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Seth Beebe
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<h3>Seth Beebe. Web Developer.</h3>
<p>From online portfolios to e-commerce stores, trust me with all of your web development needs.</p>
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<img src="" alt="vintage typewriter on white">
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<p>Clean design allows your brand and product easily shine through.</p>
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<img src="" alt="Desk setting with orange chair">
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<p>A website custom built to meet all of your business needs</p>
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<h2>Portfolio Concept</h2>
<p>For my <a href="#" title="More Information" id="item1">portfolio</a> I would like to highlight several different website designs for individuals, small businesses, and larger brands. I would like a very clean and modern layout with minimalist geometric design elements.</p>
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<h2>Project Goals</h2>
<p>I intend to spend a minimum of 15 hours a week on my course work, but I will strive to spend 20-25 hours a week on coursework and additional research that will aid me in my knowledge of web development.</p>
<p><a class="btn btn-default" href="#" role="button">View details &raquo;</a></p>
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<h2>Course Goals</h2>
<p>I am taking this course with the intent of changing my career. Whether I stay in my former company or start a freelance business is not yet decided, but I intend to learn as much as I can while in this course.</p>
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<h1>My Work</h1>
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<h1>About Me</h1>
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<p>Web Developer. <br> Professional Photographer.<br> Geek for hire.
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<h2>My Skills</h2>
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<li>Professional Photographer</li>
<li>Technical Writer</li>
<li>Web Developer</li>
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<h2>My Story</h2>
<p>I am a 31 year old web development student based in the greater Burlington area of Vermont.<br>
I have always loved the creative process. Whether it's drawing, graphic design, photography, or building websites, I bring my strong design sense and an eye for composition.<br>
Let me help you realize your creative vison and bring your message to life online. Please visit my contact page to get in touch.</p>
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<p>Whether your project is big or small,
lets make something great together.
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<h2>Seth Beebe</h2>
<p><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></span> Winooski, Vermont <br>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-phone"></span> 802.249.3266 <br>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"></span> </p>
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What interests you about web design?
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I've always loved graphic design and puzzles. Web design seems to be a perfect marriage of the two.
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What makes you a good Web Designer?
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I am organized, have a keen eye for details, and have years of troubleshooting experience.
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What type of clients do you work with?
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I love working with small to medium businesses looking to find new e-commerce solutions.
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Do you work with non-profits?
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Depending on my availability and the scope of the project, I would love to collaborate with local non-profit organizations.
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How do you approach design?
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My first concern is who will be using the site and how can I meet their needs and expectations.
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