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Last active April 8, 2019 21:07
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Douglas Hofstadter's "Typographical Number Theory" exercises, in Python.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
from contextlib import contextmanager
assert u'\u2283' == u'⊃'
assert u'\u2227' == u'∧'
assert u'\u2228' == u'∨'
assert u'\u2200' == u'∀'
assert u'\u2203' == u'∃'
assert u'\u22c5' == u'⋅'
assert u'\u2032' == u'′'
def U(s):
if type(s) is unicode:
return s
return s.decode('utf8')
def is_alphabetically_correct(s):
return set(s) <= set(u'0Sabcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz′(+⋅)=~<∧∨⊃>∀∃:')
def is_numeral(s):
return bool(re.match('S*0$', U(s)))
assert all(is_numeral(x) for x in ['0', 'S0', 'SS0', 'SSS0', 'SSSS0', 'SSSSS0'])
def is_variable(s):
return bool(re.match(u'[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz]′*$', U(s)))
assert all(is_variable(x) for x in ['a', 'b′', 'c′′', 'd′′′', 'e′′′′'])
def is_term(s):
s = U(s)
while s and s[0] == 'S':
s = s[1:]
if not s:
return False
if s[0] == '(' and s[-1] == ')':
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i] in u'+⋅' and is_term(s[1:i]) and is_term(s[i+1:-1]):
return True
if is_numeral(s) or is_variable(s):
return True
return False
def get_free_variables_in_term(s):
return set(re.findall(u'[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz]′*?', U(s)))
def is_definite_term(s):
return is_term(s) and not get_free_variables_in_term(s)
def is_indefinite_term(s):
return is_term(s) and get_free_variables_in_term(s)
assert all(is_definite_term(x) for x in ['0', '(S0+S0)', 'SS((SS0⋅SS0)+(S0⋅S0))'])
assert all(is_indefinite_term(x) for x in ['b', 'Sa', '(b′+S0)', '(((S0+S0)⋅S0)+e)'])
class FormulaInfo:
def __init__(self, wf, fv, qv):
assert type(qv) in [type(set()), type(None)]
assert type(fv) in [type(set()), type(None)]
self.is_well_formed = wf
self.free_variables = fv
self.quantified_variables = qv
def __nonzero__(self):
assert False # you shouldn't be calling this
def check_atom(s):
s = U(s)
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i] == '=':
t1, t2 = s[:i], s[i+1:]
if is_term(t1) and is_term(t2):
return FormulaInfo(True, get_free_variables_in_term(t1) | get_free_variables_in_term(t2), set())
return FormulaInfo(False, None, None)
assert all(check_atom(x).is_well_formed for x in ['S0=0', '(SS0+SS0)=SSSS0', 'S(b+c)=((c⋅d)⋅e)'])
def check_negation(s):
s = U(s)
if s and s[0] == '~':
return check_well_formed_formula(s[1:])
return FormulaInfo(False, None, None)
def check_compound(s):
s = U(s)
if s and s[0] == '<' and s[-1] == '>':
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i] in u'∧∨⊃':
f1 = check_well_formed_formula(s[1:i])
f2 = check_well_formed_formula(s[i+1:-1])
if f1.is_well_formed and f2.is_well_formed:
fv = (f1.free_variables | f2.free_variables)
qv = (f1.quantified_variables | f2.quantified_variables)
if not (fv & qv):
return FormulaInfo(True, fv, qv)
return FormulaInfo(False, None, None)
def check_quantification(s):
s = U(s)
if s and s[0] in u'∀∃':
colon = s.find(':')
if colon >= 0:
v = s[1:colon]
f = check_well_formed_formula(s[colon+1:])
if is_variable(v) and f.is_well_formed and (v in f.free_variables):
return FormulaInfo(True, f.free_variables - set([v]), f.quantified_variables | set([v]))
return FormulaInfo(False, None, None)
def check_well_formed_formula(s):
s = U(s)
for check in [check_atom, check_negation, check_compound, check_quantification]:
f = check(s)
if f.is_well_formed:
return f
return FormulaInfo(False, None, None)
assert all(check_negation(x).is_well_formed for x in ['~S0=0', '~∃b:(b+b)=S0', '~<0=0⊃S0=0>', '~b=S0', '~∃c:Sc=d'])
assert all(check_compound(x).is_well_formed for x in ['<0=0∧~0=0>', '<b=b∨~∃c:c=b>', '<S0=0⊃∀c:~∃b:(b+b)=c>'])
assert all(check_quantification(x).is_well_formed for x in ['∀b:<b=b∨~∃c:c=b>', '∀c:~∃b:(b+b)=c'])
def is_well_formed_formula(s):
return check_well_formed_formula(s).is_well_formed
def get_free_variables(s):
return check_well_formed_formula(s).free_variables
def get_quantified_variables(s):
return check_well_formed_formula(s).quantified_variables
assert is_well_formed_formula('∀a:a=SSSS0') # "All natural numbers are equal to 2."
assert is_well_formed_formula('~∃a:(a⋅a)=a') # "There is no natural number which equals its own square."
assert is_well_formed_formula('∀a:∀b:<~a=b⊃~Sa=Sb>') # "Different natural numbers have different successors."
assert is_well_formed_formula('<S0=0⊃∀a:~∃b:(b⋅SS0)=a>') # "If 1 equals 0, then every number is odd."
assert is_well_formed_formula('∀c:<∃d:(c⋅d)=b⊃∃d:(d⋅SS0)=c>') # "b is a power of 2."
assert is_well_formed_formula('∃a:∃x:∃y:<<∃d:∃e:<x=(d⋅SSy)∧y=Se>∧∃d:∃e:<x=((d⋅S(Sa⋅y))+b)∧(Sa⋅y)=(b+e)>>∧∀k:∀z:<<∃n:(k+Sn)=a∧∃d:∃e:<x=((d⋅S(Sk⋅y))+z)∧(Sk⋅y)=(z+e)>>⊃∃d:∃e:<x=((d⋅S(SSk⋅y))+(SSSSSSSSSS0⋅z))∧S(SSk⋅y)=(S(SSSSSSSSSS0⋅z)+e)>>>') # "b is a power of 10."
def WF(s):
assert is_well_formed_formula(s)
class InvalidStep:
class Derivation:
def __init__(self, fantasy_setup=None):
if fantasy_setup is None:
self.premise = None
self.theorems = set([
self.conclusion = None
self.premise, self.theorems = fantasy_setup
self.conclusion = self.premise
def has_been_derived(self, s):
return s in self.theorems
def is_valid_by_joining(self, s):
s = U(s)
if s[0] == '<' and s[-1] == '>':
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i] == u'∧':
first, second = s[1:i], s[i+1:-1]
if set([first, second]) <= self.theorems:
return True
return False
def is_valid_by_separation(self, s):
s = U(s)
if not is_well_formed_formula(s):
return False
for theorem in self.theorems:
if theorem[0] == '<' and theorem[-1] == '>':
if theorem.startswith(u'<%s∧' % s):
return True
if theorem.endswith(u'∧%s>' % s):
return True
return False
def is_removal_of_double_tilde(self, shorter, longer):
if len(shorter)+2 == len(longer):
if sorted(shorter + u'~~') == sorted(longer):
for i in range(len(shorter)):
if longer == shorter[:i] + '~~' + shorter[i:]:
return True
return False
def is_valid_by_double_tilde(self, s):
s = U(s)
if not is_well_formed_formula(s):
return False
for theorem in self.theorems:
if self.is_removal_of_double_tilde(s, theorem) or self.is_removal_of_double_tilde(theorem, s):
return True
return False
def is_valid_by_detachment(self, s):
s = U(s)
for theorem in self.theorems:
implication = u'<%s⊃%s>' % (theorem, s)
if implication in self.theorems:
return True # because of the implication
return False
def _is_valid_by_substituting(self, s, a, b):
s = U(s)
for xi in range(0, len(s)):
for xj in range(xi+1, len(s)):
x = s[xi:xj]
if is_well_formed_formula(x):
for yi in range(0, len(s)):
for yj in range(yi+1, len(s)):
y = s[yi:yj]
if is_well_formed_formula(y):
first = a.replace('X', x).replace('Y', y)
if len(first) > len(s):
second = b.replace('X', x).replace('Y', y)
i = s.find(first)
while i != -1:
substituted_s = s[:i] + second + s[i+len(first):]
if substituted_s in self.theorems:
return True
i = s.find(first, i+1)
return False
def _is_valid_by_interchanging(self, s, a, b):
return self._is_valid_by_substituting(s, a, b) or self._is_valid_by_substituting(s, b, a)
def is_valid_by_contrapositive(self, s):
return self._is_valid_by_interchanging(s, u'<X⊃Y>', u'<~Y⊃~X>')
def is_valid_by_de_morgans(self, s):
return self._is_valid_by_interchanging(s, u'<~X∧~Y>', u'~<X∨Y>')
def is_valid_by_switcheroo(self, s):
return self._is_valid_by_interchanging(s, u'<X∨Y>', u'<~X⊃Y>')
def _is_substitution_of_some_term_for_variable(self, u, a, b):
if a == b:
return True
us_in_a = a.count(u)
length_of_a_without_us = len(a) - (us_in_a * len(u))
if len(b) < length_of_a_without_us:
return False
if (len(b) - length_of_a_without_us) % us_in_a != 0:
return False
length_of_replacement = (len(b) - length_of_a_without_us) / us_in_a
first_u_in_a = a.find(u)
if not b.startswith(a[:first_u_in_a]):
return False
replacement = b[first_u_in_a:first_u_in_a + length_of_replacement]
if not is_term(replacement):
return False
if get_free_variables_in_term(replacement) & get_quantified_variables(a):
return False
return (b == a.replace(u, replacement))
def is_valid_by_specification(self, s):
s = U(s)
for theorem in self.theorems:
if theorem.startswith(u'∀'):
colon = theorem.find(':')
if colon >= 0:
u, x = theorem[1:colon], theorem[colon+1:]
assert is_variable(u)
if self._is_substitution_of_some_term_for_variable(u, x, s):
return True
return False
def is_valid_by_generalization(self, s):
s = U(s)
if s.startswith(u'∀'):
colon = s.find(':')
if colon >= 0:
u, x = s[1:colon], s[colon+1:]
if is_variable(u) and u in get_free_variables(x):
if self.premise is not None and u in get_free_variables(self.premise):
return False
if x in self.theorems:
return True
return False
def is_valid_by_interchange(self, s):
s = U(s)
for theorem in self.theorems:
if len(theorem) == len(s):
a = theorem.find(u'∀')
while a >= 0 and s[:a] == theorem[:a]:
if s[a:a+2] == u'~∃':
colon = theorem.find(':', a+1)
u = theorem[a+1:colon]
assert is_variable(u)
if theorem[colon+1] == '~':
if s == theorem[:a] + u'~∃' + u + ':' + theorem[colon+2:]:
return True
a = theorem.find(u'∀', a+1)
ne = theorem.find(u'~∃')
while ne >= 0 and s[:ne] == theorem[:ne]:
if s[ne] == u'∀':
colon = theorem.find(':', ne+2)
u = theorem[ne+2:colon]
assert is_variable(u)
if s == theorem[:ne] + u'∀' + u + ':~' + theorem[colon+1:]:
return True
ne = theorem.find(u'~∃', ne+2)
return False
def is_valid_by_existence(self, s):
s = U(s)
if s.startswith(u'∃'):
colon = s.find(':')
if colon >= 0:
u, x = s[1:colon], s[colon+1:]
if is_variable(u) and u in get_free_variables(x):
for theorem in self.theorems:
if self._is_substitution_of_some_term_for_variable(u, x, theorem):
return True
return False
def is_valid_by_equality(self, s):
s = U(s)
equals = s.find('=')
if equals > 0:
first, second = s[:equals], s[equals+1:]
if is_term(first) and is_term(second):
symmetrical_s = u'%s=%s' % (second, first)
if symmetrical_s in self.theorems:
return True
for theorem in self.theorems:
if theorem.startswith(first + '='):
middle = theorem[len(first)+1:]
transitive_s = u'%s=%s' % (middle, second)
if transitive_s in self.theorems:
return True
return False
def is_valid_by_successorship(self, s):
s = U(s)
equals = s.find('=')
if equals > 0:
first, second = s[:equals], s[equals+1:]
if is_term(first) and is_term(second):
add_s = u'S%s=S%s' % (first, second)
if add_s in self.theorems:
return True
if first[0] == 'S' and second[0] == 'S':
drop_s = u'%s=%s' % (first[1:], second[1:])
if drop_s in self.theorems:
return True
return False
def is_valid_by_induction(self, s):
s = U(s)
if is_well_formed_formula(s) and s[0] == u'∀':
colon = s.find(':')
assert colon >= 0
u, x = s[1:colon], s[colon+1:]
assert is_variable(u)
base_case = x.replace(u, '0')
if base_case in self.theorems:
inductive_case = u'∀%s:<%s⊃%s>' % (u, x, x.replace(u, 'S' + u))
if inductive_case in self.theorems:
return True
return False
def is_valid_new_theorem(self, s):
s = U(s)
return (
(s in self.theorems) or
self.is_valid_by_joining(s) or
self.is_valid_by_separation(s) or
self.is_valid_by_double_tilde(s) or
self.is_valid_by_detachment(s) or
self.is_valid_by_contrapositive(s) or
self.is_valid_by_de_morgans(s) or
self.is_valid_by_switcheroo(s) or
self.is_valid_by_specification(s) or
self.is_valid_by_generalization(s) or
self.is_valid_by_interchange(s) or
self.is_valid_by_existence(s) or
self.is_valid_by_equality(s) or
self.is_valid_by_successorship(s) or
self.is_valid_by_induction(s) or
def step(self, s):
s = U(s)
if not self.is_valid_new_theorem(s):
raise InvalidStep()
self.conclusion = s
def fantasy(self, premise):
f = Derivation([U(premise), self.theorems.copy()])
yield f
s = u'<%s⊃%s>' % (f.premise, f.conclusion)
self.conclusion = s
def print_all_theorems(self):
for theorem in self.theorems:
print theorem
# Page 188:
d = Derivation()
with d.fantasy('<p=0⊃~~p=0>') as f:
f.step('<~~~p=0⊃~p=0>') # contrapositive
f.step('<~p=0⊃~p=0>') # double-tilde
f.step('<p=0∨~p=0>') # switcheroo
# Pages 189–190:
d = Derivation()
with d.fantasy('<<p=0⊃q=0>∧<~p=0⊃q=0>>') as f:
f.step('<p=0⊃q=0>') # separation
f.step('<~q=0⊃~p=0>') # contrapositive
f.step('<~p=0⊃q=0>') # separation
f.step('<~q=0⊃~~p=0>') # contrapositive
with f.fantasy('~q=0') as g: # push again
g.step('~q=0') # premise
g.step('<~q=0⊃~p=0>') # carry-over of line 4
g.step('~p=0') # detachment
g.step('<~q=0⊃~~p=0>') # carry-over of line 6
g.step('~~p=0') # detachment
g.step('<~p=0∧~~p=0>') # joining
g.step('~<p=0∨~p=0>') # De Morgan
f.step('<~q=0⊃~<p=0∨~p=0>>') # fantasy rule
f.step('<<p=0∨~p=0>⊃q=0>') # contrapositive
with f.fantasy('~p=0') as g:
f.step('<~p=0⊃~p=0>') # fantasy rule
f.step('<p=0∨~p=0>') # switcheroo
f.step('q=0') # detachment
# Page 196:
d = Derivation()
with d.fantasy('<p=0∧~p=0>') as f:
f.step('p=0') # separation
f.step('~p=0') # separation
with f.fantasy('~q=0') as g:
g.step('p=0') # carry-over line 3
g.step('~~p=0') # double-tilde
f.step('<~q=0⊃~~p=0>') # fantasy
f.step('<~p=0⊃q=0>') # contrapositive
f.step('q=0') # detachment
# Page 219: 1 plus 1 equals 2.
d = Derivation()
# Page 219: 1 times 1 equals 1.
d = Derivation()
d.step('∀a:(a⋅0)=0') # axiom 4
d.step('(S0⋅0)=0') # specification
d.step('((S0⋅0)+0)=0') # transitivity
d.step('S((S0⋅0)+0)=S0') # add S
d.step('((S0⋅0)+S0)=S0') # transitivity
d.step('(S0⋅S0)=S0') # transitivity
# Page 220. Illegal Shortcuts.
d = Derivation()
d.step('∀a:(a+0)=a') # axiom 2
d.step('∀a:a=(a+0)') # symmetry (Wrong!)
assert False
d.step('∀a:a=a') # transitivity
except InvalidStep:
d = Derivation()
with d.fantasy('a=0') as f:
f.step('∀a:a=0') # generalization (Wrong!)
assert False
except InvalidStep:
d = Derivation()
with d.fantasy('∀a:a=a') as f:
f.step('Sa=Sa') # specification
f.step('∃b:b=Sa') # existence
f.step('∀a:∃b:b=Sa') # generalization
f.step('∃b:b=Sb') # specification (Wrong!)
assert False
except InvalidStep:
# Exercise, page 220: Derive "Different numbers have different successors" as a theorem of TNT.
d = Derivation()
with d.fantasy('Sa=Sb') as f:
# Page 221: Something Is Missing
assert is_well_formed_formula('∀a:(0+a)=a')
assert is_well_formed_formula('~∀a:(0+a)=a')
# Page 224: Induction
d = Derivation()
d.step('∀a:∀b:(a+Sb)=S(a+b)') # axiom 3
d.step('∀b:(0+Sb)=S(0+b)') # specification
d.step('(0+Sb)=S(0+b)') # specification
with d.fantasy('(0+b)=b') as f:
f.step('S(0+b)=Sb') # add S
f.step('(0+Sb)=S(0+b)') # carry over line 3
f.step('(0+Sb)=Sb') # transitivity
d.step('<(0+b)=b⊃(0+Sb)=Sb>') # fantasy rule
d.step('∀b:<(0+b)=b⊃(0+Sb)=Sb>') # generalization
d.step('(0+0)=0') # specialization of axiom 2
d.step('∀b:(0+b)=b') # induction
d.step('(0+a)=a') # specialization
d.step('∀a:(0+a)=a') # generalization
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