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Last active September 5, 2017 15:12
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Save QuietMisdreavus/1fe18bada3218175e56c3e490fa68776 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
running rustdoc with --enable-commonmark on rocket and its dependencies
Compiling serde v1.0.12
Documenting serde v1.0.12
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `# Serde...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "serde-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "serde", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "design-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "design"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "data-formats-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "data-formats", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Generic data structure deserialization framework....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "the-deserialize-trait-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "the-deserialize-trait"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "the-deserializer-trait-1"}`, found: `{"id": "the-deserializer-trait", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "implementations-of-deserialize-provided-by-serde-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "implementations-of-deserialize-provided-by-serde"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `This returns a `Ok(value)` for the next value in the map....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `This returns a `Ok(value)` for the next value in the map....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``DeserializeSeed` is the stateful form of the `Deserialize` trait. If you...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Generic data structure serialization framework....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "the-serialize-trait-1"}`, found: `{"id": "the-serialize-trait", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "the-serializer-trait-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "the-serializer-trait", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "implementations-of-serialize-provided-by-serde-1"}`, found: `{"id": "implementations-of-serialize-provided-by-serde", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Serialize a map value....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
Documenting smallvec v0.4.3
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `Small vectors in various sizes. These store a certain number of elements inline, and fall back...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "no_std-support-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "no_std-support"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Trait to be implemented by a collection that can be extended from a slice...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Common operations implemented by both `Vec` and `SmallVec`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A `Vec`-like container that can store a small number of elements inline....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the slice has a length of 0....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the first element of the slice, or `None` if it is empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a mutable pointer to the first element of the slice, or `None` if it is empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the first and all the rest of the elements of the slice, or `None` if it is empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the first and all the rest of the elements of the slice, or `None` if it is empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the last and all the rest of the elements of the slice, or `None` if it is empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the last and all the rest of the elements of the slice, or `None` if it is empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the last element of the slice, or `None` if it is empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a mutable pointer to the last item in the slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a reference to an element or subslice depending on the type of...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a mutable reference to an element or subslice depending on the...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a reference to an element or subslice, without doing bounds...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a mutable reference to an element or subslice, without doing...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a raw pointer to the slice's buffer....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an unsafe mutable pointer to the slice's buffer....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Swaps two elements in the slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "arguments-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "arguments"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reverses the order of elements in the slice, in place....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over the slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator that allows modifying each value....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over all contiguous windows of length...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over `size` elements of the slice at a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over `chunk_size` elements of the slice at a time....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Divides one slice into two at an index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Divides one `&mut` into two at an index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over mutable subslices separated by elements that...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over mutable subslices separated by elements that...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-65", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-64"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the slice contains an element with the given value....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-67", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-66"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if `needle` is a prefix of the slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-69"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-68", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if `needle` is a suffix of the slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-71"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-70", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Binary searches this sorted slice for a given element....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-73", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-72", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Binary searches this sorted slice with a comparator function....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-75", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-74", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Binary searches this sorted slice with a key extraction function....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-77"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-76", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sorts the slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "current-implementation-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "current-implementation"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-79"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-78"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sorts the slice with a comparator function....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "current-implementation-3"}`, found: `{"id": "current-implementation-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-81"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-80", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sorts the slice with a key extraction function....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "current-implementation-5"}`, found: `{"id": "current-implementation-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-83", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-82", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sorts the slice, but may not preserve the order of equal elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "current-implementation-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "current-implementation-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-85"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-84"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sorts the slice with a comparator function, but may not preserve the order of equal...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "current-implementation-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "current-implementation-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-87", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-86"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sorts the slice with a key extraction function, but may not preserve the order of equal...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "current-implementation-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "current-implementation-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-89"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-88", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Permutes the slice in-place such that `self[mid..]` moves to the...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "complexity-1"}`, found: `{"id": "complexity", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-91", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-90", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Copies the elements from `src` into `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-93"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-92"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Copies all elements from `src` into `self`, using a memcpy....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-95"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-94"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Swaps all elements in `self` with those in `src`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Copies `self` into a new `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-97"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-96", "class": "section-header"}`
Documenting untrusted v0.5.1
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in ` Safe, fast, zero-panic, zero-crashing, zero-allocation...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[1]/code[0] Text differs:
expected: `git clone`
found: `git clone`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[1]/code[0] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=""> ... nsmith/untrusted</a>`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
Documenting byteorder v1.1.0
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `This crate provides convenience methods for encoding and decoding numbers...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `ByteOrder describes types that can serialize integers as bytes....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads an unsigned 16 bit integer from `buf`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads an unsigned 32 bit integer from `buf`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads an unsigned 64 bit integer from `buf`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads an unsigned n-bytes integer from `buf`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes an unsigned 16 bit integer `n` to `buf`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes an unsigned 32 bit integer `n` to `buf`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes an unsigned 64 bit integer `n` to `buf`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes an unsigned integer `n` to `buf` using only `nbytes`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads unsigned 16 bit integers from `src` into `dst`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads unsigned 32 bit integers from `src` into `dst`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads unsigned 64 bit integers from `src` into `dst`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-21"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-20"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes unsigned 16 bit integers from `src` into `dst`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-23"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-22", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes unsigned 32 bit integers from `src` into `dst`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-24", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes unsigned 64 bit integers from `src` into `dst`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-27"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-26", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the given slice of unsigned 16 bit integers to a particular...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the given slice of unsigned 32 bit integers to a particular...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the given slice of unsigned 64 bit integers to a particular...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads an unsigned 24 bit integer from `buf`, stored in u32....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-28", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes an unsigned 24 bit integer `n` to `buf`, stored in u32....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-30"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a signed 16 bit integer from `buf`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-32"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a signed 24 bit integer from `buf`, stored in i32....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-35"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-34"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a signed 32 bit integer from `buf`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-37"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-36", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a signed 64 bit integer from `buf`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-38", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a signed n-bytes integer from `buf`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-40"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point number....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-43"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-42", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point number....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-45"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-44"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes a signed 16 bit integer `n` to `buf`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-46", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes a signed 24 bit integer `n` to `buf`, stored in i32....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-49"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-48", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes a signed 32 bit integer `n` to `buf`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-51"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-50", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes a signed 64 bit integer `n` to `buf`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-53"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-52", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes a signed integer `n` to `buf` using only `nbytes`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-54", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes a IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point number....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-56"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes a IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point number....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-58", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-65", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-64", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads signed 16 bit integers from `src` to `dst`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-61"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-60", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-67", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-66"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads signed 32 bit integers from `src` into `dst`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-62"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-69", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-68"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads signed 64 bit integers from `src` into `dst`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-65", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-64"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-71", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-70", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point numbers from...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-67"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-66"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-73", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-72", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point numbers from...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-69", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-68"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-75", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-74", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes signed 16 bit integers from `src` into `dst`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-71"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-70"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-77", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-76"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes signed 32 bit integers from `src` into `dst`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-73", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-72", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-79", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-78"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes signed 64 bit integers from `src` into `dst`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-75", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-74"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-81"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-80", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point numbers from...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-77", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-76"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-83"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-82"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point numbers from...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-79"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-78", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-85"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-84", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the given slice of signed 16 bit integers to a particular...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-87", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-86", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the given slice of signed 32 bit integers to a particular...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-89", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-88"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the given slice of signed 64 bit integers to a particular...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-91", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-90", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extends `Write` with methods for writing numbers. (For `std::io`.)...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes an unsigned 8 bit integer to the underlying writer....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes a signed 8 bit integer to the underlying writer....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes an unsigned 16 bit integer to the underlying writer....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-5"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes a signed 16 bit integer to the underlying writer....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-7"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes an unsigned 24 bit integer to the underlying writer....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes a signed 24 bit integer to the underlying writer....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes an unsigned 32 bit integer to the underlying writer....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes a signed 32 bit integer to the underlying writer....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes an unsigned 64 bit integer to the underlying writer....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-17"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes a signed 64 bit integer to the underlying writer....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-19"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes an unsigned n-bytes integer to the underlying writer....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-21"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-20"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes a signed n-bytes integer to the underlying writer....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-22"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes a IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point number to...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extends `Read` with methods for reading numbers. (For `std::io`.)...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads an unsigned 8 bit integer from the underlying reader....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a signed 8 bit integer from the underlying reader....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads an unsigned 16 bit integer from the underlying reader....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a signed 16 bit integer from the underlying reader....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-7"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads an unsigned 24 bit integer from the underlying reader....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a signed 24 bit integer from the underlying reader....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads an unsigned 32 bit integer from the underlying reader....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-13"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a signed 32 bit integer from the underlying reader....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-15"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads an unsigned 64 bit integer from the underlying reader....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a signed 64 bit integer from the underlying reader....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads an unsigned n-bytes integer from the underlying reader....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-20"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a signed n-bytes integer from the underlying reader....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-22", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point number from...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-25"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-24", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point number from...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-27"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-26", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a sequence of unsigned 16 bit integers from the underlying...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-28"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a sequence of unsigned 32 bit integers from the underlying...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-31"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-30", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a sequence of unsigned 64 bit integers from the underlying...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-32"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a sequence of signed 16 bit integers from the underlying...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-34", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a sequence of signed 32 bit integers from the underlying...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-37"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-36", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a sequence of signed 64 bit integers from the underlying...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-38", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a sequence of IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "safety-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-40"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reads a sequence of IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety-3"}`, found: `{"id": "safety-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-43"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-42"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Defines network byte order serialization....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Defines little-endian serialization....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Defines big-endian serialization....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
Compiling safemem v0.2.0
Documenting safemem v0.2.0
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `Prepend `elems` to `vec`, resizing if necessary....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Tags differ: expected: `p`, found: `h3`
/html[0]/body[1] Unexpected element `p`: found: `<p>If <code>vec.len() + elems.len()</code> overflows.</p>`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Copy `len` elements from `src_idx` to `dest_idx`. Ranges may overlap....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Tags differ: expected: `p`, found: `h3`
Documenting language-tags v0.2.2
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `Language tags can be used identify human languages, scripts e.g. Latin script, countries and...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Utility for creating simple language tags....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Matches language tags. The first language acts as a language range, the second one is used...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
Documenting traitobject v0.1.0
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `# traitobject...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "traitobject-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "traitobject"}`
Compiling byteorder v1.1.0
Documenting unicode-normalization v0.1.5
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `Unicode character composition and decomposition utilities...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "cratesio-1"}`, found: `{"id": "cratesio", "class": "section-header"}`
Compiling unicode-normalization v0.1.5
Compiling smallvec v0.4.3
Documenting log v0.3.8
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `A lightweight logging facade....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "use-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "use"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "in-libraries-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "in-libraries", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "in-executables-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "in-executables"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "warning-1"}`, found: `{"id": "warning", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "logger-implementations-1"}`, found: `{"id": "logger-implementations", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "use-with-no_std-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "use-with-no_std"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Determines if a message logged at the specified level in that module will...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Logs a message at the trace level....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Logs a message at the debug level....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Logs a message at the info level....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Logs a message at the warn level....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Logs a message at the error level....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The standard logging macro....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the global logger from a raw pointer....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety-1"}`, found: `{"id": "safety", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The location of a log message....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "warning-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "warning"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The "payload" of a log message. This structure is primarily used as a...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Attributes differ in `a`: expected: `{"href": "trait.Log.html#tymethod.log"}`, found: `{"href": "trait.Log.html"}`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Attributes differ in `a`: expected: `{"href": "trait.Log.html#tymethod.log"}`, found: `{"href": "trait.Log.html"}`
Compiling matches v0.1.6
Compiling rayon-core v1.2.1
Compiling untrusted v0.5.1
Compiling percent-encoding v1.0.0
Documenting ordermap v0.2.11
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `Create an `OrderMap` from a list of key-value pairs...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A hash map with consistent order of the key-value pairs....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "order-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "order"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "mutable-keys-1"}`, found: `{"id": "mutable-keys", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
Compiling either v1.1.0
Documenting pear v0.0.11
Compiling log v0.3.8
Compiling gcc v0.3.53
Compiling version_check v0.1.3
Compiling ordermap v0.2.11
Compiling scopeguard v0.3.2
Compiling httparse v1.2.3
Compiling state v0.3.1
Documenting lazy_static v0.2.8
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `A macro for declaring lazily evaluated statics....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "syntax-1"}`, found: `{"id": "syntax", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "semantics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "semantics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "implementation-details-1"}`, found: `{"id": "implementation-details", "class": "section-header"}`
Compiling language-tags v0.2.2
Compiling traitobject v0.1.0
Documenting state v0.3.1
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `# state - safe and effortless state management...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "state---safe-and-effortless-state-management-1"}`, found: `{"id": "state---safe-and-effortless-state-management", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage-1"}`, found: `{"id": "usage", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "use-cases-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "use-cases"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "read-only-singleton-1"}`, found: `{"id": "read-only-singleton", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "readwrite-singleton-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "readwrite-singleton"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "mutable-thread-local-data-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "mutable-thread-local-data"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "performance-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "performance"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "when-to-use-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "when-to-use"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A single storage location for global access to a value....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Create a new, uninitialized storage location....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the value for this storage unit to `value` if it has not already...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Attempts to borrow the value in this storage location....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Borrows the value in this storage location....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `If the storage location has not yet been set, it is set to the return...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-11"}`, found: `{"id": "example-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A container for global type-based state....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "global-state-1"}`, found: `{"id": "global-state", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "thread-local-state-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "thread-local-state", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "example-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a new container with no stored values....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "example-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the global state for type `T` if it has not been set before....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Attempts to retrieve the global state for type `T`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retrieves the global state for type `T`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-11"}`, found: `{"id": "example-10", "class": "section-header"}`
Compiling yansi v0.3.3
Documenting matches v0.1.6
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `Assert that an expression matches a refutable pattern using debug assertions....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Assert that an expression matches a refutable pattern....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Check if an expression matches a refutable pattern....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
Compiling lazy_static v0.2.8
Documenting libc v0.2.30
Compiling typeable v0.1.2
Documenting httparse v1.2.3
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `# httparse...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "httparse-1"}`, found: `{"id": "httparse", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An empty header, useful for constructing a `Header` array to pass in for...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parse a buffer of bytes as a chunk size....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parse a buffer of bytes as headers....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A parsed Request....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
Compiling pear v0.0.11
Documenting yansi v0.3.3
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `A dead simple ANSI terminal color painting library....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "paint-1"}`, found: `{"id": "paint", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "styling-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "styling"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "disabling-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "disabling"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "masking-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "masking", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "windows-1"}`, found: `{"id": "windows", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "why-1"}`, found: `{"id": "why", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Disables coloring globally....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Enables coloring globally. Coloring is enabled by default, so this...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Enables ASCII terminal escape sequences on Windows consoles when...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-5"}`, found: `{"id": "example-4", "class": "section-header"}`
Compiling libc v0.2.30
Documenting percent-encoding v1.0.0
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `URLs use special chacters to indicate the parts of the request. For example, a forward slash...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Define a new struct...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Percent-decode the given bytes....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Percent-encode the UTF-8 encoding of the given string....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Percent-encode the given bytes with the given encode set....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the percent-encoding of the given bytes....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
Documenting typeable v0.1.2
Compiling futures v0.1.15
Compiling toml v0.4.5
Documenting toml v0.4.5
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `A [TOML]-parsing library...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "toml-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "toml-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "parsing-toml-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "parsing-toml", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "deserialization-and-serialization-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "deserialization-and-serialization", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Deserializes a string into a type....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Serialize the given data structure as a String of TOML....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Enable or Disable pretty strings...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Enable or Disable Literal strings for pretty strings ...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Enable or Disable pretty arrays...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
Documenting base64 v0.6.0
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `Decode from string reference as octets....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Decode from string reference as octets....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Encode arbitrary octets as base64....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Encode arbitrary octets as base64....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Decode from string reference as octets....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Encode arbitrary octets as base64....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
Compiling base64 v0.6.0
Compiling unicode-bidi v0.3.4
Compiling mime v0.2.6
Documenting mime v0.2.6
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `# Mime...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "mime-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "mime"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "what-is-mime-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "what-is-mime"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Easily create a Mime without having to import so many enums....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the length of `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if `self` has a length of zero bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checks that `index`-th byte lies at the start and/or end of a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a string slice to a byte slice. To convert the byte slice back...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a string slice to a raw pointer....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a subslice of `str`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a unchecked subslice of `str`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety-1"}`, found: `{"id": "safety", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a string slice from another string slice, bypassing safety...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "safety-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "safety-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Divide one string slice into two at an index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over the [`char`]s of a string slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over the [`char`]s of a string slice, and their...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the bytes of a string slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Split a string slice by whitespace....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the lines of a string, as string slices....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the given pattern matches a sub-slice of...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the given pattern matches a prefix of this...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the given pattern matches a suffix of this...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the byte index of the first character of this string slice that...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the byte index of the last character of this string slice that...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of this string slice, separated by...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of `self`, separated by characters...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of this string slice, separated by a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-11"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within the given string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this string slice,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-15"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within `self`,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with leading and trailing whitespace removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with leading whitespace removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "text-directionality-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "text-directionality", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with trailing whitespace removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "text-directionality-3"}`, found: `{"id": "text-directionality-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with all prefixes and suffixes that match a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-65"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-64"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with all prefixes that match a pattern...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "text-directionality-5"}`, found: `{"id": "text-directionality-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-67"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-66", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with all suffixes that match a pattern...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "text-directionality-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "text-directionality-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-69"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-68"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parses this string slice into another type....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "errors", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-71", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-70", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Replaces all matches of a pattern with another string....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-73"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-72", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Replaces first N matches of a pattern with another string....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-75"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-74"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the lowercase equivalent of this string slice, as a new [`String`]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-77"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-76"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the uppercase equivalent of this string slice, as a new [`String`]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-79", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-78"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Create a [`String`] by repeating a string `n` times....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-81"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-80", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the length of `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if `self` has a length of zero bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checks that `index`-th byte lies at the start and/or end of a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a string slice to a byte slice. To convert the byte slice back...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a string slice to a raw pointer....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a subslice of `str`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a unchecked subslice of `str`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "safety-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a string slice from another string slice, bypassing safety...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Divide one string slice into two at an index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over the [`char`]s of a string slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over the [`char`]s of a string slice, and their...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the bytes of a string slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Split a string slice by whitespace....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the lines of a string, as string slices....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the given pattern matches a sub-slice of...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the given pattern matches a prefix of this...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the given pattern matches a suffix of this...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the byte index of the first character of this string slice that...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the byte index of the last character of this string slice that...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of this string slice, separated by...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of `self`, separated by characters...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of this string slice, separated by a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-11"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within the given string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this string slice,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-17"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within `self`,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-19"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with leading and trailing whitespace removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with leading whitespace removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "text-directionality-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "text-directionality"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with trailing whitespace removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "text-directionality-3"}`, found: `{"id": "text-directionality-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with all prefixes and suffixes that match a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-65"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-64"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with all prefixes that match a pattern...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "text-directionality-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "text-directionality-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-67", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-66"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with all suffixes that match a pattern...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "text-directionality-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "text-directionality-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-69"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-68", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parses this string slice into another type....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "errors", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-71"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-70"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Replaces all matches of a pattern with another string....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-73"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-72"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Replaces first N matches of a pattern with another string....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-75"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-74"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the lowercase equivalent of this string slice, as a new [`String`]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-77", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-76", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the uppercase equivalent of this string slice, as a new [`String`]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-79", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-78"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Create a [`String`] by repeating a string `n` times....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-81"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-80", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the length of `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if `self` has a length of zero bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checks that `index`-th byte lies at the start and/or end of a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a string slice to a byte slice. To convert the byte slice back...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a string slice to a raw pointer....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a subslice of `str`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a unchecked subslice of `str`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "safety-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "safety", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a string slice from another string slice, bypassing safety...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety-3"}`, found: `{"id": "safety-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Divide one string slice into two at an index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over the [`char`]s of a string slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over the [`char`]s of a string slice, and their...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the bytes of a string slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Split a string slice by whitespace....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the lines of a string, as string slices....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the given pattern matches a sub-slice of...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the given pattern matches a prefix of this...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the given pattern matches a suffix of this...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the byte index of the first character of this string slice that...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the byte index of the last character of this string slice that...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of this string slice, separated by...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-5"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of `self`, separated by characters...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-7"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-9"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of this string slice, separated by a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within the given string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-13"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this string slice,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within `self`,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with leading and trailing whitespace removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with leading whitespace removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "text-directionality-1"}`, found: `{"id": "text-directionality", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with trailing whitespace removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "text-directionality-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "text-directionality-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with all prefixes and suffixes that match a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-65"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-64", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with all prefixes that match a pattern...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "text-directionality-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "text-directionality-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-67"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-66"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with all suffixes that match a pattern...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "text-directionality-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "text-directionality-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-69"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-68"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parses this string slice into another type....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-71", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-70", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Replaces all matches of a pattern with another string....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-73", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-72"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Replaces first N matches of a pattern with another string....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-75", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-74"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the lowercase equivalent of this string slice, as a new [`String`]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-77"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-76"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the uppercase equivalent of this string slice, as a new [`String`]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-79"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-78"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Create a [`String`] by repeating a string `n` times....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-81", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-80"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the length of `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if `self` has a length of zero bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checks that `index`-th byte lies at the start and/or end of a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a string slice to a byte slice. To convert the byte slice back...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a string slice to a raw pointer....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a subslice of `str`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a unchecked subslice of `str`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "safety-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "safety", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a string slice from another string slice, bypassing safety...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "safety-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "safety-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Divide one string slice into two at an index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over the [`char`]s of a string slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over the [`char`]s of a string slice, and their...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the bytes of a string slice....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Split a string slice by whitespace....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the lines of a string, as string slices....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the given pattern matches a sub-slice of...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the given pattern matches a prefix of this...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the given pattern matches a suffix of this...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the byte index of the first character of this string slice that...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the byte index of the last character of this string slice that...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of this string slice, separated by...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-1"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-3"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of `self`, separated by characters...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over substrings of this string slice, separated by a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within the given string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this string slice,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-17"}`, found: `{"id": "iterator-behavior-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within `self`,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "iterator-behavior-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with leading and trailing whitespace removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with leading whitespace removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "text-directionality-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "text-directionality"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with trailing whitespace removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "text-directionality-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "text-directionality-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with all prefixes and suffixes that match a...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-65", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-64"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with all prefixes that match a pattern...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "text-directionality-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "text-directionality-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-67", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-66"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a string slice with all suffixes that match a pattern...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "text-directionality-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "text-directionality-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-69"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-68"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parses this string slice into another type....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-71", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-70"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Replaces all matches of a pattern with another string....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-73"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-72", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Replaces first N matches of a pattern with another string....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-75", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-74", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the lowercase equivalent of this string slice, as a new [`String`]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-77"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-76", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the uppercase equivalent of this string slice, as a new [`String`]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-79", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-78"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Create a [`String`] by repeating a string `n` times....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-81"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-80", "class": "section-header"}`
Compiling unicase v1.4.2
Compiling coco v0.1.1
Compiling pear_codegen v0.0.11
Compiling rocket v0.4.0-dev (file:///home/misdreavus/clones/rocket-git/lib)
Documenting unicode-bidi v0.3.4
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `This crate implements the [Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm][tr9] for display of mixed...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
Documenting time v0.1.38
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `Simple time handling....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "usage-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage"}`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[5] Text differs:
expected: `... [strftime()]...`
found: `...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[5] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... html">strftime()</a>`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[5] Unexpected element: ` function from the C...`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Identifies the time zone that was used to compute this broken-down time...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Text differs:
expected: `...`
found: `...*60*60 = -25200.`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] One element is missing: expected: `em`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] One element is missing: expected: `0`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A structure representing a moment in time....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An opaque structure representing a moment in time....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a `Duration` representing the span of time from the value of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "notes-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "notes", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the total number of whole microseconds in the duration,...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Text differs:
expected: `on overflow (exceeding 2^63 microseconds in either direction).`
found: `on overflow (exceeding 2`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element `sup`: found: `<sup>63</sup>`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element: ` microseconds in either direction).`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the total number of whole nanoseconds in the duration,...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Text differs:
expected: `on overflow (exceeding 2^63 nanoseconds in either direction).`
found: `on overflow (exceeding 2`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element `sup`: found: `<sup>63</sup>`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element: ` nanoseconds in either direction).`
Compiling num_cpus v1.6.2
Compiling memchr v1.0.1
Compiling isatty v0.1.3
Compiling rand v0.3.16
Documenting memchr v1.0.1
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `A safe interface to `memrchr`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A safe interface to `memchr`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
Compiling time v0.1.38
Documenting isatty v0.1.3
Documenting num_cpus v1.6.2
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `# num_cpus...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "num_cpus-1"}`, found: `{"id": "num_cpus", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of available CPUs of the current system....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "note-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "note", "class": "section-header"}`
Compiling idna v0.1.4
Documenting idna v0.1.4
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in ``
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Types differ: expected: `ttp://`, found: `a`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Types differ: expected: `ttp://`, found: `a`
Compiling url v1.5.1
Documenting unicase v1.4.2
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `# Case...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "case-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "case", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
Documenting pear_codegen v0.0.11
Documenting url v1.5.1
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `rust-url is an implementation of the [URL Standard](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "url-parsing-and-data-structures-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "url-parsing-and-data-structures", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "base-url-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "base-url", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Define a new struct...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parse a host: either an IPv6 address in [] square brackets, or a domain....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[1] Types differ: expected: `ttps://`, found: `a`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The origin of an URL...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[4] Text differs:
expected: `For more information see`
found: `For more information see`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[4] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href="">http ...</a>`
WARNING: rendering difference in ` ... isation-of-an-origin`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Types differ: expected: `ttps://`, found: `a`
WARNING: rendering difference in ` ... isation-of-an-origin`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Types differ: expected: `ttps://`, found: `a`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parse an absolute URL from a string....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parse an absolute URL from a string and add params to its query string....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parse a string as an URL, with this URL as the base URL....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return a default `ParseOptions` that can fully configure the URL parser....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the serialization of this URL....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the serialization of this URL....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the origin of this URL (`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Text differs:
expected: `Return the origin of this URL (`
found: `Return the origin of this URL (`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href="">http ...</a>`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element: `)`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the scheme of this URL, lower-cased, as an ASCII string without the ':' delimiter....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return whether the URL has an 'authority',...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return whether this URL is a cannot-be-a-base URL,...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the username for this URL (typically the empty string)...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the password for this URL, if any, as a percent-encoded ASCII string....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Equivalent to ``....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the string representation of the host (domain or IP address) for this URL, if any....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the parsed representation of the host for this URL....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `If this URL has a host and it is a domain name (not an IP address), return it....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the port number for this URL, if any....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the port number for this URL, or the default port number if it is known....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the path for this URL, as a percent-encoded ASCII string....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Unless this URL is cannot-be-a-base,...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return this URL’s query string, if any, as a percent-encoded ASCII string....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parse the URL’s query string, if any, as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return this URL’s fragment identifier, if any....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s fragment identifier....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s query string....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s path....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s port number....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s host....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s host to the given IP address....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s password....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s username....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[4] Text differs:
expected: `...`
found: `......`
/html[0]/body[1] Tags differ: expected: `pre`, found: `h1`
/html[0]/body[1] Unexpected element `p`: found: `<p>let mut url = Url::parse("ftp://:<a href=""></a>")?;...`
/html[0]/body[1] Unexpected element `h1`: found: `<h1 class="section-header" id="ok"><a href="#ok">Ok(())</a></h1>`
/html[0]/body[1] Unexpected element `h1`: found: `<h1 id="" class="section-header"><a href="#">}</a></h1>`
/html[0]/body[1] Unexpected element `h1`: found: `<h1 id="rununwrap" class="section-header"><a href= ... ).unwrap();</a></h1>`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s scheme....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Convert a file name as `std::path::Path` into an URL in the `file` scheme....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-65"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-64"}`
Compiling rayon v0.8.2
Compiling hyper v0.10.13
Documenting hyper v0.10.13
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `# Hyper...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "hyper-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "hyper", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "internal-design-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "internal-design"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "common-functionality-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "common-functionality"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h4`: expected: `{"id": "methods-2", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "methods-1"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h4`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "statuscode-1"}`, found: `{"id": "statuscode", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h4`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "headers-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "headers"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h4`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "networkstream-and-networkacceptor-1"}`, found: `{"id": "networkstream-and-networkacceptor", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "server-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "server"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h4`: expected: `{"id": "handler--server-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "handler--server", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h4`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "request-2"}`, found: `{"id": "request", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h4`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "response-2"}`, found: `{"id": "response", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "client-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "client"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h4`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "request-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "request-1"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h4`: expected: `{"id": "response-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "response-1"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Easily create a Mime without having to import so many enums....`
--> <mime macros>:1:0
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `HTTP Server...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "server-1"}`, found: `{"id": "server", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "handling-requests-1"}`, found: `{"id": "handling-requests", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "the-request-and-response-pair-1"}`, found: `{"id": "the-request-and-response-pair", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "an-aside-write-status-1"}`, found: `{"id": "an-aside-write-status", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Writes the body and ends the response....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Warning: This function doesn't work. The server remains listening after you called...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Text differs:
expected: `... for more details.`
found: `...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... hyper/issues/338</a>`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element: ` for more details.`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A Reader used for messages that should never have a body....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[1] Text differs:
expected: `See`
found: `See`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[1] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... 30#section-3.3.3</a>`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Headers container, and common header fields....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "why-typed-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "why-typed", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "defining-custom-headers-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "defining-custom-headers"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "header-and-headerformat-1"}`, found: `{"id": "header-and-headerformat", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parses extended header parameter values (`ext-value`), as defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `This encode set is used for HTTP header values and is defined at...`
--> <define_encode_set macros>:5:33
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Text differs:
expected: `......`
found: `...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... 5987#section-3.2</a>`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A Media Descriptors Enum based on:...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Text differs:
expected: `......`
found: `...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... ypes.html#h-6.13</a>`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Vary` header, defined in [RFC7231](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Referrer-Policy` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Range` header, defined in [RFC7233](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The `Pragma` header defined by HTTP/1.0....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[2] Text differs:
expected: `Spec:`
found: `Spec:`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[2] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... 7234#section-5.4</a>`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``If-Range` header, defined in [RFC7233](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``If-None-Match` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``If-Match` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The `Expect` header....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Content-Range, described in [RFC7233](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Range Units, described in [RFC7233](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` response header,...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A Mime charset....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[2] Text differs:
expected: `...`
found: `...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[2] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... acter-sets.xhtml</a>`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The `Link` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``User-Agent` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "notes-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "notes"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a `String` into a byte vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends a given string slice onto the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns this `String`'s capacity, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is at least `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of this `String` to match its length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends the given [`char`] to the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a byte slice of this `String`'s contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens this `String` to the specified length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last character from the string buffer and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes a [`char`] from this `String` at a byte position and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the characters specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a character into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a string slice into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a mutable reference to the contents of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "safety-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "safety", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the length of this `String`, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if this `String` has a length of zero....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the string into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Truncates this `String`, removing all contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that removes the specified range in the string,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts this `String` into a [`Box`]`<`[`str`]`>`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Upgrade` header, defined in [RFC7230](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Transfer-Encoding` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``StrictTransportSecurity` header, defined in [RFC6797](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Set-Cookie` header, defined [RFC6265](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Server` header, defined in [RFC7231](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a `String` into a byte vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends a given string slice onto the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns this `String`'s capacity, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is at least `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of this `String` to match its length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends the given [`char`] to the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a byte slice of this `String`'s contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens this `String` to the specified length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last character from the string buffer and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes a [`char`] from this `String` at a byte position and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the characters specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a character into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a string slice into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a mutable reference to the contents of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "safety-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the length of this `String`, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if this `String` has a length of zero....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the string into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Truncates this `String`, removing all contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that removes the specified range in the string,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts this `String` into a [`Box`]`<`[`str`]`>`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Referer` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a `String` into a byte vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends a given string slice onto the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns this `String`'s capacity, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is at least `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of this `String` to match its length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends the given [`char`] to the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a byte slice of this `String`'s contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens this `String` to the specified length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last character from the string buffer and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes a [`char`] from this `String` at a byte position and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the characters specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a character into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a string slice into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a mutable reference to the contents of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety-1"}`, found: `{"id": "safety", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the length of this `String`, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if this `String` has a length of zero....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the string into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Truncates this `String`, removing all contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that removes the specified range in the string,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts this `String` into a [`Box`]`<`[`str`]`>`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Preference-Applied` header, defined in [RFC7240](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Prefer` header, defined in [RFC7240](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The `Origin` header....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[2] Text differs:
expected: `..., the value of this header is composed of...`
found: `...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[2] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... g/#origin-header</a>`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[2] Unexpected element: `, the value of this header is composed of...`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Location` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a `String` into a byte vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends a given string slice onto the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns this `String`'s capacity, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is at least `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of this `String` to match its length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends the given [`char`] to the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a byte slice of this `String`'s contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens this `String` to the specified length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last character from the string buffer and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes a [`char`] from this `String` at a byte position and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the characters specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a character into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a string slice into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a mutable reference to the contents of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "safety-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "safety", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the length of this `String`, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if this `String` has a length of zero....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the string into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Truncates this `String`, removing all contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that removes the specified range in the string,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts this `String` into a [`Box`]`<`[`str`]`>`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Last-Modified` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``If-Unmodified-Since` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``If-Modified-Since` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The `Host` header....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``From` header, defined in [RFC7231](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a `String` into a byte vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends a given string slice onto the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns this `String`'s capacity, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is at least `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of this `String` to match its length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends the given [`char`] to the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a byte slice of this `String`'s contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens this `String` to the specified length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last character from the string buffer and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes a [`char`] from this `String` at a byte position and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the characters specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a character into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a string slice into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a mutable reference to the contents of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "safety-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the length of this `String`, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if this `String` has a length of zero....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the string into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Truncates this `String`, removing all contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that removes the specified range in the string,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts this `String` into a [`Box`]`<`[`str`]`>`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Expires` header, defined in [RFC7234](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``ETag` header, defined in [RFC7232](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Set the tag....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Date` header, defined in [RFC7231](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Cookie` header, defined in [RFC6265](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Content-Type` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Content-Language` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Content-Encoding` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Content-Length` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of zeros in the binary representation of `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, `n`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, `n`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reverses the byte order of the integer....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts `self` to big endian from the target's endianness....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts `self` to little endian from the target's endianness....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer addition. Computes `self + other`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer subtraction. Computes `self - other`, returning...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer multiplication. Computes `self * other`, returning...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer division. Computes `self / other`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer remainder. Computes `self % other`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked negation. Computes `-self`, returning `None` unless `self ==...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked shift left. Computes `self << rhs`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked shift right. Computes `self >> rhs`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Saturating integer addition. Computes `self + other`, saturating at...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Saturating integer subtraction. Computes `self - other`, saturating...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Saturating integer multiplication. Computes `self * other`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) addition. Computes `self + other`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) subtraction. Computes `self - other`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) multiplication. Computes `self *...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) division. Computes `self / other`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) remainder. Computes `self % other`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) negation. Computes `-self`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Panic-free bitwise shift-left; yields `self << mask(rhs)`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Panic-free bitwise shift-right; yields `self >> mask(rhs)`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates `self` + `rhs`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates `self` - `rhs`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates the multiplication of `self` and `rhs`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates the divisor when `self` is divided by `rhs`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates the remainder when `self` is divided by `rhs`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-65", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-64", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Negates self in an overflowing fashion....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-67", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-66"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts self left by `rhs` bits....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-69"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-68"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts self right by `rhs` bits....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-71"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-70"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Raises self to the power of `exp`, using exponentiation by squaring....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-73"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-72", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if and only if `self == 2^k` for some `k`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-75", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-74"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-77"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-76", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to `n`. If...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-79", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-78"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A `Content-Disposition` header, (re)defined in [RFC6266](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Connection` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Cache-Control` header, defined in [RFC7234](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Authorization` header, defined in [RFC7235](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Allow` header, defined in [RFC7231](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Accept-Ranges` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Accept-Language` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Accept-Encoding` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Accept-Charset` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Access-Control-Request-Method` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Access-Control-Request-Headers` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Access-Control-Max-Age` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of zeros in the binary representation of `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, `n`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, `n`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reverses the byte order of the integer....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts `self` to big endian from the target's endianness....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts `self` to little endian from the target's endianness....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer addition. Computes `self + other`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer subtraction. Computes `self - other`, returning...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer multiplication. Computes `self * other`, returning...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer division. Computes `self / other`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer remainder. Computes `self % other`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked negation. Computes `-self`, returning `None` unless `self ==...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked shift left. Computes `self << rhs`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked shift right. Computes `self >> rhs`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Saturating integer addition. Computes `self + other`, saturating at...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Saturating integer subtraction. Computes `self - other`, saturating...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Saturating integer multiplication. Computes `self * other`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) addition. Computes `self + other`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) subtraction. Computes `self - other`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) multiplication. Computes `self *...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) division. Computes `self / other`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) remainder. Computes `self % other`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) negation. Computes `-self`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Panic-free bitwise shift-left; yields `self << mask(rhs)`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Panic-free bitwise shift-right; yields `self >> mask(rhs)`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates `self` + `rhs`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates `self` - `rhs`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates the multiplication of `self` and `rhs`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates the divisor when `self` is divided by `rhs`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-65"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-64", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates the remainder when `self` is divided by `rhs`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-67"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-66", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Negates self in an overflowing fashion....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-69", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-68", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts self left by `rhs` bits....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-71"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-70"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts self right by `rhs` bits....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-73"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-72", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Raises self to the power of `exp`, using exponentiation by squaring....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-75"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-74", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if and only if `self == 2^k` for some `k`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-77", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-76", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-79", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-78"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to `n`. If...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-81", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-80", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Access-Control-Expose-Headers` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Access-Control-Allow-Methods` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Access-Control-Allow-Headers` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Accept` header, defined in [RFC7231](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "notes-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "notes"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Represents a quality used in quality values....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "implementation-notes-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "implementation-notes", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An entity tag, defined in [RFC7232](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "comparison-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "comparison", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Constructs a new EntityTag....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Constructs a new weak EntityTag....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Constructs a new strong EntityTag....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Set the tag....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `HTTP Client...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "get-1"}`, found: `{"id": "get", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "post-1"}`, found: `{"id": "post", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "sync-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "sync"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Matches language tags. The first language acts as a language range, the second one is used...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parse an absolute URL from a string....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parse an absolute URL from a string and add params to its query string....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parse a string as an URL, with this URL as the base URL....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return a default `ParseOptions` that can fully configure the URL parser....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the serialization of this URL....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the serialization of this URL....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the origin of this URL (`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Text differs:
expected: `Return the origin of this URL (`
found: `Return the origin of this URL (`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href="">http ...</a>`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element: `)`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the scheme of this URL, lower-cased, as an ASCII string without the ':' delimiter....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return whether the URL has an 'authority',...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return whether this URL is a cannot-be-a-base URL,...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the username for this URL (typically the empty string)...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the password for this URL, if any, as a percent-encoded ASCII string....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Equivalent to ``....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the string representation of the host (domain or IP address) for this URL, if any....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the parsed representation of the host for this URL....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `If this URL has a host and it is a domain name (not an IP address), return it....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the port number for this URL, if any....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the port number for this URL, or the default port number if it is known....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the path for this URL, as a percent-encoded ASCII string....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Unless this URL is cannot-be-a-base,...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return this URL’s query string, if any, as a percent-encoded ASCII string....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parse the URL’s query string, if any, as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return this URL’s fragment identifier, if any....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s fragment identifier....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s query string....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s path....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s port number....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s host....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s host to the given IP address....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s password....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s username....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[4] Text differs:
expected: `...`
found: `......`
/html[0]/body[1] Tags differ: expected: `pre`, found: `h1`
/html[0]/body[1] Unexpected element `p`: found: `<p>let mut url = Url::parse("ftp://:<a href=""></a>")?;...`
/html[0]/body[1] Unexpected element `h1`: found: `<h1 id="ok" class="section-header"><a href="#ok">Ok(())</a></h1>`
/html[0]/body[1] Unexpected element `h1`: found: `<h1 class="section-header" id=""><a href="#">}</a></h1>`
/html[0]/body[1] Unexpected element `h1`: found: `<h1 id="rununwrap" class="section-header"><a href= ... ).unwrap();</a></h1>`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Change this URL’s scheme....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Convert a file name as `std::path::Path` into an URL in the `file` scheme....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-65", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-64"}`
Compiling ring v0.12.1
Documenting ring v0.12.1
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `Safe, fast, small crypto using Rust with BoringSSL's cryptography...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[1]/code[0] Text differs:
expected: `git clone`
found: `git clone`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[1]/code[0] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href="">https ... /briansmith/ring</a>`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "feature-flags-1"}`, found: `{"id": "feature-flags", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Testing framework....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "writing-tests-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "writing-tests"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "output-when-a-test-fails-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "output-when-a-test-fails"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Public key signatures: signing and verification....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "algorithm-details-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "algorithm-details", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "ecdsa__asn1-details-asn1-encoded-ecdsa-signatures-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "ecdsa__asn1-details-asn1-encoded-ecdsa-signatures", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "ecdsa__fixed-details-fixed-length-pkcs11-style-ecdsa-signatures-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "ecdsa__fixed-details-fixed-length-pkcs11-style-ecdsa-signatures"}`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[7] Text differs:
expected: `||`
found: `||*s*, where || denotes concatenation, and where both`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[7]/em[1] Text differs:
expected: `s`
found: `r`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[7] Text differs:
expected: `, where || denotes concatenation, and where both`
found: `and`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[7]/em[2] Text differs:
expected: `r`
found: `s`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[7] Text differs:
expected: `...nd`
found: ` both big-endian-encoded values that are left-padded to the...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[7] One element is missing: expected: `em`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[7] One element is missing: expected: ``
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "rsa_pkcs1_-details-rsa-pkcs1-15-signatures-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "rsa_pkcs1_-details-rsa-pkcs1-15-signatures"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "rsa_pss_-details-rsa-pss-signatures-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "rsa_pss_-details-rsa-pss-signatures"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "signing-and-verifying-with-ed25519-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "signing-and-verifying-with-ed25519", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "signing-and-verifying-with-rsa-pkcs1-15-padding-1"}`, found: `{"id": "signing-and-verifying-with-rsa-pkcs1-15-padding", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Verify the signature `signature` of message `msg` with the public key...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "verify-a-rsa-pkcs1-signature-that-uses-the-sha-256-digest-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "verify-a-rsa-pkcs1-signature-that-uses-the-sha-256-digest"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `State used for RSA Signing. Feature: `rsa_signing`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "performance-considerations-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "performance-considerations", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parses an unencrypted PKCS#8-encoded RSA private key....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[11]/li[3] Types differ: expected: `ection`, found: `p`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[11]/li[3]/ul[0] Unexpected element `li`: found: `<li><p>The validity of the mathematical relationship of <code>dP</code>, <code>dQ</code>, <code>e</code>...`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[11]/li[3]/ul[0] Unexpected element `li`: found: `<li><p><code>d</code> is not fully validated, neither at construction nor during...`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[11]/li[3] One element is missing: expected: `ul`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[11]/li[3] One element is missing: expected: `ul`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Generates a new key pair and returns the key pair serialized as a...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[1] Text differs:
expected: `......`
found: `...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[1] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... f-curdle-pkix-04</a>`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[1] Unexpected element: `.`
WARNING: rendering difference in `PBKDF2 derivation and verification....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "password-database-example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "password-database-example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Verifies that a previously-derived (e.g., using `derive`) PBKDF2 value...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Fills `out` with the key derived using PBKDF2 with the given inputs....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `HMAC is specified in [RFC 2104]....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "use-case-multi-party-communication-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "use-case-multi-party-communication", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "use-case-one-party-anti-tampering-protection-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "use-case-one-party-anti-tampering-protection"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "use-case-key-derivation-and-password-hashing-1"}`, found: `{"id": "use-case-key-derivation-and-password-hashing", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "signing-a-value-and-verifying-it-wasnt-tampered-with-1"}`, found: `{"id": "signing-a-value-and-verifying-it-wasnt-tampered-with", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "using-the-one-shot-api-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "using-the-one-shot-api"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "using-the-multi-part-api-1"}`, found: `{"id": "using-the-multi-part-api", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Fills `out` with the output of the HKDF-Expand operation for the given...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Fills `out` with the output of the HKDF Extract-and-Expand operation for...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the digest of `data` using the given digest algorithm....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A context for multi-step (Init-Update-Finish) digest calculations....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Key Agreement: ECDH, including X25519....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `C analogs: `EVP_AEAD_CTX_init_with_direction` with direction...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[1] Unexpected element `+`: found: `...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[1] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... er.NewGCM</code></a>`
/html[0]/body[1] One element is missing: expected: `ul`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Create a new opening key....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[3] Unexpected element `+`: found: `...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[3] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... er.NewGCM</code></a>`
/html[0]/body[1] One element is missing: expected: `ul`
Compiling sct v0.2.0
Compiling cookie v0.10.0
Compiling webpki v0.17.0
Documenting sct v0.2.0
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `# SCT verification library...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "sctrs-sct-verification-library-1"}`, found: `{"id": "sctrs-sct-verification-library", "class": "section-header"}`
Documenting webpki v0.17.0
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `webpki: Web PKI X.509 Certificate Validation....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[1]/code[0] Text differs:
expected: `git clone`
found: `git clone`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[1]/code[0] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href="">htt ... riansmith/webpki</a>`
WARNING: rendering difference in `RSA PSS signatures using SHA-512 for keys of 2048-8192 bits and of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Text differs:
expected: `...`
found: `...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... 4055#section-1.2</a>`
WARNING: rendering difference in `RSA PSS signatures using SHA-384 for keys of 2048-8192 bits and of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Text differs:
expected: `...`
found: `...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... 4055#section-1.2</a>`
WARNING: rendering difference in `RSA PSS signatures using SHA-256 for keys of 2048-8192 bits and of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Text differs:
expected: `...`
found: `...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[0] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... 4055#section-1.2</a>`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Create a `webpki::Time` from a `std::time::SystemTime`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
Documenting cookie v0.10.0
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `HTTP cookie parsing and cookie jar management....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage-1"}`, found: `{"id": "usage", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "features-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "features", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if `self` is `SameSite::Strict` and `false` otherwise....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if `self` is `SameSite::Lax` and `false` otherwise....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapper around `Cookie` whose `Display` implementation percent-encodes the...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Representation of an HTTP cookie....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "constructing-a-cookie-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "constructing-a-cookie"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a new `Cookie` with the given name and value....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a new `Cookie` with the given name and an empty value....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a new `CookieBuilder` instance from the given key and value...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parses a `Cookie` from the given HTTP cookie header value string. Does...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parses a `Cookie` from the given HTTP cookie header value string where...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wraps `self` in an `EncodedCookie`: a cost-free wrapper around `Cookie`...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-11"}`, found: `{"id": "example-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts `self` into a `Cookie` with a static lifetime. This method...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-13"}`, found: `{"id": "example-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the name of `self`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the value of `self`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the name and value of `self` as a tuple of `(name, value)`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns whether this cookie was marked `HttpOnly` or not....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns whether this cookie was marked `Secure` or not....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the `SameSite` attribute of this cookie if one was specified....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the specified max-age of the cookie if one was specified....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-27"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the `Path` of the cookie if one was specified....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-29"}`, found: `{"id": "example-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the `Domain` of the cookie if one was specified....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-31"}`, found: `{"id": "example-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the `Expires` time of the cookie if one was specified....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the name of `self` to `name`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the value of `self` to `value`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the value of `http_only` in `self` to `value`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-39"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the value of `secure` in `self` to `value`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the value of `same_site` in `self` to `value`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the value of `max_age` in `self` to `value`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `path` of `self` to `path`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `domain` of `self` to `domain`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the expires field of `self` to `time`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Makes `self` a "permanent" cookie by extending its expiration and max...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the name of `self` as a string slice of the raw string `self`...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the value of `self` as a string slice of the raw string `self`...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-57"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the `Path` of `self` as a string slice of the raw string `self`...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the `Domain` of `self` as a string slice of the raw string...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-61"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Formats the cookie `self` as a `Set-Cookie` header value....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A collection of cookies that tracks its modifications....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "usage-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "deltas-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "deltas"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an empty cookie jar....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a reference to the `Cookie` inside this jar with the name...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Adds an "original" `cookie` to this jar. Adding an original cookie does...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Adds `cookie` to this jar....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes `cookie` from this jar. If an _original_ cookie with the same...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-9"}`, found: `{"id": "example-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over cookies that represent the changes to this jar...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over all of the cookies present in this jar....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a `PrivateJar` with `self` as its parent jar using the key `key`...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a `SignedJar` with `self` as its parent jar using the key `key`...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Structure that follows the builder pattern for building `Cookie` structs....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a new `CookieBuilder` instance from the given name and value....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `expires` field in the cookie being built....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `max_age` field in the cookie being built....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `domain` field in the cookie being built....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `path` field in the cookie being built....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `secure` field in the cookie being built....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `http_only` field in the cookie being built....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `same_site` field in the cookie being built....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-17"}`, found: `{"id": "example-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Makes the cookie being built 'permanent' by extending its expiration and...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Finishes building and returns the built `Cookie`....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-21"}`, found: `{"id": "example-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Derives new signing/encryption keys from a master key....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Generates signing/encryption keys from a secure, random source. Keys are...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Attempts to generate signing/encryption keys from a secure, random...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-5"}`, found: `{"id": "example-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the raw bytes of a key suitable for signing cookies....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the raw bytes of a key suitable for encrypting cookies....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-9"}`, found: `{"id": "example-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a reference to the `Cookie` inside this jar with the name `name`...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Adds `cookie` to the parent jar. The cookie's value is signed assuring...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes `cookie` from the parent jar....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a reference to the `Cookie` inside this jar with the name `name`...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Adds `cookie` to the parent jar. The cookie's value is encrypted with...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes `cookie` from the parent jar....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-4", "class": "section-header"}`
Compiling webpki-roots v0.13.0
Compiling rustls v0.11.0
Documenting webpki-roots v0.13.0
Documenting rustls v0.11.0
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `# Rustls - a modern TLS library...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "rustls---a-modern-tls-library-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "rustls---a-modern-tls-library", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "current-features-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "current-features"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "possible-future-features-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "possible-future-features"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "non-features-1"}`, found: `{"id": "non-features", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "design-overview-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "design-overview", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "rustls-does-not-take-care-of-network-io-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "rustls-does-not-take-care-of-network-io"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "rustls-provides-encrypted-pipes-1"}`, found: `{"id": "rustls-provides-encrypted-pipes", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "rustls-takes-care-of-server-certificate-verification-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "rustls-takes-care-of-server-certificate-verification", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "getting-started-1"}`, found: `{"id": "getting-started", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "crate-features-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "crate-features"}`
Compiling hyper-sync-rustls v0.3.0-rc.1
Documenting hyper-sync-rustls v0.3.0-rc.1
Documenting rocket v0.4.0-dev (file:///home/misdreavus/clones/rocket-git/lib)
warning: this expression is being lifted blindly
warning: this expression is being lifted blindly
warning: this expression is being lifted blindly
error: unknown start of token: `
--> <stdin>:1:45
1 | This method should always be preferred. The `LocalRequest` is consumed
| ^
help: unicode character '`' (Greek Accent) looks like ''' (Single Quote), but it's not
--> <stdin>:1:45
1 | This method should always be preferred. The `LocalRequest` is consumed
| ^
warning: Backing out of syntax highlighting
= note: You probably did not intend to render this as a rust code-block
error: unknown start of token: `
--> <stdin>:1:37
1 | This method should be used when one `LocalRequest` will be dispatched
| ^
help: unicode character '`' (Greek Accent) looks like ''' (Single Quote), but it's not
--> <stdin>:1:37
1 | This method should be used when one `LocalRequest` will be dispatched
| ^
warning: Backing out of syntax highlighting
= note: You probably did not intend to render this as a rust code-block
WARNING: documentation for this crate may be rendered differently using the new Pulldown renderer.
See for details.
WARNING: rendering difference in `# Rocket - Core API Documentation...`
--> src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "rocket---core-api-documentation-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "rocket---core-api-documentation"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "libraries-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "libraries", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "usage-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "configuration-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "configuration"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "testing-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "testing"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An error that occurs during launch....`
--> src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "usage-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retrieve the `kind` of the launch error....`
--> src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Fairings: callbacks at attach, launch, request, and response time....`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "attaching-1"}`, found: `{"id": "attaching", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "ordering-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "ordering"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Trait implemented by fairings: Rocket's structured middleware....`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "considerations-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "considerations", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "fairing-callbacks-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "fairing-callbacks"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "implementing-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "implementing"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "fairing-info-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "fairing-info", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "restrictions-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "restrictions"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an [`Info`](/rocket/fairing/struct.Info.html) structure...`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The attach callback. Returns `Ok` if launch should proceed and `Err` if...`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "default-implementation-1"}`, found: `{"id": "default-implementation", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The launch callback....`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "default-implementation-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "default-implementation-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The request callback....`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "default-implementation-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "default-implementation-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The response callback....`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "default-implementation-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "default-implementation-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A ad-hoc fairing that can be created from a function or closure....`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "usage-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Constructs an `AdHoc` attach fairing. The function `f` will be called by...`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Constructs an `AdHoc` launch fairing. The function `f` will be called by...`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-5"}`, found: `{"id": "example-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Constructs an `AdHoc` request fairing. The function `f` will be called...`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-7"}`, found: `{"id": "example-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Constructs an `AdHoc` response fairing. The function `f` will be called...`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if `self` is a superset of `other`. In other words,...`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if `self` is exactly `other`....`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Information about a [`Fairing`](/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html)....`
--> src/fairing/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the `Outcome` of response to `req` from `responder`....`
--> src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return an `Outcome` of `Failure` with the status code `code`. This is...`
--> src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return an `Outcome` of `Forward` with the data `data`. This is...`
--> src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Trait implemented by data guards to derive a value from request body data....`
--> src/data/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "data-guards-1"}`, found: `{"id": "data-guards", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "outcomes-1"}`, found: `{"id": "outcomes", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "provided-implementations-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "provided-implementations"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Type representing the data in the body of an incoming request....`
--> src/data/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "reading-data-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "reading-data"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the raw data stream....`
--> src/data/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retrieve the `peek` buffer....`
--> src/data/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns true if the `peek` buffer contains all of the data in the body...`
--> src/data/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-5"}`, found: `{"id": "example-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A helper method to write the body of the request to any `Write` type....`
--> src/data/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A helper method to write the body of the request to a file at the path...`
--> src/data/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Application configuration and configuration parameter retrieval....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "application-configuration-1"}`, found: `{"id": "application-configuration", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "environments-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "environments", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "configuration-parameters-1"}`, found: `{"id": "configuration-parameters", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[5] Tags differ: expected: `strong`, found: `p`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[5] Types differ: expected: ``, found: `ol`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[5] Tags differ: expected: `em`, found: `ul`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[5] One element is missing: expected: ``
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[5] One element is missing: expected: `ol`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[5] One element is missing: expected: `ul`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[6] Tags differ: expected: `strong`, found: `p`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[6] Types differ: expected: ``, found: `ul`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[6] One element is missing: expected: `em`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[6] One element is missing: expected: ``
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[6] One element is missing: expected: `em`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[6] One element is missing: expected: ``
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[6] One element is missing: expected: `em`
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[6] One element is missing: expected: ``
/html[0]/body[1]/ul[7]/li[6] One element is missing: expected: `ul`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "rockettoml-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "rockettoml", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "tls-configuration-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "tls-configuration", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "environment-variables-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "environment-variables", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "retrieving-configuration-parameters-1"}`, found: `{"id": "retrieving-configuration-parameters", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if `self` is `Environment::Development`....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if `self` is `Environment::Staging`....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if `self` is `Environment::Production`....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retrieves the "active" environment as determined by the `ROCKET_ENV`...`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "errors", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parses a configuration environment from a string. Should be used...`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if `self` is of `NotFound` variant....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Create a new `ConfigBuilder` instance using the default parameters from...`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `address` in the configuration being built....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `port` in the configuration being built....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-5"}`, found: `{"id": "example-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets `workers` in the configuration being built....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `log_level` in the configuration being built....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `secret_key` in the configuration being built....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `limits` in the configuration being built....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the TLS configuration in the configuration being built....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `environment` in the configuration being built....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `root` in the configuration being built....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Adds an extra configuration parameter with `name` and `value` to the...`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the `Config` structure that was being built by this builder....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "errors", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-23"}`, found: `{"id": "example-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return the `Config` structure that was being built by this builder....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the `Config` structure that was being built by this builder....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Structure for Rocket application configuration....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "general-configuration-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "general-configuration"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a builder for `Config` structure where the default parameters...`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a new configuration using the default parameters for the...`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a builder for `Config` structure where the default parameters...`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-3"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a new configuration using the default parameters from the...`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a new configuration using the default parameters from the...`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the root directory of this configuration to `root`....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the address of `self` to `address`....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `port` of `self` to `port`....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-15"}`, found: `{"id": "example-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the number of `workers` in `self` to `workers`....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the `secret_key` in `self` to `key` which must be a 192-bit base64...`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-19"}`, found: `{"id": "example-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the logging level for `self` to `log_level`....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Set the receive limits in `self` to `limits`....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the TLS configuration in `self`....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-13"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the extras for `self` to be the key/value pairs in `extras`....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-27"}`, found: `{"id": "example-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over the names and values of all of the extras in...`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Attempts to retrieve the extra named `name` as a string....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-15"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Attempts to retrieve the extra named `name` as an integer....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Attempts to retrieve the extra named `name` as a boolean....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-35"}`, found: `{"id": "example-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Attempts to retrieve the extra named `name` as a float....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-20", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-37"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Attempts to retrieve the extra named `name` as a slice of an array....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-22"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Attempts to retrieve the extra named `name` as a table....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-25"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-24", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Attempts to retrieve the extra named `name` as a datetime value....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "errors-26", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the path at which the configuration file for `self` is stored....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `If `path` is a relative path, `path` is appended to the [`root`] at...`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Mapping from data type to size limits....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "defaults-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "defaults"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "usage-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Construct a new `Limits` structure with the default limits set....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Adds or replaces a limit in `self`, consuming `self` and returning a new...`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retrieve the set limit, if any, for the data type with name `name`....`
--> src/config/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-5"}`, found: `{"id": "example-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Success, failure, and forward handling....`
--> src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "success-1"}`, found: `{"id": "success", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "failure-1"}`, found: `{"id": "failure", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "forward-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "forward"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Unwraps the Outcome, yielding the contents of a Success....`
--> src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Unwraps the Outcome, yielding the contents of a Success....`
--> src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return true if this `Outcome` is a `Success`....`
--> src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return true if this `Outcome` is a `Failure`....`
--> src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Return true if this `Outcome` is a `Forward`....`
--> src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Types and traits to build and send responses....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "composing-1"}`, found: `{"id": "composing", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "contrib-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "contrib"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Trait implemented by types that generate responses for clients....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "return-value-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "return-value"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "provided-implementations-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "provided-implementations"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "implementation-tips-1"}`, found: `{"id": "implementation-tips", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "debug-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "debug", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "joining-and-merging-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "joining-and-merging", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "inspecting-requests-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "inspecting-requests"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a response with the given status code and underyling responder....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the status of the response to 404 (Not Found)....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the status of the response to 205 (Reset Content)....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the status of the response to 204 (No Content)....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the status of the response to 202 (Accepted)....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the status of the response to 201 (Created)....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Contains types that set the Content-Type of a response....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage-1"}`, found: `{"id": "usage", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the Content-Type of a `Responder` to a chosen value....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the Content-Type of a `Responder` to a chosen value....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Create a new stream from the given `reader` and sets the chunk size for...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Attempts to open a file in read-only mode....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-1"}`, found: `{"id": "errors", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retrieve the path of this file....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Attempts to sync all OS-internal metadata to disk....`
--> /checkout/src/libstd/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `This function is similar to [`sync_all`], except that it may not...`
--> /checkout/src/libstd/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Truncates or extends the underlying file, updating the size of...`
--> /checkout/src/libstd/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Queries metadata about the underlying file....`
--> /checkout/src/libstd/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a new independently owned handle to the underlying file....`
--> /checkout/src/libstd/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Changes the permissions on the underlying file....`
--> /checkout/src/libstd/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "platform-specific-behavior-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "platform-specific-behavior"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "errors-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets a "flash" cookie that will be removed when it is accessed. The...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage-1"}`, found: `{"id": "usage", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "response-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "response"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Constructs a new `Flash` message with the given `name`, `msg`, and...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Constructs a "success" `Flash` message with the given `responder` and...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Constructs a "warning" `Flash` message with the given `responder` and...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Constructs an "error" `Flash` message with the given `responder` and...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Construct a temporary "see other" (303) redirect response. This is the...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Construct a "temporary" (307) redirect response. This response instructs...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Construct a "permanent" (308) redirect response. This redirect must only...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Construct a temporary "found" (302) redirect response. This response...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Construct a permanent "moved" (301) redirect response. This response...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Type for easily building `Response`s....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "usage-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "usage", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "headers-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "headers"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "joining-and-merging-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "joining-and-merging"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a new `ResponseBuilder` that will build on top of the `base`...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the status of the `Response` being built to `status`....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the status of the `Response` being built to a custom status...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Adds `header` to the `Response`, replacing any header with the same name...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-9"}`, found: `{"id": "example-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Adds `header` to the `Response` by adjoining the header with any...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Adds custom a header to the `Response` with the given name and value,...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Adds custom header to the `Response` with the given name and value,...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-15"}`, found: `{"id": "example-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the body of the `Response` to be the fixed-sized `body`....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the body of the `Response` to be the streamed `body`....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the body of the `Response` to be the streamed `body` with a custom...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-21"}`, found: `{"id": "example-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the body of `self` to be `body`. This method should typically not...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Merges the `other` `Response` into `self` by setting any fields in...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Joins the `other` `Response` into `self` by setting any fields in `self`...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retrieve the built `Response`....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retrieve the built `Response` wrapped in `Ok`....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a new, empty `Response` without a status, body, or headers....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a `ResponseBuilder` with a base of `Response::new()`....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a `ResponseBuilder` with a base of `other`....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the status of `self`....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the status of `self` to `status`....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the Content-Type header of `self`. If the header is not present...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the status of `self` to a custom `status` with status code `code`...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-13"}`, found: `{"id": "example-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a [`HeaderMap`](/rocket/http/struct.HeaderMap.html) of all of...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the header `header` in `self`. Any existing headers with the name...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-17"}`, found: `{"id": "example-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the custom header with name `name` and value `value` in `self`. Any...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Adds the header `header` to `self`. If `self` contains headers with the...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Adds a custom header with name `name` and value `value` to `self`. If...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all headers with the name `name`....`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a mutable borrow of the body of `self`, if there is one. The...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Consumes `self's` body and reads it into a string. If `self` doesn't...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Consumes `self's` body and reads it into a `Vec` of `u8` bytes. If...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-31"}`, found: `{"id": "example-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves the body of `self` out and returns it, if there is one, leaving no...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the body of `self` to be the fixed-sized `body`. The size of the...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the body of `self` to be `body`, which will be streamed. The chunk...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the body of `self` to be `body`, which will be streamed with chunk...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the body of `self` to be `body`. This method should typically not...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Replaces this response's status and body with that of `other`, if they...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-43"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets `self`'s status and body to that of `other` if they are not already...`
--> src/response/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Trait to create instance of some type from a form value; expected from field...`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "catching-validation-errors-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "catching-validation-errors"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "provided-implementations-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "provided-implementations"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Trait to create an instance of some type from an HTTP form....`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "deriving-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "deriving", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "data-guard-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "data-guard"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "implementing-1"}`, found: `{"id": "implementing", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parses an instance of `Self` from the iterator of form items `it`....`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "errors-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "errors", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Trait to convert _many_ dynamic path segment strings to a concrete value....`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "provided-implementations-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "provided-implementations"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Trait to convert a dynamic path segment string to a concrete value....`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "forwarding-1"}`, found: `{"id": "forwarding", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "catching-errors-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "catching-errors"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "provided-implementations-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "provided-implementations", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Trait implemented by request guards to derive a value from incoming...`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "request-guards-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "request-guards"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "outcomes-1"}`, found: `{"id": "outcomes", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "provided-implementations-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "provided-implementations", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Request guard to retrieve managed state....`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "within-request-guards-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "within-request-guards", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retrieve a borrow to the underyling value with a lifetime of `'r`....`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Iterator over the key/value pairs of a given HTTP form string....`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "completion-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "completion"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the form string was parsed to completion. Returns...`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Parses all remaining key/value pairs and returns `true` if parsing ran...`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retrieves the original string being parsed by this iterator. The string...`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A `FromData` type for parsing `FromForm` types leniently....`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "leniency-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "leniency"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage-1"}`, found: `{"id": "usage", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "incoming-data-limits-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "incoming-data-limits", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Immutably borrow the parsed type....`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the raw form string that was used to parse the encapsulated...`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Consumes `self` and returns the parsed value. For safety reasons, this...`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A `FromData` type for parsing `FromForm` types strictly....`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "strictness-1"}`, found: `{"id": "strictness", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "usage-1"}`, found: `{"id": "usage", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "with-references-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "with-references"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "without-references-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "without-references"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "performance-and-correctness-considerations-1"}`, found: `{"id": "performance-and-correctness-considerations", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h2`: expected: `{"id": "incoming-data-limits-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "incoming-data-limits"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Immutably borrow the parsed type....`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the raw form string that was used to parse the encapsulated...`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Consumes `self` and returns the parsed value. For safety reasons, this...`
--> src/request/form/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retrieve the method from `self`....`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Set the method of `self`....`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Borrow the URI from `self`, which is guaranteed to be an absolute URI....`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-5"}`, found: `{"id": "example-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Set the URI in `self`. The `uri` parameter can be of any type that...`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the address of the remote connection that initiated this...`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the remote address of `self` to `address`....`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a [`HeaderMap`](/rocket/http/struct.HeaderMap.html) of all of...`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Add `header` to `self`'s headers. The type of `header` can be any type...`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Replaces the value of the header with name `` with...`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-17"}`, found: `{"id": "example-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a wrapped borrow to the cookies in `self`....`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the Content-Type header of `self`. If the header is not present,...`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the Accept header of `self`. If the header is not present,...`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-23"}`, found: `{"id": "example-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the media type "format" of the request....`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the configured application receive limits....`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-27"}`, found: `{"id": "example-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Get the presently matched route, if any....`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Invokes the request guard implemention for `T`, returning its outcome....`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-31"}`, found: `{"id": "example-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retrieves and parses into `T` the 0-indexed `n`th dynamic parameter from...`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retrieves and parses into `T` all of the path segments in the request...`
--> src/request/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "error-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "error"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-35"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a new `Uncased` string from `string` without allocating....`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts `self` into an owned `String`, allocating if necessary....`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts `self` into a `Box<UncasedStr>`....`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `self` as an `&str`....`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a reference to an `UncasedStr` from an `&str`....`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `self` as an `&str`....`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"id": "example-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a `Box<UncasedStr>` into an `Uncased` without copying or allocating....`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Iterator over the segments of an absolute URI path. Skips empty segments....`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of segments in the URI. Empty segments, which are...`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns an iterator over the segments of the path in this URI. Skips...`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the path part of this URI....`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the query part of this URI without the question mark, if there is...`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the fargment part of this URI without the hash mark, if there is...`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a URL-decoded version of the string. If the percent encoded...`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a URL-decoded version of the path. Any invalid UTF-8...`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a URL-encoded version of the string. Any characters outside of...`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the inner string of this URI....`
--> src/http/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h3`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Vary` header, defined in [RFC7231](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-2"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Referrer-Policy` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Range Units, described in [RFC7233](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Range` header, defined in [RFC7233](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The `Pragma` header defined by HTTP/1.0....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[2] Text differs:
expected: `Spec:`
found: `Spec:`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[2] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... 7234#section-5.4</a>`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``If-Range` header, defined in [RFC7233](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``If-None-Match` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``If-Match` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The `Expect` header....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Content-Range, described in [RFC7233](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A Mime charset....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[2] Text differs:
expected: `...`
found: `...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[2] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... acter-sets.xhtml</a>`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` response header,...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``User-Agent` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "notes-1"}`, found: `{"id": "notes", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a `String` into a byte vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends a given string slice onto the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns this `String`'s capacity, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is at least `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of this `String` to match its length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends the given [`char`] to the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a byte slice of this `String`'s contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens this `String` to the specified length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last character from the string buffer and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes a [`char`] from this `String` at a byte position and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the characters specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a character into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a string slice into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a mutable reference to the contents of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "safety-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the length of this `String`, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if this `String` has a length of zero....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the string into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Truncates this `String`, removing all contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that removes the specified range in the string,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts this `String` into a [`Box`]`<`[`str`]`>`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Upgrade` header, defined in [RFC7230](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Transfer-Encoding` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``StrictTransportSecurity` header, defined in [RFC6797](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Referer` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a `String` into a byte vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends a given string slice onto the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns this `String`'s capacity, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is at least `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of this `String` to match its length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends the given [`char`] to the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a byte slice of this `String`'s contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens this `String` to the specified length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last character from the string buffer and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes a [`char`] from this `String` at a byte position and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the characters specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a character into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a string slice into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a mutable reference to the contents of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "safety-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the length of this `String`, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if this `String` has a length of zero....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the string into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Truncates this `String`, removing all contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that removes the specified range in the string,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts this `String` into a [`Box`]`<`[`str`]`>`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Represents a quality used in quality values....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "implementation-notes-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "implementation-notes"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Preference-Applied` header, defined in [RFC7240](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Prefer` header, defined in [RFC7240](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The `Origin` header....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1]/p[2] Text differs:
expected: `..., the value of this header is composed of...`
found: `...`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[2] Unexpected element `a`: found: `<a href=" ... g/#origin-header</a>`
/html[0]/body[1]/p[2] Unexpected element: `, the value of this header is composed of...`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Location` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a `String` into a byte vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends a given string slice onto the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns this `String`'s capacity, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is at least `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of this `String` to match its length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends the given [`char`] to the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a byte slice of this `String`'s contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens this `String` to the specified length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last character from the string buffer and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes a [`char`] from this `String` at a byte position and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the characters specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a character into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a string slice into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a mutable reference to the contents of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the length of this `String`, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if this `String` has a length of zero....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the string into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Truncates this `String`, removing all contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that removes the specified range in the string,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts this `String` into a [`Box`]`<`[`str`]`>`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Last-Modified` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``If-Unmodified-Since` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``If-Modified-Since` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `The `Host` header....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``From` header, defined in [RFC7231](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts a `String` into a byte vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends a given string slice onto the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns this `String`'s capacity, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is at least `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Ensures that this `String`'s capacity is `additional` bytes...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of this `String` to match its length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends the given [`char`] to the end of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a byte slice of this `String`'s contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens this `String` to the specified length....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last character from the string buffer and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes a [`char`] from this `String` at a byte position and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the characters specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a character into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts a string slice into this `String` at a byte position....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a mutable reference to the contents of this `String`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "safety-1"}`, found: `{"id": "safety", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the length of this `String`, in bytes....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if this `String` has a length of zero....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the string into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Truncates this `String`, removing all contents....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the string...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that removes the specified range in the string,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts this `String` into a [`Box`]`<`[`str`]`>`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Expires` header, defined in [RFC7234](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `An entity tag, defined in [RFC7232](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "comparison-1"}`, found: `{"id": "comparison", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Constructs a new EntityTag....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Constructs a new weak EntityTag....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Constructs a new strong EntityTag....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Set the tag....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``ETag` header, defined in [RFC7232](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Set the tag....`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Date` header, defined in [RFC7231](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Content-Type` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Content-Length` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of zeros in the binary representation of `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, `n`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, `n`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reverses the byte order of the integer....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts `self` to big endian from the target's endianness....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts `self` to little endian from the target's endianness....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer addition. Computes `self + other`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer subtraction. Computes `self - other`, returning...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer multiplication. Computes `self * other`, returning...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer division. Computes `self / other`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer remainder. Computes `self % other`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked negation. Computes `-self`, returning `None` unless `self ==...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked shift left. Computes `self << rhs`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked shift right. Computes `self >> rhs`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Saturating integer addition. Computes `self + other`, saturating at...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Saturating integer subtraction. Computes `self - other`, saturating...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Saturating integer multiplication. Computes `self * other`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) addition. Computes `self + other`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) subtraction. Computes `self - other`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) multiplication. Computes `self *...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) division. Computes `self / other`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) remainder. Computes `self % other`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) negation. Computes `-self`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Panic-free bitwise shift-left; yields `self << mask(rhs)`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Panic-free bitwise shift-right; yields `self >> mask(rhs)`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates `self` + `rhs`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates `self` - `rhs`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates the multiplication of `self` and `rhs`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates the divisor when `self` is divided by `rhs`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates the remainder when `self` is divided by `rhs`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-65", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-64", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Negates self in an overflowing fashion....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-67", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-66", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts self left by `rhs` bits....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-69"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-68", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts self right by `rhs` bits....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-71"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-70", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Raises self to the power of `exp`, using exponentiation by squaring....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-73"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-72"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if and only if `self == 2^k` for some `k`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-75"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-74", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-77", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-76"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to `n`. If...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-79", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-78", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Content-Language` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Content-Encoding` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `A `Content-Disposition` header, (re)defined in [RFC6266](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Connection` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Cache-Control` header, defined in [RFC7234](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-5"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-28"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Authorization` header, defined in [RFC7235](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Allow` header, defined in [RFC7231](`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-10"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-53", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Access-Control-Request-Method` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Access-Control-Request-Headers` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-45"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-55"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Access-Control-Max-Age` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of zeros in the binary representation of `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, `n`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, `n`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reverses the byte order of the integer....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts `self` to big endian from the target's endianness....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts `self` to little endian from the target's endianness....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer addition. Computes `self + other`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-20"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer subtraction. Computes `self - other`, returning...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer multiplication. Computes `self * other`, returning...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer division. Computes `self / other`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked integer remainder. Computes `self % other`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked negation. Computes `-self`, returning `None` unless `self ==...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked shift left. Computes `self << rhs`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Checked shift right. Computes `self >> rhs`, returning `None`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Saturating integer addition. Computes `self + other`, saturating at...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Saturating integer subtraction. Computes `self - other`, saturating...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Saturating integer multiplication. Computes `self * other`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) addition. Computes `self + other`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) subtraction. Computes `self - other`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) multiplication. Computes `self *...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-47"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) division. Computes `self / other`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) remainder. Computes `self % other`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Wrapping (modular) negation. Computes `-self`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Panic-free bitwise shift-left; yields `self << mask(rhs)`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Panic-free bitwise shift-right; yields `self >> mask(rhs)`,...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates `self` + `rhs`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates `self` - `rhs`...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates the multiplication of `self` and `rhs`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates the divisor when `self` is divided by `rhs`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-65", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-64"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Calculates the remainder when `self` is divided by `rhs`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-67", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-66"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Negates self in an overflowing fashion....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-69"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-68", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts self left by `rhs` bits....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-71", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-70", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shifts self right by `rhs` bits....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-73"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-72", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Raises self to the power of `exp`, using exponentiation by squaring....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-75", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-74"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if and only if `self == 2^k` for some `k`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-77"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-76", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to `self`....`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-79"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-78"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to `n`. If...`
--> /checkout/src/libcore/num/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-81", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-80"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Access-Control-Expose-Headers` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-2"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-16"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-10"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-42"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-16"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-49"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-56", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Access-Control-Allow-Methods` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-2", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-15"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-11"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-35"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-34", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-37", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-12"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-39"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-14", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-41"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-44"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-46"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-51"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-54"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-57"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-58", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-60", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Access-Control-Allow-Headers` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values-1"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-5"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-6", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-11"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-19"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-18", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-21", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-25", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-29"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-31", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-30", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-33"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-32", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-36", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-38"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-40"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-43"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-17"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-48"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-50", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-52"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-59"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-19"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-18", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-61"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-63", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-62"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` header, part of...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf-1"}`, found: `{"id": "abnf", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "example-values", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Accept-Ranges` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"id": "examples", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-3", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-4"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-8"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-13", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-12"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-14", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-17"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-4", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-6", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-23"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-22"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-9"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-8"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-24", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-27", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-26", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector that resolve to the same...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-29", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-28", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes all but the first of consecutive elements in the vector satisfying a given equality...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-31"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-30"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Appends an element to the back of a collection....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-10", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-33", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-32"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns a place for insertion at the back of the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-35", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-34"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the last element from a vector and returns it, or [`None`] if it...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-37"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-36"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-13"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-12", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-39", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-38", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-14"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-41", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-40", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clears the vector, removing all values....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-43", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-42", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements in the vector, also referred to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-45", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-44", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns `true` if the vector contains no elements....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-47", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-46", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Splits the collection into two at the given index....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-16", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-49", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-48", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-51", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-50"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Clones and appends all elements in a slice to the `Vec`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-53"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-52", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Resizes the `Vec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-55", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-54", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-57", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-56"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes the first instance of `item` from the vector if the item exists....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-59", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-58"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates a splicing iterator that replaces the specified range in the vector...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-18"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-61", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-60"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be removed....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-63"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-62", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in ``Accept-Language` header, defined in...`
--> /home/misdreavus/.cargo/registry/src/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "abnf-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "abnf"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "example-values-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "example-values"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-1"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Returns the number of elements the vector can hold without...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-3"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-2"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-1", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-4", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-3"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-2", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-7", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-6"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-9"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-8", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Converts the vector into [`Box<[T]>`][owned slice]....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-11", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-10", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Shortens the vector, keeping the first `len` elements and dropping...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-13"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-12", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a slice containing the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-15", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-14"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Extracts a mutable slice of the entire vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-17", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-16", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Sets the length of a vector....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-19", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-18"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes an element from the vector and returns it....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-5", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-4"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-21"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-20", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Inserts an element at position `index` within the vector, shifting all...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-7"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "panics-6"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "examples-23", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "examples-22", "class": "section-header"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Removes and returns the element at position `index` within the vector,...`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"id": "panics-9", "class": "section-header"}`, found: `{"id": "panics-8", "class": "section-header"}`
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-25"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-24"}`
WARNING: rendering difference in `Retains only the elements specified by the predicate....`
--> /checkout/src/liballoc/
/html[0]/body[1] Attributes differ in `h1`: expected: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-27"}`, found: `{"class": "section-header", "id": "examples-26"}`
WARNING: rende
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