psychic energy inside its star in preparation for its evolution. There is a theory that Kadabra was born from a transformed human child who could not control his powers. Kadabra lives in urban areas.
";kadabra;kadabra;kadabra;kadabra;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
65;1;Alakazam;Psychic;341;1;272,7;0;3;8,521875;15;480;337;1;"Alakazam is a humanoid Pokémon with a large mustache. A female Alakazam has a significantly shorter mustache than a male. It has a long, thin snout, narrow eyes, ear-like spikes extending from the top of its head, and an additional spike protruding from each cheek. Covering its yellow, skeletal body are brown armor-like sections over its chest, shoulders, forearms, and knees. There are three toes on each foot, each of which has a white claw. Two of the toes face forward, while one faces backwards. It wields a silver spoon in each hand, which act as amplifiers for its psychic abilities. The spoons are created using its psychic powers and it may give one to someone it trusts. Alakazam is able to lower the accuracy of its opponents by bending the spoons it wields, using its signature move Kinesis.
As Mega Alakazam, its mustache turns white and becomes longer and bushier. It also grows a long, white beard. The armor-like sections become bulkier, and its upper body section becomes slightly shorter to reveal its thin stomach. The ear-like spikes become slightly shorter and a larger spike forms on top of its head. Additionally, it gains an oval, red organ in the center of its forehead. The organ is said to emit psychic power. Its lower legs become longer and slimmer and its feet become skinnier and resemble talons. It gains three additional spoons, for a total of five that it levitates in the air. At the cost of its already-low muscular strength, Mega Alakazam's power is entirely converted to pure psychic energy. It can read the course of a person's entire life with a single glance.
Alakazam is able to use all forms of psychic abilities. The overflow of its psychic powers can cause headaches to those nearby. These powers are used to move its body, as opposed to its weak muscles. It also uses its psychic powers to hold up its head, which is too heavy to be supported by its neck. Due to its continually growing brain, its head becomes larger with age. It is said to have an excellent memory and can remember everything that it has experienced since hatching as an Abra, to the time of its death, and has an IQ that exceeds 5,000. It is found in urban areas.
";alakazam;alakazam;alakazam;alakazam;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
66;1;Machop;Fighting;297;2;237,35;1;7;9,7374358974;8;195;817;1;"Machop is a humanoid, bipedal Pokémon that has gray skin. It has three brown ridges on top of its head, large red eyes, and a relatively flat face. On either side of its chest are three, thin, rib-like stripes. Its feet appear to have no toes, while its hands have five fingers. Machop also has a short, stubby tail.
Machop's entire body is covered with muscles that will never tire or cramp. With these muscles, it can lift many times its own body weight. Machop is capable of hurling up to 100 adults. It trains by lifting Graveler every day and becomes more dedicated the more its muscles grow. Machop's muscles can never get sore, no matter what training it does. It spends its time and energy practicing all different forms of martial arts and trying to improve its abilities. Once it feels confident, it challenges Makuhita to a battle. Machop lives in the mountains. In the past, it claimed Low Kick and Vital Throw as signature moves.
";machop;machop;machop;machop;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
67;1;Machoke;Fighting;372;1;297,95;0;3;6,3393617021;15;705;574;1;"Machoke is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon covered in gray skin. It has a vaguely reptilian face with a short snout, narrow red eyes, and four pointed teeth visible inside its mouth. Two of these teeth are in the upper jaw, while two are in the lower jaw. On top of its head are three brown ridges. Its arms are muscular with dark red, vertical stripes on them. The lower part of its body has black markings that resemble briefs. It is always seen wearing a black and gold power-save belt resembling a championship belt. It possesses large pectoral muscles that protrude slightly over its belt.
Machoke is a Pokémon of immense strength. Its muscles are as hard as steel, and it is capable of lifting extremely heavy objects with only one finger. Machoke's body is powerful enough to never get tired. Machoke is a popular Pokémon used as a motif for sculptures. In spite of this, it is modest and often helps people with manual labor. The belt it wears regulates its strength, but Machoke removes it when facing a truly powerful opponent. It can be found in the mountains, where it trains daily. In the past, it claimed Low Kick and Vital Throw as signature moves.
";machoke;machoke;machoke;machoke;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
68;1;Machamp;Fighting;448;2;358,55;1;1;4,4129230769;16;1300;319;1;"Machamp is a humanoid Pokémon with four well-muscled arms. It has bluish-gray skin, red eyes, and pale yellow lips. On its head, there are three brown ridges right above its eyes. It has two arms on each side of its body: a pair located in the normal position, and another pair directly above that attaches on the top of the shoulders. It has black markings that resemble briefs and wears a golden power-save belt that resembles a championship belt. Its legs have considerable muscle tone, and its feet have two toes each.
Machamp are said to know every martial arts style in the world. It punches extremely quickly, throwing five hundred punches a second. With only one hand, it can move a mountain. Because of its four arms, it can hit from a multitude of angles and pin all of its foe's limbs down at once. Its arms also allow it to attack and defend simultaneously. The four arms react much faster than Machamp can think. However, it has poor dexterity, and cannot handle delicate work without its arms becoming tangled. The belt it wears restricts its muscle activity, but it can cause consequences if removed.
Being the result of an evolution via trading, Machamp is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in the mountains. In the past, Low Kick, Vital Throw, and Strength were its signature moves.
As Gigantamax Machamp, it swells to enormous proportions and acquires immeasurable strength. Due to Gigantamaxing, its arms are filled with Gigantamax energy, making its punches as hard as bomb blasts. Its bluish-gray skin becomes darker. The middle ridge located on its head becomes longer compared to the other two. All three ridges are also darker now. The sclera of the brown eyes become bright yellow. The neck extends with black markings. The four fists are now colored dark orange with yellow lines connecting to two orange spots on each arm. The golden belt extends with several more notches. The black markings now extend down the legs and stop above the ankles.
Gigantamax Machamp is the only known Pokémon capable of using the exclusive G-Max Move G-Max Chi Strike.
";machamp;machamp;machamp;machamp;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
69;1;Bellsprout;Poison,Grass;253;2;202;1;9;35,35;7;40;820;1;"Bellsprout is a plant-based Pokémon with a stem-like brown body. There is a single green leaf on each side of its body. It has a yellow bell-shaped head with what appear to be pink lips at the end and beady black eyes. It is capable of spitting corrosive acid from its mouth. Its stem is long, thin and very flexible, making it capable of swerving rapidly to avoid many attacks or moving with blinding speed to capture prey. Its roots resemble feet, and it uses them as such. It will plant its roots in the ground to replenish water, but it is unable to flee while it is rooted. Bellsprout prefers hot and humid places, thus it lives in temperate forests and jungles.
";bellsprout;bellsprout;bellsprout;bellsprout;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
70;1;Weepinbell;Poison,Grass;328;2;262,6;0;9;41,03125;10;64;589;1;"Weepinbell is a pitcher plant Pokémon with a yellow, bell-shaped body. Above Weepinbell's circular eyes are three small green spots and a small, brown hook-shaped stem. It has wide, gaping mouth with pink lips. On each side of its body is a large, green leaf. Weepinbell camouflages itself as a plant in the forest whilst awaiting an unwary victim. When its prey draws near it sprays poison powder to immobilize the target before melting it with its internal acids. It oozes a neutralizing fluid that prevents these internal acids from melting its own body. It will also slice its prey too large to consume into pieces with its razor-sharp leaves. Weepinbell live in temperate forests and jungles where it hangs from tree branches by its stem to sleep. If it moves around during sleep, Weepinbell may slip and awaken to find itself on the ground.
";weepinbell;weepinbell;weepinbell;weepinbell;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
71;1;Victreebel;Poison,Grass;404;2;323,2;1;1;35,4477419355;17;155;352;1;"Victreebel is a pitcher plant Pokémon with a bell-shaped body. It has a gaping mouth with pink lips and two sharp teeth. Its semicircular eyes appear directly under its mouth and it has several dark green spots on its body. On either side of its body is a large green leaf. Covering Victreebel's mouth is a leaf with a long, brown, yellow-tipped vine growing out of it. The vine is flicked to mimic an animal in order to attract prey. Victreebel also produces a sweet scent to further aid in luring its victims. Acid that has dissolved numerous prey animals becomes sweeter and even more effective at attracting prey.
It can be found in small groups and is territorial. In the manga, Victreebel hoards food, usually small birds and rodents, and collects Leaf Stones to perform evolution rituals at night to help Weepinbell become more Victreebel. Being the result of an evolution via Evolution stone, Victreebel is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in temperate forests and jungles.
";victreebel;victreebel;victreebel;victreebel;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
72;1;Tentacool;Poison,Water;234;2;186,85;1;5;3,6959340659;9;455;799;1;" Tentacool possessing a MeowthTentacool is a small, cnidarian Pokémon. It has a light blue, clear body with two large, transparent, red crystals on each side of its body and one small one in the middle. Near the base of its body is a pointed, beak-like projection and two eyes with small pupils. There are two grayish tentacles extending from beneath its round lower body, which has a cape-like formation on the back.
Tentacool's entire body is made of 99% water, and the remaining 1% contains the organ that produces its poison. It absorbs sunlight and refracts it using the water inside its body to convert it into beam energy. Its tentacles are laced with stinging cells and, as seen in the anime, it can control Pokémon it touches with its tentacles. The tentacles break off occasionally, but they can regenerate. The poison from its tentacles is so potent, that someone would need to be immediately rushed to the hospital. Tentacool is not a very strong swimmer, traveling throughout the world using ocean currents. Tentacool searches for food while drifting on the surface of shallow seas. Tentacool can blend in the water, making it very difficult to spot. It will sometimes wash ashore and shrivel up due to dehydration, though it remains equally as dangerous. Tentacool may be revived if thrown back into the sea.
";tentacool;tentacool;tentacool;tentacool;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
73;1;Tentacruel;Poison,Water;398;2;318,15;1;8;9,2552727273;16;550;460;1;" Tentacruel's orbs glowingTentacruel is a large, cnidarian Pokémon. It has a clear, light blue body that has two large, red orbs on either side and smaller orb in the center. Its eyes are visible in its round lower body, which is black. Extending from its lower body are two blue, beak-like appendages and numerous grayish tentacles. Its red orbs glow whenever it is excited or agitated, communicating with its own kind, and it may alert others to danger by stridently flashing them. They are also capable of refracting sunlight, storing energy, and firing ultrasonic waves.
Tentacruel's primarily light blue body helps it camouflage in the water. It has a total of 80 tentacles, which it can readily extend during hunts to ensnare its prey in a net-like shape before immobilizing it with poison. The tentacles can grow or shrink with ease. Its tentacles can absorb water to stretch even further. Most of these tentacles are hidden and kept short, leaving up to 14 exposed. However, it tends to lose tentacles as it ages. While Tentacruel are rarely seen, they can gather in large groups which scares away any nearby fish Pokémon. Tentacruel lives in underwater rock formations and can be found throughout the ocean.
";tentacruel;tentacruel;tentacruel;tentacruel;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
74;1;Geodude;Ground,Rock;303;1;242,4;1;4;4,848;4;200;820;1;"Geodude is a brownish-gray boulder Pokémon. It has bulging, rocky eyebrows, trapezoidal, brown eyes, and a wide mouth. Its arms are muscular with five-fingered hands. Geodude uses its arms to climb steadily up steep mountain paths. As a result of their physical appearance, Rhyperior sometimes mistake this Pokémon for actual boulders and fire them through their hands.
Geodude is proud of its sturdy body and will bash against others of its kind in a contest of sorts to prove whose body is harder. It will even go as far as to compare itself with other species such as Roggenrola and Carbink. The longer it lives, the more chipped and worn its body becomes. Long-lived Geodude are completely smooth and round and they have a calm demeanor. However, Geodude's heart remains rugged and tough, no matter what. Geodude can be most often found on mountain trails and fields, with a scholar counting about 100 of them on just one route. It will sit still in these areas, which is why it is often mistaken for a rock. It is often stepped on and will sometimes swing its arms in anger when this occurs. When Geodude sleeps deeply, it buries itself halfway into the ground. Once buried, it will not awaken even if someone steps on it. In the morning, Geodude rolls downhill in search of food.
In the Alola region, Geodude is made from a magnetic rock with a more silvery appearance. There are areas on Alolan Geodude's body that are especially magnetic and attract iron sand, creating the appearance of black eyebrows and strands of short black hair. Its fingers are fused together, leaving only the thumb and index finger free. Stepping on Alolan Geodude results in an electrical shock and sometimes an angry headbutt. Like regular Geodude, it competes with others by bashing their bodies together. The iron sand sticks to the one with stronger magnetism. The Alolan Golem will fire these Geodude if real rocks are absent.
";geodude;geodude;geodude;geodude;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
75;1;Graveler;Ground,Rock;379;2;303;0;1;2,8857142857;10;1050;589;1;"Graveler is a bipedal, boulder Pokémon. Its round body is covered with small bumps and it has a rocky crest above its small eyes and mouth. It has four arms, each with a three-fingered hand. Its second pair of arms is typically kept tucked against its chest. It was shown in Pokémon Snap that, despite having legs, it can revert to a legless form. This grants it the ability to float.
Graveler's preferred locomotion is rolling, specifically, because it is a slow walker. It often rolls down mountain paths at high speeds exceeding 60 mph, crushing objects in the way and stopping by running into huge rocks should it build up too much speed. However, it will explode if it rolls into a river instead. Graveler are known to be generally free and uncaring, not minding if pieces of itself break off, as it has the ability to restore itself over time. Graveler climbs a mountain from base to summit, feasting on rocks all the while. Upon reaching the peak, it rolls down to the bottom. Graveler live in horizontal holes that they gouge out in sheer cliff faces.
In the Alola region, Graveler looks similar to its regular counterpart, but with a silvery sheen. It lacks defined digits on its upper limbs and has two toes on each foot rather than three. There are several small, yellowish crystals scattered across its body and iron sand attracted by magnetism. This black sand creates crystal-like formations above its eyes, across the tops of the upper pair of arms, and on the sides of its face. Alolan Graveler feeds on dravite, which creates the yellow crystals on its body and grants it electrical abilities. It often fights with others over food, and when two smash together, it creates a flash of light and a booming sound, for this reason, people refer to it as ″the fireworks of the earth″. Similar to its Kantonian counterpart, Alolan Graveler also roll down mountain paths, however, instead of flattening obstacles as it rolls, it sends them flying by zapping them with electricity.
";graveler;graveler;graveler;graveler;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
76;1;Golem;Ground,Rock;473;2;378,75;1;6;1,7675;14;3000;346;1;"Golem is a bipedal tortoise-like boulder Pokémon with a spherical body covered by a shell of plated, green rocks. Its body is so hard that even dynamite cannot scratch it. Its head protrudes from the center of the shell. The head has a flat snout with two pointed teeth in the lower jaw and red eyes. It has short arms that have three claws and two legs with feet that have four claws in front and one in back. The head and limbs are light brown in color. Golem grows bigger by shedding its skin once a year. The discarded shell immediately hardens when exposed to air, crumbling away and returning to the soil. However, it stops shedding with age and moss grows over its shell. As shown in the Pocket Monsters Carddass Trading Cards, Golem's shell is hollow.
The anime has shown that Golem is able to withdraw its head and limbs into its shell and roll at high speeds. It is dangerous when doing this, as it is unable to see and may crash into or run over anything in its path. To prevent it from rolling into the homes of people downhill, grooves are dug into the sides of the mountains to divert the rolling Golem's course. It is seldom seen in the wild. However, it can be found living in mountainous regions.
In the Alola region, Golem has much shorter forearms with two claws. The feet have only two claws as well. Its face attracts iron sand, creating the appearance of a mustache, eyebrows, and a large black beard. Jutting out of the top of its body are two large, black rocks with a smaller rock in-between, forming a shape of a cannon. On the inner edge of the larger rocks are three golden dots. The cannon prevents them from easily rolling into a ball like its Kantonian variant. Alolan Golem is capable of firing the small rock by using magnetism. The rock will be electrically charged, creating shocks across the whole area of impact. Numbness and fainting can occur with even a glancing blow. If rocks are not available, it will fire nearby Geodude instead.";golem;golem;golem;golem;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
77;1;Ponyta;Fire;354;1;282,8;1;3;9,4266666667;10;300;754;1;"Ponyta is an equine Pokémon with cream-colored fur. It has brown eyes and triangular ears with reddish interiors. Yellow and reddish-orange flames make up its mane and tail. The mane forms a short crest on top of its head and a short strip down its back to its tail. Additional flames are present behind its elbows and knees. The fire appears about an hour after hatching. It has four long legs, each ending in a single, gray hoof. These hooves are said to be ten times harder than diamonds and act as shock absorbers.
Ponyta are relatively lightweight for their size, as they have extraordinary jumping abilities and are capable of leaping tall buildings in a single bound. However, a newborn Ponyta is a weak runner and is actually barely able to stand. It gradually strengthens its legs and becomes faster by chasing after its parents and jumping over grass that grows taller by the day. In the anime, it is shown that Ponyta can control its flames so that its rider is not burned by them, and Ponyta only does this for those that it has accepted. Ponyta herds tend to live in grasslands, on plains, or anywhere that it can run freely.
In the Galar region, Ponyta has adapted to forests by being exposed to the life energy from it. It has chalk-white fur, long, purple-and-blue, cloudy fur that is also on top of its dark-purple hooves, purple eyes with light-blue irises, and a purple-and-white horn on top of its forehead.
Galarian Ponyta can absorb the life energy located in the atmosphere and store it in its mane, which will then become more colorful and potentially release a shining glow if there is a lot of energy to use.[1] The small horn on its head contains healing power. Ponyta can heal any slight wounds with a few rubs from its horn. By looking into the eyes of a person, it can read the contents of the heart. Should Ponyta find any evil, it will promptly go back into hiding. As shown in the anime, Galarian Ponyta can send pleas for help in the form of visions to people, even if they're from another region.
";ponyta;ponyta;ponyta;ponyta;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
78;1;Rapidash;Fire;429;1;343,4;1;1;6,1450526316;17;950;475;1;"Rapidash is an equine Pokémon with cream-colored fur and a pointed horn on its forehead. It has small, red eyes and triangular ears with reddish interiors. Yellow and reddish-orange flames stream from the back of its head to form a long, flowing mane. A short version of the mane trails down its back to its equally fiery tail. Flames are also present on its fetlocks. It has slender legs, each with a single black hoof.
Rapidash is a very agile Pokémon. Rapidash is said to move similar to an arrow on the land. It runs at about 150 mph (240 km/h), chasing everything that moves in hopes of racing it. With incredible acceleration, it reaches its top speed in only ten steps. At full gallop, its hooves barely touch the ground. The faster Rapidash goes, the longer the swaying flames of its mane will become. At an all-out gallop, its blazing mane sparkles, a feature that is said to enhance its beautiful appearance. Rapidash is capable of traveling an entire region like Hisui within a day and a half. Rapidash lives in grasslands, but it can also be seen on mountains in Pokémon Snap.
In Galar, Rapidash takes on a new form with a white coat, pale blue eyes, and a long, curly mane and tail colored in streaks of pastel cyan and pink. Its horn is much longer than that of regular Rapidash and is deep violet in color with a spiraling white line running its length. Its fetlocks are adorned with long pink fur that stores psychic energy, which gives it a swift, airy gait, and it has deep violet hooves.
Galarian Rapidash is known for being brave and prideful. It can channel its psychic power into a powerful Psycho Cut from its horn that can pierce through sheet metal.
";rapidash;rapidash;rapidash;rapidash;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
79;1;Slowpoke;Water,Psychic;297;2;237,35;0;8;7,9116666667;12;360;811;1;"Slowpoke is a pink Pokémon that resembles a cross between a salamander and a hippopotamus. It has vacant eyes that never seem focused, curled ears, and a rounded, tan muzzle. It has four legs, each of which ends in a single white claw. Its long, tapering tail has a white tip. This tail drips a sweet, sappy substance that is attractive to many species of fish. Slowpoke uses the tail as a fishing lure. The tail often breaks off, but it will grow back. In Alola, its tail is often dried and used in home-cooked stews.
Slowpoke has a notoriously dim intellect and often forgets what it was doing. It takes a long time to respond to outside stimuli. For example, it can take up to five seconds to process pain and can take an entire day to notice when its tail has been bitten. Slowpoke is commonly found at the water's edge. In some places, it is believed that Slowpoke's yawn causes rain. This Pokémon is worshiped in those areas.
In Galar, Slowpoke's appearance is a result of particles being built from eating Galarica seeds. It has gained yellow coloration on its forehead and tail and is a brighter shade of pink. Unlike its counterpart, its tail is always down and said to have a spicy taste.
Galarian Slowpoke are known to relax on seashores and riverbanks without a care in the world. Occasionally, it will get a very sharp look in its eyes as if it is about to think of something tremendous. However, Slowpoke will quickly forget and return to its normal expression. It is believed that its behavior is a result of Galarica particles affecting its brain.[1]
";slowpoke;slowpoke;slowpoke;slowpoke;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
80;1;Slowbro;Water,Psychic;391;1;313,1;1;1;6,381656051;16;785;484;1;"Slowbro is a bipedal, pink Pokémon with a tan, striped belly and a rounded, tan muzzle. It has large, vacant eyes, curled ears, and two small pointed teeth protruding from its upper jaw. It has three clawed fingers on its hands and two clawed toes on its feet. There is a Shellder attached to its tail. This Shellder has a gray, spiral shell with darker gray spots and small, triangular eyes near the base. There are several spikes across the surface of the Shellder, and it holds onto Slowbro with many sharp teeth. Shellder developed its spiral form in an effort to suck more sweetness out of Slowbro's tail. If its tail or the Shellder attached to it is broken off, Slowbro will revert to its unevolved form, Slowpoke.
Slowbro has lost the capability to feel pain due to the Shellder's poison. While typically lazy and unintelligent, Slowbro apparently becomes inspired when the Shellder bites down on its tail. While it is capable of unleashing powerful psychic attacks, Slowbro is typically rather peaceful and usually prefers not to fight. Because it can no longer fish using its tail, it instead swims to catch its prey and allows the Shellder to feed on its leftover scraps. Slowbro tends to live near ponds, lakes, and seashores.
When Slowbro Mega Evolves, it becomes engulfed by the Shellder so that only its head, arms, and white-tipped tail are visible. Its head pokes out of the mouth of the Shellder and is surrounded by Shellder's now larger teeth. The spiral Shellder now has an opening at its tip, allowing the tail of Slowbro to stick out. Mega Slowbro balances on its tail due to its legs being engulfed. It can move by bouncing, using its tail as a spring. The spikes on the Shellder are now reduced to four on the bottom section of its body and the dark spots only visible on its middle section. Mega Slowbro's energy has gathered into Shellder, which has increased its hardness. This allows it to act as armor so hard that nothing can scratch it. Slowpoke is virtually unchanged, but it gains some power and motivation from Shellder's digestive fluids.
In Galar, Galarian Slowbro's appearance is due to Shellder biting its arm instead of its tail, causing a chemical reaction with the consumed Galarica spices within its body. The Shellder attached to its arm resembles the Shellder tail from its Kantonian counterpart but smaller with a purple tip shaped like a stinger. It has a slight color difference with purple spots on its forehead. Its mouth and paws are also purple, while its belly remains gray.
Galarian Slowbro are considered highly dangerous due to it indiscriminately attacking its surroundings, the reason for which is due to Shellder sometimes unconsciously biting down hard on its arm. While normally zoned out, its expression will quickly change when facing a strong opponent due to the stimulus jolt from its nervous system. Galarian Slowbro can move with speed that puts the quickest of known reflexes to shame in order to fire a liquid poison shot from Shellder's tip.[1] Slowbro releases the poison liquid by grabbing Shellder's tongue who launches it.
Galarian Slowbro is the only known Pokémon capable of using the move Shell Side Arm.
";slowbro;slowbro;slowbro;slowbro;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
81;1;Magnemite;Steel,Electric;221;2;176,75;0;6;8,8375;3;60;805;1;"Magnemite is a seemingly robotic Pokémon that has a gray, spherical metal body with blue-and-red tipped horseshoe magnets on each side and a single, large eye. It has three Phillips head screws on its body: two near the bottom of its body and the one on top of its head that looks similar to an antenna. The two bottom screws serve no noticeable purpose, although they may be its feet as the Pokédex identifies a footprint similar to that of the screw's head. Even though Magnemite and its evolved forms are mechanical creatures, the anime has shown that it has emotions and a way of reproducing. It has even exhibited the need to eat, although its main form of nutrients is electrical currents. It is commonly found in locations such as power plants or caves with a strong magnetic field. Despite its modern, artificial appearance, Magnemite has been depicted in carvings discovered at the Ruins of Alph. It has also been present in AZ's retelling of the Kalos war, indicating it has existed for at least 3,000 years.
The magnetic units on Magnemite's body generate an electromagnetic field that allows it to defy gravity and can potentially disrupt electrical equipment. Magnemite is not known to be unnecessarily aggressive but they may approach Trainers with little notice. If a wild Magnemite is approached, it may simply flee on rare occasions, as Magnemite does not care for interaction. However, if attacked, it will retaliate with non-damaging moves. In the care of a Trainer, it can be a devoted fighter. However, it has been demonstrated that it may be deterred unless a strong bond is formed with its Trainer. Should it run out of electricity, Magnemite will fall to the ground. Usually, batteries can help recharge it in order for Magnemite to start moving again.
Magnemite can be attracted to anything emitting electricity or a magnetic field, including gadgets such as a Pokétch. It has even been shown to be attracted to electric Pokémon producing such fields. With modern electrical lines buried underground, Magnemite attacks on power plants have increased. To prevent power outages, these power plants deliberately send out signals Magnemite cannot stand to ward them off.
";magnemite;magnemite;magnemite;magnemite;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
82;1;Magneton;Steel,Electric;347;1;277,75;1;8;4,6291666667;10;600;511;1;" Magneton splitting into three MagnemiteMagneton is a robot-like Pokémon, the result of three Magnemite becoming linked together by a strong magnetic force, although a single Magnemite can evolve by itself when no other Magnemite are in the vicinity. Each individual Magnemite has a gray spherical body with a single eye, a gray and red-and-blue tipped horseshoe magnet on each side. The topmost Magnemite has three Phillips head screws on its body, while the others appear to have only two. The three Magnemite that Magneton consists of can be linked in several ways. Magneton is most commonly seen as one Magnemite on top, and two Magnemite linked by the screws on the bottom, forming a triangle. In some cases, commonly seen in 3D games such as Pokémon Snap, the Magnemite will not be connected at all, remain in a triangular formation at rest, and are able to freely move within each other's vicinity to form other patterns. In this case, all three Magnemite have three screws. The magnetic forces that hold the three Magnemite together are powerful enough to dry up all moisture and raise the temperature to 3.6°F (2°C) within a radius of 3,300 feet (1,000 meters). It can also be disruptive to electronic devices. It uses powerful radio waves to help it study the surrounding area.
Being composed of three Magnemite, it is about three times as powerful electrically, though not three times as intelligent. Even though Magneton is a mechanical creature, it still has the need to eat. As seen in the anime, food for Magneton consists of electrical currents. It is usually found in rough terrain, often near power plants. When sunspots flare up, Magneton tends to appear more often, presumably due to the changes in the sun's magnetic field. When rain clouds form, it also gathers in high areas prone to lightning strikes. As seen in Pokémon Adventures, it possesses the ability to form its electricity into both platforms and barriers. Despite its modern, artificial appearance, carvings depicting Magneton have been discovered at the Ruins of Alph, and one was shown in a flashback to the great war of Kalos, indicating it has existed for at least 3,000 years.
";magneton;magneton;magneton;magneton;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
83;1;Farfetchd;Normal,Flying;293;2;234,32;1;8;12,4970666667;8;150;631;1;"Farfetch'd is an avian Pokémon that resembles a light brown duck with a white underbelly. It has a flat, yellow beak, brown eyes, a V-shaped black marking on its forehead (similar to a unibrow), and a three-feather crest on top of its head. Its wings are as big as its body and appear to be prehensile enough to substitute for hands. It has yellow legs with webbed feet and a stubby tail.
Farfetch'd is always seen carrying a leek stalk or spring onion. It carries this sprig in its wings, but sometimes chooses to hold it in its beak or feet instead. It uses the leak similar to a metal sword. Unable to live without its stick, Farfetch'd will defend the stalk with its life. Losing it can leave Farfetch'd defenseless. Farfetch'd will seek out a new one to replace it. Known uses for the stick include use as a weapon, nesting material, and emergency food source. They're are several different fighting styles involving Farfetch'd's leek. It is selective about which sticks it will use and has been known to fight over good ones. Farfetch'd is found in temperate grasslands where reedy plants grow. However, Farfetch'd is rarely seen due to their numbers slowly decreasing and risk of extinction. There have been attempts at breeding in order to increase the Farfetch'd population.
In Galar, Farfetch'd has a slightly different look. Galarian Farfetch'd is a deeper shade of brown, with a more prominent black mark on its head. The leek it carries with its wings is much larger in Galar than the leeks that Farfetch'd use in other regions.
Its body has developed a much stronger frame that gives it the strength required to carry its leek. However, the sheer mass of it makes it hard for Farfetch'd to fly. It is renowned for its courage in battle and can use their leeks like swords or javelins. As a result of surviving and experiencing many different battles, Galarian Farfetch'd develops the ability to evolve into Sirfetch'd.
Farfetch'd and its Galarian evolved form Sirfetch'd are the only Pokémon capable of using the Leek item.
";farfetchd;farfetchd;farfetchd;farfetchd;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
84;1;Doduo;Normal,Flying;303;2;242,4;1;3;8,6571428571;14;392;814;1;"Doduo is a two-headed, bipedal avian Pokémon. Each head has a long sharp beak and two beady black eyes. It has a bristly, down-like covering of brown feathers on its body and both heads. A male has black flexible necks, whereas a female has brown necks, both genders have brown legs. Each foot has four digits ending in a sharp claw. Both heads have an identical brain. However, it is believed that on occasion they may possess different brains. It is also theorized that the two heads communicate with some form of telepathy for coordination. Even when sleeping or nourishing itself with food and water, one head is always awake and alert and keeps a keen eye out for enemies.
Due to its almost non-existent wings, it cannot fly very well. However, it has developed legs that make it a powerful runner. Reaching speeds of 60 mph (96.5 km/h), it energetically strides across the plains leaving large 4 inch (10.6 centimeter) deep footprints behind it. By raising and lowering its two heads, it is better able to maintain balance while running. Doduo lives in wide open plains, grasslands, and savannahs.
";doduo;doduo;doduo;doduo;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
85;1;Dodrio;Normal,Flying;429;2;343,4;0;3;7,2549295775;18;852;517;1;"Dodrio is a large, wingless, three-headed avian Pokémon. Each head has a long, sharp beak and a black V-shaped, feather crest. It has bristly brown feathers covering its heads and upper body, while its lower half has a smooth layer of black feathers. Its tail consists of three pale red feathers with lighter tips. Its wingless body rests on two long and slender, but powerful legs with feet that have three clawed toes in front and one in back. A male has black necks, whereas a female has brown necks, both genders have brown legs.
Each head has its own working brain and distinct personality. Each head represents and expresses either sorrow, anger, or joy. Despite being separate, it has the innate ability to use all three of its brains to collect data, formulate, and then execute complex plans and strategies. However, on occasion it may overthink, which causes it to become immobilized and unable to carry out any action whatsoever. Being separate individuals on the same body, the three heads will continue to bicker until they, or at least one of them, gets to eat. This satisfies the other two heads, quelling them and temporarily ending their infighting. Another form of adaptation that it has acquired is the ability to have at least one head alert at all times. Extreme caution is advised when all three heads are facing separate directions. It is in this state that it is the most dangerous and going near it may result in a severe pecking.
Along with its three heads, it has three sets of hearts and lungs as well. This allows it to efficiently oxygenate and pump blood throughout its body, thus giving it increased endurance to run vast distances without rest. It is especially prone to race vigorously across grassy plains, even in arid seasons with little rainfall.
";dodrio;dodrio;dodrio;dodrio;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
86;1;Seel;Water;265;2;212,1;0;4;2,5923333333;11;900;805;1;"Seel is a pinniped Pokémon with a thick hide covered in bluish-white fur. It has a pale tan maw with a large red tongue and a pair of tusks on its lower jaw. It has circular eyes and a black nose that is capable of closing when it swims. There is a small horn on its forehead, which it uses in combination with its tusks to bore through ice floes. It has two flippers on its chest, and two more on the end of its tail. When the tail is raised, it resembles a waterspout.
Seel lives on icebergs in frigid ocean waters. Its warm fur and thick hide allow it to swim in waters as cold as -40° Fahrenheit (-40° Celsius). It thrives in these cold environments, becoming more active as the temperature drops and tires easily in warm waters. Preferring to sleep during the day, it hunts for prey under sheets of ice in the late day and evening hours. While it is a graceful swimmer, it is awkward and struggles to move on dry land.
";seel;seel;seel;seel;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
87;1;Dewgong;Water,Ice;391;1;313,1;0;5;4,4355833333;17;1200;502;1;"Dewgong is a pinniped Pokémon with a snowy white, furry body. Its fur renders it virtually invisible in snowy conditions. Its face has two black eyes, a black nose, and two tusks extending from its upper jaw. It has a streamlined body with two front flippers and a long flowing tail. Even in extremely cold and ice-packed waters, its tail allows it to be a swift and agile swimmer at speeds of 8 knots. On top of its head is a sharp horn, which allows it to cut through the thickest ice floes.
It lives on icebergs adrift in frigid ocean waters. It thrives in lower temperatures, becoming increasingly more active the colder the weather. By storing thermal energy within its body, it is completely unharmed by even the most intense freezing weather. During daylight hours, it sleeps on bitterly cold ice or under shallow water. However, at night when the temperature drops, it becomes a hunter and searches for prey such as Wishiwashi. Following a meal, it sunbathes on the beach. This raises its body temperature and aids in digestion.
";dewgong;dewgong;dewgong;dewgong;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
88;1;Grimer;Poison;297;1;237,35;0;5;7,1205;9;300;805;1;"Grimer is a slimy, amorphous Pokémon whose body was animated because of lunar radiation. It has two large eyes with beady pupils and a gaping mouth with a gray tongue. While it lacks any visible legs, it does have two arms with three digits on each hand. Its purple sludge body contains a variety of pungent bacteria, which are so potent that it renders soil barren and incapable of supporting plant life. It is constantly oozing a bacteria-rich fluid from all parts of its body. Pieces of it often break off during travel and go on to become new Grimer. When combined with another Grimer, it produces new poisonous compounds.
Due to its lack of a solid form, Grimer is capable of squeezing into any space or crevices with relative ease. It uses this to penetrate sewage pipes and feed off of the filthy wastewater inside. Its population fluctuates based on the availability of waste. It can be found in polluted lakes and streams, as well as within cities and factories where trash and industrial waste can be found.
Grimer was brought to Alola to deal with the excess waste generated by the region's increased population. Alolan Grimer eats solid garbage instead of sludge, this new diet has caused its body composition and form to change. Alolan Grimer's body is green with a line of yellow sludge along its lower lip that extends around behind its head, a bright blue tongue, and small black crescent-shaped spaces behind its eyes. It also has two blunt ″teeth″ in its upper jaw, which are actually crystallized toxins formed by its diet. It is not known how to break down these toxic crystals, but direct contact with them is known to be dangerous. Lethal poisons leak out of Grimer's body when these crystals fall out. Because it produces and stores its toxins within its body, Alolan Grimer does not produce a foul stench like the standard version.[1][2]
Alolan Grimer is perpetually hungry and must constantly eat trash. If no trash is readily available, it will eat other manufactured products instead.[3] In addition to garbage, Alolan Grimer preys on Trubbish and Garbodor, its introduction to Alola caused their populations to decrease in the region.
";grimer;grimer;grimer;grimer;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
89;1;Muk;Poison;423;1;338,35;1;9;13,534;12;300;475;1;"Muk is a large, sticky, amorphous Pokémon made of living purple sludge. It has two small eyes with beady black pupils. It also has an enormous mouth with a gray tongue and strands of ooze connecting its top and bottom jaws. While it has no visible legs, it does have two arms with three fingers on each hand. However, it typically keeps one hand tucked in while it extends the other hand.
Muk is a living biohazard, leaking toxins that instantly kill all plant life it touches. Even it being in close proximity to plants will cause them to wilt and die. Extreme caution is advised in avoiding any contact with this Pokémon, as an accidental brush up can lead to severe sickness. The effects of this Pokémon can leave the landscape barren for three years. In dirty residential areas where people throw trash into the streets, it is almost certain to appear. It will readily consume nearly any waste or refuse generated by people and Pokémon alike. It can be found in heavily polluted bodies of water, cities and factories. However, Muk's population has declined due to recent environmental improvements and extermination efforts. This has led some to believe that it will go extinct at some point, sludge ponds are being built to prevent its extinction.
Alolan Muk has a more vibrant coloration, consisting of green, pink, and yellow stripes with thin blue bands in-between. The green, yellow, and pink stripes are capable of shifting downwards while the blue stays in place. It has various white, crystallized poison shards protruding from parts of its body, especially from its mouth and fingers, giving the impression of claws and fangs. It has blue eyes with a black space behind them and a bright blue tongue. Its vivid coloration is a result of the garbage it eats, which causes chemical changes in its body. Its body contains over a hundred different kinds of poisons.
Alolan Muk is unexpectedly quiet and friendly. However, if it is not fed trash for a while, its hunger will compel it to destroy its Trainer's furnishings for food. It is thought that it cannot maintain its energy without a constant source of toxins, which causes its voracious appetite. The crystals covering its body have a tendency to break off, which makes it extremely difficult to deal with due to the concentrated toxins contained within them. This variant of Muk does not produce the foul stench due to its toxins being contained in with its body.[1] Alolan Muk preys on Trubbish and Garbodor.
";muk;muk;muk;muk;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
90;1;Shellder;Water;297;1;237,35;1;4;17,80125;3;40;817;1;"Shellder is a black pearl-like Pokémon encased within a spiky, blue-violet bivalve shell. It has two round white eyes with tiny black pupils. Its enormously long red tongue is used to burrow itself into the sand to sleep overnight and also to lure and capture prey. The tongue protrudes even when its shell is closed and tugging it will cause the shell to pop open. Its soft and tender body is well-protected by its extremely durable shell, which is purported to be harder than diamonds and has historically been used by people to make shields. It can make pearls from accumulated sand, though it discards them as they are typically in its way.
Shellder has an unusually strong appetite for the tail of a Slowpoke and can develop a symbiotic relationship with the Dopey Pokémon. After attaching itself to the Slowpoke's tail, the two undergo a metamorphosis and evolve into Slowbro together. Alternatively, if it attaches to the head of a Slowpoke in possession of a King's Rock, the two will instead evolve into Slowking. These relationships allow it to travel onto land and begin a new stage in its life cycle. In Galar, Shellder attaches to the forearms and heads of Galarian Slowpoke wearing Galarica Cuffs or Galarica Wreaths, causing the evolution into Galarian Slowbro and Galarian Slowking, respectively.
Regardless of which form the two Pokémon evolve into, Shellder's shell transforms into a spiny, spiraled cone with several tiers. Sharp teeth develop around the rim of the shell to anchor it securely to the evolved Slowpoke, and its eyes now peek out from the bottom rim of the shell. In its crown form, Shellder will have a red jewel on its underside and a large horn on either side of its shell.
While in its crown form, Shellder will periodically release its venom into Slowking's brain. This is actually beneficial to Slowking, as it causes the Regal Pokémon's intelligence to increase. Higher quantities of venom intensify this effect, and Shellder is easily provoked into releasing more whenever Slowking yawns. However, Shellder's poison makes Slowbro more sluggish as it continues to drain nutrients from its host's body.
Shellder has two former signature moves. It can shoot spears of ice by using Icicle Spear, or clamp tightly to its opponents using Clamp. Despite its hard shell, clamping on to an opponent will reveal its vulnerable parts. Because of this, it will only clamp itself to a foe as a last resort. It swims around its seafloor home by rapidly opening and closing its shell while facing backward. Prehistoric Shellder were apparently preyed upon by Omastar, whose powerful bites were capable of breaking through its shell. Shellder and its evolved form, Cloyster, are related to Gastrodon. Kingler, Rufflet, and Bruxish are modern predators of Shellder.
";shellder;shellder;shellder;shellder;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
91;1;Cloyster;Water,Ice;499;1;398,95;0;3;4,5164150943;15;1325;448;1;"Cloyster is a black, pearl-like Pokémon. It is encased inside a light-gray shell, which is surrounded by a second jagged, blue-violet outer shell casing. It has one barb-like spike protruding from above its head, and multiple conical horns on its outer shell. Its shell is harder than a diamond with spikes that are even harder, harsh tidal currents will affect the size and sharpness of these spikes. On its pearl-like face, it has two white eyes and a mouth. Aside from its face and head, its internal anatomy has never been seen. Once it has shut itself in, it is impossible to open its shell from the outside. This impressive defense allows it to withstand anything from a bomb blast to even a missile strike.
Cloyster typically only opens its shell to attack an opponent. However, it is fully capable of retaliating against any enemy with its shell tightly closed. With rapid succession, it launches its spikes at the foe, keeping them repelled. It can also attack by clamping onto an enemy with its former signature move, Clamp. The same projectile system it uses to launch its spikes is also used for swimming. It swallows seawater and then ejects it towards the rear propelling it through with siphon-jet propulsion. Being the result of Shellder evolving through an Evolution stone, Cloyster is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in the sea floor, nestled among the rocks and coral, however, it will actively hunt on land for Slowpoke tails. Cloyster and its pre-evolved form, Shellder, are relatives of Gastrodon. Kingler is a natural predator of Cloyster.
";cloyster;cloyster;cloyster;cloyster;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
92;1;Gastly;Poison,Ghost;221;2;176,75;0;5;2297,75;13;1;814;1;" Gastly's ″hands″Gastly has no true form, due to 95% of its body being poisonous gas, with the other 5% believed to be made up of the souls of those who died from the gas. However, it consistently appears as a black, spherical Pokémon surrounded by a purple haze. Gastly has a wide, pink mouth with two visible fangs. Though its eyes seem to extend past its round body, visible eyelids surround them.
It produces a faint, sweet smell. The toxic gas surrounding the main body can induce fainting and suffocation, and it is capable of enshrouding an enemy of any size. Gastly's gaseous form makes it one of the lightest Pokémon in existence. The anime suggests that Gastly has a playful personality, often frightening and playing pranks on people for fun. However, it has shown a willingness to preserve or pass on the memories of departed humans. It has further been shown changing form and creating illusions, and it is capable of phasing through solid objects and forming tangible hands out of its gasses. Gastly can be found in caves, but the anime has shown it living in old, dilapidated buildings as well. Its gaseous body will dwindle away when exposed to strong winds, so they huddle together in decent-sized groups under house eaves to avoid the wind. It may also cause flickering lights in abandoned houses. In the past, Night Shade was its signature move.
";gastly;gastly;gastly;gastly;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
93;1;Haunter;Poison,Ghost;297;1;237,35;0;6;3797,6;16;1;574;1;"Haunter is a purple Pokémon with a gaseous body. It has a round head flanked by three large, spiked protrusions on either side. It has triangular eyes with small pupils and a mouth with a long, pink tongue. The gases composing its head curve into its mouth to form several pointed teeth. Disembodied hands with three clawed fingers each float in front of its body. Its body tapers into a jagged tail. Haunter's gaseous form makes it one of the lightest Pokémon in existence.
Haunter hides in very dark places, such as caves, and is afraid of light. If a human or a Pokémon comes near Haunter, it will stalk the victim while floating and beckon it to come closer. Once approached it will then lick the victim with its gaseous tongue, inflicting convulsions in the victim that last until death. It can also float through walls. It has been shown in the anime that it can control its hands from far away and can control any Pokémon that it touches with its hands. Despite its predatory nature, it has been known to entertain and prank people in the anime. Additionally, it has even been shown to feel intense loyalty to a deceased Trainer. In the past, Night Shade was its signature move.
";haunter;haunter;haunter;haunter;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
94;1;Gengar;Poison,Ghost;372;2;297,95;0;4;11,0351851852;15;405;325;1;" Gengar floating in the airGengar is a dark purple, bipedal Pokémon with a roundish body. It has red eyes, a wide mouth that is usually curled into a sinister grin, and pointed ears. On its back are numerous spikes and it has smaller spikes on top of its head similar to tufty fur. Its arms and legs are short with three digits on both its hands and feet. It also has a stubby tail.
Gengar has the ability to hide perfectly in the shadow of any object, granting it exceptional stealth. However, Gengar's body acts as a heat sink. Its presence cools the temperature of the surrounding area by nearly 10°F (5°C), because it absorbs the warmth. The anime has shown that Gengar can fly and possess people and other Pokémon, and the Pokétoon episode, I turned into a Gengar?!, shows that its large tongue can extend to several meters[1]. In the past, Night Shade was its signature move.
Gengar in Ash's shadowGengar is very mischievous, and at times, malicious. It enjoys playing practical jokes and casting curses, such as pretending to be one's shadow, then behaving erratically. When the quarry notices, the Gengar takes delight in its victim's terror. However, Gengar has been known to be loyal to a Trainer who treats it well. Being the result of an evolution via trading, Gengar is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in caves and dark places where shadows form. It is especially fond of urban areas such as cities and back alleys, but only during the night.
As Mega Gengar, a portion of its body sinks into the ground and its arms and tail lengthen. The lower portions turn a more reddish-purple, and a third eye appears on its forehead. This new unblinking eye is oval, yellow, and allows it to see into other dimensions.[2] The spikes on Mega Gengar's back are more numerous and pointed, and additional spikes appear on its hands and tail. Its ears are now considerably longer and tilt backward.
Mega Gengar has the ability to access other dimensions and has a vicious nature. Mega Gengar has no interest in opponents unless perceived as prey. Its relationships are warped due to Mega Evolution. It now desires to take and curse the life of anyone or anything in its path, it may even curse its own Trainer. Mega Gengar sinks into another dimension to wait for a chance to attack.
As Gigantamax Gengar, it becomes larger, with portions of its body sinking into the ground, and only the head, tail, and arms remain. Its body changes from dark-purple to light-purple and its eyes become white with yellow sclera. The inside of its mouth changes to resemble a tunnel with a long purple tongue sticking out. Three red clouds surround the top of Gengar's head.
Gigantamax Gengar's mouth is rumored to not lead into its body. Due to the cursed energy, it is believed to instead lead into the afterlife. By laying a trap, it attempts to steal the lives of those it captures. Should someone stand near its mouth, they can hear the voices of their loved ones calling out to them. Gigantamax Gengar is the only known Pokémon capable of using the exclusive G-Max Move G-Max Terror.
";gengar;gengar;gengar;gengar;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
95;1;Onix;Ground,Rock;391;1;313,1;1;9;13,1203809524;88;2100;769;1;"Onix is a Pokémon composed of a giant chain of gray boulders that become smaller towards the tail. Its length makes it the tallest Rock-type Pokémon. It has black eyes and a rounded snout. On top of its head is a rocky spine. As it grows older, it becomes more rounded and smoother, eventually becoming similar to black diamonds. Inside its brain is a magnet that serves as an internal compass, guiding Onix wherever they need to go and prevents them from getting lost while digging.
Onix tunnels under the ground at over 50 miles (80 kilometers) per hour, which causes tremors and a terrifying roar that echoes a long way. Hard objects encountered while tunneling are absorbed into its body, which makes it very sturdy. It also consumes the boulders for food. The massive, winding tunnels it leaves behind are used as homes by Diglett. As seen in the Pokémon Stadium series, Onix is capable of rotating its head, or any part of its body, in a full 360 degrees. It is a very aggressive Pokémon that will constantly attack humans and other Pokémon when in pain, as seen in the anime. It is said that an Onix that lives for about 100 years will evolve into a Steelix after its composition becomes more diamond-like. It can be found in mountains and caves.
";onix;onix;onix;onix;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
96;1;Drowzee;Psychic;246;1;196,95;1;5;6,0787037037;10;324;802;1;"Drowzee is a bipedal Pokémon that resembles a tapir. It has tired-looking eyes, a short trunk above its mouth, and triangular ears with brown interiors. The upper half of Drowzee's body is yellow and the lower half is brown. A wavy line separates the two halves. It has a round belly and short legs. Its feet are brown, except for its two toes, which are yellow. The bottom of each foot has a small, round, pink pad in the middle of it. There are three fingers on each of its hands. Drowzee is believed to have a common ancestor with Munna and Musharna.
Drowzee is able to put people to sleep and can then sense the person's dreams. This is so it knows what kind of dream it would be eating. It has certain preferences for the dreams it eats, and it is known to love fun dreams and become ill from bad dreams. It will rarely eat the dreams of adults, as the dreams of children are seemingly tastier. Drowzee remembers every dream it has eaten and may show past meals to a person it trusts. It eats dreams through the victim's nose, so it is said that Drowzee is standing over a person's pillow if their nose itches while they are asleep. Drowzee lives in grasslands and savannas.
";drowzee;drowzee;drowzee;drowzee;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
97;1;Hypno;Psychic;372;2;297,95;1;1;6,3058201058;16;756;493;1;"Hypno is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon that has yellow skin. It has triangular ears with brown interiors, sleepy-looking eyes, and a large nose. On its neck, it has a ruff of white fur, which is longer on the female. Hypno has five fingers on each hand and holds a pendulum in its left. The pendulum resembles a flat, silver ring and is used for hypnotism. Hypno is never seen without it. It has three toes on each foot, which also have a pink pad on the undersides.
Hypno is able to put people to sleep by swinging its pendulum. It is known to reside away from humans and on less-traveled roads. While it awaits its prey, it polishes its pendulum. If anyone comes by, Hypno will hypnotize them and eat their dreams. It carries away people having good dreams and is even known to have stolen a child at one point. However, in the Alola region, it preys primarily on Komala, and cases of Hypno targeting humans are notably rare. Some Hypno are even known to assist doctors in hospitals when their patients cannot sleep at night. In the Trainers' School in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, a Hypno is shown to be capable of creating illusions, namely by disguising itself as a human and causing illusory children to appear.
";hypno;hypno;hypno;hypno;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
98;1;Krabby;Water;347;1;277,75;0;4;17,0923076923;4;65;805;1;"Krabby is a crustacean Pokémon with a strong outer shell protecting its small body. Its upper half is red and has its eyes and two small spikes on the top of its head. Its light tan arms are also connected to its upper body. Its lower body is light tan and doubles as its jaw with two fangs overlapping its upper body. Its hips are visible on the lower front of its body connected to its four long, thin legs. Each leg has a single, claw-like foot. The main features of Krabby's body are the two large, red pincers at the end of its arms. Krabby uses them as its main form of offense, and as a form of balance. Sometimes, Krabby may lose a claw during battle or have a damaged claw forcibly removed. However, the claw regenerates over a short period.
In the wild, Krabby lives near the edge of water in both fresh and salt water. Krabby is most commonly found on beaches where it burrows in the sand. In times of scarce food sources, it may eat sand to regain nutrients and will be very aggressive in defending its home. Its main form of defense is creating foam to shroud its body, in order to confuse opponents into thinking that it is bigger than it actually is. As seen in the anime, Krabby generally keeps to itself, but will quickly defend itself if provoked. In the past, Crabhammer was its signature move.
";krabby;krabby;krabby;krabby;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
99;1;Kingler;Water;473;1;378,75;0;2;8,20625;13;600;502;1;"Kingler is a crustacean Pokémon resembling a crab. Its strong shell covers the outside of its body, featuring a red upper half and a light tan lower half. Its upper half is topped with six tall, thin spikes that resemble a crown. Its light tan arms are also connected to its upper body. Its lower half doubles as its jaw with six fangs overlapping its upper body. Its two outer fangs are much larger than the inner four and are roughly half as tall as Kingler's entire body. Its hips visibly protrude from its lower body and connect to its four long, thin legs. Each leg has a single, claw-like foot. Kingler's main features are its orange pincers. Its left claw is roughly twice as large as the other and is as hard as steel.
Kingler is often found on the edges of water, usually the ocean. Its powerful claws have 10,000 horsepower and are capable of prying open the shells of Shellder and Cloyster. While Kingler's large, left claw is its main tool for offensive maneuvers, it is so large and heavy that Kingler can barely lift it. It causes balancing problems and Kingler may quickly become fatigued from continuous use. However, it has been shown to communicate with other Kingler by waving its pincers around. In the past, Crabhammer was its signature move.
As Gigantamax Kingler, it has gained a larger, spikier appearance. Three red clouds float around the crown spikes on its head and the white sclera of its eyes are bright red. It now has foaming bubbles around its mouth in the shape of a mustache and long beard. The left pincer of Kingler has become much larger and its arms and legs have become longer as a result of Gigantamaxing. There is white, striped armor similar to teeth inside the pincers. The arms and legs both have several spikes. Kingler's claw-like feet have become orange and straighter.
The left pincer of Gigantamax Kingler can destroy anything it hits. The bubbles it releases are strongly alkaline. Should any opponent be struck by the bubbles, their bodies will quickly melt away.
Gigantamax Kingler is the only known Pokémon capable of using the exclusive G-Max Move G-Max Foam Burst.
";kingler;kingler;kingler;kingler;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
100;1;Voltorb;Electric;278;2;222,2;1;6;10,6826923077;5;104;802;1;"Voltorb is a spherical Pokémon that resembles a Poké Ball with eyes and minus the button. The top half is red, while the bottom half is white. Because of its resemblance to Poké Balls, it is thought that it was created when one was exposed to an energy pulse.
This is supported by the fact that its components do not occur naturally. Voltorb is generally found in power plants and other areas with electric fields where it feeds. It was first discovered in the plant where modern Poké Balls were invented. It has a volatile temperament and will explode if agitated or bumped by the slightest contact.
Hisuian Voltorb, like their modern counterparts, resemble the Poké Balls of the time period, having the same wood grain pattern and a hole on top, from which it discharges all of its stored electricity while lacking the latch. On the inside, they contain numerous seeds, but it has been impossible to examine their interior due it being pitch-black. Hisuian Voltorb has a distinctive red wooden unibrow.
Unlike Kantonian Voltorb, they have friendly and excitable temperaments, which leads them to cluster around people, causing them to be a nuisance when they discharge. It is known to let out a great, uproarious laugh whenever it discharges. Hisuian Voltorb can store electric currents in its belly. There are stories of people temporarily plugging the holes of Hisuian Voltorb to prevent them from discharging before removing them from their settlements.[1]
";voltorb;voltorb;voltorb;voltorb;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
101;1;Electrode;Electric;404;1;323,2;0;3;5,8234234234;12;666;496;1;"Electrode is a round Pokémon resembling an upside-down Poké Ball with a mouth and eyes. Its top half is white, while its lower half is red. For this reason, many Trainers try to pick it up, mistaking it for an item. The Pocket Monsters Carddass Trading Cards depict Electrode as hollow. Many know it by the nickname ″Bomb Ball″, due to its unpredictable and explosive nature.
Electrode tends to live in power plants where fresh electricity is being generated, which it consumes. As a result, it often causes blackouts. The more electric energy Electrode consumes, the faster it moves. Electrode explodes in response to even the smallest stimulation, simply to entertain itself, or because it has taken in too much electricity. But unlike Voltorb, Electrode can control its explosive ability at will. When full of stored electricity, it has been known to drift with the wind.
In Hisui, Electrode also resembles the upside-down Poké Balls of the time period, with a wooden pattern on its top half. Its eyes are large black holes inside a debossed pattern, resembling an angry glare. Its lower half is dark red with a constant frown along with a hole in the bottom. Interestingly, its surface texture is similar to that of an Apricorn.
When enraged, Hisuian Electrode can unleash a electric current equivalent to about 20 lightning bolts. It can also absorb and store chlorophyll energy along with electricity. It can also climb up trees.
A special Hisuian Electrode is worshipped by the Hisui people due to it being one of the ten ancient Pokémon who received a blessing from Arceus. In particular, it is one of the Noble Pokémon who resides in Coronet Highlands, watched over by the Warden Melli.
Hisuian Electrode is the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Chloroblast.
";electrode;electrode;electrode;electrode;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
102;1;Exeggcute;Grass,Psychic;278;2;222,2;1;4;35,552;4;25;805;1;"Exeggcute is a Pokémon resembling a group of six light pink eggs, usually seen arranged with five heads huddled around a sixth. Each ″head″ has a slightly different facial expression, but each face has triangular eyes with tiny black pupils and a small mouth. Each shell has some cracks, and one member of the bundle usually has its yellow insides or brain exposed. More numerous cracks are a sign that it is close to evolution. Despite looking like eggs, Exeggcute is actually more closely related to plant seeds. It is believed to carry genes of plants and other species.
Exeggcute gathers in swarms of six. The heads communicate with each other by using a form of telepathy that only they can understand. Should the number of Exeggcute be reduced to less than six, the remaining Exeggcute will attempt to replace it with a similarly sized Pokémon as seen in the anime. It needs six Exeggcute in order to stay balanced or else it becomes nervous and cowardly. Pidgeotto and Crabrawler are its natural predators, which it chases off with psychokinesis. Exeggcute inhabits jungles and forests. Exeggcute in the Alola region tend to be heavier than those from elsewhere. This is due to the shells being packed full.
Exeggcute and its evolved form Exeggutor are the only known Pokémon that can learn Barrage.
";exeggcute;exeggcute;exeggcute;exeggcute;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
103;1;Exeggutor;Grass,Psychic;417;1;333,3;1;7;5,555;20;1200;454;1;" Exeggutor and Alolan Exeggutor in the animeExeggutor is a tall, bipedal Pokémon that resembles a palm tree. Its body and legs are light brown with thin black rings and its legs are thick with two-toed feet. There is a light yellow paw pad on each foot's underside. It has thin, green leaves sprouting from the top of its body. Exeggutor has three round, light yellow heads that resemble coconuts, each with different facial expressions.
Exeggutor's heads think independently and don't appear interested in one another, so it makes a lot of noise as each head speaks its mind. They still appear to get along, though, for they never squabble amongst themselves. If all the heads want to go in a different direction, its body is unable to move. They are able to communicate telepathically as well and sometimes use it to come to a joint decision. It uses psychic powers to fight, and since all three heads are capable its power is tripled. If one of these heads grows too large, it falls off and groups together with others to become an Exeggcute. In the anime, Exeggutor also has been seen in groups of its own kind, meaning that it is not a solitary Pokémon. Exeggutor has been referred to as The Walking Jungle. It can be sluggish during cloudy days due to the lack of sunlight. Being the result of an evolution via Evolution stone, Exeggutor is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in forests and jungles.
Due to the abundance of sunlight in the Alola region, Exeggutor grows over five times taller than in other regions. Its neck is thinner and much longer, causing it to more resemble a palm tree. This variant of Exeggutor has a long, tapering tail with two leaves, and a fourth light green head on the tip. This extra head can also act on its own and defend the rear.[1] The tail can use weak telepathy to scan the surrounding area. Its long neck can be used as a whip to attack enemies with its hard head. However, its neck can also be a weak point as it will become dizzy swinging it around. Its increased height reduced its need for a psychic defense and has instead awakened draconic powers instead, resulting in its psychic powers becoming weaker. Ancient carvings and murals depict this Pokémon. Its extra height makes it the tallest and heaviest Grass-type.
Exeggutor and its pre-evolved form are the only known Pokémon that can learn Barrage. Prior to Generation VIII, Alolan Exeggutor was also the only known Pokémon that could learn Dragon Hammer.
";exeggutor;exeggutor;exeggutor;exeggutor;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
104;1;Cubone;Ground;290;1;232,3;1;3;14,2953846154;4;65;808;1;"Cubone is a small, bipedal, dinosaur-like Pokémon with a light brown hide that covers most of its body, except for its cream-colored belly. Two small claws, one on each hand, serve as its thumbs, and one large nail on each foot make up its toes. It has two small spikes on its back and a short tail. On its head, Cubone wears the skull of its dead mother as a helmet. Because of this, much of its actual face has never been seen, except for its triangular, black eyes and a small area surrounding them. The skull has two rounded horns on the top of its head and a tooth-like point on the lower sides. Under the skull, Cubone has a brown snout. The small Cubone survives only through the immense skill it possesses in wielding the bone it carries as a weapon. The bone allows it to learn Bone Club and Bonemerang, two moves exclusive to Cubone and its evolution Marowak. It and its evolution are also the only Pokémon capable of using the Thick Club item.
It is called the Lonely Pokémon because of its tendency to keep to itself and avoid social situations, due to the trauma caused by the death of its mother. Cubone will often weep at night in mourning of its mother. When Cubone cries, the skull that it wears on its head vibrates and emits ″a plaintive and mournful sound.″ On the night of a full moon, the cries are said to be especially terrible. Cubone seems to recognize its mother in the full moon, and so it howls with a particular sadness. Its cries attract Mandibuzz, a natural predator. It is said a Cubone will evolve into a Marowak once it comes terms with its mother's death. The dreams Cubone have make it cry, but crying makes it stronger. Cubone lives in rocky areas, usually on mountains or in caves. It also once inhabited the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town where deceased Pokémon were buried and mourned.
";cubone;cubone;cubone;cubone;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
105;1;Marowak;Ground;372;2;297,95;0;4;6,6211111111;10;450;553;1;"Marowak is a bipedal Pokémon with light brown skin and a cream-colored underside. Two small claws, one on each hand, serve as its thumbs, and one large nail on each foot make up its toes. It has a short tail with a small spike near the tip. Marowak's head is composed of the skull it once wore as a mask. It can no longer remove the skull, which has become part of its body. The skull has two pointed spikes on the back similar to ears and tiny nostrils on the tip of the snout. Marowak's triangular, brown eyes are also located in the skull. Marowak is well known for ferocity with its bone club, which it is said to collect from a hidden graveyard. Marowak and its pre-evolved form, Cubone, are the only known Pokémon that can learn Bone Club and Bonemerang, the only Pokémon capable of using the Thick Club item, and once claimed Bone Rush as another signature move.
Upon evolution, Marowak has overcome the grief of its mother's passing. Now ferocious and violent, Marowak is an adept combatant that uses the bone it carries as a weapon and a boomerang. Having evolved, it seeks vengeance on its natural enemy Mandibuzz, which prey on Cubone because of its naturally weak and timid demeanor. Marowak has also been recorded pounding on boulders with the bone club it carries in order to tap out messages to others. It lives in mountains to test its skills.
In the Alola region, Marowak was faced with an abundance of its natural enemies, Grass-type Pokémon. This harsh environment led it to bond closely with its friends, which is said to have created a sort of sixth sense and caused it to take a new form. Alolan Marowak's body is black and it has pale gray eyes. There is a dark, flamelike mark on its skull between the eyes. Compared to regular Marowak's squatter, thicker body, Alolan Marowak is relatively thin. White markings resembling shoulder blades, vertebrae, and hip bones are visible on its back. The bone Alolan Marowak uses is longer than the one regular Marowak uses. It customarily mourns its companions by burying them and dance in mourning.
Alolan Marowak rubs the bone it wields against its forehead to light the ends in a green flame, and then twirls the flaming bone. It specializes in an attack where it releases a weak ball of flame from its bone that will relentlessly pursue its foe. Alolans would fear it for a conjurer, due to its rarity and the fearful sight of it dancing with its bone.[1] The dance is also used as a way of mourning for its lost allies. Once its flames have spread onto an opponent, they are impossible to put out with water. The flames are known to cause both mental and physical pain. Alongside retaining the ability to learn Bone Club and Bonemerang and use the Thick Club, Alolan Marowak is the only known Pokémon that can learn Shadow Bone.
";marowak;marowak;marowak;marowak;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
106;1;Hitmonlee;Fighting;391;1;313,1;1;4;9,4307228916;15;498;523;1;"Hitmonlee is a humanoid Pokémon with an ovoid body. Lacking a distinct neck and head, its upper torso has almond-shaped eyes with black space around them and appears to lack a nose and mouth. Primarily brown, it has cream-colored, segmented arms and legs. Each hand has three fingers and each foot has three clawed toes. The soles of its feet and its ankles have circular, yellow pads. Hitmonlee is an exclusively male species with no female counterpart.
Hitmonlee's legs freely contract and stretch similar to a coiled spring. This flexibility allows Hitmonlee to run with lengthy strides and gives it greater reach for its kicks. Its excellent sense of balance enables it to kick in succession from any position. After battling, it rubs down its legs to relax the tight muscles. Rare in the wild, it is primarily found in urban areas. It had a number of kicking moves as signature moves in the past: Jump Kick, High Jump Kick, Rolling Kick, and Mega Kick.
";hitmonlee;hitmonlee;hitmonlee;hitmonlee;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
107;1;Hitmonchan;Fighting;391;2;313,1;1;1;8,73187251;14;502;523;1;"Hitmonchan is a tan, humanoid Pokémon that is exclusively male and has no female counterpart. There are five blunt protrusions on top of its head, and it has structures resembling pads over its shoulders. It appears to be wearing a light purple tunic and kilt, as well as red boxing gloves and light purple boxing shoes. In-between the tunic and kilt is a small, black area.
As its appearance suggests, Hitmonchan specializes in punching. It is able to throw punches that are too quick to be seen with the naked eye. Its punches are said to be as fast as a bullet train. By punching with a corkscrew motion, it is even capable of drilling through concrete. Even a light gaze from its punches will result in a burn. However, Hitmonchan requires a break every three minutes while fighting. Despite the need for frequent breaks, it has an unwavering spirit and will never give up in a difficult situation. Usually found in urban areas, it is rarely seen in the wild. Hitmonchan is the only known Pokémon capable of learning Mach Punch in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
";hitmonchan;hitmonchan;hitmonchan;hitmonchan;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
108;1;Lickitung;Normal;316;1;252,5;1;7;4,6259541985;12;655;769;1;"Lickitung is a bipedal Pokémon with a round body and a thick, powerful tail. It has soft, pink skin with curved yellow lines on its belly and a yellow ring marking on each knee. It has a thumb-like claw on each hand and a single large nail on each foot. There is a yellow spot on its palms and the soles of its feet. It has beady eyes and a long, prehensile tongue. The tongue is likely connected to its tail, which twitches when the tongue is pulled.
At over 6 feet 6 inches (2 meters), Lickitung's tongue is twice as long as its body. Sticky, smelly saliva coats its tongue, which causes a tingling sensation when touched and can cause rashes if not cleaned off. It is used for capturing prey, exploring its environment, and cleaning. However, it is questionable if its saliva is clean in the first place as whatever it cleans has a lingering smell. Lickitung's salvia can be used as a strong adhesive after cooking it. Lickitung remembers things by their texture and taste, although it apparently dislikes sour things. The tongue is both dexterous and powerful enough to lift people, as seen in the anime. Lickitung preys on Bug-type Pokémon. It prefers swallowing its prey whole after paralyzing them with its tongue. Lickitung can be found in grassy plains and meadows.
";lickitung;lickitung;lickitung;lickitung;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
109;1;Koffing;Poison;297;1;237,35;0;7;142,41;6;10;796;1;"Koffing is a spherical Pokémon filled with toxic gases. It has vacant eyes and a wide mouth that usually has two pointed teeth in the upper jaw. However, a full set of teeth has been seen in the anime. Below its face is a cream-colored skull-and-crossbones marking. Several geyser-like protrusions, which usually release a mustard-colored gas, cover this Pokémon's body. Koffing's purple skin is very thin, and over-inflation can cause it to explode.
Koffing creates gases within its body by mixing toxins with garbage, and produces more gas in higher temperatures. These gases are malodorous and cause sniffles, coughs, and teary eyes to those around them. The gases are also lighter than air, allowing Koffing to hover. When agitated, it creates a more toxic gas and expels it through the holes in its body. As shown in the anime, Koffing's gas can be ignited by fire or electricity. It feeds on the fumes of raw, rotting trash found in gas dumps and polluted air. Koffing at one point was plentiful in Galar due to factories. Koffing is most often found in urban areas.
";koffing;koffing;koffing;koffing;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
110;1;Weezing;Poison;423;2;338,35;0;0;42,7389473684;12;95;484;1;"Weezing is a purple Pokémon consisting of two spherical heads connected by a thin tube with another sphere in the center. The heads have different sizes and features. The left head is larger and has prominent eyebrows, pointed teeth protruding from its lower jaw, and two flat teeth in its upper jaw. The smaller, right head simply has two pointed teeth, one at each corner of its mouth. The larger head has a cream-colored skull-and-crossbones marking below its face, while the smaller head has a ring marking instead. It is covered with many geyser-like protrusions, which usually expel mustard-colored gases. Weezing is said to form when poisonous gases pool and two Koffing fuse over many years. Very rarely, two Koffing can become a Weezing in a short time span because of a sudden mutation. Triplet Weezing have been discovered, although they are extremely rare.
Each of Weezing's heads contains a different toxin. It mixes its gases by inflating one head and deflating the other. When its gases mix, Weezing becomes more toxic and putrid. Weezing can hover in midair, presumably due to gases lighter than air, as is the case for Koffing. Despite their stench and poison, Weezing's gases can be used to make top-grade perfume by diluting them to the highest level.
Weezing lives in urban areas. It seeks a dirty, unkempt house and nests there. At night, when the people in the house are asleep, it will go through the trash. Weezing feeds on the dust, microorganisms, and especially gases emitted by garbage and toxic waste. Weezing's body expands and smells worse upon inhaling poisonous gases. The Kantonian Weezing used to be common in Galar and created more potent toxins than their Galarian relatives.
In the Galar region, its appearance has changed due to absorbing polluted air from factories. It has a gray body with the skull, crossbones, and ring changed to the color yellow. Both heads have a hat-like tube located on top of them that constantly releases purified air. Five green puffs of poison gas clouds can be seen floating around it. The larger head has a cloud-like mustache, while the smaller head has clouds on its face in the shape of eyebrows and a beard.
Galarian Weezing consumes particles from the polluted air. It expels clean air instead of droppings. The toxins within Weezing's body are accumulated into poison gas clouds that leaks and drifts around it. The gas is Weezing's best weapon in battle, being potent enough to stun and immobilize an opponent with just a whiff.[1] Galarian Weezing preys on Trubbish for the fumes it produces.
Galarian Weezing is the only known Pokémon capable of using the move Strange Steam.
";weezing;weezing;weezing;weezing;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
111;1;Rhyhorn;Ground,Rock;360;1;287,85;1;3;2,5030434783;10;1150;793;1;"Rhyhorn is a rhinoceros-like Pokémon with a body covered in gray, rocky plates. Its underside and rear are smooth, and it has four short legs with two claws on each foot. It has a triangular head with narrow, red eyes, two fangs protruding from its upper jaw, small, triangular openings on the upper sides, and a short horn on the tip of its snout. A female will have a shorter horn than a male. A spiked ridge runs along its back. In addition to its rocky hide, its bones are a thousand times harder than human bones.
Rhyhorn's brain is very small, giving it a one-track mind. When it runs, it forgets why it started and continues until it falls asleep. However, it may recall the reason upon demolishing something. Due to its short legs, it is inept at turning and can only run in straight lines. It does not care if obstacles get in the way, merely smashing through them or sending them flying. However, it may feel pain the day after a collision. Rhyhorn lives in rough terrain. Rhyhorn is powerful enough to shatter skyscraper or mountains instantly after charging forward with head tackles.
";rhyhorn;rhyhorn;rhyhorn;rhyhorn;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
112;1;Rhydon;Ground,Rock;499;1;398,95;1;2;6,3167083333;19;1200;490;1;" Rhydon using SurfRhydon is a large, gray, bipedal Pokémon with features similar to both dinosaurs and rhinoceroses. It has narrow, red eyes and two fangs in its upper jaw. On the tip of Rhydon's snout is a cream-colored horn, which is smaller on a female than a male. There are several other spikes and projections on its head: on top is a spike that curves forward, two triangular points resembling ears on the sides, a wide, wavy crest under each ear, and spiky ridges on each cheek. It has a cream-colored abdomen divided into strips by thin divots. A rocky plate on its chest slightly overlaps its abdomen. There is a row of spikes down its back and they have a long tail with thin, black stripes.
Rhydon is a physically powerful Pokémon. It is recorded as being able to topple buildings with a sweeping blow of its tail, and its horn is able to bore through solid rock and shatter diamonds. Its armor-like hide protects it from heat and physical blows. It is stated to be capable of passing unscathed through streams of magma and withstanding a direct blow from a cannonball without being harmed. However, because of this tough hide, it is insensitive. Despite its well-developed brain, it can be forgetful. Rhydon lives in rough terrain.
";rhydon;rhydon;rhydon;rhydon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
113;1;Chansey;Normal;391;2;313,1;1;6;9,9540462428;11;346;185;1;"Chansey is a pink, ovoid Pokémon with stubby arms and dark pink feet. It has tiny eyes and three hair-like growths on each side of its head. The tufts of hair have dark pink tips. On the center of its belly is a dark pink pouch that contains a single white egg. The egg is said to be very nutritious and it lays several new ones every day. Finally, it has a short tail. Chansey is a female-only species with no male counterpart.
A kindhearted Pokémon, Chansey will share its eggs with injured people and Pokémon. However, Chansey will never share its egg to those with evil hearts. This is the basis for its signature move, Soft-Boiled. The eggs become more delicious if Chansey is raised with love and care. Chansey's egg is used as a high-class cooking ingredient due to the nutrition it has. As a result, Chansey have been referred to as doctors' doubles because of its eggs. Due to its egg being over-harvested, Chansey is extremely rare in the wild and is said to bring good luck and happiness to those who manage to catch it. Fleeing from those seeking its egg has made this once-slow species much quicker on its feet than in the past. It is more commonly found in urban settings. Chansey is the only Pokémon capable of using the Lucky Punch item. In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, if the player is injured, any nearby Chansey will come to help heal them, and then flee when they're fully healed.
";chansey;chansey;chansey;chansey;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
114;1;Tangela;Grass;372;1;297,95;1;6;8,5128571429;10;350;739;1;"Tangela is a Pokémon covered by blue, seaweed-like vines that obscure its face. There is a small opening in the vines that reveals its eyes surrounded by a black space. The vines give Tangela a round shape, but it is unknown what it looks like without them. Its vines are covered in fine hair and are always growing. If damaged or lost, replacements are grown. There is a pair of red boot-like feet poking out from under the vines, but no visible arms.
Tangela can ensnare and entangle anything that moves too close to it with its vines. The vines constantly jiggle and sway, unnerving enemies and causing a tickling sensation if ensnared. Tangela's vines will snap off easily and painlessly if the target pulls on them, so it can quickly escape. The vines of Tangela are said to have a distinct scent. In Galar, its vines are used as herbs. Tangela can usually be found in temperate grasslands.
";tangela;tangela;tangela;tangela;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
115;1;Kangaskhan;Normal;467;2;373,7;1;7;10,27675;22;800;484;1;"Kangaskhan is a large, bipedal Pokémon that vaguely resembles a kangaroo. It has a brown hide with several raised patches and a cream-colored belly. It has large, cream-colored ears, narrow, red eyes, and a short, rounded snout with two fangs in the back of its upper jaw. On top of its head is a thick, black plate. There are epaulette-like growths over its shoulders and a row of spikes down its back. It has three clawed digits on each hand and foot and a thick tail. On is belly is a pouch that contains a baby Kangaskhan. Unlike its parent, the baby is light purple and has smooth skin. Kangaskhan is a female-only species with no male counterpart.
As Mega Kangaskhan, the mother Kangaskhan appears unchanged. However, the baby temporarily grows and gains some new features. There are now raised patches on its knees similar to those seen on its mother. These patches also appear aligned horizontally along its waist with a larger patch on its belly. Small, spiked growths appear underneath its ears. The child is feisty, hates to lose and will boldly challenge its opponents to protect its mother.[1] The mother's happiness over its child's growth is the source of its additional strength. However, it feels uneasy about the child's future, as it is only skilled at fighting and nothing else. It is also saddened by the reminder that its child will one day leave.
Kangaskhan is a nurturing Pokémon that protects its young at all costs. It can move really fast, even with the baby in its pouch. The baby leaves the pouch only rarely until it is three years old. In order to avoid crushing the baby, Kangaskhan sleeps standing up. If the mother feels the environment is safe, it will allow its young out to play. However, it will violently attack anything that it sees as a threat to its young. They are known to raise other species of Pokémon alongside their own children, and records exist which describe a childless Kangaskhan raising a lost human child. Regardless of how badly injured it becomes, the mother will not cease fighting until its young is safe. It uses quick jabs to intimidate its enemies. Although it was nearly hunted to extinction, Kangaskhan can be found in savannahs and other grasslands. In the past, Dizzy Punch was its signature move.
";kangaskhan;kangaskhan;kangaskhan;kangaskhan;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
116;1;Horsea;Water;253;2;202;0;3;10,1;4;80;823;1;"Horsea is a light blue, seahorse-like Pokémon. It has red eyes, a long, tubular mouth, and three spike-like fins on either side of its head. Its ridged belly and single dorsal fin are cream-colored. Highly adept in the water, it uses its dorsal fin to swim in any direction while facing forward. It has a tightly curled tail that it can use as both a balance and an anchor when caught in a strong current. In safer environments, it uses its tail to play with other members of its species.
Horsea feeds on insects and moss gathered from rocks. If Horsea senses danger, it sprays water or dense black ink from its mouth at its attacker. It can shoot more precisely at insects flying above the surface of the water. Horsea nests in coral reefs and islands throughout oceans with gentle currents. Many Eggs are laid every year, and the young are raised by the male Horsea rather than the female. Horsea swims with dance-like motions, creating whirlpools in the process. It tends to compete with each other to see who can create the biggest whirlpool.
";horsea;horsea;horsea;horsea;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
117;1;Seadra;Water;379;2;303;1;1;14,544;12;250;538;1;"Seadra is a light blue, seahorse-like Pokémon with a cream-colored belly covered in rough scales. It has a long, tubular mouth, narrow, black eyes, a fin-like ridge above each eye, and spiny pectoral fins. It also has a large, coiled tail. It has a pair of dorsal fins with sharp, cream-colored tips that exude venom. Seadra's venom is toxic enough to induce numbness and even fainting in humans, but it is still prized among practitioners of traditional medicine.
Seadra can swim in any direction while facing forward by rapidly flapping its fins and tail. It catches its prey by spinning its body to create large whirlpools. When its prey is exhausted, Seadra swallows it whole using its long snout. Seadra makes its nest by either wriggling between or anchoring itself to branches of coral under the ocean. After a female Seadra gives birth, the male Seadra will take care of the young. It is markedly vicious and will mercilessly attack those who venture near its nest. During this time, the male's venom also becomes thicker and stronger than usual.
";seadra;seadra;seadra;seadra;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
118;1;Goldeen;Water;297;1;237,35;0;7;9,494;6;150;808;1;"Goldeen is a white, fishlike Pokémon with orange markings. It has circular blue eyes with orange lids and prominent pink lips. On its forehead is a large horn, which is larger on a male than on a female. It has a small, wavy dorsal fin surrounded by an orange patch and long pectoral fins with orange markings at the bases. Goldeen's billowing tail fin is orange around the base and turns white toward the edges. Its tail is admired by many for its beauty and similarity to a ballroom dress.
Goldeen has a wild temperament and will use its horn to smash its way to freedom if kept in an aquarium. It competes with others of its kind to determine which has the strongest, thickest horn. Humans swimming near it must exercise caution lest Goldeen rams them. Goldeen is a very common sight in any body of fresh water, including ponds, lakes, and rivers. It can be seen swimming upstream in large schools during the breeding season in spring. Its strong fins allow it to maintain a steady speed of five knots while swimming upstream. It is known as the ″Water Dancer″ due to its elegant movements in the water. In the past, Waterfall was its signature move.
";goldeen;goldeen;goldeen;goldeen;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
119;1;Seaking;Water;385;2;308,05;0;5;10,2683333333;13;390;526;1;"Seaking is a primarily orange-and-white, fishlike Pokémon. It has round, dark eyes, prominent pink lips, two small fangs, and a cream-colored horn in the center of its forehead. A female will have a smaller horn than a male. Most of its body is orange with a patch of white under its mouth and along its underside. There are several black markings on its body: two thick lines under each eye, a large wavy patch on its back, and several speckles near its tail. It has billowing pectoral fins and a pair of tail fins shaped like butterfly wings, all of which are white speckled with black. However, its dorsal fin is pure white and rigid.
Seaking is a very powerful swimmer that is found in rivers and streams. It can swim not only against a river's current, but up waterfalls as well. In the autumn spawning season, it grows fatter and more vibrant. It travels upriver where male Seaking engage in elaborate dances to court females. The female would go for the Seaking with the most graceful dance.
Seaking uses its powerful horn to bore holes in riverbed boulders in order to shelter its Eggs from water currents. A mated pair take turns patrolling around their new nest for roughly a month and defend it with their lives. There are two different groups of Trainers who are obsessed with Seaking's horns or dorsal fins. However, the groups cannot get along with each other. In the past, Waterfall was its signature move.
";seaking;seaking;seaking;seaking;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
120;1;Staryu;Water;271;1;217,15;1;3;5,0353623188;8;345;796;1;"Staryu is a golden-brown, starfish-like Pokémon with five appendages. These appendages surround an exterior organ called the core. The core resembles a golden metal casing with a red gem in the center, which is held in place by a golden ring looped around Staryu's lower left point. If any of Staryu's appendages are lost or eaten by predators like Lumineon, it is unharmed and can grow them back with ease provided the core is still intact.
When the sun goes down, the core glows its brightest. Many Staryu will float from the seafloor to the surface and align themselves with stars of the night sky as their core flickers, displaying a connection with the celestial bodies of space. The anime has shown that if Staryu becomes weak, its core will grow faint and flash slowly. During the ends of summer, groups of Staryu tend to gather while lighting up in a steady rhythm. Staryu can be found at the very bottom of the ocean on the seafloors. There are times, however, when Staryu finds itself in rivers that lead into the ocean as seen in Pokémon Snap. In the past, Camouflage was its signature move.
";staryu;staryu;staryu;staryu;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
121;1;Starmie;Water,Psychic;423;2;338,35;0;3;4,6523125;11;800;454;1;"Starmie is a Pokémon that resembles two violet starfish with five appendages each. The front starfish has a golden formation in the center. In the center of the golden casing is its red jewel core, which can glow in seven colors and has developed to resemble a cut precious stone. The second starfish is semi-attached to the back of the first and can spin 360 degrees. This rotational action is how Starmie swims through the ocean. It can also launch itself out of the water and fly through the air for short periods, as seen in Pokémon Snap.
From its core, Starmie can emit electrical waves that are powerful enough to reach the furthest parts of the universe. The multi-color glowing of its core is also believed to be a method of communication with other members of its species. As seen in the anime, the core will go dark if Starmie is knocked unconscious and will sometimes flicker if Starmie is low on health. Because of its body shape and habit of sending transmissions skyward, some people believe this Pokémon to be extraterrestrial. It is rarely seen in the wild since it requires a rare Evolution stone to evolve, but it can be found in the deepest parts of the ocean. It feeds by absorbing tiny plankton into its body while swimming, and it is preyed on by Lumineon.
";starmie;starmie;starmie;starmie;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
122;1;Mr-mime;Fairy,Psychic;303;2;242,4;0;2;5,7820183486;13;545;517;1;"Mr. Mime is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon. Blue growths resembling clown hair extend from the sides of its pale pink head, and there is a magenta circle on each cheek. Its jaw is curved inward, resembling the mouth of a wooden dummy. It has a round, white body with a magenta spot in the middle, light pink arms and legs that connect to its body via magenta spheres, and small white coverings over its knees. Its white hands resemble gloves with magenta pads on the tips of its white fingers and its dark blue feet curl upward at the tips.
From birth, this Pokémon is an excellent pantomime. As it matures, it gains the ability to solidify air molecules by vibrating its fingertips. This ability allows it to create invisible objects with its gestures. It punishes those who interrupt its act or are not impressed by slapping them. Mr. Mime is usually very rare, but can be found in suburban areas. In the past, Substitute was its signature move.
Galarian Mr. Mime are mostly blue and white. It also has blue growths resembling clown hair on its pale head, however, these also extend and cover its cheeks, creating a mutton chop style sideburn effect resembling earmuffs. It has wider-shaped eyes and a small blue triangle for a nose. It has a suit-like body comprising a white top, blue shoulder spheres, blue bottom trousers, and a diamond-shaped crystal that resembles a tie. It has mitten-like hands and feet that are more defined, resembling blue shoes with light blue soles, presumably made out of ice. Through its feet, it is able to control the temperature and create a floor of ice, which it can kick up to act as a barrier. It is widely known in the region for its talent in tap dancing (contrasting Kantonian Mr. Mime's talent in pantomiming) and is likely the result of Mr. Rime's influence over Mime Jr. imitating their dance steps.
";mr-mime;mr-mime;mr-mime;mr-mime;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
123;1;Scyther;Flying,Bug;461;2;368,65;0;6;9,8745535714;15;560;700;1;"Scyther is a bipedal, insectoid Pokémon. Its body is primarily green and has a thin, cream-colored section between its head, thorax, and abdomen. Female Scyther have larger abdomens than male Scyther. Its reptilian head has two narrow, triangular eyes and three blunt horns extending from its forehead. Its arms end in large, white scythes, which it uses for both hunting and fighting. Two pairs of cream-colored wings extend from its back. While these wings do allow Scyther to fly, it rarely does so. Scyther's thighs have large, upward-pointing spikes. Its feet are tall and almost extends its thighs, rounded, and conical, each foot ends in three small, white claws on its front side.
Scyther is an adept hunter that tears at its prey with its scythes. Thanks to its green coloration, it can camouflage itself well in the grasslands and forests where it lives. Humans rarely encounter wild Scyther in these areas, however. Said to be like a ninja, Scyther can move so quickly that it cannot be followed, increasing the effectiveness of its scythes. It maintains the sharpness of its blades through battle as well as by cutting through hard objects, such as trees, it can cut down a massive tree with just a single slice. The anime has shown that wild Scyther form swarms with a single leader chosen through combat. When a challenger successfully defeats a current leader and replaced it, the defeated leader is exiled from the swarm. It has also been shown that Scyther becomes aggressive when faced with the color red. In Hisui, when exposed to an Black Augurite, Scyther can instead evolve into Kleavor.
";scyther;scyther;scyther;scyther;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
124;1;Jynx;Ice,Psychic;309;2;247,45;1;4;8,5327586207;14;406;523;1;" Jynx's footJynx is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon that resembles a woman. It has a purple face, pink lips, saucer-like eyes, and long blonde hair. It wears a red gown with two gold circlets on the chest. While the anime has shown it to possess feet, the 3D games show only blackness under the dress and it lacks a footprint. Despite this, it is able to learn the kicking move Triple Axel. It has white arms and five-fingered purple hands. Jynx is a female-only species with no male counterpart.
Originally, its face was colored black. Pokémon Stadium's fainting animation had it disappear leaving only its hair behind, implying that what appears to be dark-colored skin is actually just darkness.
Jynx has a language that sounds similar to human speech and includes several cry patterns. However, this language has yet to be deciphered. It prefers to communicate by using dance-like movements. There are some musicians who compose songs for Jynx to sing. These rhythmic movements often cause people to dance along with it. It puts its enemies to sleep using its signature move, Lovely Kiss. The Jynx in Alola are said to have wonderful precise movements. In certain parts of Galar, it has been feared and worshiped while being called the ″Queen of Ice″. The Jynx in Galar are said to have beautiful and delicate voices and a fanbase dedicated to them. Jynx often is found in urban areas.
";jynx;jynx;jynx;jynx;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
125;1;Electabuzz;Electric;391;2;313,1;1;4;11,4803333333;11;300;484;1;"Electabuzz is a slightly humanoid Pokémon with a few feline traits. It has antennae with bulbous tips where its ears should be, two long tufts of fur on top of its head, small eyes, and two large fangs in its upper jaw. It is covered in yellow fur with many black stripes. There is a large, lightning bolt-shaped stripe on Electabuzz's chest, a V-shaped stripe on its forehead, one stripe on its side, a thick stripe down its back, two bands on each leg, several broken bands on each arm, and many rings around its long tail. There are three clawed toes on each of its feet, two in front and one in back, and five fingers on each hand.
In the dark, Electabuzz will glow light blue from the electrical charges running across its body. It is constantly leaking more electricity than it consumes. Electabuzz often gathered groups around tall tress in order to wait for the upcoming storm. During torrential thunderstorms, Electabuzz will compete to find locations likely to be struck by lightning in order to absorb the electric power. Electabuzz is often used as an alternative to lightning rods because it is unharmed by the absorption of electricity. It is also capable of entirely nonverbal communication via electrical currents when in close proximity to another of its species. Blackouts have been known to happen when groups of Electabuzz gather to consume electricity of power plants, thus often gets blamed for the occuring power outages. As a result, Ground-type Pokémon are kept around power plants to keep Electabuzz from raiding.
As demonstrated in the anime, Electabuzz is sent into a rage by the color red. In battle, Electabuzz windmills its arms, apparently to add momentum to its punches. This method of battle seems ineffective, as opponents can escape in the meantime. Electabuzz typically resides near power plants and can cause blackouts in cities, though it can also be found in grasslands.
";electabuzz;electabuzz;electabuzz;electabuzz;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
126;1;Magmar;Fire;391;1;313,1;0;4;9,146741573;13;445;481;1;"Magmar is a bipedal Pokémon that has a red body with yellow flame designs along the bottom half. It has a puckered, yellow beak, small eyes, and two lumps on its forehead with a yellow flame on top of each one. Rigid, red scales cover its arms and it has five, clawed fingers on each hand. Magmar's shoulders and thighs are yellow, and its red feet have two, clawed toes each. It has black, metal shackles around its neck and ankles. Down its back is a row of red spikes, and there is a flame at the tip of its tapering, yellow tail.
Magmar's body temperature is nearly 2,200° Fahrenheit (1,200° Celsius), giving its body an orange glow. Because it hates cold places, this Pokémon typically resides in and around active volcanoes where it is born from. This Pokémon has even been known to spit scorching flames to establish an ideally warm environment for itself. The Magmar found in Alola are said be to sturdier than Magmar found elsewhere.
In battle, Magmar blows out intense flames from all over its body to intimidate its foes and incinerate its surroundings. The anime has shown that extremely well-trained Magmar can block Electric-type attacks with super-heated air. However, an outmatched Magmar will quickly retreat, using its fiery camouflage and its wavering, rippling glare to blend into any present fires. As stated in the Pokémon Adventures manga, Magmar is very persistent and will hunt down anyone who manages to defeat it. It is able to heal its wounds and weariness by soaking in lava. Magmar has a bad habit of unintentionally burning its prey to a crisp. Its body is always constantly burning. Magmar is feared as one of the many causes of fires.
";magmar;magmar;magmar;magmar;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
127;1;Pinsir;Bug;473;1;378,75;1;3;10,3295454545;15;550;475;1;"Pinsir is a bipedal, insectoid Pokémon with a wide, dull-brown body divided into segments by thin lines. On top of its head is a large pair of gray, spiky pincers on top of its head. In its mouth are many long, flat teeth arranged horizontally and it has triangular eyes. Capable of seeing color to some degree, Pinsir appears to be attracted to the color green. Its legs are short and thick, while its arms are long and thin. It has three claws on each hand and foot, two of its toes face forward and one backward.
Pinsir can use its pincers to crush, toss, bludgeon, or tear opponents, lift things twice its weight, and shatter logs. Captured prey is kept in place by the piercing thorns and sheer strength of Pinsir's horns and will not be released until they are torn in half. In addition to hunting prey, the anime has shown that it enjoys tree sap. Pinsir lives deep in the temperate forests and jungles, where it burrows underground or hides in the treetops on nights cold enough to render it immobile. In Alola, it has a rivalry with Vikavolt and gets along with Heracross. Pinsir are known to judge each other based on their pincers. The pincers determine its popularity with the opposite gender based on how more thick and impressive it looks.
As Mega Pinsir, it gains a large pair of clear, yellow wings with an area of orange venation near the base. Additionally, a set of brown elytra appear. Slicing through each elytron is a pair of orange blades. Its arms become longer and it has a T-shaped spike on each forearm. The pincers on its head are now longer with larger spikes, and its eyes are now yellow. When it Mega Evolves, Pinsir is left in a constant state of excitement. It rarely touches the ground due to its ability to now fly. Mega Pinsir can travel up to approximately 30 mph (50 km/h) and uses its two large horns to pierce its enemies before shredding them. Mega Pinsir can lift opponents up to 10 times heavier than itself with its horns and still fly around easily.
";pinsir;pinsir;pinsir;pinsir;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
128;1;Tauros;Normal;480;1;383,8;1;2;6,078280543;14;884;484;1;"Tauros is a quadrupedal, bovine Pokémon. It is covered in light brown fur with a thick, darker brown mane around the neck. It has a rounded muzzle with a dark brown nose, small, triangular eyes, three gray bumps running vertically down its forehead, and a pair of curved, gray horns grow from atop its head. Each of its three black tails has a tuft of fur on the end, and there is a single gray hoof on each foot. Tauros is a male-only species with no female counterpart.
Tauros is a violent, rowdy Pokémon that whips itself into a frenzy using its three tails. It serves as a warning to others that Tauros is about to charge with astonishing speed. Once it starts charging, it is unable to stop or change course until it hits something. It lives and travels in herds on plains and grasslands. It will lock horns with others of its kind, and the herd's protector takes pride in its battle-scarred horns. While still ferocious, Tauros are calmer in Alola than elsewhere, likely due to the region's climate. The practice of riding Tauros is believed to have started in Alola. However, Tauros in Galar are more volatile and don't want to be ridden.
";tauros;tauros;tauros;tauros;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
129;1;Magikarp;Water;208;2;166,65;0;4;14,9985;9;100;880;1;" The variety of Magikarp known as the ″Blue Raindrops″Magikarp is a fishlike Pokémon with large, heavy reddish-orange scales. It has large, vacant eyes and pink lips. Its pectoral and tail fins are white. On its back is a stiff, three-peaked yellow fin, resembling a crown, there is an identical fin on its underside. It also has long barbels. The barbels are white on a female and pale-yellow on a male. A long-lived Magikarp is able to utilize its immense splashing power to leap high enough to scale mountains. It also has a strong enough immune system to survive in the most polluted of waters. However, it is usually overlooked by Trainers because of its perceived weakness: even in the heat of battle, it will do nothing but flop around. It is believed that the ancestors of Magikarp were actually much stronger than modern Magikarp, and this led scientists to research this species.
Magikarp is found in many bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, and ponds. However, due to its weak swimming ability, it usually lives downstream of the water's flow. It is normally seen using its former signature move, Splash, to leap out of the water, which makes it an easy target for predators such as Pidgeotto and Pidgeot. Frillish also preys on Magikarp.
In Hoppy Town, there are at least 31 unique pattern varieties of Magikarp, with their scales coming in colors such as gray, black, white, purple, pink, violet, apricot, and brown. These patterns can be classified by groups, depending on how the Magikarp looks while it is still small, a specific pattern arises when it becomes bigger. Which patterns can be caught depend on the type of Old Rod, the better the rod, the more groups of patterns can be fished. The people in Hoppy Town train their Magikarp to jump the highest in order to compete in a series of Leagues to win prizes.
";magikarp;magikarp;magikarp;magikarp;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
130;1;Gyarados;Flying,Water;480;1;383,8;0;2;10,6157446809;65;2350;433;1;" Gyarados with its mouth closedGyarados is a serpentine Pokémon with a long body covered in slightly overlapping scales. It is mostly blue with a yellow underbelly, and it has a row of yellow spots down each side. Its mouth is very large and gaping, bearing four pointed teeth and yellow lips. It has one barbel and a small white fin on each side of its face. The barbels are white on a female and blue on a male. It has small, red eyes, a three-pointed, dark blue crest on its head, and four white, spiky dorsal fins. Gyarados's tail fin is similar in structure to the crest on its head, except with a thin, white fin spread between the points.
The process of evolution causes a change in its brain structure that is believed to cause its violent nature. Gyarados's fangs can crush stones and its scales are harder than steel. Gyarados is feared for its fierce temper and wanton destructive tendencies since ancient times. In some regions, Gyarados is called the ″deity of destruction″ because of this. It appears in times of conflict and destroys the surrounding area. Its rampages have been known to last a month at a time. These rampages can occur even during a harsh storm. A Gyarados's rage won't stop completely until everything is destroyed. Some believed any place is fated to be destroyed should a Gyarados appear. Gyarados lives in both fresh and salty waters. Both Gyarados and its Mega form have demonstrated in the anime that it can leap huge distances both from the water and from the ground, usually several times its own body length. However, Gyarados is rarely seen in the wild. The move Hyper Beam is often associated with Gyarados due to it being being powerful enough to instantly destroy everything it hits.
When it Mega Evolves, Gyarados becomes bulkier. The fins on its cheeks become longer and gain a yellow tint. Its crest is larger and black, and its barbels also gain considerable length. A large spike extends downward underneath its chin, and it now has a black underside with a red stripe around the edges. The yellow spots along its body are replaced by raised red scales, which propel Mega Gyarados through the water. Two large yellow fins with blue spines appear on its back. Most of the other fins along its back disappear, replaced by two rows of blue spikes. There are now four yellowish, spiky fins near its tail: two on its back and two on its underside.
Due the stress Mega Evolution puts on a Gyarados's body, it becomes even more ferocious than before. All other brain functions cease when Mega Evolution occurs, except for the destructive drive to burn down anything into cinders. Despite its brain having a powerful destructive instinct, it will obey a Trainer it truly trusts. Mega Gyarados can launch at Mach Speed by using its orifices to release water from both sides. With this speed, it has power enough to split large ships in two. Mega Gyarados is tied with Hoopa Unbound as the tallest Dark-type.
";gyarados;gyarados;gyarados;gyarados;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
131;1;Lapras;Water,Ice;448;1;358,55;1;3;4,0744318182;25;2200;439;1;" Comparison between Lapras's younger and older appearancesLapras is a large sea Pokémon that resembles a plesiosaur. It has a blue hide with darker blue spots and a cream-colored underside. It has large brown eyes, a short horn on its forehead, and tightly curled ears. It has a long neck and four flippers. The foremost flippers are larger than the hind. On its back is a heavy, gray shell covered in blunt knobs.
Lapras is a gentle, helpful Pokémon that enjoys ferrying people across bodies of water. In the past, its docility made it an easy target for hunters, and it was driven to near-extinction. Recent protection efforts have seen Lapras become overabundant instead, which is now affecting the fish Pokémon numbers in some areas. An intelligent Pokémon, it is able to understand human speech. Lapras have been known to travel in large pods across the seas, spanning both polar and tropical areas. To keep in touch with other of its kind, it sings enchanting melodies. In the anime it was shown that Lapras is able to develop psychic abilities such as telepathy.
As Gigantamax Lapras, it becomes larger in size and more armored. Its shell resembles a cruise ship or ocarina with four gray and red stripes surrounding it, and it has four spikes on top of its shell with one steel spike resembling a funnel, which has three red clouds surrounding it. The sclera in Lapras' eyes change colors to white, yellow, and blue. A light blue ring of fine thin lines resembling a musical sheet created from ice particles circles around its shell.
5,000 people can ride on the shell of Gigantamax Lapras for a very comfortable ride without any issues. Lapras can use its giant ring to break any icebergs that may prevent it from swimming. According to Oleana, Gigantamax Lapras's shell is not part of its body as the shell has a logarithmic structure.
Gigantamax Lapras is the only known Pokémon capable of using the exclusive G-Max Move G-Max Resonance.
";lapras;lapras;lapras;lapras;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
132;1;Ditto;Normal;242;2;193,92;1;5;14,544;3;40;697;1;" Duplica's Ditto transformed as a PikachuIn its natural state, Ditto is a light-purple or pink blob-like Pokémon with vestigial facial features. It is often referred to as amorphous, but has a relatively consistent appearance in official artwork, including two small nubs on its ″head″, a few soft lumps at its base, and two pseudopod-like protrusions in place of arms. The face consists of beady eyes and a simple mouth, almost always pulled into a smile.
It is capable of transforming into an exact replica of any physical object or living creature, including its form and abilities. Each Ditto has its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to transforming, being unable to remain transformed while laughing and getting details of its transformation wrong if based on memory being apparently universal. The anime and the TCG have shown that occasionally Ditto cannot change its face during transfomation, a trait that has become synonymous with the species despite being incongruous with their depiction in core series games. While its transformation ability allows it to get along with almost anything, it does not get along with its own kind, which it will quickly (and generally fruitlessly) attempt to transform into. It transforms into a rock when sleeping to avoid attack.
Ditto is never far from civilization or people, and is the only Pokémon capable of using the Metal Powder and Quick Powder items. Its variety of unusual and often entirely unique traits set it apart from every other Pokémon.
";ditto;ditto;ditto;ditto;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
133;1;Eevee;Normal;271;1;217,15;0;6;10,0223076923;3;65;805;1;"Eevee is a small, mammalian, quadrupedal Pokémon with primarily brown fur. The tip of its bushy tail and its large furry collar are cream-colored. It has short, slender legs with three small toes and a pink paw pad on each foot. Eevee has brown eyes, long pointed ears with dark brown interiors, and a small black nose.
In Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!, the player starts with a special Eevee known as a Partner Eevee. The Partner Eevee has purple eyes and a lighter shade of fur. These design elements were likely taken from the anime, which implemented similar traits starting in Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire. Partner Eevee has higher base stats and access to moves that normal Eevee do not. The marking on the tip of a female Partner Eevee's tail is flower-shaped. Before Pokémon Sword and Shield, this trait was unique and wasn't found on other female Eevee. In Pokémon Sword and Shield and later Pokémon GO updates, the unique tail pattern is present on all female Eevee as a true gender difference.
As Gigantamax Eevee, it has become larger and more fluffy. The fur collar becomes longer with several triangular furs pointing straight up. The right ear has three red clouds surrounding it like a circle.
Eevee is rarely found in the wild and is mostly only found in cities and towns. However, it is said to have an irregularly shaped genetic structure that is easily influenced by its environment. This allows it to adapt to a variety of habitats by evolving. Eevee can potentially evolve into 8 different evolutions. Eevee can also adapt the face of the Trainer that owns it. Eevee's genes are believed to have the key to solving the mysteries of Pokémon evolutions.
Due to the fur becoming fluffier and luxurious, any enemies caught in it will lose the will to fight due to being enamored by its presence of Gigantamax Eevee. Due to Gigantamaxing, Eevee becomes even more playful and rambunctious, desiring to play with its opponent and often unintentionally crushing them with its size.[1]
Eevee is the only known Pokémon capable of using the exclusive Z-Move Extreme Evoboost. Partner Eevee is the only Pokémon capable of performing Bouncy Bubble, Buzzy Buzz, Sizzly Slide, Glitzy Glow, Baddy Bad, Sappy Seed, Freezy Frost, Sparkly Swirl, and the Partner Power, Veevee Volley. Gigantamax Eevee is the only known Pokémon capable of using the exclusive G-Max Move G-Max Cuddle.
";eevee;eevee;eevee;eevee;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
134;1;Vaporeon;Water;404;1;323,2;0;6;11,1448275862;10;290;448;1;" A Vaporeon melting into water moleculesVaporeon is a Pokémon that shares physical traits with both aquatic and land animals. Vaporeon's body is light blue with a dark blue marking around its head and a spiky ridge down its spine. It has black eyes and a tiny black nose. There a white fin encircling its neck and three fins with cream-colored webbing on its head. One of these fins is on each side of its head similar to ears and one is directly on top of its head similar in appearance to a dorsal fin. Vaporeon is a quadruped with three small toes on each foot and dark blue paw pads on the hind feet. Its split tail fin has been mistaken for a mermaid's in the past, which may be the cause for mermaid folklore. It can detect moisture with its fins, which vibrate when rain will fall soon.
Vaporeon is mostly found in urban settings under the ownership of a Trainer. It is rarely seen in the wild, but it prefers clean freshwater lakes. It has developed gills to become better suited to an aquatic lifestyle, and its cell composition's similarity to water allows it to melt into the water. This ability enables Vaporeon to remain camouflaged while swimming and ambush its prey: fish Pokémon.
";vaporeon;vaporeon;vaporeon;vaporeon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,!134Vaporeon_AG_anime_2.png
135;1;Jolteon;Electric;404;2;323,2;1;7;10,5534693878;8;245;448;1;"Jolteon is a quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon. It is covered in yellow fur with a spiky fringe around its tail and a white ruff around its neck. Its ears are large and pointed with black interiors, and its eyes and small nose are black. It has slender legs and small paws, each with three toes and a pink paw-pad.
Jolteon's prickly fur is made of electrically charged needles and generates negatively charged ions, which create a sparking noise as it moves. It also has an electricity-generating organ in its lungs, and crackles of electricity can often be heard when Jolteon exhales. The static electricity in its fur amplifies the low-level electricity generated by its cells and allow it to discharge 10,000-volt lightning bolts. This Pokémon is most often found in cities and towns under the ownership of Trainers. However, its high-strung nature and tendency toward mood swings can make it difficult to train.
";jolteon;jolteon;jolteon;jolteon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,!135Jolteon_AG_anime_2.png,,
136;1;Flareon;Fire;404;1;323,2;1;2;11,6352;9;250;448;1;"Flareon is a mammalian, quadrupedal Pokémon covered in short, reddish-orange fur. It has long ears with black interiors, dark eyes, and a small black nose. There are three small toes and a yellow paw pad on each foot. Fluffy yellow fur forms a small tuft on its head, as well as its bushy tail and a mane around its chest and neck.
It will fluff out its collar to cool down its high body temperature. This high temperature is caused by its internal flame sac. Flareon's body heat can reach temperatures to about 1,650-3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Flareon stores and heats inhaled air in this sac and then exhales it as fire. It is an omnivore that roasts either Berries or prey before consumption. Flareon is mostly found in populated areas and is rarely seen in the wilderness.
";flareon;flareon;flareon;flareon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,!136Flareon_AG_anime_2.png,,
137;1;Porygon;Normal;297;1;237,35;1;4;5,2021917808;8;365;763;1;" Porygon changing its appearance using ConversionPorygon is a Pokémon made completely out of programming code. It has a pink, polyhedral head that ends in a blue beak and has hexagonal eyes and it has a pink polyhedral body with a blue front, blue triangular prism feet, and a blue rectangular prism tail. In 3D games, such as Pokémon Stadium, it can open its beak and can detach its limbs and head from its torso. According to its Pokédex entries, it has copy protection built into its code, preventing duplication through electronic means. It was created 20 years ago at the Pokémon Lab on Cinnabar Island using the latest state-of-the-art technology of its time, so many of its parts have since become obsolete. It was the first artificial Pokémon to have ever been created through computer programming.
Due to its man-made origins, Porygon does not need to breathe or eat, though it can still accept food if given. It has the ability to convert its body into digital data, allowing it to travel through cyberspace. Recently, it has become more helpful inside cyberspace by searching for any suspicious data that exists. Some believed Porygon has the power to potentially travel in space despite the species not displaying that ability yet. Porygon has two signature moves, Conversion and Conversion 2, and in the past it also had Sharpen for a signature move. It can use Conversion to change its appearance to mimic another Pokémon's and has also demonstrated the ability to change color for camouflage. Because it is man-made, it is generally found in computers or in labs and other buildings where people work.
";porygon;porygon;porygon;porygon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
138;1;Omanyte;Rock,Water;265;1;212,1;0;7;11,312;4;75;787;1;"Omanyte is a small Pokémon similar to an ammonite. It has a sky blue body with ten tentacles and a pale yellow, helix-spiraled shell on its back. The shell's rim has two circular indents where Omanyte's large saucer-like eyes protrude. If attacked or threatened, it quickly withdraws into its hard shell.
Omanyte is considered extinct, although it can be revived from Fossils. Its fossils have been excavated in areas that were once oceans long ago. Omanyte regulated its buoyancy by storing and releasing air within its shell and controlled direction by twisting its tentacles. While Omanyte fed on plankton, it was preyed on by Archeops and Carracosta. Omantye can now be found in the wild due to being released by people or escaping after being restored to life, causing this species to become a problem.
";omanyte;omanyte;omanyte;omanyte;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
139;1;Omastar;Rock,Water;391;1;313,1;0;1;8,9457142857;10;350;481;1;"Omastar is a Pokémon similar to an ammonite. Its sky blue body has several tentacles, the tentacles toward the front are shorter and thicker than those in the back. There is a pale yellow, helix spiraled shell on its back. Several sharp spikes line the shell's midsection from the front to about halfway down its back. The shell's rim has two circular indents where Omastar's eyes are visible. Its eyes have yellow sclerae and vertically-slit pupils. It has an oval mouth with a four-sectioned, fang-like beak.
It is believed that Omastar's extinction was a consequence of the increasingly heavy weight of its shell that affected its mobility, including its hunting. Omastar swam the seas in search of prey, including prehistoric Shellder. It attacks only when prey comes near its tentacles. Omastar uses its tentacles to ensnare its prey before biting down with the deadly force of its beak. Its fangs are powerful enough to crush through rocks. With the shell broken, it would suck out the contents. Omastar was in turn preyed upon by Carracosta. Omastar is thought to be a distant ancestor to Octillery.
";omastar;omastar;omastar;omastar;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
140;1;Kabuto;Rock,Water;322;2;257,55;1;3;11,197826087;5;115;787;1;"Kabuto is a small Pokémon resembling a horseshoe crab. It is mostly flat with a protective, brown shell covering its body. There are two small, black eyes on top of its shell, which it uses for sight when it hides on the ocean floor. Underneath the shell is a black space that hides the structure of its main body. Only its four short, yellow legs and a second pair of luminescent red eyes are visible on its underside. In its original time, Kabuto was prominently found on beaches, likely aided by its fast and powerful swimming ability. While it is commonly believed to be extinct, isolated populations of Kabuto have been unchanged for 300 million years.
";kabuto;kabuto;kabuto;kabuto;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
141;1;Kabutops;Rock,Water;455;2;363,6;0;1;11,6711111111;13;405;481;1;"Kabutops is a bipedal Pokémon with a skeletal build. It has a flat, half-circular head with a point on each side and two small eyes on the front. It is mostly brown, except for its light gray chest and abdomen. There is a ridge down its back with three flat spines on either side and it has a flat, pointed tail. Instead of hands, its forearms have large, sharp, gray scythes. Its thin legs are brown lead to small feet with two large gray claws.
Before it went extinct, Kabutops was in the process of evolving into a land dweller as evident by changes in its gills and legs. This change is thought to be due to its prey moving onto land as well. In its ocean home Kabutops could tuck up its limbs to help it swim extremely fast, up to roughly 29 knots. It used its sharp scythes to slice enemies and drink their internal fluids. Any leftovers left behind by Kabutops are consumed by other Pokémon. It is unknown what led to Kabutops's extinction.
";kabutops;kabutops;kabutops;kabutops;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
142;1;Aerodactyl;Flying,Rock;480;2;383,8;1;9;11,7091525424;18;590;460;1;"Aerodactyl is a pterosaurian, bipedal Pokémon with several draconic features. It has small sharply pointed ears, narrow dark green eyes, a ridged snout, a gaping mouth, and a strong lower jaw full of serrated fangs. Its body is covered in light blue-gray skin and it has large, violet membranous wings. The clawed hands at the end of each wing allow it to grasp objects. There is a hump-like ridge with a spike on its back, and it has a strong tail with an arrow-shaped tip. Its talon-like feet have two toes in front and one in the back, and are capable of scooping up and tightly clutching its prey in flight.
Aerodactyl's serrated saw-like fangs and ferocious attitude were very imposing in its time. Its fangs can rip out throats and tear through the skin of any Pokémon to pieces, even Steel-type Pokémon. By spreading its wings, Aerodactyl is believed to have flown by gliding through the skies, freely letting out its high-pitched cries. However, it is slow to walk on land. It liked to nest in the mountains, where it enjoyed both safety and seclusion. Aerodactyl lived in prehistoric times, and was theorized to become extinct thanks to a giant meteor impact. It was restored in modern times using genetic material extracted from amber, some casualties occurred during these attempts. Even still, this restoration is not considered perfect.
The power of Mega Evolution allows some of Aerodactyl's dormant genes to reawaken. As Mega Aerodactyl, its eyes turn bright green and parts of its body turn to stone, which some researchers believe to be its original appearance before fossilization. It grows larger and sprouts jagged black spiky rocks all over its body: five spikes at the wrist joint of each wing replacing its hands, three small spikes along its tail, one spike on each ear, and a long spike on its chin. The spike on its back and its rear talons have also become black and stony. Rocky plates cover its eyebrows and the corners of its jaw. Similar stone ornaments are present on its chest on its torso: two small ridges flanking a longer ridge. The rocks on Mega Aerodactyl's body are harder than diamond. Because of the burden of Mega Evolution, Mega Aerodactyl is fiercer and more irritable than before. As a result, Mega Aerodactyl attacks anything that moves.
";aerodactyl;aerodactyl;aerodactyl;aerodactyl;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
143;1;Snorlax;Normal;461;1;368,65;0;1;1,6829673913;21;4600;433;1;"Snorlax is a huge, bipedal, dark blue-green Pokémon with a cream-colored face, belly, and feet. Its body is composed of mostly its belly, as its limbs are comparatively small. Its head is large with small, pointed ears and two pointed teeth protruding from its lower jaw. It has round feet, which both have three claws and a circular brown paw pad, and short arms with five claws on each hand. Snorlax's bulk makes it the heaviest Normal type.
Snorlax is often found in mountains and forests. It wakes up only to eat, requiring 900 lbs. (400 kg) of food per day before returning to its slumber. It is not a picky eater, as its strong stomach allows it to eat even moldy food without feeling any ill effects. It can even handle thorny plants or Muk's poison. It can also eat while it is resting. Snorlax is docile enough to let children and small Pokémon bounce on its large stomach. Snorlax is known to raid and appear without warning in villages to consume food, usually rice granaries. Snorlax is considered a disaster whenever it shows up.
Snorlax can show awesome power when prompted. As Gigantamax Snorlax, seeds and small rocks that were tangled in its belly fur go through immense growth, and a tree spouts upon its belly. The tree has three red clouds surrounding it like a circle. It almost never moves, even when in battle it only slightly lifts its body and attacks by flailing with its arms and legs. However, its attacks are very powerful — Gigantamax Snorlax is considered to be the strongest Dynamax Pokémon to have been discovered.[1]
It is the only known Pokémon capable of using the exclusive Z-Move Pulverizing Pancake and G-Max Move G-Max Replenish.
";snorlax;snorlax;snorlax;snorlax;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
144;1;Articuno;Flying,Ice;455;2;363,6;1;2;11,157400722;17;554;217;1;"Articuno is a large avian Pokémon with predominantly sky blue plumage and wings said to be made of ice. On its forehead is a crest that consists of three, darker blue rhombus-shaped feathers. It has circular red eyes, a short gray beak, and long, thin gray legs. Each foot has three forward-facing toes and one that faces backward. On its chest is a mass of pale blue, downy feathers. Its long, streamer-like tail is longer than its body and the same shade of blue as its crest.
Articuno has the power to control the ice at will. When Articuno flaps its wings, it can chill the moisture in the air around it, making snow fall. It flies from icy mountain to icy mountain. According to legend, it appears before doomed travelers lost in icy regions. As seen in the anime, Articuno sometimes aids travelers and guides them to safety. Articuno lives in cold, isolated locations such as snowy mountains filled with permafrost.
In Galar, Articuno has a distinct appearance. The main body has lavender coloration with a black marking covering its chest. Its feet are black with lavender talons. The three feathers of its crest, which are longer, fused, and folded to the back, have the same purple color as its beak and tail. Its eyes glow light blue, appear to be mostly closed, and are surrounded by a black, mask-like facial disc. When Articuno utilizes its psychic power, the entire mask glows the same color as its eyes, as do the white, feather-like blades of condensed psychic power at the edges of its wings.
Galarian Articuno keeps itself airborne with its psychic power, almost never having to use its wings for this purpose. Instead, the blades on its wings can be used to slice through iron as easily as paper. Its eyes can fire beams of psychic energy that leave its opponents stuck in place, as if frozen solid - this is what earns this Pokémon the name of its Kantonian counterpart. It also has the ability to create mirages of itself in order to fool its opponent and escape. Its elegant and refined movements belie a cold and callous personality. It can be found in the Crown Tundra once every few decades congregating at the Dyna Tree Hill.[1]
Galarian Articuno is the only Pokémon that can learn the move Freezing Glare.
";articuno;articuno;articuno;articuno;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,!144Articuno_AG_anime_3.png,
145;1;Zapdos;Flying,Electric;461;2;368,65;0;9;11,2136882129;16;526;217;1;"Zapdos is a large, avian Pokémon with predominantly yellow plumage. It has small, triangular eyes with black around them and a long, thin, light orange beak. Its wings and tail are a mass of spiky feathers and there are black feathers covering the back of its wings and inner tail feathers. A large crest of spiked feathers surrounds its head. Its thighs are tan, and it has thin, light orange legs. It has feet with three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe, each toe has a short talon.
When Zapdos flaps its glittering wings, it releases electricity that can potentially cause thunderstorms. It produces massive crackling and snapping sounds when it flies, these are attributed to the lightning bolts it sheds when airborne. Zapdos reportedly appears only during thunderstorms and gains power when struck by lightning. It is said to live among thunderclouds, but it is rarely seen.
In Galar, Zapdos has a different appearance. The main body is red-orange with black plumage. Its head features yellow eyes with more pronounced, mask-like black coloration around them, a shorter black beak, and a longer, more visible neck. Its legs are black, longer, and more muscular, its thigh feathers are also black, and its talons are yellow with red rings at their bases. Its red-orange wings are smaller, with small black markings that appear to be remnants of its Kantonian counterpart's black plumage. Finally, it has a row of spiky feathers along its chest, and a similar row of black feathers on its back.
Belligerent by nature and ever thirsting for battle, Galarian Zapdos seeks out opponents stronger than itself so it could test its might. Its powerful legs allow it to perform devastating kicks capable of destroying a dump truck, and it can run across mountains at up to 180 mph. Its wings have atrophied to the point that it can barely fly, but its movements are so swift that they have been compared to a lightning strike. This Pokémon earned the name of its Kantonian counterpart due to the electric-like crackling sounds that come from its feathers rubbing together. It is migratory and appears in the Crown Tundra once every few decades at Dyna Tree Hill.[1]
Galarian Zapdos is the only Pokémon that can learn the move Thunderous Kick.
";zapdos;zapdos;zapdos;zapdos;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
146;1;Moltres;Flying,Fire;467;1;373,7;1;1;12,4566666667;20;600;217;1;" A Moltres featherMoltres is a large, avian Pokémon with golden plumage. It has a long, flowing head crest and a billowing tail, both made of reddish-orange and yellow flames. Additionally, its wings are also shrouded in fiery plumage. When using its the wings, they gain a dazzling red glow. It has a long, thin neck, a pointed, brown beak, and small, triangular eyes. Its thin, brown legs have feet that have three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe. It has short talons.
Moltres sheds embers with every flap of its wings, creating a brilliant flash of flames. By dipping itself into the magma of an active volcano, this Pokémon can heal itself. It migrates to the south with the coming of spring and is said to bring an early springtime to cold lands. There have been stories of Moltres using its wings to assist those lost in the mountains. Moltres is rarely seen. In the past, Sky Attack was its signature move.
In Galar, Moltres has a similar build, but a drastically different color scheme. Its body is primarily black with scarlet highlights and bright blue eyes. Its scarlet beak is hooked at the tip and leads to markings that run down its front and behind its head. Its feet are also scarlet with black talons. Its wings, crest, and tail are mostly black, with the crest having an extra curl at the front and the tail being split in two, and all three of these features exude a magenta, flame-like energy that earns it the name of its Kantonian counterpart.
The sinister energy that blazes from within its body is so oppressive that most Pokémon can't even approach it. Galarian Moltres attacks by spreading its wings wide to unleash its energy in a powerful aura that attacks the minds of its foes, inflicting deep fatigue as it burns away their energy from within. The aura has the power to consume the spirit of its victims, reducing them to burned-out shadows of themselves. It is said to have a haughty personality and a calm demeanor. It appears in the Crown Tundra once every few decades to reach Dyna Tree Hill.[1]
Galarian Moltres is the only Pokémon that can learn the move Fiery Wrath.
";moltres;moltres;moltres;moltres;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
147;1;Dratini;Dragon;253;1;202;1;7;110,1818181818;18;33;820;1;" A Dratini shedding its skinDratini is a serpentine Pokémon with a blue body and a white underside. It has white, three-pronged fins on the sides of its head and a white bump on its forehead, which is its horn growing. Above its round, white snout are oval, purple eyes.
Dratini's life energy is constantly building so it is always growing, and can reach lengths of over six feet. As it grows, it sheds its skin regularly and hides behind a rapid waterfall during the process. The shed skin of Draitni can be used to create super luxury boots. Dratini lives a quiet life underwater, eating any food that sinks down to the bottom. Although this Pokémon was originally thought to be nothing more than a myth, a small colony has been found living underwater. It was first discovered by a fisherman who spent 10 hours attempting to capture it. It has been referred as the ″Mirage Pokémon″. In the past, Outrage was its signature move.
";dratini;dratini;dratini;dratini;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
148;1;Dragonair;Dragon;354;2;282,8;1;9;68,5575757576;40;165;559;1;" Dragonair flyingDragonair is a long, serpentine Pokémon with sky blue scales and a white underside. It has a rounded snout, oval purple eyes, and a small, white horn on its forehead. On each side of its head is a small, stylized wing, which is white and curves into a swirl at the base. Three blue, crystal orbs adorn its body: one on its neck and two on its tail.
Dragonair emits a gentle aura that gives it a mystical appearance. As seen in the anime, it can make its wings grow larger in order to fly, but otherwise moves through the air unaided. Dragonair hosts a large amount of energy within its body, which it can discharge through the crystals on its neck and tail. This causes its body to brighten and give off a different aura that changes the weather in its vicinity. As a result, Dragonair has been referred as a divine Pokémon since ancient times by agricultural people. Dragonair is a rare Pokémon that inhabits pristine seas and lakes. The lakes Dragonair lives in are usually filled with offerings from people in gratitude. There is a saying that a person sees a Dragonair at the start of a year, the person will be healthy all year long. In the past, Outrage was its signature move.
";dragonair;dragonair;dragonair;dragonair;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
149;1;Dragonite;Flying,Dragon;505;1;404;0;0;4,2323809524;22;2100;190;1;" The skeleton of a Dragonite in the animeDragonite is a draconic, bipedal Pokémon with light orange skin. It has large, grayish-green eyes and a round snout with small nostrils. A pair of long, thin antennae sprout from the top of its head with a small horn set between them. Its striated underbelly is cream-colored and extends from its neck to the tip of its long, tapering tail. It has thick arms and legs ending in three claws each. The leg joints are well defined, while its arms have a smooth, rounded appearance. Dragonite's wings are small relative to its body with teal wing membranes.
Despite its bulky build, Dragonite is capable of flying faster than the speed of sound. It can circle the globe in sixteen hours, which would require traveling at a ground speed of roughly 1,556 mph (2,505 km/h) if done at the equator. A kindhearted Pokémon with human-like intelligence, Dragonite shows signs of altruism: it is said to save humans from drowning and lead lost or foundering ships to safety. As demonstrated in the anime, however, it will go on an uncontrollable, destructive rampage if its environment is threatened. Dragonite will usually calm down and be satisfied after smashing down anything that has angered it to smithereens. It is known to engage in fierce battles with Kingdra whenever they meet. Dragonite has been referred to as the sea guardian and the Sea Incarnate. Drayden has stated that Dragonite's power is capable of affecting the weather. There are many ships with figureheads decorated with Dragonite's look.
Dragonite is very rare in the wild, typically living near the sea. Some claim that there is an island somewhere in the ocean that only Dragonite inhabit. In the past, Outrage was its signature move.
";dragonite;dragonite;dragonite;dragonite;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
150;1;Mewtwo;Psychic;550;1;440,36;1;6;7,2190163934;20;1220;82;1;" Mega Mewtwo X stretching its arm.Mewtwo is a Pokémon created by science. It is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon with some feline features. It is primarily gray with a long, purple tail. On top of its head are two short, blunt horns, and it has purple eyes. A tube extends from the back of its skull to the top of its spine, bypassing its neck. It has a defined chest and shoulders, which resemble a breastplate. The three digits on each hand and foot have spherical tips. Its tail is thick at the base but thins before ending in a small bulb.
Mega Mewtwo X is larger and bulkier than its normal state. The horns on its head are longer and extend from V-shaped ridges on its forehead. Additionally, the horns are now pointed and curve upward. It now has two tubes behind its neck, its eyes are light blue, and it has large, purple growths over its shoulders. Its torso is smooth and small compared to its long, bulky limbs, and a Y-shaped line connects the collar and underbelly. Its forearms and thighs each have two raised ridges and its digits are now longer and thinner. The tail is slightly shorter and stiffer than before and has a curled tip. Its muscles are augmented with psychic power, giving it a grip strength of one ton and the ability to sprint 100 meters in two seconds. When using moves in battle, it is shown to be able to stretch its arms and legs.
In comparison, Mega Mewtwo Y is smaller and lighter, losing its long tail and the tube behind its neck. However, it grows a long, purple appendage with a curled tip from the back of its head that is similar to its previous form's tail. On its head, it has two pointed, backward-curving spikes and a half-ring structure connecting to the base of each and crossing over the top of its head. Its eyes are now red and slightly larger. The digits on its hands and feet are now purple and more bulbous and the middle toe is longer than the others. A bumpy ridge similar to a sternum replaces the breastplate structure on its chest, but this form is still largely smoother than the other two. Despite its size, it has phenomenal mental power and is capable of smashing buildings with a mere thought.
Mewtwo was created after years of horrific gene splicing and DNA engineering experiments based on Mew. It is said to have the most savage heart among all Pokémon, lack compassion, and strike fear into its enemy with cold, glowing eyes. Because it was engineered to be the ultimate in battle, it can only think of defeating its foes. In the first movie, where it was shown to be capable of levitation, telepathy, and mind control, Mewtwo exemplified these vicious characteristics. However, it was later shown to be caring, protective, and even altruistic. Another Mewtwo in the anime shared its aversion to contact with others but was much less belligerent.
Mewtwo conserves energy by remaining motionless in order to unleash its full power in battle. It is also capable of materializing psychic waves in the form of its signature move, Psystrike. Though rarely seen in the wild, it is said to be resting in a dark cave somewhere.
HistoryAccording to the scientific logs found in the Pokémon Mansion of Cinnabar Island, Mewtwo was born from a pregnant Mew, found deep in the jungles of Guyana, whose embryo had been tampered with to alter its DNA. It was held and studied in the mansion where a scientist performed horrific gene-splicing experiments that made it vicious and extremely powerful. It eventually broke free of the Mansion, destroying it in the process, and fled. It can be encountered in Cerulean Cave, accessible only after a Trainer has proven his or her skill at the Indigo Plateau.
";mewtwo;mewtwo;mewtwo;mewtwo;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,!150Mewtwo_AG_anime_2.png,
151;1;Mew;Psychic;505;2;404;1;8;40,4;4;40;190;1;"Mew is a pink, bipedal Pokémon with mammalian features. It has a rounded, wide snout, triangular ears, and large, blue eyes. It has short arms with three-fingered paws and large hind paws with oval markings on the soles. Its tail is long and thin with an ovoid tip. Its fur is so fine and thin, it can only be seen under a microscope. Mew is said to have the DNA of every single Pokémon contained within its body, allowing Mew to learn and use any attack.
As demonstrated by its behavior in the first and eighth Pokémon movies, it shows signs of intelligence, curiosity, shyness, playfulness, and even selflessness. Mew is incredibly adaptable, able to travel freely in the air or underwater. As seen in Pokémon Snap and the Super Smash Bros. series, it can create a green, yellow, or pink orb of energy around itself for protection, although only the pink orb is seen in the latter.
According to the radio drama, The Birth of Mewtwo, Mew was discovered by Jessie's mother, Miyamoto, who registered its cry in Guayana Forest 20 years before the events of Generation I. It was worshiped for its protection by indigenous people who created a folk song in its honor and believed it appeared once a year with the rising sun. It wasn't rediscovered until 18 years after Miyamoto met Mew by sunrise on the peak of the highest mountain in a South American mountain range and fell.
Reports found in Cinnabar Island's Pokémon Mansion note scientific expeditions that have sighted Mew in Guyana, South America, the place where it was first discovered. Since Mew can make itself invisible at will, very few people have knowingly seen it, leading some scientists to declare it extinct and most to assume it to be a mirage. It will only show itself to a person who is pure of heart and has a strong desire to see it for themselves.
Mew is the only known Pokémon capable of using the Mewnium Z and its Z-Move, Genesis Supernova.
";mew;mew;mew;mew;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,!151Mew_OS_anime_6.png
152;1;Chikorita;Grass;258;2;206,04;0;7;28,974375;9;64;808;1;"Chikorita is a small, pale-green, quadrupedal Pokémon with dark-green buds around its neck. Its head is large in proportion to the rest of its body, and it has big red eyes. Chikorita has four short legs with a single nailed toe on each and a stubby tail. On top of its head is a large, green leaf that is usually longer than its body. A soothing aroma wafts from the leaf, which can calm battling Pokémon. The leaf is also used to sense temperature and humidity. Chikorita actively seeks out and enjoys the sun's warmth.
Chikorita can be found in grasslands. However, due to its status as a starter Pokémon, a wild Chikorita is hard to come by and it is generally found under the ownership of Trainers. Chikorita has a docile nature.
";chikorita;chikorita;chikorita;chikorita;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
153;1;Bayleef;Grass;331;1;264,62;0;9;20,097721519;12;158;574;1;"Bayleef is a quadrupedal, pale-yellow Pokémon that resembles a sauropod dinosaur. It has a long neck, red eyes, a short, rounded snout, and a stubby tail. Each foot has a single, light gray nail. Sprouting from its forehead is a green leaf that curves back over its head and around its neck are a series of tightly curled leaves. Inside the leaves are small tree shoots. The aroma wafting from the leaves around its neck has a spicy scent and has various beneficial effects on those that inhale it. The fragrance has a combination of energizing, stimulating, and healing effects. Bayleef can be rarely found in grasslands.
";bayleef;bayleef;bayleef;bayleef;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
154;1;Meganium;Grass;432;2;345,42;1;6;6,1866268657;18;1005;292;1;"Meganium is a quadrupedal, pale-green Pokémon that resembles a sauropod dinosaur. It has a long neck, yellow eyes, a short, blunt snout, and two stamen-like antennae on top of its snout. The antennae are shorter on a female than on a male. Encircling Meganium's neck are large, pink flower petals with a yellow central pattern and white edges. It has three claws on each foot and a stubby tail.
Meganium's petals release an aroma that calms aggressive feelings and its breath has the power to revive dead grass and plants. Its soothing, regenerative powers can even affect those who stand nearby. Meganium tends to be very docile and has been portrayed as a peacemaker in the anime. It can rarely be found living in grasslands.
";meganium;meganium;meganium;meganium;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,!Meganium.png
155;1;Cyndaquil;Fire;251;2;200,99;0;8;12,7208860759;5;79;814;1;" Cyndaquil without its flames litCyndaquil is a small, bipedal Pokémon with bluish fur on top of its body and cream-colored fur on its underside. Its eyes are usually seen closed, and it has a long, thin snout. Its arms are short, but its legs are slightly more developed and have a single nail on each foot. On its back are four red circles that can erupt into flames. When the flames are burning, its back seems to be covered in spines. Cyndaquil is capable of defending itself using these flames, and the fire grows more powerful as it becomes angry or defensive. However, if it is tired, the flames are not able to burn properly. It is usually timid by nature and often curls into a ball when intimidated. Though rare in the wild, it can be found living on grasslands.
";cyndaquil;cyndaquil;cyndaquil;cyndaquil;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
156;1;Quilava;Fire;328;2;262,6;1;6;12,4389473684;9;190;574;1;" Quilava without its flames litQuilava is a quadrupedal Pokémon with a long, slender body. The top half of its body is a dark blue-green, while its underside is cream-colored. It has triangular ears with dark red interiors, a rounded snout, and triangular red eyes. Each of its paws has three toes. It has five red spots on its body that can project flames: two arranged vertically on its forehead and three lined up horizontally on its rear.
Before a battle, Quilava turns its back so its flames face its opponent. It battles using these intense flames in combination with gusts of superheated air. Its own fur is non-flammable, which protects it from other fire attacks. Quilava tends to be rare in the wild, but can sometimes be found living on grasslands. The fur of Quilava is said to be very mysterious due to its immunity to fire. When exposed to the mysterious energy of Mount Coronet in Hisui, Quilava goes through a huge change. When it evolves into Hisuian Typhlosion, its gains at the power of Ghost-types.
";quilava;quilava;quilava;quilava;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
157;1;Typhlosion;Fire;429;2;343,4;1;6;7,3431446541;17;795;280;1;"Typhlosion is a Pokémon with a bulky, yet long and agile body. It is classified as a quadruped, but it is capable of bipedal movement. Most of its body is cream-colored, but its back and the top of its head are a dark green-blue. It has a short, rounded snout and small, triangular eyes and ears. When its mouth is open, its sharp canine teeth and thick tongue are visible. Each of its paws has five digits and there is a coarse, spiky fringe of fur along its rear. Across the back of its neck, there are several red spots that can produce fire.
Typhlosion is capable of making anything go up in flames when angered and creating explosions by rubbing its fur together. The heat it generates when ready for battle creates a shimmering haze that can also be used to hide itself. Though it is rare in the wild, it can be found living on grasslands.
Hisuian Typhlosion is believed to have been influenced by the energy emanating from Mount Coronet at the center of the Hisui region. Its ears droop beside its head. The fur on its back is a purplish-blue color, and extends to the front of its neck, forming a collar pattern. It has fire-producing spots all around its neck, covering the collar pattern, and these spots produce flames that wisp in a bright magenta-red color.
Hisuian Typhlosion is said to have graceful and refined movements, and a gentler, more pacifistic nature compared to Johtonian Typhlosion. It can often be seen staring into space, it is assumed that as Hisuian Typhlosion does this, it looks at the flow of life energy and searches for wayward spirits and lost souls to eat. When eating spirits, it is believed that the spirits are purified by Hisuian Typhlosion's flames, before they are guided back to the afterlife where they belong. Despite its peaceful nature, it can lose control of its emotions when sufficiently angered, and unleash ghost flames that can incinerate its opponents until nothing remains. It can emit a total of 108 ghost flames from the spots on its neck. Once unleashed, every single ghost flame attacks the opponents while taking on the appearance of ferocious beasts.[1] This can be seen in its signature move, Infernal Parade.
";typhlosion;typhlosion;typhlosion;typhlosion;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
158;1;Totodile;Water;280;1;224,22;0;8;14,1612631579;6;95;811;1;"Totodile is a bipedal, crocodilian Pokémon with well-developed jaws. It has red eyes with ridges above them, black markings around its eyes, and several sharp teeth. On its chest is a yellow, V-shaped marking that extends to its arms, there is a thin line through the center of the marking. Totodile has five fingers and three toes. Down its back is a row of three red spines with a small, red ridge on either side. The tip of its tail has a single red spine as well. Totodile tends to be playful by nature and has a habit of biting anything it sees, including its Trainer. However, its jaws are capable of crushing anything, so it sometimes causes serious injuries. Totodile is scarce in the wild, though it can be found around bodies of water like rivers, ponds, and lakes.
";totodile;totodile;totodile;totodile;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
159;1;Croconaw;Water;357;1;285,83;0;3;12,57652;11;250;574;1;"Croconaw is a bipedal, crocodilian Pokémon. It has well-developed, rounded jaws with two fangs visible in the corners of the lower jaw even when closed. Its eyes are red with black markings around them. There are three clusters of red spikes on its body: one with three points on top of its head, one with two points between its shoulders, and a diamond-shaped one near the tip of its tail. While most of its body is blue, its lower jaw is yellow and there is an asymmetrical, yellow-and-blue pattern around its chest that resembles a spotted animal skin.
Although Croconaw is described as always having forty-eight fangs lining its mouth, only six are discernible. The tips of its teeth are slanted backward similar to a barbed fish hook, this makes them impossible to remove once embedded in something. If it loses any teeth, they will quickly grow back. Croconaw can rarely be found near water.
";croconaw;croconaw;croconaw;croconaw;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
160;1;Feraligatr;Water;465;1;371,68;0;8;9,6268468468;23;888;283;1;"Feraligatr is a bulky, bipedal, crocodilian Pokémon with blue scales. It has large, powerful jaws lined with several sharp fangs. Three teeth are visible when its jaws are closed: two in its lower jaw and one in its upper. Its eyes are red with black markings around them and ridges above them and its lower jaw is yellow. There are three red spines on its body, each with three points: one on top of its head, one between its shoulders, and one near the tip of its tail. There are also several groups of large, rectangular scales on its arms, knees, tail, and waist. Its back is slightly hunched with ridges behind the shoulders and hips. On its lower body is a yellow, V-shaped marking that extends up to its thighs, there is a thin line through the center of the marking. Its arms have five clawed fingers and its feet three clawed toes.
Feraligatr opens its powerful jaws to intimidate its foes and viciously shakes its head once it clamps down on foes or prey. Because it has difficulty supporting its weight out of the water, it has been known to move on all fours. However, when hunting or fighting, it is agile and fast, due to its powerful hind legs. Feraligatr can rarely be found living near the water's edge.
";feraligatr;feraligatr;feraligatr;feraligatr;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
161;1;Sentret;Normal;170;1;136,35;1;1;18,18;8;60;871;1;"Sentret is a small Pokémon covered in brown fur. It has long, dark brown ears with dark pink interiors, beady black eyes, and a small mouth. While it is capable of standing on its hind legs, it typically moves on all fours. It has a round body with wide arms and two small feet. On its belly is a white ring and there are dark brown stripes around its tail.
Sentret has a cautious, timid nature and can often be seen standing on its tail to scout its surroundings. It will only sleep if there is another Sentret keeping watch and will be too frightened to sleep if separated from its pack. When it senses danger, it warns others by screeching and thumping its tail on the ground. Sentret can most commonly be found in temperate grasslands.
";sentret;sentret;sentret;sentret;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
162;1;Furret;Normal;398;1;318,15;0;2;17,6206153846;18;325;565;1;"Furret is a long, slim-bodied Pokémon with cream-colored fur and dark brown rings along the length of its body. The back of its head and neck are also dark brown, this marking extends to below its arms where the first ring is formed. It has cream-colored tips on its ears, two brown, whisker-like markings on each cheek, and round, black eyes. Its four limbs are stubby, the forepaws are brown and the hind paws cream-colored. Furret is capable of standing on its hind legs, but prefers to move on all fours. Its body and tail are so similar in structure that it is impossible to tell where its tail begins.
Despite its short limbs, Furret is very quick and agile. Its speed allows it to catch prey such as Rattata. It tends to burrow under the ground of meadows and other temperate grasslands. Its narrow burrows are well-suited for its slim body and are very difficult for other Pokémon to enter. The burrows also become more maze-like deeper inside, which makes it even harder to find Furret's nest. A mother Furret curls itself around its offspring to help them sleep.
";furret;furret;furret;furret;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
163;1;Hoothoot;Normal,Flying;215;2;171,7;1;8;5,6693396226;7;212;844;1;" Hoothoot's feetHoothoot is an avian Pokémon that resembles an owl with a round body. Most of its feathers are brown, but its belly is cream-colored. It has large, red eyes, a small, pinkish beak, stubby wings, and a fan-like tail with three feathers. Encircling its eyes are black rings, the lower rims of the ring have three protrusions that resemble the teeth on a gear while the upper rims have extensions that resemble the hands of a clock. As seen in the anime, Hoothoot's feathers can grow to be shaggy, and the protrusions on its head droop. It has two pinkish feet, each with five-clawed toes. However, it will typically only stand on one foot at a time and alternates between the two at speeds too difficult to track with the naked eye.
Hoothoot begins crying at exactly the same time every day and always tilts its head in the same rhythm. This ability is due to a special organ that senses the world's rotation and allows it to keep track of time. As a result, Hoothoot was considered a divine messenger of time and raised to serve as clocks a long time ago. Some Trainers still use it as a clock today. Hoothoot is most commonly found nesting in trees in temperate and boreal forests.
";hoothoot;hoothoot;hoothoot;hoothoot;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
164;1;Noctowl;Normal,Flying;341;2;272,7;1;7;10,6941176471;16;408;535;1;" Wings Alexander's NoctowlNoctowl is an avian Pokémon that resembles an owl. It has light brown plumage with a darker brown pattern of triangles on its chest. Its fan-like tail is the same dark brown, while its wings are a slightly lighter shade of brown with light brown undersides. It has red eyes with black rings around them and a second, cream-colored ring around the first. Above its eyes are bushy, cream-colored feather ″horns″ that resemble large eyebrows. Its small beak and talons are pinkish, and its feet are cream-colored with three toes facing forward and one backward. As shown in the anime, Noctowl can grow a small beard in its elderly stages.
Noctowl is a nocturnal Pokémon that is called ″the emperor of dark nights″ by some. It has exceptional eyes that concentrate the faintest light and give it night vision, supple wings capable of silent flight, and it can twist its head at a 180-degree angle to increase its intellect. Its superior senses and intellect allow it to catch prey without fail in the darkness. It can also turn its head upside down, which signals that it is troubled by something. If disturbed in this state, it will peck at the offender. Noctowl is most commonly found nesting in trees in temperate and boreal forests.
";noctowl;noctowl;noctowl;noctowl;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
165;1;Ledyba;Flying,Bug;183;2;146,45;1;0;13,5601851852;10;108;841;1;"Ledyba is a Pokémon that resembles a ladybug. Its wing covers are red with five black spots, this pattern differs slightly for each individual. The wings themselves are transparent. Its main body and lower jaw are yellow, while the rest of its head is red. It has large, round eyes and a pair of black antennae. The antennae are shorter on the female than on the male. It has six black legs with white hands that resemble boxing gloves.
Ledyba is a social Pokémon that is active in large groups. If left alone, it becomes timid and afraid to move. It is also very sensitive to cold, so it forms clusters with other Ledyba for warmth. An aromatic fluid is secreted from its feet and leg joints, which it uses for communication. The fluid indicates its location and conveys emotion, it will smell sour if Ledyba is angry. In the anime, it has been shown to serve a role in pollinating the fruit-producing plants of the Pokémon world and is usually instructed to do so by means of a special whistle. However, like most Pokémon, it will also respond to regular vocal commands. Ledyba builds its nest on leaves in temperate forests and jungles and joins with other Ledyba to protect its home when needed. As shown in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX, they sleep in groups of four.
";ledyba;ledyba;ledyba;ledyba;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
166;1;Ledian;Flying,Bug;284;2;227,25;1;8;8,9367977528;14;356;589;1;"Ledian is a Pokémon that resembles a slightly humanoid ladybug. It has a pair of black antennae, a black spot in the center of its forehead and on the back of its head, blue eyes, and a cream-colored area around its mouth, the rest of its head is red. The antennae are shorter on the female than on the male. Its back and the top of its wing covers are red with black spots, while the underside of its body and wing covers are cream-colored. Underneath its wing covers are a pair of clear wings. Its neck and limbs are black. It has four arms with white hands that resemble boxing gloves and a pair of legs with red feet.
Ledian sleeps wrapped in leaves or grass in temperate and tropical forests during the day. At night, it flutters around scattering a glowing powder that is thought to bring good luck. It is believed to use starlight as energy and the patterns on its back grow larger or smaller depending on the number of stars in the sky. In addition to starlight, it loves to eat Berries. A weak fighter, it tries for quantity over power by throwing a barrage of punches with all four of its arms.
";ledian;ledian;ledian;ledian;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
167;1;Spinarak;Poison,Bug;215;2;171,7;0;5;10,1;5;85;850;1;"Spinarak is a green Pokémon that resembles a spider. It has black eyes with white pupils, a white horn on its forehead, and a pair of red mandibles. On the back of its abdomen are two black dots and a line that resembles a face, the face on its back can change expression, as seen in the anime and 3D video games. There is an additional line encircling the end of its abdomen. It has three pairs of yellow legs, each with a black band around the middle.
Spinarak is a nocturnal Pokémon that lives in temperate and tropical forests. It spins webs that are strong enough to withstand having stones set on them and act as nets for fishermen. A patient hunter, it can wait for days for prey to become ensnared in its web. It senses what kind of prey has been caught by the vibrations in the web and its preferred prey is Cutiefly. Its poison is not very strong but is potent enough to weaken caught prey. Spinarak and its evolved form Ariados are the only known Pokémon that can learn Toxic Thread. In the past, this was also true of Spider Web.
As seen in the anime, silk produced by a Spinarak is often used for facial treatments, as well as patching up skin wounds.
";spinarak;spinarak;spinarak;spinarak;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
168;1;Ariados;Poison,Bug;341;2;272,7;0;3;8,9543283582;11;335;589;1;"Ariados is a red Pokémon that resembles a spider. It has purple eyes, a pair of white mandibles, and a white horn on its forehead. Around its abdomen are two black stripes and there are two black spots and a yellow spinneret on its rear. The spots and spinneret together form a pattern similar to a face. Ariados can produce thread from both its spinneret and its mouth. It has four yellow legs with two purple bands each, on its back are yellow structures similar to its legs with a single purple stripe each. Its feet are tipped with tiny hooks that allow it to climb ceilings and vertical walls.
Ariados makes its nest in the depths of temperate and tropical forests and leaves after dark to hunt prey. While Ariados wanders in search of prey, it spins a single thread from its rear that leads back to its nest. When prey is captured, it is wrapped in thread and then attacked by fangs. Ariados then drinks the victim's bodily fluids at leisure. Sometimes, it will instead release prey with only a single thread attached. The thread is then followed to both the caught prey and its friends. Ariados and its pre-evolution Spinarak are the only known Pokémon that can learn Toxic Thread. In the past, this was also true of Spider Web.
";ariados;ariados;ariados;ariados;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
169;1;Crobat;Flying,Poison;486;2;388,85;0;8;9,3324;18;750;277;1;"Crobat is a purple, chiropteran Pokémon with a small, round body. It has long, pointed ears, yellow eyes with red pupils, and a small mouth that usually has its teeth bared. On its body are two pairs of wings: an upper pair that is slightly larger and a lower pair that developed from its hind legs. Both pairs have green-blue membranes, but the lower pair's membranes are only visible from the back. The upper wings have two claw-like fingers near the middle. On the bottom of its body are what appear to be a pair of stubby feet or tufts of fur.
Crobat is capable of flying long distances by alternating between its two sets of wings. The extra set of wings has also improved its flight speed without sacrificing its ability to fly silently. It can also travel through cramped caves without ever slowing. The combination of silent flight and sharp fangs allows it to bite down on prey without being noticed and drain their blood. If unable to consume blood, it becomes lethargic and unable to fly. Due to its lack of legs, it is clumsy on the ground and only able to crawl around with its wings. Crobat is rarely found in the wild, though they are typically found in caves or on tree branches, where it hangs upside-down by its rear wings.
";crobat;crobat;crobat;crobat;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
170;1;Chinchou;Water,Electric;275;1;220,18;0;5;9,1741666667;5;120;802;1;"Chinchou is a small, fishlike Pokémon with a round, blue body. It has large yellow eyes with pupils shaped like plus signs, a pair of semi-transparent, light blue pectoral fins, and stubby feet. Positioned on Chinchou's rear, where its tail would be, are a pair of antennae that curve up and over its head. The antennae developed from fins and have yellow, teardrop-shaped orbs at the tips.
Prey is lured toward Chinchou by the soft glow from the orbs on its antennae. It also flashes its light to communicate with others of its kind and claim territory. Inside the antennae are electricity-generating cells that create so much electrical power that they even make Chinchou tingle slightly. By discharging positive and negative electricity, it can both defend itself and stun its prey. Chinchou lives on dark ocean floors, rarely ever coming up to the surface. However, it has demonstrated the ability to walk on land in the anime.
";chinchou;chinchou;chinchou;chinchou;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
171;1;Lanturn;Water,Electric;389;2;311,08;1;2;16,5909333333;12;225;517;1;"Lanturn is a blue Pokémon that resembles an anglerfish. It has big, red eyes with a yellow mask-like marking around them and small, light blue pectoral fins. The lower half of its tailfin is yellow and has jagged edges. On its back is a Y-shaped antenna with a spherical orb at each tip, this antenna is a modification of its dorsal fin. Inside its orbs are bacteria that produce light by absorbing Lanturn's bodily fluids. It lures prey using the glow, then blinds them by using an intense flash before it swallows them whole. The flash it creates is visible on the surface from a depth of over three miles (five kilometers). This has earned it the nickname ″The Deep-Sea Star″. Lanturn competes with Lumineon when catching its prey Starmie. Frillish and Sharpedo are natural predators of Lanturn. Lanturn inhabits the ocean.
";lanturn;lanturn;lanturn;lanturn;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
172;1;Pichu;Electric;170;2;136,35;1;4;20,4525;3;20;877;1;"Pichu is a small, ground-dwelling rodent Pokémon with pale yellow fur. Its ear-tips, collar, and tail are black and angular. Pichu's pink cheek pouches can store small amounts of electricity, and its tiny nose looks like a dot. Pichu is classified as a quadruped, but it can walk easily on its hind legs.
Pichu is a social Pokémon known for its playful and mischievous demeanor. It is usually found in groups and often touch tails with other Pichu as a show of courage, creating a shower of sparks that can make them cry. It is inept at storing electricity and may discharge if amused, startled, or subjected to shock. However, it cannot discharge without being shocked itself. Charging up is more easily done on days of dryness or with thunderclouds. The crackling of static electricity generated by Pichu is audible. It can zap an adult human but will surprise itself if it does. Pichu primarily lives in the forest, though it has also been depicted to thrive in urban areas.
Pichu has an alternate form called Spiky-eared Pichu that appeared in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, as well as the anime and the manga. This form is female-only and has three spikes on the tip of its ear, but otherwise looks the same as any other Pichu.
";pichu;pichu;pichu;pichu;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
173;1;Cleffa;Fairy;149;2;119,18;0;9;11,918;3;30;868;1;"Cleffa is a small, pink Pokémon that is vaguely star-shaped in appearance. Its ears are completely brown. Cleffa has two small black eyes, a small mouth, and it appears to have a small, permanent blush on its cheeks. It possesses stubby arms and legs, which have no defined digits and come to a point. It has a curl on its forehead and a curled up tail.
Cleffa lives in mountainous regions, typically found at meteor impact sites. Sightings of Cleffa become more likely during nights illuminated by shooting stars, where they dance the night away, this dance is said to bring good fortune to any who witness it. They quench their thirst the next morning by drinking dew. It is fascinated by anything resembling stars and meteors, such as Minior. Because of this, as well as its own star-shaped silhouette, Cleffa is commonly believed to have arrived on a shooting star. The anime showed that its evolved forms (and therefore Cleffa itself) are actually extraterrestrial Pokémon.
";cleffa;cleffa;cleffa;cleffa;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
174;1;Igglybuff;Normal,Fairy;189;2;151,5;0;6;45,45;3;10;874;1;"Igglybuff is a small, bipedal balloon-like Pokémon that is completely pink. Its body can change to deep pink when the temperature increases. It has a rounded tuft of hair on top of its head, a small swirl-like pattern on its forehead, and red eyes. Igglybuff has small, stubby limbs. This small Pokémon is extremely elastic and can bounce like a ball, although it may not be able to stop if it does this.
It smells sweet to calm the emotions of its foes. Although it has singing abilities, it is not able to sing for long periods due to its underdeveloped vocal cords. It often gets a sore throat from singing too frequently. Igglybuff tend to live in the grasslands close by freshwater streams. It uses water from the streams to gargle in its sore throat.
";igglybuff;igglybuff;igglybuff;igglybuff;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
175;1;Togepi;Fairy;177;2;141,4;1;3;28,28;3;15;853;1;"Togepi is a small, light-yellow Pokémon with a rounded, egg-shaped body. After hatching from its Egg, Togepi's body remains encased in its eggshell. That shell has a white base color, and rounded, mostly unfilled shapes (with thick borders that are either red or blue) dot the shell on all sides. Sticking out of its shell, Togepi has stubby, rounded cone arms and round feet with two toes each. Togepi has thin, black, oval eyes with thin, black arcs on their outer sides. Its head has five round-tipped, conical spikes that seem to form a crown. It also has semi-oval, brown pads on the soles of its feet.
The anime has shown that it can retract into its shell, which it usually does to sleep. It is able to siphon the positive energy of others, storing that happiness in its shell, and then release it to those in need of it. It has a very joyful nature. As a result, it is said that it shares its joy with those who take care of it. Because of its disposition, Togepi is seen as a sign of good luck, especially if a Trainer is capable of getting a sleeping Togepi to stand. Togepi's innocent smile is said to calm the soul. It is also shown in the anime that Togepi can act very maliciously at times, causing havoc and bad luck to its enemies. Although it is rare in the wild, Togepi can most commonly be found living within the forests.
";togepi;togepi;togepi;togepi;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
176;1;Togetic;Flying,Fairy;278;2;222,2;1;1;41,6625;6;32;574;1;"Togetic is a dainty, bipedal Pokémon that is small in stature. It is white with a red and blue triangular ring pattern on its body. It also has a relatively long neck and long legs and a pair of wings on its back, giving it a vaguely angelic appearance.
Togetic can sense the kindness in other people and Pokémon's hearts. Whenever it spots a pure-hearted person, it tends to go to that person and shower them with happiness and glowing down called ″joy dust″. To share its happiness, it is said to fly around the world seeking these people. If it is not with kind people, however, it becomes dispirited and loses energy. Togetic is rare in the wild, but can sometimes be found living within the forests.
";togetic;togetic;togetic;togetic;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
177;1;Natu;Flying,Psychic;259;2;207,05;1;4;20,705;2;20;808;1;"Natu is a tiny, mostly green bird Pokémon with a nearly spherical body colored in accents of red, yellow, and black. It possesses brightly colored, yellow-and-red wings with thick black stripes. The wings are small and not fully-grown, thus making it unable to fly. However, it can hop and climb tree trunks. Natu has a red crest on the top of its head, and its three-toed feet and three tail feathers are red as well. Natu also has almond-shaped eyes and a yellow beak.
Natu is believed to reside in South America, although it can be found near ruins and in temperate and tropical forests in other areas of the world. Natu usually forages for food on the ground. However, on rare occasions, it will hop onto branches to peck at the tree's new shoots. It also picks food from cactus plants, easily avoiding the buds and spines. Due to its prophetic abilities, Natu is a very cautious Pokémon that is easily spooked. It has the quirky behavior of staring at something until the thing moves.
";natu;natu;natu;natu;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
178;1;Xatu;Flying,Psychic;385;1;308,05;1;4;30,805;15;150;505;1;"Xatu is a green, condor-like Pokémon with long, red-and-black tipped white wings that cover most of its front. Underneath its wings are designs that resemble red eyes. Along with its main green coloration, Xatu's design has accents of black, yellow, and red. There is an extra set of yellow stripes on a male Xatu. It has almond eyes, a long, slightly hooked beak, and two long, red feather crests. Xatu's feet have only two toes, one in front and one in back. Xatu's design is similar to a totem pole or a kachina doll.
Xatu tends to stand still all day. One theory explains that Xatu can see into the future with its right eye and the past with its left, and it does not move due to fears of its visions of the future coming true. The anime has shown that it can communicate by moving its wings in a semaphore fashion. Xatu is believed to live in the forests of South America.
";xatu;xatu;xatu;xatu;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
179;1;Mareep;Electric;215;2;171,7;1;0;13,2076923077;6;78;832;1;"Mareep is an ovine Pokémon with fluffy cream-colored wool covering its entire body, as well as a curly tuft of wool in the middle of its head. Its head is blue, and it has black eyes. Its four feet are blue and have two digits on each foot, and it appears to be on tiptoe at all times. Its conical ears and tail have a yellow-and-black striped pattern. Mareep has an orange sphere at the end of its tail, which acts like a small light bulb. This sphere glows brighter the more electricity it has.
Mareep's wool, which grows continuously, stores electricity, rubbing together and building a static charge. Its volume increases when it builds up with electricity. Touching the wool when it is charged will result in a static shock. During the summer, the fleece is shed, but it grows back in a week. Air is also stored in its fur, which allows it to stay cool during summer and warm during winter. It tends to avoid battles in the wild and has a mild disposition. Mareep is most often found in grassy fields, though it can also be found in farms where its wool is used in high-quality clothing.
";mareep;mareep;mareep;mareep;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
180;1;Flaaffy;Electric;284;1;227,25;1;6;13,6691729323;8;133;616;1;"Flaaffy is a pink, bipedal, ovine Pokémon. It has thick, conical ears with black stripes on the sides of its head and small, blue eyes. A white mane of wool covers its head and upper body. This mane forms sideways curls on the top of its head. It has stubby arms and one nail on each foot. Flaaffy's long tail has black stripes and is tipped with a blue orb.
Storing too much electricity caused Flaaffy to lose the wool over most of its body, but the bare, rubbery skin protects it from the electricity stored in its fleece. The quality of Flaaffy's fleece can change to generate more electricity with less wool. The orb will light up when Flaaffy's mane is fully charged, and it can attack by firing electrified hairs at opponents. Flaaffy typically inhabits grassy meadows and fields, though it can also be found in farms, where its wool is used to create high-quality clothing.
";flaaffy;flaaffy;flaaffy;flaaffy;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
181;1;Ampharos;Electric;385;2;308,05;0;6;7,0125203252;14;615;325;1;"Ampharos is a yellow, bipedal Pokémon with a white belly. It has conical ears with black stripes and a red orb on its forehead. Its long neck has several black rings around it near the base. Its stubby arms resemble flippers and each foot has a single white nail. It has a long, black-striped tail with a red orb at the tip. The orb on its tail can shine so bright, that it can be seen from space. People have used the light as a beacon, or to send signals across the ocean. Ampharos is generally found in grasslands, though it can also be found in farms alongside its pre-evolved forms Mareep and Flaaffy.
As Mega Ampharos, its toes turn black and it regrows white wool at the back of its head and over its tail, having its genes stimulated by Mega Evolution. This energy also awakens its long-sleeping dragon blood. Its long wooly tail has many small, red orbs attached to it. Its conical ears retain their stripes but are now segmented with swirled tips. When it increases the amount of electrical energy within itself, the red orbs on its body and wool emit a strong light.[1]
";ampharos;ampharos;ampharos;ampharos;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
182;1;Bellossom;Grass;379;1;303;0;5;20,8965517241;4;58;352;1;"Bellossom is a primarily green flowering plant Pokémon with circular blue eyes and red markings on its cheeks. It has two bright red Rafflesia-like flowers on its head and green and yellow leaves around its waist that resemble a skirt, all adding to the appearance of a hula dancer. Bellossom's petals are said to be more beautiful the worse the aroma of the Gloom it evolved from. When it rubs the petals on its head together, it creates a pleasing sound. Bellossom does not possess feet, in the anime, its center-most leaves bent as it was getting ready to spring, suggesting that it uses its leaves as substitutes for feet or legs. However, the Pokédex does classify it as a biped.
Bellossom is often seen dancing and chanting. In particular, Bellossom dances when cloudy weather persists, or when the heavy rainfall season ends and it is drawn out by the warm sunlight. Being the result of an evolution via Evolution stone, Bellosom is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in grassy plains, and are more plentiful in the tropics
";bellossom;bellossom;bellossom;bellossom;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
183;1;Marill;Water,Fairy;227;1;181,8;1;1;8,5552941176;4;85;736;1;"Marill is a small, blue, bipedal Pokémon. It has a nearly spherical shape with a white belly, and has round ears with red insides. These sensitive ears can detect distant sounds. Marill's arms and feet are short and possess no visible digits. There is a blue, bubble-like ball at the tip of its zigzagging black tail. The tail is flexible and configured to stretch, and the ball is full of oil that acts as a buoy to help keep Marill afloat. The ball at the tip of its tail can glow when Marill attacks. In the anime, Marill was shown to be able to bounce on its tail.
Marill is able to swim in strong water currents without being slowed down by the water's resistance, due to its water-repellent fur. Marill feeds on aquatic plants in addition to fishing for food. When it dives, its tail can be seen bobbing on the water's surface. It will anchor its tail around a tree when fishing at the edge of a fast-moving stream. Marill never gets cold after swimming in cold water, due to its water-repellent fur drying up quickly the moment it leaves the water. It lives on the water's edge.
";marill;marill;marill;marill;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
184;1;Azumarill;Water,Fairy;354;2;282,8;0;5;7,938245614;8;285;445;1;"Azumarill is a blue, bipedal Pokémon that has an ovoid body. The lower half of its body is white with a white, bubble-like pattern above it, which helps to camouflage it in water. It has elongated, rabbit-like ears with red insides and circular eyes. When in the water, it rolls up its ears to prevent the insides from becoming wet. Its arms and feet are short with rounded ends and no discernible digits. It has a black zigzagging tail with a blue, bubble-like tip. The tip of its tail tends to glow when it attacks or is excited.
Azumarill has highly developed hearing that allows it to hear distances, even when it is underwater. By keeping still and listening closely, it can identity prey even in wild, fast-moving rivers. If Azumarill spots a drowning Pokémon, it will make a balloon out of air that helps them breathe or when Azurill are playing near the rivers. It lives in rivers and lakes, and can live in the water all day long.
";azumarill;azumarill;azumarill;azumarill;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
185;1;Sudowoodo;Rock;398;1;318,15;1;6;10,0468421053;12;380;568;1;"Sudowoodo is a Pokémon that has a brown, log-shaped body with yellow spots. It has short legs with toeless feet, and thin forelegs with three green spheres at the ends of its fingers. It has a forked ″branch″ on top of its head, which is shorter on the female than on the male. Despite its appearance, Sudowoodo's composition is closer to a rock than a plant.
Sudowoodo disguises itself as a tree and stands along paths to avoid being attacked. Its camouflage fails in the winter, as its forelegs remain green, unlike real trees. Sudowoodo is very weak to water and hates it, so whenever it starts to rain, it will break their disguise and flee to the nearest source of shelter. Because it holds its position for so long, its arms have become supple yet strong. It is popular with the elderly, with available magazines and fans devoted to its arm angle and length. Sudowoodo can be found living in forests.
";sudowoodo;sudowoodo;sudowoodo;sudowoodo;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
186;1;Politoed;Water;391;1;313,1;1;4;10,1595870206;11;339;325;1;"Politoed is a green, bipedal, frog-like Pokémon with yellow hands, belly, throat, and toes. It has a long, curled hair on top of its head and pink cheek spots that are smaller on the female than on the male. There is a green swirl on its belly. Its legs are well developed and it has bulbous toes and fingers.
Politoed acts as a leader to Poliwag and Poliwhirl, which gather from afar upon hearing its cry. Politoed likes to expand its throat and sing. When three or more assemble, they sing in a chorus with a loud, bellowing voice. The curled hair on Politoed's head is considered proof of its status as a king. The longer and curlier Politoed's hair is, the more Poliwag and Poliwhirl will obey it, and the more it is respected by other Politoed. Politoed is rarely found in the wild, though it is usually seen living by the water's edge.
At nightfall, Politoed appears near lakes to make territorial claims through cries that sound like shooting. A male Politoed's cry is said to be louder than a female Politoed's cry. A male Politoed with a deep, menacing voice will become more popular with the opposite gender.
";politoed;politoed;politoed;politoed;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
187;1;Hoppip;Flying,Grass;202;1;161,6;0;9;129,28;4;5;850;1;"Hoppip is a round, pink Pokémon with long green leaves growing on top of its head. The leaves on its head have ragged edges, similar to a dandelion. It has big, triangular ears with dark insides and beady yellow eyes that lack pupils. Its arms and legs are stubby, and it has a short tail with a rounded tip. There is a circular yellow pad on the underside of each foot.
Hoppip's body is very light, and it is easily lifted off the ground by winds and will drift in the air. Hoppip can sense approaching strong winds. In order to avoid being blown away, it clusters and links leaves with other Hoppip or grips the ground firmly with its feet. However, it enjoys gentle breezes. Hoppip lives in temperate grasslands, although some also drift through fields, mountains, and even urban environments.
";hoppip;hoppip;hoppip;hoppip;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
188;1;Skiploom;Flying,Grass;290;2;232,3;0;3;139,38;6;10;643;1;"Skiploom is a plant Pokémon that has a round, green body with stubby arms, feet, and tail. It has large, flat ears on the sides of its head and oval, red eyes with no pupils. On top of its head is a yellow bloom with a white center. Skiploom spreads its petals to absorb as much sunlight as possible. The bloom on top of its head opens and closes as the temperature fluctuates and its flower blossoms when the temperature rises above 64 °F (18 °C). Because of this, it is sometimes used as a thermometer. It floats in the air to try to get closer to the sun, but closes its flower and immediately hides under the shade of a tree when it rains. Skiploom lives in temperate grasslands. As seen in the games, the bloom on its head can turn clockwise.
";skiploom;skiploom;skiploom;skiploom;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
189;1;Jumpluff;Flying,Grass;391;1;313,1;0;2;83,4933333333;8;30;391;1;"Jumpluff is a round, blue Pokémon with red, beady eyes, two small, round feet, and a tail. Three cotton puffs, almost as large as the body itself, extend off it: one on each arm, and one on top of its head. These puffs produce cotton spores that Jumpluff can use to float in the air, and it can control its flight even in a hurricane. Three to four leaves grow at the base of the top puff.
Jumpluff drifts on seasonal winds and can use its spores to masterfully maneuver itself around the globe. It will spread spores as it floats around to create offspring. It descends if it encounters cold air currents while it is floating. Though it spends a good amount of time in the air, it is commonly sighted above open temperate grasslands.
";jumpluff;jumpluff;jumpluff;jumpluff;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
190;1;Aipom;Normal;335;2;267,65;1;7;18,6191304348;8;115;784;1;" Aipom eating a bananaAipom is a monkey-like Pokémon with a three-fingered hand at the end of its tail. Its fur is purple, while the skin of its face, inner ears, belly, feet, and the tip of its tail are beige. Its face usually has a cheeky smile and round, blue eyes. With its round ears, Aipom's head is disproportionately large compared to its body. Atop its head is a cowlick that is longer on females than males. Unlike its feet, Aipom's arms are simple, purple stubs.
Aipom uses its powerful tail freely and cleverly for many purposes. The tail is strong enough to anchor Aipom to a branch and suspend the rest of its body in the air, but also delicate enough to pick fruit and manipulate objects. Aipom has been known to wrap its tail around tree branches as it sleeps so it does not fall. Since Aipom uses its tail so much, its actual arms are not as dexterous and become clumsy over time. Aipom lives high in the treetops of tropical, temperate, and even boreal forests, using its tail for balance as it swings from branch to branch. In Alola, Bounsweet is its favorite food.
";aipom;aipom;aipom;aipom;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
191;1;Sunkern;Grass;152;2;121,2;0;1;20,2;3;18;892;1;"Sunkern is a mostly yellow, seed-like Pokémon with a small sprout growing out of its top. It has triangular, spike-like protrusions on top of its head, encircling the sprout. Its body has three broad, brown, vertical stripes. Two of the stripes start jaggedly above Sunkern's dark eyes and continue downward. The other stripe is directly below Sunkern's mouth. Since Sunkern's eyelids are brown, the brown streak patterning appears uninterrupted when Sunkern's eyes are closed.
Sunkern is known to be very weak. Aware of its weakness, it only feeds until it evolves. However, it feeds on only the dew from under the leaves of plants. It tries to move as little as possible since it tries to conserve all the nutrients it has stored in its body for evolution. If attacked, it shakes its leaves at the attacker. Sunkern occasionally falls from the sky on early mornings for unknown reasons. A year after a cold summer, the population of Sunkern explodes. Sunkern can be found in temperate, grassy meadows.
";sunkern;sunkern;sunkern;sunkern;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
192;1;Sunflora;Grass;297;2;237,35;0;3;22,3388235294;8;85;553;1;" Sunflora closes its petals when asleepSunflora is a Pokémon with a sunflower-like design. Its trunk and limbs are green, and its head is cream-colored. Its head is circular and has yellow petals growing along the rim. The petals become more vivid as the weather becomes warmer. Sunflora has leaves extending like arms from its round body and two toes on each foot.
Sunflora converts sunlight into nutrition. Because of this, it tends to pursue sunlight and is always looking in the direction of the sun. While the sun is up, it moves around in a hectic manner. When the sun sets, it comes to a complete stop and closes its petals. In addition to sunlight, Sunflora needs plenty of water. Sunflora is rarely seen in the wild, but it can sometimes be found in temperate grassy meadows.
";sunflora;sunflora;sunflora;sunflora;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
193;1;Yanma;Flying,Bug;341;2;272,7;0;2;8,6115789474;12;380;766;1;"Yanma is a large, red Pokémon that resembles a dragonfly. Compared to its long, thin abdomen, its thorax is short and wide. It has three pairs of two-toed legs and two pairs of wings with red bands on them. The see through wings are described as frail and thin. A bright green mask marking covers most of its face, and it has two spikes on top of its head. Its blue eyes can see all around its body at 360 degrees without even moving its head. This allows Yamma to have a high evasiveness. The end of Yanma's tail has two flat extensions from the sides and two gray spikes in the center.
Yanma is a skillful flier. It can make sudden stops, turn in midair and hover in place by flapping its wings at a high speed. Yamma's eyes ensure the prey will not escape its sight, even when behind. It can also generate shock waves capable of breaking glass or even launching a house skyward by flapping its wings very fast. Yanma is often found in wooded and swampy areas. It hunts insects for food, using its eyesight to spot and its flight abilities to pursue prey. Yanma is also territorial, flitting around to guard its territory.
";yanma;yanma;yanma;yanma;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
194;1;Wooper;Ground,Water;202;2;161,6;0;9;7,6047058824;4;85;874;1;"Wooper is a mostly blue, amphibious Pokémon that resembles an upright, armless axolotl. Wooper's head is large compared to its body, and it has small, round, black eyes. It has purple, branching gills on either side of its head, the males have more branches in its gills than the females. Wooper stands on two small, round feet, and it has a large, thick tail. On its belly are dark blue curved markings.
It is implied in the anime that Wooper is a dull-witted Pokémon oblivious to its surroundings. Wooper lives in cold water most of the time. When sleeping, it partially buries itself in the mud at the bottom. It will occasionally leave the water when the air cools in the evening to search for food along the shore. While walking on land, it coats its body with a slimy, toxic film that keeps its skin from dehydrating and insulates against the cold. The film causes a shooting pain if touched barehanded. Arbok is a natural predator of Wooper.
";wooper;wooper;wooper;wooper;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
195;1;Quagsire;Ground,Water;379;1;303;0;6;5,656;14;750;547;1;"Quagsire is a light blue, bipedal, amphibious Pokémon. Its head is broad and round, having little neck to distinguish it from the rest of Quagsire's body. It has a wide mouth and tiny, black eyes. A wavy, purple stripe runs down its back. Along its spine is a dark blue fin, which is larger on the male than on the female. Quagsire's hands and feet both have three digits. Its outer layer of skin is slimy and slippery.
Quagsire is carefree and sluggish by nature. An unintelligent Pokémon, it tends to bump its head inadvertently while swimming and seems not to care. It hunts for food by leaving its mouth wide open in water and waiting for its unaware prey to blunder in. Because Quagsire does not move, it does not get very hungry and can afford to wait for its food. Quagsire lives in clean bodies of freshwater and muddy swamps.
In the anime, wild Quagsire are shown to have an annual celebration at Blue Moon Falls when the moon is full. There they attempt to shoot round objects they have collected to the top of a waterfall with their attacks to see who can launch their objects the highest, with the apparent target being the moon.
";quagsire;quagsire;quagsire;quagsire;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
196;1;Espeon;Psychic;379;1;303;1;7;10,2905660377;9;265;448;1;"Espeon is a quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon with slender legs and dainty paws. It is covered in fine, lilac fur. Its ears are large, and it has purple eyes with white pupils. There are tufts of fur near its eyes, and a small, red gem embedded in its forehead. It also has a thin, forked tail.
Espeon's velvety fur is so sensitive that it can sense minuscule shifts in the air, allowing it to predict the weather and its enemies' movements. When predicting an opponent's actions, the tip of its tail quivers. The gem on Espeon's forehead glows when it unleashes psychic energy from the gem and darkens when all of the built-up energy has been exhausted. Espeon builds up its psychic power by bathing in the sunlight. As such, it does not handle battles at night well. Espeon shows extreme loyalty to any Trainer that it considers worthy, even being said to have awakened its psychic powers from its desire to protect its Trainer, others say that its powers were born from its need to keep itself safe. Espeon is rarely found in the wilderness, instead being more commonly found in urban areas, under the ownership of other Trainers.
";espeon;espeon;espeon;espeon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
197;1;Umbreon;Dark;423;1;338,35;0;7;12,5314814815;10;270;448;1;"Umbreon is a Pokémon which has a sleek, black body with four slender legs and crimson eyes. It has two pairs of pointed teeth (one in the upper jaw and one in the lower jaw) which are visible when its mouth is open. It has long, pointed ears and a bushy tail, each with a yellow band around them. Its forehead and legs have yellow rings on them.
Umbreon's evolution is the result of Eevee being exposed to the light of the moon. Umbreon's yellow markings glow at night or when it is excited, striking fear into anyone nearby. Upon being exposed to the moonlight, the rings on its body glow, filling it with a mysterious energy. Umbreon is nocturnal and as such, it has powerful night vision. Its black fur helps it hide in the darkness of night while waiting for its prey. When it spots the target, its rings gain a dim yet ominous glow, and it lunges for the prey's throat before eating it. Its yellow rings glow when it leaps to attack. Whenever Umbreon gets angry, it secretes and sprays poisonous sweat into the offender's eyes. Eevee evolved into this form due to exposure to the moonlight altering its genetic structure. This Pokémon is rare in the wild, and is more often found in urban areas under the care of people.
";umbreon;umbreon;umbreon;umbreon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
198;1;Murkrow;Flying,Dark;351;1;280,78;1;3;66,8523809524;5;21;757;1;"Murkrow is an avian Pokémon with black feathers. Its crooked, yellow beak and the three, feathery tufts on its head resemble a witch's nose and hat respectively. The feathery crest is smaller on the female than on the male. It has semi-circular, red eyes with white sclerae and pupils and a spiky collar of feathers around its neck. The shaggy feathers on its tail resemble the end of a broom, and there is a thin, red band at the base of the tail. Its yellow feet have four toes, three facing forward and one backward.
Murkrow awakens at dusk and moves during the night. It has a fondness for anything sparkly, and it will go as far as fighting with other Pokémon, such as Meowth or Gabite, in order to gain their stashes. However, it is also known to give these sparkly objects to Trainers that it is fond of. Whenever it is chased, it loses the attacker by leading it down dark mountain trails, and sometimes it does this to travelers as a mean-spirited prank. Its thieving and nocturnal nature has led it to become representative of misfortune. It was believed that saying, ″Workrum, Workrum—bad luck, don't come,″ would serve as a protective incantation to drive away bad luck caused by seeing a Murkrow. It is possible to train a Murkrow to repeat words, as seen under Team Rocket's ownership. Murkrow usually live in flocks (referred to as ″murders″) amongst forests and swamps. There is a saying for Murkrow that goes, ″Get home before the Murkrow fly.″
";murkrow;murkrow;murkrow;murkrow;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
199;1;Slowking;Water,Psychic;354;1;282,8;0;0;7,1144654088;20;795;484;1;"Slowking is a bipedal Pokémon with a Shellder latched onto its head. It is primarily pink, with a pale yellow muzzle and scaled belly. Its feet and hands each have a single clawed digit, while the hands also have a clawless thumb. Around its neck is a spiny ruff with alternating red and white stripes. The Shellder on its head has a spiral shape with two horns near the base. A red gem resides in the center of the Shellder. The Shellder's eyes are visible on the back of the Shellder.
Shellder's bite releases venom into Slowpoke's brain, causing a chemical chain-reaction that unlocks a superior intelligence and extraordinary power. More venom is injected into Slowking every time it yawns. The more venom the Shellder releases, the more intelligent Slowking will become. However, if the Shellder on its head comes off, it will forget everything it has learned and would revert itself back to Slowpoke. Slowking's intelligence can match that of a human and it constantly attempts to learn more. Its inspiration and intuition are also highly developed, and Slowking is able to stay calm in any situation and plan situations with effective results. This allows Slowking to solve anything despite nobody understanding it. In the anime, it can understand and speak the human language.
According to The Complete Pokémon Pocket Guide, it has such an easygoing personality that it is never stressed. Slowking is rarely found in the wild, though it can be found by the water's edge. It has been seen eating seaweed and drinking coconut milk. In Alola, Slowking occasionally matches wits with Oranguru by the beach. Slowking has been referred to as the sage of the sea.
In Galar, Shellder's bite causes a different chemical reaction in the brain due to the Galarica spices that make up Galarian Slowpoke's diet, causing Galarian Slowking to take on a unique appearance. It has a slight color difference with purple spots on its tail and paws, and has a long black collar. The Shellder has grown more dominant, appearing completely different with a darker gray coloration and larger size, covering Slowking's eyes and nostrils. At the center is a purple spot with a green orb and two black eyes. The horns on top of shell are three round spikes with two more spikes on the middle of shell. The bottom parts are sharp with two purple shaped tubes from which poison may be secreted. The Shellder's teeth have also grown in size and are broad and flat instead of sharp, the same holds true for its wearer.
Shellder's intelligence is said to have increased to the point its psychic powers put other Psychic-type Pokémon to shame. Shellder can also control Slowking. Galarian Slowking have been observed gathering in groups to chant mysterious spells to use in battle or communicate with each other. It is unknown what Galarian Slowking is trying to say as the incantations have yet to be fully understood[1]. Galarian Slowking can create strange potions from its internal toxins and spells.
Galarian Slowking is the only known Pokémon capable of using the move Eerie Spell.
";slowking;slowking;slowking;slowking;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
200;1;Misdreavus;Ghost;335;1;267,65;1;1;187,355;7;10;739;1;"Misdreavus is a dark bluish-green, ghost-like Pokémon. While it has no visible arms or legs, its lower half has several small appendages and resembles a ruffled dress. It has several round red gems around its neck, which are used to absorb fear and use it as nourishment. When defeated, its body disappears, leaving only the gems around its neck behind. This implies that Misdreavus retreats into the gems when it has been severely weakened. It has long, flowing lilac-tipped ″hair″. Misdreavus's large, red eyes have yellow sclerae.
Misdreavus lives in caves. As a nocturnal Pokémon, it spends its days sleeping in darkness and its nights startling people with mischievous tricks. Since it loves watching frightened people, it is known to yank and bite at people's hair or sneak up on them and cry and shriek. Previously, it was the only known Pokémon that could learn Pain Split by leveling up. In the anime, Misdreavus is shown to be able to use its ″hair″ to grasp objects and other Pokémon, as if it were hands.
";misdreavus;misdreavus;misdreavus;misdreavus;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
201;1;Unown;Psychic;273;2;218,16;1;4;21,816;5;50;646;1;"Unown is a flat, thin Pokémon shaped like an eye with appendages that make it resemble a letter or a punctuation mark. It is entirely black, except for its white sclerae. All twenty-six alphabetic forms of Unown have fully open eyes while the two punctuation Unown have half-closed eyes. Though each of its forms has a counterpart in the Latin alphabet, Unown is said to resemble ancient writing and hieroglyphs. It is a mystery whether Unown predates or postdates written language, and therefore which one is based on the other.
The Pokédex and Professor Oak's research disagree on whether Unown communicates using electromagnetic waves or telepathy. Either way, it can be detected by the Pokégear radio, which interprets it as the melody of the Azure Flute, fittingly the Unown has a unknown connection to Arceus. It is said that an ″odd power″ emerges when more than one Unown come together. Certain Unown loose in the Hisui region were capable of repelling Poké Balls that contained Pokémon, preventing them from being battled. In the anime, it is capable of reading the thoughts of other life forms. Great numbers of Unown are capable of distorting the reality to suit the dreams and wishes of whoever is in control of the Unown. However, they can only do this when more Unown are present, so it could be a shared effort rather than an ability unique to each Unown.
Unown is an extremely rare Pokémon that lives in its own dimension and rarely ventures outside. When it moves to the Pokémon world, Unown tends to stick to walls like engravings of ancient texts or orbit other Unown, usually in ruins.
In Generation VIII, Hidden Power is Unown's signature move.
";unown;unown;unown;unown;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
202;1;Wobbuffet;Psychic;396;1;317,14;1;8;14,4660350877;13;285;574;1;"Wobbuffet is a tall, cyan Pokémon with a soft body. Its eyes usually appear scrunched, and it has a jagged upper lip. The female Wobbuffet has a red marking on its mouth that resembles lipstick, while the male does not. It has flat arms that are wider towards the tip and four stubby legs at the base of its body. There are two eyespots on its black tail. Its eyespots are revealed to be capable of blinking and looking around using its tail in the Pokémon Stadium series. Wobbuffet is very protective of its tail, to the point where it will suddenly turn uncharacteristically aggressive if the tail is attacked.
Wobbuffet is usually a docile Pokémon that will never attack first. However, when it is attacked, it will inflate its body and initiate a counter-strike. When two or more of this Pokémon meet, they will attempt to outlast each other in a battle of endurance. However, since neither is able to attack, they may compete to see which can last without food. Because of its overprotective nature regarding its tail and hatred of light, Wobbuffet lives in dark caves.
";wobbuffet;wobbuffet;wobbuffet;wobbuffet;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
203;1;Girafarig;Normal,Psychic;379;1;303;1;10;10,9518072289;15;415;523;1;"Girafarig is a hooved, quadrupedal Pokémon with a long neck. There is a white blaze on its muzzle, which ends in a round, pink nose. It has two horns with bulbous tips on top of its head. Its front half is yellow with black spots, while its back half is black with yellow spots. Female Girafarig have smaller, darker sections than males. There are many triangular, pink spikes along its back.
Girafarig's tail possesses a head of its own. The tail's head has yellow eyes, a mouth full of sharp teeth, and a small brain. However, this head is incapable of independent thinking and relies on outside stimuli such as smell to guide its actions. If the tail smells something alluring, it will bite. The tail often mimics the head during feeding and is able to warn the Pokémon of danger if it is sleeping. Girafarig lives in savannas and grasslands, where it feeds on the plant life.
";girafarig;girafarig;girafarig;girafarig;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
204;1;Pineco;Bug;278;2;222,2;0;3;18,5166666667;6;72;826;1;"Pineco is a blue-green, pine cone-like Pokémon with red eyes and no visible limbs. It has a single spike on top of its head, which is supposedly its stem. It makes its shell thicker by gluing tree bark to its body. The glue is made of fluid that Pineco spits out, which hardens when it is exposed to air. Unbothered by the added weight of its shell, it patiently hangs from a tree branch in tropical and temperate forests, waiting to prey on flying insects. In Alola, its favorite prey is Cutiefly. Typically immobile, it will drop to the ground and explode if someone shakes its tree while it is eating.
";pineco;pineco;pineco;pineco;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
205;1;Forretress;Bug,Steel;436;1;348,45;1;9;3,3238473768;12;1258;511;1;"Forretress is a large, spherical Pokémon with no visible limbs. The upper and lower halves of its body are capped by bumpy steel plates. The outer plates have zigzagging ridges that open along its back and front, revealing its smooth, red inner shell. The inner shell is punctuated by four cylindrical spikes, each tapering to an open point. Between the spikes, the inner shell opens along a straight line to reveal Forretress's eyes, which are round with large pupils. Whatever else lies inside its shell is unknown.
Forretress can defend itself from enemies by shooting out pieces of its outer shell, as a conditioned reflex rather than a conscious effort. It opens its shell to capture prey, but this happens so quickly that its interior body cannot be seen. It lives in tropical and temperate forests, attaching itself immovably to tree trunks.
";forretress;forretress;forretress;forretress;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
206;1;Dunsparce;Normal;360;1;287,85;1;0;30,8410714286;15;140;565;1;"Dunsparce is a serpentine, and somewhat insectoid, Pokémon with a primarily yellow body, blue underside, and blue-and-cream-striped back. Its head is round with a wide mouth extending under its jowls and curving up toward the middle of its face. Its chin is blue with two rounded prongs. Its eyes—round and rimmed with blue—are kept closed, revealing its cream-colored eyelids. On Dunsparce's upper back are two tiny white wings. Its body ends in a drill-like tail.
Dunsparce can float slightly with its wings, which some scientists believe were used to fly in the sky during ancient times. However, it avoids detection and flees when spotted by burrowing into the ground with its tail. It lives immobile in caves and beneath the earth, where it makes maze-like nests. They get along with Diglett and share tunnels with each other. Dunsparce can navigate through its nests without getting lost by the smell of the dirt.
";dunsparce;dunsparce;dunsparce;dunsparce;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
207;1;Gligar;Flying,Ground;417;1;333,3;0;9;5,6578703704;11;648;742;1;"Gligar is a purple, bat-like Pokémon. Its head and body are round and roughly equal in size. It has long, triangular ears and triangular eyes with small pupils. Two large pointed teeth protrude from its upper jaw, and a pink tongue is often seen lolling from its mouth. Its arms are segmented at the wrists and end in large pincers. Spread between its arms are two blue wing membranes, each tipped with a purple claw. Its legs are thin and likewise segmented at the ankles, with its round feet having one claw each. Gligar has a long tail split into spherical sections, ending in a large, round stinger. The female Gligar will have a smaller stinger than the male.
As shown in the anime, Gligar feed on Berries and can emit sound waves to detect obstacles and fly around them. It glides smoothly and silently through the air with its limbs extended, and startles its prey and enemies by flying straight toward them. It attacks by clamping onto its enemy's face with its clawed hind legs and pincers, then jabbing it with its poisonous stinger. Gligar lives in mountainous regions, making its nest along cliff sides. When it is done gliding, it hops along the ground back to its nest.
";gligar;gligar;gligar;gligar;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
208;1;Steelix;Ground,Steel;492;2;393,9;0;7;9,0597;92;4000;463;1;"Steelix is a long, serpentine Pokémon with a silvery-gray body made up of rock-like sections, which can possess chips and scrapes from fights and tunneling. Three of those sections have long rock spikes coming out of them on either side. It has a massive head mainly made up of its large, wide jaw with sets of large square teeth inside. Along its bottom jaw are ridges: there are two pairs of ridges on a male Steelix, while there is only one pair on a female. Several small, square lumps cover the underside of its lower jaw. Its eye sockets are slightly deep-set, and the eyes themselves are red. Its head has two long ridges going from the eyes up to the top of its head. The tip of its tail is conical with a blunt tip.
As Mega Steelix, its body becomes longer, almost doubles its mass, and gains more features. Mega Steelix's eyes turn blue and its lower jaw becomes more heavily armored with a round, curved shape. Additionally, a third pair of ridges appear on its bottom jaw, as well as two sharp, flat structures consisting of three conjoined projections on each side. The gray, rock-like spikes and its tail point have transformed into prism-like crystalline spikes, the segments from which the spikes protrude are much larger as well. In-between the head and individual spiked segments are smaller units, now adorned by a black spot with a blue hexagon on each side. Several metallic-looking scraps constantly rotate around its neck, these scraps react to Mega Steelix's movements and change position when attacking. The cells within its body, crystallized by the energy produced from Mega Evolution, are stronger than any mineral and able to withstand any temperature. It moves incredibly slowly, but its strengthened body is also impervious to damage, and it lashes out at foes without flinching. [1]
Steelix burrows up to six-tenths of a mile underground, even further than its pre-evolved form Onix, and it can be found in mountains or caves. Steelix can dig even towards the world's core. It easily chews through boulders with its powerful jaws, and its eyes are capable of seeing in the dark. Exposure to underground heat and pressures alongside its iron-rich soil diet has made its body harder than diamonds. Steelix's evolution is said to have been the result of an Onix's composition becoming more diamond-like after living for about 100 years.
";steelix;steelix;steelix;steelix;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
209;1;Snubbull;Fairy;278;1;222,2;0;4;17,0923076923;6;78;820;1;"Snubbull is a pink, bipedal, bulldog-like Pokémon with blue polka dots covering its body. It has loose skin that drapes to cover the lower part of its body, giving it the appearance of a dress. There is a small, blue ruff around its neck. It has a pronounced underbite, but it still has powerful jaws. Additionally, it has two earflaps that are flat, curved, and tipped with black, and a small, shiny black nose. Its feet are beige with three toes and a circular pink paw pad, while its arms are short and stubby.
Snubbull, as seen in the anime, possesses the ability to use their keen sense of smell to track things down. Despite this Pokémon's fierce-looking face, it is very playful and affectionate making it a popular companion among women. According to The Complete Pokémon Pocket Guide, it is also very devoted and loyal. It is not aggressive and tends to prefer to scare away its opponent rather than fight. However, it is saddened that others run from its frightening appearance. Snubbull wanders around urban areas.
";snubbull;snubbull;snubbull;snubbull;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
210;1;Granbull;Fairy;417;2;333,3;1;5;9,5815195072;14;487;526;1;"Granbull is a purple, bipedal, bulldog-like Pokémon. It has a prominent lower jaw with two long, fang-like growths. Its upper jaw has two small fangs. The jaws are so heavy that the Pokémon has trouble keeping its head up. On the sides of its head are flat, curved ears, and its small nose is black. There is a black collar around its neck with two small white markings on it. Around its wrists are two black band markings, and it has a short tail.
Despite its fierce appearance, it is actually very timid. Unless Granbull is startled, it will not bite indiscriminately. If attacked, it will flail about to fend off its attacker. Granbull wanders around urban areas.
";granbull;granbull;granbull;granbull;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
211;1;Qwilfish;Poison,Water;404;1;323,2;0;6;41,4358974359;5;39;742;1;"Qwilfish is a sea dwelling Pokémon with a spherical body and a flat, paddle-shaped tail. The upper half of its body is dark teal and the lower half is very light yellow. Its tail is tall and thin with a dark teal outline, light yellow inside, and two dark teal dots in the center. Its eyes are even with its body and are always seen slanted angrily. Below its eyes are its puffy pink lips. All around its body are sharp, conical spikes, which evolved from scales over time.
In order to attack, Qwilfish drinks over 2.6 gallons of water to inflate its body. It then uses the water pressure to shoot poisonous quills at its foe, which can cause fainting. Due to its round body, Qwilfish is not a great swimmer, and when filled with water it is even harder for it to swim.
In Hisui, Qwilfish has a different look from its Johto counterpart due to its diet. The lower half is colored light yellow while the upper half is black with black spikes that has dark purple tips. The front spikes on their forehead are smaller. There are crescent purple lines underneath Qwilfish's eyes and its lips are colored purple. It now has a large, flat tail with a black outline and a purple inside, which also has a pattern that resembles the letter ″q.″
Hisuian Qwilfish is despised by the fisherman of that region, due to their poison causing havoc on the humans trying to fish in the seas it lives in. It has a diet of consuming poison which has an effect on Hisuian Qwilfish, as it developed its signature move Barb Barrage. This move allows it to evolve into Overqwil in the Hisui Region.
";qwilfish;qwilfish;qwilfish;qwilfish;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
212;1;Scizor;Bug,Steel;461;1;368,65;1;7;5,6234745763;18;1180;475;1;" Scizor with its wings retractedScizor is a bipedal, insectoid Pokémon with a red, metallic exoskeleton. It has gray, retractable forewings and hind wings with simple, curved venation. Its rounded head has three blunt horns extending above its forehead and eyes with dark yellow pupils. Scizor's thin, black neck connects to a black, teardrop-shaped patch on its thorax. Scizor has broad shoulders and thin, segmented arms ending in large, round pincers, which make up a third of Scizor's body weight. Scizor has a large, rounded abdomen with three black, chevron-shaped stripes extending from its waist down its front, female Scizor has larger abdomens than male Scizor. Scizor's legs are defined by large hip joints, thin thighs, and wide calves, and its feet end in a clawed toe on each side.
Mega Scizor's pincers lengthen and develop serrations. The lower half of the claws turn white and gain three-pointed spikes on the underside. The barbs on Mega Scizor's claws can stab through concrete, and opponents caught in them cannot escape. [1] Its eyespots are now blue with a thin black rim. Though they lack the black rim, their eyes are blue as well. Additional pieces of black armoring appear on various areas of its body: a three-pointed crest on its forehead and striated coverings on its shoulders and thighs. Mega Scizor's legs are less detailed and resemble large, tapered spikes with white tips.
Scizor's body is as hard as steel, with claws strong enough to crush any hard object. They can be opened and closed like jaws and are patterned with black eyespots with yellow ″pupils″. Its muscles are said to be made of metal. It will raise its claws and wave them around to scare off predators or foes, giving it the appearance of having three heads. When it identifies an enemy, Scizor will use its claw to beat up the opponent to the point there is nothing but scrap left afterwards. Scizor is incapable of flight, instead quickly flapping its wings to regulate its body temperature. It does this to prevent its body from becoming too hot and melting. It has tremendous power despite its slim body. Scizor is rarely found in the wild, though it can be found in grasslands.
While Mega Scizor is formidable, it cannot maintain this form for extended periods, after too long, its body starts to melt, and it loses the strength to wield its heavy pincers. The reason is due to it being overflown with excess energy from its Mega Evolution, unable to regulate its body temperature properly. Mega Scizor uses its pincers to rip anything it grabs to shreds. It prefers to beat up the opponents instead of grasping them.
";scizor;scizor;scizor;scizor;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
213;1;Shuckle;Rock,Bug;335;1;267,65;1;8;7,8336585366;6;205;469;1;" Shuckle in its shellShuckle is a Pokémon that resembles a small turtle. Its body is yellow and appears soft. Until they are in use, Shuckle's limbs appear limp. It is encased in a very hard red shell that has many holes in it. The holes in its shell are rimmed with white.
Rather than actively hunting and foraging for food like most other Pokémon, it collects Berries and stores them in its shell. The Berries inside are liquefied and fermented while they decompose by Shuckle's digestive juices, which it then consumes. Its digestive juices are also used to dissolve rocks so Shuckle can hide under them. It can be found in the mountains.
";shuckle;shuckle;shuckle;shuckle;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
214;1;Heracross;Fighting,Bug;461;2;368,65;1;7;10,2402777778;15;540;475;1;"Heracross is a bipedal, beetle-like Pokémon covered in a blue exoskeleton. There is a long, pronged horn on its forehead. The horn ends in a cross on the male and a heart-shape in the female. On either side of the horn is a short antenna with a spherical tip. Heracross has oval, yellow eyes. Its forearms have a pair of spikes near the wrists, while its thighs have a single spike each. It has two claws on its hands, and a single long claw on each foot. There is a single pair of wings covered by elytra, which can be seen during its release from a Poké Ball in the 3D games.
Mega Heracross is bulkier than its previous form. Thin orange markings now rim its head, hands, and shoulders. Additionally, there is a half-circle, orange marking over its eyes. It now has a long, pointed nose that curves slightly upward. Its back now lacks wings and is completely yellow. The horn on its head has grown into a large, simple spike with two smaller spikes on the front. The antennae have lengthened as well and now have ovoid tips. Mega Heracross's forearms have thickened and lost their spines. This Pokémon has a high body temperature, so it opens the shells of its arms and torso to allow heat to escape.[1] Mega Heracross boasts such incredible strength that it can lift objects up to 500 times its own weight between its horns. However, it is left with muscular soreness after reverting to its original form.
Heracross's claws allow it to dig into the ground for sturdy footing or climb trees. Using its horn, it throws opponents or competitors for food. It can lift and throw objects 100 times its own weight. It uses its two antennae to search for food by scent. It lives in boreal, temperate, and tropical forests, where it feeds on tree sap. As seen in the anime, Heracross has been known to compete with Pokémon such as Pinsir for food. The same episode also shows Heracross allowing Butterfree to feed on tree sap after Heracross has finished its meal. In addition, it is shown to suck sap from Grass-type Pokémon such as Bulbasaur. In Alola, Heracross get along better with Pinsir, as they both have rivalries with Vikavolt.
";heracross;heracross;heracross;heracross;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
215;1;Sneasel;Ice,Dark;404;2;323,2;0;7;10,3885714286;9;280;742;1;"Sneasel is a bipedal Pokémon that resembles both a cat and a weasel. It is primarily bluish-black with three bright red feathers for its tail and a single one on its left ear. The ear feather is shorter on the female than on the male. The other ear is short and pointed, and it has narrow red eyes. On its forehead and chest are yellow, oval markings. It has red eyes with black eyelash-like markings on the edges. It has long limbs with two large, retractable claws on its hands and feet.
Sneasel is a notoriously vicious Pokémon, which is perfectly capable of using its claws to do substantial damage. The claws are also used for climbing trees in boreal or sub-alpine forests. It can also bring out its claws to startle foes that attacked it. Sneasel steals Eggs from unattended Pidgey nests. Sneasel has been known to form pairs to hunt. Sneasel can blend well into the night in order to ambush their prey. One will lure the parents away from the nest, while the other steals the eggs. It then uses its claws to poke a hole in the egg before slurping the contents out. As a result, Sneasel are despised and considered a scourge by Breeders to the point where they try to drive away or eradicate the former. Sneasel preys on Alolan Sandshrew, but its skin is so hard that it can cause Sneasel's claws to snap off. Its former signature move, Beat Up, allows it to call on its teammates to attack its opponent. It shares roots from its Hisuian counterpart yet is more spiteful. This behavior likely stems from the water and ground of the environment that it lives in.
In Hisui, Sneasel has a similar appearance to its Johtonian counterpart due to the living environment on the cliffside. It has a white and purple body with its left ear colored light purple. The face, shoulders, and chest have dark purple spots and there is a yellow gem on both its head and chest. The two toes on each foot are closed, and it has rounder eyes than its Johtonian form. Like Johtonian Sneasel, the ear feather is shorter on the female than on the male.
Hisuian Sneasel's sturdy and curved claws allow it to climb and travel through the precipitous walls and cliffs where it lives. The venom from the tips of Hisuian Sneasel's claws is capable of invading the nervous system of any prey it scratches. It prefers to be alone and not in packs like the Johtonian Sneasel. As a result of the environment, it evolves into Sneasler instead of Weavile.
";sneasel;sneasel;sneasel;sneasel;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
216;1;Teddiursa;Normal;290;2;232,3;1;8;15,8386363636;6;88;802;1;"Teddiursa is a bipedal, ursine Pokémon covered in short, orange-brown fur. Its muzzle is a light tan color with a small black nose and black eyes with white irises. There is a slightly paler tan crescent marking on its face, and it has round ears. It has three claws on its forepaws as well as two claws and yellow paw pads on its hind paws. Its tail is short, round, and puffy.
Teddiursa can use Beedrill's pollen and fruit to create its own honey. The marking on its face could glow when it finds a honey already made. Honey tend to be absorbed into Teddiursa's forepaws, and it is always seen licking them. Teddiursa can be cunning, stealing into the nests of Combee and taking the honey that they have amassed for itself. It will hide food throughout its territory before food becomes scarce in winter. Teddiursa lives in mountainous forests.
";teddiursa;teddiursa;teddiursa;teddiursa;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
217;1;Ursaring;Normal;442;2;353,5;0;3;5,0580286169;18;1258;475;1;"Ursaring is a bipedal, ursine Pokémon. Its broad body is covered in brown fur, except its muzzle, inner ears, and paw pads, which are a light tan. It has narrow eyes, a triangular, black nose, and a wide mouth with small, visible fangs in the upper jaw. The fur on Ursaring's shoulders is longer and more structured, with rectangular extensions that resemble epaulettes. A female Ursaring has longer fur on its shoulders than a male. There is a large, tan, ring-shaped mark on its chest. Ursaring's forelimbs are long, ending in five claws each, while its hind legs are short and thick, ending in three claws each. Its tail is large and spherical in shape.
Ursaring lives in mountainous forests, sleeping in treetops and gathering food throughout the day. While it is skilled at climbing trees, it gathers food by snapping them and collecting whatever berries or fruits fall down. It will mark trees bearing delicious fruit in its territory with its claws. Ursaring's sense of smell can distinguish any aroma, and as such, it can find food buried deep underground or in streams. It will also search for food durning the winter seasons as recorded in the Hisui region. Ursaring are considered to be ferociously more dangerous while its hungry. As demonstrated in the anime, Ursaring is highly protective of its young, and has been shown to become more aggressive during mating season. When exposed to peat from the Crimson Mirelands of Hisui during a full moon, Ursaring can evolve into Ursaluna.
";ursaring;ursaring;ursaring;ursaring;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
218;1;Slugma;Fire;177;1;141,4;0;5;2,828;7;350;850;1;"Slugma is a limbless Pokémon composed of magma. Its body is bright red, fading to a duller red along its extremities. It has large, round, yellow eyes with small pupils. Slugma's head is ovoid with flame-like extensions spreading upward from its eyes and round, stable drops of magma dangling from its upper jaw. Its lower body is irregular in shape, and occasionally emits bubbles.
Slugma's circulatory system is composed entirely of magma, which delivers vital nutrients and oxygen to its organs. In order to prevent its body from cooling and hardening, Slugma neither sleeps nor ever stops moving. If its body does begin to cool, it will become brittle and may break apart. Slugma constantly seeks warm places, and gathers with other members of its species in mountains and volcanoes.
";slugma;slugma;slugma;slugma;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
219;1;Magcargo;Rock,Fire;316;1;252,5;1;1;3,6727272727;8;550;568;1;"Magcargo is a limbless, snail-like Pokémon consisting almost entirely of bright red magma. Its oval eyes are large and yellow with small pupils, and extend upward from its head. It has a bulbous snout and a wide mouth, with two drops of magma dangling from each side of its upper jaw. Magcargo's back is protected by a gray, spherical shell composed of hardened, but brittle magma, forming irregular lumps and plates. A streak of fire leaks from the side of its shell. Magcargo's lower body is amorphous and covered in bubbles of magma.
Magcargo's internal body temperature can reach over 18,000 °F (10,000 °C), causing it to evaporate water on contact. Flames circulate throughout its body, occasionally spouting through cracks in its shell. While its shell is brittle enough to be shattered with a slight touch, Magcargo can reform its body by dipping itself in magma. It can be found in mountainous regions, and has been living in volcano craters for tens of thousands of years.
";magcargo;magcargo;magcargo;magcargo;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
220;1;Swinub;Ground,Ice;240;2;191,9;1;5;11,8092307692;4;65;850;1;"Swinub is a small porcine Pokémon. Living in frigid temperatures, Swinub is covered in dense, brown, striped hair to keep it warm. The hair is so shaggy that it often covers its tuft-like small legs, making it appear like a legless lump. Swinub's eyes appear as if they are perpetually closed.
Swinub uses its pink, pig-like nose to dig through mud and snow, looking for anything edible. In Hisui, ancient people relied on Swinub a lot because of this skill. Occasionally, it will come across hot springs while scouring the ground. Its favorite food is a type of mushroom that grows beneath dead grass, though it also eats Berries. When a Swinub finds an attractive smell, it will run desperately to find out the source of the aroma. It inhabits cold places, such as icy caves, mountainous regions, and frozen tundra.
";swinub;swinub;swinub;swinub;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
221;1;Piloswine;Ground,Ice;417;2;333,3;0;3;6,5704301075;11;558;526;1;" Piloswine's eyesPiloswine is a big, brown, furry Pokémon with an impressive hump on its back. It also has two tusks made of ice, which seem small but can be lethal. These tusks thicken when it snows, and they are smaller on a female Piloswine than on a male. It has floppy ears that are sensitive to sound. Piloswine has two beady eyes in its head, however, these are usually covered up by tufts of fur. As it is usually unable to see, it checks surroundings with its sensitive pig-like nose instead. As a result, Pilsowine is constantly charging at foes when it moves. The back hair on its back stands up straight as a warning sign for this. Its hair is so long that it usually covers its small, hooved legs.
Despite the small size of its legs, its hooves ensure even footing on icy ground. Piloswine tend to inhabit cold places, such as icy caves, mountainous regions and frozen tundra. It often digs for food buried beneath snow and ice. Piloswine's fur allows it to survive in harsh cold areas.
";piloswine;piloswine;piloswine;piloswine;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
222;1;Corsola;Rock,Water;290;1;232,3;1;8;27,876;6;50;601;1;"Corsola is a small, pink, roundish Pokémon with branch-like growths on its back, which are similar to coral. There is a smaller, blunt horn on its forehead, and it has black, oval eyes. It has a white underside, which speckles towards the sides. Its four legs and two arms are blunt and stubby.
Found in the warm shallow waters of southern seas, Corsola requires clean water to live. If its habitat is dirty, the growths on its back become discolored and degenerate. However, when it is healthy, its growths regularly shed and grow back. It is able to regrow them over the course of a single night. It forms large social groups. Occasionally, these groups get so large that people may live atop them, as is the case in Pacifidlog Town. Corsola's horn is a prized material, commonly used for jewelry and carving, as seen in the anime. Smaller Pokémon like Horsea and Luvdisc are sometimes sheltered by Corsola's branches, and even offer it protection from foes.
Galarian Corsola were wiped out by sudden changes in ocean temperature, turning them into Ghost-types. Its body is a bleached white with half-closed pink eyes and a perpetual frown, and its arms and branches have a distinctly semitransparent appearance to them, the branches can be used to take root inside and drain the life force of others.
Their branches cannot cause injuries or pain, but they immobilize the victim until Galarian Corsola lets them go. They are commonly found in the remains of prehistoric seas, and while they can be mistaken for ordinary rocks, they will curse anybody who kicks them by accident.[1]Galarian Cursola has a diet of consuming spirit energy from the life force its absorbs. This diet eventually causes Corsola's shell to break and its body to become incorporeal in the process due to energy being poured out. As a result, Galarian Corsola develops the ability to evolve into Cursola.
In the Alola region, Mareanie and Toxapex are natural predators of Corsola. However, they do not fulfill those roles in the Galar region, having not realized the branches of Corsola are delicious.
";corsola;corsola;corsola;corsola;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
223;1;Remoraid;Water;253;1;202;1;6;10,1;6;120;820;1;"Remoraid is a light blue, fishlike Pokémon with saucer-like eyes, and a mouth with four pointed teeth. There are two dark stripes on its back that resembles the barrel of a revolver. It has a single pelvic fin positioned like a revolver's trigger, two small pectoral fins, and a dorsal fin near its mouth resembling a gun's front sight. In addition, it has two caudal fins, the bottom of which resembling the butt of a gun and the top resembling the hammer. All of its fins except for the dorsal fin are white.
Remoraid is well known for its ability to shoot jets of water with incredible accuracy and distance, often to shoot down prey, such as Burmy, out of the air. The water attack can reach its prey from about 300 feet away, even when the prey is moving or flying. Because of this, Remoraid is referred to as the ″sniper of the seas.″ It tends to travel by attaching to Mantine's fins or in large groups of its own kind. It does this by using its dorsal fin, which acts like a suction pad. When attached to a Mantine, it feeds on whatever the Mantine leaves behind, but will fight alongside it as well. A school of Remoraid is often seen working together and traveling with a Mantyke, helping it achieve its evolution into Mantine. Remoraid is a sea-dwelling Pokémon, travelling downstream from rivers especially when evolution draws near.
";remoraid;remoraid;remoraid;remoraid;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
224;1;Octillery;Water;379;2;303;0;9;9,5684210526;9;285;496;1;"Octillery is a red, cephalopod-like Pokémon with large, round eyes and a turret-like mouth. There are yellow bumps on its rock-hard head and yellow suction cups on each of its eight tentacles. These suction cups and yellow bumps are smaller on a female Octillery. It uses its tentacles for manipulating objects and the suction cups give it strong gripping power. Because of this, it is very hard for it to be blown away.
Octillery is a relaxed Pokémon who loves fuss from its Trainer. Even though it is more docile when domesticated, it can be very stubborn at times in the wild. It instinctively sneaks into rocky holes or pots, and if it gets sleepy, it steals the nest of a fellow Octillery. When threatened, it will spurt ink from its mouth to cover itself before escaping, allowing it to protect itself and its young from danger. Octillery's ink obscures vision and contains substances that dull predators' sense of smell. Octillery also uses this ink on its prey, before its suction cups hold the prey tightly. Its ink can also be used as a cooking ingredient. Besides ink, Octillery sometimes uses its rock-hard head on its foes. Octazooka is its former signature move.
Octillery is normally found in oceans and caves. For a long time, people refused to believe Octillery was an evolution of Remoraid, because of the extreme physical differences between the two. It is thought to be a distant relative to Omastar. In New Pokémon Snap, an Octillery can be seen about to be preyed on by a Seviper.
";octillery;octillery;octillery;octillery;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
225;1;Delibird;Flying,Ice;278;1;222,2;0;8;12,49875;9;160;652;1;"Delibird is a red, penguin-like Pokémon with a white, hollow tail. Its face and chest are covered in white feathers with two, three-pointed crests above its eyes. Black markings surround its circular eyes, and it has a light yellow beak and feet. There is a single white spot on its stomach. Its feet have two digits each.
Delibird is omnivorous. It carries food bundled up in its tail. It normally gives stored food to its chicks, but has been known to share its food with humans stranded on icy mountains. Delibird's signature move, Present, allows it to carry special items in its tail that may cause damage or heal its opponent. In a flock, the Delibird with the largest tail is its leader. Delibird tends to live in mountainous regions, making its nests over sharp cliffs, one notable area of the world is around Mt. Everest.
";delibird;delibird;delibird;delibird;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
226;1;Mantine;Flying,Water;309;2;247,45;1;2;2,3620227273;21;2200;511;1;"Mantine is a large, manta ray-like Pokémon. Its body is dark blue on the overside, and it has large wing-like fins, with a jagged outline on the front rim. Its head has two long protrusions resembling horns or antennae, and two black ring-shaped marks on the back. Two pairs of gills are visible on its pinkish gray underside, as well as a pair of beady eyes and a small mouth. Its overall body has a coarse texture.
Mantine thrives in open seas, where it swims freely, often in schools where they race one another. It can breach out of the water and fly 300 feet into the air if it builds up enough speed. In the past, it was often misidentified as a bird Pokémon by observers who saw this behavior. Mantine is sometimes seen with a Remoraid attached to the underside of one of its fins, scavenging for its leftovers and fighting together with it when attacked. Mantine has a docile nature, and does not mind the Remoraid clinging onto its fin.
In Alola, many surfers ride waves and travel between islands on the backs of Mantine. This has made it an icon in the region, being featured on souvenir postcards and posters.
";mantine;mantine;mantine;mantine;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,!Mantine.png
227;1;Skarmory;Flying,Steel;448;1;358,55;1;1;12,07;17;505;511;1;"Skarmory is a silver-gray, avian Pokémon with a long, metallic blue neck, legs, and tail. It has yellow eyes, a pointed beak with several pointed teeth, and a triangular crest on its head. There are red feathers under the sheaths that cover its sharp wings, and each feather can be moved independently. Its wings are actually hollow, allowing it to travel up to 185 mph (300 km/h). Its feet have three toes on them, two in front and one in back, and its tail has hooked ends.
Its steel wings become tattered and bashed in from repeated battles, but once a year the battered wings grow back completely. This process restores the cutting edges of its feathers, which are sharp enough to be used as blades and sharper than any man-made sword. Its skin and feathers are solid due to being raised in very harsh conditions. Its nests are usually found in thorn bushes, where continual scratching of a young individual's skin will eventually harden it into an iron-like state. However, water can cause Skarmory's hard body to rust easily, so it stays in its nest on rainy days. In ancient regions where these Pokémon are common, warriors would use the sharp feathers that fell off Skarmory as swords. It is a popular Pokémon that is used for heraldic designs, and in Galar, it has violent territorial clashes with Corviknight.
";skarmory;skarmory;skarmory;skarmory;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
228;1;Houndour;Fire,Dark;253;1;202;0;7;11,2222222222;6;108;802;1;"Houndour is a quadrupedal, canine Pokémon with short, black fur and a red underbelly and muzzle. Its ears and tail are both short and pointed. Two fangs protrude from its upper jaw, and its triangular nose is black. There are white bands on its ankles and rib-like ridges on its back. Houndour appears to have a simplistic, stylized skull on its forehead with the eye orbits creating eyebrow patterning above its actual eyes. It also has circular, red paw pads on each of its three-toed paws.
Houndour is an intelligent Pokémon that forms packs to hunt for prey and shows unparalleled teamwork. As seen in the anime, it will not abandon a pack member who is sick. It communicates using various barks and howls. Barks are used to determine the location of a pack member during a hunt, which only they can understand, while howls are used as a declaration of ownership over territory. They are known to be loyal and obedient to their Trainers. Houndour can typically be found around rough terrain.
";houndour;houndour;houndour;houndour;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
229;1;Houndoom;Fire,Dark;391;1;313,1;1;7;12,524;14;350;475;1;"Houndoom is a quadrupedal, canine Pokémon that is mainly colored black with a long orange snout and an orange underbelly. It has small, red eyes and a black nose. Around its neck is a white band with a small skull-shaped pendant on its throat. There are two white bands on each of its ankles, as well as three rib-like ridges on its back. Houndoom has a long, skinny tail with a triangular tip and three clawed toes on each paw. On top of its head is a pair of long, curved gray horns. These horns are smaller on the female than the male.
In a Houndoom pack, the one with its horns raked sharply towards the back serves a leadership role. Leadership is determined by fights within the pack. Its gut is full of toxins, which are used to create unique fire mixed with poison. This gives Houndoom's fire a foul odor and the wounds it inflicts will never heal. After finishing off the prey, Houndoom divides it evenly among its pack. Houndoom appears near rough terrain areas. Its howling induces shivering in other Pokémon, and often sends them scurrying back to their nests. This resulted in people referring to Houndoom's howl as the Grim Reaper.
As Mega Houndoom, the ridges on its back thicken, and it gains additional, bone-like rings around the base of its tail. The rings on its tail have small spikes on top, causing them to resemble vertebrae. The ridge at the base of Mega Houndoom's neck is longer and curves forward towards its shoulders. Instead of a band with a skull pendant, there is a large, toothed structure around its neck. This bone-like formation has two large spikes on either side and three pointed teeth on the bottom. Mega Houndoom's horns now point straight up with a small, outward curve in the middle. The two bands on its hind legs have vanished, and those on its forelegs are broken in the front. Its claws are a dark red due to its ability to generate more heat, which themselves cause pain to Mega Houndoom.[1] Finally, the tip of its tail is now split down the middle. When it Mega Evolves, its entire body generates heat. Its fiery breath is now powerful enough to burn foes into ashes.
";houndoom;houndoom;houndoom;houndoom;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
230;1;Kingdra;Water,Dragon;442;2;353,5;0;8;4,1861842105;18;1520;271;1;"Kingdra is a large, seahorse-like Pokémon with a tightly curled tail. It is covered in blue scales except for its yellow, compact belly scales. There are thin spines with a single branch atop its head and thin, white fins under its cheeks. Its thin snout is powerful, allowing squirts of water jets with devastating power to be fired. Two-pronged fins extend slightly past its cheeks. On its back is a white fin supported by thin, blue spines similar to the ones on its head.
The yawn of a sleeping Kingdra is powerful enough to create undercurrents capable of destroying small ships. Should it decide to emerge from the depths of the ocean, Kingdra's strength can create large whirlpools and sea-born tornadoes on the surface. Because of its immense power, Kingdra often hibernates deep in uninhabited areas of the sea to rest and build up its energy. When a storm arrives, Kingdra is said to awaken and wander about in search of prey. Kingdra is known to have fierce battles with Dragonite whenever they meet. The scales shed by Kingdra are given to royals as gifts due to the gleam it emits.
";kingdra;kingdra;kingdra;kingdra;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
231;1;Phanpy;Ground;316;2;252,5;1;7;3,7686567164;5;335;802;1;"Phanpy is a small, horizon-blue elephant-like Pokémon. It has large, floppy ears, which it uses as fans to cool itself. There are two red pads on each ear and another on the bridge of its short trunk. This small trunk is sensitive, yet strong. It can send a person flying with an affectionate, playful bump of its snout. Additionally, this little Pokémon is easily capable of carrying an adult human on its back. Phanpy has a single nail on each of its four feet, and a short tail.
Phanpy is found in rocky terrain. To make its nest, it digs a vertical pit near the edge of a river. It displays ownership of this area by marking it with its trunk. In the deserted morning hours, Phanpy uses its trunk to shower in the river. Sometimes, groups of this Pokémon form and soak each other thoroughly. Afterwards, it can be seen drying its body near the edge of the river.
";phanpy;phanpy;phanpy;phanpy;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
232;1;Donphan;Ground;480;2;383,8;0;1;3,5181666667;11;1200;475;1;"Donphan is a gray, elephant-like Pokémon with a thick, black band of hide running down the length of its back and extending to the tip of its long trunk. When this Pokémon curls up, the band resembles a car tire. This tough hide prevents regular attacks from inflicting even a scratch. A pair of white tusks, which are smaller on the female, extend from the corners of its mouth. It has thin, elongated ears held out almost perpendicular to its body. Its four short legs are each encircled with a broken, black band and have three toes.
Donphan has the ability to curl up into a ball and violently roll around like a wheel. These rolling tackles are strong enough to knock down a house. Once it starts its rampage, it will be almost unstoppable. The anime shows that this ability is further used as a form of courtship. The male Donphan have rolling competitions to demonstrate their toughness to the females. It has been demonstrated that Donphan has a keen sense of smell, capable of sniffing out a gem known as amberite. Donphan travels in herds with a ranking system. The larger its tusks, the higher its rank in the herd. It lives in rough, mountainous terrain.
";donphan;donphan;donphan;donphan;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
233;1;Porygon2;Normal;398;2;318,15;1;4;5,8735384615;6;325;460;1;" Porygon2 traveling through cyberspace in the mangaPorygon2 is a rounded, pink, digital Pokémon that shows similarities to a drinking bird. It has a relatively flat bill and large, round eyes. Its legs are simple ovoid growths along its sides, and its tail widens towards the middle. Its bill, legs, tail, and underside are blue.
Porygon2's evolution from Porygon was the result of it being upgraded from the most cutting-edge technology available. It was upgraded to work in space for planetary devolvement reasons, although its inability to fly limits this ability. It is artificially intelligent and capable of learning new behaviors on its own, including information it does not need to know. It can also speak a strange language only other Porygon2 can understand. As a result, it will sometimes perform motions or abilities that are not in its programming. It is generally found in computers or in labs and other buildings working with people. It can survive in a space vacuum, though cannot move very well in zero-gravity. Porygon2 and its evolutionary family, Porygon and Porygon-Z, are the only known Pokémon that learn Conversion and Conversion 2.
";porygon2;porygon2;porygon2;porygon2;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
234;1;Stantler;Normal;398;2;318,15;1;7;6,255758427;14;712;511;1;"Stantler is a quadrupedal, caribou-like Pokémon. It has a tan pelt with a cream-colored belly and a few spots on its back. Its tail is large, short, and round, and each of its legs ends in a black hoof. It has a large, brown nose and a pair of pale cream-colored antlers, each with a black orb in the center. The shape of the antlers and the black orbs causes them to resemble eyes. Stantler can distort reality and create illusions with its antlers by subtly changing the flow of air around them. Staring into them creates an odd sensation, as if one is being sucked through them, and one may become so dizzy that it is impossible to stand.
Its strange antlers are very valuable artifacts to Pokémon hunters. The species was nearly driven to extinction for its beautiful antlers. Additionally, the round balls found on the fallen antlers can be ground into a powder that aids in sleeping. Stantler live in herds in temperate, mountainous forests. As shown in the anime, a baby Stantler that is separated from its herd and frightened will instinctively produce an illusion of a big, stampeding herd to scare away perceived threats. In Hisui, through the Agile Style, Stantler's psychic powers become more powerful, allowing it to learn the signature move Psyshield Bash. This allows Stantler to evolve into Wyrdeer.
";stantler;stantler;stantler;stantler;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
235;1;Smeargle;Normal;234;1;186,85;0;7;3,865862069;12;580;736;1;"Smeargle is a bipedal, beagle-like Pokémon with white and brown fur. It has a long tail with an end resembling a paintbrush. This paintbrush oozes with paint, and the color of the paint may vary for each Smeargle, as well as change in hue corresponding to its emotions. Sprites from the games depict green, brown, and red, while the anime also shows yellow and blue. Smeargle has a footprint on its back that is the same color as the tip of the tail. The mark is placed on Smeargle's back as a sign of adulthood. Smeargle also has a round structure on its head with a point that resembles a beret. It has floppy, brown ears and a brown collar on its neck. The rings encircling Smeargle's eyes are also brown, as are Smeargle's eyelids. Its arms have two brown bands, and its legs have only one. Each of its limbs has three digits.
Smeargle will use the paint to mark its territory. There are over 5,000 known different marks Smeargle uses. There are Smeargle fanatics who will pay big money for owning one. It can also use its signature move, Sketch, to copy moves from other Pokémon. Smeargle is often found in urban areas filled with graffiti.
";smeargle;smeargle;smeargle;smeargle;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
236;1;Tyrogue;Fighting;177;2;141,4;1;9;4,7133333333;7;210;874;1;"Tyrogue is a humanoid Pokémon with a predominantly pale purple body and brown hips and feet that resemble short pants and shoes. It has three blunt protrusions on top of its head, yellow eyes, and circular sections on each side of its head that resemble protective padding. There are white bands resembling bandages on its torso and wrists. It has thin limbs, and its hands have three fingers each. Tyrogue is a male-only species with no female counterpart.
Tyrogue is famous for its eagerness to compete and boundless energy, to such an extent that it will challenge anyone, even larger foes. Determined to make itself stronger, Tyrogue will not quit no matter how many times it loses. While it is small, Tyrogue should not be ignored as it can slugger a target without warning. As a result, it is always nursing its injuries from fighting opponents larger than itself. As Tyrogue becomes stressed if it is not able to train every day, its Trainer must maintain a regular training schedule. It is usually found in urban areas.
";tyrogue;tyrogue;tyrogue;tyrogue;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
237;1;Hitmontop;Fighting;391;1;313,1;1;8;9,1320833333;14;480;523;1;"Hitmontop is a vaguely humanoid Pokémon capable of spinning on its head. Its main body is spherical and mostly blue with a brown triangular patch on its chest. Hitmontop has short legs with white bands near the hands and feet. The feet are large, blue, and have a circular brown pad on the underside. It has a skinny brown tail that ends with a blue sphere with a spike on it. Its head is round and brown with flat, curved extensions on either side and a single spike on top. It has beady, black eyes, and spherical hands with no digits. Hitmontop is a male-only species with no female counterpart.
Hitmontop moves more quickly by spinning on the spike on its head than it does by walking normally. Capable of spinning at high speeds, it may bore into the ground similar to a drill. While spinning, Hitmontop delivers smooth, graceful kicks, such as its former signature moves, Rolling Kick and Triple Kick. As an urban species, it is often found in towns and cities.
";hitmontop;hitmontop;hitmontop;hitmontop;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
238;1;Smoochum;Ice,Psychic;196;2;156,55;0;2;10,4366666667;4;60;817;1;"Smoochum is a small, humanoid Pokémon that resembles a baby. It has a large head with blonde hair that reaches its shoulders and has large bangs. There are several tufts of hair sticking up on top of its head. Its skin is light purple with a cream-colored chest, arms, and feet. It has large, blue-green eyes and a pair of large, pink lips. These lips are sensitive enough that Smoochum uses them to identify and examine objects that it sees for the first time, and are kept moist by its daily application of tree sap. This help Smoochum determine if it likes the object or not.
When walking, Smoochum rocks its head back and forth. Smoochum is known to be very curious. This Pokémon is very active and runs about, although it often falls. Being very conscious of its appearance, it will check its reflection when given the chance to make sure it is not dirty. It will bathe the instant its it find any dirt on its face. However, it doesn't mind if its body get dirty. Smoochum is found living in cities and cold caverns. Smoochum is a female-only species, with no male counterpart.
";smoochum;smoochum;smoochum;smoochum;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
239;1;Elekid;Electric;303;2;242,4;0;4;6,1889361702;6;235;784;1;"Elekid is a yellow, round-bodied Pokémon with black stripes. Elekid's arms are bulky in proportion to its body, and it has three claws instead of fingers. It has two stripes on its arms, which wrap all the way around. There are two horns on top of its head which resemble the prongs of a plug, complete with holes in their sides. These horns glow bluish-white when Elekid is fully charged. Elekid has a black lightning bolt marking on its chest. Two rows of stripes are near the marking, with the pattern continuing around its lower back. Its legs are black, and its feet are rounded and toeless.
Elekid tends to become restless and full-on rowdy when it hears the sound of thunderstorm coming, and likes to play out in the middle of thunderstorms. It can generate electricity by rotating its arms, but it tires easily and can only charge a small amount. Elekid cannot store the electricity it generates, so it prefers to break into the houses of humans in order to consume electricity from their electrical outlets. It lives in the grasslands.
";elekid;elekid;elekid;elekid;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
240;1;Magby;Fire;303;2;242,4;0;2;7,9289719626;7;214;781;1;"Magby is a bipedal Pokémon that has a red body with a yellow, flame-shaped marking on its stomach. Its head is covered with large lumps, and it has a rounded, yellow beak. There is a single spike on its back and it has a tapered tail. Its short arms have three clawed fingers, while its feet have only two clawed toes.
Magby can breathe 1100 °F (600 °C) flames, and hot embers drip from its mouth. Its health can be determined by these flames, yellow flames show that a Magby is in good health, while flames mixed with a lot of smoke is symptomatic of fatigue, and flames dripping from its nose is a sign of a cold. Magby's volcanic habitat ensures its health. However, it can be seen living in towns. Magby is known to be rather small and timid. It leaks out flames when excited or surprised. It prefers to soak in the magma of volcano in order to recover from the day's fatigue.
";magby;magby;magby;magby;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
241;1;Miltank;Normal;480;2;383,8;0;7;6,1001324503;12;755;484;1;"Miltank is a bipedal, bovine Pokémon, which can only be female. Its body is mostly pink, with a yellow belly and black, angular markings along its back. A black hood-like marking surrounds its face with a pink, triangular mark on its forehead. There are two small horns on top of its head. It has large, blue eyes, a black nose, and a wide mouth, as well as long, black, floppy ears with yellow insides. Miltank has a yellow udder with four pink teats. All four of its limbs end in black, cloven hooves, and its long tail is tipped with a black sphere. In The Young Flame Strikes Back!, a smaller Miltank was shown without any horns or teats, implying that this is what young Miltank look like.
Until Generation VI, Miltank was the only known Pokémon that could learn Milk Drink. The milk that it produces is sweet and very nutritious, and can be used to heal Pokémon and ill or weary humans. Drinking a large amount of Miltank's milk will cause a Pokémon or person to gain weight along with stomach pains. The taste and nutrition of its milk improves with the quality of the pastures it lives in, and the taste itself changes with the season. It can produce over five gallons of milk per day, which in turn can be turned into yogurt or enjoyed unchanged by children and adults alike. Miltank can become ill if it is not milked every day. Miltank lives in grasslands, and is also raised on farms. Miltank has been supporting the lives of people and other Pokémon since ancient times with its ability to produce milk.
";miltank;miltank;miltank;miltank;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
242;1;Blissey;Normal;417;2;333,3;1;4;10,6826923077;15;468;824;1;"Blissey is a Pokémon that has a large, ovoid body with a pink upper body and white lower body. It has hair-like curls on either side of its head. White, wing-like tufts grow from its hips and shoulders, creating the impression of a dress. Its stubby arms and feet are pink and lack any digits. A small, pink pouch on its belly holds a single egg, which brings feelings of happiness and makes a person pleasant and caring if ingested.
The egg can cause a person to start acting kindly to others and calm down even the most ferocious Pokémon. Eating a Blissey's egg is said to bring good fortune to those who have consumed it. Blissey's egg can fetch the highest price at markets. Blissey can use its fluffy fur to sense sadness and will rush to anyone feeling sad or ill and attempt to nurse them back to health. Blissey is said to be overflowing with love. Its evolutionary line is the only one capable of learning Soft-Boiled via level up. Blissey is a female-only species with no male counterpart. An urban Pokémon, it is rarely seen in the wild. In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, if the player is injured, any nearby Blissey will come to help heal them, and then flee when they're fully healed.
";blissey;blissey;blissey;blissey;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
243;1;Raikou;Electric;461;2;368,65;0;8;3,9350280899;19;1780;217;1;"Raikou is a quadrupedal, yellow, tiger-like Pokémon with black stripes and a white underside. It has a thin, light blue tail with sharp angles and a spark-shaped formation at the end. Most of its face consists of thick, white fur and shorter yellow fur around its red eyes. Raikou's muzzle is a light blue ″X″ and it has a black faceplate with two bumps that cover its forehead, nose, and ears. Raikou has two long fangs that make its appearance similar to the saber-toothed cat. Its large claws each converge to form a single point and never retract. Extra fur hangs off its body in front of its thighs. Raikou has a mane across its back that resembles dull purple rain clouds and allows it to shoot bolts of lighting.
As seen in the anime, Raikou is able to fly by creating storm clouds. It is shown to be distrustful of humans, though it may form some friendship with those who help it. Raikou tends to appear during thunderstorms and when other Electric-type Pokémon are in danger. Raikou is said to represent the speed of lightning and can control storm clouds at will. Raikou races across grasslands while barking cries that sound like thunder. Raikou's cries can also send shock waves in the air while shaking the ground at the same time.
";raikou;raikou;raikou;raikou;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
244;1;Entei;Fire;524;1;419,15;0;10;4,445530303;21;1980;217;1;"Entei is a massive, leonine, quadrupedal Pokémon with some mastiff qualities. It is covered in brown fur and a long, light gray cloud of smoke running along its entire back. It has gray plates on either side of the cloud and a plate beneath the cream belly fur on its chest. Entei has gray paws with brown pads and black cuff-like bands on its legs. Both front paws house three small, white retractable claws, which can be seen in battle or in Pokémon Camp. Its main faceplate is red and shaped like fins or a six-sided star. A gray plate, resembling a horseshoe mustache, covers its muzzle. It also has a yellow crest with three sloped points on its forehead and red eyes. Entei's forehead appears to resemble a kabuto.
An Entei is born whenever a new volcano appears. It is also said that whenever Entei roars, a volcano erupts somewhere in the world. Entei races across grasslands at high speeds. It does this due to being unable to contain its extreme power Entei is said to represent the passion of magma. Entei can unleash massive bursts of fire capable of destroying anything it touches. Entei's fire is said to be hotter than the magma of a volcano.
";entei;entei;entei;entei;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,!244Entei_OS_anime_2.png,,
245;1;Suicune;Water;473;1;378,75;0;0;4,050802139;20;1870;217;1;"Suicune is a slim, quadrupedal, blue, mammalian Pokémon with white, diamond-shaped markings. Its face and underside are white as well. Suicune has a thick, purple mane that resembles the aurora borealis and two white, streamer-like tails that wave forward. It has a long, white snout. Suicune has a large, hexagonal, cerulean blue crest on its forehead with two prongs on either side of the base. It has red eyes, a small tuft of fur under its chin, and small paws with white paw pads.
Suicune has the power to walk across water and purify dirty water with one touch. It travels across grasslands in search of water to purify by following the north wind. Northern winds always seem to blow stronger in its presence. In Pokémon Crystal, Suicune is said to be the closest of the Legendary beasts to Ho-Oh. It is also said to have a link to the Unown. In the anime, Suicune is heroic, serious, and calm during dangerous situations. Suicune is believed to be both the embodiment of the north winds and compassion of pure spring waters.
";suicune;suicune;suicune;suicune;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,!245Suicune_OS_anime_5.png,!245Suicune_OS_anime_2.png,
246;1;Larvitar;Ground,Rock;259;1;207,05;1;10;1,7254166667;6;720;820;1;"Larvitar is a small, green reptilian Pokémon with rocky skin. It has a blunt spike on top of its head, a short, rounded snout, and triangular, black markings below and on the upper corners of its red eyes. Red scales cover its diamond-shaped belly, and there are several small holes in its body. Its short arms lack fingers, while its feet have a single toenail each. It has a tail with a conical center surrounded by a ring of plate-like scales, causing it to resemble a tunnel-boring machine. Larvitar is born deep underground, far from its parent. It grows by consuming soil and will enter its pupal stage upon eating an entire mountain's worth of earth. Larvitar usually lives in mountains, hills, and caves.
";larvitar;larvitar;larvitar;larvitar;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
247;1;Pupitar;Ground,Rock;347;2;277,75;0;6;2,1927631579;12;1520;568;1;"Pupitar is a Pokémon encased inside a thick grayish-blue shell, sporting a hardness that is comparable to bedrock. Its red eyes can be seen through two holes in the shell, and two more holes directly above resemble eyebrows. The upper portion of its body is covered by a mask-like plate with four large spikes on either side. Three additional spikes protrude from its forehead. While its arms and legs are developing inside the shell, Pupitar uses compressed gas to propel itself around and can generate enough force to knock down mountains. Pupitar lives and moves freely around harsh mountain ranges.
";pupitar;pupitar;pupitar;pupitar;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
248;1;Tyranitar;Rock,Dark;511;1;409,05;1;1;4,05;20;2020;190;1;"Tyranitar is a large, bipedal, dinosaurian Pokémon with a green, armor-like hide covering its body. It has two pairs of pointed teeth: one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. Several spikes of varying size protrude from the back of its head, neck, and shoulders. Both sides of its chest, the center of its back, and its knees have two triangular holes. There is a gray, diamond-shaped patch of scales covering its belly, and a smaller one on its back. It has three claws on its feet and hands. A ring of spikes surrounds the tip of its tail.
Mega Tyranitar has more gaps in its armor than its normal form, with four new triangular holes along the sides of its neck and one on its throat. The four on its chest are now larger with the top two containing red ovals. While the spikes along the back of its neck grow shorter, the ones on its head elongate to form prominent ridges along its brows. The center spike on its head becomes a long, upright horn. Its chest plate expands, curving over its shoulders and along its back to form three long, irregular spikes on each side of its body. The scales on Mega Tyranitar's belly have now become red instead of blue and seethe with energy, enabling it to emanate more power.[1] It gains two sharp spikes on its knees, as well as more prominent leg joints. Its tail lengthens, with the three spikes surrounding its tip growing upward and outward. Its back had split open because of the overwhelming power from Mega Evolution.
Tyranitar is a powerful Pokémon with an insolent nature. It is extremely strong, and its thick, rocky hide gives it good resistance to all forms of attack. Because of this, it is always looking for a battle and will not flinch at anything, though it ignores opponents that it thinks are not worth its time. If enraged, Tyranitar sets off outstanding earthquakes that can completely change the entire landscape, destroying houses and mountains, often forcing cartographers to draw up new maps. It lives in nests made from demolished mountains. As a Mega Tyranitar, its instincts have only become more destructive, to the point where it may not even be able to hear its Trainer's orders. In the Galar region, it has a fierce rivalry with Duraludon, which it shares its habitat with, often battling each other in the mountains.[2]
";tyranitar;tyranitar;tyranitar;tyranitar;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
249;1;Lugia;Flying,Psychic;550;1;440,36;0;5;10,6012592593;52;2160;82;1;" Lugia folding back its platesLugia is a large Pokémon that resembles a dragon, a plesiosaur, and a bird. It is primarily silver-white, but it has blue undersides with slightly varying tones. It has a ridged mouth similar to a beak, although it has pointed teeth on its lower jaw. Its head has a point to the back, and Lugia's eyes have pointed blue or black spikes on them. Lugia has a long, slender neck and a smooth, streamlined body. Dark blue or black plate-like protrusions run down the length of its back, and there are two smaller, more pointed ones on the end of its tail. It can fold back these plates to increase its speed. Lugia is covered in many scales that protect it from attacks. It has large wings that resemble hands. Though it is gender unknown, a young Lugia has been observed, suggesting there is a breeding population. Lugia has been shown to be fiercely protective of its young.
Lugia leads the legendary birds. When they fight over territory, Lugia is the only Pokémon that can quell their ceaseless fighting, as observed in the second Pokémon movie. Much like the birds, it possesses the ability to control the weather, most notably, it can calm and give rise to storms. It is said that a light flutter of its wings is capable of causing winds powerful enough to tear a regular house down. If it were to flap its wings, it could hypothetically spawn storms lasting as long as 40 days. It is highly intelligent, and because of the devastating power it could accidentally inflict, it isolates itself deep underwater and tends to sleep in solitude. Lugia is the only known Pokémon that learns Aeroblast. It is extremely rare and is hardly ever seen. Lugia has been referred to as the guardian of the seas. There are rumors Lugia would appear during the night of a storm.
";lugia;lugia;lugia;lugia;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
250;1;Ho-oh;Flying,Fire;525;1;420,16;1;2;8,0231557789;38;1990;82;1;"Ho-Oh is an avian Pokémon resembling a phoenix and a peacock. Its feathers are predominantly gold and red, with yellow tail-feathers, a white underside, and green feathers at the tip of its wings. Ho-Oh has a green stripe on its neck, a yellow beak, black rings around its red eyes, and a feathered, yellow crest on its head. Ho-Oh's wings are prismatic, causing it to trail a rainbow behind it. It has darkly colored feet and legs with four toes and long talons.
Ho-Oh has a mythical power to resurrect the dead. Ho-Oh was the only known Pokémon to learn Sacred Fire, its former signature move. It is said that when it flies its huge wings create bright, colorful rainbows. The rare few who bear witness to Ho-Oh are promised eternal happiness. Ho-Oh used to perch at the top of the various towers located across the Johto region: the Bell Tower until the Brass Tower was destroyed by fire and the Goldenrod Tower in ancient times. It now presumably flies through the world's skies in search of a Trainer with a pure heart.
";ho-oh;ho-oh;ho-oh;ho-oh;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
251;1;Celebi;Grass,Psychic;505;2;404;0;5;48,48;6;50;190;1;" Celebi sensing a temporal anomalyCelebi is a green, fairy-like Pokémon. It has round toeless feet, three-fingered hands, and clear wings on its back. It has a round head that comes to a curved point. It has large baby-blue eyes with thick black rings around them, and a pair of green antennae with blue tips.
Often found in forests, Celebi is a Mythical Pokémon, known in legend as the ″Voice of the Forest.″ It is able to travel through time and exist simultaneously throughout time, and plant life flourishes wherever it has been. As seen in the anime, it is able to bring deceased Celebi back to life and restore plants to perfect health. Celebi also has the ability to heal wounds. It was shown in Pokémon Colosseum that Celebi has the power to instantly cause the Purification of any Shadow Pokémon and can be summoned at Relic Forest with the melody of a Time Flute.
Despite living in forests as its guardian, Celebi only shows itself in areas and times of peace. It has been regarded that as long as Celebi are seen throughout the world, a prosperous and bright future is still in store for the Pokémon world. As shown in the anime, it can sense if something is a temporal anomaly in their current timeline and will bring them back to their original timeline. Celebi has been referred to as a forest deity.
";celebi;celebi;celebi;celebi;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
252;1;Treecko;Grass;240;2;191,9;0;7;19,19;5;50;814;1;"Treecko is a small, green, bipedal reptilian Pokémon. It has yellow eyes with long, narrow pupils. Treecko's hands and feet each have three digits covered with tiny spikes. These spikes allow it to scale vertical walls with ease. Its stomach and throat are red. It also has a line across its stomach resembling a pouch. Treecko has a large, dark green tail with two separate lobes that it uses to sense humidity. This ability allows it to predict the next day's weather.
Treecko is rarely found in the wild and is more common in captivity. However, when in the wild, Treecko lives inside overgrown forests. It makes its home in tall trees and will attack anyone that comes near its nest. Because of its territorial nature, it is known to be the protector of the forest's trees. Treecko is known for its calm and collected personality. It will never panic under any circumstances, even when faced with a bigger foe.
";treecko;treecko;treecko;treecko;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
253;1;Grovyle;Grass;322;1;257,55;0;4;10,73125;9;216;574;1;"Grovyle is a bipedal Pokémon similar in appearance to a theropod dinosaur. It is primarily green with a red underside. There is a belt-like green stripe across its belly. Grovyle's hands have two clawed fingers and powerful legs with birdlike feet. Its well-developed muscles make it an expert climber and allow it to leap quickly from branch to branch. Grovyle has three long leaves on its wrists, a large leaf on top of its head, and two tails that have a leafy appearance. This leafy appearance allows it to be camouflaged in the forests where it lives. These leaves are also used in its former signature move, Leaf Blade.
";grovyle;grovyle;grovyle;grovyle;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
254;1;Sceptile;Grass;429;1;343,4;0;6;11,1835249042;17;522;283;1;" Sceptile climbing a wallSceptile is a reptilian, bipedal Pokémon. Its neck is somewhat long, and it has two crests on its head. It has semicircular, yellow eyes with red rims. Its lower jaw and a belt-like band across its waist are also red. Along its back, it has two lines running down the middle and two rows of yellow nodules that are described as seeds. Its tail is shaped similar to that of a palm tree's branch. Both of its long arms have two sharp, elongated leaves and three claws. These leaves allow it to use its former signature move, Leaf Blade.
As Mega Sceptile, its head crests become more pointed with a round portion missing from the middle. Red marking surrounds its eyes, which become smaller and more narrow. The yellow seeds down its back grow larger. The last pair of seeds turn red, while the pair above it turns orange. Red stripes encircle the base of its tail and run across its lower belly. The leaves on its wrists become more pointed, and the upper ones have red tips and half-circles cut out of the middles. Covering its chest and shoulders are plates of leaves similar to those that form its tail. Mega Sceptile's tail grows longer and develops a red stinger at the tip. Mega Sceptile can cut off a portion of its tail to fire it like a missile at an opponent. Its lost tail will continue regenerating as long as it still has the energy required for Mega Evolution.[1]
Sceptile is a jungle Pokémon. The seeds on its back contain nutrients, which are said to be able to revitalize trees. It is capable of leaping freely from branch to branch. While it has the ability to slice down thick trees, it is known to care lovingly for the plants in the forest. This Pokémon regulates its body temperature by basking in the sunlight.
";sceptile;sceptile;sceptile;sceptile;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
255;1;Torchic;Fire;240;2;191,9;0;4;30,704;4;25;814;1;"Torchic is a small, chick Pokémon with stubby, downy, yellow wings. Its body is covered with orange feathers. There is an orange and yellow crest on its head that resembles a flame. Its two thin legs and short beak are a light brownish yellow, and the feet have three toes in front and one in the back. A male Torchic will have a small black speck on its rear that is not present in females.
Somewhere in its belly, this Pokémon has a place where it keeps a flame. This internal flame causes Torchic to feel warm if hugged. When attacked, it will shoot fireballs of 1,800 °F (1,000 °C) at its foes, leaving them scorched black. It dislikes darkness, as it cannot see its surroundings. Torchic will follow its Trainer with unsteady steps. While Torchic is rarely found in the wild, it is known to inhabit grasslands.
";torchic;torchic;torchic;torchic;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
256;1;Combusken;Fighting,Fire;328;1;262,6;1;8;12,12;9;195;574;1;"Combusken is a bipedal, chicken-like Pokémon. Most of Combusken's upper body is yellow, while most of the lower body is orange. An orange, pointed design adorns the center of its waist at the dividing line of the two colors. It has orange eyes and a short, wide beak. There is a feather crest on top of its head with three orange points. This crest is smaller on female Combusken. Its tail is short and pointed. It has three, sharp claws at the ends of its long arms, and scaly, gray legs with well-developed thighs covered in shaggy feathers. Because of the training Combusken does by running through its grassland habitat, these legs are capable of delivering a barrage of kicks. While it is fighting, it is noisy and produces sharp cries that distract and intimidate its opponent.
";combusken;combusken;combusken;combusken;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
257;1;Blaziken;Fighting,Fire;442;2;353,5;0;2;12,9163461538;19;520;283;1;"Blaziken is a bipedal, chicken-like Pokémon. The majority of Blaziken's body is red with accents of beige, yellow, and gray. Behind its head, there are beige, hair-like feathers that continue downward and surround its chest and abdomen. It has a small red face with a V-shaped crest on its head. Blaziken's blue eyes are semicircular with yellow sclerae, and its mouth is similar to a hooked beak. It has featherless, gray hands with three fingers each, and three clawed toes that are not normally visible due to the shaggy, yellow feathers on the bottom of its legs. A female has a shorter mask and hair than a male.
Blaziken has strong, muscular legs that give it great lower body strength. This lower body strength helps its kicking and jumping abilities. Blaziken's wrists have gray wristband-like markings capable of producing a tuft of fire above them. Blaziken can also make flames spout from its ankles. This allows it to cloak its feet or fists, and it uses these abilities while practicing a form of martial art. These combined abilities allow it to use its former signature move, Blaze Kick. Its flames burn more intensely when it faces stronger opponents. Every several years, its old feathers burn off, and new, supple feathers grow back in their place. While Blaziken is rarely found in the wild, it is known to inhabit grasslands.
As Mega Blaziken, it loses its yellow markings and gains black markings on its upper legs and chest. Its hair-like feathers take on a wing-like shape and point upward, and the portion around its chest is rough around its shoulders. The crest on its head changes into a flat horn that curves backward. The fire it creates on its wrists is now longer. When Blaziken Mega Evolves into Mega Blaziken, it further hones the power of its kicks, always a source of pride to it. As it unleashes a flurry of savage kicks, its legs can begin to burn from the friction of the surrounding atmosphere. As Mega Blaziken's body temperature increases, its power and speed continue to ramp up. [1]
";blaziken;blaziken;blaziken;blaziken;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
258;1;Mudkip;Water;265;2;212,1;1;10;11,1631578947;4;76;814;1;"Mudkip is a small, amphibious, quadrupedal Pokémon. It has a blue body with a light-blue underside. Mudkip has a large head with a blue fin on top and a light-blue tail fin. It has black, beady eyes and orange, star-shaped gills on its cheeks. By using the fin on its head, Mudkip can detect changes in air and water currents as well as bodies of water. Its fin can also point in a certain direction, as seen in the anime. Mudkip is capable of moving or crushing boulders larger than itself. Its large tail fin provides powerful acceleration to propel it through the water.
According to its Pokémon Ranger browser entry, Mudkip is a very docile Pokémon. Mudkip is more commonly found in captivity, though it can be found in swamps and other wetlands. In the wild, it sleeps by burying itself in the soil at the water's edge.
";mudkip;mudkip;mudkip;mudkip;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
259;1;Marshtomp;Ground,Water;347;2;277,75;0;3;6,94375;7;280;574;1;"Marshtomp is an amphibious, bipedal Pokémon. Its body is primarily light-blue with a lighter shade of blue for its underside and an orange belly. Marshtomp's head has an angular black fin, orange eyes, and orange gills on the ends of both cheeks. It has long arms with three-fingered hands. Its feet have three small toes, and it has two black fins for tails. This Pokémon has a thin, sticky film enveloping its body that enables it to live on land. Its body weakens if its skin dries out, so it plays in the mud on beaches when the tide is low to replenish fluids. It is capable of moving faster through mud than water. With its sturdy legs, it has a good footing in mud that allows it to overwhelm struggling opponents. As its former signature move, Muddy Water is another special capability of this Pokémon. Marshtomp lives in swamps and other wetlands.
";marshtomp;marshtomp;marshtomp;marshtomp;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
260;1;Swampert;Ground,Water;455;1;363,6;1;3;6,6593406593;15;819;277;1;"Swampert is an amphibian-like Pokémon with a bulky frame and four thick limbs, the two longer ones at the front serving as arms while the shorter limbs provide support for the creature if it chooses to stand upright. Swampert is semi-bipedal. It can stand on its three-toed feet with a hunched posture, and pick up or grab objects with its hands, but when moving about it tends to run on all four limbs. It has orange conical gills that protrude from round patches on either side of its face. Two large fan-like black fins extend from the top of its orange eyes to the back of its head. Similarly, a black fan-like tail fin extends upward from its hindquarters. Swampert is predominantly cobalt with a white abdomen, orange gills, and similarly orange padding on all four limbs.
Swampert boasts the physical strength to easily drag a boulder weighing more than a ton, batter down opponents, and swim faster than a jet ski. It has keen eyesight, enabling it to see in murky waters. Swampert also has the ability to predict storms, sensing subtle differences in the sounds of waves and tidal winds with its fins. When a storm is approaching, Swampert will pile up boulders to protect its nest. It makes its nests on beautiful beaches. The reason Swampert covers itself in mud is that it wants to keep its skin moist.
As Mega Swampert, this Pokémon gains considerable bulk. Its upper body and arms become more muscular, bulging compared to its squat lower body. The orange padding on Swampert's thighs vanish, but it gains two additional patches of orange padding on each wrist and another patch on each shoulder. This padding and its gills become a darker, redder shade of orange, while the gills are now larger and bulbous, with filaments extending past its mouth. The black fins on its head are thicker and now extend down past its shoulders. The black tail fin is still shaped like an upward-turned fan, but it now forms a short ridge that extends up to this Pokémon's forehead, flanked on either side by the aforementioned head-fins. The webbed digits on Mega Swampert's ″hands″ take on a black color and now feature better defined articulations. According to the anime, Mega Swampert fills the organs on its back with air before diving underwater or battling, it uses that pressure to increase the power of its punches.
";swampert;swampert;swampert;swampert;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
261;1;Poochyena;Dark;202;1;161,6;1;9;5,9411764706;5;136;868;1;"Poochyena is a quadrupedal Pokémon similar in appearance to hyenas and canines. Its body is primarily gray with a black face and throat, paws, and belly. Its eyes are red with yellow sclerae, and it has a red nose. Its lower jaw has two pointed teeth sticking out. The fur at the base of its tail is rumpled and shaggy. Poochyena has gray paw pads on its three-toed paws.
Poochyena has a very keen sense of smell, allowing it to find and chase its prey with ease. It takes a bite at anything that moves and makes the hair on its tail bristle out to try to intimidate its foes. Known for its tenacious nature, it chases after prey until the victim becomes exhausted. If its prey strikes back, it may turn tail. It is omnivorous and will eat anything. This Pokémon lives in grasslands, savannas, and forests.
";poochyena;poochyena;poochyena;poochyena;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
262;1;Mightyena;Dark;379;1;303;1;5;8,1891891892;10;370;559;1;"Mightyena is a quadrupedal Pokémon that is based on a hyena. Its fur is mostly short and gray, but there is shaggy black fur on its lower legs, tail, and in two thick strips starting behind its eyes and running the length of its body. It has dark, triangular streak patterns below its eyes, which are red with yellow sclerae. Its ears are rhombus-shaped with dark insides, its nose is red, and it has gray paw pads.
Mightyena lives in a pack in the wild. As a member of this pack follows the orders of its leader and chases down prey. It gives obvious signals when it is about to attack, as it starts to growl deeply and flattens its body. Mightyena defeats foes with perfectly coordinated teamwork. If its Trainer is very experienced, it will always obey their orders. As depicted in the anime, Mightyena is prone to licking the faces of the people it's fond of. This species lives in grasslands and savannas.
";mightyena;mightyena;mightyena;mightyena;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
263;1;Zigzagoon;Normal;213;1;170,69;0;1;3,9014857143;4;175;856;1;"Zigzagoon is a raccoon-like, quadrupedal Pokémon with bristly, zigzag-patterned fur. It has stripes formed by alternating layers of cream and brown fur. It has a brown head with spiky ears and a black nose. A black mask-like pattern surrounds its brown eyes. The upper half of its mouth is jagged, and when it is open, there are two pointed teeth in its lower jaw. Its feet have three claws and pink paw pads. Its fore feet are cream-colored, but the hind feet are brown. Its brush tail is spiky and bristly.
Zigzagoon native to Galar generally look similar to its Hoennian counterpart with a few differences, most notably its black-and-white fur. Its red eyes are surrounded by a black spiked mask-like pattern somewhat resembling stars. Its fore feet are black with white claws, while its hind feet are white with black claws. It has a long pink tongue that is constantly hanging outside of its mouth, between its lower teeth. This Galarian form of Zigzagoon is believed to be the earliest, and thus the original, instance of the species.
Zigzagoon is abundantly curious, as it wanders restlessly back and forth while rubbing its nose to the ground in search of something. It always moves in a zigzag fashion, and leaves behind distinct zigzag footprints as it runs. It rubs its bristly back hair against trees to mark its territory and plays dead to fool opponents in battle. The Zigzagoon found outside of Galar are friendlier and calmer compared to their Galarian relatives. Zigzagoon are capable of finding items in the grass or ground, including items that were lost. It is found commonly in grassy fields.
Much like the Zigzagoon found outside of Galar, Galarian Zigzagoon are known to be constantly on the move and never settling down. It is believed that Galarian Zigzagoon's restless temperament is what originated the zigzag movements observed on both forms of the species. Their known habitat stretches the entirety of Galar, being found in fields, forests, and towns. They enjoy battling to the point where they often attempt to provoke others into fighting them. While this succeeded with other Pokémon, humans instead tend to mistake it as wanting affection, much to the Zigzagoon's frustrations.[1]
";zigzagoon;zigzagoon;zigzagoon;zigzagoon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
264;1;Linoone;Normal;390;2;312,09;1;9;4,8013846154;5;325;559;1;"Linoone is a slender-bodied, quadrupedal Pokémon. Most of its fur is colored white, but it has several brown stripes. One long stripe stretches the length of its body before ending in an arrowhead shape on its forehead. There are additional stripes on each side of its bushy tail and on its cheeks. It has sharp, elongated claws and small pointed teeth. It has small, tuft-like ears, long cheek fur, and blue eyes.
Linoone can run up to 60 miles per hour, but it can only run in a straight line, and has to stop before it can make a turn. Because of this behavior, it often fails to catch prey, and struggles on roads that are curving or winding. When it sees prey underwater in ponds, it leaps in and uses its razor-sharp claws to catch and take it down. Linoone's fur is strong and supple, and the shed hairs are used to make high-quality shaving brushes. As shown in the anime, Linoone has an attraction to anything round and will grab any orb-shaped object it sees if given the chance. It often carries a snatched object in its expandable cheek pouches and deposits it in any of a number of secret stashes it keeps on its territory. Linoone tends to live in grasslands.
Galarian Linoone has a black-and-white color scheme, with longer fur on its ears. Around its red eyes are patterned stripes shaped like a shooting star. It has longer claws with gray fur surrounding the front feet, and it has a long red tongue that sticks out of its mouth.
Galarian Linoone are known to be rash and fearless, preferring to recklessly challenge opponents that are stronger than itself. Linoone is known to use its long tongue to taunt opponents. Once the foe is fully enraged, Linoone will hurl itself at them, tackling them by force. These traits make Galarian Linoone very popular among unhappy and angry youths in Galar, who have nowhere to take out their anger and frustrations. By charging at up to 60 miles per hour, it can deliver powerful Tackles and Headbutts with enough destructive force to even knock away a car. Linoone can be thrown off balance should it miss, however.[1] The harsh environments in the Galar region, along with the fierce competition among the species, allows Linoone's survival instincts to improve, leading to the ability to evolve into Obstagoon.[2]
";linoone;linoone;linoone;linoone;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
265;1;Wurmple;Bug;183;1;146,45;1;4;12,2041666667;3;36;883;1;"Wurmple is a small, caterpillar-like Pokémon. Its body is mainly red with a cream underside and face. It has large yellow eyes with dark pupils. It has one sharp yellow stinger on its head and two of them on its rear. It has a tall, erect, red spine behind its forehead and a similar, smaller spine behind that. It has small spikes running down the top portions of its body and five pairs of stubby white limbs.
Wurmple has suction pads at the tips of its feet, which allow it to cling to glass or tree branches without slipping. It can spit white silk that turns gooey when exposed to the air. It can release poison from its tail spikes, which can weaken and poison foes. Wrumple's diet consist of sap. Wurmple are abundant and lives in forests. It eats leaves and pulls bark off trees to feed on the sap. It is unknown why Wurmple evolves into either Silcoon or Cascoon, not even Wurmple's appearance gives a hint to which form it will evolve into.
Taillow, Swellow, and Starly are natural predators of Wurmple.
";wurmple;wurmple;wurmple;wurmple;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
266;1;Silcoon;Bug;196;1;156,55;0;7;9,393;6;100;784;1;"Silcoon is a cocoon-like Pokémon that uses silk to attach itself to tree branches. It is almost completely covered in white silk with only two small holes. A pair of red eyes can be seen through the holes, but they are partially hidden by a rough fringe of silk. The silk forms a hard cocoon that it can use to repel enemy attacks.
Dew and rainwater collect on the silk, which provides Silcoon with nourishment. Silcoon lives in forests, where it conserves energy by moving as little as possible. Due to its cocoon, Silcoon cannot extend a limb or move while in this state. However its eyes can still move, allowing Silcoon to keep a close eye out for danger.
";silcoon;silcoon;silcoon;silcoon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
267;1;Beautifly;Flying,Bug;309;2;247,45;0;7;8,713028169;10;284;481;1;"Beautifly is a butterfly-like Pokémon with two pairs of wings. It has large blue eyes and black antennae with rounded tips. Its face, underside, and four stubby limbs are gray, while the rest of its body is black. The main body of its wings are black with large, yellow markings, and smaller red and blue markings. The upper pair of wings are larger and have a line of yellow along the top edge, while each of the lower wings has a long, round-tipped extension on the bottom. The female's wings have smaller red spots than the male's.
Beautifly has a long and curled black proboscis that it uses to drain bodily fluids from its prey. Additionally, this aggressive Pokémon will jab at foes with its proboscis if it is disturbed while collecting pollen. Beautifly is easily recognized by the colorful pattern on its wings. Beautifly is known for its beauty and colorful look. However, Beautifly is also known to be very greedy, especially when its favorite food, nectar, is involved. It is willing to drive away any Combee, that way it can keep the nectar all to itself. A potted flower near a window is known to draw in Beautifly. The preferred habitats of a Beautifly are forests, where it rides the spring winds while searching for pollen.
";beautifly;beautifly;beautifly;beautifly;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
268;1;Cascoon;Bug;196;1;156,55;1;9;9,5291304348;7;115;877;1;"Cascoon is a round, cocoon-like Pokémon. It is covered in purple silk, except for two holes where its red eyes are visible. The soft silk hardens into a tough cocoon that is able to endure attacks, and Cascoon will not move even when it is attacked. However, it never forgets the pain it endures and seeks revenge upon evolution.
It lives in forests, where it hides underneath large leaves and inside the gaps of tree branches. Additionally, it camouflages itself by attaching dead leaves to its body. As its cells create energy for evolution, the inside of the cocoon becomes hot. Cracks start to form in its casing when evolution is near. Cascoon's silk is said to be thin yet very strong, plus a gentle feeling superior to its Silcoon counterpart. The silk from Cascoon can be used to make incredible clothing said to be top-notch.
";cascoon;cascoon;cascoon;cascoon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
269;1;Dustox;Poison,Bug;309;1;247,45;0;3;9,396835443;12;316;595;1;"Dustox is a moth-like Pokémon with two pairs of wings. It has a purple, egg-shaped body with a jagged fringe on its rear. Its tattered, green wings are wide and flat, forming a disc-shape around its body. They have red markings in the form of rings and streaks, a darker green line around the edges, and contain toxic dust. This Pokémon has two pairs of red, stubby legs and yellow, stylized compound eyes. There is a pair of fuzzy, yellow antennae on top of Dustox's head, which are smaller on the female.
These antennae are used to seek food. Dustox is nocturnal and is instinctively drawn to light. Dustox are known to be active during sunset and the night. Swarms are attracted by the bright light of cities where they wreak havoc by stripping the leaves off roadside trees for food. Bonfires at night can also draw in Dustox swarms. Dustox are known to violently attack foes by unleashing toxic dust from the scales spread from its wings. These toxins are powerful enough to make even a pro wrestler sick. As a result, people from settlements often have a difficult time driving away any Dustox swarms. It lives in forests.
";dustox;dustox;dustox;dustox;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
270;1;Lotad;Water,Grass;164;1;131,3;0;2;25,25;5;26;868;1;"Lotad is a small, blue Pokémon with six stubby legs. It has large eyes and a wide, yellow mouth similar to a bill. A large leaf that resembles a lilypad covers its back. This large leaf allows Lotad to float across ponds, and it will sometimes ferry smaller Pokémon on its back in this manner. However, the leaf will wilt if Lotad becomes dehydrated. Its size and weight prevent Lotad from living on land, but, on rare occasions, it travels on land in search of clean water.
";lotad;lotad;lotad;lotad;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
271;1;Lombre;Water,Grass;265;2;212,1;1;6;7,8313846154;12;325;643;1;"Lombre is a bipedal Pokémon that is mostly green with some light blue markings. Its face, ears, arms, and back are light-blue. It has stubby, round ears, large eyes with small pupils, and a red bill-like mouth. There is a large lilypad on its head, which has a notch in it and resembles a sombrero. Lombre has long arms with four red fingers and a thumb on each hand and feet with three toes. Its entire body is covered in a thin, slimy film that creates an unpleasant sensation when touched. Lombre is sometimes mistaken for a human child.
Lombre is a nocturnal Pokémon that sleeps on a bed of water grass during the day. Very mischievous, this Pokémon will tug on fishing lines from underwater and pop out to startle people. It feeds on aquatic moss that grows on rocks in the riverbed.
";lombre;lombre;lombre;lombre;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
272;1;Ludicolo;Water,Grass;366;1;292,9;0;8;7,9881818182;15;550;352;1;"Ludicolo is a bipedal Pokémon that appears to be a mixture of a pineapple and a duck. There is a green, sombrero-like growth on its head that is similar to a lily pad. Growing out of the top of its head is a short brown stem with a yellow spiky upper portion. Ludicolo has black eyes surrounded by a patch of green and an orange bill. Its body is covered with shaggy yellow fur and has several zigzagging brown stripes. The female has thinner stripes than the male.
Ludicolo has large, green hands with two black lines on its palms, and thick green legs with a black circle on the underside of its feet. Ludicolo becomes more powerful when it hears festive music and will appear near laughing children on hikes. As it becomes more energetic and active, it will break into a dance. Being the result of evolution via Evolution stone, Ludicolo is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found near the water's edge.
";ludicolo;ludicolo;ludicolo;ludicolo;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
273;1;Seedot;Grass;202;1;161,6;1;2;20,2;5;40;868;1;"Seedot is a small, brown Pokémon that resembles an acorn. A beige, mask-like pattern covers its large black eyes, and it has two beige feet. It has a gray ″cap″ with a short stem on top of its head. The stem is used to hang from tree branches in its forest home. While hanging, this Pokémon absorbs moisture and nutrients from the tree until it becomes too heavy and falls to the ground. The more it drinks, the glossier its body becomes. Additionally, Seedot polishes itself with leaves once daily. If it remains still, it can be mistaken for a nut and startles others by moving suddenly. Pidgey is a natural predator of Seedot.
";seedot;seedot;seedot;seedot;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
274;1;Nuzleaf;Grass,Dark;303;1;242,4;0;6;8,6571428571;10;280;643;1;"Nuzleaf is a bipedal Pokémon with a single green leaf atop its head. The leaf is smaller on the female. This Pokémon is mostly brown with a beige mask marking on its face. Its bulky thighs are also beige and have thin striations, and there are what appear to be two nipples on its chest. It has thin arms with mitten-like hands. If its long, pointed nose is grabbed, Nuzleaf will lose its power.
Using the leaf on its head as a flute, it makes music with leaves that creates a sense of unease in people. However, it can also play comforting melodies. Nuzleaf lives in tropical forests and is skilled at climbing, but it will come out of the forest to frighten people. It has an odd power that manifests as the move Extrasensory, its former signature move.
";nuzleaf;nuzleaf;nuzleaf;nuzleaf;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
275;1;Shiftry;Grass,Dark;417;1;333,3;1;9;7,269966443;13;596;352;1;"Shiftry is a bipedal, portly Pokémon that appears to be made of wood. A shaggy white mane covers most of its face and trails down its back. Long pointed ears poke out the top of its mane, and it has a long, pointed nose and a large mouth with teeth that are usually bared. Its eyes are yellow with black sclerae. This Pokémon's feet resemble Japanese tengu-geta. Three broad leaves with brown spokes form each of its hands and are used to create powerful winds close to 100 feet (30 meters) per second in speed. A female will have smaller leaves than the male.
Shiftry is a wicked, mysterious, and very rare Pokémon that lives atop ancient trees in deep tropical forests. It arrives with chilly, wintry winds and is feared by people as the guardian of the forest. It can read an opponent's mind and then take preemptive action. In the anime, it was shown to lead large groups of Seedot and Nuzleaf.
";shiftry;shiftry;shiftry;shiftry;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
276;1;Taillow;Normal,Flying;265;2;212,1;0;9;27,6652173913;3;23;838;1;"Taillow is a small bird Pokémon with dark blue feathers. A red marking with pointed tips stretches from its chest to its forehead, and it has a white underside. It has narrow brown eyes and a short yellow beak. It has elongated wingtips and black feet with yellow talons. Each foot has three toes facing forward and one backward. Two sharply pointed feathers form its tail.
Taillow is very gutsy and will stand up to powerful opponents without backing down. During the cold season, this Pokémon will fly over 180 miles (300 kilometers) per day to search for areas that have warm climates. It typically hunts Wurmple, but flocks have also been shown eating crops in the anime. When it is hungry, it will weaken and cry loudly.
";taillow;taillow;taillow;taillow;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
277;1;Swellow;Normal,Flying;417;2;333,3;1;5;11,7833333333;7;198;547;1;"Swellow is a large, dark-blue bird Pokémon with a red breast and face. A crest of feathers sweeps back from the top of its head. A blue stripe separates the red markings on its head and chest, and it has a white underside. It has small, narrow eyes, a pointed, yellow beak, and red feet with black talons. Each foot has three forward-facing toes and one pointed backward. Two long, pointed feathers with red tips form its tail and are an indication of good health when standing up straight. Swellow's wings taper to a sharp point. An impressive dive-bomber, it will never miss its target. Additionally, it takes great pride in its glossy plumage and often cleans the wings of other Swellow. It searches for warm meadows while in the air. Swellow preys on Wurmple.
";swellow;swellow;swellow;swellow;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
278;1;Wingull;Flying,Water;234;2;186,85;1;2;11,8010526316;6;95;838;1;"Wingull is a small, white Pokémon similar in appearance to a seagull. Its head makes up a large portion of its body, and it appears to lack a neck. Wingull has thin, simplistic eyes, two triangular tufts on top of its head, and an orange beak with a hooked, black tip. Three blue-tipped feathers give it a fan-like tail and its small, orange feet have two webbed toes. Wingull has long, flat wings with light blue stripes near the tips.
By extending its wings, it can catch updrafts and glide across the sky. Wingull folds its wings only when it is resting. It builds its nests on steep cliffs by the sea, and habitually hides prey and valuables in various locations using its beak. In Alola, Wingull's main predator is Talonflame, which attacks and catches them with powerful kicks. It circles above oceans looking for its favorite food, Wishiwashi, to eat. Fishermen use this skill to locate areas teeming with fish Pokémon. It also loves to eat Finneon who jump up on the sea surface.
";wingull;wingull;wingull;wingull;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
279;1;Pelipper;Flying,Water;347;2;277,75;1;3;11,9035714286;12;280;547;1;"Pelipper is a pelican-like Pokémon whose head and bill make up the majority of its body. It has white feathers with a short, blue crest on top of its head. There are three blue digits on each of its wide wings, and it has blue feet with three webbed digits. Each eye is made of two black semicircles with a horizontal white line between them. Its large yellow bill appears to extend along its underside.
Inside Pelipper's bill is a throat pouch that it uses to carry eggs and small Pokémon such as Pyukumuku, and is large enough to fit a small child in. Skimming across the top of waves, it scoops food from the sea and swallows it in one gulp. It can swallow up to 30 Wishiwashi in one go. It builds its nest on steep cliffs facing the sea. Young male Pelipper are in charge of gathering food and bringing it back to others at its nest. It can also be seen bobbing in the ocean while resting its wings. It loves to eat abandoned Luvdisc that are too despondent to be wary near the sea surface.
";pelipper;pelipper;pelipper;pelipper;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
280;1;Ralts;Fairy,Psychic;149;2;119,18;0;8;7,223030303;4;66;880;1;" Ralts's eyes seen from belowRalts is a humanoid Pokémon with a white body. It has thin arms and legs that widen toward the feet. There is a wispy extension trailing off the back of its feet, creating the overall impression of a nightgown or oversized dress. Most of its face is covered by green hair that resembles a bowl cut, but a pair of pinkish-red eyes is sometimes visible. There are two flat, red horns on top of its head: a large one toward the front and a smaller one at the back.
Ralts uses the horns to read people and Pokémon's emotions. Warm feelings cause its body to warm as well, but it hides if it senses hostility. If its Trainer is in a cheerful mood, Ralts also becomes cheerful and joyous. It is known to inhabit urban areas, but it does not normally show itself to humans. However, when it senses happy feelings, it will approach people. Ralts prefers to hang out with people of cheerful nature more than those with gloomy natures. Regardless, Ralts will show no discrimination to anyone.
";ralts;ralts;ralts;ralts;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
281;1;Kirlia;Fairy,Psychic;199;1;159,58;1;2;6,32;8;202;709;1;"Kirlia is a bipedal, maiden-like humanoid Pokémon that appears to be wearing a tutu. Most of its body is colored white, and there are three ruffles on each hip. Beneath the ruffles, it has skinny green legs with long, pointed feet. Its arms are also thin with two digits each. It has green hair that covers most of its face and reaches its shoulders on either side, resembling two ponytails. Large, red eyes are visible on either side of the hair that covers its face. On each side of its head is a flat, crimson horn that resembles a hairpin.
Kirlia's horns are used to amplify its psychokinetic power and distort the air around it. The distortion in the air causes scenery mirages and can cause a rip in dimensions. This ability also allows Kirlia to see into the future. It enjoys dancing on sunny mornings, and grows beautiful when exposed to a Trainer with positive emotions. Kirlia inhabits urban areas.
";kirlia;kirlia;kirlia;kirlia;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
282;1;Gardevoir;Fairy,Psychic;351;1;280,78;0;6;9,2819834711;16;484;301;1;"Gardevoir is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon whose body resembles a flowing gown. Most of its body is white, but its hair, arms, and the underside of its gown are green. Its hair curls over its face and down the sides of its head. Behind its red eyes are short spikes, resembling a masquerade mask. It has long arms with three fingers on each hand and slender white legs. A red, fin-like horn extends from its chest, and a shorter, more rounded horn extends from the back. A band of green on its chest extends to the center of the front horn and connects to its sleeve-like arms.
As Mega Gardevoir, it turns almost completely white, only its hair remains green. Its gown becomes longer and wider, resembling a bridal gown. The forearms are slightly thicker with a pointed extension above the elbow, resembling gloves. Its facial spikes are larger and now curl upwards. In contrast, its hair is now shorter and more tightly curled. There are now two horns in the center of its chest, extending to either side. These horns are said to be a physical manifestation of this Pokémon's heart, and it is able to use tremendous psychic power now that it is open.[1]
Gardevoir is able to see the future using its psychic powers. Additionally, it is able to create small black holes, distort dimensions, and support itself without feeling the pull of gravity. Its power reaches its peak when protecting its Trainer, whom it will protect with its life. This Pokémon inhabits urban areas.
";gardevoir;gardevoir;gardevoir;gardevoir;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
283;1;Surskit;Bug,Water;211;2;168,67;0;0;49,6088235294;5;17;838;1;"Surskit is a blue insectoid Pokémon. There are semicircular pink markings under its dark, circular eyes. It has a round body with four long, skinny legs extending from it. On top of its head is a yellow cap with a single antenna that secretes a thick, sugary syrup or a sweet scent. The syrup is exuded as a defense mechanism, while the scent can attract prey. This Pokémon can also secrete oil from the tips of its feet, which enables it to walk on water as though skating. Surskit inhabits ponds, rivers, and similar wetlands, where it feeds on microscopic, aquatic organisms. However, it sometimes appears in puddles after a rainstorm. In its natural habitat, Surskit has been known to compete with Dewpider over food.
";surskit;surskit;surskit;surskit;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
284;1;Masquerain;Flying,Bug;318;1;254,52;1;1;56,56;8;36;565;1;"Masquerain is a light blue Pokémon with two pairs of rhombus-shaped wings on each side of its body. Its head is shaped like an elongated teardrop with a pink face and round, black eyes. On either side of its head is a large antenna that resembles an angry eye. The antennae are white with pink along the lower rim. White lines along the rim resemble eyelashes, while a large, dark pink dot in the middle represents the pupil or iris. These eyespots are used to intimidate enemies.
Masquerain's four wings allow it to fly in any direction and hover, but it cannot fly when its wings are wet. Additionally, rainy weather causes its antennae to become heavy and droop. In order to protect its wings and antennae, this Pokémon will shelter under trees or the eaves of houses. Masquerain lives on water's edge.
";masquerain;masquerain;masquerain;masquerain;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
285;1;Shroomish;Grass;246;1;196,95;1;1;17,5066666667;4;45;823;1;"Shroomish is a small Pokémon similar to a mushroom. It has beady black eyes and a half-triangle-shaped mouth. Its upper body is beige with frilled segments along the bottom and a small opening at the top. There are green spots marking its upper body, while its lower body is completely green. It has small, round feet and no visible arms or hands. When it senses danger, it shakes its body and scatters toxic spores from the top of its head. These spores can make trees and weeds wilt and cause whole-body pain if inhaled. Shroomish lives in tropical forests. During the day, it hides under fallen leaves in the shade. It eats composted soil in forests, which is made up of fallen, rotten leaves.
";shroomish;shroomish;shroomish;shroomish;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
286;1;Breloom;Fighting,Grass;429;1;343,4;0;6;10,512244898;12;392;517;1;"Breloom is a bipedal, mushroom-like Pokémon with some kangaroo-like qualities. Most of its body is green, but its head to its neck and its tail are beige. On top of its head is a green, mushroom-like cap with beige gills underneath and a round, red berry-like growth with a hole in the middle on either side. It has oval, black eyes, a beak-like mouth, and frilled segments around the base of its neck. There are two red claws on each of its hands and feet. At the end of its tail, there are seed clusters made of hardened toxic spores that are horrible to eat.
Breloom can stretch its short arms to deliver fast punches. Additionally, it has light, springy footwork that allows it to get close to opponents. Another way it closes in on opponents is by incapacitating them with spores released from the holes in its cap. Its technique is equal to that of professional boxers. It prefers to live in tropical forests, where it feeds on decomposing trees and plants.
";breloom;breloom;breloom;breloom;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
287;1;Slakoth;Normal;265;2;212,1;1;4;7,07;8;240;832;1;"Slakoth is a brown, quadrupedal Pokémon with sloth-like qualities. It has coarse, shaggy fur with two dark brown stripes on its back. There is a scruff of fur on top of its head, and it has a large, pig-like pink nose, pink eyelids, and dark rings around its eyes. It has long, lanky arms, but shorter legs. Each paw has two sharp claws, and there are pink paw pads on the back feet. Its underbelly and rear are also pink.
Slakoth lolls around and sleeps for more than twenty hours a day, which can make those around it drowsy. Since it does not move very much, it does not need much food and only eats three leaves each day. Its heart only beats once a minute. It is capable of regaining lost energy through the use of its former signature move, Slack Off. It makes its nest in tropical forests, and keeps the same one during its entire life. However, it can travel far by swimming in rivers.
";slakoth;slakoth;slakoth;slakoth;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
288;1;Vigoroth;Normal;417;1;333,3;0;1;10,0348387097;14;465;538;1;"Vigoroth is a white, sloth-like, bipedal Pokémon with a teardrop-shaped tuft of red fur on its forehead. It has stubby ears, two small, triangular teeth in each jaw, a brown lower jaw, and large eyes encircled by brown rings. There are two stripes on its back, which are also brown. Its arms are long, and its hands and feet have two sharp black claws. The undersides of its hands and feet have circular red pads, and its rear also has a baboon-like patch of red. The fur on its chest, tail, and sides of its maw are shaggy.
Vigoroth's heart beats at a tenfold tempo, and it cannot sit still for even a minute. Attempting to stand still or sleep raises its stress level and agitates its blood. It likes to go berserk by spinning its arms to destroy anything in its path. It runs wild through the jungle. Due to its rampages, it is always hungry.
";vigoroth;vigoroth;vigoroth;vigoroth;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
289;1;Slaking;Normal;644;2;515,1;1;5;7,8942528736;20;1305;244;1;"Slaking is a large, bulky, ape-like bipedal Pokémon. Most of its shaggy fur is brown, along with the semi-circle patterning under its eyes. Its face, chest, hands, and feet are lighter in color. Its brows are thick and jutting, and it has a large, pink, pig-like nose. Around its neck is a white collar of fur that extends over the top of its head before ending in a small tuft. It has large, five-fingered hands and two-toed feet.
During most of the day, Slaking lolls around and sleeps. It is considered the laziest Pokémon, but even when it is lounging it's saving energy. It can exert a lot of power by releasing built-up energy all at once and can regain lost energy through the use of its former signature move, Slack Off. Slaking lives in tropical forests, where it feeds on grass and ripened fruit that falls from trees. It only moves around when there is no more food within reach for it to eat.
";slaking;slaking;slaking;slaking;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
290;1;Nincada;Ground,Bug;260;1;208,06;1;3;18,9145454545;5;55;841;1;"Nincada is a small, whitish, insectoid Pokémon. It has a pointed snout, a thin stripe that dips in a V-shaped pattern between its eyes, and two whisker-like antennae on its face. Its eyes are black with green iris-like rings inside. As it is virtually blind, it uses its antennae to sense its surroundings. On its back is a pair of small, green wings. Its hind legs are white, but the forelegs are brown and have sharp claws.
The claws are used to carve into the roots of trees and absorb moisture and nutrients. Nincada builds underground nests at the roots of trees in tropical and temperate forests. It can occasionally live up to 10 years underground. It does not like sunlight, so it avoids it. Nincada is nearly blind due to living almost entirely underground, as such, it uses its antennae to see instead.
";nincada;nincada;nincada;nincada;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
291;1;Ninjask;Flying,Bug;449;2;359,56;0;6;23,9706666667;8;120;520;1;"Ninjask is a small, cicada-like Pokémon with two pairs of wings. Its body is mostly black with accents of yellow and gray. Most of its head is yellow, but there is a solid band of black between its gleaming red eyes. The band expands into a circular pattern on its forehead, between two pointed crests on the sides of its head. The underside of its head is gray and segmented, making it somewhat resemble a veil. On its back is a patch of black with a stretch of yellow, shaped like an upside-down letter Y. Most of its carapace and abdomen is black, but there is a ring of yellow near the tip. Its gray insectoid arms extend from its chest and usually have their small, yellow claws turned inward. There is a similar pair of back legs. It has large, veined wings with triangular, red tipping.
Ninjask is a very fast Pokémon that is said to be able to evade any attack and was long believed to be invisible due to its high speed. If it is not trained properly, it will refuse to obey its Trainer and cry loudly. Due to this, it is said to put the Trainer's abilities to the test. Hearing its loud cries for too long induces a headache. It lives in tropical and temperate forests, where it congregates around tree sap to feed.
";ninjask;ninjask;ninjask;ninjask;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
292;1;Shedinja;Bug,Ghost;222;1;177,76;0;4;118,5066666667;8;12;751;1;"Shedinja is a Pokémon based on a cicada's shed exoskeleton. Most of its body is light brown, but the abdomen is gray. It has four protrusions on its underside instead of legs, the top pair is brown, while the lower is gray. There are round protrusions on the side of its head with narrow slits for eyes. Two lines encircle its abdomen and a white halo floats above its head. On its back is a pair of tattered wings divided into three wingtips. A hole between its wings reveals that its body is completely hollow and dark, as it possesses no internal organs.
Shedinja is said to be a very strange and peculiar Pokémon due to how it is created from an empty shell. It has the ability to inhabit an empty Poké Ball after it evolves from Nincada. It is said that looking into this empty space will steal one's spirit. Its shell is very hard, which gives it strong defense but renders it incapable of movement. It does not breathe and floats without moving its wings. It lives in tropical and temperate forests.
";shedinja;shedinja;shedinja;shedinja;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
293;1;Whismur;Normal;210;2;167,66;1;10;6,1715337423;6;163;856;1;"Whismur is a mauve, bipedal Pokémon with a spherical body. Its eyes are black and shaped like plus signs, and it has a simple, wide mouth. Two small openings on top of its head act as its ear canals. Covering its ear canals are long, yellow-tipped flaps resembling rabbit ears. It has stubby arms and yellow-tipped feet that lack toes and have plus-shaped markings underneath. Above its small, plug-like tail is a yellow, crescent marking. There is a hole in the center of its tail.
Whismur are a timid species, being easily frightened by loud noises. Whismur's murmurs are barely audible, but when it senses danger, it lets out an ear-splitting cry as loud as a jet plane taking off. The cry of a Whismur is about 100 decibels and can cause an all-day headache should anyone be near it. Startled by its own cries, it will cry louder. When it finally stops crying, it will fall asleep from exhaustion. Because it breathes through its ear canals, it can cry continually. However, it will stop crying if its ear covers are shut. Whismur lives in caves.
";whismur;whismur;whismur;whismur;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
294;1;Loudred;Normal;311;2;248,46;1;7;6,1348148148;10;405;622;1;"Loudred is a purple, bipedal Pokémon with a square build. It has a large mouth with yellow lips and peg-like teeth in each corner. When its mouth is open, its large tongue and throat are visible. Above its prominent mouth is a stubby nose. On top of its head are two short stalks that support its circular ears. The inside of its ears have alternating black and purple rings, but there is only a single black ring on the back. There are yellow stripes on its back in a pattern that resembles sound waves. It has arms with three fingers and short legs with two peg-like toes. On the sole of each foot is a yellow circle.
Loudred is able to shout at high volumes by inhaling, then exhaling using powerful stomach muscles. Additionally, its round ears serve as loudspeakers and it will stomp its feet to build power. Its powerful voice can tip trucks, splinter wooden houses, and blow away its opponents, but it will be temporarily deaf when it finishes shouting. Loudred can be found in caves.
";loudred;loudred;loudred;loudred;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
295;1;Exploud;Normal;412;2;329,26;0;4;5,8796428571;15;840;352;1;"Exploud is a blue, bipedal Pokémon with a large mouth. It has red eyes, a stubby nose, and two peg-like teeth in each jaw. It has protruding tubes with holes along its body: seven forming a crest on top of its head, one on each elbow and knee, two along its back, and one at the end of each of its two tails. The tubes along its head-crest and tails are tipped with yellow, while the ones along its back have yellow semicircular patterns on either side. There are two yellow semicircle markings on its belly, but they are rarely seen due to its giant mouth. Its arms have three thin stripes below its elbow and three fingers. Each foot has four claws, three in the front and one in the back, and a yellow paw pad.
Exploud's uses the tubes on its body to draw in air and increase its noise-based attacks. Its bellowing is capable of triggering earthquakes and can be heard from over six miles away. While it only raises its voice when it is in battle, it can also communicate its feelings to others by producing whistle-like sounds. In the past, Exploud was used by distant cities as a way of communication. It lives in caves.
";exploud;exploud;exploud;exploud;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
296;1;Makuhita;Fighting;236;2;188,87;1;2;2,1859953704;10;864;859;1;"Makuhita is a bipedal Pokémon with a bulky build. Most of its body is yellow, but it has a black marking on its chest that extends around its neck. Its round hands resemble black boxing gloves, but its feet are yellow with two visible toes. On its cheeks are red, ring-shaped markings, and it has slit-like eyes. On top of its head is a knot, which causes it to resemble a punching bag.
Makuhita is very gutsy and never gives up, no matter how many times it is knocked down. Energy is built into its body each time it rises back up. Broken trees often surround its nest, because it trains by slapping and slamming into them. It is known to mistake Exeggutor for a tree, and gets flung away as a result. This Pokémon eats lots of food and gets plenty of sleep. Its rigorous training and lifestyle give it a sturdy body able to withstand any attack. It is the only known Pokémon to know the move Smelling Salts. It is found living and training in mountainous areas. Although initially brought from another region to Alola, Makuhita found in Alola are more famous than its region's counterparts.
";makuhita;makuhita;makuhita;makuhita;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
297;1;Hariyama;Fighting;472;1;377,74;1;0;3,4231757289;23;2538;502;1;"Hariyama is a large, bulky Pokémon that is modeled after a sumo wrestler. It has narrow eyes and rounded ears. On its head is a short, triangular crest. Dark blue hair grows across the tops of its eyes, around the head crest, and extends down its back to form a long ponytail. The upper half of its body is cream-colored, while the lower half is dark blue. Yellow extensions encircle its waist, resembling a skirt. There is a small, orange half-circle marking in the center of its torso just above the skirt. Hariyama has large hands with three fingers and small, two-toed feet. Both its hands and feet are orange.
Hariyama's body consists mostly of muscle instead of fat. When its body tenses, its muscles become as hard as stone. It likes to match power with other big-bodied Pokémon and can stomp the ground to build its own power. Trucks can be sent flying, telephone poles broken in two, and trains can even be stopped by its powerful slapping arms. They are kindhearted and practice etiquette, praising its battle opponents. As it grows older, it focuses more on training Makuhita. It is the only known Pokémon to know the move Smelling Salts. It lives in mountainous areas.
";hariyama;hariyama;hariyama;hariyama;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
298;1;Azurill;Normal,Fairy;164;1;131,3;1;5;13,13;2;20;886;1;"Azurill is a round, blue mouse Pokémon. It has circular ears with pink insides. There are two white dots on its cheeks, and it has black eyes. Its thin, black, zigzagging tail has a large blue ball at the end.
The ball is bouncy and packed with the nutrients it needs to be able to grow. The ball can also be used as a flotation device. It can be seen bouncing and playing on this rubbery tail. The tail can also be spun around like a lasso. When the tail is thrown, the body can go as far as 33 feet (10 meters). Though Azurill is typically docile, it swings the big ball on its tail to smash into opponents bigger than itself when angered. It lives at the water's edge, where they gather to splash around for fun on sunny days.
";azurill;azurill;azurill;azurill;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
299;1;Nosepass;Rock;303;1;242,4;1;7;2,4989690722;10;970;775;1;"Nosepass is a blue, angular, hard bipedal Pokémon that closely resembles the Easter Island Heads. Its bright red, triangular nose is highly magnetic and slightly resembles a 3D arrow. This nose functions as an electromagnet and always points north. It has arms and legs without any visible joints and small, circular holes on the undersides. Its arms resemble compass needles. It has similar circular holes on the sides of its head. Its eyes, covered by dark, somewhat mask-like markings, have the appearance of being closed.
Nosepass cannot go near others, since it would repel them with its magnetic nose. Its magnetism is stronger in cold seasons. To protect itself when in danger, it raises its magnetism and draws iron objects to its body. This technique is also used to capture prey, though it can pull natural enemies close too. Because it always points north, Nosepass has historically been used as a compass for travelers. Nosepass only moves a little over 3/8 of an inch each year, but can quickly spin its body into the ground like a drill during emergency situations. It lives in caves. Metang are natural predators of Nosepass.
";nosepass;nosepass;nosepass;nosepass;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
300;1;Skitty;Normal;240;1;191,9;0;7;10,4672727273;6;110;844;1;"Skitty is a pink, feline Pokémon with a stumpy body and four short legs. On its face is a cream-colored, crescent-shaped marking. It has slit-like eyes and tufted ears with purple interiors. Its slender tail has a bulky pink section at the end, terminated by three pin-like structures with yellow ball-like tips. In battle, its tail puffs out and it threatens opponents with a sharp growl.
It is fascinated by moving objects and chases them. It is known to chase its own tail and become dizzy from it. Although it can be difficult to earn its trust, it is very popular due to its adorable looks and behavior. It can use the moves of other Pokémon through the use of Assist, its former signature move. It lives in holes in trees in tropical and temperate forests.
";skitty;skitty;skitty;skitty;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
301;1;Delcatty;Normal;341;2;272,7;1;9;9,2015337423;11;326;601;1;"Delcatty is a quadrupedal, feline Pokémon with a mostly tan body. It has a pointed, whisker-like protrusion on each cheek. Its purple ears have three tufts of fur at the tips, and there is a purple ruff-like collar with pin-like extensions around its neck. It has slim legs with tiny, digitless paws. It also possesses a purple, flower-like tuft of hair on the end of its thin tail.
Delcatty is happy most of the time and rarely gets involved in conflicts. When it is disturbed, it just moves to another area instead of fighting. It prefers to do as it pleases at its own pace, so its daily routine is random. It is popular among female Trainers and used in competitions for its style and sublime fur. It is nocturnal and active at dusk. Being the result of an evolution via Evolution stone, Delcatty is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in tropical and temperate forests. It does not have a permanent nest and instead finds comfortable spots to sleep.
";delcatty;delcatty;delcatty;delcatty;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
302;1;Sableye;Ghost,Dark;316;1;252,5;0;8;11,4772727273;5;110;601;1;"Sableye is a bipedal Pokémon with a dark purple body, armed with sharp teeth and claws, which it uses to dig through soil. It has pale blue, gemstone-like eyes, which allow it to see in low light and sparkle in the dark. It also has a red gemstone on its chest, and its back has a blue and green gemstone as well as another red one. These gem-like eyes and adornments on its body are caused by its diet, which consists of rocks and raw gemstones. It also targets Carbink as prey, though they are usually taken by Gabite before Sableye can reach them. It is feared by people since it is said to steal a person's soul if they look into its eyes. It is nocturnal and is rarely seen. It lives in caves.
As Mega Sableye, all the energy from its Mega Evolution is concentrated into the red jewel on its chest, causing it to rip out of Sableye's skin and significantly increase in size, the detached jewel leaves a small hole in Mega Sableye's chest. Its ears elongate, and it gains a spike on the top of its head. Its teeth turn from white to yellow, and its eyes also change from pale blue to a crimson red, with diagonal slits at their inner edges. Its back gains more gems: a second green one, a second red one, and two small yellow gems. The enlarged jewel is said to boast such incredible hardness that no attack can even leave a scratch on it. During battle, Mega Sableye shelters itself behind the jewel, from where it can take advantage of any openings its target leaves exposed.[1] However, being forced to support its massive jewel leaves Sableye unable to turn quickly, making it vulnerable from behind.
";sableye;sableye;sableye;sableye;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
303;1;Mawile;Steel,Fairy;341;2;272,7;1;7;14,227826087;6;115;601;1;"Mawile is a short, bipedal Pokémon with a pale yellow body. Its three-fingered hands and two-toed feet are black. It has red eyes and a pair of long, black, ear-like extensions on either side of its head. Its legs have a thick covering, resembling a hakama or a pair of pants. Its most notable feature is a pair of large black jaws emerging from the back of its head. These jaws have a yellow, oval-shaped spot on their top surface. They contain ten sharp, metallic teeth - six on the top row and four on the bottom. While the jaws are actually transformed steel horns, Mawile can articulate them at will, using them to bite enemies with enough force to break an iron beam. The jaws also have a long pink tongue. This tongue is incapable of tasting, leading Mawile to use the jaws to eat food it does not like.
Mega Mawile has two sets of jaws protruding from the back of its head, and both sets have a spiky tuft of hair. It also seems to be able to control the jaws independently of one another.[1] The ear-like extensions on its head are longer and have tips with two points. Its legs have grown longer, and its ″pants″ are now magenta. Its arms now resemble thick sleeves, with magenta markings around the wrists.
Mawile is typically found in caves. It uses its non-threatening appearance to make foes underestimate it, then attacks with its giant jaws, sometimes swallowing its prey whole. When engaged in battle, Mawile usually has its back turned to the enemy to make better use of its jaws. Mega Mawile can use both its jaws to grip on prey and tear them apart. These jaws thrash around violently.
";mawile;mawile;mawile;mawile;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
304;1;Aron;Rock,Steel;316;2;252,5;1;4;1,6833333333;4;600;802;1;"Aron is a quadrupedal Pokémon with four stubby legs and a large round head. Its body is black with plates of gray armor covering its head, back, and legs. Throughout its body are small openings in the armor. There are six openings on its head, with the largest two being openings for its pale blue eyes and one opening on either side of the spike on its back. A single, blunt spike protrudes from its back.
Aron feeds on iron ore that it digs from mountains. It uses this ore to make its body. Sometimes, hunger will drive it to descend from the mountains to eat bridges and rails, which makes it a pest. It makes a new suit of armor after evolving, while its old discarded armor is salvaged for making iron products. People have been collecting Aron's shed armor since ancient times. With one all-out charge, it can demolish even a heavy dump truck. It lives on mountains.
";aron;aron;aron;aron;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
305;1;Lairon;Rock,Steel;417;1;333,3;1;7;2,49975;9;1200;547;1;"Lairon is a stocky, armored Pokémon with four short legs. Its body is dark gray, and its eyes are sky blue. Its back is covered with segments of iron armor, each with a high ridge and round dark holes on the sides. The sides of its lower jaw have several flat protrusions, and two teeth are visible in its mouth. There are two-pronged metal bands on its legs. The upper band is gray and the lower is silver.
Lairon smashes its steely body against others when battling over territory, and shows off its strength with the size of sparks it creates by ramming into rocks. Close inspection of Larion has revealed scratches and dents left on the armor from its conflicts. It drinks nutritious mineral spring water and feeds on iron contained in rocks. However it has gotten into conflict with humans over these territories in the past. It builds its nest on mountains where iron ore is buried, which results in it clashing with humans that are iron mining.
";lairon;lairon;lairon;lairon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
306;1;Aggron;Rock,Steel;518;2;414,1;1;1;2,4155833333;21;3600;283;1;"Aggron is a huge, bipedal Pokémon. It is primarily gray with plates of silver armor. The armor on its head has two pairs of holes with horns protruding from the foremost holes. Its forehead plating extends past its upper jaw in a small point. It has sky-blue eyes, and two nostril-like holes on the tip of its upper jaw. On the rim of its mouth are several pointed, fang-like protrusions and the nape of its neck and back have gray-silver armor sections. It has wide, blunt spikes on its shoulders and gray-silver bands on its arms and legs. Its hands and feet each have three claws. It has a thick, long, black tail that it can swing at enemies.
Mega Aggron is bulkier and more heavily plated than its previous state. The horns on its forehead are now shorter, and it has a third, wider horn on its nose. Using its horns, it is said to be able to destroy a steel tank.[1] A spike projects downward from both its upper and lower jaw. The protrusions on its shoulders are longer and curve toward its head, and new spikes thrust from holes in its armbands. Its tail is thicker with two bands around it.
The gouges in Aggron's armor from previous battles are worn as mementos. The more wounds it has, the more it has battled. It claims a large mountain as its territory and fiercely defends it from trespassers. If its environment is damaged by a flood or a forest fire, it will restore the area by bringing in topsoil and planting trees. It burrows through the strongest of bedrock and digs tunnels, as it searches for iron to eat. Its horns, which it uses to dig through bedrock when seeking food, grow a little longer at a time and can be used to determine its age. Aggron's horn is sharp enough to cut through steel and used as a ramming weapon to bring foes down. Long ago, there was a king who wore a helmet resembling an Aggron in an attempt to channel its strength.
";aggron;aggron;aggron;aggron;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
307;1;Meditite;Fighting,Psychic;234;1;186,85;1;4;10,0098214286;6;112;832;1;"Meditite is a humanoid, bipedal Pokémon that resembles a person meditating. It usually sits in a yoga position, with knees bent and feet together with its hands resting on its knees. Its lower body is blue, with white on the wrists, feet, and lower body. Its onion-shaped head is also white with large eyes and pink ovals on its cheeks. It has round, swirled ears on the sides of its head. These ears are higher up on a male than on a female.
Meditite heightens its inner energy and spiritual power through meditation, which also allows it to levitate. It trains hours a day, and never skips its daily yoga training. Meditite's training never ends, since it constantly loses concentration and focus while meditating. It eats one berry per day as part of training, which tempers its spirit and makes its senses sharper. It lives and trains on the mountains.
";meditite;meditite;meditite;meditite;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
308;1;Medicham;Fighting,Psychic;347;2;277,75;1;9;11,4626984127;13;315;568;1;"Medicham is a humanoid, bipedal Pokémon that resembles a yoga practitioner. It has a gray body with red and yellow adornments. A red headpiece with three bulb-like extensions covers the upper portion of its head: one on top and one on either side. The bulb on top is short on a female Medicham. Its large, focused eyes are slightly covered by the headpiece, and its red lips seem to be in a rounded or puckered position. Its legs appear to be covered with puffy, red pants that have a large yellow spot on the knees and yellow bands next to the hips.
As Mega Medicham, its headpiece now resembles a white turban with a yellow stone in the center. The red extension in the back is retained, and there are five white extensions on the turban, three extending from the stone and one on either side of its head. There is now a gold band on each wrist and additional gold bands around its waist. Several blue, teardrop-shaped decorations hang from the lowest hip band. Using its enhanced willpower, Mega Medicham has formed four ghost-like arms around itself. The more trained its spirit, the more realistic and dexterous its self-created arms become.[1]
Through the power of meditation and fasting, Medicham has developed a sixth sense. This allows it to use psychokinetic powers, and it heightens its energy to enhance this sixth sense. It battles with elegant, dance-like movements, which it uses to dodge attacks and launch devastating blows. The anime has shown that it can sense aura. It only eats once per month. It lives in fields and mountains. It will hide by using its powers to blend into its surroundings.
";medicham;medicham;medicham;medicham;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
309;1;Electrike;Electric;240;2;191,9;0;6;7,575;6;152;823;1;"Electrike is a green, canine Pokémon with yellow markings. It has a large head crest with angular, lightning-like markings on the side. Its snout has a yellow blaze, and four fangs are discernible when its mouth is open. It has a yellow stripe down its back. Each of its four legs has a spike, with the ones on its hind legs being longer. It has yellow crescent-shaped paw pads on its front feet, while the pads on its hind feet are circular. It has a small, pointed, yellow-tipped tail.
Using the electric charge found in its fur, Electrike stimulates its leg muscles and runs faster than the human eye can follow. It uses friction from the atmosphere to generate electricity. Because of this, its body gives off showers of sparks in seasons with arid air or before a storm. As shown in the anime, using metal brushes to groom the Electrike will cause the metal to conduct the electrical charge in the fur and subsequently shock the handler. It lives in grasslands and savannas.
";electrike;electrike;electrike;electrike;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
310;1;Manectric;Electric;391;1;313,1;0;9;11,6828358209;15;402;502;1;"Manectric is a canine, quadrupedal Pokémon. Its body is mainly blue with a spiky, yellow mane on its head and yellow tufts of fur on its haunches and around its front feet. Its mane sticks straight up and has three points. It has a jagged upper jaw, red eyes, and holes on either side of its head that seem to be its ears. Each of its paws has three claws. Its blue, spike-like tail is bent at a sharp angle.
The yellow mane on Mega Manectric is considerably larger than its previous state. The center spike on its head has shifted, and now forms a large, tilted growth that extends over its snout and has a point on either end. The remaining two head spikes are thinner, longer, and have small, pointed bulbs in place of the earholes. The mane now extends down the length of Mega Manectric's body, forming four additional spikes. One of these spikes extends down past the Pokémon's chest and has points on both ends. The tufts of fur on its haunches are now blue and form more numerous, thinner points. While it retains the yellow tufts around its front feet, they now have two short spikes extending backward. Finally, Mega Manectric lacks the sharply angled tail of its previous state and now has red claws.
Manectric gathers electricity in its mane and then discharges it. This process creates thunderclouds, which it uses in battle. Since lightning falls in its vicinity, it is said to have been born from lightning and make its nest where lightning has struck. It lives in grasslands and savannas, and rarely appears in front of people. When it Mega Evolves, its speed is explosive and is equal to a lightning bolt. However, its body becomes filled with such an incredible amount of electricity that Manectric is unable to fully control it all, thereby irritating it.
";manectric;manectric;manectric;manectric;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
311;1;Plusle;Electric;309;2;247,45;1;6;23,5666666667;4;42;574;1;"Plusle is a cream-colored bipedal Pokémon with red markings. It has a dot-like nose, and a cream-colored plus sign in the middle of its circular red cheeks. It has long, flat ears that are mostly red. Its limbs are stubby and digitless, and it has red front paws. Its short tail is tipped with a red plus sign.
Plusle can create sparkly pom-poms by shorting out the electrical current in its palms. It uses these pom-poms to cheer on its teammates and will cry loudly if they lose. It climbs telephone poles to absorb electricity. It lives in grasslands and savannas.
";plusle;plusle;plusle;plusle;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
312;1;Minun;Electric;309;2;247,45;0;9;23,5666666667;4;42;574;1;"Minun is a cream-colored bipedal Pokémon with blue markings. It has a dot-like nose, and a cream-colored minus sign in the middle of its circular blue cheeks. It has long, flat ears that are mostly blue. Its limbs are stubby and digitless, and it has blue front paws. Its short tail is tipped with a blue minus sign.
Minun cares more for its teammates than itself, sending off showers of sparks when it cheers for them. When its partner is in trouble, it gives off increasing amounts of sparks. It can create electric pom-poms for cheering. Its electrical current promotes blood circulation and energizes its target. It lives in grasslands and savannas. However, it will hide under the eaves of houses when it rains due to its dislike of water.
";minun;minun;minun;minun;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
313;1;Volbeat;Bug;351;1;280,78;1;0;11,1042937853;7;177;580;1;"Volbeat is a firefly-like, bipedal Pokémon. Its body is black with a blue chest and abdomen. There are two yellow stripes across its front: one on its chest and one near its legs. A red band separates each limb from its body and a thicker, incomplete one surrounds its shoulders. Two simple wings extend from the band around its shoulder. It has a blue face with yellow eyes, and curly, yellow antennae with black stripes. It has a spherical yellow tail, which glows to communicate and draw geometric patterns in the sky while in a swarm. Additionally, the glow allows it to use its former signature moves, Tail Glow and Signal Beam. This is a male only species, Illumise is its female counterpart. Volbeat is attracted by the sweet aroma given off by Illumise. It lives in forests near clean ponds, but will move if the pond becomes dirty.
";volbeat;volbeat;volbeat;volbeat;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
314;1;Illumise;Bug;318;1;254,52;0;4;8,6277966102;6;177;580;1;"Illumise is a firefly-like, bipedal Pokémon. It has a blue face and large, slanted blue eyes with purple markings at the corners. Surrounding its head are purple curls that frame its face. Its antennae are small and yellow. Its body is black with a blue belly and a yellow bid marking. Its arms and legs are black and are connected to the body by purple borders. It has small wings used for flying with others, and a pattern of three oblong yellow spots on its rear. This is a female only species, Volbeat is its male counterpart.
Illumise uses its sweet aromas to lure in Volbeat and have them draw geometric patterns in the sky. It is said to earn respect from others by composing designs that are more complex. Over 200 different patterns have been discovered. It is a nocturnal Pokémon that lives in forests.
";illumise;illumise;illumise;illumise;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
315;1;Roselia;Poison,Grass;278;1;222,2;1;9;33,33;3;20;580;1;"Roselia is a small, light green bipedal Pokémon. It has three thorns on top of its head, and it has black eyes with long eyelashes. Visible from the back is a small stretch of yellow coloration around its neck much like a collar. There are leaves extending from its shoulders like epaulettes. It has a leaf skirt with a yellow stripe running down the front. A male will have a shorter leaf than a female. It holds a rose in each of its hands, a red one in its right, and a blue one in its left. However, it is said that it will occasionally have unusually colored flowers.
Roselia's aroma brings serenity, but the thorns on its head contain a vicious poison. The more healthy it is, the more pleasant its flowers' aroma. It can lull opponents to sleep using its former signature move, Grass Whistle. It shoots sharp thorns at anything that tries to steal its flowers and uses different poisons in each hand when it attacks. It lives in grassy areas where it drinks nutrient-rich spring water. Roseilia's thorns are used as part of an old tradition, challenging an opponent to a duel by sending these thorns.
";roselia;roselia;roselia;roselia;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
316;1;Gulpin;Poison;260;2;208,06;1;6;8,08;4;103;820;1;"Gulpin is a round, green, amorphous Pokémon. It has a black diamond marking on its back and a yellow feather-like adornment on its head. A female has a shorter feather than a male. Its face consists of puckered lips and slanted eyes that are usually closed. It has two stubby appendages that are the same shape as its lips. It swallows anything of its own size whole since its stomach comprises most of its body. Its heart and brain are very small in comparison to its stomach. The unique stomach acid it has allows it to digest almost anything. When it is digesting, vile, overpowering gases are expelled. It lives in grasslands and savannas.
";gulpin;gulpin;gulpin;gulpin;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
317;1;Swalot;Poison;393;2;314,11;1;4;6,6748375;17;800;511;1;"Swalot is a tall, purple, amorphous Pokémon. It has red, beady eyes and yellow whiskers. A female Swalot has shorter whiskers than a male. It has puckered lips and can fit an automobile tire in its mouth. Its hands have three fingers. It has a single row of black rhombi running across its midsection, and it can expand and contract its body at will.
Swalot is capable of swallowing anything whole and can digest anything except its own stomach lining. It covers prey and opponents with a powerful poison. It likes eating poisoned and poisonous things. It lives in grasslands and savannas.
";swalot;swalot;swalot;swalot;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
318;1;Carvanha;Water,Dark;278;2;222,2;1;5;8,5461538462;8;208;817;1;"Carvanha is a fish Pokémon with a body covered in tiny, sharp denticles. The top half of its spherical body is blue, while the bottom half is red with a yellow, four-pointed star below its mouth. It has two yellow dorsal fins above its eyes that resemble shark fins, and a matching pelvic fin on its belly. Its pectoral fins are also yellow. The caudal fin is composed of two red spines with a thin yellow membrane stretched between them.
It has powerful jaws and razor-sharp teeth that are able to chew through solid steel, rip up boat hulls, and rip wooden boats to pieces. As a result, sailors avoid getting their boats dented by it at all costs. Carvanha has been responsible for the destruction of many boats that come into contact with it. They mercilessly swarm any intruder and prey that invades their territory, but they become timid when alone. It only attacks when in a group of five or more, becoming instantly vicious. Carvanha is drawn towards the scent of blood. It lives in rivers that course through jungles, as well as temperate regions. Each Carvanha school has their own territory. It competes with Basculin for food.
";carvanha;carvanha;carvanha;carvanha;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
319;1;Sharpedo;Water,Dark;410;1;328,25;0;7;6,6537162162;18;888;517;1;"Sharpedo is a torpedo-shaped shark Pokémon covered with tiny, sharp denticles. It has a large mouth filled with triangular, sharp teeth. Its eyes are a deep red color and glow in the dark. It has two gill slits situated directly behind each eye. It is mostly dark blue with a white underbelly. There is a yellow star-shaped marking on its snout, and another star marking on its rear. It has a tall dorsal fin with two notches cut into it, with a pelvic fin directly opposite it. Its two pectoral fins are arranged so that they resemble the fins on the back of a torpedo.
As Mega Sharpedo, the fangs in its mouth have transformed, and the horns that have sprouted from its nose are fangs that are retractable, and can be regrown countless times. The yellow patterns on its body are old resurfaced scars that were carved in battle, causing it sharp pain and suffering. With explosive propulsion, it can exceed 125 mph in an instant. Its combat instinct were increased due to Mega Evolution. Mega Sharpedo's sharp spikes can cause deep wounds to its opponents after charging at them.
Sharpedo swallows and shoots out jets of seawater from its rear, which allows it to swim 75 to 80 miles per hour. However, it is unable to swim long distances. It is feared and known by many names as Bully of the Sea, Ruffian of the Seas, Bandit of the Sea, or Gangster of the Sea as a group, due to its sharp teeth. Sharpedo uses the teeth to finish off its opponent. It was once prized for its dorsal fin as a food item and has been a victim of overfishing. Its fangs can rip through iron and steel, being able to tear apart a supertanker into pieces. Sharpedo's fangs can instantly grow back the moment it comes off. Discarded Sharpedo's fangs are made into accessories due to the belief it can prevent ship mishaps. It also attacks any ships that enter the waters it lives in with no exceptions. When its fangs fall out, they grow back immediately. It is very sensitive to the scent of blood. It lives in the sea. Sharpedo is known to prey on Wailmer, particularly small ones. It also preys on other Water-type Pokémon such as Finneon, Lumineon, Lanturn, and Squirtle.
";sharpedo;sharpedo;sharpedo;sharpedo;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
320;1;Wailmer;Water;372;1;297,95;1;7;4,5838461538;20;1300;760;1;"Wailmer is a spherical whale Pokémon with no tail. It has a dark blue topside and a tan underbelly with grooves. It has two fins that have finger-like appendages, baleen plates that resemble teeth, and a blowhole on the top of its head.
Wailmer stores water inside its body, which it expels through its nostrils to startle people. When storing water in its body, it can turn into a bouncing ball. The more water filling its body, the higher it can bounce. It becomes lethargic when it is dry. It swims with its mouth open and eats tons of food a day, such as Wishiwashi. It lives in the sea, and can only live on land for a short amount of time. It occasionally bounces onto the beaches to play. On rare occasions, pods can be seen washed up on shore due to memories of having once lived on land. Dhelmise and Sharpedo are natural predators to Wailmer.
";wailmer;wailmer;wailmer;wailmer;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
321;1;Wailord;Water;461;1;368,65;0;8;13,4307160804;145;3980;475;1;"Wailord is a huge Pokémon based on the blue whale. It has small beady eyes, a huge mouth, and a throat that is lined with grooves. It has a blue back with and four white spots, two breathing nostrils on top of its back, and a tan, grooved underbelly. It has two pairs of fins along its sides and a horizontal tail at the back.
When it is jumping out of the water, it makes a giant splash due to its large size. It can create shockwaves by breaching and crashing onto the water, which can knock out the opponents. It can dive deep at 10,000 feet (3,000 meters) in one breath. It lives in the sea in large groups called pods. A pod of Wailord travels together in order to search for food and is able to eat large quantities at one time, such as schools of Wishiwashi. However it will flee from Wishiwashi when it becomes its School form. When a Wailmer is attacked by its predators Sharpedo or Dhelmise, its whole pod works to defend it. Wailord is popular due to its immense size. As a result, Wailord-watching is a favorite sightseeing activity in various parts of the world. However, they are known to be driven away by fishermen, so they don't eat too much fish Pokémon.
";wailord;wailord;wailord;wailord;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
322;1;Numel;Ground,Fire;246;2;196,95;1;6;5,744375;7;240;817;1;"Numel is a yellow, quadrupedal Pokémon that resembles a Dromedary camel with a volcano-like hump on its back. The hump is green at the very top and fades out into yellow with small green spots. It contains magma of almost 2,200 °F (1,200 °C). A female will have a bigger hump than a male. It has bangs on top of its head, sleepy eyes with brown circles around them, and short, stubby legs.
Numel is a very strong Pokémon, having served humans for many years with its ability to carry heavy loads up to 220 lbs. (100 kg). However, it slows down when wet and cannot stand when it is hungry. Due to its dull wits, it does not notice when it has been hit. Numel lives on volcanic mountains.
";numel;numel;numel;numel;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
323;1;Camerupt;Ground,Fire;354;1;282,8;0;9;2,4423636364;19;2200;517;1;"Camerupt is a quadrupedal Pokémon that resembles a Bactrian camel. It has two gray volcanoes on its back, which are bigger on a female's back than those on a male. It also has a stout body with red shaggy fur and three blue ring-shaped markings on both sides. It has bangs on top of its head, droopy ears, and a tan fur-less muzzle.
As Mega Camerupt, the humps on its back have transformed into one large and very active volcano. Its fur expands and grows to a point where only its hooves can be seen, and its ears and the tufts on its head grow thicker and longer, standing on end. It gains a gray M on the front of its face and loses the three blue rings on its body. Magma is constantly bubbling up from within its body. It has a deep hatred of water or any moisture, with an explosive personality, and a short temper. The volcano on its back erupts constantly in an effort to intimidate its foes.[1]
Its body contains amounts of molten lava of 18,000 °F (10,000 °C), which erupts out of its humps if the Pokémon is angered. As shown in the anime, it can become uncontrollably angry when it is struck in the face. It lives in the craters of volcanoes.
";camerupt;camerupt;camerupt;camerupt;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
324;1;Torkoal;Fire;398;2;318,15;1;7;1,9785447761;5;804;505;1;" Torkoal blowing smokeTorkoal is a tortoise-like, quadrupedal Pokémon. It has a large, black, rock-like shell with holes that glow with a red warmth. Its skin is reddish-brown with gray-black bands on its legs and neck. It has a long neck and its eyes seem permanently closed. Torkoal lives in mountains and volcanic areas, where it looks for large deposits of coal. It uses the coal to fill the hollow spaces in its shell and then burns it for energy. Before the debut of The Crown Tundra, Torkoal was the only known Pokémon capable of learning Eruption in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
Because coal is Torkoal's source of energy, it becomes immobile once it runs out of coal to burn. If the fire inside of Torkoal's shell goes out, it will die. A Torkoal is healthy if the smoke spouting from its shell has tremendous velocity. When it blows out smoke from its nostrils and the top of its back, it sounds like a locomotive horn. It blows black smoke out of its nostrils before fleeing and while being attacked.
";torkoal;torkoal;torkoal;torkoal;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
325;1;Spoink;Psychic;227;1;181,8;1;7;4,1588235294;7;306;802;1;"Spoink is a gray, pig-like Pokémon. It has dark, circular eyes, a large gray nose, and small ears. It has stubby arms and possesses no hind legs. Motion is achieved by bouncing on its spring-like tail. The bouncing has a vital function, in that it keeps its heart beating. Even while it is sleeping, it continues to bounce. It wears a pearl produced by Clamperl on top of its head, which amplifies its psychic powers. Spoink will be weakened without a pearl, and always searches for bigger pearls. In the anime it was shown to easily mistake other round objects as its pearl. It lives in mountainous areas. It likes to eat mushrooms that grow underground.
";spoink;spoink;spoink;spoink;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
326;1;Grumpig;Psychic;341;1;272,7;1;2;3,4325874126;9;715;505;1;"Grumpig is a bipedal, pig-like Pokémon. It has large ears, a pink snout, and oval eyes. The lower half of its body is black, while the upper half is purple. There are black markings on its ears and arms, while its hands and feet are purple. Its tail is pink and curly. There appear to be three shining black pearls on its body: two small ones on its head, and a larger but nearly flat pearl on its midsection where the black meets the purple. These pearls are used to amplify its psychic powers, which allow it to control its opponents. The dance it performs while using its powers is very popular. It lives on mountains.
";grumpig;grumpig;grumpig;grumpig;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
327;1;Spinda;Normal;303;2;242,4;0;6;53,328;11;50;622;1;"Spinda is a bipedal, red panda Pokémon with rabbit-like features. Its eyes are made of two black spirals, which point in the opposite direction to each other. There is a similar swirling pattern on its ears. It has a small body with short stumpy arms and legs, and its coat is primarily cream-colored. Its arms are red and it has a red stripe bordering along the bottom of its belly, as well as two small spots on the soles of its feet. It has four spots, which can appear anywhere on its face and ears, with a fifth on the back of its head. These spot patterns are different for each and every Spinda.
It has dizzying, confusing, and scattering dance-like movements, which can be used for its former signature move, Teeter Dance, though it thinks it is walking in a straight line. These movements confuse their opponents and make it difficult for them to aim at it. It lives in the mountains.
";spinda;spinda;spinda;spinda;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
328;1;Trapinch;Ground;253;2;202;1;6;9,4266666667;7;150;826;1;"Trapinch is an orange, insectoid Pokémon. It has a round body with a white underside and four stumpy legs. It also has a proportionally large head, small black eyes with twinkle-shaped pupils, and a zigzagging mouth.
Trapinch's large jaws are powerful enough to crush boulders. It lives in arid deserts, and it can go a week without water. Instead of actively hunting prey, it digs into the sand to build its bowl- or cone-shaped nests, where it waits for prey to stumble inside and become trapped. The weight of this Pokémon's large head makes Trapinch move slower but becomes vulnerable after falling or rolling into their backs. Its natural predator is Sandile.
";trapinch;trapinch;trapinch;trapinch;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
329;1;Vibrava;Ground,Dragon;303;2;242,4;0;8;17,4274509804;11;153;643;1;"Vibrava is a dragonfly-like Pokémon. It has a small head with two yellow antennae and green bulging eyes with black oval-shaped pupils. Its mouth has two large white teeth protruding from each side. It has a skinny yellow body, four skinny black legs with slender feet, and four green, rhombus-shaped wings with black edges. There are similarly-colored rhombus shapes at the end of its tail.
Vibrava's wings are not fully developed, so it is unable to fly very far. However, it is able to create vibrations and ultrasonic waves with its wings. Humans get headaches from these waves. After causing the prey to faint, as a saprotroph, it spits stomach acid to melt its prey before consumption. It continues this eating process every day to help its wings grow. Vibrava calls the desert home and is also known to preserve its captured prey in the desert's hot sands.
";vibrava;vibrava;vibrava;vibrava;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
330;1;Flygon;Ground,Dragon;455;1;363,6;0;8;8,8682926829;20;820;298;1;"Flygon is a Pokémon that resembles a slightly insectoid, bipedal dragon. It is primarily light green and has a pair of large rhombus-shaped wings with red trim, toeless hind legs, and skinny arms with three-clawed hands. Flygon's tail has several dark green stripes and three small green rhombus shapes with red trims at the end. It has large eyes and a pair of green antennae that point back. Its eyes have red covers that prevent sand from getting into it. With its wings, it kicks up sandstorms to hide itself. Its wings make a ″singing″ sound when they are flapped, earning Flygon the name ″The Desert Spirit″. It uses this unique ability to attract prey, stranding them before it attacks. Flygon lives in the desert, and it typically works together with Krookodile in searching for food.
";flygon;flygon;flygon;flygon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
331;1;Cacnea;Grass;265;2;212,1;1;6;1,6538011696;4;513;799;1;"Cacnea is a green, bipedal Pokémon with a round body and cactus-like striations. It has a dark green rhombus shape above its face, and six dark green rhombus shapes that ring around its waist. It has dark circles around its eyes, and its mouth composed of several similar circles. It has two dark green spikes on each side of its head, along with a yellow flower bud on top of its head. It has two club-like arms that are ringed with dark green spikes, and its two stubby legs are dark green and conical.
Cacnea uses its thorny arms like hammers to attack its opponents. The thorns allow it to use its former signature move, Needle Arm. It is able to live in deserts for 30 days without any water, due to its body being able to store moisture. The beauty and fragrance of its yellow flower depend on the harshness of its environment. This flower releases a strong aroma to attract prey. When prey approaches, Cacnea shoots sharp thorns to bring it down.
";cacnea;cacnea;cacnea;cacnea;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
332;1;Cacturne;Grass,Dark;379;1;303;0;9;5,0891472868;13;774;502;1;"Cacturne is a humanoid, bipedal Pokémon that resembles a green scarecrow made of cacti. Its face has two eye holes through which yellow eyes can be seen, and six smaller holes representing a grinning mouth. It has numerous spikes along the length of its arms, legs, and around its neck. A pattern of green rhombi extends down the front of its body. A female has a large dark green rhombus above a smaller one, while a male has three small dark green rhombi. There is a triangular, dark green feature on its head that resembles a hat with spiky tips.
Cacturne is a nocturnal Pokémon that rarely moves during the day, which allows it to hold moisture. At night, it searches for prey or follows travelers until they become exhausted. It has lived in deserts for so long that its blood has transformed into sand. With its thorny arms, it is able to use its former signature move, Needle Arm.
";cacturne;cacturne;cacturne;cacturne;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
333;1;Swablu;Normal,Flying;246;1;196,95;0;2;65,65;4;12;814;1;"Swablu is an avian Pokémon with a round, blue body. Since it has no discernible neck, its body appears to be all head. There are two long feathers on top of its head, and it has a short, rounded white beak and beady, black eyes. Its wings are fluffy and white, resembling cotton or clouds and are made of air. The wings have a light and fluffy feel. It has tiny, white feet and two pointed tail feathers.
Swablu does not like dirty surroundings, so it cleans things with its cottony wings diligently. It uses streams and freshwater springs to wash its wings when they become dirty from polishing. It is commonly found living in flocks in forested habitats, but often flies closer to towns during the spring. Swablu is very friendly and largely unafraid of humans. As a result, it frequently perches on people's heads like a fluffy hat. Swablu can easily hide from foes in clouds thanks to its appearance.
";swablu;swablu;swablu;swablu;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
334;1;Altaria;Flying,Dragon;398;1;318,15;1;6;16,988592233;11;206;484;1;" A wet Mega Altaria in the animeAltaria is a blue, avian Pokémon. Its body and cloud-like wings are covered in fluffy, white feathers. It often folds its wings behind it, obscuring its back. Two long, blue plumes extend like streamers from the back of its head. It has a short, hooked beak and prominent cheek patches, both of which are white. Additionally, it has beady, black eyes. It has a long neck and short legs protruding from its fluffy body. The feet are blue with four toes, three claws forward, and one backward. The tail is made up of five feathers, the outer two being longer than the inner ones.
Mega Altaria has more extensive cloud-like plumage, with a large, fluffy mass extending from its back. The feathers have grown as a self-protective measure, and they glimmer with an iridescent sheen. Its cottony wings are more distinct than in its base form, and its blue belly is now exposed. Additional fluff surrounds its neck like a collar, and its head is adorned with a hat-like crest. A single, small feather curls out from its forehead, though its facial features are unchanged. Its tail feathers have grown into a long, wavy streamer, with three longer central plumes. Mega Altaria's singing voice is even more beautiful than that of its regular form. It is known for its sociable personality and is not timid.[1]
This Pokémon uses its wings to catch updrafts and soar across the sky in a calm and graceful manner. It gracefully glides through the clouds, often while singing or humming in a soprano voice. Its voice seems to have special properties that induce a dreamy state for listeners. Altaria can be very affectionate, enveloping people it has bonded with in its cotton-like wings. While normally kind, Altaria can attack foes with shrill cries without mercy if provoked. Altaria is often found living in forests, though it also inhabits mountain ranges.
";altaria;altaria;altaria;altaria;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
335;1;Zangoose;Normal;427;1;341,38;1;6;11,0122580645;13;403;520;1;"Zangoose is a bipedal Pokémon resembling a cross between a mongoose and cat. Despite being classified as a bipedal Pokémon, it usually walks on all fours. Its fur is mostly white with deep red, scar-like markings on the face, chest, and forepaws. Its fur stands up on end when it smells its arch-enemy Seviper nearby. It has two long, black claws on its forepaws, and pink paw pads on its hind feet. It has pink eyes, long ears, and a small red nose. When it opens its mouth, two sharp fangs can be seen on its upper jaw. There are small tufts of white fur on its shoulders, and it has a large, fluffy tail.
Zangoose is bitter enemies with Seviper, which it has battled for many generations. Its claws are its best weapons and can be used for its former signature move, Crush Claw. It lives in grasslands and savannas.
";zangoose;zangoose;zangoose;zangoose;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
336;1;Seviper;Poison;376;1;300,98;1;7;15,4789714286;27;525;520;1;"Seviper is a serpentine Pokémon that is usually depicted scrunched up like an accordion. It is mostly covered in black scales, but it has several markings on its body. It has yellow hexagon markings that run from its head to its tail, small yellow bumps where it touches the ground, and various purple scar-like marks. It has elongated red fangs that protrude from its upper jaw and fierce red eyes. Its tail is partially red and has a blade-like shape. Seviper sharpens its tail on rocks and can use it for its former signature move, Poison Tail.
Seviper wraps around its opponents to make them unable to move. Its tail and fangs are venomous and are used for striking and poisoning prey or enemies. It has been bitter enemies with Zangoose for many generations. It lives in grasslands and savannas. In New Pokémon Snap, a Seviper can be seen attempting to prey on an Octillery.
";seviper;seviper;seviper;seviper;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
337;1;Lunatone;Rock,Psychic;328;1;262,6;0;6;1,5630952381;10;1680;538;1;"Lunatone is a cream-colored, rock Pokémon with a crescent moon shape. In the center of the crescent is a pointed, beak-like structure. It has deep-set, red eyes, which can cause paralyzing fear or induce sleep. It lives in caves and becomes active under a full moon. The moon increases its power, and its health is tied to the lunar phases. Using its psychic powers, Lunatone floats through the air. It was first discovered at the site of a meteor crash. There's a theory that Lunatone may have originated from outer space.
";lunatone;lunatone;lunatone;lunatone;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
338;1;Solrock;Rock,Psychic;404;1;323,2;0;4;2,5184415584;12;1540;538;1;"Solrock is a primarily orange, spherical Pokémon. It has eight yellow, rocky spines extending from the sides of its body, and multiple small, yellow stony bumps running vertically along its center. On its back are dual rocky mounds, situated to the sides of the mid-line. Its large eyes consist of thick, semicircular yellow eyelids through which black sclerae and red pupils can be seen. A black ring with six extensions surrounds each eye.
Solrock relies on solar energy, which it absorbs in groups during daylight. While it is always expressionless, it is able to sense the emotions and thoughts of others. It spins its body to produce intense heat and a blinding light. It is able to stay silent while floating in the air and can be found in caves. It is believed Solrock originated from space, specifically the sun.
";solrock;solrock;solrock;solrock;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
339;1;Barboach;Ground,Water;254;1;203,01;1;0;42,7389473684;4;19;826;1;"Barboach is a small, serpentine Pokémon that resembles a loach. The main body is a soft gray with a jagged black line running its length. Its eyes are very small, and it has a round, blue nose. It has several blue barbels that are used as a superb radar in murky water and can be used for taste as well. These whiskers are left exposed when it hides in the mud to wait for prey. There are two rounded, blue pectoral fins and a single dorsal fin, all of which have black spots. Its tail fin is also rounded and blue but possesses no spots.
A slimy film covers its body, which protects Barboach from bacteria and allows it to easily escape from predators like Bird Pokémon. Barboach remains in its aquatic environment to prevent itself from drying out and becoming weak. Barboach can use its whiskers to detect the location of its prey, and to detect both smell and flavor similar to a human.
";barboach;barboach;barboach;barboach;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
340;1;Whiscash;Ground,Water;405;1;324,21;0;7;12,363940678;9;236;508;1;"Whiscash is a dark blue, catfish-like Pokémon with a yellow underbelly. It has a cavernous mouth with light blue lips that have short, thin whiskers growing from the lower lips. Long, yellow barbels grow from its cheeks, and there is a yellow marking on its forehead that resembles a W. The light blue dorsal fin has a pattern of three spots arranged in a triangle, while its horizontal tail fin lacks spots. Its pectoral fins and belly fins match its main body color.
Whiscash uses its caudal fin to cause earthquakes that can extend for over three miles by hitting the bottom of swamp beds. Whiscash can predict when natural earthquakes will occur. It also uses these massive earthquakes to drive away any foes that come near it, going on rampages in the process. This behavior, along with sightings of Whiscash's leaping from lakes, has caused people to mistaken it for starting earthquakes. It lives in a nest at the bottom of ponds and swamps, and is territorial over them. Whiscash tends to wait silently for prey to come to it. This gluttonous fish will eat anything that is alive, sometimes whole, and has been shown in the anime to eat inanimate objects as well. Whiscash also has a diet of consuming mud. Whiscash has poor eyesight, so it has to use its whiskers to detect a prey's vibration.
";whiscash;whiscash;whiscash;whiscash;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
341;1;Corphish;Water;282;2;225,23;1;5;11,7511304348;6;115;814;1;"Corphish is a red-shelled, crustacean Pokémon with a short tail similar to a lobster. Its eyes are saucer-like with small pupils, and it has three spikes on top of its head. It possesses four pairs of limbs in total: two large pincers used for gripping prey, and three pairs of legs used for walking. The upper segments of its legs, the underside of its body, and lower halves of its pincers are cream-colored.
A hardy creature, Corphish is able to live in polluted water and eat nearly anything. Though not native to Alola, Corphish set free by Trainers there have easily adapted and thrived in the region. Feebas and Corphish are the only Pokémon known to be able to live in stagnant ditches. Corphish and its evolved form Crawdaunt are the only known Pokémon that do not flee when a swarm of Basculin appears in the lake it lives in.
";corphish;corphish;corphish;corphish;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
342;1;Crawdaunt;Water,Dark;408;2;326,23;1;9;10,9406402439;11;328;508;1;"Crawdaunt is a primarily red, crustacean Pokémon with a tan underside. It has circular eyes set in deep sockets and a large, star-shaped growth on its forehead. The upper and lower halves of its underside are separated by a pattern of angular red shapes, and there are two blue stripes on its throat. Its forelimbs have two large pincers with spiked edges and tan lower halves form. There are two sets of hind limbs. The foremost pair are simple claws with two spikes, while the rear pair are large and thick with two white claws. A yellow triangle marks the base of its lobster-like tail.
Crawdaunt is a very violent Pokémon that lives in ponds. Because of its constant challenges to battle, no other Pokémon wants to inhabit its territory. Not even a swarm of Basculin will drive Crawdaunt away. Any that do venture too close are tossed out of its pond with its pincers. An experienced Crawdaunt will be covered in scars from countless battles. However, it must molt regularly and its shell is soft immediately after. Once its pincers fall off, Crawdaunt turns timid until they grow back. In order to protect itself, it burrows under stream beds until its new shell hardens. Unlike the meat found in the claws of Crabrawler and Clauncher, Crawdaunt's have foul smell and taste. Crawdaunt are known to be extremely difficult to raise.
";crawdaunt;crawdaunt;crawdaunt;crawdaunt;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
343;1;Baltoy;Ground,Psychic;240;2;191,9;1;8;4,4627906977;5;215;820;1;"Baltoy is a small Pokémon that resembles a tan figurine made out of clay or mud. There are arching, red markings over its eyes, which usually appear closed. A red stripe encircles its body, and forms a ring on its belly. It has flat appendages that resemble arms. A spike protrudes from the top of its head and another, smaller spike under its body. It moves by spinning on this single, pointed foot, and balance upright on it to sleep. Baltoy is usually found in ruins and old graveyards, where it congregates with its own kind and cries noisily. Old cave wall paintings depict it living with people in ancient times.
";baltoy;baltoy;baltoy;baltoy;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
344;1;Claydol;Ground,Psychic;391;2;313,1;0;7;4,3486111111;15;1080;475;1;"Claydol is a large, black Pokémon that resembles a mud statue with two stubby legs. It has a wide, spherical head with a rounded protrusion on top. Around its head are many large, pink eyes with yellow, beak-like protrusions between each. A wavy, white rim runs along the upper edges of the eyes. Its torso has white ring markings, each with a downward extension and yellow dot in the middle. It has spherical arms with a rounded protrusion that are capable of firing beams. These arms are not attached to its body but are usually kept floating close by Claydol's psychic powers. Claydol uses the same telekinetic abilities to move and float through the air. It lives in rough terrains.
It has a body that is prone to melting when wet and uses its psychic powers to protect itself from rain. Ancient people modeled Claydol after something that descended from the sky. Claydol was said to have started its life as an ancient clay figure created 20,000 years ago.
";claydol;claydol;claydol;claydol;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
345;1;Lileep;Rock,Grass;261;1;209,07;1;10;8,7844537815;10;238;787;1;"Lileep is a somewhat plantlike Pokémon with eight dark-tipped, pink petal-like tentacles protruding from an opening on top of its head. Inside the pitch-black opening are two glowing, yellow eyes. The remainder of its head is purple with yellow eyespots resembling targets. The head is connected to the body through a yellow stem. The body itself is purple and semi-spherical. Four stubby roots anchor this Pokémon firmly to the rocks of its home on the sea floor.
In ancient times, it lived in warm seas. It waves its tentacles around to disguise itself as seaweed to attract prey, which is swallowed whole after being entangled. Lileep has been extinct for 100 million years, but specimens can be revived from Root Fossils.
";lileep;lileep;lileep;lileep;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
346;1;Cradily;Rock,Grass;388;2;310,07;1;6;7,7004139073;15;604;481;1;"Cradily is a green, plantlike Pokémon with various yellow markings on its head, neck, and torso. There are circular, yellow eyespots on its head. However, its true eyes are concealed inside the dark, crescent opening on its head. Surrounding its head at the base are eight pink tentacles, which somewhat resemble flower petals. Its long, flexible neck has yellow bands in the center, and it can be extended to assist in capturing prey. Its body is short and squat with four stubby growths and a yellow, oval, target-like pattern on the chest.
Cradily's heavy body acts as an anchor, preventing it from getting washed away by rough ocean currents. In ancient times, it built its nest in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide went out, it came up on land to search for prey. However, Cradily cannot move very fast due to its short legs. Instead, Cradily can extend its neck and tentacles by three times its usual length. It then uses its tentacles to capture them and melts them with strong digestive acidic fluid secreted by the tentacles.
";cradily;cradily;cradily;cradily;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
347;1;Anorith;Rock,Bug;335;2;267,65;0;6;14,9884;7;125;787;1;"Anorith is a greenish-gray, arthropod Pokémon that resembles an anomalocaris. A stalk extends from either side of its head, with large, spherical eyes at the tips. The middle of its head is black with two red, teardrop-shaped markings, and an x-shaped mouth is visible on the underside of its torso. Beneath its head are two large, segmented claws that serve as weapons and are used to capture prey. On each side of its body are four white appendages with red tips. These wing-like projections are used to propel Anorith through the water.
Now extinct in the wild, it lived in the seas of ancient times 100 million years ago. While still extinct, it has been seen under the ownership of Trainers as a result of being revived from Claw Fossils. Despite this, Anorith can no longer thrive in today's oceans because the water composition has changed since ancient times. Anorith can swim easily through the seas using its eight wings like oars from a boat. Anorith is considered the ancestor of modern bug Pokémon.
";anorith;anorith;anorith;anorith;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
348;1;Armaldo;Rock,Bug;436;2;348,45;1;10;7,663856305;15;682;481;1;"Armaldo is a bipedal, amphibious Pokémon that somewhat resembles a mantis shrimp. It is covered with thick, grayish-blue plates. There are accents of yellow, black, white, and red throughout its body. Its oblong eyes protrude from the sides of its head. A black pattern with two red, teardrop-shaped spots covered the center of its head and a yellow lower jaw. Three pairs of wing-like appendages extend from the sides of its long, thick neck. A plate of armor on its back has four short spikes and two triangular, yellow-rimmed wings extending from underneath. Its scaled chest and belly are rimmed with yellow lines as well, and there are two large yellow plates in the center of its chest. Its segmented arms extend from holes in these plates, each with a large, black claw. The legs are also segmented, with black knees. A pair of black fins tips its long tail.
In ancient times, Armaldo lived on land by the water's edge, and dived into the ocean to hunt for prey. The large wings on its back were used for swimming, while its thick shell protected it from enemy attacks. Its strong claws can break stones, punch through a steel slab, and take down prey. Furthermore, they can be freely extended or retracted. It is considered to be the ancestor of some Bug-type Pokémon.
";armaldo;armaldo;armaldo;armaldo;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
349;1;Feebas;Water;170;2;136,35;1;8;11,0554054054;6;74;880;1;" A Prism Scale forming on Feebas's skinFeebas is a shabby, old-looking, fishlike Pokémon with a light brown body covered in dark, irregular spots. It has large, deep-set eyes and big, pink lips. The tail and pectoral fins are dull blue and tattered in appearance. The dorsal fin is triangular with a hole in the middle.
Due to its poor appearance, it is largely ignored by predators, Trainers, and researchers alike. However, this hardy Pokémon is capable of eating anything and living anywhere. It is often found in oceans and weed-choked ponds, even if only a little water is available. While there are many of this Pokémon in existence, populations tend to cluster in small areas. Once found, its dull wits make it easy to capture. Feebas is a source of research due to its vitality despite it being unattractive and unpopular. There are even those who love to collect Feebas and only it, and reportedly are disappointed by its evolution into Milotic. In the anime, Prism Scales are revealed to form naturally on Feebas on occasion.
";feebas;feebas;feebas;feebas;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
350;1;Milotic;Water;398;1;318,15;0;3;12,1761111111;62;1620;433;1;" Milotic floatingMilotic is an aquatic, serpentine Pokémon with a primarily cream-colored body. It has red eyes with long, pinkish antennae above them. Additionally, there are long, hair-like fins above its eyes, which begin thin and thicken towards the tips. These eyebrows extend to almost half of Milotic's body length and will be longer on the female than the male. On top of its relatively small head is a straight spike. Running down either side of its neck are three black dots, similar to gills. Its lower body is a pattern of blue and pink, diamond-shaped scales outlined with black. The tail consists of four large, blue fins with pink ovals in their centers. Each of the tail fins overlaps the next slightly, causing it to resemble a fan. Milotic's scales are said to change color depending on the viewing angle, which has so far only been depicted in Pokémon Battle Revolution.
Milotic is said to be the most beautiful of all Pokémon. In fact, it is said to have inspired many artists in their works. However there're trainers who prefer Feebas over it, seemingly disappointed after it evolves from said Pokémon. When there are fights going on, it has the power to calm angry feelings and end arguments by releasing a wave of energy. In addition, it can move by floating in the air as shown in the anime. It lives at the bottom of large lakes.
";milotic;milotic;milotic;milotic;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
351;1;Castform;Normal;354;1;282,8;0;5;106,05;3;8;559;1;"Castform is an artificial Pokémon that changes appearance and attitude based on the weather. Its body is made of cells exactly like those of water molecules, causing its cellular structure to be chemically altered by temperature and humidity. Though not of its free will, Castform uses this ability to protect its tiny body. In its Normal Form, it resembles a plain, gray cloud with a single wisp extending from the top of its head.
Under bright sunlight, it takes on its Sunny Form. Its lower half becomes pure white, while the head turns orange has develops small orange spheres around it. This gives it the overall appearance of the sun above a small cloud. Its skin glows and dries, and becomes hot to the touch.
When it is soaked in rain, it takes on its Rain Form. It has a dark gray lower half resembling a storm cloud. The head turns blue and resembles a raindrop. Its body is soft and slippery and seeps with water when compressed.
When it is hit by hail, it takes on its Snowy Form. Its head turns purplish-blue. The rest of the body changes into the shape of a mint green, cumulonimbus cloud. Its body becomes a smooth ice-like material, partially frozen measuring temperatures near 23 degrees Fahrenheit.
Regardless of the form it takes, it will always have a large, spherical head and a lighter colored mask-like marking over its eyes. Various experiments were conducted to change its form in artificial conditions, but all have failed. Aside from its various forms, Castform is able to utilize weather powers in the form of its formerly signature move, Weather Ball. Despite its man-made origins, it can be found in grassland areas.
";castform;castform;castform;castform;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
352;1;Kecleon;Normal;328;2;262,6;0;3;11,9363636364;10;220;538;1;" An invisible KecleonKecleon is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon that is usually green. On either side of its head are yellow frills, which are connected by lines to its yellow lips and rings around its eyes. There are small ridges on its shoulders and a red zigzag stripe around its midsection. The hands and feet have three short digits each, and it has yellow soles. It also has a long skinny tail that is usually curled tightly in a spiral.
Kecleon is able to change the colors of its body at will and is known for frequently using this ability to camouflage itself. However, it is unable to change the color of its red stripe. Its color also changes based on its mood and health, darkening in color with better health. By using camouflage to appear almost invisible, it can sneak up on prey and ensnare it with its long pink tongue. If unnoticed for too long though, it pouts and may never reveal itself. A purplish variant has been seen in the anime and the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, whether this is an example of it changing color or simply a different kind of Kecleon is unknown. This Pokémon lives in tropical and temperate forests.
";kecleon;kecleon;kecleon;kecleon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
353;1;Shuppet;Ghost;251;1;200,99;0;10;52,432173913;6;23;823;1;"Shuppet is a spherical Pokémon that appears to be covered by a gray cloth. Black rings surround its multicolored eyes, which have light-blue sclerae, dark-blue irises, and yellow pupils. Occasionally, it will display a large, pink tongue. Extending from the top of its head is a long, pointed horn. The horn collects the negative emotions of people, on which this Pokémon feeds. The emotions it feeds on include anger, jealousy, and envy, so some people are grateful for its presence. A nocturnal Pokémon, it will appear in swarms beneath the eaves of houses with negative people. It is most commonly found in cities and other urban settings.
";shuppet;shuppet;shuppet;shuppet;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
354;1;Banette;Ghost;390;2;312,09;1;3;27,46392;11;125;523;1;"Banette is a dark gray, doll-like Pokémon that is possessed by pure hatred. It has three short spikes on its head and a long zigzagging ribbon trailing off the back of its head. A zipper acts as its mouth, and it has purplish-pink eyes with slit pupils. Its long, flat arms have three-fingered hands, while its legs are short and stubby. It has a yellow, brush-like tail.
As Mega Banette, this Pokémon gains several additional zippers: one running diagonally across its face, one on each hand, and another on its body. The first zipper runs from its left eye to the tip of its central spike. The other three are all unzipped, revealing parts of Mega Banette's cursed purple body. Its three long purple fingers and body revealing two pointed, purple legs are visible. Its zigzagging ribbon becomes somewhat erect, and now has two zipper rings around it and a short zipper on the tip. It gains four further spikes: one on the top and bottom of each hand and one on each hip. However, it loses its brush-like tail.
Being driven to life by a powerful grudge, it keeps its life force safely in its body by the means of its zipped up mouth. If unzipped, it would lose its energy. It lays curses on others by using its body as a voodoo doll and sticking pins into itself. It lives in garbage dumps and dark alleys, where it searches for the person that threw it away before it became a Pokémon. It is said that treating it with enough care will satisfy its grudge and will turn it back into a stuffed toy. When it Mega Evolves, it is filled with so much power and vindictiveness it cannot help cursing its Trainer.
";banette;banette;banette;banette;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
355;1;Duskull;Ghost;221;2;176,75;1;8;9,4266666667;8;150;823;1;"Duskull is a Pokémon which appears to be a stylized personification of the Grim Reaper. Its body is a black robe with two bones on its back. It has a mask that resembles a skull and has a single eye that floats between the eye sockets.
Duskull is also able to become invisible to sneak up on its prey and go through walls. Duskull is primarily a nocturnal Pokémon and has been shown to live in thick forests. It is said that this Pokémon will spirit away disobedient children, and it has been described to enjoy the crying of children. In Hisui, the story of Duskull is often told to children, in order to make them behave. Once Duskull chooses a target, it will doggedly pursue the intended victim until the break of dawn.
";duskull;duskull;duskull;duskull;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
356;1;Dusclops;Ghost;335;2;267,65;0;4;13,9947712418;16;306;523;1;"Dusclops is a Pokémon with a roundish gray body with two stubby legs. Its body is hollow and wrapped in bandages. It has a single red eye and three tooth-like projections. It has two wispy, light gray growths coming out of its shoulders and one on top of its head. Its light gray hands appear to be directly attached to its body.
Its body can absorb anything much like a black hole, pulling them through the gaps between the bandages wrapping it. It is unknown what happens when something is absorbed in Dusclops, as nothing ever comes back out. It will wave its hands and use its eye to hypnotize opponents and then force them to do as it wills. Dusclops preys on drifting will-o'-the-wisps, sucking them into its body. It usually lives in thick forests.
";dusclops;dusclops;dusclops;dusclops;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
357;1;Tropius;Flying,Grass;380;2;304,01;0;3;6,0802;20;1000;517;1;"Tropius is a large, sauropod-like Pokémon with a brown body wrapped in green leaves on its chest and head. It possesses large, broad green leaves on its back, which it uses for flight and for sugar production via photosynthesis. Despite being very big and bulky, it is surprisingly maneuverable in the air. It has a long neck with a thin black line around it. It uses its neck for reaching treetops to gorge on its most favored fruit. Since it ate only this kind of fruit continuously, the fruit began to grow around its neck. These yellow, banana-like fruits can be picked and consumed by other Pokémon or humans, and grow twice a year because of the rapid production of sugar in Tropius's leaves. Its feet have toenails the same color as its fruit.
In warm areas, there are ranches that raise Tropius. In Alola, its fruit is especially sweet compared to those of other regions. It lives in tropical jungles.
";tropius;tropius;tropius;tropius;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
358;1;Chimecho;Psychic;316;2;252,5;1;4;151,5;6;10;553;1;"Chimecho is a small, round Pokémon with a mainly bluish-white body shaped like a fūrin wind chime. It has beady, yellow eyes and three stubby limbs. Its body has a horizontal amaranth-colored pattern. Underneath its body extends a long, tag-like tail that has amaranth patterning at the bottom. A yellow, globular growth, referred to as a suction cup or a sucker, is connected to the top of its body.
Chimecho can create ultrasonic sound waves and other noises. It uses seven different echoing cries to communicate with others. It is nocturnal and usually lives in grasslands and woods, but some are found in mountainous regions. It eats Berries that it plucks with its tail.
";chimecho;chimecho;chimecho;chimecho;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
359;1;Absol;Dark;417;1;333,3;0;8;8,509787234;12;470;511;1;"Absol is a quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon with a dark blue to black body covered in white fur. It has a ruff around its neck and chest and a tuft on the top of its head adorned with a single blue-black oval. Between the dark skin, the curvature of the white fur on its head, and positioning of its horn, Absol's face vaguely resembles a wu wei symbol. It has a feline face with almond-shaped, red eyes, a scythe-like tail, and a crescent-shaped horn on the side of its head. Its broad feet are equipped with three claws each, and dewclaw-like spikes protrude from the heels of its hind legs and the elbows of its front legs. It walks with a pacing gait like that of a camel.
As Mega Absol, its fur is longer overall, and the increased energy coursing through its body makes the fur at the back of its mane stand on end so that it appears to have wings.[1] The spikes on its heels and elbows grow larger, and the fur in these areas becomes longer as well. Its sickle-shaped horn widens, while an additional, smaller horn appears on the opposite side of its head. Its tail now has a more saw-like shape, and the oval marking on its forehead is now a rounded triangle.
Absol lives in the mountains far from civilization, and it rarely ventures down from its alpine home. Using its horn, Absol is able to sense even subtle changes in the sky and the land to predict when a disaster will occur and will try to warn people when one is approaching. Absol is also known to protect fields from natural disasters as well. This often has the unfortunate effect of Absol itself being blamed for the disaster, notably by the elderly. The hatred for Absol was stared years by superstitions surrounding about it. Despite this, others are interested in its ability to predict disaster. Absol has been referred to as a bringer of doom. Absol can move as swiftly as the wind. Absol is said to have a lifespan up to 100 years.
Mega Absol emits a fearsome aura that has been known to kill fainthearted people from shock. It directs this aura at its opponents by beating its ″wings″, which are not capable of flight. However, Absol apparently detests assuming this form, as it normally dislikes fighting in the first place.
";absol;absol;absol;absol;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,!359Absol_AG_anime_2.png,
360;1;Wynaut;Psychic;239;2;190,89;0;8;8,181;6;140;844;1;"Wynaut is a small, bipedal Pokémon covered in blue fur. Its head is spherical with ear-like, fingerless arms on either side and a bulbous growth on its forehead. It has a wide mouth with a serrated upper jaw and a pink tongue. Its eyes appear closed, each curving upward to a point in the center. The fur on its body ends in a zigzag pattern, extending over its short legs. Wynaut's tail is long and completely black, ending in a round, flattened tip with a white, eye-like spot.
Wynaut tends to live in caves and travel in herds. It will test its endurance by squeezing up against other Wynaut at night. In doing so, it strengthens itself, toughens its spirit, and learns to deal powerful counterattacks. When angered, it will slap the ground with its tail. As it loves to eat sweet fruit, it is also drawn to fruit gardens.
";wynaut;wynaut;wynaut;wynaut;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
361;1;Snorunt;Ice;253;2;202;1;6;8,4166666667;7;168;820;1;"Snorunt is a small, black Pokémon with an ovoid body. It has circular, light blue eyes, wide teeth, and spherical hands and feet that lack digits. It is covered with a yellow cloak that gives it a triangular outline. The coat is rimmed with an orange stripe and has three orange diamond markings on the back. As its evolution Glalie has a body of rock, Snorunt may also be made of rock.
Well-adapted to life in colder climates, it subsists on snow and ice and can survive temperatures as low as -150 degrees Fahrenheit. Snorunt is also a social creature, living and traveling with other Snorunt in groups of five. The group can live together in harmony while residing underneath giant leaves. It can be found in caves, particularly when the outside lacks snow or areas with heavy snowfall. Despite this, the Snorunt population in Alola shows it can survive in some places with warm weather. Additionally, it has been known to visit human dwellings. There is a legend that any home a Snorunt visit and lives near will prosper for generations. There is a tradition where houses would leave a lump of ice made from pure water for Snorunt to have when visiting. Playing with Snorunt is a favorite childhood memory for rich people who live in cold areas. It is believed that if Snorunt shows up during the night, they will cause heavy snow to appear in the morning.
";snorunt;snorunt;snorunt;snorunt;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
362;1;Glalie;Ice;404;1;323,2;1;4;1,8900584795;15;2565;496;1;"Glalie is a spherical Pokémon that consists of a black rock core covered by ice. The icy covering has several holes and spaces across this Pokémon's body. Blue eyes and a mouth with flat teeth are visible through three of these holes. There are two large, black, conical horns on either side of Glalie's head.
Mega Glalie's jaw is dislocated because of the overwhelming energy, causing its mouth to extend to the length of its face. The lower jaw is all black except for two light-blue, conical, icy spikes. The pupils in Mega Glalie's eyes are now red instead of black. The horns on top Mega Glalie's head have been partially turned into ice, with the addition of a third horn on its forehead.
There is a legend that says Glalie was born from a boulder that has absorbed the distress and regrets from any mountaineers that got lost on icy mountains. Glalie's icy body is actually rock that is not particularly hard. When covered in ice, its body becomes harder than steel. It does not melt, and it can control ice by instantly freezing moisture in the air into any desirable shape. This ability is used to drape itself in ice armor and freeze its prey, which it then consumes whole. It prefers consuming Pokémon like Vanillite that are already frozen though. It can be found in caves, particularly when the outside weather lacks snow.
Mega Glalie can spill endless blizzards from its broken mouth, though it gets irritated by the fact that it can no longer consume its prey. The areas Mega Glalie often appears in, will cause the area to be whited out. Any prey that it envelopes within its mouth is frozen instantly.
";glalie;glalie;glalie;glalie;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
363;1;Spheal;Water,Ice;234;2;186,85;0;2;3,7843037975;8;395;826;1;"Spheal is a chubby, spherical, seal-like Pokémon with a short, flat tail. Its plushy fur is light blue with several white spots of various sizes on its back. This covering of fluffy fur protects Spheal from the cold. It has black, circular eyes, small tusks protruding from its upper jaw, and small, rounded ears. Its stubby flippers and its underside are both beige.
When it is happy or cheerful, such as when eating in a group, this Pokémon will clap its fins. The mealtimes of Spheal have been described as noisy as a result. Because its body is poorly shaped for swimming and can only walk slowly, it moves primarily by rolling across ice floes. It can even coat itself in ice while rolling to use its former signature move, Ice Ball. Spheal are often juggled by its evolved form Sealeo. This Pokémon lives in and around the sea. Spheal also lives on any drift ice that comes near the shore in order to avoid predators. When a Spheal finds prey while drifting at sea, it will inform the Walrein leader of its herd on where to find the prey. Spheal's fur allows it to generate enough heat to resists the harsh cold.
";spheal;spheal;spheal;spheal;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
364;1;Sealeo;Water,Ice;335;2;267,65;0;8;3,3609018265;11;876;568;1;"Sealeo is a bright-blue, pinniped Pokémon. Its throat and chest are beige with speckling around the edges. There are two short tusks protruding from its upper jaw, and it has dark brown, oval eyes. It has a powerful pair of front flippers, which are able to crush ice. Additionally, it has a short, flipper-like tail. On the sides of its blunt muzzle are thick, white whiskers. Sealeo's white whiskers are described as being super sensitive.
When a Sealeo encounters new objects, they are placed on its nose and rolled around to test its smell and texture. The reason is to determine if it likes the object or not. It has also been known to roll Spheal or Poké Balls on its nose. The reason Sealeo does this to Spheal is to check its scent and ensure it is still healthy. Sealeo is capable of coating its body in ice and rolling to use its former signature move, Ice Ball. This Pokémon lives in the sea and on drift ice. Sealeo dives underwater to hunt for prey five times a day. It searches for the prey by its scent.
";sealeo;sealeo;sealeo;sealeo;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
365;1;Walrein;Water,Ice;436;2;348,45;0;3;3,2392430279;14;1506;283;1;"Walrein is a large, walrus-like Pokémon with a layer of blubber under its skin. It is primarily blue, with thin, white rings around its neck and lines on its fan-like tail-fin. There are two long, ivory tusks in its upper jaw. It has a round snout and yellow eyes, and large tufts of white fur about its face and neck. Its four short legs have long flippers instead of feet.
Walrein lives in and around icy seas, where it is insulated against the cold by its thick layer of blubber. This layer of fat also protects it from enemy attacks by causing them to bounce off. It can coat its body in ice and charge opponents to use its former signature move, Ice Ball. While its long tusks are capable of crushing ice up to 10 tons in one blow, they may break during battle. This Pokémon can be found in herds, which are fiercely protected by the leader. The leader is willing to give up its life in order to protect the herd. A herd of Walrein usually consists of 20 to 30 individuals. Whenever Walrein's impressive tusks break during battle, they always grow back every year. The Hisui region is famous for the many broken tusks of Walrein that can be found there.
";walrein;walrein;walrein;walrein;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
366;1;Clamperl;Water;273;2;218,16;0;7;1,6621714286;4;525;793;1;"Clamperl is an aquatic Pokémon that makes its home on the seafloor. Its bivalve shell is dark blue with a silver rim along the inner edges. The shell is used to clamp down on prey, as well as for protection. A fully-grown shell will have nicks and scratches all over. Inside of the shell is a fragile, light blue body composed of six spherical extensions with a pink, pearl-like head in the center, usually depicted with its eyes closed. There is a circular white patch on each cheek.
The pearls produced by this Pokémon amplify psychic power and can be blue in color as seen in the anime. These pearls are also 10 times more valuable than pearls produced by Shellder. It is carnivorous, clamping down on prey without letting go until it stops moving. When it is close to evolution, Clamperl will become too big to fit inside its shell. Clamperl is the only Pokémon that gains extra effects by holding a Deep Sea Tooth or Deep Sea Scale. Clamperl have been observed being carried by Drifblim, its natural predator.
";clamperl;clamperl;clamperl;clamperl;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
367;1;Huntail;Water;399;1;319,16;0;7;20,0952592593;17;270;490;1;"Huntail is a light-blue, aquatic Pokémon with a serpentine body. Orange, semi-circular fins run the length of its spine, and there are two additional fins on the underside of its lower jaw. A large, fan-like fin projects from the top of its head. White spots that are surrounded by orange rings, resembling its eyes, dot its body. It attracts its prey by wagging its fish-shaped tail, which features glowing eye-spots, a single dorsal fin, and a single pectoral fin. Huntail's large mouth features sharp teeth and allows it to gulp its prey whole.
Huntail swims by wiggling its body, though it is not the strongest swimmer. Its sturdy spine and large eyes allows it to survive in the high pressures and darkness of the deep sea. According to tradition, Huntail washing ashore is a sign that something unfortunate will happen.
";huntail;huntail;huntail;huntail;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
368;1;Gorebyss;Water;374;1;298,96;0;7;23,8109734513;18;226;490;1;"Gorebyss is a pink, serpentine Pokémon with a long, thin mouth. This pointed mouth is used to stab prey and drain their body fluids. However, it has also been known to feed on seaweed that grows between stones. Its pink skin becomes brighter in the spring and after it has fed. Its body color changes with water temperature, with Gorebyss found in Alola having blindingly vivid coloration. A long, purple-tipped fin extends from the top of its head, and there is a thin, pointed fin extending beneath its head. There are two purple shells on its chest, causing it to somewhat resemble a mermaid. The tail has a purple, circular fin at the tip, and two white bands near its base.
This Pokémon's body is durable enough to withstand high-pressure levels in the deep sea, where it lives. Additionally, this adaptation allows it to withstand powerful attacks.
";gorebyss;gorebyss;gorebyss;gorebyss;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
369;1;Relicanth;Rock,Water;473;1;378,75;1;7;16,1858974359;10;234;490;1;"Relicanth is a Pokémon that is heavily based on the coelacanth. It is covered with hard, brown scales that are similar to craggy rocks. Its tan head has protruding cheekbones, which are smaller on a female. A triangular spike protrudes from the back of its head. Tan patches cover its body and there is a red spot located on both sides. It possesses two pairs of pectoral fins, which it uses to push itself along the sea bottom. Additionally, it has dorsal and pelvic fins near its tail. Its tail fin has a wavy outline.
The composition of its scales, along with its fatty body and oil-filled swim bladders, allow it to withstand the intense pressure of the ocean depths. Relicanth once had teeth, but they have long since atrophied, as such, Relicanth is a filter feeder, feeding on microscopic organisms that it sucks up with its toothless mouth. It has remained unchanged for 100 million years and stays as such because it is already a perfect life-form. It was discovered during a deep-sea expedition. Relicanth's name comes from an explorer whose name served as a variation of it.
";relicanth;relicanth;relicanth;relicanth;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
370;1;Luvdisc;Water;284;2;227,25;1;3;15,6724137931;6;87;652;1;"Luvdisc is a fishlike Pokémon with a relatively flat body in the shape of a heart. Loving couples gave this Pokémon its name after spotting it in the ocean waters. It is primarily light pink, with pale lips and circular markings on its cheeks. During the spring, it forms groups that turn the ocean's surface bright pink. Luvdisc lives in warm seas, where it makes its nest in the branches of Corsola or coral reefs. As shown in Luvdisc is a Many Splendored Thing!, when two Luvdisc kiss, they are able to use their slender bodies as wings in order to fly for short periods of time. Pelipper is a natural predator of Luvdisc.
";luvdisc;luvdisc;luvdisc;luvdisc;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
371;1;Bagon;Dragon;290;1;232,3;1;9;3,3106888361;6;421;820;1;"Bagon is a bipedal, blue, reptilian Pokémon vaguely resembling a Pachycephalosaurus. It possesses a large, round snout, triangular eyes, yellow, circular ears similar to reptiles, and a yellow lower jaw with two teeth protruding upwards. Three thick, gray ridges cover the top of its head and continue downwards to cover its neck as well. There is a triangular patch of yellow on its underside. It has stubby, digit-less arms and short legs with two toes on each foot.
Bagon lives in rough terrains with cliffs and rocks. It longs to fly and jumps off cliffs trying to be able to do so. Frustrated at its inability to fly, it leaps off cliffs and smashes its head against large rocks indiscriminately. This process of continually bashing its head causes it to become as hard as steel. Well-developed neck muscles support its hard head. This, combined with its powerful body, allows it to shatter rocks with its head. Bagon is known to be rather solitary, preferring not to form groups with others of its kind. It has been theorized that Bagon's habit of head-bashing and pure belief influences the cells needed to help it evolve.
";bagon;bagon;bagon;bagon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
372;1;Shelgon;Dragon;391;2;313,1;0;3;3,1168325792;11;1105;559;1;"Shelgon is a quadrupedal Pokémon that resembles a pupal stage. There are bone structures covering its body, which form a shell with two openings and three ridges on top. One opening is in front, revealing two yellow eyes, while the other opening is in the back. This bony covering repels enemy attacks, but it makes Shelgon heavy. Its gray legs are visible protruding from underneath the shell, each with a short red stripe on the inner surface.
As a result, this Pokémon moves sluggishly and is never eating or drinking. However, Shelgon does not die for reasons that remain unknown. Inside the shell, its body is busy forming for its next evolution. It stores the necessary energy need for to evolve, and when it does, its shell peels away. Shelgon can be found in caverns, where it stays still until it evolves.
";shelgon;shelgon;shelgon;shelgon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
373;1;Salamence;Flying,Dragon;518;2;414,1;1;9;6,0540935673;15;1026;190;1;"Salamence is a quadrupedal, draconic Pokémon with a long, tapering tail. It is primarily blue with a gray lower jaw and thickly scaled underside. There are red markings on its throat, the underside of its tail, and stripes on the inner surface of its legs. Additionally, there are raised red ridges above its eyes. Three flat fins protrude from either side of its head, possibly acting in the same manner that a Canard would on an aircraft. It has two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. Each of its short legs has three claws. Salamence is considered an unusual Pokémon due to the circumstances of its evolution, its fervent desire to fly triggered a cellular mutation that allowed it to suddenly grow large, red wings.
Its long-held dream fulfilled at last, Salamence constantly flies around and releases intense blasts of fire as an expression of its joy. It only stops flying when it gets exhausted and needs to sleep. If enraged, it loses all sense of self and flies into an uncontrollable rampage, destroying everything around it until it tires itself out. It lives in rough terrain, and it competes with Garchomp midair for food.
As Mega Salamence, its wings meld together into a single huge, crescent-shaped wing. According to the anime, the hard, yet very flexible properties of its wings allow them to be used as blades in mid-air battles. Its face, neck, body and tail are narrower, and its tail is noticeably shorter in length. The ridges above its eyes are now far less prominent, and it no longer possesses the thick, gray scaling over its lower jaw. Instead, the smooth red flesh underneath has been left exposed, increasing its streamline appearance. The upper pair of fins resting on the sides of its head are now elongated and tapered. The lower pair has not changed much. However, the middle set now take the form of quarter-arches, spanning towards the bridge of the nose. The remnants of its shelled underbelly have been drastically transformed into a segmented, more aerodynamic, vest-like armored frame. This frame encases its chest and shoulders with the pieces interlocking whenever Mega Salamence tucks in its front forelegs.
The stress of Salamence's vaunted wings becoming misshapen in its Mega Evolution aggravates it to the point of rampaging. This fuels its already brutal nature and makes it likely to turn against the Trainer who raised it. Because of this, Mega Salamence is feared as ″the blood-soaked crescent″. Anything and anyone in Salamence's path gets sliced in two by its bladelike wings, posing no interruption to its flight.
";salamence;salamence;salamence;salamence;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
374;1;Beldum;Steel,Psychic;259;2;207,05;0;6;1,3049369748;6;952;820;1;"Beldum is a robotic Pokémon that has a long body with a set of claws sticking out of its rear end. It has one large, red eye in the center of its nearly spherical head, which is set into a ball-and-socket joint at its front end. A short crest projects from its body and extends over its head.
Even though Beldum is mechanical, it still has emotions, the need to eat, and a way of reproducing. Beldum's body lacks blood, and is instead made of cells that are all magnets. It uses magnetism to move, communicate, and control its attacks. Beldum sometimes gathers in swarms, communicating with each other telepathically and magnetically and moving in sync. When enraged, it can cause nearby machines to break from its strong magnetism. Beldum can also use its magnetic force to rapidly pull in enemies and then use its sharp claws to harm them. Beldum is scarce in the wild, but it does tend to inhabit areas with rugged terrain. It anchors itself to a cliff using its hooks when it sleeps.
";beldum;beldum;beldum;beldum;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
375;1;Metang;Steel,Psychic;360;2;287,85;1;10;1,7057777778;12;2025;559;1;"Metang is a robotic Pokémon with teal, metallic skin. It has a disc-shaped body with a pair of flat, gray spikes on either side toward the rear. A jet cannot scratch Metang due to its strong body. There is a gray spike in the middle of its face, similar to a nose. A pair of red eyes reside in two holes in its metallic skin. While it appears to lack legs, it has a pair of thick arms with three claws on the ends. The arms are considerably thicker below the elbow and have a flat, blunt protrusion extending over the joint.
Metang is formed when two Beldum fuse together. A magnetic nervous system joins the brains of these two Pokémon. This linkage allows Metang to generate a strong, psychokinetic power that is doubled. However, this does not increase its intellect. This Pokémon's high intelligence and strong magnetic field are other sources of powerful psychic energy. In addition to generating psychic power, its magnetism allows Metang to hover in midair. It is able to rotate its arms backwards in order to travel at speeds over 60 mph (100 km/h) in search of prey. When Metang finds its prey, it uses its psychic power to stop it from escaping. Then it firmly grabs onto the prey with its claws, never letting go. Metang's claws are able to rip through steel. This Pokémon lives on rough terrains and harsh mountains. It pursues Nosepass, loving its magnetic minerals.
";metang;metang;metang;metang;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
376;1;Metagross;Steel,Psychic;524;2;419,15;0;2;1,2193454545;16;5500;190;1;"Metagross is a massive, robotic Pokémon with a turquoise, disc-shaped body, and four legs. The main body appears to serve as both head and body, and this Pokémon's overall construction gives it the appearance of a mechanized arachnid. It uses its heavy body to pin down its prey before consuming them with its large mouth. A large, metallic cross is situated in the center of its face. On either side of the cross, a red eye peers out from a space in Metagross's metallic armor. Its four legs are joined to the main body by ball-and-socket joints. While the upper portion of the legs is relatively thin, they are considerably thicker below the knee. Each leg has three short claws on the end and a flat, blunt protrusion extending over the knee. The legs can be tucked in, allowing Metagross to float in the air.
As Mega Metagross, it constantly floats, and its legs become arms. It also gains four legs on the back of its head. The cross on its face turns pale gold, and it gains two small holes and a spike immediately below the cross, giving the impression of a goatee.
Metagross is the result of two Metang fusing together. This gives Metagross four brains in total, all connected by a complex network of neurons. Because of these complex connections and the number of brains, this Pokémon is capable of performing complex calculations and is more intelligent than a supercomputer. It uses its intelligence to analyze its opponents during battle. Metagross uses its fantastic strength to pin down a victim using its four claws and body. This allows Metagross to use its large mouth and teeth to chew its victim to pieces. This Pokémon can be found on rough terrains. Metagross can also be found living in snowy mountains as their magnetic powers becomes stronger in freezing temperatures.
Mega Metagross achieves its form by linking up a Metagross, a Metang, and two Beldum together. Its multiple brains process information simultaneously, enabling it to calmly assess the tide of a battle and defeat its opponent with accuracy. Mega Metagross also uses the psychic power inside its body to launch powerful attacks. Its claws are hard as steel and can easily smash even large chunks of rocks. Because Mega Evolution stimulates its multiple brains and increases its intelligence, Mega Metagross becomes a ruthless combatant that will clutch at victory by absolutely any means, no matter how horrifyingly cruel. If victory is deemed impossible, Metagross will attempt to dig its claws into its opponent and prepare to explode.
";metagross;metagross;metagross;metagross;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
377;1;Regirock;Rock;543;2;434,3;1;6;3,2100434783;17;2300;217;1;"Regirock is a large golem-like Pokémon made of brown and orange rocks and it has a pattern of seven orange dots on its face that resembles a capital letter ″H″. It has long arms with jutting shoulders and club-like hands without fingers. There is a line of orange rocky spines running down its back and its legs are short in comparison to its body. When it gets damaged in battle it will search for new rocks to repair itself. Because of this, the rocks it is made of come from several different places, which contributes to Regirock's patchwork appearance. Recently, cutting edge technology has found that Regirock is entirely made of stone and rock as it does not seem to have a heart or brain. It generally lives in caves or ruins as it was sealed away years ago by ancient people.
";regirock;regirock;regirock;regirock;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
378;1;Regice;Ice;354;2;282,8;0;9;2,9088;18;1750;217;1;"Regice is a large, blue Pokémon composed of solid Antarctic ice. Its body is comprised of angular crystal-like shapes and its face has an unusual pattern consisting of seven yellow dots in a ″+″ formation. It has four spikes on its back and its two legs are conical and it balances its entire body on their points. There are three fingers on each of its pentagonal arms.
In the anime, Regice moves around by floating in the air. Regice cloaks itself in air that is -328 degrees Fahrenheit (-200 degrees Celsius), and anything near Regice will become frozen. It can even survive when submerged in molten lava or other extremely hot temperatures. Regice was created in an ice age and has slept in a glacier for thousands of years and it was sealed away in ancient ruins by people in the past.
";regice;regice;regice;regice;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
379;1;Registeel;Steel;448;2;358,55;0;8;3,3231463415;19;2050;217;1;"Registeel is a large Legendary Steel-type Pokémon. Most of Registeel's body is spherical and gray while the middle of its face has the appearance of being exposed as it shows black ″skin″ and is surrounded by raised metal. Registeel's lower half is disc-like in shape and has two cylindrical legs without toes. Its face consists of seven red dots in a hexagonal formation and it has black arms with three fingers each that are connected to its upper half by gray hemispheres. The backs of its hands have three red triangles pointing away from the fingers.
While Registeel has been classified as a Steel-type Pokémon, its body is hollow and made of a material that is harder than any known metal. However, this material stretches and shrinks despite its hardness. Because of this, it is unknown what Registeel can eat. Registeel's body was tempered by pressure underground over thousands of years, as a result, it cannot be scratched. It was sealed away in ruins by people during ancient times.
";registeel;registeel;registeel;registeel;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
380;1;Latias;Dragon,Psychic;455;1;363,6;0;8;12,726;14;400;190;1;"Latias is a Pokémon with a birdlike body stylized after a plane. Its long neck stretches forward from its squat body. It has no legs, usually floating instead. The rear half of its body is largely red and the upper half white, with jet-plane wings high on its rear and fins on the bottom near its tail. A blue triangle marks the center of its chest, while a red mask partially covers its face. Ear-like fins sit on top of its head and its eyes are yellow. It has short, three-fingered arms with a red covering on the outer side of the lower arms. Latias is a female-only species, with Latios being its male counterpart.
As Mega Latias, the red parts of its body change to purple. Horns grow from the side of its head and run along its jaw. It loses the wings on its back and similar but larger wings attach to its lower arms, normally held in a level position. Triangle shapes now mark the forward point of its wings instead of its chest.
Latias ruffles its feathers and cries loudly when there is hostility toward it. Its glass-like, downy feathers can enfold its body and refract light, which allows it to become invisible or alter its appearance. It can also use its down to use its signature move, Mist Ball. It is highly intelligent and can understand human speech. It is capable of using telepathy to communicate with others. In the fifth movie, Latias had the ability ″Sight Sharing″, which allowed Latias and people around it to see exactly what Latios was seeing. It normally does not make contact with humans or other Pokémon and disappears when an enemy is nearby. It forms herds with several members and is usually found near water.
";latias;latias;latias;latias;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
381;1;Latios;Dragon,Psychic;455;1;363,6;0;1;12,12;20;600;190;1;"Latios is a Pokémon with a birdlike body stylized after a plane. Its body flows slowly into a thick neck, giving it a bulky appearance. It has no legs, usually floating instead. Most of its body is blue, with white areas near its arms and a white stripe on its back that extend up to its head. Jet-plane wings sit on top of its back, while two tall, jagged fins point behind it from its rear. A red triangle marks the center of its chest, while a blue mask partially covers its face. Long, ear-like fins extend from its jaws to over its head, and its eyes are red. It has three-fingered arms with a blue covering on the outer side of the lower arms. Latios is a male-only species, with Latias being its female counterpart.
As Mega Latios, the blue parts of its body change to purple. Horns grow from the side of its head and run along its jaw. It loses the wings on its back and similar but larger wings attach to its lower arms, normally held in a level position. Triangle shapes now mark the forward point of its wings instead of its chest.
Latios can fly faster than a jet by tucking in its arms. In the fifth movie, Latios had the ability ″Sight Sharing″ (Japanese: ゆめうつし Dream Analysis) which allowed Latias and people around it to see exactly what Latios was seeing. Oakley also mentioned that it can shape-shift. It prefers compassionate Trainers, to whom it opens its heart. It uses telepathy to detect locations and the emotions of others and can understand human speech. It lives by the water's edge. Latios is the only known Pokémon capable of learning Luster Purge.
";latios;latios;latios;latios;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
382;1;Kyogre;Water;480;2;383,8;0;3;4,9065340909;45;3520;94;1;"Kyogre is a massive, whale-like Pokémon with two big pectoral fins, each with four white square-shaped nails. It has a deep blue body and a white chin area with two small spikes protruding under it. Above each eye are two white, oval-shaped spots. Kyogre has red stripes around its chin, eyes, dorsal fins, and torso. These stripes glow when Kyogre is brimming with power. The tail is tattered with four trailing parts, with the inner ones being smaller than the outer. Its eyes are small, yellow, and shadowed with black.
Primal Kyogre retains its general body structure but grows to more than double the size of its base form. Its main skin color becomes a darker shade of blue, the red markings along its body become light blue, and its eyes glow yellow with orange irises and orange-red pupils. The markings on its pectoral fins slightly change to form α symbols, which connect to its outer nails with red markings connecting the inner nails. Every part of its skin that was white in its base form becomes clear and translucent, with the large ovals on its head now connected to clear markings stretching from its tail to its forehead, where another α symbol is formed. The trailing parts of its tail grow longer and gain translucent webbing, and the areas between its pectoral fin markings also become clear. The translucent parts of its body reveal organ-like structures that glow with a mysterious light, it has a large ″organ″ at the center of its body, two smaller ones aligned with the large oval markings, and two more located in its pectoral fins. In the anime, Primal Kyogre is said to have widened the seas by a large margin simply by taking a swim.
Kyogre is said to be a powerful Pokémon, having control over the element of water and rain. It is said to have expanded the seas and is hailed as a savior for quenching areas of the world plagued with drought. Kyogre is normally calm and peaceful, but if it meets its rival, Groudon, Kyogre will engage in a cataclysmic battle against it. In the Mystery Dungeon series and core series, Kyogre is able to fly. Kyogre generally lives deep in the ocean and is said to rest in a deep trench. Kyogre is the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Origin Pulse.
";kyogre;kyogre;kyogre;kyogre;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,!382Kyogre_AG_anime_2.png,
383;1;Groudon;Ground;606;1;484,8;1;3;1,7861052632;35;9500;94;1;"Groudon is a massive, bipedal, dinosaur-like Pokémon covered in red, segmented plates of thick skin that act as armor. It has a gray underside and large white spikes that run along the sides of its head, body, and tail. Groudon has four claws on each hand, four dozer-like blades on the end of its large tail, and three claws on each foot with gray markings under its feet. It also has blue stripes inside the seams of its armor plating which can only be seen when Groudon is glowing with power.
As Primal Groudon, its appearance is similar to Groudon, but larger in size. Its skin color changes from dark red to deep crimson with its underside, spikes, and teeth turning black. The blades on its tail are more separated from one another. The Ω symbol is now shown on its arms. Its eyes, the inside of its mouth, and the now-enlarged openings between its armor plating glow bright yellow, and its irises are now red. The energy that fills Primal Groudon pours forth as magma, and it burns with such an extreme temperature that its body is always shimmering with the haze of its heat.[1] In the anime, Primal Groudon is said to create new land with every step it takes.
Groudon is an immensely powerful Pokémon, having the ability to summon intense droughts and cause volcanic eruptions. The droughts it can cause allow it to evaporate water, while the volcanic eruptions it can summon enable it to create land. It sleeps underground in large magma chambers. If it encounters its rival, Kyogre, they will engage in a cataclysmic battle. Groudon is the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Precipice Blades.
";groudon;groudon;groudon;groudon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
384;1;Rayquaza;Flying,Dragon;556;1;444,4;0;1;15,0644067797;70;2065;82;1;"Rayquaza is a large, green, serpentine Pokémon that also resembles a missile. It has red-tipped, rudder-like wings on its shoulders and down its body, and similarly patterned fins on the tip of its tail. Yellow ring-like symbols run across the length of Rayquaza's body and it has an additional yellow ring on top of its head. Rayquaza has two limbs with three-clawed hands, and two long, flat, horn-like structures on its head, with two shorter horns along its jawline. It has small, yellow eyes with black pupils, prominent pink gums, and two discernible fangs in its upper jaw.
As Mega Rayquaza, its body becomes longer and gains more features. Its head becomes longer with the Δ symbol appearing on its forehead. Rayquaza's eyes now contain yellow pupils and red irises, and black, shichishito-shaped markings trail behind its eyes. Its red lips and teeth become gold, and the gold lines connect to those on its lower horns, which take on a broad, triangular shape. At the outer edges of its lower horns are long, golden, glowing tendrils that each extend to a green, fin-like structure, these tendrils have ring patterns that strongly resemble the yellow markings running along the length of Rayquaza's normal form. While in flight, these tendrils give Mega Rayquaza a Δ-shaped profile. Its two upper horns become longer with a gold line running over them in a V shape, and each upper horn has another glowing tendril that ends in a circular shape with a spike. Along the length of its body are golden, glowing orbs placed where its ring patterns used to be. The chin, part of the neck, and parts of its serpentine body are changed to the color black. The fins running along its body are now marked with gold lines, the fins on its tail become entirely yellow and substantially longer. Particles stream from the long tendrils that extend from its jutting jaw, these particles can control the density and humidity of the air, allowing Mega Rayquaza to manipulate the weather. Its green hide sparkles with an emerald-like quality.[1]
Inside Rayquaza's body lies an organ that contains the same power as a Mega Stone. A Devon Corporation scientist named this organ the mikado organ (Japanese: ミカド器官). By consuming meteoroids as it flies through the stratosphere, the mikado organ will be filled with enough energy to enable Rayquaza's Mega Evolution.
It is able to soothe the other members of the super-ancient Pokémon, even in their Primal Forms. Rayquaza is said to have lived for hundreds of millions of years in the ozone layer, where it feeds on water and other particles. Rayquaza is rarely seen by people, even in flight, its appearance is indistinguishable from that of a meteor. Rayquaza preys on the Minior in the Alola region. Rayquaza possesses some of the strongest attack power out of any Pokémon. Rayquaza is the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Dragon Ascent.
";rayquaza;rayquaza;rayquaza;rayquaza;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
385;1;Jirachi;Steel,Psychic;505;2;404;0;2;110,1818181818;3;11;190;1;" Jirachi's ″true″ eye openJirachi is a small, white, humanoid Pokémon. It has short, stubby legs and comparatively longer arms. There are flaps on the underside of its arms, which give the impression of long sleeves. On its belly is a curved seam, which conceals a third eye, known as its ″true″ eye. Additionally, Jirachi has a normal pair of ovalish eyes on its face, with small, blue triangular markings underneath. On its head is a large, yellow structure with three points extending outward: one from the top and one on either side. On each point is a teal tag, known as a ″wish tag″. A rounded extension hangs from either side of the yellow structure, framing Jirachi's face. Two yellow streamers flow from Jirachi's back, resembling comet tails.
Jirachi hibernates for extensive periods, forming a protective crystalline shell as it sleeps. However, it is still capable of fighting while asleep if it is in danger. It awakens for seven days every thousand years, but can also waken if sung to by a voice of purity. During the short periods when it is awake, Jirachi is said to grant wishes. However, in the anime, Jirachi cannot create an object that is desired from a wish. Instead, it teleports the desired object to the person that made the wish. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Jirachi's wishes are granted by writing on the three tags located on its head. Due to only having three tags, Jirachi can only grant three wishes. The anime further reveals that Jirachi's awakening is linked to the Millennium Comet and that its third eye has the ability to absorb the energy Jirachi needs for hibernation. Although it is extremely rare, Jirachi can be found in the mountains. Jirachi is the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Doom Desire.
";jirachi;jirachi;jirachi;jirachi;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
386;1;Deoxys-normal;Psychic;505;1;404;1;8;11,2960526316;17;608;190;1;" Deoxys regeneratingDeoxys is an alien-like, bipedal Pokémon that has four Formes, each focused on a different stat. The main components that are constant for all four Formes are dominantly a red color, a light blue face, and three light blue dots on its back arranged in a triangle. Typically, there is a purple stripe running down the center of its face and a purple, crystalline organ in its chest. Its white, circular eyes are set inside rectangular, black eye sockets. It is shown in the anime, that Deoxys may have a green crystalline organ and facial stripe.
In its Normal Forme, Deoxys has tapering legs with a segmented, vertical, blue stripe on the upper portion. The abdomen is black with vertical lines, while the majority of its skin is reddish-orange. The arms are capable of taking different forms, usually a pair of tentacles coiled in a double helix. One tentacle is the primary skin color, while the other is light blue. Alternately, it can form more humanoid arms with a red top and blue underside and a five-fingered hand. This Forme has a blunt protrusion with a single blue stripe on either side of its head and stubby tail.
While in its Attack Forme, Deoxys's legs remain tapered. However, its blue stripes are no longer segmented and run the entire length of the leg and there is now a large spike on the knee. Two pairs of whip-like tentacles with pointed tips, one reddish-orange and one blue, replace its previous coiled, blunted tentacles. The protrusions on its head are now triangular with an additional one extending from the top of its head. Most of its reddish-orange skin has receded, revealing a striated, black chest and abdomen. Finally, its tail is now longer and more pointed.
Deoxys's Defense Forme has bulky, wide legs that are somewhat flat at the end with a bluish-green spot on each knee. It retains its two pairs of red and blue tentacles, but they are now flat and broad. The head has fused with its body and all protrusions are gone, causing it to resemble a helmet. The reddish-orange skin now covers the entire body, so none of its inner black portions are visible. There is now a single blue stripe on each shoulder, and its tail has disappeared.
The Speed Forme of this Pokémon has a sleek black body with thin striation. The reddish-orange skin now covers only its head, hip joints, and the area around its crystal. There is now only one tentacle on each side of its body, one red and one blue. The protrusions on its head now point upward and the back of its head now forms a long spike. There is a long, thick blue stripe running down the center of this longer protrusion. More blue stripes appear on either hip joint and on its legs.
Deoxys was formed by the mutation of a virus from space. The Pokémon is highly intelligent, its brain appears to be the crystal in its chest. This organ is capable of firing laser beams. Additionally, Deoxys can use psychokinetic powers, which are useful for its signature move Psycho Boost. As shown in the anime, it is able to regenerate any part of its body that it may have lost during a battle. It has also demonstrated the ability to create an aurora without changing its Forme. These auroras can have different electromagnetic wavelengths and are used to communicate with other Deoxys. It is also shown that the various electromagnetic waves given off by people, Pokémon, and all electronics can obscure its vision if there is enough interference with its communication. This Pokémon came from outer space from inside of a meteor. Deoxys' different forms each possess different abilities and techniques.
In the anime and manga, Deoxys has been observed to create clones of itself. These clones have lifeless eyes and duller color, lack of the trademark crystal on the chest, and seem to be unable to change from the Normal Forme. Furthermore, they seem unable to morph their tentacles into hands. When these clones are defeated, they dissolve into dust-like particles.
";deoxys-normal;deoxys-normal;deoxys-normal;deoxys-normal;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
387;1;Turtwig;Grass;275;2;220,18;0;4;8,6345098039;4;102;808;1;" A Turtwig tired from thirst, with its seedling wiltingTurtwig is a small, light green, quadrupedal Pokémon resembling a turtle or tortoise. Its eyes, feet, and lower jaw are yellow. Its body is covered by a brown shell that is composed of earth. The shell has a thick black stripe and a black rim.
On a very healthy Turtwig, the shell should feel moist. A small seedling grows on a brown patch on its head. This seedling will wilt if the Pokémon becomes thirsty. Since it is a plant-based Pokémon, Turtwig usually nourishes itself through photosynthesis. It also drinks water, which hardens its soil-based shell. Turtwig becomes more energetic when exposed to enough sunlight. Due to its status as a starter Pokémon, a wild Turtwig is hard to come by and it is generally found under the ownership of Trainers.
";turtwig;turtwig;turtwig;turtwig;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
388;1;Grotle;Grass;360;1;287,85;0;2;3,2642783505;11;970;574;1;" Grotle with acornsGrotle is a quadrupedal Pokémon with light green skin and a large shell covering its back. The shell is composed of hardened soil and conforms to the shape of Grotle's body, extending from its forehead to the tip of its short tail. The shell appears sectioned and is yellow with three long, brown ridges atop it. There are two bush-like trees growing around the outermost ridges. Grotle's lower jaw is yellow and has triangular extensions on the cheeks, while its upper jaw has a hooked tip. Its feet are yellow and have three claws each.
Grotle has the ability to sense where pure water wells up, and will carry other Pokémon on its back to these sources. It lives in forests but leaves during the day to allow more sunlight on its trees. Grotle has also been observed living near clean spring water. Berries grow on the trees, attracting some species of Pokémon. The berries it grows are said to be sweet and very delicious. In the anime, Grotle is seen to produce acorn-like nuts instead.
";grotle;grotle;grotle;grotle;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
389;1;Torterra;Ground,Grass;461;2;368,65;1;5;2,6162258065;22;3100;292;1;"Torterra is a tall, bulky, quadrupedal Pokémon resembling a tortoise, with a large shell covering its back. There is a single, oak-like tree and three triangular, stony extensions resembling mountain peaks on the top of the shell. There is a patch of brown, resembling soil, next to the tree. A white rim surrounds the shell and forms a diamond-shaped continuation on the front. Torterra's body appears sectioned, with the upper half being green and the lower half brown. Its mouth is jagged, which gives it the appearance of a snapping turtle. It also has a black nose. Its lower jaw is green and there are two large spikes protruding from its cheeks. Torterra's small, red eyes are encircled by a black ring. Its legs are thick and they have four toes each, which appear as if they are actually jagged stones. There are three toes on the front and one on the heel.
Torterra's large and clean shell supports the lives of many small Pokémon, which occasionally gather and build their nests upon the shell. Some are born and spend their entire life there. Torterra migrates in groups, searching for clean water, creating the illusion of moving forests, moving mountains, or scenery for a beautiful garden. However, it is typically immobile. Ancient people in the past believed the ground contained gigantic Torterra underneath. Torterra's strength is said to have no equals.
";torterra;torterra;torterra;torterra;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
390;1;Chimchar;Fire;261;1;209,07;1;7;16,860483871;5;62;814;1;" A sleeping Chimchar — note the lack of a flameChimchar is a bipedal Pokémon resembling a chimpanzee. Its fur is primarily a shade of orange, though its face, outer ears, underbelly, hands, and feet are light yellow. Its rear has a small, round, red patch that is usually obscured by flames produced by burning gas in its stomach. These flames go out when it goes to sleep, and burn weakly when it feels ill. Chimchar's ears are large in comparison to its head size and red inside. It has two pointed teeth in its upper jaw. Chimchar has red markings nearly surrounding its eyes, a swirl-like symbol on its chest, and five fingers on its hands with three toes on its feet. It has a swirly crest of hair on its head.
Being very agile, it is able to climb the rocky ledges of tall mountains, where it lives. Chimchar's tail cannot be put out by rain. Chimchar was also known as the Lantern-Tail. This title came from people mistaking its tail for an apparition.
";chimchar;chimchar;chimchar;chimchar;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
391;1;Monferno;Fighting,Fire;347;2;277,75;0;7;11,3625;9;220;574;1;"Monferno is a bipedal, primate-like Pokémon. Orange fur covers most of its body, except for its ears, muzzle, fingers, circular areas on its palms, feet, and chest, which are tan. A small tuft of fur extends from the top of Monferno's head, and it has oval, brown eyes. Its eyes have a thick blue marking above and a small, red marking in-between. Its muzzle is short and blunt, with two small, pointed teeth in its upper jaw. There is a white ruff of fur around its neck and gold bands around its arms near its shoulders. It has five fingers on each hand, but only three toes on each foot. Its long tail has a red ring around the base and a flame burning at the tip.
The flame on Monferno's tail has several purposes. Primarily, it can be controlled to keep opponents at an ideal distance or stretched in order to make Monferno appear larger. The size of its flame, in combination with the brightness of its facial marking, indicates this Pokémon's position in its pack. The bigger the flame and the brighter the pattern, the higher the Pokémon's position. In addition to using its flaming tail as a weapon, Monferno can also leap from ceilings or walls to perform aerial attacks.
";monferno;monferno;monferno;monferno;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
392;1;Infernape;Fighting,Fire;453;2;362,59;0;1;7,9110545455;12;550;280;1;"Infernape is a bipedal, primate-like Pokémon that is primarily reddish-brown with sections of white fur on its chest, head, and lower legs. Several gold markings adorn its body: swirled, circular ones on its knees and shoulders flame-shaped ones on the back of its hands, and a stripe around its back that forms two swirls on its chest. On top of its head is a large flame, which is never extinguished. Infernape has an orange, rounded muzzle, long, round ears with blue inside, and a red ridge over its eyes. The eyes themselves are blue with yellow sclerae. There are five blue digits on both its feet and hands, and it has a long tail.
This quick Pokémon practices a unique kind of martial art that involves all of its limbs, as it shrouds itself in flame and uses fiery punches and kicks. This form of battle is comparable to dancing.
";infernape;infernape;infernape;infernape;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
393;1;Piplup;Water;249;1;198,97;1;10;15,3053846154;4;52;811;1;" Piplup rejecting foodPiplup is a light-blue, penguin-like Pokémon, which is covered in thick down to insulate against the cold. It has a dark blue head with a primarily white face and a short, yellow beak. The dark blue feathers on its head extend down its back and around its neck, which causes it to appear to be wearing a cape. There are two white ovals on its chest and a small, light-blue marking resembles a crown above its beak. It has flipper-like arms and yellow feet with three toes each.
Piplup has a strong sense of self-pride. Because of its pride, it has a hard time accepting food from humans and bonding with its caretakers. It will even puff out its chest after it falls down, which it often does due to its poor walking abilities. However, it is a skilled swimmer that can dive for over ten minutes in order to hunt. It has also been shown to fly short distances in the anime. It lives along the seashore in colder climates.
";piplup;piplup;piplup;piplup;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
394;1;Prinplup;Water;313;2;250,48;1;4;8,7123478261;8;230;574;1;"Prinplup is a blue, penguin-like Pokémon. It is mostly dark blue with light blue facial markings, wing tips, and lower body. Its eyes are blue and it has a short yellow beak with a small point above it. Two large, yellow ridges extend from its beak over the back of its head and meet just above the nape of its neck. On its body are four large, white spots that resemble buttons. Instead of arms, it has long, sturdy, flipper-like wings that are capable of knocking over and snapping trees. It has short legs with yellow, three-toed feet.
Prinplup has a high sense of self-pride, which prevents it from forming groups of its own kind. This Pokémon can be found in icy waters, where it hunts for prey. Prinplup can swim gracefully in the cold seas. Its singing voice has been compared to a roaring tide.
";prinplup;prinplup;prinplup;prinplup;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
395;1;Empoleon;Steel,Water;401;1;321,18;0;3;6,4616094675;17;845;283;1;"Empoleon is a large, navy-blue, penguin-like Pokémon. It has a wide, yellow beak that extends upward into three pointed horns that form a trident-shaped crest bracketing blue eyes. Large horns are a symbol of leadership and strength for Empoleon. There is a blue marking resembling a crown over its eyes and a white, lacy marking running down its chest. A blue, fin-like projection forms a collar around its throat and runs down the length of its chest and belly. On its back are two raised, gold bumps and a second blue fin that forms its tail. Its yellow feet are webbed with three toes each and its feathers form ruffs above its feet. It has wide, flipper-like wings rimmed with blue along the tips, and three golden claws.
The edges of these wings are comparable to master-crafted blades, capable of slicing through ice floes, and this Pokémon will use them to attack anyone or anything that damages its pride. However, it prefers to avoid unnecessary disputes at times. When swimming in the water, Empoleon can move as fast as a jet boat. In Hisui, people have revered Empoleon since ancient times, referring to it as the Master of the Waves.
";empoleon;empoleon;empoleon;empoleon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
396;1;Starly;Normal,Flying;234;1;186,85;0;3;28,0275;3;20;853;1;"Starly is an avian Pokémon with primarily grayish-brown plumage. There is a white marking on its face, resembling a mask, and a white spot on its chest. The top portion of the mask marking is smaller on the female. The rest of its head and the lower half of its wings are black. Starly has a long, orange beak with a black tip and oval, black eyes with white pupils. A small tuft of feathers curls over the back and its head, and a small, pointed ruff surrounds its neck. It has two black tail feathers with a white feather between them. Its feet are orange with three toes in the front and one in the back. It preys on small Bug Pokémon and Cherubi. In the anime, it has also been seen consuming the acorn-like Berries grown on the bushes of Grotle.
Although capable of flapping its wings powerfully, Starly is weak and inconspicuous when alone. It forms large flocks to protect itself. However, individuals will begin to bicker if the group becomes too large. This Pokémon's cry is harsh, and its singing can become annoying. Starly congregates in mountains and fields, where it hunts for bug Pokémon. Starly's small wings are powerful enough to leave foes with an injury that can last for weeks.
";starly;starly;starly;starly;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
397;1;Staravia;Normal,Flying;328;2;262,6;1;8;10,1651612903;6;155;643;1;"Staravia is a grayish-brown, avian Pokémon with black and white markings. Its head and upper body are primarily black with an ″M″-shaped pattern over its white chest. On its forehead is a grayish-brown spot, which is smaller on the female. On its face is a white, mask-like marking with a pattern of spikes along the lower edge. It has small, black eyes with white pupils and a long, orange beak with a black tip. On the back of its head is a long tuft of feathers, which curves forward. The lower halves of its wings are black, and it has black tail feathers with a single white feather in the center. Its orange, anisodactyl feet have black talons.
Staravia lives near forests and fields, where it hunts for Bug Pokémon. Aware of its own weakness, it forms flocks of its own kind and cries noisily if left on its own. However, these flocks can be extremely territorial. When two different groups meet, they will have fierce territorial disputes. A strong Staravia can be identified by the plume it has on its head.
";staravia;staravia;staravia;staravia;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
398;1;Staraptor;Normal,Flying;473;1;378,75;0;6;18,2530120482;12;249;358;1;"Staraptor is a grayish-brown, avian Pokémon similar to a large bird of prey. It has small, red eyes and a thin, yellow beak with a black tip. There is a circular white patch on its forehead, which is smaller on the female. Larger white markings cover the front of its throat and chest, separated by a black ruff encircling the shoulders. A red-tipped, black crest extends over its head, nearly reaching the tip of its beak. Staraptor is fussy about the shape of this comb, which it uses to appear larger and frighten enemies. It has large wings, five black-tipped tail feathers, and yellow feet with black talons.
Its powerful wing and leg muscles allow it to fly effortlessly while carrying a small or large Pokémon. Upon evolution, this Pokémon leaves its flock to live alone. The reason for this is due to Staraptor being powerful enough to take care of itself. It can be highly aggressive, persistently attacking even larger foes in spite of illness or injury.
";staraptor;staraptor;staraptor;staraptor;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
399;1;Bidoof;Normal;221;1;176,75;1;5;4,41875;5;200;850;1;"Bidoof is a brown, rodent-like Pokémon with four short legs. It has a short, dark brown snout and a small, red nose. Cream-colored markings cover its underside and surround its face. Round tufts of fur form its tail with five on the male and three on the female. Similar tufts line the bottom of its face and two singular ones form its ears. Bidoof's black paws have three toes with some webbing between them. Protruding from Bidoof's upper jaw are large incisors, which it uses for gnawing on wood and rocks. Bidoof has a constant unsophisticated face it maintains.
These teeth grow constantly, so this Pokémon needs to gnaw on hard substances to keep them ground down. The growth rate of Bidoof's teeth is similar to Rattata. This Pokémon can be found nesting in groups near bodies of water, usually building a nest of dams to live in. Bidoof's diet consists of eating logs and rocks with its front teeth. Despite its stout body, this Pokémon can be agile and is not easily perturbed. There have been various incidents of Bidoof calmly entering villages to gnaw on homes without a care in the world.
";bidoof;bidoof;bidoof;bidoof;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
400;1;Bibarel;Normal,Water;372;2;297,95;0;7;9,4587301587;10;315;568;1;"Bibarel is a bulky, bipedal Pokémon similar to a beaver. Brown fur covers most of this Pokémon with a tan circle on its chest. Its face is covered by a tan mask with a rounded extension over each eye, the male will have an additional extension to the side of each eye. While its forepaws are small and slightly webbed, its hind paws are larger and more rounded. Both sets of paws are black with three toes, but the hind paws have circular, tan paw pads. Bibarel's large, flat tail is black with a tan, wavy marking near the tip. Rounded tufts of fur line each side of its face. Its short, dark brown snout has a small red nose and protruding upper incisors.
These teeth are used for chewing trees. This Pokémon is known to be an industrious worker that dams rivers by building its nest. These dams are made of bark, roots, and mud. However, a river dammed by Bibarel will never overflow. It is slow-moving and awkward out of the water, but a swift swimmer, comparable to a Feebas. Bibarel's fur is very good at repelling water and materials for heat retention clothing,
";bibarel;bibarel;bibarel;bibarel;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
401;1;Kricketot;Bug;162;2;129,28;0;0;17,6290909091;3;22;883;1;"Kricketot is a bipedal, bug-like Pokémon. The majority of its body is red with a streak down its front and black cape-like marking on its back. Its head is encircled with a flat, white structure similar to a collar. A female has a bigger collar than a male. Two hard, black antennae with curled tips are connected to the head by a dark red segment. A similar dark red segment forms this Pokémon's nose, and it has small, black hands and feet.
By shaking its head and rubbing its antennae together, it is able to create a xylophonic or marimba sound that it uses to communicate with other Kricketot. Kricketot are known to gather at tress when they change colors. Kricketot are known to stumble sometimes due to their short legs.
";kricketot;kricketot;kricketot;kricketot;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
402;1;Kricketune;Bug;351;1;280,78;1;2;11,0109803922;10;255;598;1;"Kricketune is a bipedal Pokémon with an insectoid appearance. Primarily red, there are three black, oval markings on its abdomen, a tan streak running down its neck to its belly, and a tan underside with a small, dark red marking above it. It has oval, gray eyes, and a dark red, round nose. Black feelers with curled tips extend from either side of its nose, similar in appearance to a mustache. The male's mustache is longer than a female's. On top of its head are two antennae with conical bases, spherical centers, and long, thin tips. Kricketune has two small feet and a pair of black wings. This Pokémon's arms are shaped similar to its antennae and are crossed over its chest when it cries.
It can also allow its cry to resonate in its belly. Kricketune's melodic cry varies greatly and can be used to signal its emotions. Scientists have been observing the melodic patterns of Kricketune for studies. In one village, Kricketune are used in a contest based on the different sounds it makes. Seeking out a Kircketune's favorite tune is a worthwhile endeavor to witness.
";kricketune;kricketune;kricketune;kricketune;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
403;1;Shinx;Electric;239;2;190,89;0;3;10,0468421053;5;95;841;1;"Shinx is a quadrupedal, feline Pokémon resembling a lion cub or lynx kitten. Its front half is light blue, while the rear is black. There is a short tuft of fur on its head and smaller tufts on each cheek. The top tuft is smaller on the female Shinx. It has large, oval ears with yellow, star-shaped markings on the insides, yellow eyes, and a tiny, red nose. Whenever its mouth is open, small fangs can be seen in its upper jaw. A black marking encircles Shinx's neck like a collar, and there are yellow bands above its forepaws. The hind paws are black on the male Shinx and blue on the female. Spiked fur surrounds the base of its long tail, which is tipped with a yellow star shape. The fur can glow when electricity is used.
If it senses danger, its fur can gleam brightly to blind predators so it can flee. Electricity is produced by the extension and contraction of muscles in this Pokémon's forelegs. Excited trembling is a sign that Shinx is generating tremendous amounts of electricity. It can send signals to other Shinx by shaking the tip its tail while it shines brightly. Taming a Shinx is said to take great patience.
";shinx;shinx;shinx;shinx;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
404;1;Luxio;Electric;321;1;256,54;1;3;7,5700327869;9;305;619;1;"Luxio is a feline, quadrupedal Pokémon resembling a young lynx or lion. Blue and black fur covers most of its body. Its ears, face, hind paws, and front half of its body are blue, while its hindquarters are black. Additionally, Luxio has a tufty black mane surrounding its face. The mane is longer on the male Luxio, while the fur on the hind paws extends to ankles on the female. The insides of its rounded ears are yellow, as are its eyes. There are two yellow rings around each front leg and a yellow, four-point star on the tip of its tail.
Luxio is able to communicate with others of its kind using electrical pulses from its claws. Luxio lives in small groups and is able to generate powerful electricity by gathering the group's tails together. When facing an opponent, Luxio extends its claws in preparation. The claws can unleash 1,000,000 volts of electricity. Luxio takes great pride in its electric claws. Luxio are known to be kind enough to share the spoils from a hunt to its own kind.
";luxio;luxio;luxio;luxio;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
405;1;Luxray;Electric;441;1;352,49;0;8;11,7496666667;14;420;295;1;" Luxray's x-ray vision from its point of viewLuxray is a quadrupedal Pokémon resembling a fully-grown lion. While its face, hind legs, torso, and the back of its front legs are blue, much of its body is covered with shaggy, black fur. The fur is longer around the shoulders and the base of the tail, and forms a mane on its head. The mane is larger on the male than on the female. It has yellow eyes with red sclerae, a blunt muzzle, and rounded ears with yellow insides. The eyes change to the color when when using its ability. There are three yellow, half rings on the back of each foreleg. Its long, thin tail is tipped with a yellow four-pointed star.
Luxray has powerful eyesight that is capable of seeing through most objects and walls, like X-ray vision. Luxray's eyesight has a legend to it. It uses this ability for hunting and keeping track of its offspring. However, this ability requires a lot of electricity to use. As a result, Luxray needs to sleep for long periods of time in order to store up more energy. Every pack is known to have one male Luxray to lead them each.
";luxray;luxray;luxray;luxray;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
406;1;Budew;Poison,Grass;202;2;161,6;1;7;26,9333333333;2;12;832;1;"Budew is a bipedal, rosebud-like Pokémon. It is one of the shortest Grass-type Pokémon. Its face is yellow with small, slit-like eyes. It appears to be wearing a green bib and has triangular, stubby yellow feet. When the two vines that are on top of its head open up, a big spot can be seen on each. One vine has a blue spot, while the other has a red spot. It keeps its buds closed during the cold winter, but opens them again in the spring and releases pollen. The pollen it scatters induces harsh sneezing and runny noses. It lives near clean pools and ponds.
";budew;budew;budew;budew;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
407;1;Roserade;Poison,Grass;360;1;287,85;1;4;17,8665517241;9;145;319;1;"Roserade is a bipedal Pokémon with an appearance that incorporates features of roses and masquerade attire. It has hair made of white rose petals, and a leafy, green cape with a yellow, collar-like bangle on its neck. The cape pattern reaches toward the back of its head, in spiky, sepal-like extensions on the hair. A male will have a shorter cape than a female. It has a dark-green mask over its red, yellow-lidded eyes. The lower portion of its face is light green, and it holds a bouquet in each hand, with a red in its right hand and blue in its left. Its limbs and underside are light green. Its feet end with yellow tips.
Roserade lures prey with a sweet aroma. The more toxic its poison, the sweeter its aroma becomes. Each hand has different toxins, but both hands can jab with near-deadly power. The right arm of Roserade contains poisons that act faster, while the left arms contains poisons that act more slowly. Regardless, Roserade's poison can be life-threatening. It attacks with a dancer-like elegance and uses hidden whips covered with poisonous thorns.
";roserade;roserade;roserade;roserade;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
408;1;Cranidos;Rock;366;2;292,9;1;1;8,3685714286;9;315;790;1;"Cranidos is a gray, dinosaur-like Pokémon resembling the Pachycephalosaurus. It has a hooked beak, red irises, and a hard, blue, dome-shaped head with four spikes on its back. It has stubby arms with three claws, despite the stubbiness, it can attack with them. The back half of its body has a large, spiky pattern of blue and it has a short tail. It has feet with three forward claws and one backward.
Its main attacking prowess involves charging head-first into its opponents. When it lived in dense forests and jungles 100 million years ago, it would use headbutts to snap obstructing trees, down its prey, and combat other Pokémon like Aerodactyl. It notably lacks any intelligence.
";cranidos;cranidos;cranidos;cranidos;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
409;1;Rampardos;Rock;480;1;383,8;0;9;5,9910243902;16;1025;481;1;"Rampardos is a large, dark-gray, dinosaur-like Pokémon resembling a Pachycephalosaurus. It has a dome head, which obstructs its red eyes. It has blue stripes, one on its tail, and one on each of its knees and wrists. It has various spikes: one on each knee, two on the blue collar on its neck, two short ones on its nose, and four on its head. Two of these head spikes are bigger than the other two.
Its strength lies within its fierce head-butting attacks. A charging Rampardos can knock down virtually anything with one hit. 100 million years ago, it lived in jungles, where it tore down jungle trees while catching prey. It enjoys barging into objects with its head to train its strength and reflexes. This resulted in its skull becoming harder than steel and a foot thick, which prevents it from fainting if it crashes into anything, even another charging Rampardos. In ancient times, people would dig up its well-developed skull fossil and use it as a helmet. However, because its skull became so thick, its brain also became even smaller than that of Cranidos, leading to theories that it went extinct because of its stupidity. Its fossils have been found near those of Bastiodon, suggesting that these two lived in the same habitat.
";rampardos;rampardos;rampardos;rampardos;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
410;1;Shieldon;Rock,Steel;278;2;222,2;1;7;1,949122807;5;570;790;1;"Shieldon is a small, yellow, ceratopsian-like reptilian Pokémon. It has white toes and a white bump on its back. Shieldon has a dark-gray elliptical face, with a prominent white brow and a white rim on its black snout. Its facial hide is extremely hard, however, it is vulnerable when attacked from behind.
100 million years ago, Shieldon lived in dense forests. It has a habit of polishing its face against tree trunks. It is speculated that few enemies would have considered challenging its armored face. It eats grass, tree roots, and Berries. Its fossils show no sign of damage to its face. Shieldon is described as having a mild-mannered nature and dislikes conflict.
";shieldon;shieldon;shieldon;shieldon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
411;1;Bastiodon;Rock,Steel;391;1;313,1;1;7;2,7226086957;13;1495;481;1;"Bastiodon is a Pokémon which appears to be a cross between a ceratopsian such as Zuniceratops and a bulldozer. Its dark gray, square head resembles a castle wall, complete with four cream-yellow, window-like spots with a black outline, three dark gray spikes on the top, and two larger gray spikes in the upper corners. Bastiodon's triangular nose extends from the middle of its shield-like head down over its lips and appears to be pierced by a gray, horizontal spike. Four spikes jut downward and four large, blunt tusks protrude upward from its dark gray lower jaw. Bastiodon's cream-yellow eyes are partially obscured by the nasal spike and spaced-out tusks. Its thick, cream-yellow body is further protected by a gray ridge and dark gray plates on its back, jagged growths on its legs, and a plated tail.
It is from roughly 100 million years ago. Despite its rough, intimidating appearance, Bastiodon is a docile, caring Pokémon that feeds on grass and Berries. Its steel-hard, shield-like face is capable of repelling any attack. When multiple Bastiodon line up, their faces form a wall that nothing can break through, this was how they protected their young. In stark contrast to its impenetrable frontal defense, it is vulnerable from behind. It seems to have lived in the same habitats as Rampardos, as evidenced by their fossils often being found together.
";bastiodon;bastiodon;bastiodon;bastiodon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
412;1;Burmy;Bug;189;1;151,5;0;7;8,9117647059;2;34;865;1;Burmy is a small, larval Pokémon with a black segmented body and a coiled antenna on top of its head. As seen in the anime, it can uncoil the antenna on its head and wrap it around its opponent. It has a beak-like mouth and yellow eyes. Burmy has six stubby legs: the first two pairs are black, while the back pair is yellow. There are two white spots on its cheeks, but they are only visible on a Burmy without a cloak. A coat of leaves, sand mixed with gravel, or pink building insulation normally covers Burmy's body. It will not hesitate to collect nearby materials to construct a new cloak if the old one breaks or falls off. Even if it is born where there are no cocooning materials, it somehow always ends up with a cloak. The cloak protects it from the cold and will become thinner when the weather is hot. Remoraid is a natural predator of Burmy.;burmy;burmy;burmy;burmy;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
413;1;Wormadam-plant;Bug,Grass;303;2;242,4;1;9;18,6461538462;5;65;556;1;"Wormadam is a black, bagworm-like Pokémon with a coat of leaves, sand, or building insulation that has fused with its body. It has oval eyes, a long pointed beak, and a long antenna with a coiled tip. The beak is tipped with varying colors depending on the coat. The coat forms a pair of arm-like structures near this Pokémon's head. The Plant Cloak form has several white flowers covering it and gives Wormadam a green-tipped beak and large leaves for arms. It will be dotted with reddish-brown rocks, and have chains of pebbles for arms and a brown tipped beak if it has the Sandy Cloak. When covered by the Trash Cloak, it has a pink-tipped beak and long, dark pink ribbons for arms.
Wormadam that evolve on cold days are said to form thicker cloaks. It is a female-only species, with Mothim as its male counterpart. Unlike Burmy, Wormadam's cloak is a part of its body, with the fusion being suspected to have been caused by the energy generated by its evolution. Its cloak acts similar to fur and skin. As a result, this fused cloak never sheds. Sandy Cloak Wormadam's cloak is an effective defense, capable of repelling a Starly's pecking with ease, whereas Trash Cloak Wormadam uses its cloak as camouflage, as it helps it hide from predators.
";wormadam-plant;wormadam-plant;wormadam-plant;wormadam-plant;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
414;1;Mothim;Flying,Bug;354;2;282,8;0;5;10,9236051502;9;233;556;1;"Mothim is a moth-like Pokémon with two pairs of wings, one larger than the other is. The wings are primarily tan with an orange, oval marking on each. The tips of the wings split into small, orange squares, there are three on the large pair and two on the small. Mothim has orange eyes with gray, orange-tipped antennae running along the edges before extending and widening above its head. Its body is black with a patch of orange on the underside and a gray stripe down its back. Four gray legs and a small black tail that splits into two squares are also present.
Mothim is a nomadic, nocturnal Pokémon that always remains on the move, searching for honey and nectar. It has often been seen traveling in fields and mountains. Instead of gathering honey on its own, it raids the hives of Combee. Ironically, Mothim is never seen near any flower gardens where pollen is collected for honey. It is a male-only species, with Wormadam as its female counterpart. Mothim spreads steel-colored scales whenever it flaps.
";mothim;mothim;mothim;mothim;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
415;1;Combee;Flying,Bug;217;2;173,72;1;5;9,4756363636;3;55;853;1;" A wall of CombeeCombee is a small, flying, insectoid Pokémon. Its body consists of three orange, hexagonal sections that resemble honeycomb cells, arranged with two hexagons on top and the remaining hexagon between and below them. Each hexagon has a round, yellow face with two black, oval eyes and a black, curved mouth. In the middle of their foreheads, the upper two faces each have a single whisker-thin, black antenna with black, oval tips approximately the size of their eyes. They also each have a translucent, rounded-triangle-shaped wing connected to an orange, domed joint on their sides. The backsides of the upper faces are yellow and rounded, as the sides of a sphere. The bottom face is the main thinker of the three, and it is also the only one to have a full, insectoid abdomen. This abdomen is yellow near the tip with a thick, black stripe close to its hexagonal frame. Female Combee have red, wedge-shaped spots on the foreheads of their lower faces, just below the point where all three faces meet, male Combee have no distinct markings in this area.
Similar to other Pokémon with multiple heads, such as Dugtrio and Dodrio, Combee's trio of faces each have their own consciousness. For example, each face has a different taste in nectar, and Combee can fly only when the top two faces coordinate the flapping of their wings. Each Combee's trio of faces has been together since birth.
Unlike bees in real life, the vast majority of Combee are male. However, Combee are otherwise similar to bees in their social behavior. They are mostly sociable among their own kind. They are generally harmless to others, as they tend to flee when threatened. From sunrise to sunset, Combee will collect nectar to create Honey wherever they can. Beautifly often provides trouble by driving any Combee that tries to collect near it. Though Combee produce Honey for multiple purposes, they usually consume it. Each swarm of Combee makes a different flavor of honey. When not gathering nectar, Combee will protect their queen Vespiquen. They are very suggestible and will never defy the orders of their queen. When a Vespiquen feels threatened, its Combee will not think twice about risking their lives to protect their queen, to the point of aggressively attacking or even killing the threat. Combee commonly live in caves and hollow trees of forests and other natural, secluded areas with their queen. Combee sleep by creating a hive with other Combee, locking together into a tessellated wall to feel safe in larger numbers. Teddiursa regularly raids the Combee's nest for the honey they collected.
";combee;combee;combee;combee;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
416;1;Vespiquen;Flying,Bug;369;1;294,92;0;10;9,1923116883;12;385;502;1;" Vespiquen's grubsVespiquen is a bee-like Pokémon with a typical insect-like, three-part body, i.e. divided into an abdomen, thorax, and head. It has a yellow- and black-striped abdomen, which flares out from a thin, waist-like protrusion under its thorax in a manner that resembles an elegant ballgown. Underneath the expansive abdomen are seven orange, honeycomb-like cells that serve as a nest for baby Combee, the centermost cell, however, surrounds what appears to be a slender, yellow, more insect-like abdomen, which is often obscured by the ‘gown’ part of its abdomen. Vespiquen has black arms that each consist of two thin, conical segments. Each arm ends in two small, orange claws. It flies with a pair of relatively small wings, each of which consists of two stacked, translucent teardrop segments. Vespiquen's arms and wings attach to its round thorax, which is yellow on the front, black on the back, and orange on each side where its arms attach. A curved line on its back, between its orange shoulders, separates its thorax and waist. Vespiquen's head consists of its face and horns. Its orange face has intimidating red eyes, yellow mandibles that protrude from its face and connect to its horns, and a large, red gem on its forehead. Vespiquen's horns are yellow close to its face and black at the tips, and with the gem, they resemble historical headpieces or crowns worn by European royal and noble women in the Late Middle Ages, such as the Escoffion.
Similar to queen bees in real life, Vespiquen is a female-only species. Vespiquen is the queen of a hive of Combee. As queen, it gives birth to and raises Combee grubs, feeding on flowers to make honey for its progeny. The more pheromones Vespiquen produces, the more Combee it will have in its hive. As queen, Vespiquen also controls and protects its hive. It is far more powerful than its Combee, and it will only take direct action if its Combee are unable to protect the hive, even so, the Combee will defend their Vespiquen even to the point of death. Vespiquen is known to skillfully command Combee in battle, using them as part of its signature moves: Attack Order, Defend Order, and Heal Order. Any outsiders Vespiquen catches sneaking in, it will destroy and feed on them for food. If outsiders prove themselves to a Vespiquen by defending its hive, it may repay these acts of kindness with a reward. It is the only Pokémon that can learn Aromatic Mist in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
";vespiquen;vespiquen;vespiquen;vespiquen;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
417;1;Pachirisu;Electric;341;2;272,7;0;5;27,9692307692;4;39;574;1;"Pachirisu is a small, white squirrel-like Pokémon with a faint blueish tint and a light blue stripe starting from its forehead and goes all the way down to the tip of the tail. A female Pachirisu's blue stripe is shorter than a male's. A large white tooth grows out of its mouth. It has deep gray eyes and a yellow circle on each cheek. Its tail is almost twice as big as its body, with three spikes at the top of the curl, which it can use to shoot charges. Though its arms and legs are very short, it can run incredibly fast, enabling it to tire pursuing Pokémon out quickly. It has a great amount of electricity flowing within its body. If it builds up enough charge, it may shock other Pokémon. It is related to the Pikachu line.
When it sleeps, Pachirisu likes to curl its big, fluffy tail round to the front of its body and uses it as a pillow. It also likes to chase and groom its tail. When a Pachirisu sheds its fur it shapes them into furballs, which have static charges just like its fur. It hides its favorite foods—which mainly consist of berries—in these static puffs and stores them in tree holes. It does this to protect the food, if a human or another Pokémon tries to take the food, they will get shocked from the static. It may rub cheek pouches with another Pachirisu to share stored electricity. It is generally found in treetops in forests, as well as the outskirts of a forest and near power plants.
";pachirisu;pachirisu;pachirisu;pachirisu;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
418;1;Buizel;Water;303;2;242,4;1;4;5,7518644068;7;295;802;1;" Buizel flying using its tail in Mounting a Coordinator AssaultBuizel is an orange Pokémon resembling a weasel and a sea otter. It has a yellow collar around its neck and two blue fins on its arms. Buizel has a cream-colored spot above each eye and two black parallel marks on its cheeks. The underside of its face and stomach are also cream-colored, as are the tips of its two tails. A male Buizel has two cream-colored spots on their back, while a female has only one. Buizel's tail has been compared to screw of a steamboat.
Buizel's yellow collar is a flotation sac that can be inflated when it inhales. By doing so, Buizel can keep its face above water to watch for prey movement or survey its surroundings. Conversely, it deflates this sac in order to dive. Its tails can spin to act as a propeller or slice through obstacles like seaweed, and in the anime, it is able to fly using its spinning tail.
";buizel;buizel;buizel;buizel;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
419;1;Floatzel;Water;455;2;363,6;0;7;11,9391044776;11;335;481;1;"Floatzel is an orange Pokémon resembling an anthropomorphic otter or weasel with longer arms than legs. It has four fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot. Its feet are small in comparison to the rest of the body. It has two pointed blue fins on its arms, two aligned, backward-swept, pointed fins on its head, and two tails. The yellow flotation device, which seems to be made of rubber or a similar substance, gives the impression of an inflatable life vest. The flotation sac goes in a kind of ring behind its head, down in front of its arms, then back behind its back above the tails. When it lays on its back, the flotation sac could also be interpreted as a sort of inflatable dinghy using its tails as a propeller and its fins as oars. Its tails can infinitely spin around like propeller blades. Its forelimbs and tails are tipped in cream, and there is an orange teardrop shape near the bottom of its cream belly.
Floatzel also has a circular cream spot in the center of its head, cream eyelids, and a pattern of two black triangles on the edges of its cream muzzle. It has one cream, slightly protruding, oval-shaped spot on its back if it is female and two if it is male. It has small, sharp canine teeth, the top two of which can be seen when its mouth is closed.
It can use its swimming capabilities to assist in the rescues of drowning people. To help it dive, Floatzel can deflate its flotation sac, and then inflate it once again when it wishes to surface. Floatzel's sac allows it to not drown, even during storms of the seas. It is a freshwater Pokémon and tends to inhabit swift-moving rivers, where it pursues prey. It also has been seen fishing in hamlets from time to time.
";floatzel;floatzel;floatzel;floatzel;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
420;1;Cherubi;Grass;202;2;161,6;1;2;19,5878787879;4;33;835;1;"Cherubi is a small, cherry-like Pokémon with a round, deep-pink body with two stubby feet. It has beady eyes and a purple-red stripe running down part of its face. Cherubi has a short stem with two big, green leaves and a second, much smaller head growing out of it. This second head is vestigial in terms of function, but it contains nutrients that contribute to Cherubi's growth as its initial source of food. As the second head is apparently edible, several Pokémon have been seen trying to pluck it off. When the second head begins to bloom it means Cherubi is close to evolving. It has been known to sunbathe on warm days. When it is about to evolve, the second head starts to wilt. Cherubi mainly photosynthesizes, and it is attracted to honey. Starly is a natural predator of Cherubi.
";cherubi;cherubi;cherubi;cherubi;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
421;1;Cherrim;Grass;360;2;287,85;1;8;15,4758064516;5;93;526;1;"Cherrim is a small Pokémon with two different forms, both of which are dependent on the weather. During normal weather conditions, Cherrim is in its Overcast Form. Two purple petals enclose its deep pink body. A short purple stem and a green leafy sepal sprout from the top of the petals. Its eyes appear to be near its short legs in this form.
When there is strong sunlight, Cherrim is in its Sunshine Form. Pink petals similar to cherry blossoms surround its head and cover its chest. Several of the petals radiate outward from a yellow sphere on the back of its head. There is a small, triangular patch of green on its neck. Additionally, two berry-like orbs, resembling cherry-shaped hair ornaments, adorn its head. It has stubby limbs, with the arms being pink and the legs being yellow.
Cherrim waits quietly as a bud for a ray of sunlight. When it is hit with strong sunlight, it blooms and absorbs the rays with its entire body. It quickly changes from quiet to excitable and active. It will attempt to make up for everything it had to endure as a bud while the sunlight lasts. Once the light is gone, Cherrim folds back into a bud. Bug Pokémon are often seen gathering around Cherrim due to being drawn in by the scent released from its petals. Cherrim was briefly the only known Pokémon capable of learning Flower Shield in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
";cherrim;cherrim;cherrim;cherrim;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
422;1;Shellos;Water;260;2;208,06;1;8;9,9076190476;3;63;805;1;"Shellos is a sea slug-like Pokémon whose appearance changes drastically depending on the sea it is found in. However, both forms have amorphous, slug-like bodies. Like real sea slugs, they have mantles covering the top halves of their bodies. Unlike real sea slugs, they have bulbous heads and four small feet rather than one large foot. Both forms also have black oval-shaped eyes, tiny noses, wide yellow lips, and yellow outlines around their eyes and mantles.
In the West Sea form, the underside is white and the mantle is pink. The mantle has several small spike-like protrusions on it. On its head is a ring of pink fleshy knobs resembling the gills of a nudibranch.
In the East Sea form, the underside is green and the mantle is blue. The shell has two flap-like protrusions, resembling cerata. These protrusions are lined with yellow. On its head are two white-tipped tentacles resembling rhinophores that extend away from its face.
The Nurse Joy featured in Gateway to Ruin! revealed Mount Coronet's formation led to the allopatric speciation event, with the original population of Shellos being separated into two. As a result, Shellos' color and other physical differences began to vary due to environmental differences and population isolation over time. West Sea Shellos' appearance is theorized to have been influenced by warm ocean waters, while East Sea Shellos is believed to have been influenced by cold ocean waters. It is also believed that diet influences a Shellos' form, but this has yet to be proven. The two forms are still able to interbreed, the child takes the mother's form or the father's if bred with a Ditto. If Shellos is pushed or squeezed, a mysterious purple fluid, said to be sticky and similar to greasy sweat, will ooze out of its body. In the anime, West Sea Shellos can extend their necks to incredible lengths. It is unknown if the East Sea form can do this as well. Shellos live along the seashore. They are said to have great regenerative capabilities. The species’ diet consists of plankton. Shellos can live on land or in the sea, though its skin dries out if it stays on land for too long.
";shellos;shellos;shellos;shellos;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
423;1;Gastrodon;Ground,Water;380;1;304,01;0;3;9,1508026756;9;299;502;1;"Gastrodon is a sea slug-like Pokémon. Much like its pre-evolved form, it has a slug-like body with a round head and a mantle covering the top half of its body. It has six stubby legs and three black eyes with white irises. A yellow stripe runs along the edge of its mantle, through its lower two eyes, and around the back of its head. Like Shellos, Gastrodon has two forms based on the sea it lives in.
In its West Sea form, it has a pair of large tentacles on its head that curve upward, as well as a smaller, straighter pair of tentacles on its neck. Its underside is pink, while its mantle is brown with three pink spots on each side. There are two lumps on its back, resembling the cerata on real-life sea slugs.
In its East Sea form, it retains the head tentacles it had as a Shellos, which are now fully green and angled slightly more upward. Its underside is blue, while its mantle is green with two blue spots on each side. It has a pair of yellow, fin-like cerata on its back and a wavy yellow line bordering its side and rear.
Gastrodon and its pre-evolution Shellos are examples of allopatric speciation, though they are still able to breed. It is also a relative of Shellder and Cloyster. When it is threatened, it oozes purple fluid and flees. Gastrodon lives in shallow tidal pools and are active during cloudy or rainy weather conditions. Its body is soft and squishy, yet surprisingly resilient. It has strong regenerative capabilities that allow it to recover from injures within a few hours. Its diet consists mainly of plankton, but it is occasionally known to look for food on land, leaving behind a trail of sticky slime. However, Gastrodon cannot stay on land for too long due to its body being highly vulnerable to dehydration. In ancient times, it had a shell on its back, which gradually became a thin yet hard vestigial plate. The two forms of Gastrodon are known to engage in conflict with each other.
";gastrodon;gastrodon;gastrodon;gastrodon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
424;1;Ambipom;Normal;449;1;359,56;1;5;21,2547783251;12;203;493;1;"Ambipom is a purple, simian Pokémon with two tails, each with a large, rounded hand with three red-tipped fingers. The tails also have a cuff of a rounded frill on the wrists. The bases of Ambipom's tails also have a similar frill. It has round ears with red insides. Ambipom has an arrangement of a split hair sticking out from the top of its head. These strands of hair are longer on a female. It has a purple, triangular nose and wide eyes.
Ambipom can leap from tree to tree with brilliant speed. To eat, it deftly shucks nuts with its two tails. As it has two hands on its tails, it rarely uses its arms. Ambipom works in large colonies in heavily wooded areas and makes rings by linking tails with another Ambipom, apparently in friendship. Ambipom has been seen giving rings even to humans sometimes. It also shows affection by using both of its tails to wrap and squeeze people. It lives along with its young, Aipom. It lives high in the treetops of tropical, temperate, and even boreal forests, using its tails for balance as it swings from branch to branch. In the Alola region, while searching for comfortable trees, Ambipom tend to get into territorial disputes with Passimian, in which they win half the time.
";ambipom;ambipom;ambipom;ambipom;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
425;1;Drifloon;Flying,Ghost;308;1;246,44;1;6;82,1466666667;4;12;790;1;" Drifloon's mouth, in the middle of the ″X″Drifloon is a Pokémon that has a spherical, purple body with two stringy arms that have yellow, heart-shaped hands on the ends of them. At the base of its body is a frayed protrusion that resembles the tied end of a balloon. In the very center of its body is a yellow tape-like ″X″, which contains its small mouth in the very center. Located on either side of the ″X″ are its small, black eyes. A white mass of fluff that resembles a cloud sits on top of Drifloon's head.
This Pokémon is known as a ″Signpost for Wandering Spirits″ due to its aimless drifting. Drifloon seeks out children due to it desiring company and it has been known to steal those that mistake it for a regular balloon. However, it dislikes stealing heavy children. They are created from many souls gathering together and it's round body continues to expand as it collects more. When the body explodes, the soul unleashes a screeching sound. However, due to its light weight, it can be resisted easily and is often pulled around. This results in Drifloon running away from any children that are rough with it. Although created by the lost spirits of Pokémon and people, as seen in the anime, it can be friendly and helpful. It prefers to reside in damp, humid locations and can expand or shrink to express its feelings.
";drifloon;drifloon;drifloon;drifloon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
426;1;Drifblim;Flying,Ghost;447;2;357,54;1;1;28,6032;12;150;478;1;"Drifblim is a Pokémon that has a large, spherical, purple body with the lower quarter of its body being a lighter purple. The colors are separated by a repeated semicircle pattern all around its body. On the top of its head is a puffy, white mass, which closely resembles a cloud. In the center of its body is a large yellow ″X″ and on either side, just above the ″X″ are its small, red eyes. On the lower portion of its body are four long, thin arms that diagonally in four different directions. Its arms are tipped with yellow and have three short points each. The bottom of its body narrows into a short, red extrusion that fans slightly outward.
Drifblim is strong enough to lift Pokémon or people but has no control over its flight. This causes it to drift with the wind and end up anywhere. It can, however, inflate and deflate itself with gas to control its altitude. It is rarely active during the day but usually gathers in groups during the evenings. Drifblim can be seen drifting silently during dusk. When noticed, the groups will suddenly vanish to unknown locations. Drifblim preys on Clamperl. There have been songs or poems dedicated to Drifblim due to people admiring its transient, melancholy aspect.
";drifblim;drifblim;drifblim;drifblim;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
427;1;Buneary;Normal;316;1;252,5;0;4;18,3636363636;4;55;790;1;"Buneary is a small, bipedal, rabbit-like Pokémon with brown ears that can curl up. It has two types of fur covering its body: a light tan fleece that covers much of its lower body, feet, and the tips of its ears, and a smooth, chocolate colored pelt on the upper half of its body. It has a small, triangular pink nose, pink paw pads on the undersides of its feet, and small tan spots above its eyes. It has a small brown puff of a tail.
If Buneary senses danger, it perks up both ears. It can also be a sign that Buneary needs care due to something wrong with its body and mind. It can deliver powerful blows with its curled up ears, and it has an impressive jumping ability. It can be usually seen with one rolled up ear to swiftly counterattack when needed. It can increase this attack's power through training. On cold nights, Buneary sleeps with its head tucked into its fur. It lives in forests, though it can also be found on icy mountains. It is most likely herbivorous. Buneary also likes to eat certain kinds of flowers found in the wild.
";buneary;buneary;buneary;buneary;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
428;1;Lopunny;Normal;417;2;333,3;0;5;12,0108108108;12;333;496;1;"Lopunny is a bipedal, rabbit-like Pokémon with a dark brown fur and a short, round tail. It has pink eyes with black markings on the inner edge, long tufts of cream-colored fur above its eyes, and a small, pink nose. Its long ears, which bend shortly above its head, end in fluffy, cream-colored fur. Lopunny is very proud of these ears and never fails to groom them. If the ears are roughly handled, Lopunny will kick in retaliation. Its head, body, and hips are covered in dark brown fur, while its wrists and lower legs are covered in fluffy, cream-colored fur similar to its ears.
As Mega Lopunny, its personality drastically changes, becoming extremely aggressive with wild fighting instincts. In order to become more capable of fighting, it sheds the fur on its neck, upper torso, fingers, and legs, forming black patterns on the legs that resembles ripped pantyhose. The tufts of fur above its eyes combine to form a single butterfly-shaped crest. The cream fur on its wrists and ankles becomes more round instead of fluffy, but the rest of its lower leg fur is replaced by the ″pantyhose.″ Its ear fur now only covers two segments of each ear in fluffy bands.
It sheds its fur twice a year and has a soft, fluffy, and remarkably light coat in winter. When the hot seasons end, the coat is replaced with one filled with plenty of insulating air for the cold weather. This fur can be used to make warm mufflers and hats. Lopunny is a timid Pokémon that will cloak its body with its ears or spring away when it senses danger, though is capable of unleashing superdestructive kicks with its lithe legs. Because of this, Lopunny is constantly monitoring the surrounding area. Lopunny's kicks are said to be similar to masters of karate, which allows it to drive back foes easily with no issues. When Mega Evolved, a full-power whip swing from its ears can crumple steel plates.[1]
";lopunny;lopunny;lopunny;lopunny;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
429;1;Mismagius;Ghost;360;1;287,85;0;9;58,8784090909;9;44;481;1;"Mismagius is a purple, ghost-like Pokémon. It has a round head with elaborate tufts resembling a witch's hat atop it. The tips of the tufts are paler than most of the body. It has a thin, red mouth that resembles the letter ″W.″ Below its head, Mismagius has a short, thorax-like lump from which its body connects. Three elliptical red spheres surround the upper portion of Mismagius's body. There are extensions on the sides of its lower body with the foremost ones tattered compared to rear ones. This gives Mismagius the appearance of wearing some kind of cloak.
Mismagius usually shows up without warning to cause havoc on unsuspecting humans or Pokémon. If it is powerful, Mismagius can use advanced incantations for various purposes, such as causing misery or happiness. Due to this, people often seek to capture Mismagius as if their life depends on it, solely to make someone fall in love with them. There is a custom on inviting Mismagius to one's home, usually to ward off misfortune with its spells. However, this can also lead to disaster should Mismagius ever be provoked. People that hear its cries will usually receive headaches and hallucinations. As shown in the anime, Mismagius can put its victims to sleep, and cause them to enter a strange dream world without their noticing. If Mismagius falls asleep or is knocked out, the victim will wake up.
";mismagius;mismagius;mismagius;mismagius;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
430;1;Honchkrow;Flying,Dark;439;2;351,48;0;6;11,5872527473;9;273;469;1;"Honchkrow is a dark-blue avian Pokémon with plumage resembling a person dressed in formal attire, one that most resembles a mob boss. It has a large feather crest resembling a fedora hat that has spikes extending from the back. It has circular red eyes with white sclerae and dark blue eyelids. Its yellow beak is slightly curved, and its head is supported by a broad, short neck. Honchkrow has a white and prominent crest of feathers on its chest that bears resemblance to a beard or cravat. Its wings have red feathers on the inside. Honchkrow has black feet with four toes. The tail's base is a white, cylindrical stalk, on which there is a growth of red feathers on the end.
Honchkrow is known to be ruthless. With a mere cry, it can summon and organize a murder of more than one hundred Murkrow to collect food for it. Honchkrow also summons Murkrow to fight on its behalf, letting them do most of the fighting before it deals the finishing blow. The flocks of summoned Murkrow often plunge the sky into pitch-black darkness, giving Honchkrow the moniker, ″Summoner of Night.″ Honchkrow will never forgive any failure or betrayal of the Murkrow that follow it, and it will hunt and punish any member of its flock that does so. Honchkrow is more active at night, and normally spends the daytime hours tending to its feathers in solitude. It is a scavenger that lives in swamps, forests, human towns and cities, and plains.
";honchkrow;honchkrow;honchkrow;honchkrow;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
431;1;Glameow;Normal;292;2;233,31;0;5;29,9115384615;5;39;814;1;"Glameow is a gray feline Pokémon with a slender physique. It has a crescent-shaped head with two white-tipped ears. It also has a white muzzle, a small black nose, pink eyelids, yellow eyes with blue irises, and two rows of thin whiskers. Its neck has a ruff-like fringe, and its legs have similar fringes. Its feet are tipped with white and have pink paw pads on the underside. It has a curled, spring-shaped tail and a white fluff at the tip of it.
It has sharp claws and a powerful helical tail. Its eyes are also capable of using hypnotic powers. Glameow tends to be spiteful and fickle, having a tendency to hook its claws into the nose of its trainer if it's not fed. When it's happy and purring with affection, it demonstrates movements with its tail, like a dancing ribbon. As it has a domesticated quality, it tends to appear in urban areas. Glameow is rather popular amongst trainers due to its fickle nature. Glameow is also known to be a very strong and tricky opponent to face in battle, which occurs only if Glameow was provoked.
";glameow;glameow;glameow;glameow;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
432;1;Purugly;Normal;415;2;332,29;1;0;7,5865296804;10;438;526;1;"Purugly is a rotund gray and white feline Pokémon with a crescent-shaped head. Its ears are pointed and tipped purple. It has whiskers with a zigzag-like pattern at the end of them. The frilly portion of its spiraling tail is forked, but it usually keeps it clasped around its waist, which makes it appear less fat. Despite appearing very sluggish, Purugly will not be reluctant to attack if angered and can be quite fast.
Purugly attempts to make itself look larger and more intimidating by cinching its waist with its forked tail. It barges into the nests of other Pokémon and frightens them off so Purugly can claim the nest as its own. It does this by glaring with its eyes ceaselessly. It can be found in both urban areas and heavily wooded forests. Despite its disrespectful and scary nature, Purugly is rather popular. The reason is due to its beautiful fur, more comfortable than even velveteen.
";purugly;purugly;purugly;purugly;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
433;1;Chingling;Psychic;215;2;171,7;0;10;57,2333333333;2;6;829;1;"Chingling is a yellow, spherical Pokémon similar to a bell. It has stubby arms and legs, as well as beady, black eyes. On either side of its mouth is a large, black spot. Inside its mouth is a red orb, which creates a ringing sound as the Pokémon moves. Additionally, the orb can be vibrated to create high frequency, long-lasting cries to deafen its opponents. The sounds produced can be too high for people to hear. Atop its body is ring-like growth with a striped rope through the middle. The rope is red-and-white with short tassels on the ends.
";chingling;chingling;chingling;chingling;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
434;1;Stunky;Poison,Dark;312;1;249,47;1;4;5,1972916667;4;192;802;1;"Stunky is a small, skunk-like Pokémon with dark-purple fur. Its face is large and rounded, with a narrow orange nose, orange-rimmed eyes, and two pairs of somewhat ″V″-shaped cream-colored whiskers on the sides of its face. It has two pointed ears that appear orange on the inside. A stripe of cream-colored fur runs along its back from the neck to the tail, with a small tuft protruding from the base of the neck. Its tail is raised high and ends with spiked hair pointed behind it. It has a cream-colored underbelly, and four short legs, that end in paws with three small, white claws.
Stunky can spray a foul-smelling liquid from its rear in order to drive attackers away, which is able to reach up to 16 feet away. It prefers to aim for its target's face. The stench can be smelled from over a mile away, and will linger for around 24 hours. The stench can cause memory loss.
";stunky;stunky;stunky;stunky;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
435;1;Skuntank;Poison,Dark;438;1;350,47;1;3;9,2228947368;10;380;496;1;"Skuntank is a medium-sized mammalian Pokémon that resembles a skunk with the face of a cat. It has purple, spiky fur with several tan stripes. The whiskers present on its pre-evolution have since vanished or have been replaced by furry purple tufts on the sides of Skuntank's face. Its legs are tan, and the tan coloration of its underside now forms a spiky pattern. Its nose is larger than its pre-evolution. Its massive tail with a cream colored stripe, sits on top of its back and head.
Skuntank is known for its noxious fluid which smells dreadful. It can spray this fluid over 160 feet, and the longer it allows the liquid to ferment within its belly, the more powerful the smell. Unlike its pre-evolution and real-life skunks, Skuntank spray this from its tail tip, which can open, instead of its rear. The stench of Skuntank's fluid varies depending on its diet. Skuntank prefers to nest in large, prickly bushes in heavily wooded areas and digs holes in the ground to make its nest. While Skuntank can use its poisonous fluids to take down prey, ironically it cannot handle the smell of its own stench, abandoning potential defeated meals as a result.
";skuntank;skuntank;skuntank;skuntank;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
436;1;Bronzor;Steel,Psychic;240;2;191,9;1;7;1,5859504132;5;605;820;1;"Bronzor is a flat, circular, blue-green Pokémon. Six dark blue spheres bulge from its rim. It has two round, yellow eyes and a large nose-like sphere surrounded by four small circles in its center. A crest resembling an herb or branch is on its back.
Bronzor's crest is said to possess a mysterious power and is held sacred. It was first seen in ancient tombs and timeworn places, objects resembling this Pokémon have been found in tombs as well. Scientists believe Bronzor used to be reflective and have unsuccessfully tried performing X-rays on its body. The pattern of Bronzor in Galar cannot be found in any of its culture, and the reason for why is unknown. There is lore on how polishing Bronzor will make its surface reflect the truth. However, it hates being polished as a result of that. Bronzor uses an unknown energy to help it float around.
";bronzor;bronzor;bronzor;bronzor;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
437;1;Bronzong;Steel,Psychic;385;2;308,05;0;0;2,1415240642;13;1870;475;1;"Bronzong is a large Pokémon resembling a blue-green bell with two arms coming out of its sides. It has a hollow body and a yoke attached at the top. Its face can be best described as being a ″Totem Pole″ design, Bronzong has two round, red eyes with blue-green irises and a rectangular mouth with one visible row of square teeth. It also has several darker, rectangular markings on its body.
When angered, Bronzong lets out a warning cry that rings out like the tolling of a bell. It can summon rain clouds, which earned it the nickname ″bringer of plentiful harvests″ and led to some referring to it as a deity since ancient times. Bronzong's cry is also believed to have the power to open open a hole, leading to other worlds. The first known Bronzong was dug up at a construction site. Many scientists believe the Bronzong found in Galar originated from a different region after researching the pattern on its body. Some Bronzong can sleep up 2,000 years, which lead to quite the media story, when one was discovered in a construction site.
";bronzong;bronzong;bronzong;bronzong;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
438;1;Bonsly;Rock;297;2;237,35;0;1;7,9116666667;5;150;826;1;"Bonsly is a round, brown Pokémon with the top of its head resembling a club (♣). A rim goes around the middle of its body. There are three yellow spots on its face, two of which surround its eyes, which are small black dots. It has short legs and toeless feet. Bonsly also has a hole on its rear similar to the draining hole of a flowerpot.
Bonsly is a good mimic, making it often mistaken for a real bonsai tree, though it can easily stand out in a dry environment that lacks greenery. As its green spheres dry out, their dull luster increases. It can remain in the same spot for a long time. It also has a habit of crying, not because it is sad or needing attention, but rather it is due to excess moisture in its body. As it cries, it expels both sweat and tears from its eyes, Bonsly sweat tastes a little salty, while the tears are slightly bitter. It dies if it gets too damp with this moisture. This habit also gets enemies to let their guards down. It prefers dry areas, but it isn't uncommon to see one in a garden. As suggested by Brock's Bonsly, a very young Bonsly needs to be bottle-fed but can eat solid food when it matures.
";bonsly;bonsly;bonsly;bonsly;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
439;1;Mime-jr;Fairy,Psychic;189;2;151,5;0;5;6,9923076923;6;130;814;1;"Mime Jr. is a small, pink Pokémon with dark-blue legs and ″hat″, which appears crooked and has a white ball on it. A red bump appears on its stomach and a typical red clown nose appears on its face. It has slender arms and small hands.
Mime Jr. has a knack for imitating others, though is not very good at it, it can easily pick up emotions of those around it and imitate them. It has been known to mimic its foes in order to create distractions. Once the foe is confused, it will quickly escape. In Galar, Mime Jr. tends to idolize and imitate its final evolved form Mr. Rime, which are widely popular in the region for their talent in tap-dancing. By practicing their dance steps, they eventually evolve into a regional variant of Mr. Mime. It likes places where many people gather, and has often been seen visiting marketplaces filled with people.
";mime-jr;mime-jr;mime-jr;mime-jr;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
440;1;Happiny;Normal;177;1;141,4;1;4;3,4770491803;6;244;670;1;" Happiny without a stone in her pouchHappiny is a small Pokémon that is shaped like an egg. It has a soft, smooth, light pink body. On top of its head is a curly outgrowth that resembles a ponytail, with a dark pink band around the base. The appearance of this curly growth of hair often annoys Happiny. It has three round bumps on its forehead and two pink circles on its cheeks. There is a pouch around the lower half of its body. The pouch is red with a white stripe around the top.
Happiny's pouch is rubbery and flexible, enabling the Happiny to put things into it with ease. As it cannot produce Eggs yet, it makes up for it by carrying something round and white in its pouch to imitate Chansey and Blissey, typically an Egg-shaped stone. Happiny highly treasures this stone. It may give this stone to people whom it likes, however, it can throw a tantrum and cry should the stone be taken from it or not returned to it. The object it decides to carry may be too large, stopping this Pokémon from moving. It has a habit of wandering around people's feet and causing them to stumble. Happiny enjoys playing with children, often playing a game of House with them. Happiny is shown to be extremely strong in the anime, as one has been seen lifting heavy things above its head. Happiny is a female-only species with no male counterpart.
";happiny;happiny;happiny;happiny;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
441;1;Chatot;Normal,Flying;350;2;279,77;0;6;73,6236842105;5;19;568;1;"Chatot is an avian Pokémon similar to a parakeet. Its head is black and resembles an eighth note, while its black tail resembles a metronome. Its plumage is brightly colored with blue wings, a yellow chest and feet, a green stomach, and a pink, hooked beak and eyelids. Additionally, there is a ruff of white feathers around its neck.
This Pokémon's tongue is similar to a human's, allowing it to imitate human speech. Chatot is also able to mimic the cries of other Pokémon and uses this ability as a defense mechanism. Chatot uses the sounds it has learned and arranges them into its own melody, and flicks its tail to keep a rhythm. Chatot are even capable of understanding the meaning of the words they mimic, the older and more experienced they become.
Chatot is the only known Pokémon that learns Chatter, as well as Parting Shot and Confide in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
";chatot;chatot;chatot;chatot;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
442;1;Spiritomb;Ghost,Dark;360;2;287,85;1;2;2,6652777778;10;1080;490;1;"Spiritomb is a ghostly purple Pokémon attached to a stone. Although lacking a physical body, Spiritomb projects its appearance out of a small rock called the Odd Keystone. The rock is trapezoidal in shape and has two small dots. There is a crack running down the middle, splitting in two near the bottom. The crack in combination with the two dots appears to form a frowning face. Spiritomb's projected appearance is an ethereal composition of swirling purple fog. Its face is set in the middle of the fog and contains green, crescent eyes that are connected to its jagged mouth. Its pupils are composed of a spiral and it is sometimes only seen with one. Swirling around its face are green orbs with yellow centers.
Spiritomb is formed by the collection of 108 spirits being trapped in an Odd Keystone by a traveler due to misdeeds it caused. Some of the spirits mixed in Spiritomb are ill-natured. Some Spiritomb are up to 500 years old. The Pokémon creates curses with its wicked thoughts. As seen in the anime, Spiritomb can be just as aggressive and destructive as the spirits that it is composed of. It will lash out at anyone with little thought, often exercising short-sightedness in its pursuit of vengeance. The anime also revealed that anyone possessed by one of Spiritomb's spirits will start to cause misdeeds, and their face will eventually start to resemble Spiritomb. Losing one of these spirits will cause Spiritomb to go on an uncontrollable rampage until the lost spirit is returned.
";spiritomb;spiritomb;spiritomb;spiritomb;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
443;1;Gible;Ground,Dragon;271;2;217,15;1;6;7,4148780488;7;205;820;1;"Gible is a small, bipedal dragon-like Pokémon that is primarily blue. It has a big mouth filled with sharp teeth, no neck, and arms that start at the outer edges of its jaws. A red underbelly stretches from its abdomen to the bottom of its jaw. Gible has two horns that resemble jet or plane engines, each with a light blue stripe in the middle. It has a single light blue stripe wrapping around its back. On top of its head is a dorsal fin, which has a notch on it for the male.
Its dorsal fin is strong enough to carry a person. Gible appears to be a good digger, making deep holes for homes in caverns. It enjoys play-fighting with other members of its species. It has tremendously strong jaws that it uses to bite enemies. However, even while biting, it often hurts itself because of clumsiness. Gible attacks anything that moves by chomping on them. This sometimes causes its teeth to chip and getting injured in the process, but Gible is never bothered by this. Gible drags whatever prey it catches back to its lair. It resides in narrow holes of caves with geothermal heat. This allow Gible to survive even during the winter.
";gible;gible;gible;gible;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
444;1;Gabite;Ground,Dragon;385;1;308,05;0;8;7,70125;14;560;568;1;"Gabite is a medium-sized, bipedal, dragon-like Pokémon that is primarily blue. Its underside is light blue, with red covering it from the middle of its abdomen to the bottoms of its jaw. Gabite has two appendages that resemble jets or plane engines extending out the side of its skull. Each appendage has a blue stripe. It has four fins: one on each arm, one on its back, and another on its tail. The back fin has a notch on it for the male. It has spikes on its hind limbs, and sharp claws on its feet and wrists. Its eyes have black sclerae and gold colored irises.
Gabite is a fierce and predatory Pokémon, known for its scales, which have medicinal properties and can heal most illnesses. Gabite has short, extremely sharp teeth, like its pre-evolved form Gible. It has been known to move at extreme speeds. The protrusions on Gabite's head allows it to emit ultrasound waves, which can be used for navigating through pitch-dark caves. Gabite is also a very territorial creature and will fight back against enemies to protect its home. Gabite is passionate about shiny objects, such as gems, treasures, and even Carbink, and it hoards a collection of them in its nest. When it sees Sableye trying to take Carbink as food, Gabite jealously attacks the Sableye.
";gabite;gabite;gabite;gabite;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
445;1;Garchomp;Ground,Dragon;549;2;439,35;0;7;8,787;19;950;190;1;" Garchomp flyingGarchomp is a bipedal, draconian Pokémon that is primarily dark blue in color. It has red on its underbelly from the lower jaw to the middle of the abdomen, including the undersides of its arms. A patch of gold comes to a point below the red on its belly, and a golden star shape adorns the tip of its snout. Garchomp has horn-like appendages that resemble a jet or plane's engines, giving it an appearance similar to a hammerhead shark. These allow it to sense its prey from a long distance. Its large mouth features razor-sharp teeth. The feet have three white talons, and each arm has a single large, white claw for a hand. Curved fins sprout from the arms, creating wings that allow Garchomp to fly. Garchomp also has a large dorsal fin and another on its tail that resembles a shark tailfin. The male's dorsal fin has a notch on it. Pairs of small, white spikes protrude from its upper arms and legs, and there are gill-like slits on the sides of the neck. The eyes are intense, with black sclerae and gold-colored irises.
When Garchomp Mega Evolves, several of its features become more angular, including its head and shoulders. A row of five tooth-like spikes sprouts from each side of its abdomen and red spikes grow from its knees. The claws and fins on its arms melt from the excessive Mega Evolution energy and morph together to form sharp, red blades. Because Garchomp takes great pride in its winglike fins, the sight of them melting into scythes sends it mad with rage. Its scythes can slice the ground to pieces, and Mega Garchomp viciously tears up its opponents with them.
Garchomp can fly at an incredible speed to catch its prey, being capable of flying as fast as a jet airplane, a magnificent sight to witness. It is able to move on both the air and underground. It preys on bird Pokémon and is known to eat entire flocks of them whole. It sometimes battles Salamence in the air as they compete for food. After catching the prey, it returns back to den before its body can cool down. The fine scales on its body reduce drag for easier flight, and their sharp edges also serve to injure opponents who attack it directly. It can use its protuberances as sensors for finding distinct prey. Garchomp is a cave-dweller and is seldom seen in the wild. It also lives in volcanic mountains. Garchomp is described as having a feral nature, requiring extreme caution should anyone encounter it.
";garchomp;garchomp;garchomp;garchomp;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
446;1;Munchlax;Normal;335;1;267,65;1;6;1,5294285714;6;1050;766;1;"Munchlax is a teal Pokémon with a cream spot on its chest. Its round head is teal in the top half and cream on the bottom half. It has big, round eyes and large pointy ears. It has five-fingered hands and cream feet with three clawed toes. The fur close to the bottom of a Munchlax seems to resemble a dress. Munchlax has two pointy teeth that stick out of its mouth even if closed.
It is a hyperactive Pokémon. It does not mind walking and running from place to place as it looks for food, but it is usually very slow-moving. Munchlax tends to store food in its long fur, although it sometimes forgets about its hidden food. Its stomach allows it to eat nearly anything, even rotten food, and they are indifferent to flavor. It can also eat many servings of food at a time without chewing and rarely gets full. It eats the most food of any Pokémon besides its evolution, Snorlax. Munchlax tends to raid villages for food intended to be thrown away.
";munchlax;munchlax;munchlax;munchlax;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
447;1;Riolu;Fighting;265;2;212,1;0;2;7,35;7;202;829;1;"Riolu is a small, blue, canine Pokémon. It has a black torso and legs, a blue tail, and a yellow collar. It has rounded bumps on the backs of its forepaws. It has a black ″mask″ and red eyes. It stands on its toes instead of its entire foot. It is sensitive to a special type of energy called Aura, however, it does not have the ability to fully use these powers, although it can still emanate these waves to communicate and sense them, albeit only in ripples. It has developed two black appendages that hang down from its head, which rise when Riolu reads or manipulates aura. It has even been seen that Riolu can sense and react to Aura before they even hatch. Like almost all Fighting-type Pokémon, Riolu naturally has superhuman strength, stamina, and endurance and is capable of making long journeys on foot in a short amount of time. It is a playful, energetic, and loyal Pokémon.
";riolu;riolu;riolu;riolu;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
448;1;Lucario;Fighting,Steel;429;2;343,4;0;6;7,6311111111;12;540;448;1;"Lucario is a bipedal, canine-like Pokémon with predominantly blue and black fur. It possesses a short, round spike on the back of each forepaw, in addition to a third on its chest. It has red eyes, a long snout, and ears. When its mouth is open, two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower, can be seen. It possesses cream-colored fur on its torso and blue fur on its thighs that resemble shorts. It has a medium-length tail of the same blue color as well. It stands on its toes rather than on its entire foot. It has developed four black appendages that hang down from its head, which rise when Lucario reads or manipulates aura, a special energy that it senses.
Lucario can study auras to predict the movements of its opponents and track their quarry. With sufficient training, a Lucario can read auras to understand how living beings are feeling from more than half a mile (1 kilometer) away. However, it sometimes ends up learning that it would not like to know, causing it to get stressed out easily. It also has the power to manipulate this energy in an offensive manner, in the form of explosive spheres of energy. Lucario can understand human speech and has been reported to communicate with humans through telepathy.
As Mega Lucario, its cream fur becomes longer, and its thighs slim down. It develops more spikes on the back of its paws, which have turned crimson. It also develops spikes on both of its feet, which have become crimson too. Its previously red eyes are now orange-colored. Its aura-sensing appendages grow longer, and two of them are tipped in crimson. Its shoulders also possess a spike each. Its aura heightens throughout its body, which formed black markings on its blue fur.[1] In Kalos, Mega Lucario is believed to be the first discovered Mega Evolution. People call Mega Lucario's fighting style heartless due to it being bathed in the explosive energy of Mega Evolution, awakening its combative instincts and causing it to not show any mercy to any of its opponents.
Lucario is considered to be prideful and is extremely loyal to its Trainer. It also seems to have a natural sense of justice, as it only trusts Trainers with righteous hearts. It is an exceptionally rare Pokémon that usually lives deep in mountains very far from people to improve their skills. Lucario are primarily carnivores, hunting their prey in packs, though one Lucario was seen eating Berries and plants like roses. It has also been seen eating chocolate, even though chocolate is not part of its natural diet.
";lucario;lucario;lucario;lucario;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,!448Lucario_DP_anime_6.png
449;1;Hippopotas;Ground;316;2;252,5;0;4;4,0808080808;8;495;802;1;"Hippopotas is a quadrupedal, hippopotamus-like Pokémon that is most commonly found in deserts and other arid places. Its skin color depends on gender: if male, it is tan with dark brown patches, and if female, its coloring is reversed. It has a large snout with round, protruding nostrils. Its eyes and small ears protrude from the top of its head. Its torso has mottled coloring and a small hole on its back. Each of its feet has two blunt claws, and it has a small tail.
Hippopotas spends its time bathing in sand and avoids water at all costs. It covers itself in sand as a protective measure against germs and expels sand instead of sweat. When it walks through the sand, it shuts its nostrils. It also keeps its mouth open while traveling in sand, swallowing any sand and prey along the way. Hippopotas are more active during the day and burrows into sand during the cold desert nights. It prefers to travel in groups of ten. Despite its large and heavy appearance, it may remain undetected, due to how well it hides in the sand.
";hippopotas;hippopotas;hippopotas;hippopotas;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
450;1;Hippowdon;Ground;486;1;388,85;1;7;2,5923333333;20;3000;448;1;" A female Hippowdon in New Pokémon SnapHippowdon is a large, hippo-like Pokémon with skin color based on its gender. It is light brown if male, and bluish-gray if female. It has a dark gray back and muzzle with several holes in them. Sand often spills out of the ports on its back and its nostrils. This sand is stored internally and is used to create twisters when attacking. It has a large, rounded snout, a mouth filled with peg-like teeth, and red eyes. Hippowdon has black feet with four blunt claws each.
It is short-tempered, easily provoked into violence, and may hold its mouth agape as a display of strength. Hippowdon's massive jaws are capable of crushing cars. It has a symbiotic relationship with Dwebble, which clears any stones stuck in its ports. Drapion are known to stay away from Hippowdon. Excess sand is expelled out of Hippowdon's ports to create room for fresh sand to ingest, in order for it to stay healthy. It also forms the sand into whirlwinds to crush a foe's spirits before attacking them.
";hippowdon;hippowdon;hippowdon;hippowdon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
451;1;Skorupi;Poison,Bug;309;1;247,45;1;6;16,4966666667;8;120;802;1;"Skorupi is a Pokémon which resembles an oversized, pale purple scorpion. Its claws and tail have been swapped, giving it two stingers and a claw tail. The miniature jaws, claws, and tail claws are white. Its arms are attached directly to its head, close to its teal eyes. A pointed marking joins its eyes. The head, arms, two tail segments, and all four legs are light blue, while the body, tail end, and other two tail segments are a darker shade of blue.
It buries itself in sand and lies in wait for unsuspecting prey, gripping it with its tail claws and injecting poison, it will then hold on until the poison takes effect. Skorupi is related to Sizzlipede through a common ancestor. Skorupi is found in deserts and dry areas like Reversal Mountain, though it can be found in marshy areas such as the Great Marsh. Skorupi is considered a highly dangerous Pokémon due its lethal claws and poison. However, Skorupi cannot stand cold temperatures, becoming weaker when exposed.
";skorupi;skorupi;skorupi;skorupi;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
452;1;Drapion;Poison,Dark;461;2;368,65;0;4;7,792601626;13;615;475;1;"Drapion is a large, purple, scorpion-like Pokémon. Its eyes are a pointed shape, with blue-colored upper portions. Drapion has two small, pointed protrusions between its eyes, and one on the back of its head. Drapion also has protrusions on its jaws, two on the upper and three on the lower, with large, fang-like, white-colored features extending from its mouth. Its body is composed of many violet-to-lavender body segments which ends with a tail with two stingers. Drapion has four segmented legs with pointed toes. Its most distinguishing feature is its huge claws. It can turn its head 180 degrees.
Drapion is a very aggressive Pokémon, attacking anything that enters its territory. It has a sturdy build and takes pride in its strength, being able to take down foes even without the use of its deadly toxin. It has enough power to easily scrap a car. Drapion has very hard, armor-like skin, which can bounce off swords. Due to its vicious nature and brutish temperament, it's known as the Sand Demon, but is known to avoid fights with Hippowdon. Drapion tends to go on rampages and causes havoc on anything in its way.
";drapion;drapion;drapion;drapion;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
453;1;Croagunk;Fighting,Poison;251;1;200,99;1;4;6,1170869565;7;230;820;1;"Croagunk is a dark ultramarine-blue, bipedal Pokémon that resembles a poison dart frog. It has yellow eyes, which are surrounded by black markings. There are orange, expandable pouches on its cheeks, and its teeth are wide and flat. A black marking encircles its upper arms and chest, and there are white bands around its chest. The white markings are slightly higher up on the female Croagunk than the male. It has three fingers and toes, most of which are black. The only digits that are not black are its center fingers, which are orange instead.
Croagunk's cheek pouches and fingers contain a poisonous fluid. However, the fluid squeezed from its finger is also a significant ingredient in remedies for lower back pain once diluted. The cheek pouches can be used to create an unnerving sound. When its opponents are distracted, it tries to stab them with its fingers. Despite this, it fights others only to ensure its own survival. Croagunk is a popular Pokémon due to being chosen as a mascot for a pharmaceutical company. It is also popular thanks to its strange cry and comical look. Croagunk and its evolved form, Toxicroak, are related to Seismitoad. Crogunk is said to have a dastardly nature, due to wielding poison.
";croagunk;croagunk;croagunk;croagunk;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
454;1;Toxicroak;Fighting,Poison;428;2;342,39;0;6;10,0249324324;13;444;484;1;"Toxicroak is a dark blue and teal, bipedal Pokémon resembling a poison dart frog. Its head bears a gently-upward curling spike which seems to be a part of the skull. Its eyes are bright yellow, sinister and intimidating, with a small snake-like pupil. Its mouth gives an appearance of a mouth-guard, with its red upper lip curling upward at the ends in a very intimidating manner. Underneath its chin is a bulbous red vocal sac, which is smaller on a female Toxicroak. It has three fingers and one large red claw on the back of each hand. These claws on the backs of their hands can channel poison. Its forearms have two black rings encircling them. Its legs are muscular and seem to be adapted for speedy attacks. It has three toes on its feet, with a red middle toe on each foot, and a sharp spike that juts out of its heels. Underneath the pelvic area are two white horizontal lines. Thick black lines run down the sides of its body and surrounding its limbs, making them seem as if the limbs are detachable. The black lines go up into its face and surround the eyes before meeting in the middle of its snout, just above the upper lip.
By croaking, Toxicroak churns the poison stored in the poison sac on their throat for more potency. Toxicroak gives off poison with stings or claws, though it can poison when touched. This poison can knock an opponent out or even prove fatal, even if it is just a scratch. Toxicroak's poison can be diluted into a tonic, after mixing it with various wild grass, and cooking it for about two days. Toxicroak releases a victory croak when a foe is defeated. It can be cruel and fearsome, or it can be quite laid-back, relaxing on rocks and in marshes, studying the views around it. Toxicroak and its pre-evolved form, Croagunk, are related to Seismitoad. Toxicroak lives in moist areas around bodies of water.
";toxicroak;toxicroak;toxicroak;toxicroak;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
455;1;Carnivine;Grass;369;2;294,92;1;10;15,2921481481;14;270;523;1;" Carnivine with its mouth opened wideCarnivine is a green Pokémon resembling a Venus flytrap. Its circular eyes have small pupils, and it has spiky teeth. Its stem is yellow with green spots, with red and green vines beneath with the appearance of tentacles. It has two arms resembling leaves with three leafy 'fingers' each.
It can hang from tree branches using its vines, and it is said to look like a plant. Its mouth can open to about 180 degrees wide. With its mouth wide open, it attracts the prey it waits for with sweet-smelling saliva, then chomps down. It takes a whole day to eat prey. It lives in forests and marshes. Its diet consists mostly of insects and small bugs. Carnivine is known to have a gluttonous and unruly temper.
";carnivine;carnivine;carnivine;carnivine;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
456;1;Finneon;Water;278;1;222,2;1;7;12,6971428571;4;70;802;1;"Finneon is a small fishlike Pokémon with an ellipsoid body. The bottom half of its body is light-blue while the top half is black. A purple stripe runs across Finneon's horizontal length. This stripe can store sunlight, which allows Finneon to shine vividly at night. It has small blue pectoral fins, two black oval-shaped dorsal fins, and purple eyes. Finneon's most notable feature is the pair of caudal fins that resemble a pair of blue butterfly wings with purple spots. The bottom lobes of a female Finneon's tail fin are bigger than a male's.
Because of its wing-like fins and beautiful appearance, it is known as ″The Beautifly of the Sea″ and ″finery fish″. It lives in bodies of water, and it travels in schools, sometimes with Lumineon. Finneon is popular with divers, as a result, it is found living in resorts that feed them. Wingull is a natural predator of Finneon.
";finneon;finneon;finneon;finneon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
457;1;Lumineon;Water;385;1;308,05;0;6;15,4025;12;240;517;1;"Lumineon is a fishlike Pokémon with dark blue scales. Its eyes are deep pink, and its face and eyelids are light blue. It has two pairs of large pectoral fins that resemble butterfly wings. These fins have wavy, light blue markings around the edges, and the lower pair is longer on the female. There is a band of light blue running vertically around its body. Its tail is long with a deep pink spot at the tip, and it has a pair of light blue pelvic fins.
Lumineon usually makes its home deep in the ocean, where it walks along the seafloor using the fins on its chest. This behavior helps it to avoid predators. The light unleashed by schools of Lumineon on the surface or bottom of the ocean has been compared to the shining stars at night, a sight considered breathtaking. Lumineon attracts its own prey by using the patterning on its wing-like fins, and typically competes with Lanturn for food. Lumineon preys on Staryu and Starmie.
";lumineon;lumineon;lumineon;lumineon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
458;1;Mantyke;Flying,Water;208;1;166,65;0;9;2,5638461538;10;650;793;1;"Mantyke is a Pokémon that resembles a manta ray. It has a round body with wide, flat fins. Its back is dark-blue, while its underside is light blue. There are two red spots with white outlines and a light-blue, curved line on its back. These markings give the overall impression of a smiling face and vary slightly in each region. It has two long, curving antennae on top of its head and black eyes with eyelash-like markings underneath.
Despite its appearance, Mantyke is an effective swimmer. Its antennae are used to sense ocean currents. Mantyke is a friendly Pokémon that can be found approaching boats and swimming near the ocean's surface with schools of Remoraid. It often works together with Remoraid to repel attackers. Spending time with the Remoraid schools will eventually cause Mantyke to evolve into Mantine. Due to its friendly nature, Mantyke are very easy to tame. Mantyke are also super-popular in beach activities involving swimming tours. The Mantyke that live in Galar appear to move slower due to the cold waters of the region.
";mantyke;mantyke;mantyke;mantyke;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
459;1;Snover;Grass,Ice;268;1;214,12;1;0;4,24;10;505;799;1;" Male Snover growing Snoverberries in the animeSnover is a Pokémon with a white upper body and brown lower body that resembles a snow-covered tree. It will be two-thirds brown if male and two-thirds white if female. It has green eyes and three points on top of its head. Its feet and green tail are stubby, and there are two green spikes that resemble pinecones on its back. Five cones form its hand: a large central cone with four smaller cones around it. Edible white Berries grow along Snover's midsection.
In Galar, packs of its natural predator, Galarian Darumaka, enjoy eating the Berries produced by Snover. This result in Abomasnow often chasing them away in order to protect it. Snover lives on snowy peaks in warm seasons but migrates lower as the weather cools. A curious Pokémon, it often approaches people and can be found inspecting footprints in the snow. There are stories of Snover visiting human settlements, often bonding with the children living there. Snover can sink its feet into the snow to absorb water, this helps cool down its body temperature.
";snover;snover;snover;snover;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
460;1;Abomasnow;Grass,Ice;400;1;320,17;1;9;5,1983321033;22;1355;481;1;"Abomasnow is a large, bipedal Pokémon covered in shaggy, white fur. It has pale purple eyes with bushy eyebrows and long strands of fur covering its mouth. Two tufts of longer fur grow on both its back and chest, with the chest fur being longer on the female. Its hands, feet, and tail are dark green and spiky, similar to the foliage of an evergreen tree. On its back are four green spikes that resemble pinecones.
Abomasnow lives in snowy mountains and appears only when snow flowers bloom. Once the flowers die, it retreats to isolated areas. The reason is because Abomasnow prefers to be alone and not associate with others. It is able to create blizzards to hide itself. It can also cause whiteout conditions with just a shake of its massive body. Abomasnow is also known as the ″Ice Monster″ and ″abominable snowman″. It protects Snover from packs of Galarian Darumaka, who chase them for the Berries they grow, Abomasnow does so by swinging its arms like hammers. Abomasnow is powerful enough to split huge boulders in two.
The sprouts on its back grow into great shafts of ice when this Pokémon Mega Evolves into Mega Abomasnow.[1] Its fur becomes longer and shaggy over its entire body, particularly around its head. Green fur or sprout remnants surround the base of the large icicles on its back, while white fur covers the middle.
";abomasnow;abomasnow;abomasnow;abomasnow;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
461;1;Weavile;Ice,Dark;480;2;383,8;0;6;12,4170588235;11;340;463;1;"Weavile is a bipedal Pokémon with a pale, gray body that resembles both a cat and a weasel. It has a bright red crown and collar made of wide feathers and a single, thinner feather on each ear. The ear feathers are smaller on a female Weavile. Weavile has two tail feathers and three claws on each paw. There is a yellow, oval marking in the center of its forehead. Its eyes are red with three eyelashes, and four fangs protrude from its upper jaw.
Weavile lives in snow covered areas and are notorious predators. Weavile is famed for its speed and agility. Weavile is also known for its cunning nature due to brain development from evolution from Sneasel. A scratch from Weavile's sharp claws can leave behind traces of frostbite. Weavile often hunt in packs for prey such as Alolan Sandshrew, Alolan Vulpix, and even larger species like Mamoswine, then divide up the prey amongst themselves. Weavile can communicate by carving patterns into trees, ice, and boulders, with over 500 distinct signs recorded.
";weavile;weavile;weavile;weavile;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
462;1;Magnezone;Steel,Electric;398;2;318,15;0;0;2,121;12;1800;277;1;"Magnezone is a robot-like Pokémon which resembles a UFO. It's the result of Magneton leveling up in the presence of a special magnetic field. The evolution is done on a molecular level, but despite this, scientists have failed at attempts to force it. Magnezone's body is wide and circular, similar to a disc or saucer, with a thin edge circling the diameter of its body. Its main eye is in the center, containing a large, red pupil. On each side of its body, it has a ball-shaped addition, with each side containing an eye, horseshoe magnet, and Phillips head screw. These secondary eyes can move independently of its main eye, as shown in Confronting the Darkness!. On top of its head is a tall, thin, yellow rod, closely resembling an antenna, which it uses for certain attacks. Behind its body is a third horseshoe magnet, positioned like a tail.
Magnezone's evolution is theorized to have been caused by a special magnetic field that changed the molecular structure within its body. Magnezone is a seemingly-mechanical, gender unknown creature, but it has emotions, a way of reproducing, and the need for nourishment. With its magnets, it has the ability to control anti-gravity and float through the air at will. As seen in Giratina and the Sky Warrior and Phantom Thief Pokémon 7, Magnezone's anti-gravity is strong enough to carry humans with ease. Magnezone is rarely seen in the wild, but as seen in the anime, Magnezone can be very aggressive and territorial. However, it will rarely attack unless provoked. It flies through the night sky, often mistaken for a UFO sighting, though it seems to be receiving and sending signals from an unknown source and an unknown purpose. This leads some people to believe that Magnezone came from outer space and that it is being controlled by unknown beings.
";magnezone;magnezone;magnezone;magnezone;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
463;1;Lickilicky;Normal;429;1;343,4;1;4;4,1698571429;17;1400;460;1;"Lickilicky is a dark pink, rotund Pokémon with a small tail and a long tongue. It has a yellow line pattern on its belly and a white bib-like pattern, making it almost resemble a round baby boy. It also has what appears to be a curled appendage on its head.
It has a big appetite. It can lick anything or anyone close by for any leftover crumbs. Its saliva contains a numbing solvent and can decompose anything, and it wraps its long tongue around things, like its prey, to coat them with its sticky saliva. It has space in its throat to store saliva, and it can also roll up its tongue and store it there. Lickilicky lives in forests with a large body of water. It uses its tongue with more skill than it would its hands and feet, and a current record of its stretch length exceeds 82 feet. Its tongue can also function with the same dexterity as a human hand. However, Lickilicky is rather clumsy with its own fingers.
";lickilicky;lickilicky;lickilicky;lickilicky;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
464;1;Rhyperior;Ground,Rock;537;2;429,25;0;3;3,6428571429;24;2828;277;1;"Rhyperior is a large, brownish-gray Pokémon with two horns: a larger one on its nose, and smaller one above it. The upper horn is even smaller on a female Rhyperior. The larger horn is divided into three sections by two thin slanted rings, making the horn resemble a drill. Its hide is partially covered by orange, rocky plates on its head, shoulders, arms, waist, and knees. The hide of Rhyperior's armor has a mysterious substance. It has blade-like protrusions on its elbows and has holes in the palms of its hands which work as cannons or guns. It has three blunt, gray fingers on each hand, two gray toes on each foot, and a club-like tail. Its eyes have red irises with what appears be two thick, rectangular rocks above each one, resembling heavy eyebrows.
Rhyperior can insert rocks and boulders into its arms through the holes in its hands and then fire them like bullets, as seen with its former signature move, Rock Wrecker. However, it will occasionally insert and fire Geodude or Roggenrola by accident. Rhyperior has a very hard carapace, it can survive volcanic eruptions, cannot be scratched even by a masterwork sword, and deflect incoming attacks. This can throw the opponent off-balance before it drills into the foe. Rhyperior lives far up in the mountains.
";rhyperior;rhyperior;rhyperior;rhyperior;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
465;1;Tangrowth;Grass;473;1;378,75;1;7;5,8903576983;20;1286;439;1;"Tangrowth is a large Pokémon with a black body wrapped in a large mass of blue vines. The vines are used to entangle foes and prey. A pair of saucer-like eyes peek out from beneath the tangled mess of vines. However, these eyes may be hidden in warm seasons due to how profusely the vines grow. Its stubby black feet are tipped with red. Tangrowth has a pair of blue boneless arms that have three fingers. The arms are made from bundles of vines. These fingers are completely red on a female Tangrowth, while they have red tips on a male.
Tangrowth is unfazed if one of its arms is broken off, as it will easily grow back. It will also rip apart vines off its body should they have grown too long. It hunts by disguising itself as a shrub, then grabbing prey with its vines. It can extend its arms as much as it wants. Predators like to eat Tangrowth's vines. When the climate is warm, its vine growth is accelerated. Tangrowth is very rare in the wild, though it can be found in temperate grasslands.
";tangrowth;tangrowth;tangrowth;tangrowth;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
466;1;Electivire;Electric;455;2;363,6;0;7;4,7220779221;18;1386;271;1;"Electivire is a large, humanoid Pokémon covered in yellow fur with black stripes. It appears to lack a neck and has red eyes, a black spot on its forehead, and a pair of antennae with bulbous tips. A pattern on Electivire's back resembles an electric outlet. The fur on its cheeks and shoulders is spiky and ruffled. It has two black tails with red rounded ends, resembling open electrical wires. Electivire has black feet with three, clawed toes, and five black fingers on each of its hands.
Electivire is said to have the best electrical-energy output of all Electric-type Pokémon. Electivire is known to be recklessly careless regarding enemy attacks. The tips of its tails generate electricity, which shock opponents on contact with over 20,000 volts. It can also electrify its punches by gripping on to its tails. Blue sparks fly between its antennae as its electric charge amplifies. It thumps its chest when excited, causing thunder and sparks to fly around it. The voltage it makes can increase when it is battling. The amount of electric energy it can produce depends on Electivire's pulse. Electivire usually feeds off electric currents. In the anime, Electivire has been seen eating fruits from trees. A single Electivire is capable of powering a large city for an entire year.
";electivire;electivire;electivire;electivire;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
467;1;Magmortar;Fire;404;1;323,2;1;6;7,6047058824;16;680;271;1;" Magmortar's cannonMagmortar is a large, vaguely humanoid, red-and-yellow-striped Pokémon with an egg-shaped body. It has pink lips on its dark face. It has yellow, tubular arms with a black ″band″ on both and three small claws on the black part of each ″hand″. Its legs are small in proportion to its body with pink thighs, red feet, and black shackles around the ankles. It has one large yellow flame on its head, as well as large red flames on its shoulders and tail. Additionally, it has four pink spikes on its back. It has an organ that resembles a magma chamber.
When Magmortar prepares to shoot fire from its hands, the claws are capable of disappearing into its skin, forming a pressurized cannon. It blasts fireballs of over 3,600 °F (2,000 °C) burning foes to a blackened crisp, though avoids this method when hunting prey. Magmortar increases its body temperature by inhaling deeply, increasing the fire burning with its belly. When firing, its body can turn into a whitish hue from the intense heat. Its arm starts melting when it fires a whole barrage. Magmortar is used in some factories in order to process metal. It lives in volcanic craters, with a single pair of male and female Magmortar occupying one.
";magmortar;magmortar;magmortar;magmortar;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
468;1;Togekiss;Flying,Fairy;391;1;313,1;1;7;12,3592105263;15;380;265;1;"Togekiss is a white, avian Pokémon with an ovoid body. While its feet are small and situated closely together, its wings are broad and triangular. Red and blue triangular markings over its underside, and it has a short tail consisting of three feathers. On the back of its head are three spikes: a red-tipped one on the right, a blue-tipped one on the left, and a pure white one in the middle. Togekiss has a relatively flat face and small, black eyes.
Togekiss have long been known worldwide as bringers of blessings, being depicted on good-luck charms since ancient times. However, they only appear in peaceful places and have never been witnessed anywhere near conflict or turmoil, making their recent sightings exceptionally rare. It shares many kind gifts and sweet blessings when it visits peaceful places or sees people who avoid strife and respect the rights of others.
";togekiss;togekiss;togekiss;togekiss;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
469;1;Yanmega;Flying,Bug;433;1;346,43;1;1;12,7809126214;19;515;460;1;"Yanmega is a large, dark green dragonfly Pokémon. Its large eyes are red with black lines that make a sideways ″T″ shape in each one. It has two large, white fangs or mandibles next to its small mouth. Its immense jaw power allows it to bite apart foes while flying by at high speed. Each of Yanmega's segments has a red spot on them, while the last tail segment has a black triangular plate. It has two similar plates on the back of its thorax and a third on its head. Yanmega has six black thin legs. It has four white, oval wings with red tips, and there are two smaller white wings on the end of its tail.
Yanmega can create shock waves by beating its wings. These shock waves are so powerful, they may inflict critical injuries on the foe. Yanmega's wings are powerful enough to carry an adult human. Yanmega is very rare in the wild, though it can be found in wooded and swampy areas. It has very strong jaw power and bites apart its prey's heads while flying at high speed. Yanmega usually aim for the prey's most vulnerable spot, wasting no energy in the process. Yanmega is said to be an extremely violent Pokémon, usually requiring someone of incredible bravery to tame this aggressive bug.
";yanmega;yanmega;yanmega;yanmega;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
470;1;Leafeon;Grass;505;1;404;0;5;15,8431372549;10;255;448;1;"Leafeon is a mammalian, quadrupedal Pokémon. Its body is tan with dark brown paws. It has a multitude of small green sprouts growing all over its legs, chest, and back, with the longest one on its head, in front of four tan tufts of fur. Leafeon's ears and tail are stylized to resemble tattered leaves. It has brown eyes and a small, brown nose.
This Pokémon's cellular structure is similar to plants, which allows it to perform photosynthesis and purify the air around it by sleeping under the sunlight, it gets its energy in this way instead of eating. It is a pacifistic, quiet Pokémon, preferring not to fight, though sharpens its leafy tail for the occasions it needs to. The tail's sharpness is said to exceed that of a master's sword, sharp enough to cut down a large tree with one hit. Its aroma is similar to fresh grass in its youth, as it ages, this fragrance bears more of a resemblance to fallen leaves. The aroma is favored in Galar, where it is used to create a popular perfume. It lives in lush forests that have clean rivers.
";leafeon;leafeon;leafeon;leafeon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
471;1;Glaceon;Ice;379;1;303;1;2;9,3590733591;8;259;448;1;"Glaceon is a quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon covered in light-blue fur that can be frozen into sharp quills. It has long, pointed ears, dark eyes, and a small nose. A teal crest with two dangling flaps adorns its head, resembling hair or headgear. Glaceon has two dark blue, rhombus-shaped markings on its back, the tip of its tail, feet, and flaps are the same shade of blue.
By controlling its body temperature, the moisture in the air freezes, producing ice crystals or diamond dust surrounding it. It is capable of freezing its fur into sharp needle-like icicles, used to tackle its prey. It can drop its body temperature below -75 degrees Fahrenheit. Those captivated by Glaceon's beautiful snowfall will be instantly frozen without realizing it. Glaceon is rather popular in ski resorts due to its ability to create powdery snow. Glaceon is usually found in urban areas under the care of humans. It is rarely found in the wild.
";glaceon;glaceon;glaceon;glaceon;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
472;1;Gliscor;Flying,Ground;492;1;393,9;0;9;18,5364705882;20;425;463;1;"Gliscor is a large, mainly blue-purple vampire bat-like Pokémon. Its legs have two toes and a slightly darker circular coloration on the underside, and its tail has two barbs, giving its tail the resemblance of a vampire's fangs. Its arms are red with thin striations and are completely detached from its black wings, and each is ended with large pincers. Its ears have discernible, red, chambered ear insides, and its eyes are yellow. It has six visible fangs in its mouth, and its waist, like its arms, is red and striated. Gliscor's body resembles an open mouth, with the pointed protrusions coming from its upper torso resembling fangs, further illustrating its vampiric qualities. It appears to be partially covered in an insect-like exoskeleton.
As shown in Riding the Winds of Change!, Gliscor, along with its unevolved form Gligar, can emit a sort of sound wave in order to detect obstacles and fly around them, similar to echolocation. Its legs appear to be not suitable for walking, so it can only perform short hops when on the ground. Gliscor hangs upside down while sleeping, much like other bat-like Pokémon, and it is nocturnal. It is capable of soundless flight, however, its wings cannot be flapped to the same extent that other Pokémon's wings can. Like Jumpluff and Wingull, Gliscor uses winds and updrafts to glide from place to place. When there is no wind, Gliscor climbs to the top of tall trees using its sharp raptorial claws and then glides from place to place. This practice is similar to flying squirrels. It is extremely rare, but sometimes it is found in thick pine forests and swamps.
";gliscor;gliscor;gliscor;gliscor;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
473;1;Mamoswine;Ground,Ice;505;1;404;1;7;3,470790378;25;2910;283;1;"Mamoswine is a large, quadrupedal Pokémon resembling a wooly mammoth crossed with a boar. Its brown fur is very thick to endure harsh cold and protect from snow and ice. Its tusks, which are smaller on a female Mamoswine than on a male, are made of pure, solid ice. Mamoswine has a blue mask-like pattern with a white rim around its face and eyes, resembling ski goggles. The fur on its muzzle is tan and shaggy, and its nose resembles that of a pig. Mamoswine's feet are black with three thick toes, and its tail is small.
It can endure harsh cold and hunger for an almost indefinite amount of time, as indicated by a ten-thousand-year-old specimen reviving. Mamoswine lived all around the world during the last ice age, but its population thinned when the climate grew warmer. Mamoswine inhabits cold places, such as mountainous regions and frozen tundra. Weavile is a natural predator of Mamoswine. Mamoswine is believed to have hidden potential that was awakened by the cold climate.
";mamoswine;mamoswine;mamoswine;mamoswine;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
474;1;Porygon-z;Normal;410;1;328,25;0;1;8,6889705882;9;340;277;1;"Although technically a virtual, manmade Pokémon, Porygon-Z does have a physical body. Its head is fuchsia and ovoid in shape with a short, blunt antenna protruding upwards and a blue bill similar to that of a duck. Its eyes are yellow and have black rings, similar to a bulls-eye. The head is completely detached from the body and floats slightly above it. Its smooth, ovoid body is fuchsia with a blue ring connecting its arms. Two arms are loosely connected to their upper body and, other than their blue color, have no features. The tail is also blue and featureless but slightly resembles a paddle.
Porygon-Z was given additional software in order to increase its abilities. The initial idea was to give it the ability to travel through alien dimensions, though it did not work as planned. Instead, the Pokémon began showing highly erratic, unstable behavior and twitchy movements, making it difficult to work with for research. As a result, it is believed the experiment to create Porygon-Z was a failure. This has been attributed to the incompetence of the engineer improperly updating its programming. Because the update caused instability, academics can't seem to agree on whether Porygon-Z should be considered a true Evolution of Porygon2.
Porygon-Z and its pre-evolved forms are the only known Pokémon that can learn Conversion and Conversion 2.
";porygon-z;porygon-z;porygon-z;porygon-z;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
475;1;Gallade;Fighting,Psychic;427;2;341,38;1;1;10,504;16;520;301;1;"Gallade is a white, bipedal Pokémon. Its lower body consists of rounded hips with strong legs. It has a thin green torso with sharp, red horns sticking out of its chest and back. Its arms are shaped like tonfas with extendable blades in its elbows. Its head resembles a gladiator's helmet with a white face, red eyes, and a teal head crest. It has spikes on the sides of its face.
It is a master of courtesy and swordsmanship that is capable of predicting its foe's moves. True to Gallade's honorable warrior image, it is just as protective of their Trainer as its counterpart Gardevoir, using the blades on its elbows to defend. The shoulder blades are said to be shaper then even the best swords. Gallade is known to be sharply aware of a person's wish for help and seeks out those who need its assistance in battle. Gallade fights savagely with fast and fierce attacks. Gallade is capable of teaching itself on how to learn swordsmanship at an impressive rate.
As Mega Gallade, its entire body becomes white. Red plates emerge on its arms, the blue head crest is slightly longer, and the spikes on its head are elongated and gain two cape-like protrusions on the back, this giving it a knightly appearance. When the situation demands it, Mega Gallade can use its psychic power to reshape both arms into blades simultaneously and fight using a dual-wielding style.
";gallade;gallade;gallade;gallade;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
476;1;Probopass;Rock,Steel;379;2;303;1;6;1,2476470588;14;3400;448;1;" Probopass's Mini-NosesProbopass is a mostly blue, rock-like Pokémon. It has small round eyes, a red nose that is large in proportion to its body, and a bushy black mustache that consists of iron sand, which appears to be attracted by its magnetic nose. Probopass has three small objects on its sides and back, called Mini-Noses (Japanese: チビノーズ Chibinose), which it is able to control. It has a big red hat-like magnet on top of its head, and exudes strong magnetism from all over its body.
Being able to command these Mini-Noses, Probopass is able to catch prey and attack opponents from all three directions. On occasion, its Mini-Noses can get lost and may never come back. It emits strong magnetic fields that can damage nearby appliances. Probopass can use the iron sand to form rocks, which it uses to destroy its prey.
";probopass;probopass;probopass;probopass;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
477;1;Dusknoir;Ghost;410;1;328,25;0;6;6,7743902439;22;1066;292;1;"Dusknoir is a primarily black Pokémon that somewhat resembles a cyclops. Its cylindrical head is light gray with a single eye that has a yellow iris and a red pupil. Its eyelid resembles a smiling mouth, with its red eye being a tongue. There is a yellow band near the top of its head, and a short, yellow antenna with a disc-shaped tip extends from on top. Six flat projections extend from the base of its neck and surround its head, resembling an upturned collar. Dusknoir has well-developed arms with two yellow bands near its wrists and large, gray hands. On the front of its torso are two almond-shaped markings, and on its back are two circular markings. Both sets of markings resemble eyes. A yellow band encircles its body, zigzagging along the front and forming a long curve around the back. It has a wispy tail in place of feet.
The antenna on Dusknoir's head allows it to receive transmissions from the spirit world, which tell it to bring people there. Dusknoir usually appears to those that are dead and bring their souls to the afterlife. However, sometimes Dusknoir accidentally take away souls of those that are still alive, though this rarely happens. It is unknown if Dusknoir has a will of its own, or if it is forced to follow the bidding of the transmissions it receives. However, the anime has also shown it protecting people from being taken to the spirit world. The band on its body can open, similar to a mouth. Dusknoir is capable of using its belly mouth to swallow its target whole. It also uses this ability to take spirits into its body and carry them home or as it travels to unknown places. Dusknoir only consumes spectral essence, leaving only the empty remains of living beings untouched.
";dusknoir;dusknoir;dusknoir;dusknoir;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
478;1;Froslass;Ghost,Ice;417;1;333,3;1;1;16,2890977444;13;266;496;1;"Froslass is a humanoid Pokémon with a hollow torso that resembles a kimono. It wears a red band around its waist, reminiscent of an Obi. Its body lacks feet and it floats in the air like its counterpart, Glalie. Its arms are connected to the sides of its head and flare at the wrists. The flared portion has a dappled light blue coloration. Its hands consist of three small fingers. Froslass's head is shaped similar to a sideways water droplet and is topped with two ice crystals that resemble horns. Its head has several holes on it, resembling a mask. Through two of these holes, crystal blue eyes with yellow sclerae can be seen. It also has a mouth below this ″mask″.
Froslass lives in snowy areas and has the ability to freeze foes with its -58 degrees Fahrenheit breath. It is thought to display its victims secretly after freezing them. It enjoys preying on handsome men climbing in the mountains, it also likes to take Pokémon, but its favorite food is frozen souls. Froslass is known to bring its frozen prey back to the cave it lives in before lining them up neatly. It also goes down to human homes to knock on doors during nights of cold blizzards. There is a legend that Froslass will place curses on any men that misbehave. As evidenced in the anime, it can create illusions to manipulate others. Froslass is a female-only species and is said in legends to have been formed when the spirit and lingering regrets of a woman who was lost in the mountains possessed an icicle.
";froslass;froslass;froslass;froslass;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
479;1;Rotom;Ghost,Electric;338;1;270,68;1;1;270,68;3;3;538;1;" Rotom transformingRotom is a Pokémon that has a body of plasma and is shaped like a lightning rod. There is a whitish blue aura of electricity around it that forms lightning bolt-shaped appendages. It has teeth, and its unique, blue eyes have a dividing line across them. It is said to be reminiscent of a will-o'-the-wisp powered by electricity. In this base form, Rotom cannot be touched without being electrocuted in the process.
Rotom and the appliancesRotom has the ability to enter and control appliances. Starting in Platinum, it has five extra forms, each based on a household appliance, which can be accessed by possessing specific appliances with a special motor. The possessed appliances are based on a microwave oven (Heat Rotom), washing machine (Wash Rotom), refrigerator (Frost Rotom), electric fan (Fan Rotom), and a lawnmower (Mow Rotom). When Rotom changes form, its eyes and electric aura change colors, and its aura appendages take on different shapes: red with oven mitts as Heat Rotom, blue with clothespins as Wash Rotom, purple with lightning bolts as Frost Rotom, yellow with air curls as Fan Rotom, and green with a ripped strip as Mow Rotom. According to the Rotom Catalog, Rotom in its base form is actually possessing a light bulb. Rotom's forms were first discovered and documented by Charon.
Rotom typically use their abilities to make mischief, often using the household items they possess to pull pranks on unsuspecting people, as seen in the anime. Despite this, some Rotom have taken to inhabiting electronics with the intent of helping others, as seen in Generations VII and VIII. The Rotom Pokédex, found in Alola, and the Rotom Phones, Rotomi, Rotom Bike, and Drone Rotoms found in Galar, are some examples. These show that Rotom is also highly intelligent. Some of these particular forms allow Rotom to speak human languages. As also seen in the anime, Rotom also has the ability to time travel. Rotom tends to reside in abandoned buildings.";rotom;rotom;rotom;rotom;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
480;1;Uxie;Psychic;473;1;378,75;1;2;378,75;3;3;217;1;"Uxie is a small, gray, fairy-like Pokémon with two gray tails that are each encrusted with a red gem. Uxie has a partially yellow face with another red gem encrusted into its forehead. Its head faintly resembles that of a helmet or a human brain.
Uxie always has its eyes closed, as it can wipe out the memory of those who see its eyes.
Uxie is both feared and respected for its ability erase the memories of evil people. Uxie's spirit can leave its body without dying, and return at will. It created all knowledge in the Pokémon universe. Notably, when Uxie first emerged, humans gained the knowledge needed to solve problems and improved their quality of life. In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness, it is shown that Uxie can create an illusion. It was also shown in The Needs of the Three! and The Battle Finale of Legend! to teleport itself, as well as other Pokémon and humans. Though it is very shy, Uxie will attack with force if it or the other lake guardians, Mesprit and Azelf, are threatened. Uxie has been referred to as ″The Being of Knowledge.″ Uxie and the other lake guardians have the power to calm Dialga/Palkia should the deity be enraged.
In Pokémon Legends: Arceus it is shown to be capable of speech via telepathy.
";uxie;uxie;uxie;uxie;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
481;1;Mesprit;Psychic;467;2;373,7;1;9;373,7;3;3;217;1;"Mesprit is a small, gray, fairy-like Pokémon. It has two tails that each have a red jewel encrusted in them. These are, presumably, two of the jewels which comprise the Red Chain. Mesprit has a partially magenta face with four long, drooping appendages and another red gem encrusted in its forehead.
Mesprit's spirit can leave its body without dying and return to the body at will. Legends say that a person that touches it will have their emotions completely drained away. Mesprit was highly feared due to it punishing those who disrespect it. Mesprit does this by throwing their emotions into disarray. it those Mesprit is said to have taught humans the ability to feel sorrow, pain, and joy. It was shown in The Needs of the Three! and The Battle Finale of Legend! that it can teleport itself, as well as other Pokémon and humans. Though playful, it is a bit mischievous. Mesprit is known as ″The Being of Emotion″. Mesprit and the other lake guardians have the power to calm Dialga/Palkia should the deity be enraged.
In Pokémon Legends: Arceus it is shown to be capable of speech via telepathy.
";mesprit;mesprit;mesprit;mesprit;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
482;1;Azelf;Psychic;486;2;388,85;1;6;388,85;3;3;217;1;"Azelf is a small, gray-blue, fairy-like Pokémon. It has two tails that each have a red jewel on them. These are, presumably, two of the jewels which complement the Red Chain. Azelf has a partially cyan face with another red gem encrusted into its forehead. Azelf has a cone-shaped head with elf ear-like protrusions on each side.
Azelf's spirit can leave its body without dying and can return to the body at will. It sleeps at the bottom of a lake to preserve the balance of the world. It can control an individual's will or enter the body of an individual. Legends say that if Azelf is harmed, it can cause humans to lose all will inside of them, making them completely immobile for all eternity. Azelf is highly feared due it having the power to manipulate the will of foes into its own puppets. It was shown in The Needs of the Three! and The Battle Finale of Legend! that it can teleport itself, as well as other Pokémon and humans. Azelf can be very cautious around people and Pokémon. However, if threatened, it will reveal its bold side. Azelf has been referred to as the ″The Being of Willpower″ due to its role in giving humans the determination to face challenges in life. Azelf and the other lake guardians have the power to calm Dialga/Palkia should the deity be enraged.
In Pokémon Legends: Arceus it is shown to be capable of speech via telepathy.
";azelf;azelf;azelf;azelf;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
483;1;Dialga;Steel,Dragon;543;2;434,3;1;2;3,433704246;54;6830;82;1;"Dialga is a dark-blue, sauropod-like Pokémon with some gray metallic portions and light blue stripes. It has a chest plate on its torso, which has a deep blue diamond-like crystal embedded in the center. Dialga has a fin-like structure on its back, three spines on the back of its neck, and a crest on its head, resembling a dinosaur. It also has two structures on the sides of its head that extend outward and resemble horns and fangs. It has three claws on each foot, of the same metallic look as its chest plate. Faint cracks exist across its body. The fin-like structure on its back can be used to focus the flow of time, as seen in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky.
Said to be the Pokémon's true form, Dialga's Origin Forme is drastically different from the usual sauropod-like look of its other Forme, being a hybrid between it, a dragon and a centaur, while also resembling its creator, Arceus. The back legs of Dialga become unguligrade in shape and have pointed tips instead of feet. The front legs are noticeably larger, with three distinct rhomb-shaped claws on the underside. Further up, Dialga's knees have rectangular, long and thin protrusions. The chest plate is gone, however, it has a similar polygonal shape in its place. On Dialga's neck is a large shape jutting out towards the front, along with two pairs of protrusions on either side, the upper pair being larger and resembling panels or wings. Inside this large shape and wing-like protrusions are deep blue diamond-like crystals, embedded into diamond-shaped grooves. The three spines located on the back of the neck are longer and sharper. Dialga's head has two thin arrow-shaped horns extending towards the top and back of its head, along with longer fang-like horns connected to a plate mask covering its lower jaw, which can shift in angle to reveal the mouth. The plate mask also partly covers the arrow-shaped horns on their sides. Around Dialga's abdomen is a cross comprised of four arrow shapes attached to a small wheel, reminiscent of Arceus's cross-wheel. The fin-like plate on Dialga's posterior has a star-shaped layer on top of it. The tail is much shorter and crystal-shaped. Overall, Dialga's entire body becomes larger and nearly completely dark blue. The crest, arrow-shaped horns, knee protrusions and abdomen cross are light blue, while the tips of Dialga's fin-like plate and feet are dark gray. Dialga's transformation into its Origin Forme is triggered by a radiant light, it can also be invoked using the Adamant Crystal.
Dialga has the power over time: it can warp time by either speeding it up, slowing it down, or stopping it altogether, it can also travel through time to visit the past, present, and future. It also has the power to destroy and create time itself. In the anime, Dialga's temporal powers possess the ability to devolve anything or anyone against their will: Pokémon, humans, and plants. It can even reverse these devolution effects. It is said that time started moving when Dialga was born and will continue flowing as long as Dialga's heart beats. In its Origin Forme, Dialga can even unleash meteors and shockwaves. The crystals and light blue accents on Dialga's body glow brightly when it uses its powers.
Dialga has the power to create a new universe by itself or with Palkia. As Dialga primarily resides in a different dimension, its behavior is nearly impossible to study. In the dimension where Origin Forme Dialga lives in, time is said to be constantly moving in different directions and speeds.[1] It has been shown to be very protective of its home. It also tends to have violent conflicts with its counterpart Palkia.
Dialga was revered as a deity in Sinnoh myths, in the past, it was worshipped by the Diamond Clan, who referred to it as ″almighty Sinnoh″. Dialga is capable of speaking through telepathy, as seen when it communicates through the leader of the Diamond Clan, Adaman. Dialga and Palkia can control and spread the space-time rift caused by Giratina, which create alpha Pokémon and cause Noble Pokémon to go berserk.
Dialga is the only known Pokémon that can learn Roar of Time, the move can also be charged into a more powerful version while the Pokémon is in its Origin Forme, as seen in the boss battle in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. With Roar of Time, Dialga can distort time itself when the move generates enough power.
";dialga;dialga;dialga;dialga;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,!483Dialga_DP_anime_5.png,,
484;1;Palkia;Water,Dragon;518;2;414,1;0;4;5,17625;42;3360;82;1;"Palkia is a light-purple, theropod-like Pokémon with stripes and markings of a darker shade and gray underarms and waist. It has round purple-striped plates on its shoulder area, where two pink pearl-like crystals lie encrusted with a gray rim encircling them, and fin-like wings on its back. Palkia's arms have extended formations resembling gauntlets and a purple band around each wrist. Palkia has a long neck that is normally bent, a pointed white crest on the top of its head that extends to its wings, two strong horn-like tusks on the sides of its jaw, and a powerful tail. It has faint cracks along its legs and tail. As seen in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness, Palkia is capable of travelling by creating a large yellow sphere from its two pearls, then using it to fly very fast.
In its Origin Forme, which is said to be its true form, Palkia's appearance changes drastically from its other theropod-like Forme, taking on a centaur-dragon hybrid look while resembling its creator, Arceus. The main body becomes larger and grayish pink, with light gray accents on the tips of its wings and legs, along with various dark purple accents. Its shoulder plates are larger and seem to be made of the same pearl-like crystals as the ones embedded at the center, with six rectangular dark purple protrusions surrounding them. Its lower half becomes bigger and resembles that of a horse. Palkia's arms become its forelegs, with hooves, protrusions on the knees, and rectangular spikes on its upper forelegs akin to its other Forme's arms. The back legs gain hooves as well, with heels on the back of the foot, and they are bent in such a way that allows Palkia to stand up on its two back legs. The tail becomes shorter and splits into five. On the center of Palkia's abdomen is a structure consisting of two dark purple circular shapes connected to two circles of the same color, resembling Arceus's cross-like wheel. Palkia's neck and markings on its lower body become shorter. The pointed crest on its neck becomes taller and longer. Its lower jaw gets a plate-like mask covering it, with multiple spikes all over it: one at the front, a pair extending towards the bottom of the jaw, and two pairs on either side extending towards the back. The plate-like mask can be lowered to reveal its mouth when roaring or using attacks. It is believed that Palkia's Origin Forme resembles Arceus as a strategy in order to gain its power. Palkia's transformation into its Origin Forme can be triggered using the Lustrous Globe.
Palkia has the power over space: it can warp space, travel to faraway places or other dimensions, connect dimensions through dimensional portals as seen in the anime (along with undoing their effects), and destroy space itself. It was said that Palkia can create alternate realities as well. The space Palkia controls is said to become more stable with its every breath. In its Origin Forme, Palkia can walk on all fours and fly, and unleash meteors and shockwaves. The crystals and purple accents on Palkia's body glow brightly when it uses its powers.
Palkia has the power to create a new universe by itself or with Dialga. Palkia lives in a spatial dimension, making its behavior nearly impossible to study. The dimension Origin Forme Palkia lives in is said to be in shreds like ribbons,[1] however, it is known to be very protective of its home. Palkia has been seen in violent conflicts with its counterpart Dialga.
Palkia was feared as a deity in Sinnoh myths, in the past, it was worshipped by the Pearl Clan, who referred to it as ″almighty Sinnoh″. Palkia is capable of speaking through telepathy, as seen when it communicates through the leader of the Pearl Clan, Irida. Palkia and Dialga can control and spread the space-time rift caused by Giratina, which create alpha Pokémon and cause Noble Pokémon to go berserk.
Palkia is the only known Pokémon that can learn Spacial Rend, the move can also be charged into a more powerful version while the Pokémon is in its Origin Forme, as shown in the boss battle in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. When using Spacial Rend, Palkia can tear both its opponent and the space around them apart at the same time, warping everything it hits.
";palkia;palkia;palkia;palkia;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,!484Palkia_DP_anime_3.png,,
485;1;Heatran;Steel,Fire;460;1;367,64;0;9;1,4534604651;17;4300;190;1;"Heatran is a reddish-brown, quadrupedal Pokémon. It is dotted with orange and gray spots, and it has metal bangles locked on its legs. Its four claws on each of its feet are in a cross formation. Heatran has a gray underside, and its face is covered by an iron mask, with red-orange eyes uncovered. Its eyes seem to remain open even when it is asleep. Whenever it is seen with its mouth open, an orange glow emanates from inside it. Because of its intense body heat, certain parts of its body are melted slightly out of shape. Boiling blood, like magma, circulates through its body. While its body is rugged steel, it melts partly due to Heatran's own heat.
Heatran is a fierce guardian. Without the power of the Magma Stone, Heatran would rampage and cause the volcanic crater where it dwells to erupt. Heatran's claws allow it to dig deep into walls, and its feet allow it to stick to a surface, so it can hang and climb from walls and ceilings. According to legends, Heatran was said to have been created from the magma hidden beneath Mount Coronet. The body of Heatran is said to hold many unsolved mysteries. Heatran has the ability to form a shield around itself in order to protect itself from harm.
Heatran is the only known Pokémon that learns Magma Storm. ";heatran;heatran;heatran;heatran;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
486;1;Regigigas;Normal;606;2;484,8;1;7;4,2708571429;37;4200;94;1;"Regigigas is a large, white, golem-like Pokémon with seven black circular ""eyes"" arranged in a specific pattern. The pattern is Regigigas's way of showing its anger; its eyes glow red when it is provoked. It has six spots that are apart from its eyes, which appear to be gemstones. These gemstones seem to represent the original three Legendary titans, with red gems representing Regirock, blue gems indicating Regice, and silver gems representing Registeel. Regigigas has long arms, with three fairly human-like white fingers, and short legs that end in large mossy bushes instead of feet. Regigigas has large yellow bands on its shoulders and wrists, with a sloping section on its chest that appears to be its head and is also yellow. Its body is covered in black stripes, and it has moss growing in its back and feet.
Regigigas is a skilled craftsman. It created golems out of inanimate objects and elemental energies, bringing them to life. Regigigas is also capable of controlling these Legendary titans, even if they already belong to a different Trainer. It can also survive extreme conditions as it is able to work with the boiling temperatures of magma (1300-2400 °F [700-1300 °C]) as well as frigid ice (-328 °F [-200 °C]). When Regigigas is disturbed from its slumber, it goes on a rampage and shoots powerful beams of energy. When it is befriended, however, it is calm and gentle, as seen in Pillars of Friendship!. It is able to crush targets by using its signature move, Crush Grip. According to Sinnoh legend, Regigigas's strength enables it to move continents. ";regigigas;regigigas;regigigas;regigigas;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
487;1;Giratina-altered;Ghost,Dragon;581;1;464,6;0;9;2,7876;45;7500;82;1;"Giratina is a large, gray, draconic Pokémon with three gold half-rings on each side of its long neck. Its head has a gold crown-like object surrounding it with two large horns pointing sideways. A thick black stripe runs vertically along its front with five red horizontal stripes. In its Altered Forme, it has two large black ghostly wings with three red tips on each that can resemble claws. These wings can change shape as if made of a liquid or gas. Its six legs are thick and have golden claws. Two golden half-circles similar to those on its neck are on each side of each leg, resembling shackles. It has a tail. Giratina remains in Altered Forme when outside of its home dimension.
In its Origin Forme, it takes on a serpentine look. Its legs are reduced to golden-tipped spikes, and four additional golden spikes appear near the edge of its tail. While in Origin Forme, the six gold half-rings can grip objects. The back points of each half-ring have a black ghostly tendril with red a spike at its tip. The horns on its head are now facing the back. The sides of the golden ″crown″ cover its mouth and separate vertically like an insect's mandible when it opens its mouth. The black vertical stripe is broken into pieces and runs all the way down its body. Giratina can only be in its Origin Forme when in its home, the Distortion World, or when holding either a Griseous Orb or Griseous Core. Giratina can also maintain its Origin Forme in the real world without items should it get a sufficient amount of power, enough to potentially be equal to Arceus. Giratina is at its full power when in the Origin Forme.
The Origin Forme of Giratina is said to be Giratina's true form, capable of traveling through and controlling dimensions besides those of time and space. When in its Origin Forme, it is able to pass through dimensions at will, however, it will turn back to its Altered Forme due to the gravity change from the Distortion World. Giratina has the power to turn itself into a shadow and to merge the Distortion World with the Pokémon world, as seen during the events of Spear Pillar. However, this has the dangerous side of effect of distorting it to the risk of being destroyed. Giratina is a highly aggressive and territorial Pokémon that is protective of its home. Legends claim that Giratina appears in cemeteries and that it supposedly lives in a world on the reverse side of the Pokémon world. Giratina has also been reported to appear in ancient cemeteries. As seen in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Giratina has the power to tear a hole in reality, creating a space-time rift along with driving both Dialga and Palkia berserk. The rift is capable of creating the Alpha Pokémon and driving Noble Pokémon into berserk Lord/Lady States. Giratina is said to be equal in strength to Dialga and Palkia.
Giratina was said to be banished for its supposedly violent behavior, though in the anime, it is shown to possess a gentle side as well. Giratina at one point carried a grudge against its creator Arceus and was willing to stand against it, though years later, it would become a protector of the world. Due to its violent nature, history on Giratina was covered due to ancient people fearing it. Giratina is said to have observed the real world silently while in its own home dimension. The anime reveals Giratina can also open portals though anything that reflects. Giratina's role is to keep both worlds in balance. Giratina also had many different titles to it, banished Pokémon, Arceus's shadow, the Pokémon of Shadows, and being on the other side of our world.
Giratina is the only known Pokémon that can learn Shadow Force.
";giratina-altered;giratina-altered;giratina-altered;giratina-altered;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
488;1;Cresselia;Psychic;499;1;398,95;0;4;6,9909462617;15;856;190;1;"Cresselia is a Pokémon that has a blue, swan-like body with a yellow underside. It has pink eyes, a dark pink, round tuft on its head, and a pointed, beak-like snout. There are yellow, crescent-shaped ornaments on the sides of its head that merge together in the back. It has a pointed, tail-like protrusion on its rear. Cresselia has glowing, pink, ring-like wings on its sides and back. The wings on its sides are solid dark pink, while the wing on its back is larger and consists of three shades of pink. These wings, especially its back wing, release shining particles and undulate beautifully around the quarter moon. It has paw-like protrusions resting on its chest.
Due to its appearance, Cresselia is said to resemble a crescent moon and the woman who made the Milky Way. Cresselia has the power to dispel nightmares, and holding one of its feathers is said to bring happy dreams. It is also great at recovery and healing techniques. Cresselia can unleash spores in the air to cause confusion on opponents while forming a shield to defend itself at the same time. Its relationship to its counterpart, Darkrai, can vary between individuals and canons, with some being antagonistic, as seen in Sleepless In Pre-Battle! and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky, or cooperative, as seen in Nightfall? Nightmares! and A Midsummer Night's Light!. It tends to reside on a island or mountain that has a Darkrai nearby in order to keep an eye on it.
Cresselia is the only known Pokémon able to learn Lunar Dance and Lunar Blessing. Cresselia is a female-only species. ";cresselia;cresselia;cresselia;cresselia;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,!488Cresselia_DP_anime_2.png
489;1;Phione;Water;404;2;323,2;1;4;41,7032258065;4;31;352;1;"Phione is a blue Pokémon with a round head and a tiny body. Phione's head is crowned by a flotation sac with a long, ribbon-like antenna. Its mouth is small, and its eyes are large with blue sclerae and gray irises. Above its eyes are two blue, circular markings connected to the eyes by a thin black line. Its long, flipper-like arms have rounded tips. Phione has a red, oval gem on its chest and a single rudimentary foot spike.
Phione inflates the sac on its head to drift in the water and search for food. When the water grows warm, it will drift in packs with other members of its species. No matter how far it has drifted, it will always return to the place where it was born. Sometimes it will be seen with Manaphy, visiting the Hisui region on rare occasions. Against natural predators, it uses a defense mechanism that allows it to blend with ocean waters. Phione are known to hatch from eggs laid by Manaphy, although the relationship between the two species is still unknown.
Phione and its counterpart Manaphy are the only known Pokémon capable of using the move Take Heart. ";phione;phione;phione;phione;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
490;1;Manaphy;Water;505;1;404;1;7;86,5714285714;3;14;190;1;"Manaphy is a small, blue, aquatic Pokémon with stubby feet and club-like arms that are longer than its body. It has a red gem on its chest and a yellow dot below the gem. Its onion-shaped head has a pair of long blue antennae, which have small spheres on the ends. Its irises are dark blue with yellow sclerae, and there are two yellow dots of ″eyelash″ markings extending from the eyes.
Eighty percent of Manaphy's body is made of water. It is highly susceptible to its environment and swims long distances to return to its birthplace. Manaphy is known to live the Sea, specially cold seafloor. It has been known to rarely visit the costal waters of Hisui, occasionally with Phione following it. It is born with a special power that allows it to bond with any Pokémon. Manaphy can switch the perspective of people, and Pokémon, with each other using its former signature move, Heart Swap. Manaphy has been referred to as Prince of the Sea. As seen in the anime, Manaphy is capable of learning and speaking the human language. Manaphy is capable of creating Phione. Despite resembling Phione, the connection between the two is unknown at this point.
Manaphy and its counterpart Phione are the only known Pokémon capable of using the move Take Heart.
";manaphy;manaphy;manaphy;manaphy;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
491;1;Darkrai;Dark;473;2;378,75;1;2;11,25;15;505;190;1;"Darkrai is a black, shadow-like Pokémon. It has a small head with a white fog-like ghostly plume billowing from its head covering one of its bright blue eyes, with the portion on its face resembling hair. It also has a red spiky growth around its neck. It has skinny arms and long black tatters hanging from its shoulders. It also has black, claw-like hands. It has the slight appearance of an hourglass figure and appears to be wearing an old, ripped cloak. It normally does not have any sort of legs, but it is able to extend stilt-like appendages in their place. In self-defense, Darkrai can retract its head and white ""plume"" into the pit atop its torso fringed by the aforementioned red growth.
Darkrai is known to ""inhabit"" dreams and causes the target to have unending nightmares, which can be stopped if exposed to a Lunar Feather from Cresselia. However, the ""unleashing of nightmares"" is actually a defense mechanism, instead of an intentionally malicious act. It can become a shadow and escape danger or contact with humans. It is also capable of some human speech. In The Rise of Darkrai, it was shown its power was weaker than that of Dialga and Palkia. Its relationship to its counterpart, Cresselia, can vary between individuals and canons, with some being antagonistic, as seen Sleepless In Pre-Battle! and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky, or cooperative, as seen in Nightfall? Nightmares! and A Midsummer Night's Light!. As seen in Sleepless In Pre-Battle!, Darkrai does not only cause nightmares; it is also attracted to them. It can also go around objects it is attracted to several times, as seen in the mentioned episode and Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. Darkrai is said to be active during nights of the new moon. Darkrai possibly feeds off dreams, characterized by its association with never-ending nightmares. Darkrai is the only known Pokémon that learns Dark Void. ";darkrai;darkrai;darkrai;darkrai;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
492;1;Shaymin-land;Grass;505;2;404;0;2;38,4761904762;2;21;190;1;"Shaymin is a small, white hedgehog-like Pokémon. In Land Forme, it has green grass-like fur on its back and a pink flower with two leaves on each side of its head, which resembles the Gracidea flower. Several Gracidea-like flowers also appear on its back whenever it feels comfortable, but when it senses an impending danger, it rapidly hides it back. Its legs are short and its underside is plump. Shaymin is the smallest Mythical Pokémon to date, and one of the shortest Grass-type Pokémon.
In Sky Forme, it has a slender, canine appearance like that of a small reindeer. The fur on its back becomes a mohawk, and it has a red flower petal on the left side of its neck, resembling a scarf or cape. It has flat, white ears resembling wings, a small tuft of fur on the front of its neck, and a stumpy tail. Shaymin will change into Sky Forme and back if it touches a Gracidea. It reverts to Land Forme at night or if it is frozen. Shaymin can instantly purify any polluted area of all impurities in the air and transform it into a lush field of flowers. It takes in the polluted air, purifies it inside its body, breaks it down into water and light, and releases the purified substance in a violent, explosive burst. Its power varies based on the type of pollution absorbed. Shaymin can also communicate with telepathy and sense the gratitude of others.
Each season, Shaymin gathers with others in a flower field somewhere and migrates from there. This behavior is called Flower Carrying because a new field of flowers grow where it lands. Shaymin is also attracted to areas where there is a lot of gratitude. Its personality is almost opposite with each form: in Land Forme, it is shy and easily scared, while in Sky Forme, it is courageous and playful. If wet, it shakes itself to dry itself off, and exhibits the behavior of scratching itself with a hind leg. Shaymin lives in fields of flowers. Since it camouflages by curling itself up, it can easily escape people's notice. It has been seen liking sweet food. Shaymin is the only known Pokémon to know Seed Flare. ";shaymin-land;shaymin-land;shaymin-land;shaymin-land;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,!492Shaymin_Land_Forme_DP_anime.png,,
493;1;Arceus;Normal;606;1;484,8;0;2;4,848;32;3200;28;1;"Arceus is a white equine Pokémon resembling a qilin or centaur with a gray, vertically-striated underside. The striated pattern has similar recurrences on the underside of its mane, tail, and face. Its four pointed feet are tipped with gold hooves. Its long mane juts away from its head, and its face is gray, with green eyes and red pupils, and a green circular pattern below its eyes. Arceus also has a streak of gold coloration on its head, and ears that point upward. Its neck is fairly long, with two pairs of extrusions to the sides, and a flap-like feature on the neck's underside that is colored white like much of the body. Arceus also has a golden cross-like wheel attached to its body by its round abdomen, which changes color along with its eyes and hooves based on its current type, which depends on the Plate or type-specific Z-Crystal that it wields. The wheel also has four jewels attached to it. The pattern of striated gray of Arceus's underbelly resumes past Arceus's waist. Its limbs have gray undersides and extrusions at the tops of the legs. Arceus's tail is fairly like its mane in terms of shape and coloration.
According to legend, it shaped the Pokémon universe using its 1000 arms. Arceus has been referred to as The Original One in myths and legends. Arceus is thought to have created the Sinnoh region and possibly the entire Pokémon world, the lake guardians Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit; and the creation trio Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. Because of this, Arceus is thought to be one of the most long-lived of all Pokémon species. It has the power to recreate the creation trio as well, presumably to guard the dimensions when a Trainer has caught one of them. In the anime, Arceus has been portrayed as having powers such as bringing back things that it once destroyed, making certain things vanish into thin air, halting time, and overturn the very laws of nature. The anime also shows that Arceus has the power to not only calm Dialga and Palkia but also destroy the Red Chain. In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, it is shown to be capable of traveling through time. Arceus can change its type at will in order to adapt to a situation, as seen with its use of Plates (including the Legend Plate) or Z-Crystals. Arceus also has the power to create a piece of itself to exist outside of its home dimension which is just as powerful as the original.
Arceus is shown to care for and safeguard the planet in ancient times and protected it from cataclysms such as meteors, and it would show gratitude and compassion in return to those who treated it with equal kindness. In the modern time, Arceus continues to watch over the world, and it wishes for people and Pokémon to work together in face of adversity. Even when it is needed, it would only give out hints for how to solve the problem, instead of directly interfering. In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, it is explained that Arceus can give its blessing to Pokémon to make them more powerful, which are referred to as Noble Pokémon and Ride Pokémon, and the power is passed down through family lines. The people of Hisui worshipped the Noble Pokémon. Arceus can also create items for humans to use, such as the Arc Phone and Celestica Flute/Azure Flute. Arceus does not suffer fools gladly, and it will attack in a violent rampage if betrayed or deceived. It also holds long grudges if betrayed by those it considered friends. In Arceus and the Jewel of Life, it is said to ""feed"" off the energy of the elemental plates. It is the only known Pokémon that can learn Judgment, it is also able to use the charged versions of the Creation trio's signature moves, as shown in its boss battle in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Arceus has the power to appear in dreams and create of variety Pokémon to serve as challenges as seen in Eternal Battle Reverie.
In the introduction sequence of Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Arceus is shown to be capable of human speech, and it states that Arceus is simply the name humans call it. The first ancient inhabitants of the Hisui region, the Celestica worshiped it, referring to it as almighty Sinnoh and great Sinnoh. Arceus also had the title might of Sinnoh. The Diamond Clan and Pearl Clan also worship it but mistook Dialga/Palkia for Arceus. It is also implied that its physical form, which the player can obtain, is only a piece of its whole being while its true form is unknown. ";arceus;arceus;arceus;arceus;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
494;1;Victini;Fire,Psychic;505;2;404;0;5;40,4;4;40;190;1;" Victini and the macaronsVictini is a small, rabbit-like Pokémon with large, pointed ears which form the letter V. It has large, blue eyes and a round, cream-colored head, which is comparatively large compared to its small, cream body, while the tops of its ears, crest, and extremities are all orange. Its bulbous arms and legs are rounded to make a sort of ″cuff″ before ending with small, three-fingered hands and two-toed feet. It has two pointed teeth that can be seen on its upper jaw. It also has two cream winglike tails, which allows it to fly. Though timid, it is a caring Pokémon, it will fight if its friends are in danger.
Victini is said to bring victory to the Trainer that befriends it. It produces an infinite amount of energy within itself and can share it with others by touch. It can also become invisible. As shown in White—Victini and Zekrom and Black—Victini and Reshiram, it can send visions to people. It has been shown to enjoy eating macarons, although it sometimes chokes on them. In the same movie, it has also been seen near an Oran Berry bush. Victini is the only known Pokémon that can learn Searing Shot and V-create.
";victini;victini;victini;victini;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
495;1;Snivy;Grass;263;1;210,08;0;7;15,5614814815;6;81;814;1;"Snivy is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon with a slender build. Most of its body is green with a cream underside. A yellow stripe runs down the length of its back and tail, and it has yellow markings around its large eyes. Two curved yellow structures that resemble leaves or small wings protrude from its shoulders and bend backwards. Its slender arms have three fingers, while its tiny feet have no digits whatsoever. It has a large, palmate leaf with three prongs on the end of its tail. This tail is capable of performing photosynthesis, which allows Snivy to move more quickly. However, the tail will begin to droop when Snivy loses energy. This Pokémon has a calm, collected demeanor.
";snivy;snivy;snivy;snivy;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
496;1;Servine;Grass;351;2;280,78;1;1;14,039;8;160;565;1;"Servine is a slim bipedal Pokémon that is primarily green with a cream underside, and narrow red eyes. It has a yellow V-shaped structure that starts at the chest and extends behind the shoulders. Servine has short limbs and a small crest protruding from the back of its head. Three palmate leaves grow along its back and tail. These leaves are capable of performing photosynthesis, but only while they are clean. Servine will go to great lengths to stay dirt-free for this reason. This swift Pokémon hides in thick foliage or shadows to avoid attacks before retaliating.
";servine;servine;servine;servine;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
497;1;Serperior;Grass;452;1;361,58;0;3;18,9399047619;33;630;286;1;"Serperior is a primarily pale green, serpentine Pokémon. Its face and throat are white, while its back is dark green. Curled, mint-colored patterns extend into the white portion of its face, and it has narrow red eyes. In the lower jaw, two fangs are visible when its mouth is open. There are two pointed yellow extensions on the back of its head. Coiled, dark green extensions spread out from the sides of its lower neck, forming a curving pattern lower down the body. It has now completely lost the legs from previous stages and now must slither about due to its new, serpentine, form despite having the ″tiny leaves″ as arms. Just below its neck, it has two small leaf-like hands coming out of either side. It has curved yellow markings around its middle and several palmate leaves on its tail. Serperior will only attack with full force against opponents that are unfazed by its piercing glare. It is capable of amplifying solar energy with its body.
";serperior;serperior;serperior;serperior;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
498;1;Tepig;Fire;275;1;220,18;1;5;11,1202020202;5;99;814;1;"Tepig is a quadrupedal, pig-like Pokémon that is primarily orange. It has oval eyes, a red nose, and a thick yellow stripe on its snout. The upper portion of its head is dark brown, and its long, pointed ears are positioned closely together. Tepig has short legs, and its front feet are dark brown. A dark brown band covers its lower back and rear. Its curly tail is tipped with a ruddy red sphere.
Tepig is a nimble Pokémon capable of blowing fire from its snout. It will cloak itself in these flames in order to use its former signature move, Heat Crash. However, it will spout thick, black smoke when ill. Tepig will roast berries before eating them, but occasionally gets overexcited and burns them.
";tepig;tepig;tepig;tepig;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
499;1;Pignite;Fighting,Fire;370;2;295,93;1;3;5,3320720721;10;555;562;1;"Pignite is a bipedal, pig-like Pokémon. Its chubby body is orange with brown bands around its shoulders, sides, belly, hands, and from the back of its head down its snout. Yellow bands encircle its wrists, and swirled yellow designs bulge from its chest. It has a red pig-like nose, pointed ears, and two pointed teeth that protrude from its lower jaw. Its hands have two claws each, while its feet have only a single nail. Its tail is curled with a tuft of fur at the tip.
Pignite has a fire in its stomach, which it fuels with food. The intensity of this flame increases as fuel is added or when Pignite is angered. As the flame grows stronger, Pignite's speed increases. If in danger, it will blow out large smoke clouds in order to escape. In the past, Heat Crash was Pignite's signature move.
";pignite;pignite;pignite;pignite;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
500;1;Emboar;Fighting,Fire;458;2;366,63;0;4;3,91072;16;1500;286;1;"Emboar is a bulky, bipedal Pokémon with pig-like features. It has a red nose, large bushy black eyebrows, and two tusks protruding from its lower jaw. Constantly burning flames cover the front of its neck and shoulders. It has short legs and thick arms. Its arms have orange upper portions while the legs have red upper portions. All of its limbs have black lower portions with thin yellow lines where the upper and lower colors meet. These lines are straight on the arms and spiked on the legs. The arms have red lines around the wrists and tufts of fur on the elbows. The hands are tipped with three claws, while the feet have two claws. A large, dark horizontal stripe on the chest of Emboar has swirled yellow markings. Its small tail ends in a tuft of hair.
Using the wreath of flames on its neck and shoulders, Emboar will set its hands on fire. It uses its power and speed to master fighting moves. Though very tough and relentless when fighting, it shows deep affection for those it considers friends. It can also unleash powerful blasts of fire using only its nose and cloak its body in a fire to use Heat Crash.
";emboar;emboar;emboar;emboar;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
501;1;Oshawott;Water;253;1;202;0;8;17,1186440678;5;59;814;1;"Oshawott is a bipedal sea otter-like Pokémon. It has a spherical white head with small, triangular dark-blue ears on the sides. Oshawott's eyes are dark and its dark-orange nose is shaped like a horizontal oval. Several freckles cover its cheeks which may be premature whiskers, and two pointed teeth can be seen when it opens its mouth. The light blue fur on its body forms bubble shapes around its neck. Its arms are white and rounded, while its feet are dark blue with three toes each. It also possesses a rudder-like dark blue tail. It carries a pale yellow seashell called a ″scalchop″ on its belly. This shell is made of the same material as its claws, and is used for both battle and cracking hard berries. If heavily damaged or lost, Oshawott can grow new ones from its body, though it can take weeks. [citation needed]
";oshawott;oshawott;oshawott;oshawott;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
502;1;Dewott;Water;341;1;272,7;1;10;8,9044897959;8;245;565;1;"Dewott is a bipedal, otter-like Pokémon that is primarily light blue. It has small black ears, a pointed crest at the back of its head, a red nose, and long white whiskers forming tilted V-shapes. Two pointed teeth are visible in the upper jaw when its mouth is open. Its forelimbs have three fingers on each black paw. Its feet and flat tail are black. Around its waist is a large, dark blue, fringed arrangement of fur, with two scalchops on the thighs.
Dewott's scalchops are detachable, and Dewott trains to use several techniques with them. As a result of training, Dewott can pull an incredible double-scalchop technique. This technique can defeat even those who master the art of swordsmanship. When exposed to the harsh environment of Hisui, Dewott gains an additional Dark-type when it evolves into Hisuian Samurott.
";dewott;dewott;dewott;dewott;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
503;1;Samurott;Water;442;2;353,5;0;0;5,605179704;15;946;286;1;" Poster showing Samurott standing on its hind legs and carrying its unsheathed seamitarSamurott is a quadrupedal, blue Pokémon resemblant of an otter and a pinniped. It has two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. Long, white whiskers extend from its snout and head, and it has a red nose and eyes. On the back of its head is a large, rounded beige helmet-like shell with spikes and a spear-like, pointed protrusion in the front. A dull bluish-gray seashell-like carapace covers its underbelly, and its limbs are covered with beige, sectioned bracer-like coverings, that appear to be made of seashells. The forelimbs' bracers contain swords called seamitars. The lower two segments of these bracers are the scabbards for the two swords, and the upper segment and spike make up the seamitar and its handle. Samurott possess three black digits on each limb, and a fin-like, splayed tail with the innermost section being beige. This tail resembles a war fan.
When in battle, Samurott can stand on its hind legs and use one of its blades as a sword to fight. In the time it takes a foe to blink, it can draw and sheathe the seamitars attached to its front legs, one swing can fell an opponent. It can silence foes with a glare or a howl.
Hisuian Samurott is a rare form of Samurott born from the influences of the Hisui region. The shell on its head has two additional spikes on its sides, and it has a wavy protrusion at the front. Its whiskers are also wavy, with the bottom part being much longer than Unovan Samurott's whiskers. The shells covering its head and legs have sharper edges and are black with red accents, as do its seamitars, which have a wavy blade. There is one less layer of shell covering its hind legs compared to Unovan Samurott. The innermost section of its tail is longer and colored black, while its claws are red.
Hisuian Samurott is said to have a cold and hard-hearted nature, and is deft with its shell blades. Unlike its Unovan counterpart, which prefers fighting fair, Hisuian Samurott will do anything to win a battle, and prefers to use tricks such as surprise attacks and cheap shots. It remains still and silent until it sees an opponent. Then in the blink of an eye, Hisuian Samurott quickly draws out its two seamitars before instantly thrusting at its enemies. The attacks Hisuian Samurott unleashes are comparable to the ceaseless crashes of waves, and can confuse and overwhelm opponents. The wounds inflicted by Hisuian Samurott are said to take many years to fully recover from.[1]
Hisuian Samurott is the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Ceaseless Edge.
";samurott;samurott;samurott;samurott;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
504;1;Patrat;Normal;229;1;182,81;1;2;7,8797413793;5;116;847;1;"Patrat is a rodent-like Pokémon that resembles a chipmunk. It is mostly brown with a tan stomach and face. It has a large pointed tooth that sticks out of its mouth. Patrat has a flat face, and its cheeks are very round. Patrat has cheek pouches that it uses to store food. Its ears are small and pointed. Its head has a black band that covers the eyes, which have red irises with a yellow ring and black pupils. Its feet are small and black with three toes. Its long tail has a scruffy white tip and is usually standing up straight. This tail is used for communication, its tail is raised when it sees an enemy. Patrat is very conscious and wary regarding its surroundings and is always on guard. The anime depicts Patrat living in tunnels.
";patrat;patrat;patrat;patrat;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
505;1;Watchog;Normal;367;1;293,91;1;9;11,9741111111;11;270;559;1;" Watchog illuminatingWatchog is an upright, meerkat-like Pokémon with large cheeks and a single, pointed incisor sticking out of its mouth. It is mainly reddish-brown with beige cheeks and neck. There is yellow striping on its chest and tail. Its hands, feet, and tail tip are white. Its red eyes have small black pupils and a yellow stripe. Black markings accentuate the eyes at their outer ends. Its tail is almost exclusively depicted standing up straight, although it can also be kept in a relaxed position.[1]
There are luminescent compounds in Watchog's body that allow its stripes and eyes to glow. It uses this ability to threaten predators. Its cheeks can hold a large amount of seeds, which it collects and spits at its opponents. Watchog possess night vision and can view its surroundings in the darkness.
";watchog;watchog;watchog;watchog;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
506;1;Lillipup;Normal;259;1;207,05;0;1;20,2;4;41;835;1;"Lillipup is a light brown, canine Pokémon. It has oval, brown eyes, a red nose, and its face covered by an abundance of cream fur. This facial fur can be used for radar and provides Lillipup with information about its surroundings. It has large pointed ears with a tuft of fur near the base of each. Its fur puffs out above its paws, and its back has a spiky dark blue blaze. Each paw has three toes, and a blue paw pad that can be seen in Pokédex 3D Pro. It has a short, tufty tail.
It is an intelligent, courageous Pokémon capable of judging its opponent's strength. Lillipup's intelligence and obedience makes it popular for beginners due to how easy it is to raise. It is also extremely popular with Trainers living in apartments due to it never yelping. It uses its fur as a radar for checking the opponents' condition. While normally it is very brave, Lillipup is cautious to know when to flee from an opponent it cannot defeat. Due to it being smarter than the average child, Lillipup never forgets the love or abuse it receives while being raised.
";lillipup;lillipup;lillipup;lillipup;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
507;1;Herdier;Normal;341;1;272,7;1;3;16,6959183673;9;147;610;1;"Herdier is a light brown, canine Pokémon with a short snout. Its face has long, cream fur, which forms a mustache and a three-pointed crest. Its ears are large and perked, and it has a black nose. It has shaggy dark blue fur covering its body and a short tail. This hard, thick fur serves to protect Herdier from attacks. It has four short legs, with three-toed paws. Each paw has a dark blue paw pad that can be seen in Pokédex 3D Pro.
Herdier is very loyal, smart, friendly, and it will help its Trainer raise other Pokémon. However it will not obey anyone who disrespects it, It has helped Trainers since long ago. Herdier has been theorized to have been the first Pokémon to have been partnered with humans based on what was discovered on the walls of caves. Its dense fur continues to grow endlessly. As Herider's fur grows, it becomes more springily and impervious. Any claws or fang attempting to penetrate its fur would just bounce off. However, the fur makes Herider difficult to train due to how much it costs to groom its dense fur.
";herdier;herdier;herdier;herdier;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
508;1;Stoutland;Normal;461;2;368,65;0;5;7,2521311475;12;610;337;1;"Stoutland is a canine Pokémon with a talent for rescuing people lost at sea or in the mountains. On its face, it has cream-colored fur that forms voluminous, white-tipped plumes and a three-pointed crest. The plumes are so long that they run the length of its body and bunch close to it. It has tufty, pointed ears with dark blue insides, a black nose surrounded by short black whiskers, and small eyes that are nearly hidden behind its facial fur. Its body is covered with shaggy fur that is dark blue along the back and grayish-blue toward the legs. Its face and paws are light brown, and each paw has three toes with white claws. Blue paw pads can also be seen on each paw in Pokédex 3D Pro.
Stoutland has an intelligent, good-natured, valiant, and trustworthy disposition, being a partner of choice for many. Its fur is thick enough to protect itself and others against freezing temperatures. Stoutland found in Alola look fairly uncomfortable, however. Stoutland enjoys spending time with humans and can warm up to them in just three days. It is known to be very proud of its impressive mustache, the reason being due to its length determining Stoutland's social status among its species.
";stoutland;stoutland;stoutland;stoutland;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
509;1;Purrloin;Dark;245;2;195,94;1;9;7,76;4;101;832;1;"Purrloin is a primarily purple, feline Pokémon. Its head has tufted fur on its ears and cheeks. There are long, tapered violet markings above its green, eyes. It has a diminutive black nose on its creamy muzzle, and a small, oval, cream-colored marking above each eye. Its neck, shoulders, back, and hind paws are also cream-colored. The tip of its tail has a curved, vaguely scythe-like extension. Purrloin is a quadrupedal Pokémon, but it can stand and walk on its hind legs as well.
Purrloin is a mischievous Pokémon that likes to steal from people. Purrloin feels amusement from the frustration of those it steals from. It will put on a cute act in order to get its victims to let their guard down. Should this facade succeed, the victim is left with stinging scratches and broken pride from Purrloin's laughter. However, it is often forgiven even if it is caught stealing due to its charm. When angered, it fights back with its claws. In Galar, Purrloin has a fierce rivalry with Nickit.
";purrloin;purrloin;purrloin;purrloin;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
510;1;Liepard;Dark;389;1;311,08;1;5;9,1250133333;11;375;532;1;"Liepard is a slender, purple feline Pokémon speckled with yellow rosettes. Its fur patterning is considered attractive to many Trainers. It has a pink ″mask″ marking over its eyes, a pink nose, and small yellow markings over its green eyes. It has two pairs of long yellow whiskers and a tufted yellow underside. Its lower legs are yellow, and each small paw has a pale pink pad that can be seen in Pokédex 3D Pro. It has a long, curving tail with a sickle-like shape toward the tip.
Liepard has well-developed muscles that allows it to run silently and strike opponents from behind. It has also been known to vanish and reappear without warning. It is known to be rather moody and vicious. In Galar, it competes with Thievul for territory.
";liepard;liepard;liepard;liepard;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
511;1;Pansage;Grass;271;2;217,15;1;5;12,4085714286;6;105;811;1;"Pansage is a simian, green-and-cream Pokémon. It has oval, black eyes, large ears with light green insides, and a tiny, black nose. There is a broccoli-like sprout atop its head. In the sprout's foliage are three yellow, tapered seed-like shapes. If eaten, the leaves in this sprout can alleviate exhaustion. Its muzzle, upper body, and skinny forelimbs are cream-colored, and its hands seem to have no fingers, aside from a thumb. Pansage's lower body is green with small feet, and its long tail is tipped with two leaves. Pansage dwells deep in the forest, where it collects berries to share with its friends.
";pansage;pansage;pansage;pansage;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
512;1;Simisage;Grass;425;1;340,37;1;7;12,2756393443;11;305;478;1;"Simisage is a simian Pokémon that is primarily green. It has a pointed, bush-like crest on its head similar to a pompadour. The leaves that grow on this crest are bitter. Its ears are broad with light green insides, and it has oval eyes and a black nose. Simisage has furry, white eyebrows and shoulder tufts, and a cream-colored face, chest, hands, and feet. Its hands have five fingers, and its feet have three toes. Its tail is long and tipped with leaves. The tail is lined with tiny, sharp barbs, allowing Simisage to use it as bludgeon weapons. Simisage are prone to violently lash out at people and Pokémon for no reason.
";simisage;simisage;simisage;simisage;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
513;1;Pansear;Fire;271;1;217,15;0;8;11,8445454545;6;110;811;1;" Pansear's tuft burning over 600 °F (315 °C)Pansear is a simian, red-and-cream Pokémon. Its head is red with a whorled tuft on top. The tuft contains a flame, and can reach temperatures of 600 °F (315 °C). Pansear has oval eyes, a tiny nose, and large ears with orange insides. Its muzzle, upper body, and skinny forelimbs are cream-colored, and its hands seem to have no fingers, aside from a thumb. Pansear's lower body is red with small feet, and its long tail has an arrowhead-shaped tip. Pansear makes its habitat in both forests and volcanic caves, and has been known to roast berries before eating them.
";pansear;pansear;pansear;pansear;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
514;1;Simisear;Fire;425;2;340,37;1;2;12,1560714286;10;280;478;1;"Simisear is a simian Pokémon that is primarily red. Its ears are broad with orange insides, and it has oval eyes and a small black nose. It has a swirled, flame-like tuft on its head with a smaller tuft on either side of it. Simisear has white shoulder ruffs, and a cream-colored face, chest, fingers, and toes. Its hands have five fingers, and its feet have three toes. Its fluffy, swirled tail resembles a flame. There is a flame flickering inside its body, which it fuels with sweet foods. It is also capable of scattering embers from its tail and the tufts on its head.
";simisear;simisear;simisear;simisear;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
515;1;Panpour;Water;271;1;217,15;1;7;9,6511111111;6;135;811;1;"Panpour is a simian, blue-and-cream Pokémon. It has oval eyes that are usually seen closed, large ears with light blue insides, and a tiny, black nose. There is a puffy, wave-like crest on top of its head. Nutrient-rich water is stored in this crest. It also possesses a blue, frilled-like feature on its neck and upper shoulders. Its muzzle, lower body, and skinny forelimbs are cream-colored, and its hands seem to have no fingers, aside from a thumb. Its small feet both have three toes each. Its long tail has a clover-shaped tip. Panpour can keep itself damp or water plants by spraying water from its tail. It is mostly found near water sources.
";panpour;panpour;panpour;panpour;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
516;1;Simipour;Water;425;1;340,37;1;3;11,7368965517;10;290;478;1;"Simipour is a simian Pokémon that is primarily blue. Its ears are broad with light blue insides, and it has oval eyes and a small black nose. There are several tufts of fur on its head, which resemble dreadlocks. These tufts can store water, which it collects with its tail. Simipour has a white marking around its neck that resembles a ruff, and a cream-colored face, hands, arms, legs, and feet. Its hands have five fingers, and its feet have three toes. Its tail is tipped with a blue plume, resembling a spout of water. This tail can shoot water at such high pressure that it can destroy a concrete wall. Simipour prefers to live near clean water.
";simipour;simipour;simipour;simipour;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
517;1;Munna;Psychic;215;1;171,7;1;9;4,4214592275;6;233;826;1;"Munna is a pink, nearly spherical, quadrupedal Pokémon of indefinable basis. It has four tiny tapered limbs and a tapered snout that largely obscures its sizable mouth. Munna has shiny, oval, red eyes with two discernible upper eyelashes. Between its eyes is an oval spot in a darker shade of pink, from which Munna can expel Dream Mist. Purple, five-petal flower markings with dark pink centers ornament much of its body. It is able to constantly float in the air.
Munna is able to eat the dreams of people and Pokémon, as well as project these dreams by expelling Dream Mist. A person whose dream was eaten by a Munna will forget the dream's contents. The Dream Mist will be pink if the dream was pleasant. However, Munna can also seek out and cure people and Pokémon who are having nightmares. Munna and its evolution are thought to share common ancestry with the Drowzee line according to one of Drowzee's Pokédex entries.
";munna;munna;munna;munna;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
518;1;Musharna;Psychic;360;1;287,85;0;10;5,2336363636;11;605;490;1;"Musharna is rounded, bipedal Pokémon that has a tapir-like trunk. Its body is light purple, while its head is a pale pink. It has oval, red eyes with three eyelashes and dark pink ovals on its forehead and cheeks. The tips of its four stubby limbs are dark pink. Dream Mist seeps out of the mark on its forehead.
This mist has various colors depending on what kind of dreams Musharna has eaten, it is most often a dark pink. Should that be the case, one should not go near it. The reason for it is because the dark mist brings a person's nightmare to life. Shapes and forms of the dreams Musharna has eaten can appear in the mist as well. Musharna are drowsy and dreaming constantly. It can become a terrible grump should it be freshly roused from sleep.
";musharna;musharna;musharna;musharna;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
519;1;Pidove;Normal,Flying;250;2;199,98;1;3;28,5685714286;3;21;841;1;"Pidove is a mainly gray, pigeon-like Pokémon. It has golden, oval eyes and a tuft of feathers atop its rounded head. It has a short, black beak with a bulbous pink cere, and a black patch on the nape of its neck. There is a wide, heart-shaped area of lighter coloration on its chest. Pidove's black wings have a thick gray stripe down the side. It has pink feet with black talons.
Pidove is not particularly intelligent. While it always listens to its Trainer's commands, it does not always understand them. Pidove are so forgetful that they will wait for new orders from their Trainers even if it received one right before, in Detective Pikachu, their forgetfulness extends to them not even remembering their own names, while in the anime, it extends to forgetting whatever scared them. Many Trainers love Pidove due to its friendliness and sincere nature. Pidove loves to follow people. Having no fear of people, flocks of Pidove are often found in city parks and plazas, though they can also be seen in grasslands and rural areas. The cooing of these flocks can be very noisy. About several hundred Pidove are known to gather when food is scattered on the ground for them.
";pidove;pidove;pidove;pidove;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
520;1;Tranquill;Normal,Flying;336;2;268,66;1;5;10,7464;6;150;625;1;"Tranquill is an avian Pokémon that is gray with lighter gray and black markings. Its beak and eyes are yellow, and there is a dark pink marking above its beak that curves back over the eyes. It has a black tuft of two feathers on its head and a petal-like arrangement of feathers on the nape of its neck. There is a black stripe on each of its light gray, black-tipped wings. Each pink foot has black talons. It possesses a long tail feather that is tipped in black.
No matter how far a Tranquill travels, it is always able to return to its Trainer and nest. It is said to live in deep forests, where there is a peaceful place without war. Tranquill is said to have an acute memory. It is often used as partners for delivery workers.
";tranquill;tranquill;tranquill;tranquill;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
521;1;Unfezant;Normal,Flying;465;2;371,68;1;8;15,379862069;12;290;355;1;"Unfezant is a Pokémon resembling a game bird. It is primarily dark gray with lighter gray markings. The light gray markings consist of a heart-shaped patch covering its face and throat, two patches divided by a lacy line on its wings, and intricate stripes with dark rimming on its tail feather. Its beak and eyes are yellow, and it has light gray legs with three clawed toes and a spur on the ankle.
The male Unfezant has a reddish-pink wattle around its eyes. Long, ribbon-like growths from the wattle extend over its head and down past its shoulders. By swinging its head, the male threatens its opponents. The male also has a mint green underside with speckling towards the chest. The males are known to fly faster than the females. In contrast, the female lacks a wattle and has brown markings on its underside. It is also more adept at flying than the males due to its stamina. However, the females take a longer time to adjust to people.
Unfezant are known to be immensely proud and intelligent. It prefers to not feel close to anyone other than its Trainer.
";unfezant;unfezant;unfezant;unfezant;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
522;1;Blitzle;Electric;269;1;215,13;1;10;5,7753020134;8;298;823;1;"Blitzle is a black, zebra-like Pokémon with thick, double-pointed white stripes on its neck, chest, back, and hind legs. It has a rounded muzzle with a large, dark nose and oval, blue eyes with yellow sclerae. On top of its head are short, triangular ears with blue insides. Below the knees, its legs are white with black hooves. Its tail is stubby, white, and has two points. Running up its neck is a spiky, white mane, which culminates at the front in a long extension that resembles a lightning bolt. This mane captures and stores electricity, which flashes whenever this Pokémon discharges energy. It communicates with other members of its species by controlling the rhythm and frequency of these flashes. During lightning storms, Blitzle ventures out to recharge its mane with lightning bolts.
";blitzle;blitzle;blitzle;blitzle;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
523;1;Zebstrika;Electric;447;1;357,54;0;3;7,1957735849;16;795;478;1;"Zebstrika is a zebra-like Pokémon. Its coat is black with white, jagged stripes all over its body. There is one pointed stripe extending from its nose, two elaborate stripes on its neck and chest, one zigzag stripe each on its jaws, back, and hindquarters, one triangular stripe on each of its thighs, and two stripes banding each of its legs. Its ears are triangular with blue insides, while its eyes are blue with yellow sclerae and white eyelashes. Its nose is black, and its hooves are gray. A white, spiked mane runs the length of its body, beginning with two horn-like extensions on its forehead and running down its back to end in a long tail with a starburst-shaped tip. This irritable Pokémon fires lightning bolts from its mane when angry. Zebstrika can move as quickly as lightning, releasing thunderclaps at full gallop.
";zebstrika;zebstrika;zebstrika;zebstrika;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
524;1;Roggenrola;Rock;290;2;232,3;0;4;5,1622222222;4;180;832;1;"Roggenrola is a roughly spherical rock-like Pokémon. Its body is blue and covered in large, smooth facets. It has a hexagonal, yellow artifice in the center of its body, leading to a hexagonal opening that functions as an ear. Roggenrola has a brown, rocky oblong atop its head and similar brown rocks that serve as feet.
Roggenrola is born deep underground and was discovered about 100 years ago in an earthquake fissure in a layer of exposed rock. Its steel-hard body is made up of dirt from many centuries ago and it compares its hard body with those of Geodude and Carbink, however, a sufficiently long soak in water will cause its body to soften to some degree. Inside of Roggenrola lies an energy core, making its body somewhat warm to the touch. Its ear leads straight to its energy core, causing it to become angry if someone sticks their hand in there. As stated by Cilan in Where Did You Go, Audino?, Roggenrola has sensitive hearing and can hear sounds that are inaudible to humans. It tends to follow the sounds it picks up with its lone ear, panicking if these sounds cease. Dwebble is a natural enemy of Roggenrola, as the former tends to think that Roggenrola is an inanimate rock to turn into a home. Sometimes, Rhyperior mistakes this Pokémon for an ordinary rock and fires them through their hands.
";roggenrola;roggenrola;roggenrola;roggenrola;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
525;1;Boldore;Rock;379;1;303;0;6;2,6735294118;9;1020;589;1;"Boldore is a blue, rock-like Pokémon with an array of red crystals on its back and front, and a spine protruding from between its yellow ears. Rocky chunks at its sides comprise pincer-like limbs, tipped with red crystals similar to the ones on its back. Its orange crystals are the hardened form of its endlessly leaking energy.
Boldore's crystals shine brightly when it begins overflowing with power or when it is preparing to fire bursts of energy. Because its crystals are valuable, with a fragment being capable of powering a hundred dump trucks, Boldore is targeted for it. It searches for underground water in the caves where it lives, however, because it is uncomfortable around water, it is always very careful about lapping it up. A healthy Boldore will always have its core sticking out. Due to relying on sound to know what is nearby, it always faces the same way, never moving in a diagonal direction, even when brought to anger, it will attack while facing in its initial direction.
";boldore;boldore;boldore;boldore;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
526;1;Gigalith;Rock;473;1;378,75;0;6;2,4764423077;17;2600;319;1;"Gigalith is a blue, quadrupedal Pokémon, with various spiny, crystal-like red features jutting out of its body. Its limbs have gray joints and are topped with red crystalline features, with the two claws on each limb being similar features. It has a red eye inside each ear. Several of the crystalline features are present on its face, three below its eyes, one in the middle resembling a crest, and other crystals to the sides of its head.
Gigalith compresses energy in the core inside its body, allowing it to fire attacks powerful enough to blow away mountains. When it fires these attacks at full power, the sheer force of the blast creates multiple cracks on its body. It can also store sunlight in its orange crystals, magnify it within its body, and shoot powerful energy balls that can destroy dump trucks from its mouth, though it loses this ability at night or during rain. It lives in caves and tunnels deep underground. Gigalith is a hardy Pokémon with hefty horsepower and is a popular partner for construction workers and miners. In Galar, it works with Copperajah in construction sites and mines.
";gigalith;gigalith;gigalith;gigalith;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
527;1;Woobat;Flying,Psychic;271;2;217,15;0;0;41,3619047619;4;21;811;1;"Woobat is a blue, spherical Pokémon, resembling a Honduran White Bat. It is covered in shaggy fur and has a large, piggish nose with a heart-shaped nostril. Two tufts of shaggy fur hide its eyes, and its mouth has a single fang in the center of its upper jaw. There are two relatively small, black wings on either side of its body.
Woobat's nose serves various purposes: It uses ultrasonic waves from its nostrils for echolocation, and it can also be used to grip walls as Woobat sleeps, which leaves heart-shaped marks on the walls of caves. A Woobat's heart-shaped mark is said to give good fortune to whoever it leaves its mark on. Woobat preys on bug Pokémon and is known to live in caves and dark forests.
";woobat;woobat;woobat;woobat;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
528;1;Swoobat;Flying,Psychic;370;2;295,93;0;10;25,3654285714;9;105;553;1;" Swoobat sleepingSwoobat is a blue, bat-like Pokémon. It has fused, pointed ears with striated, lighter-colored insides and a pink, heart-shaped snout with a single nostril. Two wide, rounded teeth are visible in its lower jaw. A mane of shaggy, light blue fur surrounds its neck. Its black wings have a claw at the joint, and its small black feet have three toes each. It has a bare, pink tail that is twisted with two short prongs at the tip.
Swoobat's nose can produce many different ultrasonic waves. When it shakes its tail vigorously, it produces sound waves powerful enough to destroy concrete. In contrast, a male Swoobat produces waves during courtship that can gladden any who hears it. However, emitting these powerful sound waves can leave Swoobat exhausted, rendering it unable to fly for a short period of time. In the anime, it has been shown to hang from this tail rather than its feet as it sleeps. Swoobat's nose is considered to be a symbol of good luck in certain regions.
";swoobat;swoobat;swoobat;swoobat;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
529;1;Drilbur;Ground;319;2;255,53;0;7;9,0187058824;3;85;802;1;"Drilbur is a mole-like Pokémon that has a short, wide body with two small, ovoid feet with three toes each. Its body is mostly black, but has a jagged, navy blue stripe that runs diagonally around its torso from its left shoulder. It is connected at the bottom to another stripe, which extends around the base of its torso. It has a white face with a long snout, tipped by its pink nose. Its eyes are at the base of its nose on either side. Drilbur's arms are wide and thin with a blue spot on its palms. It lacks traditional hands, as its arms form directly into its three, extremely large claws. It has a very small, stubby tail.
Drilbur can straighten its body and align its claws forward, allowing it to spin like a drill and dig through the ground. It is able to dig at speeds of up to 30 mph (50 km/h). As seen in both the manga and the anime, Drilbur has no issues being around humans and can be very friendly. Many farmers dislike Dribur due to it causing destruction to their vegetable crops.
";drilbur;drilbur;drilbur;drilbur;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
530;1;Excadrill;Ground,Steel;496;1;396,93;0;5;6,8775;7;404;466;1;" Excadrill folded into a drill shapeExcadrill is a bipedal, mole-like Pokémon with a dark-brown body with diagonal, red splotches. Three markings are on its front, resembling scratch marks, with two under each arm, and two on its back. It has short legs with small, narrow feet, each containing three toes. Its small white face is long and thin, tipped by its pink nose. Its eyes are set back, on either side of the bridge of the nose. Under them, on each side, are two thin, red stripes. A large blade roughly twice as large as its face extends from its forehead. The top of the blade contains two smaller blades, resembling fins. Its arms are thick and have three large blades instead of fingers, with two smaller blades on top of the middle ones. On its knees, halfway down its arm, and just behind where its forehead meets its face, are small red spots.
Excadrill can straighten its entire body, allowing it to spin like a drill. It has the ability to cut through iron and steel plating and it can dig at speeds of over 90 mph (150 km/h). Known as the ″Drill King″, it uses its excellent digging abilities to build a complex network of tunnels for its nest at more than 300 feet (100 meters) below the surface. Its tunneling can be both beneficial and harmful to humans, as it can help workers with its swift digging prowess, but it can be detrimental to underground structures, such as subway tunnels.
";excadrill;excadrill;excadrill;excadrill;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
531;1;Audino;Normal;377;1;301,99;1;1;10,7157741935;11;310;170;1;"Audino is a bipedal, pink-and-cream Pokémon with oval, blue eyes. The top of its head, its back, and arms are pink, while the lower half of its face, body, ears are cream-colored, as well as its front and fingers. The patterning of pink and cream on its chest resembles a jacket. There are three digits on its hands and two on its feet. It has a puffy, white tuft for a tail. Audino has floppy ears with thin, curled extensions on the underside. It can use these ears as radars, and it has an incredible hearing ability.
The feelers on its ears act like stethoscopes in that it can feel the beat of another Pokémon's heart, in order to assess the Pokémon's feelings and overall physical condition. The feelers are also able to determine when an Egg is close to hatching. It has an incredible sense of hearing, where it can even hear a rolling pebble from a mile away. Audino is said to have a kind heart.
When Audino Mega Evolves into Mega Audino, it becomes both heavier and taller. The patterning on its stomach, now completely cream, is covered by what resembles a flared lab coat. Most of its body becomes white with pink tips in four places, one on each ear and near the edges of its ″coat″. Its eyes turn pink and its ears stand upright with longer, curlier feelers. Its tail becomes larger and a smaller tuft of fur is centered on its chest. Two additional, curled feelers extend from under this extra tuft of fur. White fur covers its feet with two small tufts on the heels. Mega Audino can release pulses that reduce hostility, and the secondary feelers can put those who come in contact with them into a deep sleep.[1]
Audino is also the only known Pokémon that can learn Secret Power naturally by leveling up.
";audino;audino;audino;audino;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
532;1;Timburr;Fighting;309;1;247,45;1;4;11,8776;6;125;817;1;"Timburr is a gray bipedal Pokémon with a dark purple nose and dark-gray oval-shaped eyes. It has bulbous protrusions extending from the front and lower parts of its head. Pink, vein-like bulges are present on the back of its head. Similar pink bands adorn its shoulders and thighs. It always carries squared logs and uses them to fight with. When it can easily lift a block of timber nearly three times its own weight, it is close to evolving. Timburr is usually found near construction sites, helping construction workers. It loves helping in construction so much that if rain causes work to cease, it will throw a tantrum while swinging its log.
";timburr;timburr;timburr;timburr;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
533;1;Gurdurr;Fighting;398;2;318,15;1;8;9,5445;12;400;574;1;"Gurdurr is a gray bipedal Pokémon with a large, round dark-violet nose. It has bulbous features, resembling curls of ″hair″, on its head. Violet bulges resembling swelling veins pattern its muscular, large arms, thighs, and chest, and similar thick violet bands adorn its shoulders. It possesses an hourglass shape. It is known to usually carry an I-beam girder in its arms. The steel frame is used to train its muscles, and Gurdurr boasts about its muscles with Machoke and other members of its kind. However, if the individual fails to measure up to the others, it will proceed to lay low for some time. It is so strong that it won't even be moved if it is attacked by a group of professional wrestlers. It is usually found near construction sites. Unlike Timburr, Gurdurr is not good at helping with construction, rather, it excels at demolition.
";gurdurr;gurdurr;gurdurr;gurdurr;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
534;1;Conkeldurr;Fighting;486;1;388,85;1;3;6,2573563218;14;870;319;1;"Conkeldurr is a bipedal sepia-colored Pokémon resembling an ogre. Its nose is large and red, with its face also having a prominent brow, a wide mouth, a gray tuft on its chin, dark rings around its eyes, and a bulbous feature sticking up from the back of its head. Thick violet bands and tendons adorn its shoulders, chest, back, and thighs. It is known to carry concrete pillars in its massive arms, which it uses to attack strongly without using physical strength or to support its massive upper body. However, when it goes all out, it will throw its pillars aside and jump at opponents to beat them with its fists. Conkeldurr can create concrete, a technique it was believed to have taught humans 2,000 years ago. Concrete that Conkeldurr has mixed is more durable than standard concrete, even when both forms of concrete have the same composition. It is often seen around construction sites, helping construction workers.
";conkeldurr;conkeldurr;conkeldurr;conkeldurr;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
535;1;Tympole;Water;258;2;206,04;0;3;22,8933333333;5;45;823;1;"Tympole is a round, tadpole-like Pokémon with a tan, circular face. It has large, oval, black eyes, a wide mouth with down-turned corners, and black eyebrows in the shape of quarter notes. Its spherical body is black with no visible limbs. Instead, it has two black-and-blue ringed cheeks akin to half-spheres on either side of its head. It has a long, blue tail with a fan-like shape and a black spot at its base.
Tympole vibrates its cheeks to create a sound too high-pitched for humans and other species of Pokémon to hear. The sounds are used in rhythm to communicate with others of its kind, particularly for warning of danger. They are known to sing in high-pitched voices, which creates graceful ripples on the water's surface. The anime reveals that Tympole swim and attack in groups.
";tympole;tympole;tympole;tympole;Available !;Evolving ?;1;,,,
536;1;Palpitoad;Ground,Water;333;2;266,64;1;8;12,5477647059;8;170;598;1;"Palpitoad is an amphibious, bipedal Pokémon with an ovoid body. It is mostly blue, with a tan oval marking lined with black stretching from the bottom of its belly to its forehead. Its black eyes are round. Its upper lip is round as well and curves down sharply at the corners. Inside its mouth is a long, sticky tongue used to immobilize and capture prey. Its feet are small with three
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