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Last active February 20, 2016 20:07
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  • Save RMGiroux/af436bed97ceb7b1f759 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RMGiroux/af436bed97ceb7b1f759 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Simulate the "will you get your seat on a plane if a rude passenger
# picks a seat at random at the start of boarding" puzzle posed here:
# My spoilery attempt to explain the unexpected result this script generates is at
use strict;
my $passenger_and_seat_count = 100;
if (@ARGV) {
$passenger_and_seat_count = shift;
# A Fisher-Yates shuffle is a simple and reliable way to get an O(N) shuffle of
# an array.
# From _Perl Cookbook_:
sub fisher_yates_shuffle {
my $array = shift;
my $i;
for ($i = @$array; --$i; ) {
my $j = int rand ($i+1);
next if $i == $j;
@$array[$i,$j] = @$array[$j,$i];
# Run one iteration of the simulation specified at
sub simulate {
# We have N passengers...
my $passenger_and_seat_count = shift;
# ... all with assigned seats in random order.
my @passengers = (1..$passenger_and_seat_count);
# Keep track of the seats free. Use an array so we can do a random lookup,
# and a hash so we can check availability.
my @remaining_seats = (1..$passenger_and_seat_count);
my %remaining_seats;
# The first passenger is a jerk, who sits in a random seat instead of his
# assigned seat.
my $jerk_seat = $remaining_seats[rand(@remaining_seats)];
delete $remaining_seats{$jerk_seat};
splice @passengers, 0, 1;
# All the other passengers except the last one will...
while(@passengers > 1) {
my $desired_seat = $passengers[0];
# ... sit in their assigned seat if available...
if (!$remaining_seats{$desired_seat}) {
# ... otherwise, sit in a random seat.
@remaining_seats = keys %remaining_seats;
$desired_seat = $remaining_seats[rand(@remaining_seats)];
# Delete the desired seat from the remaining seats.
delete $remaining_seats{$desired_seat};
# Delete the passenger from the queue.
splice @passengers, 0, 1;
# Did the last passenger find their assigned seat unoccupied?
return exists $remaining_seats{$passengers[0]};
# We'll run 1_000_000 iterations in chunks of 10_000 so we can see progress.
my $total_trials = 0;
my $total_seats = 0;
foreach(1..100) {
my $trials = 0;
my $got_my_seat = 0;
foreach(1..10_000) {
$got_my_seat += simulate($passenger_and_seat_count);
printf "Trials: $trials, Successes: $got_my_seat, fraction: %.3f%%\n",
$total_trials += $trials;
$total_seats += $got_my_seat;
printf "**Trials: $total_trials, Successes: $total_seats, fraction: %.3f%%\n",
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