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Last active November 2, 2016 11:30
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Section template for which allows multiple slides in one markdown file
<% if (!_.isString(slide) && !_.isArray(slide) && _.isObject(slide)) { %>
<section <%=, function (val, attr) {return attr + '="' + val + '"'}).join(' ')%> <% if (_.isString(slide.filename)) { %>data-<% if (slide.filename.indexOf('.html') !== -1) { %>html<% } else { %>markdown<% }%>="slides/<%= slide.filename %>"<% } %>
<% } %><% if (_.isString(slide)) { %>
<section data-<% if (slide.indexOf('.html') !== -1) { %>html<% } else { %>markdown<% }%>="slides/<%= slide %>"
<% } %>
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