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Created October 9, 2013 18:00
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static void Main(string[] args)
//The MAXPLAYERS constant is the physical table size
const Int32 MAXPLAYERS = 23;
//Declare the player tables
Int32[] playerNumbers = new Int32[MAXPLAYERS];
String[] playerLastNames = new String[MAXPLAYERS];
Int32[] playerPoints = new Int32[MAXPLAYERS];
//Keep track of the actual number of players (i.e. logical table size)
Int32 playerCount = 0;
//Main Driver
char menuItem;
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the player system...\n");
menuItem = GetMenuItem();
while (menuItem != 'X')
ProcessMenuItem(menuItem, playerNumbers, playerLastNames, playerPoints, ref playerCount, MAXPLAYERS);
menuItem = GetMenuItem();
Console.WriteLine("\nThank you, goodbye");
//Returns either a 'C', 'R', 'U', 'D', 'L', or 'X' to the caller
static char GetMenuItem()
char menuItem;
menuItem = char.ToUpper(char.Parse(Console.ReadLine()));
while (menuItem != 'C'
&& menuItem != 'L' && menuItem != 'X')
Console.WriteLine("\nError - Invalid menu item");
menuItem = char.ToUpper(char.Parse(Console.ReadLine()));
return menuItem;
static void DisplayMenu()
Console.WriteLine("\nPlease pick an item:");
Console.WriteLine("C - Create Player");
Console.WriteLine("L - List Players");
Console.WriteLine("X - Exit");
//Routes to the appropriate process routine based on the user menu choice
static void ProcessMenuItem(Char menuItem, Int32[] playerNumbers, String[] playerLastNames,
Int32[] playerPoints, ref Int32 playerCount, Int32 MAXPLAYERS)
switch (menuItem)
case 'C':
ProcessCreate(playerNumbers, playerLastNames, playerPoints, ref playerCount, MAXPLAYERS);
case 'L':
ProcessList(playerNumbers, playerLastNames, playerPoints, playerCount);
//Creates a player in the tables if the array is not already full and the name is not a duplicate
static void ProcessCreate(Int32[] playerNumbers, String[] playerLastNames,
Int32[] playerPoints, ref Int32 playerCount, Int32 MAXPLAYERS)
Int32 number, points;
String lastName;
if (playerCount < MAXPLAYERS)
number = GetPositiveInteger("\nCreate Player: please enter the player's number");
if (GetPlayerIndex(number, playerNumbers, playerCount) == -1)
lastName = GetString("\nCreate Player: please enter the player's last name");
points = GetPositiveInteger("\nCreate Player: please enter the player's points");
InsertPlayer(number, lastName, points, playerNumbers, playerLastNames, playerPoints, ref playerCount);
Console.WriteLine("\nCreate Player: Number - {0}, Name - {1}, Points - {2}, created successfully", number, lastName, points);
Console.WriteLine("\nCreate Player: the player number already exists");
Console.WriteLine("\nCreate Player: the player roster is already full");
//Inserts the player at the correct location in the tables based on order of
//ascending player number. Unless the insert location is at the end, this
//requires shifting existing players down in order to make room
static void InsertPlayer(Int32 number, String lastName, Int32 points,
Int32[] playerNumbers, String[] playerLastNames, Int32[] playerPoints,
ref Int32 playerCount)
//puts data in acsending player number
Int32 insertIndex, shiftCount;
insertIndex = GetInsertIndex(number, playerNumbers, playerCount);
for (shiftCount = playerCount; shiftCount > insertIndex; shiftCount--)
playerNumbers[shiftCount] = playerNumbers[shiftCount - 1];
playerLastNames[shiftCount] = playerLastNames[shiftCount - 1];
playerPoints[shiftCount] = playerPoints[shiftCount - 1];
playerNumbers[insertIndex] = number;
playerLastNames[insertIndex] = lastName;
playerPoints[insertIndex] = points;
//Returns the index of the first player number in the table that is greater
//than the player number to be inserted
static Int32 GetInsertIndex(Int32 playerNumber, Int32[] playerNumbers,
Int32 playerCount)
Int32 index = 0;
bool found = false;
while (index < playerCount && found == false)
if (playerNumbers[index] > playerNumber)
found = true;
return index;
//Returns the index of the player number in the table
//or -1 if the number is not found
static Int32 GetPlayerIndex(Int32 playerNumber,
Int32[] playerNumbers, Int32 playerCount)
Int32 index = 0;
bool found = false;
while (index < playerCount && found == false)
if (playerNumbers[index] == playerNumber)
found = true;
if (found == false)
index = -1;
return index;
//Lists the players in the tables
static void ProcessList(Int32[] playerNumbers, String[] playerLastNames,
Int32[] playerPoints, Int32 playerCount)
if (playerCount > 0)
Console.WriteLine("\n{0,7} {1,-25}{2,6}\n", "Number", "Last Name", "Points");
for (Int32 player = 0; player < playerCount; player++)
Console.WriteLine("{0,7} {1,-25}{2,6}", playerNumbers[player], playerLastNames[player], playerPoints[player]);
Console.WriteLine("\nList Players: the roster is empty");
//Returns a positive integer
static Int32 GetPositiveInteger(String prompt)
Int32 n;
n = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
while (n < 0)
Console.WriteLine("\nError: enter positive value");
n = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
return n;
//Returns a non-empty string
static String GetString(String prompt)
String returnString;
returnString = Console.ReadLine();
while (returnString == "")
Console.WriteLine("\nError: must enter keyboard data");
returnString = Console.ReadLine();
return returnString;
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