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Last active August 19, 2023 12:31
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MIDI Note to Color Octave Converter
opens midi connection
takes midi notes from source (for example, your DAW)
finds the octaves of those notes beyond the range of human hearing until octave of note is within visible light range
converts frequency of the color octave to wavelength
approximates RGB value for color of note
displays color of note in window
import rtmidi
import frq_to_rgb
import cv2
import numpy as np
#Lowest frequencies of musical notes within human hearing (20Hz minimum)
d = {
"E" : ['E',20.6],
"F" : ['F',21.83],
"F#" : ['F Sharp',23.12],
"G" : ['G',24.5],
"G#" : ['G Sharp',25.96],
"A" : ['A',27.5],
"A#" : ['A Sharp',29.14],
"B" : ['B',30.87],
"C" : ['C',32.7],
"C#" : ['C Sharp',34.65],
"D" : ['D',36.71],
"D#" : ['D Sharp',38.89]
#Audio frequencies in Hz
min_aud = 20
max_aud = 20000
#Frequency range of visible light in Hz
min_vis = 4 * 10**14
max_vis = 7.89 * 10**14
midiin = rtmidi.RtMidiIn()
def get_midi_note(midi):
if midi.isNoteOn():
return midi.getMidiNoteName(midi.getNoteNumber())
elif midi.isNoteOff():
return midi.getMidiNoteName(midi.getNoteNumber())
elif midi.isController():
return None
def grab_midi(m):
note = get_midi_note(m)
if note != None:
note = note[:-1]
frq = d[note]
# Double audible frequency until it's in the visible light range
octaves = [frq[1]]
while octaves[-1] < min_vis:
# Frequency of note in visible spectrum
color = int(octaves[-1])
# print(color)
return color
def freq_to_wavelength(frq):
c = 299792458 #speed of light
wv = c/frq # wavelength in meters
wv = wv/(10**-9) # convert wavelenght to nanometers (nm)
return wv
# function derived from:
def wavelength_to_rgb(wavelength, gamma=0.8):
wavelength = float(wavelength)
if wavelength >= 380 and wavelength <= 440:
attenuation = 0.3 + 0.7 * (wavelength - 380) / (440 - 380)
R = ((-(wavelength - 440) / (440 - 380)) * attenuation) ** gamma
G = 0.0
B = (1.0 * attenuation) ** gamma
elif wavelength >= 440 and wavelength <= 490:
R = 0.0
G = ((wavelength - 440) / (490 - 440)) ** gamma
B = 1.0
elif wavelength >= 490 and wavelength <= 510:
R = 0.0
G = 1.0
B = (-(wavelength - 510) / (510 - 490)) ** gamma
elif wavelength >= 510 and wavelength <= 580:
R = ((wavelength - 510) / (580 - 510)) ** gamma
G = 1.0
B = 0.0
elif wavelength >= 580 and wavelength <= 645:
R = 1.0
G = (-(wavelength - 645) / (645 - 580)) ** gamma
B = 0.0
elif wavelength >= 645 and wavelength <= 750:
attenuation = 0.3 + 0.7 * (750 - wavelength) / (750 - 645)
R = (1.0 * attenuation) ** gamma
G = 0.0
B = 0.0
R = 0.0
G = 0.0
B = 0.0
R *= 255
G *= 255
B *= 255
return (int(R), int(G), int(B))
# cv2 uses BGR instead of RGB
# Convert RGB to BGR
def rgb_to_bgr(RGB):
BGR = (RGB[::-1])
return BGR
def create_image(BGR):
image = np.zeros((1000,1000,3), np.uint8)
image[::] = BGR
return image
ports = range(midiin.getPortCount())
if ports:
for i in ports:
print("Opening port 0!")
while True:
m = midiin.getMessage(250)
if m:
color = grab_midi(m)
if color != None:
wavelength = freq_to_wavelength(color)
RGB = wavelength_to_rgb(wavelength)
BGR = rgb_to_bgr(RGB)
image = create_image(BGR)
cv2.imshow('Color Octave',image)
# cv2.destroyAllWindows()
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Dugberry commented Aug 5, 2023

Hi there!
I wish I could find all the imports to get this to work.
Can someone help me there?
found: rtmidi
I'm still looking for: (found one, but not sure it is the correct one)
octaver (as referred to in frq_to_rgb)


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RFullum commented Aug 18, 2023

Hey @Dugberry !
Sorry for the delay. Been away on holiday. Also, it's been a really long while since i played around with python or this script, so hopefully this script will still work.

cv2 should be:
pip3 install openCV-python

I had to find a backup of my old laptop to find the other files. and are in This Zip File on dropbox. The README file has some quick notes about the files in the zip.

Good luck! Hope it helps and actually runs!

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Thank you, Robert.
I'll give it a go this weekend.
And, if you like, i'll let you know.

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Dugberry commented Aug 19, 2023 via email

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RFullum commented Aug 19, 2023

@Dugberry fantastic! I love when things work! Have fun fiddling!

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