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Created November 9, 2009 16:40
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  • Save RJ/230077 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RJ/230077 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
% An ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Lisp
% start like: erlc erlisp.erl && rlwrap erl -noshell -s erlisp -s init stop
% quoting and eval are not working.
% one example that works:
% (set triple (lambda (n) (* n 3)))
% (triple 3)
% Any feedback on what I'm doing wrong or how to improve appreciated.
-record(state, {defs}).
% eval a single string:
eval(List) ->
Defs = ets:new(state, [set]),
State = #state{defs=Defs},
Parsed = parse(List),
io:format("Parse tree: ~p\n", [Parsed]),
hd(do_eval(Parsed, State)).
% enter repl:
start() ->
Defs = ets:new(state, [set]),
State = #state{defs=Defs},
repl_loop(State) ->
case io:get_line("erlisp> ") of
eof -> ok;
{error,_} -> error;
"quit"++_ -> quit;
"traceon" -> dbgon(?MODULE,do_eval), repl_loop(State);
"traceoff" -> dbgoff(), repl_loop(State);
"reload"++_ ->
{ok, _} = compile:file(atom_to_list(?MODULE)++".erl"),
code:purge(?MODULE), code:load_file(?MODULE),
Str ->
Str1 = string:strip(string:strip(string:strip(Str,both,$\n), both, $\r)),
case Str1 of
"" -> repl_loop(State);
_ ->
Parsed = parse(Str1),
%io:format("Parse tree: ~p\n", [Parsed]),
Ret = hd(do_eval(Parsed, State)),
io:format("~p~n", [Ret]),
do_eval(['eq',A,B], State) -> do_eval(A,State) == do_eval(B, State);
do_eval(['if',Cond,Exp], State) -> do_eval(['ifelse',Cond,Exp,[]], State);
do_eval(['ifelse',Cond,ExpIf,ExpElse], State) ->
case do_eval(Cond, State) of
true -> do_eval(ExpIf, State);
false -> do_eval(ExpElse, State)
do_eval(['+'|T], State) -> lists:foldl(fun(El, AccIn)-> do_eval(El, State) + AccIn end, 0, T);
do_eval(['-',T1|T2], State) -> lists:foldl(fun(El, AccIn)-> AccIn - do_eval(El, State) end, do_eval(T1, State), T2);
do_eval(['*'|T], State) -> lists:foldl(fun(El, AccIn)-> do_eval(El, State) * AccIn end, 1, T);
do_eval(['/',A,B], State) -> do_eval(A, State) / do_eval(B, State);
do_eval(['car'|[List]], _State) when is_list(List) -> hd(List);
do_eval(['cdr'|[List]], _State) when is_list(List) -> tl(List);
%do_eval(['@',List], _State) when is_list(List) -> List;
do_eval(['quote'|List], _State) -> {quoted, hd(List)};
do_eval(['eval'|T], State) -> {eval, do_eval(hd(T),State)};
% (set a 3)
do_eval(['set',K,V], State) when is_atom(K) ->
Def = do_eval(V, State), % do_eval first to close in any referenced vars
ets:insert(State#state.defs, {K, Def}),
% (lambda (n) (n * 2))
do_eval(['lambda',Args,Exp], _State) ->
Def = Exp, % todo closure/bind vars
F = fun(PassedArgs, State1) ->
St =lists:zip(Args,PassedArgs),
ets:insert(State1#state.defs, St),
do_eval(Def, State1)
{lambda, F, length(Args)};
% expand any set/functions and reeval
do_eval([Atom|T], State) when is_atom(Atom) ->
case ets:lookup(State#state.defs, Atom) of
[] -> [Atom | do_eval(T,State) ];
[{_X, V}] -> do_eval([V|T], State)
%do_eval([{quoted, Exp}], _State) -> [Exp];
do_eval([{lambda, Fun, Arity}|Args], State) when is_function(Fun), length(Args) == Arity -> Fun(Args, State);
do_eval(X, State) when not is_list(X) ->
case ets:lookup(State#state.defs, X) of
[] -> X;
[{X, V}] -> do_eval(V, State)
do_eval([], _State) -> [];
do_eval([H|T], State) -> [case H1 = do_eval(H, State) of
[{lambda,_,_}|_] -> do_eval(H1, State);
[{eval, {quoted, Exp}}|HT] -> do_eval([Exp|HT], State);
_ -> H1
case T1 = do_eval(T, State) of
[{lambda,_,_}|_] -> do_eval(T1, State);
[{eval, {quoted, Exp}}|HT] -> do_eval([Exp|HT], State);
_ -> T1
% parser
parse(Str) -> parse(Str,[], 0, -1).
parse("", State, _, _) -> lists:reverse(State);
parse(Str, State, Depth, Q) ->
{Tok, Rest} = next_token(Str),
%io:format("[~p] parse: ~s State:~p tok:~p rest=~p q=~p\n", [Depth, Str, State, Tok, Rest, Q]),
case Tok of
$) -> {Rest, State};
$( -> {Rest1, State1} = parse(Rest, [], Depth+1, Q),
case Q == Depth of
true ->
S = {quoted, lists:reverse(State1)},
parse(Rest1, [S|State], Depth, -1);
false ->
parse(Rest1, [lists:reverse(State1)|State], Depth, Q)
% $@ -> parse(Rest, State, Depth, Depth);
Sym ->
Scalar = parse_scalar(Sym),
case Q == Depth of
true ->
parse(Rest, [{quoted, Scalar}|State], Depth, -1);
false ->
parse(Rest, [Scalar|State], Depth, Q)
% lexing
next_token(Str) -> tok(string:strip(Str), "").
tok([], Tok) -> {Tok, []};
tok([$(|T], "") -> {$(, T};
tok([$)|T], "") -> {$), T};
tok([$ |T], Tok) -> {Tok, T};
%tok([$@|T], "") -> {$@, T};
tok([H|T], Tok) when (H == $ ) orelse (H == $() orelse (H == $))
-> {Tok, [H|T]};
tok([H|T], Tok) -> tok(T, Tok++[H]).
% convert string to int/float/atom/etc
parse_scalar(S) ->
case string:to_float(S) of
{error, _} ->
case string:to_integer(S) of
{error, _} ->
{Int,""} -> Int
{Float,""} -> Float
% erlang debug stuff for tracing execution:
dbgon(Module, Fun) when is_atom(Fun) ->
{ok,_} = dbg:tracer(),
dbg:tpl(Module, Fun, [{'_',[],[{return_trace}]}]),
dbgoff() -> dbg:stop().
dbgon(Module) ->
dbg:tpl(Module, [{'_',[],[{return_trace}]}]),
% E -> E
% end.
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