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Created January 28, 2014 22:48
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Sticky footer JS and Omega theme code
// Load the matchMedia polyfill.
if (module_exists('picture') && drupal_get_library('picture', 'matchmedia')) {
$options = array('group' => 'globalgamejam_theme');
// Load the mediaquery behavior from Omega. This allows registering media
// queries via Drupal.settings to automatically print body classes based on
// whether or not they currently apply.
$omega = drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega');
drupal_add_js("$omega/js/omega.mediaqueries.js", $options);
// Register the media queries. The array keys will be used to compose the body
// class names and the values are the actual media queries.
drupal_add_js(array('omega' => array('mediaQueries' => array(
'mobile' => 'all',
'narrow' => 'all and (min-width: 740px)',
'normal' => 'all and (min-width: 980px)',
'wide' => 'all and (min-width: 1220px)',
))), 'setting');
(function ($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
* Sticky footer
Drupal.behaviors.stickyFooterBreakpoint = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
$('body').bind('responsivelayout', function(evt, newBreakpoint) {
Drupal.behaviors.stickyFooter.attach(context, settings);
Drupal.behaviors.stickyFooter = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
// If the
var omegaSettings = || {};
var mediaQueries = omegaSettings.mediaQueries || {};
var currentBreakpoint;
$.each(mediaQueries, function (index, value) {
var mql = window.matchMedia(value);
if (mql.matches == true) {
currentBreakpoint = index;
switch (currentBreakpoint) {
case 'wide':
case 'normal':
case 'narrow':
// Don't trigger sticky footer on ever window resize
// Drupal.theme('stickyFooter');
$(window).off('resize', stickyFooterReset);
case 'mobile':
// Trigger sticky footer on every window resize
$(window).on('resize', stickyFooterReset);
* Override Omega's Media Query Class handler.
Drupal.behaviors.omegaMediaQueryClasses.handler = function (name, mql) {
$.event.trigger('responsivelayout', {current: name});
if (mql.matches) {
$('body').removeClass(name + '-inactive').addClass(name + '-active');
else {
$('body').removeClass(name + '-active').addClass(name + '-inactive');
var stickyFooterReset = function() {
// // Unset the height of the content.
var winHeight = $(window).height();
var footerHeight = $('.l-footer').outerHeight(true);
var mainMarginTop = $('.l-main').offset().top;
// Fix the main section padding bottom to exactly match the footer.
var paddingBottom = parseInt(footerHeight);
$('.l-main').css('padding-bottom', paddingBottom);
// If the height of the content is smaller than the white background,
// then make the white background the full height.
var winHeight = $(window).height();
var footerHeight = $('.l-footer').height();
var contentTop = $('.l-content').offset().top;
var whiteContent = winHeight - footerHeight - contentTop - mainMarginTop;
if ($('.l-content').height() < whiteContent) {
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