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Created March 10, 2019 18:33
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Get weather data from the Sinoptik site!
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Parser
FILE = open('WEATHER', 'w') # Our output file
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0' # Mozilla Firefox (to avoid blocking)
def get_data(date):
url = '{}'.format(date) # URL for Zorya, Rivnens'ka Oblast'
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
soup = Parser(r.text, 'html.parser'); assert soup is not None
wrap = soup.find("div", id="wrapper"); assert wrap is not None
cont = wrap.find("div", id="content"); assert cont is not None
lcol = cont.find("div", id="leftCol"); assert lcol is not None
main = lcol.find("div", id="mainContentBlock"); assert main is not None
days = main.find("div", id="blockDays"); assert days is not None
tabs = days.find("div", class_="tabsContent"); assert tabs is not None
tbsi = tabs.find("div", class_="tabsContentInner"); assert tbsi is not None
bd1c = tabs.find("div", id="bd1c"); assert bd1c is not None
wmca = bd1c.find("div", class_="wMain clearfix archive"); assert wmca is not None
rsid = wmca.find("div", class_="rSide"); assert rsid is not None
wthr = rsid.find("table", class_="weatherDetails"); assert wthr is not None
body = wthr.find("tbody"); assert body is not None # Body of the table with OUR data
# Finding the weather icon
icos = body.find("tr", class_="weatherIcoS");
icon = icos.find("td", class_="p3").find("div", class_="weatherIco")['title']; # Tooltip for weather icon
# Founding temperature in Celsius
tmpl = body.find("tr", class_="temperature"); # Temperature in Celsius degrees
temp = tmpl.find("td", class_="p3").string;
# Finding the wind
winds = body.find_all("tr")[5]
wind_ = winds.find("td", class_="p3")
wind = wind_.find('div')['data-tooltip'] # Wind
print('{}: {} *C, weather: {}, wind: {}'.format(date, temp, icon, wind), file=FILE)
dates = list((('2018-12-' + str(x) if len(str(x))==2 else '2018-12-0' + str(x) for x in range(31)))) + \ # December 2018
list((('2019-01-' + str(x) if len(str(x))==2 else '2019-01-0' + str(x) for x in range(31)))) + \ # January 2019
list((('2019-02-' + str(x) if len(str(x))==2 else '2019-02-0' + str(x) for x in range(11)))) # February 2019
for date in dates:
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