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Last active November 11, 2023 14:14
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PHP code highlighting in listings for pdflatex.
% To write dummy text
% My solution to highlighting PHP code with listings package in pdflatex
% Inspired by this discussion:
\newtoggle{InString}{}% Keep track of if we are within a string
\togglefalse{InString}% Assume not initally in string
\newcommand{\PHPhighlightvar}[1]{\ifnum\theDollarFlag=1 \color{PHP_variable} \fi#1\setcounter{DollarFlag}{0}}
language =php,
basicstyle =\footnotesize\ttfamily,
keywordstyle =\color{PHP_keyword},
frame =single,
rulecolor ={\color{PHP_default}},
autogobble =true
backgroundcolor ={\color{PHP_background}},
stringstyle =\color{PHP_string!90!black}\toggletrue{InString},
%this allows highlighting of variables:
literate = {\$}{{\iftoggle{InString}{\$}{\setcounter{DollarFlag}{1}\color{PHP_variable}\$\color{PHP_default}}}}1
identifierstyle =\color{PHP_default}\PHPhighlightvar,
commentstyle =\color{PHP_comment}\slshape,
emph =[1]{require_once, require, include_once, include, namespace, use, class, function, new},
emphstyle =[1]\color{PHP_emph1},%\bf,
emph =[2]{echo, empty, isset, array, instanceof},
emphstyle =[2]\color{PHP_emph2},%\bf,
emph =[3]{var, const, abstract,
protected, private, public,
static, final, extends, implements,
global, if, else, foreach ,for,
endforeach, endif, endfor, elseif,
emphstyle =[3]\color{PHP_keyword},%\bf,
emph =[4]{return, throw, exit, __halt_compiler, continue, break},
emphstyle =[4]\color{PHP_emph4},%\bf,
breaklines =true,
captionpos =b,
rulecolor =\color{black},
keywords ={__halt_compiler, abstract, and, array,
as, break, callable, case, catch, class,
clone, const, continue, declare, default,
die, do, echo, else, elseif,
empty, enddeclare, endfor, endforeach, endif,
endswitch, endwhile, eval, exit, extends,
final, finally, for, foreach, function,
global, goto, if, implements, include,
include_once, instanceof, insteadof,
interface, isset, list, namespace,
new, or, print, private, protected, public,
require, require_once, return, static,
switch, throw, trait, try, unset, use, var,
while, xor, yield,
numbers =left,
stepnumber =1,
numberfirstline =true,
numberstyle =\footnotesize,
xleftmargin =4.0ex,
upquote =true,
showlines =true
private static $affected_rows = 0;
private static $profile = array();
public static function connect(){
// config
$params = Config::get('database');
// set debug mode
static::$debug = Config::get('debug', false);
// build dns string
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