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Created January 15, 2013 20:44
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A fairly simple malloc implementation for the ZCPU
// memory.txt - a HL-ZASM malloc implementation
// by Rikki "R2ZER0" Guy 2012-13
// Released into the public domain.
// Usage:
// first call heap_format(ptr, size);
// where ptr in the pointer to a block of memory to be used as a heap
// and size is the size of the heap (in bytes)
// A simple way is to use __PROGRAMSIZE__ as a heap pointer
// Then just standard malloc/free/realloc
char* heap_ptr = 0; // pointer to the heap (DO NOT CHANGE MANUALLY)
float heap_parts = 0; // number of parts
float heap_size = 0; // size of the heap
float heap_used = 0; // nuber of bytes used
// heap_used is the raw number of bytes in use, including overhead
// the overhead can be calculated as heap_parts * 2
// So the actual number of bytes you have allocated is:
// num used = heap_used - heap_parts * 2
// obv. subtract heap_used from heap_size to get available memory
struct heap_part
float used;
float size; //size includes header (2)
void heap_format(char* hptr, hsize)
if(hptr <= 0) return;
heap_part* tpart = hptr;
heap_ptr = hptr;
heap_size = hsize;
heap_parts = 2; //root part and end part
heap_used = 4; //sizeof heap_part header * 2
tpart.used = 0;
tpart.size = (hsize - heap_used);
tpart += tpart.size;
tpart.used = 1;//end part alwyas has size as -1
tpart.size = -1;
void heap_merge_sweep()
heap_part* tpart = heap_ptr;
heap_part* npart = tpart + tpart.size;
while(npart.size > 0)
if((tpart.used == 0) && (npart.used == 0))
npart = tpart + tpart.size;
tpart = npart;
npart += npart.size;
void heap_merge_part(heap_part* parta)
heap_part* partb = parta + parta.size;
if(partb.used == 1) return -1;
parta.size += partb.size;
partb.size = 0;
return 1;
void heap_split_part(heap_part* tprt, float partasize) //split a part into two smaller parts
float partbsize = tprt.size - partasize;
tprt.size = partasize;
tprt += partasize;
tprt.used = 0;
tprt.size = partbsize;
void heap_memcpy(char* dest, char* src, float n)
float i = n;
while(i > 0)
*(dest++) = *(src++);
char* malloc(float memsize)
if(memsize <= 0) return 0;
memsize += 2; //plus room for header
heap_part* tpart = heap_ptr;
while((tpart.size < memsize) || (tpart.used == 1))
if(tpart.size < 0) return 0; //NULL (reached end of heap)
tpart += tpart.size;
if((tpart.size) > (memsize + 3))
heap_split_part(tpart, memsize);
tpart.used = 1;
return tpart + 2;
void free(char* mem)
if(mem <= 0) return;
heap_part* tpart = mem - 2;
tpart.used = 0;
heap_part* npart = tpart + tpart.size;
while(npart.used == 0)
npart = tpart + tpart.size;
char* realloc(char* mem, float memsize)
if(mem <= 0) return;
heap_part* tpart = mem - 2;
float osize = tpart.size - 2;
if((memsize + 5) < tpart.size) // shrinking
heap_split_part(tpart, memsize + 2); //split the part to avoid wasting space
//possibly merge the new part with the next part
heap_part* ttpart = tpart + tpart.size;
heap_part* tttpart = ttpart + ttpart.size;
if(tttpart.used == 0) heap_merge_part(ttpart);
return mem;
else //expanding
if(memsize <= osize)
//nothing to do, already fits
return mem;
//attempt to expand in place
float reqmemsize = memsize + 2;
heap_part* npart = tpart + tpart.size;
while(npart.used == 0)
if(tpart.size >= reqmemsize) return mem; //expanding successful
//if we get here, expanding was not successful - malloc and copy :(
char* newmem = malloc(memsize);
if(newmem <= 0) return 0; // just can't do it D:
heap_memcpy(newmem, mem, osize);
return newmem;
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