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Created December 20, 2016 23:01
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Pairing Library
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
library Pairing {
struct G1Point {
uint X;
uint Y;
uint Z;
struct G2Point {
uint[2] X;
uint[2] Y;
uint[2] Z;
function add(G1Point p1, G1Point p2) internal returns (G1Point r) {
uint[6] memory input;
input[0] = p1.X;
input[1] = p1.Y;
input[2] = p1.Z;
input[3] = p2.X;
input[4] = p2.Y;
input[5] = p2.Z;
bool success;
assembly {
success := call(gas, 0x20, 0, input, 0xc0, r, 0x60)
if (!success) throw;
function mul(G1Point p, uint s) internal returns (G1Point r) {
uint[4] memory input;
input[0] = s;
input[1] = p.X;
input[2] = p.Y;
input[3] = p.Z;
bool success;
assembly {
success := call(gas, 0x21, 0, input, 0x80, r, 0x60)
if (!success) throw;
function pairing(G1Point[] p1, G2Point[] p2) internal returns (bool) {
if (p1.length != p2.length) throw;
uint inputSize = p1.length * 9;
uint[] memory input = new uint[](inputSize);
for (uint i = 0; i < p1.length; i++)
input[i * 9 + 0] = p1[i].X;
input[i * 9 + 1] = p1[i].Y;
input[i * 9 + 2] = p1[i].Z;
input[i * 9 + 3] = p2[i].X[0];
input[i * 9 + 4] = p2[i].X[1];
input[i * 9 + 5] = p2[i].Y[0];
input[i * 9 + 6] = p2[i].Y[1];
input[i * 9 + 7] = p2[i].Z[0];
input[i * 9 + 8] = p2[i].Z[1];
uint[1] memory out;
bool success;
assembly {
success := call(gas, 0x22, 0, input, mul(inputSize, 0x20), out, 0x20)
if (!success) throw;
return out[0] != 0;
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