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Created September 12, 2017 02:46
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come work on rustdoc!
2017-09-08 10:00 -0500

To participate in the Rust core team's "impl period", i'm helping out by organizing for contributions to rustdoc, the first-party documentation generator!

(TODO: when impl period goes live, switch link to the announcement blog post >_>)

Before i get too far, i want to point out some behind-the-scenes info. "rustdoc" actually refers to two projects now. Steve Klabnik has been working on a separate project that is intended to replace the current rustdoc. That project is also soliciting contributions! However, i'm not heading that up; check out the file in that repo for more information.

(TODO: is there a better link than that repo's

What i'm concerned with is the rustdoc that currently ships with the rust distribution, the one that's found in the compiler's repo. I've written a general overview of it before, which includes some specific tips to build and run it yourself. If you're interested in how it works, definitely check that out.

However, one thing i don't mention in there is that there are a lot of outstanding bug reports and feature requests for rustdoc. Being almost as old as the compiler itself, and a tool that ships with every Rust install, it's had a lot of opportunities for people to find its shortcomings. Some of these only require printing information that rustdoc already has, while some require more information to be loaded, or some change farther upstream in the compiler itself. Most of the time, though, a change just needs someone to put in the legwork necessary to plug one part to another.

That's where you come in! I've started assembling a list of outstanding issues based on what kind of effort i think they'd take. It's nowhere near complete, but it's a good view of the first 25% of the current issues. I'll try to add to this over time, as i get more opportunities to perform triage. The listing there categorizes issues based on whether i felt they needed significant structural work, or consensus-building, or just some time by someone who knows (or has been shown, *wink*) the layout of the code.

I would love to see this list of issues get cut down over the next few months, and i would be elated to pull in people who are interested in making the docs the best they can be. rustdoc just needs some love, would you like to help out?

If that sounds like something you'd like to get involved with, i've joined with the rest of the impl period working groups to have our own Gitter channel and a planning document to round up the work and chart out milestones along the way. The work is basically "cut down the A-rustdoc issue backlog", and i'm willing to mentor and organize to help people who have never worked with the rust compiler repo get involved.

In the interests of having a concise guide for getting set up, here's the basic steps to getting into the codebase. It's... not the most simple thing, but i hope i can at least provide a quick reference for people to get started.

  1. If you haven't already, sign up for GitHub and fork the Rust repo.

    All of the rust project is handled over GitHub, so if you want your own name and information attached to the contribution, that's a "step zero" requirement. Forking the repository gives you a place you can push to, since only team members can push to the repo, and only bors (our benevolent bot overlord) can push to the master branch that nightly compiler builds are made from. You can create your own "fork" of the project via the "Fork" button on the top right of the repository page.

    This also includes cloning it to get the source code onto your local system to edit and make local builds. There are some changes that can be done from GitHub only, but those are mainly documentation changes that don't necessarily benefit from a full rebuild. For changes to rustdoc, most often we'll want to be able to run it on something to test it out, and that requires being able to build it. Which brings me to...

  2. Set up your system for building the rust compiler.

    The prerequisites for building the compiler are listed [in the top-level readme][build-prereqs], but in essence, it comes down to "a C++ compiler", "Python", "CMake", and "curl". (Git is also listed, but i'm assuming that from the previous step. >_>)

    On Windows, in my experience, curl often comes with Git, depending on how you got it. CMake and Python can be installed from their respective websites. A note about Python: The full test suite uses some scripts that won't run on Python 3. However, the ones we care about (, the bootstrap script, and, the rustdoc test runner) can work with either version. I build and run rustc and rustdoc with Python 3 just fine, but just keep that in mind if you happen to run python test without any restrictions.

    The "C++ compiler" part of the list is where it gets interesting on Windows. Because Rust has two ABIs on Windows, it can be built for either of them. There's a full explanation in the readme, but i would like to add one note. By default, it will try to build with the GNU ABI, even if you have the MSVC one properly set up. To make sure it uses the proper setting, you can either manually pass a --build flag, or set up a config.toml file with your desired setting. (The latter is what i've done on Windows.)

  3. Perform your first build with python build.

    I'm considering this part of the setup because the first build always takes way longer than any subsequent builds, even when you pull in new changes from other contributors. This is because you need to build LLVM the first time, which (in my experience) takes about as long as everything else. When i've done this, it takes between 1-2 hours. If you have a fancy processor with lots of single-core performance (or with a few cores? I didn't see a lot of parallelization when i ran it on my 4-core laptop, but i wasn't paying that much attention >_>), this may be lower.

    (protip: the configuration file has a "low-priority" setting that lowers the process priority of the build. Setting this means that it won't steal up all your resources if you want to run something else at the same time on that computer.)

  4. Start exploring!

    At this point, you're all set! Start jumping through the various subfolders of src/ to get a sense of all the stuff in the compiler and standard library. The code specific to rustdoc is in src/librustdoc/. The stuff that involves rendering the HTML pages is mostly in src/librustdoc/html/, if you'd like a specific place to start. Whenever you start making a change, remember to make a new branch for it.

    (I'd like to point to something on GItHub's help pages for this, but they didn't have anything for it when i was looking, so here's the "short, short version": Branches are parallel versions of the codebase. People like to isolate related changes to their own branch so that they can be viewed in isolation, without clobbering and getting clobbered by other people's work. Make a new branch and switch to it automatically with git checkout -b some-new-branch-name. The GitHub Desktop application probably has a button for this, but i'm so used to using Git on the command-line that i haven't checked. >_>)

    I've written more rustdoc-specific stuff back in a whirlwind tour of rustdoc, but the commands to remember are python build --stage 1 src/libstd src/tools/rustdoc to build just rustdoc and libstd for use on a separate crate, and python doc --stage 1 src/libstd to generate just the standard library documentation, if your change can be seen there.

  5. If your code is ready to go, set up a Pull Request!

    The way we track individual changes to Rust is via Pull Requests. They provide a quick interface for checking out a change and discussing it. To set one up, make sure to push your code to GitHub first. Once that's done, you can head to either the page for the main Rust repo or for your own fork; either way, a "Compare and pull request" button should appear with your freshly-pushed branch. (If not, there's an overview of creating a PR from scratch here.)

    The link earlier to Rust's contributing guidelines shows some tips for working with the bots we use to manage PRs. Generally speaking, though, they're still useful if you forget about them until you see highfive doing something with the metadata. (The bots are mainly for us to deal with, and to help guide people to make sure everything gets addressed. We don't want a PR to sit un-viewed for an eternity!)

  6. If you come back later on and want to use fresh code, remember to update your fork!

    Your fork of a repository doesn't automatically keep up with all the happenings on the main one! If you want to make sure you work with the latest and greatest code (or if you need to fix a merge conflict) then you'll need to make sure your master branch gets updated. Whenever you update your fork, if you see a bunch of changes in git status talking about "new commits", you can run git submodule update --init to sync all the submodules back up. The build system does this automatically, but i like to do it by hand so i can have a clean git status whenever i change branches or update my master.

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