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Last active August 24, 2022 13:51
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Catherine and Quinn DTR

DTR: Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

What is your collaboration style? (groups and individual)


  • (indi) I love to try and figure things out on my own. Especially when I am familure with the topic or task.
  • (group)I love to pair on new things that others and I are interested in learning. Also, when there is a big task at hand and all hand need to be on deck

What are my strengths? How can my strengths complement our team?


  • Motivated ~ I am always willing to put in the work.
  • Communication ~ I have a tendency to over communicate and ask lots of questions.
  • I believe that if we take care of the small things the big things tend to work themselves out.
  • I believe that with my communication and motivation to grow and get promoted. And, Catherine's experience in leadership, code, and education. Together we will be able to accomplish the goals that we set out to accomplish.

What are my weaknesses?


  • Spelling (lol)
  • I can get sucked into the weeds and over think things easily.
  • Have a hard time remembering to timebox things in the moment.
  • I can be a scatter brain at times if I dont stay organized.
  • I have the hardest time getting started with things that I have no experience in. (Paralysis through Analysis)

What do you need (resources, environment, communication) to do your best work?


  • Strong communication with teammates.
  • The more details I have access to the better informed desisions I can make.
  • Planning imo is the most impactful thing when approaching problems.
  • I like to have an enviorment where it is safe to fail.
  • I also may ask the same question more than once lol

How do you like to recieve feedback?


  • I tend to like to recive things in a blunt and head first approach. If someone was to try and beat around the bush when attempting to give feedback to "spare" feelings, I can get lost in what is actually trying to be conveyed. Blunt and honest is how I learn from feedback.

Where do you want to improve your technical skills?

Quinn: (currently)

  • GraphQL / SQL
  • Cypress testing
  • Contentful ~ DCS ~ this is the first project I have used a tool like this so as much insite and hands on would be great.
  • StoryBook ~ DCS ~ this is the first project I have used a tool like this so as much insite and hands on would be great.
  • CSS / SCSS / BEM / ITCSS ~ if applicable in this project

How do you know if our time together is successful? How can we achieve that as a group?


  • I would consider "success" in our time together two fold.
      1. We work together to create opportunities to learn and growth in the areas that I have identified in this DTR and any areas that Catherine has identified.
      1. I am able to recieve needed feedback from current projects in order to quickly turn around resolve any "issues"
  • I would also consider us growing together as Sparkboxer's a major win! So, the more that we can work together the easier future goals and projects will be.
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