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Playbook: Setting Up System


This playbook will guide you through the process of setting up an environment and generating Docker files for deployment.

What’s Needed From User

  • AWS CLI credentials and configs for DynamoDB (region, access key, secret key).


  1. Set up Python:

    • Install the latest version of Python:

      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install python3
      pip install boto3
  2. Set up Apache Maven:

    • Download and install Apache Maven:

      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install maven
    • Set the M2_HOME environment variable and add it to the system path:

      export M2_HOME=/opt/apache-maven
      export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin
  3. Set up Node.js:

    • Install Node.js and npm if not already installed:

      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install nodejs
  4. Set up Kafka and Zookeeper:

    • Install Kafka and Zookeeper using the following commands:

       tar -xzf kafka_<latest-version-no.>.tgz
       pip install kafka-python
    • Update Kafka server configuration file ( to configure listeners:

    • Start Kafka and Zookeeper :

       bin/ config/
       bin/ config/
  5. Set up AWS DynamoDB:

    • Install the AWS CLI and dynamodb using the following commands:

      sudo apt-get install awscli
    • Configure the DynamoDB instance using the AWS CLI using the following command from the already present AWS credentials and configuration:

      aws configure set dynamodb=<dynamodb-endpoint> --region <region> --access-key <access-key> --secret-key <secret-key> --output json
    • Note down the connection details (endpoint, username, password) for later use.

  6. Test the environment:

    • Verify that the database is accessible from the system where the system will be deployed.
    • Verify that the user can access the database and perform CRUD operations on a sample table.
    • Verify that all the installed components are running and healthy.
    • Connect to the AWS DynamoDB instance using the AWS CLI and verify the connection.
  7. Dockerize the environment:

    • Create Dockerfile for each service (Python, Node.js, Kafka, Zookeeper, DynamoDB).
    • Define the required dependencies, environment variables, run commands and expose ports in the Dockerfile.
    • Create a docker-compose.yml file to define and configure the services required for the system.
  8. Build and run the Docker containers:

    • Build the Docker images for each service using the docker build command.
    • Run the Docker containers using the docker-compose up command.
    • Verify that all the Docker containers are running and healthy.
    • Test the system to ensure that it is working as expected.
  9. Create a README file:

    • Document the entire setup process, including prerequisites, installation steps, and any additional configurations required.
    • Provide instructions on how to build and run the Docker containers.
    • Include any relevant troubleshooting tips or known issues.
  10. Share the files with the user:

    • Create a compressed archive (e.g., ZIP or TAR) containing the project files, Dockerfiles, and the README file.
    • Share the archive as an attachment using the messaging interface in the browser to the user.


  • Setup an environment for the following:

    • Latest Python version
    • Latest version of Apache Maven
    • Node.js for React
    • Kafka and Zookeeper
    • AWS DynamoDB
  • Test the environment:

    • Verify that the environment is up, running, healthy, and working.
  • Dockerize the entire environment.

  • Create a README file with detailed instructions for setting up the environment.

  • Share all the files with the user.

Advice and Pointers

  • Do not create tables and schemas until unless specified by the user.
  • Ensure that all the dependencies are installed correctly and the environment is set up properly before proceeding with the Dockerization.
  • Test each component individually to ensure that it is working as expected.
  • Document the setup process and configurations for future reference.
  • Follow best practices for setting up the environment and Dockerizing the services.
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