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Created August 21, 2015 19:31
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Save QuingKhaos/c0b60f5a1161c861a984 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
w00t a complex menu :O!
{% extends 'knp_menu_base.html.twig' %}
{% set scopesTree = constant('Pixelart\\Extensions\\Baselayout\\Menu\\MainMenuBuilder::SCOPES_TREE') %}
{% set pagesTree = constant('Pixelart\\Extensions\\Baselayout\\Menu\\MainMenuBuilder::PAGES_TREE') %}
{% macro attributes(attributes) %}
{% for name, value in attributes %}
{%- if value is not none and value is not sameas(false) -%}
{{- ' %s="%s"'|format(name, value is sameas(true) ? name|e : value|e)|raw -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endmacro %}
{% block compressed_root %}
{% spaceless %}
{{ block('root') }}
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock %}
{% block root %}
<nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top">
<div class="navbar-header">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="{{ options.home_link }}">
<img src="{{ options.logo }}" class="img-responsive">
<div class="navbar-body">
{{ block('firstList') }}
{{ block('secondList') }}
{% endblock %}
{% block firstList %}
{# save current variables #}
{% set mainOptions = options %}
{% set mainItem = item %}
{% for item in mainItem %}
{% set options = options|merge({'depth': -1}) %}
<ul class="nav navbar-nav {{ item.attribute('class') }}">
{{ block('children') }}
{% endfor %}
{# restore current variables #}
{% set item = mainItem %}
{% set options = mainOptions %}
{% endblock %}
{% block secondList %}
{%- import _self as knp_menu %}
{# save current variables #}
{%- set mainOptions = options %}
{%- set mainItem = item %}
{%- set anyScopeActive = false %}
{%- for item in mainItem.getChild('sites').children if item.getExtra('type') == scopesTree %}
{%- if matcher.isCurrent(item) %}
{%- set anyScopeActive = true %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
<div class="menu-container-type-{{ scopesTree }}">
<div class="green-line"></div>
<div class="nav-left">
{%- for item in mainItem.getChild('sites') if item.getExtra('type') == scopesTree %}
{%- set options = options|merge({'depth': -1}) %}
{{ block('children') }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- for item in mainItem.getChild('sites') if item.getExtra('type') == scopesTree %}
{%- set options = options|merge({'depth': 0}) %}
{{ block('children') }}
{%- endfor %}
<div class="menu-container-type-{{ pagesTree }}">
<div class="green-line"></div>
{%- for item in mainItem.getChild('sites') if item.getExtra('type') == pagesTree %}
{%- set listAttributes = item.childrenAttributes %}
{%- set listAttributes = listAttributes|merge({
'class': (listAttributes.class|default('') ~ ' content')|trim
}) %}
<div{{ knp_menu.attributes(listAttributes) }}>
<a href="#" class="close"></a>
<div class="row content">
{%- set options = options|merge({'depth': 0}) %}
{{ block('children') }}
<div class="row bottom">
<div class="col-md-12">
{%- set linkAttributes = item.linkAttributes %}
{%- set linkAttributes = linkAttributes|merge({
'class': (linkAttributes.class|default('') ~ ' btn')|trim
}) %}
<a href="{{ item.uri }}"{{ knp_menu.attributes(linkAttributes) }}>
<span class="arrow-left"></span>
{{- block('nav_label') -}}
{%- endfor %}
{# restore current variables #}
{%- set item = mainItem %}
{%- set options = mainOptions %}
{% endblock %}
{% block children %}
{# save current variables #}
{%- set currentOptions = options %}
{%- set currentItem = item %}
{# update the depth for children #}
{%- if options.depth is not none %}
{% set options = options|merge({'depth': currentOptions.depth + 1}) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- for item in currentItem.children %}
{%- if options.depth == 2 %}
{{ block('applicationItem') }}
{%- elseif options.depth == 1 and currentItem.getExtra('type') == pagesTree %}
{{ block('pageItem') }}
{%- elseif options.depth == 1 and currentItem.getExtra('type') == scopesTree %}
{{ block('scopeItem') }}
{%- elseif options.depth == 0 and currentItem.getExtra('type') == scopesTree %}
{{ block('scopeListItem') }}
{% elseif options.depth == 0 %}
{{ block('firstItem') }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{# restore current variables #}
{%- set item = currentItem %}
{%- set options = currentOptions %}
{% endblock %}
{% block firstItem -%}
{%- set labelAttributes = item.labelAttributes %}
{%- if matcher.isCurrent(item) %}
{%- set labelAttributes = labelAttributes|merge({
'class': (labelAttributes.class|default('') ~ ' current-page')|trim
}) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- import _self as knp_menu %}
<li{{ knp_menu.attributes(item.attributes) }}>
<a href="{{ item.uri }}"{{ knp_menu.attributes(item.linkAttributes) }}>
<span{{ knp_menu.attributes(labelAttributes) }}>{{ block('label') }}</span>
{%- endblock %}
{% block scopeListItem -%}
{%- set attributes = item.attributes %}
{%- if matcher.isCurrent(item) or (not anyScopeActive and loop.first) %}
{%- set attributes = attributes|merge({
'class': (labelAttributes.class|default('') ~ ' active')|trim
}) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- import _self as knp_menu -%}
<li{{ knp_menu.attributes(attributes) }}>
<a href="{{ item.uri }}"{{ knp_menu.attributes(item.linkAttributes) }}>
{{- block('label') }} <span class="arrow-left"></span>
{%- endblock %}
{% block scopeItem %}
{%- set listAttributes = item.childrenAttributes %}
{%- set listAttributes = listAttributes|merge({
'class': (listAttributes.class|default('') ~ ' info-right')|trim
}) %}
<div{{ knp_menu.attributes(listAttributes) }}>
<div class="img-container">
{% spaceless %}
{% if matcher.isCurrent(item) or (not anyScopeActive and loop.first) %}
src="{{ t3image_resource(item.getExtra('image'), 'menu_scope') }}"
{% else %}
class="lazy" width="1145" height="300"
{% endif %}
data-original="{{ t3image_resource(item.getExtra('image'), 'menu_scope') }}">
{% endspaceless %}
<a href="{{ item.uri }}" class="btn"><span class="arrow-left"></span>{{ block('nav_label') }}</a>
<a href="#" class="close"></a>
<div class="icon-container">
<div class="row">
{{ block('children') }}
{% endblock %}
{% block applicationItem -%}
<div class="col-xs-4 col-lg-3">
{%- set attributes = item.attributes %}
{%- set attributes = attributes|merge({
'class': (attributes.class|default('') ~ ' circle-link')|trim
}) %}
{%- import _self as knp_menu -%}
<a href="{{ item.uri }}"{{ knp_menu.attributes(item.linkAttributes) }}>
<div{{ knp_menu.attributes(attributes) }}>
{{ t3image(item.getExtra('image'), item.label, 'menu_application') }}
<div class="circle-link-caption">{{ block('label') }}</div>
{%- endblock %}
{% block pageItem -%}
<div class="col-md-3">
{%- import _self as knp_menu -%}
<a href="{{ item.uri }}"{{ knp_menu.attributes(item.linkAttributes) }}>
<div class="img-zoom-wrapper">
<img class="lazy img-responsive"
data-original="{{ t3image_resource(item.getExtra('image'), 'menu_page_teaser') }}"
width="300" height="200">
<h3>{{ block('label') }}</h3>
{%- endblock %}
{%- block linkElement -%}
{%- import _self as knp_menu -%}
<a href="{{ item.uri }}"{{ knp_menu.attributes(item.linkAttributes) }}>{{ block('label') }}</a>
{%- endblock -%}
{%- block nav_label -%}
{%- set oldLabel = item.label %}
{%- set navLabel = item.getExtra('nav_label')|default(oldLabel) %}
{{- item.setLabel(navLabel) ? '' : '' }}
{{- block('label') -}}
{{- item.setLabel(oldLabel) ? '' : '' }}
{%- endblock -%}
{%- block label -%}
{%- if options.allow_safe_labels and item.getExtra('safe_label', false) -%}
{{ item.label|raw }}
{%- else -%}
{{ item.label }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endblock -%}
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