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Last active December 30, 2015 22:19
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  • Save RIAstar/7893328 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RIAstar/7893328 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package net.riastar.components {
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.operations.DeleteTextOperation;
import flashx.textLayout.operations.FlowOperation;
import flashx.textLayout.operations.InsertTextOperation;
import spark.components.RichEditableText;
import spark.components.TextInput;
* The color of the replaceable characters in the <code>textMask</code>
* @default 0x000000
[Style(name="maskColor", inherit="no", type="uint")]
* The alpha transparency of the replaceable characters in the <code>textMask</code>
* @default .3
[Style(name="maskAlpha", inherit="no", type="Number")]
* MaskedTextInput is a TextInput that uses a <code>textMask</code> to force a certain formatting on the user's input.
* It can be used for a wide range of formats. Some example formats:
* <ul>
* <li><b>date:</b>dd/mm/yyyy</li>
* <li><b>belgian bank number:</b>***-*******-**</li>
* <li><b>BIC:</b>bbbbcclliii</li>
* <li><b>credit card:</b>####-####-####-####</li>
* <li><b>pincode:</b>****</li>
* <li><b>belgian national register number:</b>##.##.##-###.##</li>
* </ul>
* Some of the characters in the <code>textMask</code> are considered <code>delimiters</code>.
* These characters don't get replaced or deleted when the user changes the input.
* Other characters of the <code>textMask</code> do get replaced by the user's input.<br/>
* The delimiter characters are displayed with the same styling as the main <code>text</code> style,
* whereas the replaceable characters have a different style:
* use the <code>maskColor</code> and <code>maskAlpha</code> styles to adjust their look and feel.<br/><br/>
* The default delimiters are <code>/ \ | : - . ( ) [ ] { } &lt;</code> and <code>&gt;</code>
* but this can be overridden through the <code>deleimters</code> property.
* @langversion ActionScript 3.0, Flex 4.6
* @playerversion Flash 11.1
* @author Maxime Cowez
* @tiptext MaskedTextInput A TextInput with a mask that forces formatting
public class MaskedTextInput extends TextInput {
/* ------------------ */
/* --- properties --- */
/* ------------------ */
/** Characters that have to be escaped when building the <code>delimiterRegex</code> property */
private const regexEscape:String = "/\\|.*+?$^'#()[]{}bBdDsSwW";
/** The characters from the <code>textMask</code> property that aren't delimiters and can be replaced */
private var replaceableChars:String;
/** The regular expression used to find the replaceable characters */
private var delimiterRegex:RegExp;
private var _delimiters:String = "/\\|:-.()[]{}<>";
* Characters in the <code>textMask</code> that won't be replaced or deleted when the user edits the input field.
* These characters will be displayed in the same color and alpha as the user's input
* (as opposed to the characters from the <code>textMask</code> that aren't delimiters).
* Also the cursor will jump over these characters while typing.
* @default /\\|:-.()[]{}<>
public function get delimiters():String {
return _delimiters;
public function set delimiters(value:String):void {
_delimiters = value;
delimiterRegex = createDelimiterRegex(value);
replaceableChars = _textMask ? _textMask.replace(delimiterRegex, '') : "";
if (richText) richText.textFlow = createTextFlow(_textMask);
private var _textMask:String;
* A set of characters the will be replaced as the user types.
* They will be presented differently than the real input text:
* their presentation can be configured through the <code>maskColor</code> and <code>maskAlpha</code> styles.
* Some of the characters can be delimiters and won't be replaced (see <code>delimiters</code> property).
* This property is <b>required</b>.
public function get textMask():String {
return _textMask;
public function set textMask(value:String):void {
_textMask = value;
replaceableChars = value ? value.replace(delimiterRegex, '') : "";
if (richText) richText.textFlow = createTextFlow(value);
private var _isComplete:Boolean;
public function get isComplete():Boolean {
return _isComplete;
public function set isComplete(value:Boolean):void {
_isComplete = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("isCompleteChanged"));
/** @private */
override public function set text(value:String):void {
super.text = value;
if (richText) richText.textFlow = createTextFlow(value);
/** A more specifically typed reference to the <code>textDisplay</code>, just for convenience */
private var richText:RichEditableText;
/** Whether to prevent events from being dispatched; used for silently setting <code>text</code> */
private var preventEvents:Boolean;
/* -------------------- */
/* --- construction --- */
/* -------------------- */
public function MaskedTextInput() {
//set default value to force derived calculations
delimiters = _delimiters;
override protected function partAdded(partName:String, instance:Object):void {
super.partAdded(partName, instance);
switch (instance) {
case textDisplay:
richText = RichEditableText(textDisplay);
richText.textFlow = createTextFlow(text);
textDisplay.addEventListener(TextOperationEvent.CHANGING, handleTextOperation);
/* ---------------------- */
/* --- event handlers --- */
/* ---------------------- */
private function handleTextOperation(event:TextOperationEvent):void {
var operation:FlowOperation = event.operation;
if (operation is InsertTextOperation)
insertChar(operation as InsertTextOperation);
if (operation is DeleteTextOperation)
deleteSelection(operation as DeleteTextOperation);
/* ----------------- */
/* --- behaviour --- */
/* ----------------- */
* Takes a list of delimiters (actually just characters as a String)
* and creates a regular expression we can use to filter them from the <code>textMask</code>.
* This step is necessary because a lot of these delimiter characters
* have to be escaped in a regular expression.
* @param delimiters The delimiter characters as a String
protected function createDelimiterRegex(delimiters:String):RegExp {
var regex:String = "";
var numChars:int = delimiters ? delimiters.length : 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i < numChars; i++) {
var char:String = delimiters.charAt(i);
regex += "|" + (regexEscape.indexOf(char) == -1 ? "" : "\\") + char;
return new RegExp(regex.substr(1), "gm");
* Silently sets the <code>text</code> property, i.e. events will not be dispatched
* @param value The new text
protected function setText(value:String):void {
if (text == value) return;
preventEvents = true;
text = value;
preventEvents = false;
* Inserts a character the user types at the right position.
* If the cursor is at a replaceable character, it'll be replaced.
* If it's at a delimiter, the next replaceable character will be replaced.
* If it's at the end of the <code>textMask</code> nothing happens.
* The cursor is then set before the next replaceable character,
* jumping over any delimiters.
* @param operation The <code>InsertTextOperation</code> that carries the necessary info to insert the text
protected function insertChar(operation:InsertTextOperation):void {
var index:int = operation.absoluteStart;
if (index >= text.length) return;
//insert the new character at the next valid index
index = getNextCharPosition(index);
setText(text.substr(0, index) + operation.text + text.substr(index + 1));
//set the cursor at the next valid index after the inserted character
index = getNextCharPosition(index + 1);
richText.selectRange(index, index);
* Replaces the text selection with the text from the <code>textMask</code>
* and sets the cursor at the beginning of that selection so the user can start typing again.
* @param operation The <code>DeleteTextOperation</code> that carries the necessary info to delete the text
protected function deleteSelection(operation:DeleteTextOperation):void {
var start:int = operation.absoluteStart;
var end:int = operation.absoluteEnd;
//replace selected text with mask text and set cursor at the start of the selection
setText(text.substr(0, start) + textMask.substring(start, end) + text.substr(end));
richText.selectRange(start, start);
* Finds the index of the first replaceable character in the <code>textMask</code> after a given position.
* Starts searching from index 0 by default.
* @param start The index from which to start searching for replaceable characters; default 0
* @return The index of the first replaceable character
protected function getNextCharPosition(start:int = 0):int {
if (start >= text.length) return start;
while (delimiters.indexOf(text.charAt(start)) != -1) {
return start;
* Takes a text, compares it to the <code>textMask</code>
* and creates a <code>TextFlow</code> object with input text and delimiters in the normal text style,
* and replaceable <code>textMask</code> characters with a different style.
* See <code>maskColor</code> and <code>maskAlpha</code> styles to configure the replaceable character style.
* @param text The text that will be converted
* @return The <code>TextFlow</code> with different stylings
protected function createTextFlow(text:String):TextFlow {
if (!text) text = _textMask;
if (!text || !_textMask) return null;
var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
var maskColor:uint = getStyle("maskColor");
var maskAlpha:Number = getStyle("maskAlpha");
if (isNaN(maskAlpha)) maskAlpha = .3;
for (var i:int = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
var char:String = text.charAt(i);
span.text = char;
if (replaceableChars.indexOf(char) != -1) {
span.color = maskColor;
span.textAlpha = maskAlpha;
textFlow.mxmlChildren = [p];
return textFlow;
protected function updateIsComplete():void {
var numChars:int = text.length;
if (!numChars) {
isComplete = false;
for (var i:int = 0; i < numChars; i++) {
if (replaceableChars.indexOf(text.charAt(i)) != -1) {
isComplete = false;
isComplete = true;
* Since the styling of the mask text is not done in <code>updateDiplayList()</code>,
* we need to update the <code>textFlow</code> whenever the mask styles change.
* @private
override public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void {
if (richText) richText.textFlow = createTextFlow(text);
/** @private */
override public function dispatchEvent(event:Event):Boolean {
return preventEvents && event.type == FlexEvent.VALUE_COMMIT ? false : super.dispatchEvent(event);
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