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Last active August 31, 2024 09:14
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Create and populate albums on Immich based on folder name
import requests
import os
from collections import defaultdict
# I have photos in subfolders like :
# /mnt/media/Photos/2023-08 Holidays
# /mnt/media/Photos/2023-06 Birthday
# /mnt/media/Photos/2022-12 Christmas
# This script will create 3 albums
# 2023-08 Holidays, 2023-06 Birthday, 2022-12 Christmas
# And populate them with the photos inside
# The script can be run multiple times to update, new albums will be created,
# or new photos added in existing subfolder will be added to corresponding album
# Personnalize here
root_path = '/mnt/media/Photos/'
root_url = ''
api_key = 'Your-api-key-here'
requests_kwargs = {
'headers' : {
'x-api-key': api_key,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if root_path[-1] != '/':
root_path = root_path + '/'
if root_url[-1] != '/':
root_url = root_url + '/'
print(" 1. Requesting all assets")
r = requests.get(root_url+'asset', **requests_kwargs)
assert r.status_code == 200
assets = r.json()
print(len(assets), "photos found")
print(" 2. Sorting assets to corresponding albums using folder name")
album_to_assets = defaultdict(list)
for asset in assets:
asset_path = asset['originalPath']
if root_path not in asset_path:
album_name = asset_path.replace(root_path, '').split('/')[0]
album_to_assets = {k:v for k, v in sorted(album_to_assets.items(), key=(lambda item: item[0]))}
print(len(album_to_assets), "albums identified")
print("Press Enter to continue, Ctrl+C to abort")
album_to_id = {}
print(" 3. Listing existing albums on immich")
r = requests.get(root_url+'album', **requests_kwargs)
assert r.status_code == 200
albums = r.json()
album_to_id = {album['albumName']:album['id'] for album in albums }
print(len(albums), "existing albums identified")
print(" 4. Creating albums if needed")
cpt = 0
for album in album_to_assets:
if album in album_to_id:
data = {
'albumName': album,
'description': album
r ='album', json=data, **requests_kwargs)
assert r.status_code in [200, 201]
album_to_id[album] = r.json()['id']
print(album, 'album added!')
cpt += 1
print(cpt, "albums created")
print(" 5. Adding assets to albums")
# Note: immich manage duplicates without problem,
# so we can each time ad all assets to same album, no photo will be duplicated
for album, assets in album_to_assets.items():
id = album_to_id[album]
data = {'ids':assets}
r = requests.put(root_url+f'album/{id}/assets', json=data, **requests_kwargs)
assert r.status_code in [200, 201]
response = r.json()
cpt = 0
for res in response:
if not res['success']:
if res['error'] != 'duplicate':
print("Warning, error in adding an asset to an album:", res['error'])
cpt += 1
if cpt > 0:
print(f"{str(cpt).zfill(3)} new assets added to {album}")
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Krovikan-Vamp commented Feb 13, 2024 via email

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@Krovikan-Vamp That happens when root_path in the script does is not found any asset's (= image's) path in the Immich container. Make sure to set root_path to the same value where the images for which albums should be created are available inside the container.
For example, I use the script for an external library that is mounted into the container as /external_libs/photos, so that's the value I use for root_path in the script.
Basically, it comes down to this piece in the script:

asset_path = asset['originalPath']
if root_path not in asset_path:

If root_path is not part of an images path, it gets discarded.

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haldi4803 commented Feb 21, 2024

Uhm, why does it only get 1000 Pictures?
Is the API Limited to 1000 accesses? using v1.95.1 and docker. Running script on the host.

root@NAS:/volume3/SSD# python3
  1. Requesting all assets
1000 photos found
  2. Sorting assets to corresponding albums using folder name
2 albums identified
['Schottland 2019.06', 'Sri Lanka 2019.08']
Press Enter to continue, Ctrl+C to abort

  3. Listing existing albums on immich
0 existing albums identified
  4. Creating albums if needed
Schottland 2019.06 album added!
Sri Lanka 2019.08 album added!
2 albums created
  5. Adding assets to albums
634 new assets added to Schottland 2019.06
366 new assets added to Sri Lanka 2019.08

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Salvoxia commented Feb 21, 2024

I haven't had a chance to update to v1.95.x yet, but I think it's very possible some kind of pagination mechanism was introduced to the assets API endpoint that is used to request all the image from Immich.
I'll take a closer look when I performed my upgrade and have had a closer look at what's going on.

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Salvoxia commented Feb 21, 2024

Alright, new script revision is in, compatible with the API changes introduced in v1.95.x, but also backwards compatible.
I forked this Gist for maintenance. My modified version is available here

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