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Last active February 13, 2023 10:12
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Functions used in file: whatsapp_dataviz.R. Mainly data cleaning.
# Whatsapp's data visualization functions and data cleaning
# by: Rodrigo Hernández Mota
# file name: functions_whatsapp.R
# V.1.0.0
# palette_colors ----------------------------------------------------------
# This function returns a vector of colours (character- HEX number)
# Variables:
# x: character that should specify the type of palette.
# y: numeric length 1 that indicates the length of the vector of
# colors desired.
# select: the position of the different color in "usuario".
palette_colors <- function(x, y = 3, select = 1){
# check of variable type
if (is.character(x) != 1)
stop('x parameter should be a character.')
# available palettes
if(x == "facebook")
pal <- c("#3b5998", " #8b9dc3", "#dfe3ee")
if(x == "google")
pal <- c("#008744", "#0057e7", "#d62d20", "#ffa700")
if(x == "griff")
pal <- c("#740001", "#ae0001", "#eeba30", "#d3a625", "#000000")
if(x == "pastel")
pal <- c("#1b85b8", "#5a5255", "#559e83", "#ae5a41", "#c3cb71")
if(x == "usuario"){
pal <- rep("dark gray",y); pal[select] <- "dark red" }
if(x == "todos")
pal <- c("#3b5998", "#d62d20", "#008744", "#0057e7", "#ffa700",
"#740001", "#ae0001", " #eeba30", "#d3a625", "#8b9dc3",
# check of length
if(length(pal) < y)
stop('y is grater than the length of the vector of color desired')
# count_length ------------------------------------------------------------
# This function counts the number of letters in a word
# Variables:
# word: character, i.e. a word.
count_length <- function(word){
# check of variable type
if (is.character(word) != 1)
stop('word parameter should be a character.')
length(unlist(strsplit(word, "")))
# nl ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Auxiliar function. Paste the elements of a vector of length 2.
# Variables:
# vect: vector of length 2
nl <- function(vect){
if (is.vector(vect))
if (length(vect) == 2)
paste(vect[1], vect[2], sep = "")
# other_stuff -------------------------------------------------------------
# Given the filter of variable 1 from a dataset, obtain variable 2
# as "all what is not variable 1".
# Variables:
other_stuff <- function(raw_data, var1_index){
other_index <- c(1:length(raw_data)) * (var1_index == F)
other_index <- other_index[other_index != 0]
other_value <- numeric()
other_value[1] <- raw_data[other_index[1]]
j <- other_index[1]; k <- 1; tx <- ""
for(i in other_index[2:length(other_index)]){
if(i - j == 1)
other_value[k] <- paste(other_value[k], raw_data[i])
k <- k + 1
other_value[k] <- raw_data[i]
j <- i
# clean_data --------------------------------------------------------------
# Function for cleaning data of a .txt file from Whatsapp
# Variables:
# dataset_txt: available .txt files from whatsapp in directory
# choice: position of the file of interest
clean_data <- function(dataset_txt, specif = F){
# read whatsapp .txt data
raw_data <- read.table(dataset_txt, header = F, sep = "\t",
stringsAsFactors = F, quote = "")
raw_data <- apply(raw_data, 1, as.character)
raw_data <- unlist(lapply(raw_data, strsplit, split = "\n"))
# So now we have a vector "character" with each message by time.
# general structure: <date>, <time> - <name>: <text>
# possible variations: <data>, <time> - <name> <action>
# possible variations: <text> *cames from prev. message
# Separate by comma, as an attempt to take out the date.
raw_data <- lapply(raw_data, strsplit, split = ",")
# unlist to work with a vector.
raw_data <- unlist(raw_data)
# identify the position of dates
date_index <- sapply(X = raw_data,
FUN = function(y){
z <- sum(
tryCatch(as.Date(y), error = function(e) e),
) == 0
# get value of dates and other in a vector.
# because of the fact that the text of the messages was
# also separated by comma, we will have to use a for loop
# (this is all done in the function).
date_value <- raw_data[date_index]
other <- other_stuff(raw_data, date_index)
date <- as.Date(date_value)
# Check-up
if(length(date) != length(other))
stop("Problem between _dates_ and _other_: see function")
aux_df <- data_frame(Date = date, Other = other)
unique_days <- unique(aux_df$Date)
# If the data you are using is too large, the code will
# be very slow. For this reason, it is decided to make
# a random sample of the data for those cases in which
# we are dealing with a large dataset.
# Samples are going to be taken according to the days.
n <- length(unique_days)
if(n > 120 | sqrt(nrow(aux_df)) > 120){
sample_size <- floor(sqrt(n) + n / 10)
sample_index <- floor((n-1) * runif(sample_size) + 1)
sample_dates <- unique_days[sample_index]
sample_data <- data_frame()
for(i in sample_dates){
sample_data <- rbind(sample_data, aux_df[aux_df$Date == i, ])
date <- sample_data$Date
other <- as.character(sample_data$Other)
# By this time the vector "other" might look like
# general structure: <time> - <name>: <text>
# possible variations: <time> - <name> <action>
# separate by dash, an attempt to take out the time.
otherl <- unlist(lapply(other,strsplit, split = "-"))
time_index <- sapply(otherl, function(x){
a <- strsplit(gsub(" ", "", x), ":")[[1]]
if(length(a) == 2){
sum( == 0
} else { FALSE }})
time_value <- otherl[time_index]
# Check up
if(length(date) != length(time_value))
stop("Problem between _dates_ and _time_: see function")
# Join time and date and create variable with "other" data.
general_time <- apply(cbind(as.character(date), time_value), 1, nl)
time <- strptime(general_time, paste("%Y-%m-%d"," %H:%M ", sep = ""))
other <- other_stuff(otherl, time_index)
# Check up
if(length(time) != length(other))
stop("Problem between _time_ and _other_: see function")
# Now the vector "other" might look like
# general structure: <name>: <text>
# possible variations: <name> <action>
# Spearate by : an attempt to take out the user.
otherl <- lapply(other,strsplit, split = ":")
# TO DO: re-wirte this code avoiding for loops.
other <- numeric()
user <- numeric()
for(i in 1:length(otherl)){
n <- length(otherl[[i]][[1]])
user[i] <- gsub(" ","",otherl[[i]][[1]][1])
for(j in 2:n){
if(j == 2)
tex <- otherl[i][[1]][[1]][2]
tex <- paste(tex, otherl[i][[1]][[1]][j], sep = ":")
other[i] <- tex
# Check up
if(length(time) != length(other))
stop("Problem between _time_ and _other_ (name): see function")
# We have the following variables:
# date, time, user, other.
# The "other" variable represents the message send.
# Separate by " " an attempt to word identification.
# Challenges: empty spaces, punctuation symbols, NAs.
otherl <- lapply(other, strsplit, split = " ")
# TO DO: re-wirte this code avoiding for loops.
m <- 1
n_max <- 0
words <- list()
pos <- numeric()
for(i in 1:length(otherl)){
n <- length(otherl[[i]][[1]])
w <- numeric()
k <- 1
for(j in 1:length(otherl[[i]][[1]])){
if(otherl[[i]][[1]][j] != "" & otherl[[i]][[1]][j] != " "){
w[k] <- gsub(pattern = '[[:punct:]]',
replacement = "",
k <- k + 1
l <- 1
wf <- numeric()
for(j in 1:length(w)){
if(length(w) != 0){
if(w[j] != ""){
wf[l] <- w[j]
l <- l + 1
if(l != 1){
pos[m] <- i
words[[m]] <- wf
n_act <- length(words[[m]])
if(n_act > n_max)
n_max <- n_act
m <- m + 1
# TO DO: re-wirte this code avoiding for loops.
by_words <- numeric()
gen_word <- numeric()
for(i in 1:length(words)){
n <- length(words[[i]])
v <- c(words[[i]], rep(NA,n_max + 1 - n))
gen_word <- c(gen_word, words[[i]])
if( i == 1)
by_words <- v
by_words <- rbind(by_words, v)
# Now we create a dataframe for the words per message send
names(by_words) <- as.character(1:ncol(by_words))
rownames(by_words) <- as.character(1:nrow(by_words))
by_words <- as_data_frame(by_words)
# here we unify all the variables into a single data_frame
obs <- data_frame(Date = date, Time = as.POSIXct(time), Users = user)
obs <- obs[pos, ]
obs <- as_data_frame(cbind(obs, by_words))
# determine the frequency of some words
unique_words <- unique(gen_word)
cont_words <- numeric()
aux_df <- data_frame(Words = gen_word)
for(i in 1:length(unique_words)){
cont_words[i] <- dim(aux_df[aux_df$Words == unique_words[i], ])[1]
word_count <- data_frame(Words = unique_words,
Count = as.numeric(cont_words))
# Change the name of "media omitted" to <media>
# Add relative and comulative frequency
new_row <- c("<media>", as.character(
word_count[word_count$Words == "omitted", "Count"]))
word_count <- rbind(word_count, new_row)
word_count$Count <- as.numeric(word_count$Count)
word_count <- word_count[order(word_count$Count,decreasing = T), ]
word_count <- word_count[word_count$Words != "Media" & word_count$Words != "omitted",]
word_count$Rel <- 100 * word_count$Count / sum(word_count$Count)
Acum <- numeric()
Acum[1] <- as.numeric(word_count$Rel[1])
for(i in 2:length(word_count$Rel)){
Acum[i] <- Acum[i-1] + word_count$Rel[i]
word_count$Acum <- Acum
# Fix some bugs in users
unique_us <- as.character(unique(obs$Users))
# Start the clock
#ptm <- proc.time()
aux_df <- data_frame()
for(i in unique_us){
filr <- as.character(i)
filr <- paste(filr,"txt_filtr", sep = "")
filr <- strsplit(filr, "added")
if(length(filr[[1]]) == 1)
filr <- strsplit(filr[[1]], "changedthis")
if(length(filr[[1]]) == 1)
filr <- strsplit(filr[[1]], "left")
if(length(filr[[1]]) == 1)
filr <- strsplit(filr[[1]], "-NA")
if(length(filr[[1]]) == 1)
filr <- strsplit(filr[[1]], "createdg")
if(length(filr[[1]]) == 1){
aux_df <- rbind(aux_df,
obs[obs$Users == i, ])
obs <- aux_df
unique_us <- as.character(unique(obs$Users))
# Stop the clock
#proc.time() - ptm
# remove na's
avoid_index <-$Date) == F
obs <- obs[avoid_index, ]
obs <- specific_func(specif, unique_us, obs)
# Determine number of words and messages per day
k <- 1
dates <- unique(obs$Date)
messages_users <- data_frame()
words_users <- data_frame()
for(i in dates){
for(j in unique_us){
messages_users[k, j] <- dim(obs[obs$Users == j & obs$Date == i, "Users"])[1]
words_users[k, j] <- sum([obs$Users == j & obs$Date == i, ]) == F) - 3
k <- k + 1
messages_users$Date <- dates
messages_users <- gather(messages_users, User, Messages, -Date)
words_users$Date <- dates
words_users <- gather(words_users, User, Words, -Date)
# Word and word's length
word_count$Word_lenght <- sapply(word_count$Words,count_length)
word_count$id_nl <- as.factor(apply(
word_count[,c("Count", "Word_lenght")], 1, nl))
order_id <- word_count[order(word_count$Count), "id_nl"]
levels(word_count$id_nl) <- order_id
# Words and hour
tidy_obs <- na.omit(gather(obs, place_on, Word,
-Date, -Time, -Users))
tidy_obs <- na.omit(tidy_obs)
hours_vector <- sapply(tidy_obs$Time, FUN = function(x)
as.numeric(format(strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "%H")))
tidy_obs$Hour <- hours_vector
words_hour <- tidy_obs[,c("Time","Hour", "Users", "Word")]
k <- 1
time <- obs$Time
hours <- sapply(time, FUN = function(x)
as.numeric(format(strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "%H")))
aux_df <- obs
aux_df$Hours <- hours
hours_un <- unique(hours)
freq_hour <- data_frame()
for(i in hours_un){
for(j in unique_us){
freq_hour[k, j] <- sum([aux_df$Users == j & aux_df$Hours == i, ]) == F) - 4
if(freq_hour[k, j] < 0)
freq_hour[k, j] <- 0
k <- k + 1
freq_hour$Hours <- hours_un
freq_hour <- gather(freq_hour, User, Words, -Hours)
# We have the following data_frames
# obs: observations
# tidy_obs: like obs but tidy
# word_count: word count
# messages_users: number of messages per user
# words_users: number of words per user
# words_hour: words said per hour
# freq_hour: use of words per hour
clean_dataset <- list()
clean_dataset[[1]] <- obs
clean_dataset[[2]] <- tidy_obs
clean_dataset[[3]] <- word_count
clean_dataset[[4]] <- messages_users
clean_dataset[[5]] <- words_users
clean_dataset[[6]] <- words_hour
clean_dataset[[7]] <- freq_hour
names(clean_dataset) <- c("observations", "tidy_obs", "word_count",
"messages_users", "words_users",
"words_hour", "freq_hour")
# specific_func -----------------------------------------------------------
# Specific_func, just to do a specific job
specific_func <- function(specif, unique_us, obs){
if(specif == 2){
if(unique_us[1] == "Radrigo"){
new_users <- c("Rodrigo", "Ana_Teresa")
new_users <- c("Ana_Teresa", "Rodrigo")
if(specif == 1){
unique_us <- unique(obs$Users)
nomb <- c("Fernanda", "Amauri", "Rodrigo", "Alicia", "Webster", "Vírgen",
"Yolanda", "Raúl", "Dulce", "Daniela", "Ceballos", "+5213322555291")
ped <- c("ndaA", "uriG", "adrig", "lic", "sW", "sV",
"ol", "lR", "eM", "yG", "oC", "32255")
new_users <- numeric()
for(i in 1:length(unique_us)){
flag <- 0; j <- 1
while(flag == 0){
if(length(strsplit(unique_us[i], ped[j])[[1]]) == 2){
new_users[i] <- nomb[j]
flag <- 1
j <- j + 1
Users <- numeric()
for(i in 1:length(obs$Users)){
j <- 1
flag <- 0
while(flag == 0){
if(obs$Users[i] == unique_us[j]){
Users[i] <- new_users[j]
flag <- 1
j <- j + 1
Users <- factor(Users)
obs$Users <- Users
# word_filter -------------------------------------------------------------
# filters the usual words in a given language.
word_filter <- function(data, lang = "spanish"){
if(lang == "spanish"){
excl <- c("Si", "si", "Sí","sí", "No", "no", "Que", "que", "Quien",
"quien", "Donde", "donde", "A", "a", "De", "de",
"La", "la", "El", "el", "En", "en", "Y", "y", "Se",
"se", "Es", "es", "Lo", "lo", "Con", "con", "Me", "me",
"Por", "por", "Te", "te", "Un", "un", "sÃ", "SÃ", "Ya",
"ya", "Tu", "tu", "Como", "como", "Las", "las", "más", "mas",
"mÃs", "Los", "los", "Para", "para", "mi", "eso", "una", "unas",
"Pero", "pero", "Le", "le", "Del", "del", "Haha", "jaja", "Jajaja",
"Jajajaja", "al", "estÃ", "o", "bien", "su", "Ây", "esta", "estoy",
"haha", "<media>", "va", "algo", "quÃ", "son", "hace", "dÃa",
"Jajajajaja", "porque", "asÃ", "tÃ", "les", "hasta", "cosas",
"ver", "voy", "Jaja", "cierto", "muy", "hay", "tengo", "entonces",
"he", "tus", "dos", "Pues", "ni", "cuenta", "tambiÃn", "habÃa", "ese",
"ha", "ti", "estÃn", "Âque", "tienes", "haciendo", "AsÃ", "pues", "bueno",
"Jajaa", "Ni", "hecho", "puedo", "Yo", "yo", "Ok", "todo", "Okay", "nada",
"cuando", "SÃlo", "dÃas", "maÃana", "Buenos", "😘", "ir", "tal", "Voy",
"Porque", "casa", "verdad", "vas", "pronto", "sÃlo", "Estoy", "Gracias",
"estar", "mis", "avisas", "digo", "haces", "Esta", "noches")
word_filter <- data
for(i in excl){
word_filter <- word_filter[word_filter$Words != i, ]
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