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Forked from rhyhann/maze.rb
Created December 30, 2009 00:58
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# maze.rb, by Othmane Benkirane.
# only tested with ruby 1.9.1p376 (2009-12-07 revision 26041).
# will definitely not work with ruby 1.8.
Algorithm for steps:
- @steps is populated with the starting cell in the beginnign ('A')
- Until a solution is found, @steps replaces its content by the
possible next steps
- If a solution is found, the number is returned, if a solution isn't found
(if @steps is empty), an error is raised (the loop is broken) and rescued
to return 0
Algorithm for solvable?:
- steps must be superior to zero, since if it's zero, there is no solution.
# Shortcuts
class String
def chars
class Integer
def prev
self - 1
class Maze
# Raised when there is no solution
SolutionNotFound =
# @labyrinth is generated in the initialize method, and
# is the string's array: each row contains one array of cells, which
# enables the cell calling like that: @labyrinth[row][column]
# it is used later by cells to find their relative neighbours.
attr_reader :labyrinth
def initialize(string)
# Making it a 2-D array
@labyrinth = {|row| row.chomp.chars}
# Because the cells aren't unique, it's better to hardcode
# their coordinates by turning them into a Cell element, which
# is explained later and takes the coordinates and the maze as an argument.!.with_index do |row, row_index|!.with_index do |value, column_index| value:value, row:row_index, column:column_index,maze:self
# The starting cell is used to create an initial step, which is used in
# #steps to begin the solution searching
start_cell = @labyrinth.flatten.find {|cell| cell.status == :start}
(@steps = []) <<,number:0)
# If a solution is found, steps must be superior to 0, since A and B can't
# be on the same cell. In #steps, 0 is returned if there is no solution.
def solvable?
steps > 0
def steps
# An infinite loop until the solution is found, or no ways left
# which means there's no solution : an exception is raised and rescued
# to return 0.
until output = @steps.find {|step| step.cell.status == :stop}! do |step|
step.next_steps # replaces the step by its correct neighbours
# @steps is flattened since step.next_steps generates an array.
raise SolutionNotFound if @steps.flatten!.empty?
output.number # we just want an integer.
rescue SolutionNotFound
return 0
class Step
attr_reader :cell, :number, :previous
# Cell: the cell where the step it
# Count: the step number
# Previous: the previous step, because we don't want to go back
# params: cell(Maze::Cell), number(Integer), previous(Step, not required)
def initialize(params = {})
# @previous is nil if there is no params[:previous] given
@cell,@number,@previous = params[:cell],params[:number],params[:previous]
# Takes all the cell's neighbours, converts them into a new step,
# and rejects every '#' one and the previous one, which is not
# a good way because we don't want to go back.
def next_steps do |cell|,number:@number+1,previous:self)
end.reject { |step| (step.cell.status == :wall)}.reject do |step|
step.cell == @previous.cell if @previous
# we must add 'if @previous' since, if it's the starting cell,
# @previous is nil.
class Cell
attr_reader :row, :column, :status
# Row, Column: row and column _number_.
# Maze: the related maze. Used to find the neighbours by taking
# its 2-d labyrinth
# the status is dynamically generated from the given value
# params: row(Integer), column(Integer), value(String), maze(Maze)
def initialize(params = {})
@row, @column = params[:row], params[:column]
@laby = params[:maze].labyrinth # the maze labyrinth
{empty:' ',wall:'#',start:'A',stop:'B'}.each do |status, value|
@status = status if value == params[:value]
def neighbours
# up/down, right/left
[@laby[@row][@column.succ], @laby[@row][@column.prev],
@laby[@row.succ][@column], @laby[@row.prev][@column]]
# Used by Maze::Step#neighbours to remove the previous cell from the
# next steps.
def ==(other)
return false unless self.class === other
other.row == @row &&
other.column == @column &&
other.status == @status
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