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RF5/main.ts Secret

Created June 19, 2021 18:25
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let screen_width = null;
let screen_height = null;
const COLOR_DICT = {
blue : 'rgb(31, 119, 180)',
orange : 'rgb(255, 127, 14)',
green : 'rgb(44, 160, 44)',
red : 'rgb(214, 39, 40)',
purple : 'rgb(148, 103, 189)',
brown : 'rgb(140, 86, 75)',
pink : 'rgb(227, 119, 194)',
gray : 'rgb(127, 127, 127)',
olive : 'rgb(188, 189, 34)',
cyan : 'rgb(23, 190, 207)',
// This function is called when the app navigates to this view (using a link)
function init() {
// initialize any data here that should be available when the view is shown
view.sample_table = OnlineDB.sample.all();
// console.log();
component.html().on('init', async function() {
var data = await view.sample_table.toArray();
// var typedData: DB.sample[] = await view.sample_table.toArray();
// let myString: string = 'foo';
// myString = 3; //breaks
await view.sample_table.orderBy('-timestamp').skip(540).destroyAll();
return 'success';
// This function is called when the user returns to this view from another view
function resume(from) {
// from.back (true/false) if true, the user pressed the "Back" button to return to this view
// from.dismissed (true/false) if true, the app dismissed to return to this view
// from.path contains the path of the view that the user returned from
// if any data needs to be refreshed when the user returns to this view, you can do that here:
view.sample_table = DB.sample.all();
var data = view.sample_table.toArray();
async function size_canvas() {
var wh = await view.getSize();
screen_width = parseInt(wh['width'].toString());
screen_height = parseInt(wh['height'].toString());
var height = screen_height - 150;
return height.toString() + 'px';
async function buttonPress() {
view.sample_table = OnlineDB.sample.all();
// OnlineDB.sample.where(query)
var data = await view.sample_table.toArray();
await view.sample_table.orderBy('-timestamp').skip(540).destroyAll()
function build_config() {
console.log(screen_width, screen_height);
const fs = get_fontsize('big');
var config = {
type: 'line',
options: {
title: {
display: true,
fontSize: fs,
text: 'UNK',
responsive: true,
tooltips: {
mode: 'index',
intersect: true,
enabled: false,
hover: {
mode: 'point',
intersect: true
scales: {
xAxes: [{
type: 'time',
position: 'bottom',
scaleLabel: {
display: false,
labelString: 'time',
fontSize: fs,
ticks: {
maxTicksLimit: 7,
fontSize: fs,
yAxes: [{
display: true,
type: 'linear',
scaleLabel: {
display: true,
labelString: '[ppm]',
fontSize: fs,
ticks: {
maxTicksLimit: 8,
fontSize: fs,
beginAtZero: false
legend: {
display: false,
labels: {
fontSize: fs
return config;
function build_eco2_graph(data) {
var eco2_data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.eco_2_ppm}
var eco2_jsdata = {
datasets: [{
label: 'eCO2',
data: eco2_data,
fill: false,
borderColor:"rgb(210, 9, 237)",
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
var config = build_config();
config['data'] = eco2_jsdata
config['options']['title']['text'] = 'eCO2';
component.html().post('make-graph', config, 'eco2-chart', null);
function build_co2_graph(data) {
var co2_data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.co_2_ppm}
var co2_jsdata = {
datasets: [{
label: 'CO2',
data: co2_data,
fill: false,
borderColor:"rgb(84, 4, 189)",
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
var config = build_config();
config['data'] = co2_jsdata
config['options']['title']['text'] = 'CO2';
component.html().post('make-graph', config, 'co2-chart', null);
function build_tvoc_graph(data) {
var tvoc_data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.tvoc_ppb}
var co2_jsdata = {
datasets: [{
label: 'total volatile organic compounds',
data: tvoc_data,
fill: false,
borderColor:"rgb(237, 34, 12)",
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
var config = build_config();
config['data'] = co2_jsdata;
config['options']['title']['text'] = 'tVOC';
config['options']['scales']['yAxes'][0]['scaleLabel']['labelString'] = '[ppb]';
component.html().post('make-graph', config, 'tvoc-chart', null);
function build_temp_graph(data) {
var data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.temp_c}
var jsdata = {
datasets: [{
data: data,
fill: false,
borderColor: COLOR_DICT['blue'],
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
var config = build_config();
config['data'] = jsdata
config['options']['title']['text'] = 'Temperature';
config['options']['scales']['yAxes'][0]['scaleLabel']['labelString'] = '[°C]';
component.html().post('make-graph', config, 'temp-chart', null);
function build_pressure_graph(data) {
var data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.pressure_kpa}
var jsdata = {
datasets: [{
data: data,
fill: false,
borderColor: COLOR_DICT['gray'],
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
var config = build_config();
config['data'] = jsdata
config['options']['title']['text'] = 'Pressure';
config['options']['scales']['yAxes'][0]['scaleLabel']['labelString'] = '[kPa]';
component.html().post('make-graph', config, 'pressure-chart', null);
function build_humidity_graph(data) {
var data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.humidity_perc}
var jsdata = {
datasets: [{
data: data,
fill: false,
borderColor: COLOR_DICT['green'],
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
var config = build_config();
config['data'] = jsdata
config['options']['title']['text'] = 'Humidity';
config['options']['scales']['yAxes'][0]['scaleLabel']['labelString'] = '[% relative]';
component.html().post('make-graph', config, 'humidity-chart', null);
function build_pm_graph(data) {
const p1_data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.pm_1}
const p2_data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.pm_2_5}
const p10_data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.pm_10}
var jsdata = {
datasets: [{
label: "PM <1.0μm",
data: p1_data,
fill: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(255, 215, 0)', // gold
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
label: "PM <2.5μm",
data: p2_data,
fill: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(255, 140, 0)', // darkorange
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
label: "PM <10μm",
data: p10_data,
fill: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(218, 165, 32)', // goldenrod
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
var config = build_config();
config['data'] = jsdata
config['options']['maintainAspectRatio'] = false;
config['options']['legend']['display'] = true;
config['options']['title']['text'] = 'Particulate matter';
config['options']['scales']['yAxes'][0]['scaleLabel']['labelString'] = '[μg/m³]';
component.html().post('make-graph', config, 'pm-chart', null);
function build_particulate03_graph(data) {
const p1_data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.particles_0_3}
var jsdata = {
datasets: [{
label: "diameter > 0.3um",
data: p1_data,
fill: false,
borderColor: COLOR_DICT['cyan'], // gold
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
var config = build_config();
config['data'] = jsdata
//config['options']['legend']['display'] = true;
config['options']['title']['text'] = 'Particles >0.3μm';
config['options']['scales']['yAxes'][0]['scaleLabel']['labelString'] = '[particles/0.1L]';
component.html().post('make-graph', config, 'pg03-chart', null);
function build_particulate05_graph(data) {
const p1_data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.particles_0_5}
var jsdata = {
datasets: [{
label: "diameter > 0.5um",
data: p1_data,
fill: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(0, 191, 255)', // gold
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
var config = build_config();
config['data'] = jsdata
//config['options']['legend']['display'] = true;
config['options']['title']['text'] = 'Particles >0.5μm';
config['options']['scales']['yAxes'][0]['scaleLabel']['labelString'] = '[particles/0.1L]';
component.html().post('make-graph', config, 'pg05-chart', null);
function build_particulate1_graph(data) {
const p1_data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.particles_1}
var jsdata = {
datasets: [{
label: "diameter > 1um",
data: p1_data,
fill: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(30, 144, 255)',
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
var config = build_config();
config['data'] = jsdata
//config['options']['legend']['display'] = true;
config['options']['title']['text'] = 'Particles >1μm';
config['options']['scales']['yAxes'][0]['scaleLabel']['labelString'] = '[particles/0.1L]';
component.html().post('make-graph', config, 'pg1-chart', null);
function build_particulate25_graph(data) {
const p1_data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.particles_2_5}
var jsdata = {
datasets: [{
label: "diameter > 2.5um",
data: p1_data,
fill: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(0, 0, 128)',
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
var config = build_config();
config['data'] = jsdata
//config['options']['legend']['display'] = true;
config['options']['title']['text'] = 'Particles >2.5μm';
config['options']['scales']['yAxes'][0]['scaleLabel']['labelString'] = '[particles/0.1L]';
component.html().post('make-graph', config, 'pg025-chart', null);
function build_particulate10_graph(data) {
const p1_data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.particles_5}
const p2_data = (a) {
return {x: a.timestamp, y: a.particles_10}
var jsdata = {
datasets: [{
label: ">5μm",
data: p1_data,
fill: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(75, 0, 130)',
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
label: ">10μm",
data: p2_data,
fill: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
pointRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
var config = build_config();
config['data'] = jsdata
config['options']['legend']['display'] = true;
config['options']['title']['text'] = 'Large particle count';
config['options']['scales']['yAxes'][0]['scaleLabel']['labelString'] = '[particles/0.1L]';
component.html().post('make-graph', config, 'pg10-chart', null);
function populate_graphs(data) {
function get_fontsize(size) {
let fs = 12;
if(screen_width > screen_height) {
// we are on desktop or landscape mobile, use smaller font
fs = 12;
return fs;
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