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Last active October 29, 2019 17:33
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Turing Career Development - Mod 0 Capstone

Preliminary Questions

What is the value of a checklist?

The Value of a checklist comes down to a few diffrent things. Checklists when kept in check, allow someone to stay focused on a set of individual tasks or group tasks without getting sidetracked away from the actual goal. It allows for one to be more orginized and timely, alotting for more time and resources to be spent on spisific tasks. Not to mention its professional. When the people around you see that you are orginized, timely, good at sorting through what is important to you + the gruop V.S. not. Can open oportunities to work with people on a diffrent level.

What do you plan to improve upon while at Turing?

At Turing thereare a few things that I want to improve on. I want to work on becoming fluent in the "hands on" know how of navigating computers. Such as the terminal, correct syntax, shortcuts and and software knowledge/ "languges". The most important thing I want to take away from Turing is how to oporate within a professional atmosphere in the Software Engineer field. To do that I think I need to improve on my memorization skills when it comes to key terms and holding a conversation so I can express what it is I am trying to accomplish or help someone with. As well as becoming 100% aware of growth mindset when I face diversity and a challange that makes me think in a way I havnt before or get stuck. I know that I can be hard on myself so I would add in self fogiveness to that.

Step 3 - Pairin Reflection

What is your greatest strength and how do you know?

My greatest strength is being calm cool and collected. Something I try and live by is to adapt, experience and overcome. Being able to have controll over your emotions and the frustrations that come with the day to day, not to metion any adversity you might face. Allows me to stay focused, to seperate emotion from logic and over come any adversity I will face. While staying calm cool and collected. How do I know this, well lets just say that "Calm, cool, collected" was my catch-phrase in Highschool and for all the years that followed.

How do you work best?

How do I work best? Good question. When it comes to work in general I tend to take on bigger tasks where I can work with one or two people. I work best in an atmospher that allows free thinking and not a fixed midset. "More than one way to skin a cat" In a work enviorment that involves a lot of learning new things or responsabilities. I tend to stick to one on one's with instructors or work with one ore two people who learn in the same ways as I do.

What is your greatest area of improvement?

My greatest area of improvement would have to be not fall into the rabit holes. I find myself in wondering why things are done a specific way rather than trying to lean the specific set of tools or rules. So to not fall into the information holes and to stay focused on what I am trying to accomplish and learn.

How do you hope to maximize your strengths for your new career in software development?

I plan to use my stengths of being an Ace Achiever, "Cool, Calm, collected thinker", Imaginitive and Domineering. To allow myself to stay calm in the face of adversity. Soar high when a challenge needs to be met. Create new outcomes and positions when there seem to not be any.nI will bring a new outlook to any team or company and thats a promise.

How might knowing about your strengths and working preferences benefit you as a software developer?

I feel that as a software developer that you will have to work in groups and small teams. As someone who is an Ace Achiever, there is a level of competitiveness that I bring to the table that will help the work flow. So knowing what roll I can play and will be most effective at. As well as being someone who likes to have hands on and get in the mud. I will do the tasks that no one els likes because that is how we can create success individually and as a team. delegation

Step 5 - Reading Reflection

What efforts do you make to manage your learning process? Are these efforts successful? What challenges have inhibited your ability to manage your learning process effectively?

Some efforts that im making to manage my learning process are to make sure that I am alone or in the group assigned to me. I have made sure that i started a sleep schedual so that way i can flow right into school with no adjustment. As far as these two adjustments go, so far so good. I am finding that sudying in quiet rather than having background noise, there is a higher retention of what I am learning. I am not a morning person so that is just going to take time. As they say old habbits die hard. I find myself still on electronics past the time I am supposed to be asleep. I also have roomatess so even my quiet space still can be noise and that can become frustrating.

How do Sierra's and Coate's material relate to your current process for learning?

Their material relates to my current learning process in a few ways. For starters I need to look at where I am and where I want to be. Then eliminate anything from my day to day activity that can drain my mental capasity or "brain tank". I must put myself in a position to succeed. That atmosphere includes for example no drama or no bills. I dont want anything to take away from what I am trying to accomplish.

What role does your emotional state of mind play in your learning? How do your successes and failures at learning affect your emotional state?

My emotional state has a huge role to play in my learning. I am not a humanoid or a unicorn but what I am is Human. I can learn anything and achieve anything as long as remember my growth mindset and that there are people who have done this before me. So create a culture that allows me to feel the strugle but can see the rewards. One of my favorite things she said was "half of a skill beats a half assed skill". Things that take longer periods of time to accomplish can be a drain on me emotional. Especially if it is a new field of study. As big as certain challanges can be a drain on me emotionally, success and seeing the change in metallity. That growth in the field as a whole and an individual changes the emotional game to a positive tipping point.

How will you prepare yourself to be at your best with your learning process while at Turing?

One thing that I have started to do is meditate and stretch as soon as I get up in the morning. Start the day off with something for my mental and physical state. Another thing I have started to do is impliment a sleep schedual and eating more heathy foods. I think that I need to make sure that when I begin working with others that I take a moment to myself so that I dont get overwhelmed with things that are out of my control. Last but not leat I think I need to start to hold myself accountable for the amuont of extra work I put in before I start Turing. I.E. put in more time and practice.