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  • Save RLittlesII/c99f82813157f6d6c08cf17afe504cab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RLittlesII/c99f82813157f6d6c08cf17afe504cab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
.Does(() =>
var harvestDirectory = Directory("./");
var filePath = File("Wix.Directory.wxs");
var settings = new HeatSettings { HarvestType = WiXHarvestType.Dir };
WiXHeat(harvestDirectory, filePath, settings);
Executing task: WiX-Directory
An error occured when executing task 'WiX-Directory'.
Executing custom teardown action...
Later Cake
Error: System.ArgumentException: Incorrect harvest type for input.
Parameter name: harvestTarget
at Cake.Common.Tools.WiX.Heat.HeatRunner.GetArguments(String harvestTarget, FilePath outputFile, HeatSettings settings)
at Cake.Common.Tools.WiX.Heat.HeatRunner.Run(String harvestTarget, FilePath outputFile, HeatSettings settings)
at Submission#0.<.ctor>b__6()
at Cake.Core.ActionTask.Execute(ICakeContext context)
at Cake.Core.DefaultExecutionStrategy.Execute(CakeTask task, ICakeContext context)
at Cake.Core.CakeEngine.ExecuteTask(ICakeContext context, IExecutionStrategy strategy, Stopwatch stopWatch, CakeTask task, CakeRepo
rt report)
at Cake.Core.CakeEngine.RunTarget(ICakeContext context, IExecutionStrategy strategy, String target)
at Cake.Scripting.BuildScriptHost.RunTarget(String target)
at Submission#0..ctor(Session session, Object& submissionResult)
at Submission#0.<Factory>(Session session)
at Roslyn.Scripting.CommonScriptEngine.Execute[T](String code, String path, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, Session session, Boolean isI
at Roslyn.Scripting.Session.Execute(String code)
at Cake.Core.Scripting.ScriptRunner.Run(IScriptHost host, FilePath scriptPath, IDictionary`2 arguments)
at Cake.Commands.BuildCommand.Execute(CakeOptions options)
at Cake.CakeApplication.Run(CakeOptions options)
at Cake.Program.Main()
.Does(() =>
DirectoryPath harvestDirectory = Directory("./");
var filePath = File("Wix.Directory.wxs");
var settings = new HeatSettings { HarvestType = WiXHarvestType.Dir };
WiXHeat(harvestDirectory, filePath, settings);
Executing task: WiX-Directory
Executing: "C:/Program Files (x86)/WiX Toolset v3.10/bin/heat.exe" dir "C:/Users/RLITTLES/Source/Repos/Xamarin.MobileWorld" -out "C:/U
Windows Installer XML Toolset Toolset Harvester version
Copyright (c) Outercurve Foundation. All rights reserved.
heat.exe : warning HEAT5151 : Could not harvest data from a file that was expected to be an assembly: C:\Users\RLITTLES\Source\Repos\X
amarin.MobileWorld\src\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.v4.\lib\MonoAndroid10\Xamarin.Android.Support.v4.dll. If this file is
not an assembly you can ignore this warning. Otherwise, this error detail may be helpful to diagnose the failure: Could not load file
or assembly 'Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065' or one of its dependencies. The system c
annot find the file specified.
heat.exe : warning HEAT5151 : Could not harvest data from a file that was expected to be an assembly: C:\Users\RLITTLES\Source\Repos\X
amarin.MobileWorld\src\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\lib\MonoAndroid10\FormsViewGroup.dll. If this file is not an assembly you can
ignore this warning. Otherwise, this error detail may be helpful to diagnose the failure: Could not load file or assembly 'Mono.Andro
id, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file spe
heat.exe : warning HEAT5151 : Could not harvest data from a file that was expected to be an assembly: C:\Users\RLITTLES\Source\Repos\X
amarin.MobileWorld\src\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\lib\MonoAndroid10\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.dll. If this file is not an
assembly you can ignore this warning. Otherwise, this error detail may be helpful to diagnose the failure: Could not load file or asse
mbly 'Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot f
ind the file specified.
heat.exe : warning HEAT5151 : Could not harvest data from a file that was expected to be an assembly: C:\Users\RLITTLES\Source\Repos\X
amarin.MobileWorld\src\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\lib\MonoTouch10\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.Classic.dll. If this file is not a
n assembly you can ignore this warning. Otherwise, this error detail may be helpful to diagnose the failure: Could not load file or as
sembly 'monotouch, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot fi
nd the file specified.
heat.exe : warning HEAT5151 : Could not harvest data from a file that was expected to be an assembly: C:\Users\RLITTLES\Source\Repos\X
amarin.MobileWorld\src\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\lib\WP80\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WP8.dll. If this file is not an assembly you
can ignore this warning. Otherwise, this error detail may be helpful to diagnose the failure: Could not load file or assembly 'System.
Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the fil
e specified.
heat.exe : warning HEAT5151 : Could not harvest data from a file that was expected to be an assembly: C:\Users\RLITTLES\Source\Repos\X
amarin.MobileWorld\src\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\lib\Xamarin.iOS10\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.dll. If this file is not an asse
mbly you can ignore this warning. Otherwise, this error detail may be helpful to diagnose the failure: Could not load file or assembly
'Xamarin.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find t
he file specified.
heat.exe : warning HEAT5151 : Could not harvest data from a file that was expected to be an assembly: C:\Users\RLITTLES\Source\Repos\X
amarin.MobileWorld\src\packages\Xamarin.TestCloud.Agent.0.16.2\lib\MonoTouch10\Calabash.dll. If this file is not an assembly you can i
gnore this warning. Otherwise, this error detail may be helpful to diagnose the failure: Could not load file or assembly 'monotouch, V
ersion=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specifie
heat.exe : warning HEAT5151 : Could not harvest data from a file that was expected to be an assembly: C:\Users\RLITTLES\Source\Repos\X
amarin.MobileWorld\src\packages\Xamarin.TestCloud.Agent.0.16.2\lib\Xamarin.iOS10\Calabash.dll. If this file is not an assembly you can
ignore this warning. Otherwise, this error detail may be helpful to diagnose the failure: Could not load file or assembly 'monotouch,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specif
Finished executing task: WiX-Directory
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