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Last active August 19, 2019 17:48
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  • Save QuietusPlus/59d8612ec13ea929704542eb0bd8d52c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Write-Menu has been moved to it's own repository located at:
function Write-Menu {
Write-Menu (v1.0)
by QuietusPlus
LICENSE: This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
Based on "Simple Textbased Powershell Menu" by Michael Albert []
Outputs a command-line menu, which can be navigated using the keyboard.
Outputs a command-line menu, which can be navigated using the keyboard.
Controls Description
-------- -----------
Arrow Up + Down Change selection
Arrow Left + Right Switch pages
Enter Confirm selection
Escape Exit menu
Menu entries.
Title shown at the top.
Page to display.
PS > $choice = Write-Menu -Title 'Test Menu' -Entries @('Test Object 1', 'Test Object 2', 'Test Object 3', 'Test Object 4')
Menu Title
Menu Option 1
Menu Option 2
Menu Option 3
Menu Option 4
Page 1 / 1
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
# Clear screen
# Check if parameters have been passed
if ($Entries -like $null) { return }
if ($Page -like $null) { $Page = 0 }
if ($Title -notlike $null) {
[System.Console]::WriteLine("`n " + $Title + "`n") # Display title
$pageListSize = ($host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Height - 7) # Set menu height
} else {
[System.Console]::WriteLine('') # Skip title display
$pageListSize = ($host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Height - 5) # Set menu height
$colorForegroundSaved = [System.Console]::ForegroundColor; $colorBackgroundSaved = [System.Console]::BackgroundColor # Save original colours
$colorForeground = $colorForegroundSaved; $colorBackground = $colorBackgroundSaved # Set colours, modify this to change colours
$colorForegroundSelected = $colorBackground; $colorBackgroundSelected = $colorForeground # Set inverted colours
# Amount of entries in total
$entriesTotal = $Entries.Length
# First entry of page (location within entire array)
$pageFirstEntry = ($pageListSize * $Page)
# Total pages
$pageTotal = [math]::Ceiling((($entriesTotal - $pageListSize) / $pageListSize))
# Amount of entries on last page
if ($Page -eq $pageTotal) { $pageEntriesCount = ($entriesTotal - ($pageListSize * $pageTotal))
# Amount of entries on fully populated page
} else { $pageEntriesCount = $pageListSize }
# Position within console
$positionCurrent = 0
$positionSelected = 0
$positionTotal = 0
$positionTop = [System.Console]::CursorTop
# Get entries for current page
$pageEntries = @()
foreach ($i in 0..$pageListSize) {
$pageEntries += $Entries[($pageFirstEntry + $i)]
Write Page
do {
$menuLoop = $true
[System.Console]::CursorTop = ($positionTop - $positionTotal)
for ($positionCurrent = 0; $positionCurrent -le ($pageEntriesCount - 1); $positionCurrent++) {
# Replace previous line
# If selected, invert colours
if ($positionCurrent -eq $positionSelected) { [System.Console]::BackgroundColor = $colorBackgroundSelected; [System.Console]::ForegroundColor = $colorForegroundSelected }
# Write entry
[System.Console]::Write(' ' + $pageEntries[$positionCurrent] + ' ')
# Reset colours
[System.Console]::BackgroundColor = $colorBackground; [System.Console]::ForegroundColor = $colorForeground
# Empty line
# Write page indicator
[System.Console]::WriteLine("`n Page $($Page + 1) / $($pageTotal + 1)`n")
User Input
# Read key input
$menuInput = [System.Console]::ReadKey($true)
# Arrow down
if (($menuInput.Key -eq 'DownArrow') -and ($positionSelected -lt ($pageEntriesCount - 1))) { $positionSelected++
# Arrow up
} elseif (($menuInput.Key -eq 'UpArrow') -and ($positionSelected -gt 0)) { $positionSelected--
# Enter
} elseif ($menuInput.Key -eq 'Enter') { $menuLoop = $false
# Escape
} elseif ($menuInput.Key -eq 'Escape') { $menuLoop = $false
# Arrow left
} elseif ($menuInput.Key -eq 'LeftArrow') { if ($Page -ne 0) { $Page--; $menuLoop = $false }
# Arrow right
} elseif ($menuInput.Key -eq 'RightArrow') { if ($Page -ne $pageTotal) { $Page++; $menuLoop = $false } }
} while ($menuLoop)
# Finish operations for pressed key
if ($menuInput.Key -eq 'Escape') {
Clear-Host; return
} elseif ($menuInput.Key -eq 'Enter') {
Clear-Host; return ($pageEntries[$positionSelected])
} elseif (($menuInput.Key -eq 'LeftArrow') -or ($menuInput.Key -eq 'RightArrow')) {
if ($Title -notlike $null) { # Check if title has previously been passed
Write-Menu -Entries $Entries -Page $Page -Title $Title
} else { # If not, skip title
Write-Menu -Entries $Entries -Page $Page
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QuietusPlus commented Jun 19, 2016


Write-Menu has been moved to it's own repository, which means this gist will no longer be updated!

Please use/visit instead...

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