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Last active February 20, 2023 21:57
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PSQL schema cloner
create view public.sys_get_references as SELECT tc.table_schema AS referencing_schema,
tc.table_name AS referencing_table,
kcu.column_name AS referencing_column,
pg_get_constraintdef(pc.oid) AS constraint_text
FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc
JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage kcu ON tc.constraint_name::text = kcu.constraint_name::text
JOIN pg_constraint pc ON pc.conname = tc.constraint_name::name
WHERE tc.constraint_type::text = 'FOREIGN KEY'::text;
create or replace procedure public._clone_schema(target text)
language plpgsql as
tbl record;
v record;
c record;
EXECUTE (select 'drop schema if exists "' || target || '" cascade');
EXECUTE (select 'create schema "' || target || '"');
FOR tbl in (select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname = 'public' and tableowner not like '%rds%')
EXECUTE (SELECT 'CREATE TABLE if not exists "' || target || '".' || tbl.tablename::text ||
'( like public.' ||
tbl.tablename::text || ' including all)');
raise INFO 'created table %', tbl.tablename;
end loop;
for v in (select viewname,
when definition ilike '%public.%' then
replace(definition, 'public.', '"' || target || '".')
else definition
end as rpl_definition
from pg_views
where schemaname = 'public'
and viewowner not ilike '%rds%')
EXECUTE (select 'create or replace view "' || target || '".' || v.viewname || ' as ' || v.rpl_definition);
raise INFO 'created view %s', v.viewname;
end loop;
for c in (select referencing_table,
when constraint_text ilike '%.%'
then regexp_replace(constraint_text, '(.+ ).*\.(.+)', '\1'|| '"' || target || '".' || '\2')
else replace(constraint_text, 'REFERENCES ', 'REFERENCES "' || target || '".') end as rpl_constraint_text
from public.sys_get_references
where referencing_schema = 'public'
group by rpl_constraint_text, referencing_table, constraint_name)
execute (select 'alter table "' || target || '".' || c.referencing_table || ' add constraint "' ||
c.constraint_name || '" ' || c.rpl_constraint_text);
end loop;
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