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Last active September 21, 2022 15:54
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  • Save QuinnrElder/4af21a5946811e6c9364aac17010b18c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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6 month goals

Specific - What is the specific task?

Measurable - What are the checkpooint and what outcome is expected?

  • Checkpoints:
    • Complete one section of the course other week and note the completion with a screen shot in lattice.
    • Recieve Certification of completion for finishing the course and post a screen shot in lattice.
    • Have a repo with the work required to complete the sections of the coarse.
  • Outcomes:
    • I would like to have a deeper inderstanding of Cypress testing and the general best practices and approaches. All while increasing my knowledge of Jest and RTL.
    • Another outcome I would like to have is the ability to increase my speed with testing on client projects and can assisting others in clean solutions.

Achievable - Is the task feasible? Enough time and resources to complete?

  • I believe that completing this goal in the given amout of time mentioned in the GIST is very feasible. Completing one course paired with the other goals and client work is perfect.

Relevant – Does meeting this objective create value on a personal and company level?

  • Developing best practices and increasing knowledge in widely used framworks such as Jest, RTL, and Cypress will increase the value I bring to any team.

Time-Bound - What are the start and end dates?

  • I will complete this goal prior to the next review; Febuary 2023.

Specific - What is the specific task?

Measurable - What are the checkpooint and what outcome is expected?

  • Checkpoints:
    • Complete one-two section of the course other week and note the completion with a screen shot in lattice.
    • Recieve Certification of completion for finishing the course and post a screen shot in lattice.
    • Have a repo with the work required to complete the sections of the coarse.
  • Outcomes:
    • I want to understand the approach to the fundamentals of GraphQL, including data types, schemas, and integration with Express and React. Continuing my education in an area that touches touches the FE but is not building components will keep thing interesting and applicable to future projects.

Achievable - Is the task feasible? Enough time and resources to complete?

  • I believe that completing this goal in the given amout of time mentioned in the GIST is very feasible. Completing one course paired with the other goals and client work is perfect.

Relevant – Does meeting this objective create value on a personal and company level?

  • I have always been interested in understanding the "digital connective tissues that bridges systems together to be reused, shared, and monetized effectively" - Fauna. Also, by completing this I can continue to grow my level of experience in diffrent areas promoting flexability to clients and fellow teamates.

Time-Bound - What are the start and end dates?

  • I will complete this goal prior to the next review; Febuary 2023.

Foundry Article #2

Specific - What is the specific task?

  • I am currently writinf a foundry article --Exploring Empathy in the Workplace. There is a rough draft written for a follow up article --Developer Empathy. I will have published the two articles prior to the next review; Febuary 2023.

Measurable - What are the checkpooint and what outcome is expected?

  • Checkpoints:
    • Article one goes into peer review.

    • Article one is approved for publishing.

    • Article one is published.

    • Article two ~ set up meeting with Kaitlyn for concept/direction meeting.

    • Article two goes into its first stage of edits.

    • Article two goes into its second stage of edits.

    • Article two goes into peer review.

    • Article two is approved for publishing.

    • Article two is published.

  • Outcomes:
    • I will have two article published within the Foundry that aids in a depper understanding of empathetic workspaces.

Achievable - Is the task feasible? Enough time and resources to complete?

  • I am no writer! ~ that said I will have the first article under my belt soon and the second one will go more smoothly that the first. (took way longer than expected) I enjoy the process and it is really cool to be able to contribute to Sparkbox in another area than code.

Relevant – Does meeting this objective create value on a personal and company level?

  • Heck yea! Empathy is one of our core values!! lol

Time-Bound - What are the start and end dates?

  • I will complete this goal prior to the next review; Febuary 2023.

Contentful Exposure

Specific - What is the specific task?

  • I currently have experience in contentful through the DCS project. I know that Contentful is a powerfull tool used by big companies; i.e. DCS. With little experience I have in Contentful I think it would be appropriate to create a goal around the tool. Contenful has a Learning Center where the offer developer courses. My goal is to complete the beginner and intermediate courses.

Measurable - What are the checkpooint and what outcome is expected?

  • Checkpoints:
    • Complete one-two section of the course other week and note the completion with a screen shot in lattice.
    • Recieve Certification of completion for finishing the course and post a screen shot in lattice.
    • Have a repo with the work required to complete the sections of the coarse.
  • Outcomes:
    • Gain speed and confidence in DCS migration
    • Gain greater understanding of Contentful
    • Have confidence in what contentful can do (basic to intermediate) and able to complete these types of tasks.

Achievable - Is the task feasible? Enough time and resources to complete?

  • I believe that completing this goal in the given amout of time mentioned in the GIST is very feasible. Completing 23 (5-45min) courses breaks down to one per week consistently.

Relevant – Does meeting this objective create value on a personal and company level?

  • Developing best practices and increasing knowledge in Contentful will increase the value I bring to the DCS team over the following time on the project; while increasing my value for future projects that use this tool.

Time-Bound - What are the start and end dates?

  • I will complete this goal prior to the next review; Febuary 2023.

Apprentice Goal ~ TBD

Specific - What is the specific task?

Measurable - What are the checkpooint and what outcome is expected?

  • Checkpoints:
    • [ ]
  • Outcomes:
    • Assist in the apprentices success
    • Learn and grow with new(people I have not worked closely with)/potentially new team members.

Achievable - Is the task feasible? Enough time and resources to complete?

Relevant – Does meeting this objective create value on a personal and company level?

Time-Bound - What are the start and end dates?

  • I will complete this goal prior to the next review; Febuary 2023.

Career Growth Goal #1 ~ Write a multi-part tutorial series on the Foundry over a topic I am learning

Specific - What is the specific task?

  • Over the course of the next six months(next review - Febuary 2023) I will be completeing two Udemy courses and through these a personal side project. I will write a multi-part tutorial series for the Foundry based on what I learn. At a minimum I will commit to 3 articles.

Measurable - What are the checkpooint and what outcome is expected?

  • Checkpoints:
    • As I progress through a Udemy course or my personal project I will create a list the things that are new and in my opinion valuable and begin to create content for the articles out of this list and findings.
  • Outcomes:
    • There will be at a minimum of three articles published pertaining to to the work that I complete over the next six months.

Achievable - Is the task feasible? Enough time and resources to complete?

  • I thing this is a great goal. It is a streatch goal that I am excited to achieve.

Relevant – Does meeting this objective create value on a personal and company level?

  • This has direct relivence to my 180 day review with Catherine.

Time-Bound - What are the start and end dates?

  • I will complete this goal prior to the next review; Febuary 2023.

Career Growth Goal #2 ~ Build a side project in vanilla html & css

Specific - What is the specific task?

  • I will create a fun 1970/80's groovy themed web page for the articles that I create and then will use these pages in my personal website. Each site that I creat for the articles will be out of RawHTML and CSS using:
  • BEM
  • A11y For this goal I will commit to one full web page for my first Foundry article. If there is available time more...

Measurable - What are the checkpooint and what outcome is expected?

  • Checkpoints:
    • Create Wire Frame in Figma
    • Create Repo in Github
    • Build out RawHTML structure
    • RawHTML will be full accessible
    • Apply BEM Class Naming
    • Style the page with Groovy Theme
  • Outcomes:
    • There will be a repo in Github that has the finished product. That can then be placed in my personal web page.

Achievable - Is the task feasible? Enough time and resources to complete?

  • Very do-able! The content/data for the page is already created.

Relevant – Does meeting this objective create value on a personal and company level?

  • This has direct relivence to my 180 day review with Catherine.

Time-Bound - What are the start and end dates?

  • I will complete this goal prior to the next review; Febuary 2023.

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