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Last active March 4, 2020 16:58
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In a few sentences, explain what the project was and the scope of your work. Imagine explaining your answer to a technical recruiter or a developer who you’d potentially be interviewing with who knows nothing about Turing.


  • In this project of: Intention Timer, we were given a COMP of an APP we were to re-create as well as a iterations of functionality that we needed to impliment within that COMP. The APP was originally designed to give the user a choice of category boxes that were labeled as: STUDY, MEDITATE or EXERCISE. Once the user had choosen a cotegory. The user would then enter information into a Form that would specify what goal the user wanted to accomplish within the selected categories from above. Then they would input the amount of time that they wanted to spend accomplishing that goal. As long as the form was completely filled out the user would then click a START ACTIVITY button and a new page would load in with all the information that was gathered from the first page. From here the user would be able to click the start button on page2 and the amount of time that was entered for that goal would begin to countdown. Once the clock ran out of specified time. The user would then be able to log out the information reguarding that specific task that was just accomplished. After the log of that task was complete the user would be able to get back to the main page and continue creating new accomplishment goals.


  • In this project of: Check Yó Self. We were given a link to a an APP that we were instructed to recreate, as well . as guidlines to the functionality of the APP. The was was originally designed to allow a user to creat a check list of tasks with an appropriate title for the checklist. The data model needed to represent what was going to be displayed on the DOM. If a user was to create a task and soon deside that the task was no longer needed. They would be able to remove it from the task list before creating a ToDo List Card. The user would also want to be able to give a task a visual que once the task had been completed on the ToDo List Card. The data that was needed for the population of the cards on the click of a button or the reload of the page "If the user was revisiting the app" needed to be stored. These new object instances of our classes were stored in localStorage once the user had created a ToDo Card. The final two steps were a Search Bar and its respected functionality and creating ToDo Cards to be urgent if the tasks on the ToDo Card was of importantce.

Overall (Choose One)

What role do you typically play on a team? (If you answer, provide an example from this project)

First Duo Project

  • The roles that I typically play on teams would be what is called the Visionary. The rolle of a visionary is: The visionary leader focuses on being inspiring and typically provides teams with a direction without mandating how to get there. This style encourages team member to take initiative when resolving issues or meeting goals. It should be used when communicating with individual team members. The key thing to remember is to focus on leveraging your knowledge and experience, and exercise, self-confidence, and empathy. This leadership style is best used when sharing information about a new direction, or for assisting teams in areas of change management. It may, however, not be as useful when communicating with individuals who are more seasoned and experienced.

What is your approach to working on a team? (In your answer, provide an example from this project)

First Group Project

  • My approach to working on a team is slowly changing and seems to be forever adapting to the people I am working with. From the beginning we had a strong DTR and were happy with what our expectations were. As time progressed I was starting to relize that we wern't asking the right questions in our DTR and that we needed to not only go back and reflect on what there was originally but see what needed to be updated. For my next duo or group projects, I will be spending more time asking indepth question and diving deeper into what underlying issues we might come across. Rather that keeping it vauge and surfice level concerns. I will also ask in the DTR that we set expectations for multiple sprints and meet ups for retros based on the sprints. The only way we can grow while in the projects is to recognize what is working and what is not!

Tell me about a time you had a disagreement with a colleague and how you resolved it. (only choose if applicable to this project)

Final Solo Project

  • In this instance the disagreement wasn't with a person but my code! I was at a point in my project where I was creating a new object instance of both my classes at the top of my main.js file. This was how we approached letting out pages talk to eachother in my last group project. Shortly I relized that I was creating those to early on and I was loosing Data that I had been saving in those object instances. So instead of creating more tech debt I deligated a part of the day to refactoring my code base. I did this so I could use the information I was gathering and manipulating to be used in the correct places. From there we were back on track and moving foreward with little to no tech debt to reolve later, I had clean dry code, the data was being used correctly and responsive to all my code.

Technical (Choose One)

What was a specific technical challenge your group faced? How did you approach this challenge? What went well? What was a struggle?

First Duo Project

  • "in my opinion" The biggest technical challenge that our group faced was the diffrence in the level of understanding in CSS and HTML. So when the project was first kicked off because the group members diffrent understandings of HTML or CSS. We needed to take a step back as a team and make sure that before we moved onto JavaScript and the functionality aspects of the COMP. That all team members we solid and comfortable with what we were doing, why were doing these things, understanding key concepts and being able to impliment them comfortably. The challenge lyed in slowing down and ensurinng that I was not going to steamroll my partner with end goal ideas and concepts, all while keeping a momentum that would allow the project to be finished on time and in a creative way. The key take away from this challenge was that in the end the people I am working with and their needs are more important that the end goal. Because if I was to ignore and move past the teams needs it would just create more conflict and more frustration within the team.

What resources or strategies did you use when you were presented with a technical challenge?

First Group Project

  • The biggest strategy that we used was asking for help with a Mentor or other alums as well as higher mod students. I am not agianst this approach but I feel like there are other things that we can do as a team that wont take away from our learning process. Asking for help is great and at a certain point it is inevitable. Prior to that point I would love to start to sue-do code and break down our problems so things do get so overwhelming. Then maybe we can start to solve our own problems rather than having an outside person touch our code.

You can’t work out how to solve a coding problem. What do you do to find the answer?

Final Solo Project

  • This process is something that I take very seriously becuase I have started to figure out how I learn! HOw I learn starts with the strugle! I have to submerged in what I am doing! #Coding. When I hit the wall that we all know is inevitable. I have to get comfertable and undersstand the fact thatI hit the wall and I have this obstical in my way of finishing another obstical. After 30 min of struglling with googling and suedo-coding on my own yet, not getting anywhere! I reach out to slack and my peers for a rubber duck! We will not touch my code we will suedo code and google together the tools that we think we need to solve the problem at hand. After a few min of this I will divert back to my code with these new ideas and tools to take down this WALL! I will eathe do some damage to the wall or take it down. But after 30 more min if the wall still stands I will reach back out. Then is the only time I will have someone touch my code and dive in together. This proccess iss a struggle most of the time and I dont get as far as I hoped I would. Ill tell you that I have a better understanding of the struggle, the wall, the tools needed to take the wall down & a growth mindset about the next wall!


What is one personal/professional takeaway from this project?

First Duo Project

  • I have learned that even if we dont get to the teams original end goal in the time given that it is ok! "not perfered but ok" With time and practice we as a whole can make that end goal happen. It is more important to have the team succeed as a whole rather than a single individual moving foreward on their own. We > I!

Fist Group Project

  • That I need to not worry about peoples feelings and speek up if a person in the group is affecting the learning of myself or others. There were many points in this project where the learning of myself and others was sacrificed to getting things to work so we can stay "on-track". Speak up and make sure that everyone is on the same page!

Final Solo Project

  • The biggest take away from this final project was 3 fold: - ONE: That trust the proccess that Turing has created as well as the processes that I created for myself! - TWo: I WILL, I MUST, I CAN! - THREE: I have a great understandaing of how we can nest data inside of things and repeate that multiple times until we have data nested thre plus level deep. Then go and retrieve specific data within these complex data types at any level and return that data or manipulate it the pass it into other parts of code to get certain outcomes.

What is one technical takeaway from this project?

  • In this project I specifically was able to understand JavaScript in a greater mannor and how it impliment these key cancepts comfortablly. I also learned that if I have a stronger understanding of something more than someone els. It is great practice to get as many reps as I can in those things I believe I am stronger in because more than not I can always use more practice implimenting them and communicating them.

  • The biggest technical takeaway from this project was how to use classes and have seperate files talk to eachother. As well as understang how to implement seperate JS files where only certain functionallity can exist within those files.

Based on these takeaways, what is something you want to focus on for the next project?

First Duo Project

  • In the next project I want to be able to continue to help my team in anyway that I can. As well as continue to grow in implimenting functionality within that group and personally. Last to make sure that I can deligate the leadership roll so I can spend a litle more time familiarizing myself with concepts I am struggling with.

First Group Project

  • What I am going to implement in our next project individual, DUO or group. Will be spending more time looking over the COMP to insure we can avoid tech debt as much as possible. Then making sure that the DTR is indepth and not just serfice level expectations. Getting down to the nitty-gritty so that we really understand what the group needs. Last but almost most importantly is planning out sprints and retros based on the sprints so we can see what is working and what is not!

Final Solo Project

  • The thing that I am going to take with me is going to have to be my level of understanding as well as relizing how I learn. Continuing to implement practices that help my learning and understanding! With a dash of that Growth Mindset.
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